if (!isset($_POST['name'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['inst_set'] as $name => $val) { $_POST[$name] = $val; } set_focus('name'); } if (!isset($installed_extensions)) { $installed_extensions = array(); update_extensions($installed_extensions); } subpage_title(_('Company Settings')); start_table(TABLESTYLE); text_row_ex(_("Company Name:"), 'name', 30); text_row_ex(_("Admin Login:"******"Admin Password:"******"Reenter Password:"******"Select Chart of Accounts:"), 'coa'); languages_list_row(_("Select Default Language:"), 'lang'); end_table(1); submit_center_first('back', _('<< Back')); submit_center_last('set_admin', _('Continue >>')); break; case '6': // final screen subpage_title(_('SerbizHub Suite ERP has been installed successsfully.')); display_note(_('Please do not forget to remove install wizard folder.')); session_unset(); session_destroy(); hyperlink_no_params($path_to_root . '/index.php', _('Click here to start.')); break; }
if ($_POST['password'] != $_POST['passwordConfirm']) { display_error(_("The passwords entered are not the same.")); set_focus('password'); return false; } return true; } if (isset($_POST['UPDATE_ITEM']) && check_csrf_token()) { if (can_process()) { if ($allow_demo_mode) { display_warning(_("Password cannot be changed in demo mode.")); } else { update_user_password($_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->user, $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->username, md5($_POST['password'])); display_notification(_("Your password has been updated.")); } $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); } } start_form(); start_table(TABLESTYLE); $myrow = get_user($_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->user); label_row(_("User login:"******""; $_POST['passwordConfirm'] = ""; password_row(_("Password:"******"Repeat password:"******"Enter your new password in the fields.")); end_table(1); submit_center('UPDATE_ITEM', _('Change password'), true, '', 'default'); end_form(); end_page();
$_POST['pos'] = $myrow["pos"]; } hidden('selected_id', $selected_id); hidden('user_id'); start_row(); label_row(_("User login:"******"User Login:"******"user_id", null, 22, 20); $_POST['language'] = user_language(); $_POST['print_profile'] = user_print_profile(); $_POST['rep_popup'] = user_rep_popup(); $_POST['pos'] = user_pos(); } $_POST['password'] = ""; password_row(_("Password:"******"Enter a new password to change, leave empty to keep current.")); } text_row_ex(_("Full Name") . ":", 'real_name', 50); text_row_ex(_("Telephone No.:"), 'phone', 30); email_row_ex(_("Email Address:"), 'email', 50); security_roles_list_row(_("Access Level:"), 'role_id', null); languages_list_row(_("Language:"), 'language', null); pos_list_row(_("User's POS") . ':', 'pos', null); print_profiles_list_row(_("Printing profile") . ':', 'print_profile', null, _('Browser printing support')); check_row(_("Use popup window for reports:"), 'rep_popup', $_POST['rep_popup'], false, _('Set this option to on if your browser directly supports pdf files')); end_table(1); submit_add_or_update_center($selected_id == -1, '', 'both'); end_form(); end_page();
if (!$login_timeout) { // FA logo echo "<a target='_blank' href='{$power_url}'><img src='{$path_to_root}/themes/{$def_theme}/images/logo_frontaccounting.png' alt='FrontAccounting' height='50' onload='fixPNG(this)' border='0' /></a>"; } else { echo "<font size=5>" . _('Authorization timeout') . "</font>"; } echo "</td>\n"; end_row(); echo "<input type='hidden' id=ui_mode name='ui_mode' value='" . $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->ui_mode . "' />\n"; if (!$login_timeout) { table_section_title(_("Version") . " {$version} Build {$build_version} - " . _("Login")); } $value = $login_timeout ? $_SESSION['wa_current_user']->loginname : ($allow_demo_mode ? "demouser" : ""); text_row(_("User name"), "user_name_entry_field", $value, 20, 30); $password = $allow_demo_mode ? "password" : ""; password_row(_("Password:"******"wa_current_user"]->company); } else { if (isset($_SESSION['wa_current_user']->company)) { $coy = $_SESSION['wa_current_user']->company; } else { $coy = $def_coy; } if (!@$text_company_selection) { echo "<tr><td>" . _("Company") . "</td><td><select name='company_login_name'>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($db_connections); $i++) { echo "<option value={$i} " . ($i == $coy ? 'selected' : '') . ">" . $db_connections[$i]["name"] . "</option>"; } echo "</select>\n"; echo "</td></tr>";