Beispiel #1
function parseFileNew($path, $baseUrl, $docID)
    echo "parse file<br>";
    $content = file_get_contents($path, true);
    $title = getTitle($content);
    $GLOBALS["paragraphs"] = array();
    $contentParse = $content;
    while ($contentParse != null) {
        $contentParse = parseText($contentParse);
    echo "got paragraphs<br>";
    $paragraphs = $GLOBALS["paragraphs"];
    foreach ($paragraphs as $text) {
        logFact($text, $title, $docID);
    $GLOBALS["urls"] = array();
    $contentParse = $content;
    while ($contentParse != null) {
        $contentParse = parseURL($contentParse, $baseUrl);
    //echo "<pre>"; print_r($GLOBALS["urls"]); echo "</pre>";
Beispiel #2
function pretty_dress($view)
    global $blogid, $blog, $database, $service, $stats, $skinSetting;
    $context = Model_Context::getInstance();
    /* local static */
    global $pd_category, $pd_categoryXhtml, $pd_archive, $pd_calendar, $pd_tags, $pd_notices, $pd_recentEntry;
    global $pd_recentComment, $pd_recentTrackback, $pd_link, $pd_authorList;
    if (isset($_REQUEST['safe'])) {
        // safe mode
        return '<div class="coverpage-element-safebox">&hellip;</div>';
    if (isset($_REQUEST['tag'])) {
        // safe mode
        return '<div class="coverpage-element-safebox"><p>' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($view, ENT_QUOTES)) . '</p></div>';
    $writer = User::getBlogOwnerName($blogid);
    $pageTitle = _t('페이지 제목');
    dress('page_title', htmlspecialchars($pageTitle), $view);
    dress('blogger', htmlspecialchars($writer), $view);
    dress('title', htmlspecialchars($context->getProperty('blog.title')), $view);
    dress('desc', htmlspecialchars($context->getProperty('blog.description')), $view);
    if ($context->getProperty('blog.logo') != null) {
        dress('image', $context->getProperty('service.path') . "/attach/{$blogid}/" . $context->getProperty('blog.logo'), $view);
    } else {
        dress('image', $context->getProperty('service.path') . "/resources/image/spacer.gif", $view);
    dress('blog_link', $context->getProperty('') . "/", $view);
    dress('keylog_link', $context->getProperty('') . "/keylog", $view);
    dress('localog_link', $context->getProperty('') . "/location", $view);
    dress('taglog_link', $context->getProperty('') . "/tag", $view);
    dress('guestbook_link', $context->getProperty('') . "/guestbook", $view);
    list($view, $searchView) = Skin::cutSkinTag($view, 'search');
    dress('search_name', 'search', $searchView);
    dress('search_text', isset($search) ? htmlspecialchars($search) : '', $searchView);
    dress('search_onclick_submit', 'searchBlog()', $searchView);
    dress('search', '<form id="TTSearchForm" action="' . parseURL($context->getProperty('') . '/search/') . '" method="get" onsubmit="return searchBlog()">' . $searchView . '</form>', $view);
    dress('category', $pd_category, $view);
    dress('category_list', $pd_categoryXhtml, $view);
    dress('count_total', $stats['total'], $view);
    dress('count_today', $stats['today'], $view);
    dress('count_yesterday', $stats['yesterday'], $view);
    list($view, $archiveView) = Skin::cutSkinTag($view, 'archive_rep');
    dress('archive_rep', getArchivesView($pd_archive, $archiveView), $view);
    dress('calendar', $pd_calendar, $view);
    list($view, $randomView) = Skin::cutSkinTag($view, 'random_tags');
    dress('random_tags', getRandomTagsView($pd_tags, $randomView), $view);
    list($view, $recentNoticeItem) = Skin::cutSkinTag($view, 'rct_notice_rep');
    list($view, $noticeView) = Skin::cutSkinTag($view, 'rct_notice');
    $notices = $pd_notices;
    if (sizeof($notices) == 0) {
        $notices = array(array('title' => _t('공지 제목'), 'id' => -1));
    if (sizeof($notices) > 0) {
        $itemsView = '';
        foreach ($notices as $notice) {
            $itemView = $recentNoticeItem;
            dress('notice_rep_title', htmlspecialchars(fireEvent('ViewNoticeTitle', Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEm($notice['title'], $skinSetting['recentNoticeLength']), $notice['id'])), $itemView);
            dress('notice_rep_link', "{$context->getProperty}('')/notice/{$notice['id']}", $itemView);
            $itemsView .= $itemView;
        dress('rct_notice_rep', $itemsView, $noticeView);
        dress('rct_notice', $noticeView, $view);
    list($view, $authorList) = Skin::cutSkinTag($view, 'author_rep');
    dress('author_rep', getAuthorListView($pd_authorList, $authorList), $view);
    list($view, $recentEntry) = Skin::cutSkinTag($view, 'rctps_rep');
    dress('rctps_rep', getRecentEntriesView($pd_recentEntry, null, $recentEntry), $view);
    list($view, $recentComments) = Skin::cutSkinTag($view, 'rctrp_rep');
    dress('rctrp_rep', getRecentCommentsView($pd_recentComment, null, $recentComments), $view);
    list($view, $recentTrackback) = Skin::cutSkinTag($view, 'rcttb_rep');
    dress('rcttb_rep', getRecentTrackbacksView($pd_recentTrackback, null, $recentTrackback), $view);
    list($view, $s_link_rep) = Skin::cutSkinTag($view, 'link_rep');
    dress('link_rep', getLinksView($pd_link, $s_link_rep), $view);
    dress('rss_url', "{$context->getProperty}('')/rss", $view);
    dress('owner_url', "{$context->getProperty}('')/owner", $view);
    dress('textcube_name', TEXTCUBE_NAME, $view);
    dress('textcube_version', TEXTCUBE_VERSION, $view);
    $tagSearches = array('@<a @i', '@</a *>@i', '@ id *= *".*"@isU', '@ onkey(down|up|press) *="@i', '@ on(click|load|unload) *="@i', '@<input +@i', '@<script.*</script *>@siU', '@<form @siU', '@</form>@siU');
    $tagReplaces = array('<span ', '</span>', '', ' onnothing="', ' onnothing="', '<input disabled="disabled" ', '', '<div ', '</div>');
    $view = preg_replace($tagSearches, $tagReplaces, $view);
    return correctCoverpageImage($view);
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
        WLOG("Starting SPLASH engine , include class.mysql.squid.builder.php ");
    include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/class.mysql.squid.builder.php";
    $GLOBALS["Q"] = new mysql_squid_builder();
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
        WLOG("[Q] initialised...");
while (!feof(STDIN)) {
    $url = trim(fgets(STDIN));
    if ($url != null) {
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
        $array = parseURL($url);
        $SplashScreenURI = $GLOBALS["SplashScreenURI"];
        if (!isset($GLOBALS["SPLASH_DEBUG"])) {
            $GLOBALS["SPLASH_DEBUG"] = false;
        if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
            WLOG($url . " str:" . strlen($url) . " LOGIN:{$array["LOGIN"]},IPADDR:{$array["IPADDR"]} MAC:{$array["MAC"]} HOST:{$array["HOST"]} URI:{$array["URI"]}");
        if ($GLOBALS["SPLASH_DEBUG"]) {
            if (!$GLOBALS["SPLASH"]) {
                WLOG("Splash screen is not enabled...");
        if ($GLOBALS["SPLASH"]) {
            if (trim($array["LOGIN"]) != null) {
                fwrite(STDOUT, "OK\n");
 static function FinalizeEmail($_text, $_html, $_remove = false)
     if ($_remove) {
         $_text = str_replace("<!--lz_ref_link-->", "", $_text);
     } else {
         if ($_html) {
             $_text = str_replace("<!--lz_ref_link-->", "<br><br>" . parseURL(@Server::$Configuration->File["gl_cpae"]), $_text);
         } else {
             $_text = str_replace("<!--lz_ref_link-->", "\r\n\r\n" . @Server::$Configuration->File["gl_cpae"], $_text);
     return $_text;
Beispiel #5
echo _t('저장하기');
" onclick="setPolicy(); return false;" />

						<hr class="hidden" />
						<div id="part-setting-language" class="part">
							<h2 class="caption"><span class="main-text"><?php 
echo setDetailPanel('language-setting', 'link', _t('언어, 시간대를 설정합니다'));
							<form id="language-form" class="data-inbox" method="post" action="<?php 
echo parseURL($context->getProperty('') . '/owner/setting/blog/language');
								<div id="language-setting" class="section folding">
									<fieldset class="container">
echo _t('언어 및 시간대');
										<dl id="admin-language-line" class="line">
											<dt><span class="label"><?php 
echo _t('관리자 화면 언어');
Beispiel #6
									document.getElementById("optimizingIndicator").style.width = "0%";
									document.getElementById("optimizingDataDialogTitle").innerHTML = '<?php 
        echo _t('데이터베이스를 최적화하고 있습니다. 잠시만 기다려 주십시오.');
						<form id="form-quilt" method="post" action="<?php 
echo parseURL($ctx->getProperty('') . '/owner/center/dashboard');
							<div id="part-center-quilt<?php 
echo $editClass;
" class="part">
								<h2 class="caption"><span class="main-text"><?php 
echo _t('조각보를 봅니다');

if (!isset($_REQUEST['edit']) && Acl::check('group.owners')) {
								<dl id="independent-notice-line" class="line">
function check_post_rules($ressource = '', $returnVal = false)
    global $tpl;
    if (isset($ressource) && is_array($ressource) && !empty($ressource)) {
        //Check if submitter is using an user-agent
        if ($ALLOW_EMPTY_USERAGENT != 1) {
            //Determine user-agent
            $userAgent = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? filter_white_space($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) : '';
            if (empty($userAgent)) {
                //No user-agent available,
                //further access blocked
                unset($_POST, $_GET, $_REQUEST);
                //Provide a reason why access was unautorised
                $reason = _L('You have no or an invalid useragent') . '!';
                if ($returnVal) {
                    return gotoUnauthorized($reason, TEMPLATE_DIR . '/unauthorized.tpl', true);
                } else {
                    gotoUnauthorized($reason, TEMPLATE_DIR . '/unauthorized.tpl', false);
        //Check if submission is comming from
        //the current server or somewhere else
        if ($ALLOW_FOREIGN_REFERER != 1) {
            //Determine server hostname
            $serverHostTemp = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) && !empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? trim($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) : (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? trim($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) : '');
            //Get only domain
            //(usually not needed but server configs are not always correct)
            $serverHost = trim(parseDomain($serverHostTemp));
            if (empty($serverHost)) {
                //Could not determine server hostname,
                //usually if it's an IP address
                $serverPath = parseURL($serverHostTemp);
                $serverHost = !empty($serverPath['path']) ? $serverPath['path'] : $serverHostTemp;
            //Determine page where post came from
            $refererHostTemp = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? trim($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) : '';
            $refererHost = parseDomain($refererHostTemp);
            $pattern = array('`^http[s]?:`', '`^ftp:`', '`^mailto:`', '`^www\\.`', '`^\\.`', '`\\.$`', '`[^\\w\\d-\\.]`');
            $serverHost = preg_replace($pattern, '', $serverHost);
            $refererHost = preg_replace($pattern, '', $refererHost);
            //Check if hostnames are identical
            if (!empty($serverHost) && !empty($refererHost) && $serverHost != $refererHost) {
                //Hostnames do not match,
                //Submission is not allowed!
                //Provide a reason why access was unautorised
                $reason = _L('You are now allowed to submit using foreign pages or scripts') . '!';
                if ($returnVal) {
                    return gotoUnauthorized($reason, TEMPLATE_DIR . '/unauthorized.tpl', true);
                } else {
                    gotoUnauthorized($reason, TEMPLATE_DIR . '/unauthorized.tpl', false);
            unset($serverHost, $serverHostTemp, $refererHost, $refererHostTemp);
    unset($ressource, $returnVal);
    return false;
function _pluginCreateStationItems($url)
    $retMediaItems = array();
    $proxy = 0;
    if (preg_match("/^proxy:(.*)/", $url, $res)) {
        $use_proxy = 1;
        $url = $res[1];
    } else {
        $use_proxy = 0;
    $radios = parseURL($url);
    $n = 0;
    foreach ($radios as $radio) {
        if ($use_proxy) {
            $res = "http://localhost/umsp/plugins/mp3-proxy.php?itemURL=" . $radio;
        } else {
            $res = $radio;
        $retMediaItems[] = array("id" => 'umsp://plugins/spanishradio?' . urlencode($res), "dc:title" => $res, "res" => $res, 'upnp:class' => 'object.item.audioItem', 'protocolInfo' => 'http-get:*:audio/mpeg:*');
    return $retMediaItems;
Beispiel #9
echo _t('알림판 위젯');
echo isset($tabsClass['coverpage']) ? ' class="selected"' : NULL;
><a href="<?php 
echo $context->getProperty('');
echo _t('블로그 표지 위젯');
						<form id="part-plugin-list" class="part" method="post" action="<?php 
echo parseURL($context->getProperty('') . "/owner/plugin");
							<input type="hidden" name="search" value="<?php 
echo $search;
" />
							<h2 class="caption"><span class="main-text"><?php 
echo _t('설치된 플러그인 목록입니다');

							<div class="main-explain-box">
								<p class="explain"><?php 
echo _t('블로그에 다양한 기능을 더해보세요. 원하는 기능이 든 아이콘을 눌러주면 바로 블로그의 기능이 업그레이드 됩니다.') . '<br /> ' . _t('알림판 위젯 플러그인은 로그인후 보이는 알림판에 위젯을 추가해 줍니다.') . ' ' . _t('블로그 표지 위젯 플러그인은 블로그의 첫 화면이나 표지 화면에 출력되는 위젯을 추가해 줍니다.') . ' ' . _t('알림판 위젯 플러그인이나 블로그 표지 플러그인은 사이드바와 같이 자유롭게 끌어서 위치를 바꿀 수 있습니다.');
Beispiel #10
"><img src="<?php 
                    echo $context->getProperty('service.path') . $context->getProperty('');
/image/img_delete_module.gif" border="0" alt="<?php 
                    echo _t('삭제');
" /></a>
														<!-- TODO : sidebar plugin settting -->									
                    $pluginparameters = $sidebarPluginArray[$sidbarPluginIndex]['parameters'];
                    if (count($pluginparameters) > 0) {
													<div class="edit-button-box">
														<a href="<?php 
                        echo parseURL($context->getProperty('') . '/owner/skin/sidebar/edit?sidebarNumber=' . $i . '&amp;modulePos=' . $j . $viewMode);
                        echo _t('편집');
													<div class="module-content">
                    if ($invalidPlugin == false && function_exists($handler)) {
                        $pluginURL = "{$context->getProperty('service.path')}/plugins/{$orderConfig[$j]['id']['plugin']}";
                        echo pretty_dress(call_user_func($handler, $orderConfig[$j]['parameters']));

// header('P3P: CP="CAO PSA OUR"');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
include '../inc/functions.php';
$site = $_POST['website'];
$comment = $_POST['comment'];
parseURL($site, $comment);

    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=./index.php">