/** * 获取指定微博的评论列表 --using * * @param * integer feed_id 微博ID * @param * integer max_id 上次返回的最后一条评论ID * @param * integer count 评论条数 * @return array 评论列表 */ public function weibo_comments($feed_id, $count) { if (!$feed_id) { $feed_id = $this->data['feed_id']; } $comment_list = array(); $where = 'is_del=0 and row_id=' . $feed_id; if (!$count) { $count = $this->count; !empty($this->max_id) && ($where .= " AND comment_id < {$this->max_id}"); } $comments = model('Comment')->where($where)->order('comment_id DESC')->limit($count)->findAll(); foreach ($comments as $v) { switch ($v['type']) { case '2': $type = '转发了此微博'; break; case '3': $type = '分享了此微博'; break; case '4': $type = '赞了此微博'; break; default: $type = '评论了此微博'; break; } $comment_info['type'] = $type; $comment_info['user_info'] = $this->get_user_info($v['uid']); $comment_info['comment_id'] = $v['comment_id']; $comment_info['content'] = parse_remark($v['content']); $comment_info['ctime'] = $v['ctime']; $comment_info['digg_count'] = $v['digg_count']; $diggarr = model('CommentDigg')->checkIsDigg($v['comment_id'], $GLOBALS['ts']['mid']); $comment_info['is_digg'] = t($diggarr[$v['comment_id']] ? 1 : 0); /* # 将评论里面的emoji解析 */ $comment_info['content'] = formatEmoji(false, $comment_info['content']); $comment_list[] = $comment_info; } return $comment_list; }
/** * 获取指定分享的评论列表 --using * * @param * integer feed_id 分享ID // 修改为 帖子post_id * @param * integer max_id 上次返回的最后一条评论ID * @param * integer count 评论条数 * @return array 评论列表 */ public function weiba_comments($feed_id, $count) { if (!$feed_id) { // $feed_id = $this->data ['feed_id']; $feed_id = M('weiba_post')->where(array('feed_id' => $this->data['feed_id']))->getField('post_id'); } $comment_list = array(); // $where = 'is_del=0 and row_id=' . $feed_id; $where = 'is_del=0 and post_id=' . $feed_id; if (!$count) { $count = $this->count; // ! empty($this->max_id) && $where .= " AND comment_id < {$this->max_id}"; !empty($this->max_id) && ($where .= " AND reply_id < {$this->max_id}"); } $floor = ''; if ($this->max_id) { // $floor = M('comment')->where('is_del=0 and row_id=' . $feed_id . ' and comment_id <' . $this->max_id)->count(); $floor = M('weiba_reply')->where(array('is_del' => 0, 'post_id' => $feed_id, 'reply_id' => array('gt', $this->max_id)))->count(); } else { // $floor = M('comment')->where('is_del=0 and row_id=' . $feed_id)->count(); $floor = M('weiba_reply')->where(array('is_del' => 0, 'post_id' => $feed_id))->count(); } // $comments = model('Comment')->where($where)->order('comment_id DESC')->limit($count)->findAll(); $comments = M('weiba_reply')->where($where)->order('reply_id DESC')->limit($count)->findAll(); foreach ($comments as $v) { // switch ($v ['type']) { // case '2' : // $type = '转发了此贴'; // break; // case '3' : // $type = '分享了此贴'; // break; // case '4' : // $type = '赞了此贴'; // break; // default : // $type = '评论了此贴'; // break; // } // $comment_info ['type'] = $type; $comment_info['type'] = '评论了此贴'; $comment_info['floor'] = $floor; $floor--; $comment_info['user_info'] = $this->get_user_info($v['uid']); // $comment_info ['comment_id'] = $v ['comment_id']; $comment_info['comment_id'] = $v['reply_id']; $comment_info['content'] = parse_remark($v['content']); /* # 解析出emoji' */ $comment_info['content'] = formatEmoji(false, $comment_info['content']); $comment_info['ctime'] = $v['ctime']; $comment_info['digg_count'] = $v['digg_count']; // $diggarr = model('CommentDigg')->checkIsDigg($v ['comment_id'], $GLOBALS ['ts'] ['mid']); $diggarr = D('WeibaReplyDigg', 'weiba')->checkIsDigg($v['reply_id'], $GLOBALS['ts']['mid']); $comment_info['is_digg'] = t($diggarr[$v['reply_id']] ? 1 : 0); $comment_list[] = $comment_info; } return $comment_list; }