  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // Name
     param_string_not_empty('pst_name', T_('Please enter a name.'));
     return !param_errors_detected();
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @todo fp> check that we are not creating a loop!
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_request()
     if (param($this->dbprefix . 'parent_ID', 'integer', -1) !== -1) {
     return !param_errors_detected();
Beispiel #3
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // Name
     $this->set_string_from_param('name', true);
     // Color
     $color = param('gcat_color', 'string', '');
     param_check_color('gcat_color', T_('Invalid color code.'), true);
     $this->set_string_from_param('color', true);
     return !param_errors_detected();
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // Name
     param_string_not_empty('ufgp_name', T_('Please enter a group name.'));
     // Order
     param_string_not_empty('ufgp_order', T_('Please enter an order number.'));
     return !param_errors_detected();
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // Name
     param('org_name', 'string');
     param_check_not_empty('org_name', T_('You must provide a name!'));
     $this->set_from_Request('name', 'org_name');
     // Url
     param('org_url', 'string');
     param_check_url('org_url', 'commenting');
     $this->set_from_Request('url', 'org_url', true);
     return !param_errors_detected();
Beispiel #6
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // Name
     $this->set_string_from_param('name', true);
     // Shortcut
     $this->set_string_from_param('shortcut', true);
     // Code
     param('curr_code', 'string');
     param_check_regexp('curr_code', '#^[A-Za-z]{3}$#', T_('Currency code must be 3 letters.'));
     $this->set_from_Request('code', 'curr_code', true);
     return !param_errors_detected();
Beispiel #7
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // get new ID
     if (param('new_ptyp_ID', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
         param_check_number('new_ptyp_ID', T_('ID must be a number.'), true);
         $this->set_from_Request('ID', 'new_ptyp_ID');
     // Name
     param_string_not_empty('ptyp_name', T_('Please enter a name.'));
     return !param_errors_detected();
Beispiel #8
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // Name
     $this->set_string_from_param('name', true);
     // Code
     param('ctry_code', 'string');
     param_check_regexp('ctry_code', '#^[A-Za-z]{2}$#', T_('Country code must be 2 letters.'));
     $this->set_from_Request('code', 'ctry_code');
     // Currency Id
     param('ctry_curr_ID', 'integer');
     param_check_number('ctry_curr_ID', T_('Please select a currency'));
     $this->set_from_Request('curr_ID', 'ctry_curr_ID', true);
     return !param_errors_detected();
Beispiel #9
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // Country Id
     param('rgn_ctry_ID', 'integer', true);
     param_check_number('rgn_ctry_ID', T_('Please select a country'), true);
     $this->set_from_Request('ctry_ID', 'rgn_ctry_ID', true);
     // Name
     $this->set_string_from_param('name', true);
     // Code
     param('rgn_code', 'string');
     param_check_regexp('rgn_code', '#^[A-Za-z0-9]{1,6}$#', T_('Region code must be from 1 to 6 letters.'));
     $this->set_from_Request('code', 'rgn_code');
     return !param_errors_detected();
Beispiel #10
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // Country Id
     param('city_ctry_ID', 'integer', true);
     param_check_number('city_ctry_ID', T_('Please select a country'), true);
     $this->set_from_Request('ctry_ID', 'city_ctry_ID', true);
     // Region Id
     // Subregion Id
     // Name
     $this->set_string_from_param('name', true);
     // Code
     param('city_postcode', 'string');
     param_check_regexp('city_postcode', '#^[A-Za-z0-9]{1,12}$#', T_('City code must be from 1 to 12 letters.'));
     $this->set_from_Request('postcode', 'city_postcode');
     return !param_errors_detected();
Beispiel #11
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     param_string_not_empty('dom_name', T_('Please enter domain name.'));
     $dom_name = get_param('dom_name');
     $this->set('name', $dom_name);
     $dom_status = param('dom_status', 'string', true);
     $this->set('status', $dom_status, true);
     $dom_type = param('dom_type', 'string', true);
     $this->set('type', $dom_type, true);
     if (!param_errors_detected()) {
         // Check domains with the same name and type
         global $Messages, $DB;
         $SQL = new SQL();
         $SQL->WHERE('dom_ID != ' . $this->ID);
         $SQL->WHERE_and('dom_name = ' . $DB->quote($dom_name));
         $SQL->WHERE_and('dom_type = ' . $DB->quote($dom_type));
         if ($DB->get_var($SQL->get())) {
             $Messages->add(T_('Domain already exists with the same name and type.'));
     return !param_errors_detected();
Beispiel #12
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // get new ID
     if (param('new_ityp_ID', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
         param_check_number('new_ityp_ID', T_('ID must be a number.'), true);
         $this->set_from_Request('ID', 'new_ityp_ID');
     // Name
     if (!$this->is_special()) {
         // Update the name only of not special post types
         param_string_not_empty('ityp_name', T_('Please enter a name.'));
     // Description
     param('ityp_description', 'text');
     $this->set_from_Request('description', NULL, true);
     // Permission level
     param('ityp_perm_level', 'string');
     // Back-office tab
     param('ityp_backoffice_tab', 'string');
     $this->set_from_Request('backoffice_tab', NULL, true);
     // Template name
     param('ityp_template_name', 'string');
     $this->set_from_Request('template_name', NULL, true);
     // Use title
     param('ityp_use_title', 'string');
     // Use URL
     param('ityp_use_url', 'string');
     // Use Parent ID
     param('ityp_use_parent', 'string');
     // Use text
     param('ityp_use_text', 'string');
     // Allow HTML
     param('ityp_allow_html', 'integer', 0);
     // Allow Teaser and Page breaks
     param('ityp_allow_breaks', 'integer', 0);
     // Allow attachments
     param('ityp_allow_attachments', 'integer', 0);
     // Use excerpt
     param('ityp_use_excerpt', 'string');
     // Use title tag
     param('ityp_use_title_tag', 'string');
     // Use meta description
     param('ityp_use_meta_desc', 'string');
     // Use meta keywords
     param('ityp_use_meta_keywds', 'string');
     // Use tags
     param('ityp_use_tags', 'string');
     // Allow featured
     param('ityp_allow_featured', 'integer', 0);
     // Use country, region, sub-region, city:
     $use_country = param('ityp_use_country', 'string', 'never');
     $use_region = param('ityp_use_region', 'string', 'never');
     $use_sub_region = param('ityp_use_sub_region', 'string', 'never');
     $use_city = param('ityp_use_city', 'string', 'never');
     if ($use_city == 'required') {
         // If city is required - all location fields also are required
         $use_country = $use_region = $use_sub_region = 'required';
     } else {
         if ($use_sub_region == 'required') {
             // If subregion is required - country & region fields also are required
             $use_country = $use_region = 'required';
         } else {
             if ($use_region == 'required') {
                 // If region is required - country field also is required
                 $use_country = 'required';
     $this->set('use_country', $use_country);
     $this->set('use_region', $use_region);
     $this->set('use_sub_region', $use_sub_region);
     $this->set('use_city', $use_city);
     // Use coordinates
     param('ityp_use_coordinates', 'string');
     // Use custom fields
     param('ityp_use_custom_fields', 'integer', 0);
     // Use comments
     param('ityp_use_comments', 'integer', 0);
     // Allow closing comments
     param('ityp_allow_closing_comments', 'integer', 0);
     // Allow disabling comments
     param('ityp_allow_disabling_comments', 'integer', 0);
     // Use comment expiration
     param('ityp_use_comment_expiration', 'string');
     // Load custom fields from request
     return !param_errors_detected();
  * Init filter params from Request params
  * @param boolean do we want to use saved filters ?
  * @return boolean true if we could apply a filterset based on Request params (either explicit or reloaded)
 function load_from_Request($use_filters = true)
     // fp> 2007-09-23> Let's always start with clean filters.
     // If we don't do this, then $this->filters will end up with filters in a different order than $this->default_filters.
     // And orders are different, then $this->is_filtered() will say it's filtered even if it's not.
     $this->filters = $this->default_filters;
     if ($use_filters) {
         // Do we want to restore filters or do we want to create a new filterset
         $filter_action = param('filter', 'string', 'save');
         // echo ' filter action: ['.$filter_action.'] ';
         switch ($filter_action) {
             case 'restore':
                 return $this->restore_filterset();
                 /* BREAK */
             /* BREAK */
             case 'reset':
                 // We want to reset the memorized filterset:
                 global $Session;
                 // Memorize global variables:
                 $this->set_filters(array(), true);
                 // We have applied no filterset:
                 return false;
                 /* BREAK */
          * Filter preset
         $this->filters['filter_preset'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'filter_preset', 'string', $this->default_filters['filter_preset'], true);
         // Activate preset default filters if necessary:
     // fp> TODO: param( 'loc', 'string', '', true );							// Locale of the posts (all by default)
      * Blog & Chapters/categories restrictions:
     // Get chapters/categories (and compile those values right away)
     param_compile_cat_array(!is_null($this->Blog) ? $this->Blog->ID : 0, $this->default_filters['cat_modifier'], $this->default_filters['cat_array']);
     $this->filters['cat_array'] = get_param('cat_array');
     $this->filters['cat_modifier'] = get_param('cat_modifier');
     $this->filters['cat_focus'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'cat_focus', 'string', $this->default_filters['cat_focus'], true);
      * Restrict to selected tags:
     $this->filters['tags'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'tag', 'string', $this->default_filters['tags'], true);
      * Restrict to selected authors:
     // List of authors users IDs to restrict to
     $this->filters['authors'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'author', '/^-?[0-9]+(,[0-9]+)*$/', $this->default_filters['authors'], true);
     // List of authors users logins to restrict to
     $this->filters['authors_login'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'author_login', '/^-?[A-Za-z0-9_\\.]+(,[A-Za-z0-9_\\.]+)*$/', $this->default_filters['authors_login'], true);
      * Restrict to selected assignees:
     // List of assignees users IDs to restrict to
     $this->filters['assignees'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'assgn', '/^(-|-[0-9]+|[0-9]+)(,[0-9]+)*$/', $this->default_filters['assignees'], true);
     // List of assignees users logins to restrict to
     $this->filters['assignees_login'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'assgn_login', '/^(-|-[A-Za-z0-9_\\.]+|[A-Za-z0-9_\\.]+)(,[A-Za-z0-9_\\.]+)*$/', $this->default_filters['assignees_login'], true);
      * Restrict to selected author or assignee:
     $this->filters['author_assignee'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'author_assignee', '/^[0-9]+$/', $this->default_filters['author_assignee'], true);
      * Restrict to selected locale:
     $this->filters['lc'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'lc', 'string', $this->default_filters['lc'], true);
      * Restrict to selected statuses:
     $this->filters['statuses'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'status', '/^(-|-[0-9]+|[0-9]+)(,[0-9]+)*$/', $this->default_filters['statuses'], true);
     // List of statuses to restrict to
      * Restrict to selected types:
     $this->filters['types'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'types', '/^(-|-[0-9]+|[0-9]+)(,[0-9]+)*$/', $this->default_filters['types'], true);
     // List of types to restrict to
      * Restrict by keywords
     $this->filters['keywords'] = param($this->param_prefix . 's', 'string', $this->default_filters['keywords'], true);
     // Search string
     $this->filters['keyword_scope'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'scope', 'string', $this->default_filters['keyword_scope'], true);
     // Scope of search string
     $this->filters['phrase'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'sentence', 'string', $this->default_filters['phrase'], true);
     // Search for sentence or for words
     $this->filters['exact'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'exact', 'integer', $this->default_filters['exact'], true);
     // Require exact match of title or contents
      * Specific Item selection?
     $this->filters['post_ID'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'p', 'integer', $this->default_filters['post_ID']);
     // Specific post number to display
     $this->filters['post_title'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'title', 'string', $this->default_filters['post_title']);
     // urtitle of post to display
      * multiple Item selection ?
     $this->filters['post_ID_list'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'pl', 'string', $this->default_filters['post_ID_list']);
     // Specific list of post numbers to display
     $this->single_post = !empty($this->filters['post_ID']) || !empty($this->filters['post_title']);
      * If a timeframe is specified in the querystring, restrict to that timeframe:
     $this->filters['ymdhms'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'm', '/^\\d{4}(0[1-9]|1[0-2])?(?(1)(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])?)(?(2)([01][0-9]|2[0-3])?)(?(3)([0-5][0-9]){0,2})$/', $this->default_filters['ymdhms'], true);
     // YearMonth(Day) to display
     $this->filters['week'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'w', '/^(0?[0-9]|[1-4][0-9]|5[0-3])$/', $this->default_filters['week'], true);
     // Week number (0?0-53)
     $this->filters['ymdhms_min'] = param_compact_date($this->param_prefix . 'dstart', $this->default_filters['ymdhms_min'], true, T_('Invalid date'));
     // YearMonth(Day) to start at
     $this->filters['ymdhms_max'] = param_compact_date($this->param_prefix . 'dstop', $this->default_filters['ymdhms_max'], true, T_('Invalid date'));
     // YearMonth(Day) to stop at
     // TODO: show_past/future should probably be wired on dstart/dstop instead on timestamps -> get timestamps out of filter perimeter
     // So far, these act as SILENT filters. They will not advertise their filtering in titles etc.
     $this->filters['ts_min'] = $this->default_filters['ts_min'];
     $this->filters['ts_max'] = $this->default_filters['ts_max'];
     if (is_null($this->default_filters['ts_min']) && is_null($this->default_filters['ts_max'])) {
         // We have not set a strict default -> we allow overridding:
         $show_past = param($this->param_prefix . 'show_past', 'integer', 0, true);
         $show_future = param($this->param_prefix . 'show_future', 'integer', 0, true);
         if ($show_past != $show_future) {
             // There is a point in overridding:
             $this->filters['ts_min'] = $show_past == 0 ? 'now' : '';
             $this->filters['ts_max'] = $show_future == 0 ? 'now' : '';
      * Restrict to the statuses we want to show:
     // Note: oftentimes, $show_statuses will have been preset to a more restrictive set of values
     $this->filters['visibility_array'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'show_statuses', 'array:string', $this->default_filters['visibility_array'], true, false, true, false);
     // Array of sharings to restrict to
      * Ordering:
     $this->filters['order'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'order', '/^(ASC|asc|DESC|desc)$/', $this->default_filters['order'], true);
     // ASC or DESC
     // This order style is OK, because sometimes the commentList is not displayed on a table so we cannot say we want to order by a specific column. It's not a crap.
     $this->filters['orderby'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'orderby', '/^([A-Za-z0-9_]+([ ,][A-Za-z0-9_]+)*)?$/', $this->default_filters['orderby'], true);
     // list of fields to order by (TODO: change that crap)
      * Paging limits:
     $this->filters['unit'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'unit', 'string', $this->default_filters['unit'], true);
     // list unit: 'posts' or 'days'
     $this->filters['posts'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'posts', 'integer', $this->default_filters['posts'], true);
     // # of units to display on the page
     $this->limit = $this->filters['posts'];
     // for compatibility with parent class
     // 'paged'
     $this->filters['page'] = param($this->page_param, 'integer', 1, true);
     // List page number in paged display
     $this->page = $this->filters['page'];
     if (param_errors_detected()) {
         return false;
     if ($this->single_post) {
         // We have requested a specific post
         // Do not attempt to save or load any filterset:
         return true;
     //echo ' Got filters from URL?:'.($this->is_filtered() ? 'YES' : 'NO');
     //pre_dump( $this->default_filters );
     //pre_dump( $this->filters );
     if ($use_filters && $filter_action == 'save') {
     return true;
Beispiel #14
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     global $Messages;
     $aipr_status = param('aipr_status', 'string', true);
     $this->set('status', $aipr_status, true);
     $aipr_IPv4start = param('aipr_IPv4start', 'string', true);
     param_check_regexp('aipr_IPv4start', '#^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}$#i', T_('Please enter a correct IP range start'));
     $aipr_IPv4start = ip2int($aipr_IPv4start);
     $this->set('IPv4start', $aipr_IPv4start);
     $aipr_IPv4end = param('aipr_IPv4end', 'string', true);
     param_check_regexp('aipr_IPv4end', '#^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}$#i', T_('Please enter a correct IP range end'));
     $aipr_IPv4end = ip2int($aipr_IPv4end);
     $this->set('IPv4end', $aipr_IPv4end);
     // start timestamp:
     param_date('aipr_IP_timestamp', T_('Please enter a valid Date.'), true);
     $this->set('IP_datetime', form_date(get_param('aipr_IP_timestamp')));
     if ($aipr_IPv4start > $aipr_IPv4end) {
         $Messages->add(T_('IP range start must be less than IP range end'), 'error');
     if (!param_errors_detected()) {
         // Check IPs for inside in other ranges
         if ($ip_range = get_ip_range($aipr_IPv4start, $aipr_IPv4end, $this->ID)) {
             $Messages->add(sprintf(T_('IP range already exists with params: %s - <a %s>Edit this range</a>'), int2ip($ip_range->aipr_IPv4start) . ' - ' . int2ip($ip_range->aipr_IPv4end), 'href="' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=antispam&amp;tab3=ipranges&amp;action=iprange_edit&amp;iprange_ID=' . $ip_range->aipr_ID . '"'), 'error');
     return !param_errors_detected();
Beispiel #15
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     global $Messages, $demo_mode;
     // Edited Group Name
     param('edited_grp_name', 'string');
     param_check_not_empty('edited_grp_name', T_('You must provide a group name!'));
     $this->set_from_Request('name', 'edited_grp_name', true);
     // Edited Group Permission Blogs
     param('edited_grp_perm_blogs', 'string', true);
     $this->set_from_Request('perm_blogs', 'edited_grp_perm_blogs', true);
     $apply_antispam = param('apply_antispam', 'integer', 0) ? 0 : 1;
     $perm_xhtmlvalidation = param('perm_xhtmlvalidation', 'string', true);
     $perm_xhtmlvalidation_xmlrpc = param('perm_xhtmlvalidation_xmlrpc', 'string', true);
     $prevent_css_tweaks = param('prevent_css_tweaks', 'integer', 0) ? 0 : 1;
     $prevent_iframes = param('prevent_iframes', 'integer', 0) ? 0 : 1;
     $prevent_javascript = param('prevent_javascript', 'integer', 0) ? 0 : 1;
     $prevent_objects = param('prevent_objects', 'integer', 0) ? 0 : 1;
     if ($demo_mode && ($apply_antispam || $perm_xhtmlvalidation != 'always' && $perm_xhtmlvalidation_xmlrpc != 'always' || $prevent_css_tweaks || $prevent_iframes || $prevent_javascript || $prevent_objects)) {
         // Demo mode restriction: Do not allow to change these settings in demo mode, because it may lead to security problem!
         $Messages->add('Validation settings and security filters are not editable in demo mode!', 'error');
     } else {
         // Apply Antispam
         $this->set('perm_bypass_antispam', $apply_antispam);
         // XHTML Validation
         $this->set('perm_xhtmlvalidation', $perm_xhtmlvalidation);
         // XHTML Validation XMLRPC
         $this->set('perm_xhtmlvalidation_xmlrpc', $perm_xhtmlvalidation_xmlrpc);
         // CSS Tweaks
         $this->set('perm_xhtml_css_tweaks', $prevent_css_tweaks);
         // Iframes
         $this->set('perm_xhtml_iframes', $prevent_iframes);
         // Javascript
         $this->set('perm_xhtml_javascript', $prevent_javascript);
         // Objects
         $this->set('perm_xhtml_objects', $prevent_objects);
     // Stats
     $this->set('perm_stats', param('edited_grp_perm_stats', 'string', true));
     // Load pluggable group permissions from request
     $GroupSettings =& $this->get_GroupSettings();
     foreach ($GroupSettings->permission_values as $name => $value) {
         // We need to handle checkboxes and radioboxes separately , because when a checkbox isn't checked the checkbox variable is not sent
         if ($name == 'perm_createblog' || $name == 'perm_getblog' || $name == 'perm_templates') {
             // These two permissions are represented by checkboxes, all other pluggable group permissions are represented by radiobox.
             $value = param('edited_grp_' . $name, 'string', 'denied');
         } elseif (($name == 'perm_admin' || $name == 'perm_users') && $this->ID == 1) {
             // Admin group has always admin perm, it can not be set or changed.
         } else {
             $value = param('edited_grp_' . $name, 'string', '');
         if ($value != '' || $name == 'max_new_threads') {
             // if radio is not set, then doesn't change the settings
             $GroupSettings->set($name, $value, $this->ID);
     return !param_errors_detected();
Beispiel #16
// Begin payload block:
switch ($action) {
    case 'new':
        // Display a form of new email campaign:
    case 'edit':
        // Display a form to edit email campaign:
        switch ($tab) {
            case 'info':
            case 'html':
                if ($edited_EmailCampaign->get('email_html') == '' && !param_errors_detected()) {
                    // Set default value for HTML message
                    $edited_EmailCampaign->set('email_html', '<p>Hello $login$!</p>' . "\r\n\r\n" . '<p>This is our newsletter...</p>');
            case 'text':
            case 'send':
        // Display a list of email campaigns:
Beispiel #17
// Plugins should cleanup their temporary data here:
$Plugins->trigger_event('MessageFormSentCleanup', array('success_message' => $success_message));
if (empty($redirect_to) && empty($Blog)) {
    $redirect_to = $baseurl;
if ($success_message) {
    // Never say to whom we sent the email -- prevent user enumeration.
    $Messages->add(T_('Your message has been sent by email.'), 'success');
    if (empty($redirect_to)) {
        $redirect_to = $Blog->gen_blogurl();
        if (!empty($recipient_User)) {
            $redirect_to = url_add_param($redirect_to, 'disp=msgform&recipient_id=' . $recipient_User->ID);
    // exited here
// unsuccessful message send, save message params into the Session to not lose the content
$unsaved_message_params = array();
$unsaved_message_params['sender_name'] = $sender_name;
$unsaved_message_params['sender_address'] = $sender_address;
$unsaved_message_params['subject'] = $subject;
$unsaved_message_params['message'] = $original_content;
if (param_errors_detected() || empty($redirect_to)) {
    $redirect_to = url_add_param($Blog->gen_blogurl(), 'disp=msgform&recipient_id=' . $recipient_id, '&');
//exited here
Beispiel #18
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     $new_thread = empty($this->thread_ID);
     // Text
     // WARNING: the messages may contain MALICIOUS HTML and javascript snippets. They must ALWAYS be ESCAPED prior to display!
     param('msg_text', 'html');
     if (!$new_thread) {
     $this->set('text', get_param('msg_text'));
     // Thread
     if ($new_thread) {
     } else {
         // this is a reply to an existing conversation, check if current User is allowed to reply
     return !param_errors_detected();
Beispiel #19
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request($cron_job_names = array(), $cron_job_params = array())
     if ($this->ID > 0 || get_param('ctsk_ID') > 0) {
         // Update or copy cron job
         $cjob_name = param('cjob_name', 'string', true);
         param_check_not_empty('cjob_name', T_('Please enter job name'));
     } else {
         // Create new cron job
         $cjob_type = param('cjob_type', 'string', true);
         if (!isset($cron_job_params[$cjob_type])) {
             // This cron job type doesn't exist, so this is an invalid state
             debug_die('Invalid job type received');
             $cjob_name = '';
         } else {
             $cjob_name = $cron_job_names[$cjob_type];
     // start datetime:
     param_date('cjob_date', T_('Please enter a valid date.'), true);
     $this->set('start_datetime', form_date(get_param('cjob_date'), get_param('cjob_time')));
     // repeat after:
     $cjob_repeat_after = param_duration('cjob_repeat_after');
     if ($cjob_repeat_after == 0) {
         $cjob_repeat_after = NULL;
     $this->set('repeat_after', $cjob_repeat_after);
     // name:
     if (!empty($cjob_name) && $cjob_name != $this->get('name')) {
         $this->set('name', $cjob_name);
     if ($this->ID == 0 && get_param('ctsk_ID') == 0) {
         // Set these params only on creating and copying actions
         // controller:
         $this->set('controller', $cron_job_params[$cjob_type]['ctrl']);
         // params:
         $this->set('params', $cron_job_params[$cjob_type]['params']);
     return !param_errors_detected();
Beispiel #20
     * Load data from Request form fields.
     * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
    function load_from_Request()
        global $DB, $Settings, $UserSettings, $GroupCache, $Messages, $action;
        global $current_User, $Session, $localtimenow;
        $is_new_user = $this->ID == 0;
        // ---- Login checking / START ----
        $edited_user_login = param('edited_user_login', 'string');
        if (empty($edited_user_login)) {
            // Empty login
            param_error('edited_user_login', T_('Please enter your login.'));
        $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
        $UserLogin = $UserCache->get_by_login($edited_user_login);
        if ($UserLogin && $UserLogin->ID != $this->ID) {
            // The login is already registered
            $login_error_message = T_('This login already exists.');
            if ($current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit')) {
                $login_error_message = sprintf(T_('This login &laquo;%s&raquo; already exists. Do you want to <a %s>edit the existing user</a>?'), $edited_user_login, 'href="' . get_user_settings_url('profile', $UserLogin->ID) . '"');
            param_error('edited_user_login', $login_error_message);
        if (!param_has_error('edited_user_login')) {
            // We want all logins to be lowercase to guarantee uniqueness regardless of the database case handling for UNIQUE indexes:
            $this->set_from_Request('login', 'edited_user_login', true, 'utf8_strtolower');
        // ---- Login checking / END ----
        $is_identity_form = param('identity_form', 'boolean', false);
        $is_admin_form = param('admin_form', 'boolean', false);
        $has_full_access = $current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit');
        $has_moderate_access = $current_User->check_perm('users', 'moderate');
        // ******* Admin form or new user create ******* //
        // In both cases current user must have users edit permission!
        if (($is_admin_form || $is_identity_form && $is_new_user) && $has_moderate_access) {
            // level/group and email options are displayed on identity form only when creating a new user.
            if ($this->ID != 1) {
                // the admin user group can't be changed
                param_integer_range('edited_user_level', 0, 10, T_('User level must be between %d and %d.'));
                $this->set_from_Request('level', 'edited_user_level', true);
                $edited_user_Group = $GroupCache->get_by_ID(param('edited_user_grp_ID', 'integer'));
                if ($has_full_access || $has_moderate_access && $edited_user_Group->get('level') < $current_User->get_Group()->get('level')) {
            param('edited_user_source', 'string', true);
            $this->set_from_Request('source', 'edited_user_source', true);
            // set email, without changing the user status
            $edited_user_email = utf8_strtolower(param('edited_user_email', 'string', true));
            param_check_not_empty('edited_user_email', T_('Please enter your e-mail address.'));
            param_check_email('edited_user_email', true);
            $this->set_email($edited_user_email, false);
            if ($is_admin_form) {
                // Admin form
                $notification_sender_email = utf8_strtolower(param('notification_sender_email', 'string', true));
                if (!empty($notification_sender_email)) {
                    // Change a value of setting
                    $UserSettings->set('notification_sender_email', $notification_sender_email, $this->ID);
                } elseif ($UserSettings->get('notification_sender_email', $this->ID) != '') {
                    // Delete a setting record from DB
                    $UserSettings->delete('notification_sender_email', $this->ID);
                $notification_sender_name = param('notification_sender_name', 'string', true);
                if (!empty($notification_sender_name)) {
                    // Change a value of setting
                    $UserSettings->set('notification_sender_name', $notification_sender_name, $this->ID);
                } elseif ($UserSettings->get('notification_sender_name', $this->ID) != '') {
                    // Delete a setting record from DB
                    $UserSettings->delete('notification_sender_name', $this->ID);
                if ($has_full_access && !isset($this->dbchanges['user_email'])) {
                    // If email address is not changed
                    // Update status of email address in the T_email_address table
                    $edited_email_status = param('edited_email_status', 'string');
                    $EmailAddressCache =& get_EmailAddressCache();
                    $EmailAddress =& $EmailAddressCache->get_by_name($this->get('email'), false, false);
                    if (!$EmailAddress && $edited_email_status != 'unknown') {
                        // Create new record in the T_email_address table
                        $EmailAddress = new EmailAddress();
                        $EmailAddress->set('address', $this->get('email'));
                    if (!empty($EmailAddress)) {
                        // Save status of an email address
                        $EmailAddress->set('status', $edited_email_status);
                if ($current_User->check_perm('spamblacklist', 'edit')) {
                    // User can edit IP ranges
                    // Update status of IP range in DB
                    $edited_iprange_status = param('edited_iprange_status', 'string');
                    $IPRangeCache =& get_IPRangeCache();
                    $IPRange =& $IPRangeCache->get_by_ip(int2ip($UserSettings->get('created_fromIPv4', $this->ID)));
                    if (!$IPRange && !empty($edited_iprange_status)) {
                        // IP range doesn't exist in DB, Create new record
                        $ip_24bit_start = ip2int(preg_replace('#\\.\\d{1,3}$#i', '.0', int2ip($UserSettings->get('created_fromIPv4', $this->ID))));
                        $ip_24bit_end = ip2int(preg_replace('#\\.\\d{1,3}$#i', '.255', int2ip($UserSettings->get('created_fromIPv4', $this->ID))));
                        $IPRange = new IPRange();
                        $IPRange->set('IPv4start', $ip_24bit_start);
                        $IPRange->set('IPv4end', $ip_24bit_end);
                        $IPRange->set('user_count', 1);
                    if ($IPRange) {
                        // Save status of IP range
                        if ($IPRange->get('status') != 'blocked' && $edited_iprange_status == 'blocked') {
                            // Status was changed to blocked, we should increase counter
                            $IPRange->set('block_count', $IPRange->block_count + 1);
                        } else {
                            if ($IPRange->get('status') == 'blocked' && $edited_iprange_status != 'blocked') {
                                // Status was changed from blocked to another, we should decrease counter
                                $IPRange->set('block_count', $IPRange->block_count - 1);
                        $IPRange->set('status', $edited_iprange_status, true);
                if ($current_User->check_perm('stats', 'edit')) {
                    // User can edit Domains
                    $DomainCache =& get_DomainCache();
                    // Update status of Domain in DB
                    $edited_domain_status = param('edited_domain_status', 'string');
                    $user_domain = $UserSettings->get('user_domain', $this->ID);
                    $Domain =& $DomainCache->get_by_name($user_domain, false, false);
                    if (!$Domain && $edited_domain_status != 'unknown' && !empty($user_domain)) {
                        // Domain doesn't exist in DB, Create new record
                        $Domain = new Domain();
                        $Domain->set('name', $user_domain);
                    if ($Domain) {
                        // Save status of Domain
                        $Domain->set('status', $edited_domain_status, true);
                    // Update status of Initial referer in DB
                    $edited_initial_referer_status = param('edited_initial_referer_status', 'string');
                    $initial_referer = $UserSettings->get('initial_referer', $this->ID);
                    $initial_referer_domain = url_part($initial_referer, 'host');
                    $Domain =& get_Domain_by_url($initial_referer);
                    if (!$Domain && $edited_initial_referer_status != 'unknown' && !empty($initial_referer_domain)) {
                        // Domain doesn't exist in DB, Create new record
                        $Domain = new Domain();
                        $Domain->set('name', $initial_referer_domain);
                    if ($Domain) {
                        // Save status of Domain
                        $Domain->set('status', $edited_initial_referer_status, true);
        // ******* Identity form ******* //
        if ($is_identity_form) {
            $can_edit_users = $current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit');
            $edited_user_perms = array('edited-user', 'edited-user-required');
            global $edited_user_age_min, $edited_user_age_max;
            param('edited_user_age_min', 'string', true);
            param('edited_user_age_max', 'string', true);
            param_check_interval('edited_user_age_min', 'edited_user_age_max', T_('Age must be a number.'), T_('The first age must be lower than (or equal to) the second.'));
            if (!param_has_error('edited_user_age_min') && $Settings->get('minimum_age') > 0 && !empty($edited_user_age_min) && $edited_user_age_min < $Settings->get('minimum_age')) {
                // Limit user by minimum age
                param_error('edited_user_age_min', sprintf(T_('You must be at least %d years old to use this service.'), $Settings->get('minimum_age')));
            $this->set_from_Request('age_min', 'edited_user_age_min', true);
            $this->set_from_Request('age_max', 'edited_user_age_max', true);
            $firstname_editing = $Settings->get('firstname_editing');
            if (in_array($firstname_editing, $edited_user_perms) && $this->ID == $current_User->ID || $firstname_editing != 'hidden' && $can_edit_users) {
                // User has a permissions to save Firstname
                param('edited_user_firstname', 'string', true);
                if ($firstname_editing == 'edited-user-required') {
                    // First name is required
                    if ($can_edit_users) {
                        // Display a note message if user can edit all users
                        param_add_message_to_Log('edited_user_firstname', T_('Please enter your first name.'), 'note');
                    } else {
                        // Display an error message
                        param_check_not_empty('edited_user_firstname', T_('Please enter your first name.'));
                $this->set_from_Request('firstname', 'edited_user_firstname', true);
            $lastname_editing = $Settings->get('lastname_editing');
            if (in_array($lastname_editing, $edited_user_perms) && $this->ID == $current_User->ID || $lastname_editing != 'hidden' && $can_edit_users) {
                // User has a permissions to save Lastname
                param('edited_user_lastname', 'string', true);
                if ($lastname_editing == 'edited-user-required') {
                    // Last name is required
                    if ($can_edit_users) {
                        // Display a note message if user can edit all users
                        param_add_message_to_Log('edited_user_lastname', T_('Please enter last name.'), 'note');
                    } else {
                        // Display an error message
                        param_check_not_empty('edited_user_lastname', T_('Please enter last name.'));
                $this->set_from_Request('lastname', 'edited_user_lastname', true);
            $nickname_editing = $Settings->get('nickname_editing');
            if (in_array($nickname_editing, $edited_user_perms) && $this->ID == $current_User->ID || $nickname_editing != 'hidden' && $can_edit_users) {
                // User has a permissions to save Nickname
                param('edited_user_nickname', 'string', true);
                if ($nickname_editing == 'edited-user-required') {
                    // Nickname is required
                    if ($can_edit_users) {
                        // Display a note message if user can edit all users
                        param_add_message_to_Log('edited_user_nickname', T_('Please enter your nickname.'), 'note');
                    } else {
                        // Display an error message
                        param_check_not_empty('edited_user_nickname', T_('Please enter your nickname.'));
                $this->set_from_Request('nickname', 'edited_user_nickname', true);
            param('edited_user_gender', 'string', '');
            if (param_check_gender('edited_user_gender', $Settings->get('registration_require_gender') == 'required')) {
                $this->set_from_Request('gender', 'edited_user_gender', true);
            // ---- Locations / START ----
            if (user_country_visible()) {
                // Save country
                $country_ID = param('edited_user_ctry_ID', 'integer', true);
                $country_is_required = $Settings->get('location_country') == 'required' && countries_exist();
                if ($country_is_required && $can_edit_users && $country_ID == 0) {
                    // Display a note message if user can edit all users
                    param_add_message_to_Log('edited_user_ctry_ID', T_('Please select a country.'), 'note');
                } else {
                    // Display an error message
                    param_check_number('edited_user_ctry_ID', T_('Please select a country.'), $country_is_required);
                $this->set_from_Request('ctry_ID', 'edited_user_ctry_ID', true);
            if (user_region_visible()) {
                // Save region
                $region_ID = param('edited_user_rgn_ID', 'integer', true);
                $region_is_required = $Settings->get('location_region') == 'required' && regions_exist($country_ID);
                if ($region_is_required && $can_edit_users && $region_ID == 0) {
                    // Display a note message if user can edit all users
                    param_add_message_to_Log('edited_user_rgn_ID', T_('Please select a region.'), 'note');
                } else {
                    // Display an error message
                    param_check_number('edited_user_rgn_ID', T_('Please select a region'), $region_is_required);
                $this->set_from_Request('rgn_ID', 'edited_user_rgn_ID', true);
            if (user_subregion_visible()) {
                // Save subregion
                $subregion_ID = param('edited_user_subrg_ID', 'integer', true);
                $subregion_is_required = $Settings->get('location_subregion') == 'required' && subregions_exist($region_ID);
                if ($subregion_is_required && $can_edit_users && $subregion_ID == 0) {
                    // Display a note message if user can edit all users
                    param_add_message_to_Log('edited_user_subrg_ID', T_('Please select a sub-region.'), 'note');
                } else {
                    // Display an error message
                    param_check_number('edited_user_subrg_ID', T_('Please select a sub-region.'), $subregion_is_required);
                $this->set_from_Request('subrg_ID', 'edited_user_subrg_ID', true);
            if (user_city_visible()) {
                // Save city
                $city_ID = param('edited_user_city_ID', 'integer', true);
                $city_is_required = $Settings->get('location_city') == 'required' && cities_exist($country_ID, $region_ID, $subregion_ID);
                if ($city_is_required && $can_edit_users && $city_ID == 0) {
                    // Display a note message if user can edit all users
                    param_add_message_to_Log('edited_user_city_ID', T_('Please select a city.'), 'note');
                } else {
                    // Display an error message
                    param_check_number('edited_user_city_ID', T_('Please select a city.'), $city_is_required);
                $this->set_from_Request('city_ID', 'edited_user_city_ID', true);
            // ---- Locations / END ----
            // ---- Organizations / START ----
            $organizations = param('organizations', 'array:string');
            $org_roles = param('org_roles', 'array:string');
            $this->update_organizations($organizations, $org_roles);
            // ---- Organizations / END ----
            // ---- Additional Fields / START ----
            // Load all defined userfields for following checking of required fields
            // EXPERIMENTAL user fields & EXISTING fields:
            // Get indices of existing userfields:
            $userfield_IDs = $DB->get_results('
						SELECT uf_ID, uf_ufdf_ID
							FROM T_users__fields
						 WHERE uf_user_ID = ' . $this->ID);
            foreach ($userfield_IDs as $userfield) {
                if (!isset($this->userfield_defs[$userfield->uf_ufdf_ID])) {
                    // If user field definition doesn't exist in DB then delete field value of this user:
                    $this->userfield_update($userfield->uf_ID, NULL);
                $field_type = $this->userfield_defs[$userfield->uf_ufdf_ID][0] == 'text' ? 'text' : 'string';
                $uf_val = param('uf_' . $userfield->uf_ID, $field_type, '');
                if ($this->userfield_defs[$userfield->uf_ufdf_ID][0] == 'list' && $uf_val == '---') {
                    // Option list has a value '---' for empty value
                    $uf_val = '';
                $uf_val = trim(strip_tags($uf_val));
                if (empty($uf_val) && $this->userfield_defs[$userfield->uf_ufdf_ID][2] == 'require') {
                    // Display error for empty required field
                    if ($current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit')) {
                        // Display a note message if user can edit all users
                        param_add_message_to_Log('uf_' . $userfield->uf_ID, sprintf(T_('Please enter a value for the field "%s".'), $this->userfield_defs[$userfield->uf_ufdf_ID][1]), 'note');
                    } else {
                        // Display an error message
                        param_error('uf_' . $userfield->uf_ID, T_('Please enter a value.'));
                } else {
                    // Update field
                    if ($this->userfield_defs[$userfield->uf_ufdf_ID][0] == 'url') {
                        // Check url fields
                        param_check_url('uf_' . $userfield->uf_ID, 'commenting');
                    if ($this->userfield_defs[$userfield->uf_ufdf_ID][4] == 'list') {
                        // Option "Multiple values" == "List style"
                        // Split by comma and save each phrase as separate field
                        $uf_val = explode(',', $uf_val);
                        foreach ($uf_val as $v => $val) {
                            $val = trim($val);
                            if ($v == 0) {
                                // Update field with first value
                                $this->userfield_update($userfield->uf_ID, $val);
                            } else {
                                if (!empty($val)) {
                                    // Add a new field for new values
                                    $this->userfield_add($userfield->uf_ufdf_ID, $val);
                    } else {
                        // Forbidden & Allowed fields
                        $this->userfield_update($userfield->uf_ID, $uf_val);
            // Duplicate fields:
            if ($is_new_user) {
                $user_id = param('orig_user_ID', 'integer', 0);
                if ($user_id !== 0) {
                    $userfield_IDs = $DB->get_results('
								SELECT uf_ID, uf_ufdf_ID
									FROM T_users__fields
								 WHERE uf_user_ID = ' . $user_id);
                    foreach ($userfield_IDs as $userfield_ID) {
                        $uf_val = param('uf_' . $userfield_ID->uf_ID, 'string', '');
                        $uf_type = $userfield_ID->uf_ufdf_ID;
                        if (!empty($uf_val)) {
                            $this->userfield_add($uf_type, $uf_val);
            $uf_new_fields = param('uf_new', 'array:array:string');
            // Recommended & required fields (it still not saved in DB)
            $uf_add_fields = param('uf_add', 'array:array:string');
            // Added fields
            // Add a new field: (JS is not enabled)
            if ($action == 'add_field') {
                // Button 'Add' new field is pressed
                $new_field_type = param('new_field_type', 'integer', 0);
                if (empty($new_field_type)) {
                    // We cannot add a new field without type
                    param_error('new_field_type', T_('Please select a field type.'));
                } else {
                    // Save an adding field(in the array) to display it again if errors will be exist
                    $new_field_type_exists = false;
                    if ($this->userfield_defs[$new_field_type][4] == 'allowed' || $this->userfield_defs[$new_field_type][4] == 'list') {
                        // This field can be duplicated
                        global $add_field_types;
                        $add_field_types = array($new_field_type);
                    } else {
                        // We should to solve we can add this field or don't
                        if (!isset($uf_new_fields[$new_field_type]) && !isset($uf_add_fields[$new_field_type])) {
                            // User is adding this field first time
                            if (is_array($userfield_IDs) && count($userfield_IDs) > 0) {
                                // User has fields that saved in DB
                                foreach ($userfield_IDs as $userfield) {
                                    if ($userfield->uf_ufdf_ID == $new_field_type) {
                                        // New adding field already exists for current user in DB
                                        $new_field_type_exists = true;
                            if (!$new_field_type_exists) {
                                // Field doesn't still exist for current user
                                global $add_field_types;
                                $add_field_types = array($new_field_type);
                        } else {
                            // Field exists, no duplicates available
                            $new_field_type_exists = true;
                        if ($new_field_type_exists) {
                            // Field already is added for current user, we should display error about this
                            param_error('new_field_type', T_('You already added this field, please select another.'));
                    if (!$new_field_type_exists) {
                        // Mark a new field to enter a value
                        param_error('uf_add[' . $new_field_type . '][]', T_('Please enter a value in this new field.'));
            // Save a New recommended & require fields AND Adding fields
            if (count($uf_new_fields) > 0 || count($uf_add_fields) > 0) {
                $uf_fields = array('new' => $uf_new_fields, 'add' => $uf_add_fields);
                foreach ($uf_fields as $uf_type => $uf_new_fields) {
                    if ($uf_type == 'add') {
                        // Save an adding fields to display it again if errors will be exist
                        global $add_field_types;
                        if (!isset($add_field_types)) {
                            // Don't rewrite already existing array
                            $add_field_types = array();
                    foreach ($uf_new_fields as $uf_new_id => $uf_new_vals) {
                        foreach ($uf_new_vals as $uf_new_val) {
                            if ($this->userfield_defs[$uf_new_id][0] == 'list' && $uf_new_val == '---') {
                                // Option list has a value '---' for empty value
                                $uf_new_val = '';
                            $uf_new_val = trim(strip_tags($uf_new_val));
                            if ($uf_new_val != '') {
                                // Insert a new field in DB if it is filled
                                if ($this->userfield_defs[$uf_new_id][0] == 'url') {
                                    // Check url fields
                                    param_check_url('uf_' . $uf_type . '[' . $uf_new_id . '][]', 'commenting');
                                if ($this->userfield_defs[$uf_new_id][4] == 'list') {
                                    // Option "Multiple values" == "List style"
                                    // Split by comma and save each phrase as separate field
                                    $uf_new_val = explode(',', $uf_new_val);
                                    foreach ($uf_new_val as $val) {
                                        $val = trim($val);
                                        if (!empty($val)) {
                                            // Exclude empty values(spaces)
                                            $this->userfield_add((int) $uf_new_id, $val);
                                } else {
                                    // Forbidden & Allowed fields
                                    $this->userfield_add((int) $uf_new_id, $uf_new_val);
                            } elseif (empty($uf_new_val) && $this->userfield_defs[$uf_new_id][2] == 'require') {
                                // Display error for empty required field & new adding field
                                if ($current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit')) {
                                    // Display a note message if user can edit all users
                                    param_add_message_to_Log('uf_' . $uf_type . '[' . $uf_new_id . '][]', sprintf(T_('Please enter a value for the field "%s".'), $this->userfield_defs[$uf_new_id][1]), 'note');
                                } else {
                                    // Display an error message
                                    param_error('uf_' . $uf_type . '[' . $uf_new_id . '][]', T_('Please enter a value.'));
                            if ($uf_type == 'add') {
                                // Save new added field, it used on the _user_identity.form
                                $add_field_types[] = $uf_new_id;
            // ---- Additional Fields / END ----
            // update profileupdate_date, because a publicly visible user property was changed
        // ******* Password form ******* //
        $is_password_form = param('password_form', 'boolean', false);
        if ($is_password_form || $is_new_user) {
            $reqID = param('reqID', 'string', '');
            global $edited_user_pass1, $edited_user_pass2;
            $edited_user_pass1 = param('edited_user_pass1', 'string', true);
            $edited_user_pass2 = param('edited_user_pass2', 'string', true);
            // Remove the invalid chars from password vars
            $edited_user_pass1 = preg_replace('/[<>&]/', '', $edited_user_pass1);
            $edited_user_pass2 = preg_replace('/[<>&]/', '', $edited_user_pass2);
            if ($is_new_user || !empty($reqID) && $reqID == $Session->get('core.changepwd.request_id')) {
                // current password is not required:
                //   - new user creating process
                //   - password change requested by email
                if (param_check_passwords('edited_user_pass1', 'edited_user_pass2', true, $Settings->get('user_minpwdlen'))) {
                    // We can set password
            } else {
                // ******* Password edit form ****** //
                $current_user_pass = param('current_user_pass', 'string', true);
                if ($this->ID != $current_User->ID) {
                    // Set the messages when admin changes a password of other user
                    $checkpwd_params = array('msg_pass_new' => T_('Please enter new password.'), 'msg_pass_twice' => T_('Please enter new password twice.'));
                } else {
                    // Use default messages
                    $checkpwd_params = array();
                if (!strlen($current_user_pass)) {
                    param_error('current_user_pass', T_('Please enter your current password.'));
                    param_check_passwords('edited_user_pass1', 'edited_user_pass2', true, $Settings->get('user_minpwdlen'), $checkpwd_params);
                } else {
                    if ($has_full_access && $this->ID != $current_User->ID) {
                        // Admin is changing a password of other user, Check a password of current admin
                        $pass_to_check = $current_User->pass;
                        $current_user_salt = $current_User->salt;
                    } else {
                        // User is changing own pasword
                        $pass_to_check = $this->pass;
                        $current_user_salt = $this->salt;
                    if ($pass_to_check == md5($current_user_salt . $current_user_pass, true)) {
                        if (param_check_passwords('edited_user_pass1', 'edited_user_pass2', true, $Settings->get('user_minpwdlen'), $checkpwd_params)) {
                            // We can set password
                    } else {
                        param_error('current_user_pass', T_('Your current password is incorrect.'));
                        param_check_passwords('edited_user_pass1', 'edited_user_pass2', true, $Settings->get('user_minpwdlen'), $checkpwd_params);
        // Used in Preferences & Notifications forms
        $has_messaging_perm = $this->check_perm('perm_messaging', 'reply');
        // ******* Preferences form ******* //
        $is_preferences_form = param('preferences_form', 'boolean', false);
        if ($is_preferences_form) {
            // Other preferences
            param('edited_user_locale', 'string', true);
            $this->set_from_Request('locale', 'edited_user_locale', true);
            // Session timeout
            $edited_user_timeout_sessions = param('edited_user_timeout_sessions', 'string', NULL);
            if (isset($edited_user_timeout_sessions) && ($current_User->ID == $this->ID || $current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit'))) {
                switch ($edited_user_timeout_sessions) {
                    case 'default':
                        $UserSettings->set('timeout_sessions', NULL, $this->ID);
                    case 'custom':
                        $UserSettings->set('timeout_sessions', param_duration('timeout_sessions'), $this->ID);
            $UserSettings->set('show_online', param('edited_user_showonline', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
        // ******* Notifications form ******* //
        $is_subscriptions_form = param('subscriptions_form', 'boolean', false);
        if ($is_subscriptions_form) {
            if ($action == 'subscribe') {
                // Do only subscribe to new blog (Don't update the user's settings from the same form)
                // A selected blog to subscribe
                $subscribe_blog_ID = param('subscribe_blog', 'integer', 0);
                // Get checkbox values:
                $sub_items = param('sub_items_new', 'integer', 0);
                $sub_comments = param('sub_comments_new', 'integer', 0);
                // Note: we do not check if subscriptions are allowed here, but we check at the time we're about to send something
                if ($subscribe_blog_ID && ($sub_items || $sub_comments)) {
                    // We need to record values:
                    $DB->query('REPLACE INTO T_subscriptions( sub_coll_ID, sub_user_ID, sub_items, sub_comments )
					  VALUES ( ' . $DB->quote($subscribe_blog_ID) . ', ' . $DB->quote($this->ID) . ', ' . $DB->quote($sub_items) . ', ' . $DB->quote($sub_comments) . ' )');
                    $Messages->add(T_('Subscriptions have been changed.'), 'success');
                } else {
                    // Display an error message to inform user about incorrect actions
                    $Messages->add(T_('Please select at least one setting to subscribe on the selected blog.'), 'error');
            } else {
                // Update user's settings
                // Email communication
                $edited_user_email = utf8_strtolower(param('edited_user_email', 'string', true));
                param_check_not_empty('edited_user_email', T_('Please enter your e-mail address.'));
                param_check_email('edited_user_email', true);
                // set messaging options
                if ($has_messaging_perm) {
                    $UserSettings->set('enable_PM', param('PM', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                $emails_msgform = $Settings->get('emails_msgform');
                if ($emails_msgform == 'userset' || $emails_msgform == 'adminset' && $current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit')) {
                    // enable email option is displayed only if user can set or if admin can set and current User is an administrator
                    $UserSettings->set('enable_email', param('email', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                // Email format
                $UserSettings->set('email_format', param('edited_user_email_format', 'string', 'auto'), $this->ID);
                // set notification options
                if ($has_messaging_perm) {
                    // update 'notify messages' only if user has messaging rights and this option was displayed
                    $UserSettings->set('notify_messages', param('edited_user_notify_messages', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                    $UserSettings->set('notify_unread_messages', param('edited_user_notify_unread_messages', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                if ($this->check_role('post_owner')) {
                    // update 'notify_published_comments' only if user has at least one post or user has right to create new post
                    $UserSettings->set('notify_published_comments', param('edited_user_notify_publ_comments', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                $is_comment_moderator = $this->check_role('comment_moderator');
                if ($is_comment_moderator || $this->check_role('comment_editor')) {
                    // update 'notify_comment_moderation' only if user is comment moderator/editor at least in one blog
                    $UserSettings->set('notify_comment_moderation', param('edited_user_notify_cmt_moderation', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                if ($this->check_perm('admin', 'restricted', false)) {
                    // update 'notify_meta_comments' only if edited user has a permission to back-office
                    $UserSettings->set('notify_meta_comments', param('edited_user_notify_meta_comments', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                if ($is_comment_moderator) {
                    // update 'send_cmt_moderation_reminder' only if user is comment moderator at least in one blog
                    $UserSettings->set('send_cmt_moderation_reminder', param('edited_user_send_cmt_moderation_reminder', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                if ($this->check_role('post_moderator')) {
                    // update 'notify_post_moderation' and 'send_cmt_moderation_reminder' only if user is post moderator at least in one blog
                    $UserSettings->set('notify_post_moderation', param('edited_user_notify_post_moderation', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                    $UserSettings->set('send_pst_moderation_reminder', param('edited_user_send_pst_moderation_reminder', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                if ($this->grp_ID == 1) {
                    $UserSettings->set('send_activation_reminder', param('edited_user_send_activation_reminder', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                if ($this->check_perm('users', 'edit')) {
                    // edited user has permission to edit all users, save notification preferences
                    $UserSettings->set('notify_new_user_registration', param('edited_user_notify_new_user_registration', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                    $UserSettings->set('notify_activated_account', param('edited_user_notify_activated_account', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                    $UserSettings->set('notify_closed_account', param('edited_user_notify_closed_account', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                    $UserSettings->set('notify_reported_account', param('edited_user_notify_reported_account', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                    $UserSettings->set('notify_changed_account', param('edited_user_notify_changed_account', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                if ($this->check_perm('options', 'edit')) {
                    // edited user has permission to edit options, save notification preferences
                    $UserSettings->set('notify_cronjob_error', param('edited_user_notify_cronjob_error', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                // Newsletter
                $UserSettings->set('newsletter_news', param('edited_user_newsletter_news', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                $UserSettings->set('newsletter_ads', param('edited_user_newsletter_ads', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                // Emails limit per day
                param_integer_range('edited_user_notification_email_limit', 0, 999, T_('Notificaiton email limit must be between %d and %d.'));
                $UserSettings->set('notification_email_limit', param('edited_user_notification_email_limit', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                param_integer_range('edited_user_newsletter_limit', 0, 999, T_('Newsletter limit must be between %d and %d.'));
                $UserSettings->set('newsletter_limit', param('edited_user_newsletter_limit', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
                 * Update the subscriptions:
                $subs_blog_IDs = param('subs_blog_IDs', 'string', true);
                $subs_item_IDs = param('subs_item_IDs', 'string', true);
                // Work the blogs:
                $subscription_values = array();
                $unsubscribed = array();
                $subs_blog_IDs = explode(',', $subs_blog_IDs);
                foreach ($subs_blog_IDs as $loop_blog_ID) {
                    // Make sure no dirty hack is coming in here:
                    $loop_blog_ID = intval($loop_blog_ID);
                    // Get checkbox values:
                    $sub_items = param('sub_items_' . $loop_blog_ID, 'integer', 0);
                    $sub_comments = param('sub_comments_' . $loop_blog_ID, 'integer', 0);
                    if ($sub_items || $sub_comments) {
                        // We have a subscription for this blog
                        $subscription_values[] = "( {$loop_blog_ID}, {$this->ID}, {$sub_items}, {$sub_comments} )";
                    } else {
                        // No subscription here:
                        $unsubscribed[] = $loop_blog_ID;
                // Note: we do not check if subscriptions are allowed here, but we check at the time we're about to send something
                if (count($subscription_values)) {
                    // We need to record values:
                    $DB->query('REPLACE INTO T_subscriptions( sub_coll_ID, sub_user_ID, sub_items, sub_comments )
												VALUES ' . implode(', ', $subscription_values));
                if (count($unsubscribed)) {
                    // We need to make sure some values are cleared:
                    $DB->query('DELETE FROM T_subscriptions
												 WHERE sub_user_ID = ' . $this->ID . '
													 AND sub_coll_ID IN (' . implode(', ', $unsubscribed) . ')');
                // Individual post subscriptions
                if (!empty($subs_item_IDs)) {
                    // user was subscribed to at least one post update notification
                    $subs_item_IDs = explode(',', $subs_item_IDs);
                    $unsubscribed = array();
                    foreach ($subs_item_IDs as $loop_item_ID) {
                        if (!param('item_sub_' . $loop_item_ID, 'integer', 0)) {
                            // user wants to unsubscribe from this post notifications
                            $unsubscribed[] = $loop_item_ID;
                    if (!empty($unsubscribed)) {
                        // unsubscribe list is not empty, delete not wanted subscriptions
                        $DB->query('DELETE FROM T_items__subscriptions
												 WHERE isub_user_ID = ' . $this->ID . '
													 AND isub_item_ID IN (' . implode(', ', $unsubscribed) . ')');
        // ******* Advanced form ******* //
        $is_advanced_form = param('advanced_form', 'boolean', false);
        if ($is_advanced_form) {
            $UserSettings->set('admin_skin', param('edited_user_admin_skin', 'string'), $this->ID);
            // Action icon params:
            param_integer_range('edited_user_action_icon_threshold', 1, 5, T_('The threshold must be between 1 and 5.'));
            $UserSettings->set('action_icon_threshold', param('edited_user_action_icon_threshold', 'integer', true), $this->ID);
            param_integer_range('edited_user_action_word_threshold', 1, 5, T_('The threshold must be between 1 and 5.'));
            $UserSettings->set('action_word_threshold', param('edited_user_action_word_threshold', 'integer'), $this->ID);
            $UserSettings->set('display_icon_legend', param('edited_user_legend', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
            // Set bozo validador activation
            $UserSettings->set('control_form_abortions', param('edited_user_bozo', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
            // Focus on first
            $UserSettings->set('focus_on_first_input', param('edited_user_focusonfirst', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
            // Results per page
            $edited_user_results_page_size = param('edited_user_results_page_size', 'integer', NULL);
            if (isset($edited_user_results_page_size)) {
                $UserSettings->set('results_per_page', $edited_user_results_page_size, $this->ID);
        if ($is_preferences_form || $is_identity_form && $is_new_user) {
            // Multiple session
            $multiple_sessions = $Settings->get('multiple_sessions');
            if ($multiple_sessions != 'adminset_default_no' && $multiple_sessions != 'adminset_default_yes' || $current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit')) {
                $UserSettings->set('login_multiple_sessions', param('edited_user_set_login_multiple_sessions', 'integer', 0), $this->ID);
        return !param_errors_detected();
Beispiel #21
  * Init filter params from request params
  * @param boolean do we want to use saved filters ?
  * @return boolean true if we could apply a filterset based on Request params (either explicit or reloaded)
 function load_from_Request($use_filters = true)
     $this->filters = $this->default_filters;
     if ($use_filters) {
         // Do we want to restore filters or do we want to create a new filterset
         $filter = param('filter', 'string', '');
         switch ($filter) {
             case 'new':
                 $this->refresh_query = true;
             case 'reset':
                 // We want to reset the memorized filterset:
                 global $Session;
                 // Memorize global variables:
                 $this->refresh_query = true;
                 // We have applied no filterset:
                 return false;
                 /* BREAK */
             /* BREAK */
             case 'refresh':
                 $this->refresh_query = true;
                 return $this->restore_filterset();
                 return $this->restore_filterset();
          * Filter preset
         $this->filters['filter_preset'] = param('filter_preset', 'string', $this->default_filters['filter_preset'], true);
         // Activate preset default filters if necessary:
      * Restrict by members
     $this->filters['membersonly'] = param('membersonly', 'boolean', $this->default_filters['membersonly'], true);
      * Restrict by keywords
     $this->filters['keywords'] = param('keywords', 'string', $this->default_filters['keywords'], true);
     // Search string
      * Restrict by gender
     $gender_men = param('gender_men', 'boolean', strpos($this->default_filters['gender'], 'M'), true);
     $gender_women = param('gender_women', 'boolean', strpos($this->default_filters['gender'], 'F'), true);
     if ($gender_men && !$gender_women || !$gender_men && $gender_women) {
         // Find men OR women
         $this->filters['gender'] = $gender_men ? 'M' : 'F';
     } else {
         if ($gender_men && $gender_women) {
             // Find men AND women
             $this->filters['gender'] = 'MF';
      * Restrict by status
     $this->filters['account_status'] = param('account_status', 'string', $this->default_filters['account_status'], true);
     if ($this->filters['account_status'] === $this->default_filters['account_status'] && param('status_activated', 'boolean', $this->default_filters['status_activated'], true)) {
         $this->filters['status_activated'] = 'activated';
     } else {
         $this->filters['status_activated'] = $this->default_filters['status_activated'];
      * Restrict by reported state ( was reported or not )
     $this->filters['reported'] = param('reported', 'integer', $this->default_filters['reported'], true);
      * Restrict by custom sender email settings
     $this->filters['custom_sender_email'] = param('custom_sender_email', 'integer', $this->default_filters['custom_sender_email'], true);
     $this->filters['custom_sender_name'] = param('custom_sender_name', 'integer', $this->default_filters['custom_sender_name'], true);
      * Restrict by user group
     $this->filters['group'] = param('group', 'string', $this->default_filters['group'], true);
      * Restrict by locations
     $this->filters['country'] = param('country', 'integer', $this->default_filters['country'], true);
     $this->filters['region'] = param('region', 'integer', $this->default_filters['region'], true);
     $this->filters['subregion'] = param('subregion', 'integer', $this->default_filters['subregion'], true);
     $this->filters['city'] = param('city', 'integer', $this->default_filters['city'], true);
      * Restrict by age group
     $this->filters['age_min'] = param('age_min', 'integer', $this->default_filters['age_min'], true);
     $this->filters['age_max'] = param('age_max', 'integer', $this->default_filters['age_max'], true);
      * Restrict by user fields
     $criteria_types = param('criteria_type', 'array:integer', array(), true);
     $criteria_values = param('criteria_value', 'array:string', array(), true);
     $userfields = array();
     foreach ($criteria_types as $c => $type) {
         $userfields[] = array('type' => $type, 'value' => $criteria_values[$c]);
     $this->filters['userfields'] = $userfields;
      * Restrict by level
     $this->filters['level_min'] = param('level_min', 'integer', $this->default_filters['level_min'], true);
     $this->filters['level_max'] = param('level_max', 'integer', $this->default_filters['level_max'], true);
      * Restrict by organization ID
     $this->filters['org'] = param('org', 'integer', $this->default_filters['org'], true);
     // 'paged'
     $this->page = param($this->page_param, 'integer', 1, true);
     // List page number in paged display
     // 'order'
     global $Session;
     $prev_filters = $Session->get($this->filterset_name);
     if (!empty($prev_filters['order'])) {
         // Restore an order from saved session
         $this->order = $this->filters['order'] = $prev_filters['order'];
     if ($use_filters && $filter == 'new') {
     return !param_errors_detected();
Beispiel #22
     * Load data from Request form fields.
     * @param array groups of params to load
     * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
    function load_from_Request($groups = array())
        global $Messages, $default_locale, $DB;
         * @var User
        global $current_User;
        // Load collection settings and clear update cascade array
        if (param('blog_name', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // General params:
            $this->set('shortname', param('blog_shortname', 'string', true));
            $this->set('locale', param('blog_locale', 'string', $default_locale));
        if (param('archive_links', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Archive link type:
            $this->set_setting('archive_links', get_param('archive_links'));
            $this->set_setting('archive_posts_per_page', param('archive_posts_per_page', 'integer', NULL), true);
        if (param('chapter_links', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Chapter link type:
            $this->set_setting('chapter_links', get_param('chapter_links'));
        if (param('category_prefix', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            $category_prefix = get_param('category_prefix');
            if (!preg_match('|^([A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+(/[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+)*)?$|', $category_prefix)) {
                param_error('category_prefix', T_('Invalid category prefix.'));
            $this->set_setting('category_prefix', $category_prefix);
        if (param('atom_redirect', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            param_check_url('atom_redirect', 'commenting');
            $this->set_setting('atom_redirect', get_param('atom_redirect'));
            param('rss2_redirect', 'string', NULL);
            param_check_url('rss2_redirect', 'commenting');
            $this->set_setting('rss2_redirect', get_param('rss2_redirect'));
        if (param('image_size', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            $this->set_setting('image_size', get_param('image_size'));
        if (param('tag_links', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Tag page link type:
            $this->set_setting('tag_links', get_param('tag_links'));
        if (param('tag_prefix', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            $tag_prefix = get_param('tag_prefix');
            if (!preg_match('|^([A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+(/[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+)*)?$|', $tag_prefix)) {
                param_error('tag_prefix', T_('Invalid tag prefix.'));
            $this->set_setting('tag_prefix', $tag_prefix);
        // Default to "tag", if "prefix-only" is used, but no tag_prefix was provided.
        if (get_param('tag_links') == 'prefix-only' && !strlen(param('tag_prefix', 'string', NULL))) {
            $this->set_setting('tag_prefix', 'tag');
        // Use rel="tag" attribute? (checkbox)
        $this->set_setting('tag_rel_attib', param('tag_rel_attib', 'integer', 0));
        if (param('chapter_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // What kind of content on chapter pages?
            $this->set_setting('chapter_content', get_param('chapter_content'));
        if (param('tag_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // What kind of content on tags pages?
            $this->set_setting('tag_content', get_param('tag_content'));
        if (param('archive_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // What kind of content on archive pages?
            $this->set_setting('archive_content', get_param('archive_content'));
        if (param('filtered_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // What kind of content on filtered pages?
            $this->set_setting('filtered_content', get_param('filtered_content'));
        if (param('main_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // What kind of content on main pages?
            $this->set_setting('main_content', get_param('main_content'));
        // Chapter posts per page:
        $this->set_setting('chapter_posts_per_page', param('chapter_posts_per_page', 'integer', NULL), true);
        // Tag posts per page:
        $this->set_setting('tag_posts_per_page', param('tag_posts_per_page', 'integer', NULL), true);
        if (param('single_links', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Single post link type:
            $this->set_setting('single_links', get_param('single_links'));
        if (param('slug_limit', 'integer', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Limit slug length:
            $this->set_setting('slug_limit', get_param('slug_limit'));
        if (param('normal_skin_ID', 'integer', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Default blog:
            $this->set_setting('normal_skin_ID', get_param('normal_skin_ID'));
        if (param('mobile_skin_ID', 'integer', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Default blog:
            $this->set_setting('mobile_skin_ID', get_param('mobile_skin_ID'));
        if (param('tablet_skin_ID', 'integer', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Default blog:
            $this->set_setting('tablet_skin_ID', get_param('tablet_skin_ID'));
        if (param('archives_sort_order', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            $this->set_setting('archives_sort_order', param('archives_sort_order', 'string', false));
        if (param('feed_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // How much content in feeds?
            $this->set_setting('feed_content', get_param('feed_content'));
            param_integer_range('posts_per_feed', 1, 9999, T_('Items per feed must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('posts_per_feed', get_param('posts_per_feed'));
        if (param('comment_feed_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // How much content in comment feeds?
            $this->set_setting('comment_feed_content', get_param('comment_feed_content'));
            param_integer_range('comments_per_feed', 1, 9999, T_('Comments per feed must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('comments_per_feed', get_param('comments_per_feed'));
        if (param('require_title', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Title for items required?
            $this->set_setting('require_title', get_param('require_title'));
        if (param('blog_description', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Description:
            $this->set_from_Request('shortdesc', 'blog_description');
        if (param('blog_keywords', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Keywords:
        if (param('blog_tagline', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // HTML tagline:
            param_check_html('blog_tagline', T_('Invalid tagline'));
            $this->set('tagline', get_param('blog_tagline'));
        if (param('blog_longdesc', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // HTML long description:
            param_check_html('blog_longdesc', T_('Invalid long description'));
            $this->set('longdesc', get_param('blog_longdesc'));
        if (param('blog_footer_text', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Blog footer:
            param_check_html('blog_footer_text', T_('Invalid blog footer'));
            $this->set_setting('blog_footer_text', get_param('blog_footer_text'));
        if (param('single_item_footer_text', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Blog footer:
            param_check_html('single_item_footer_text', T_('Invalid single post footer'));
            $this->set_setting('single_item_footer_text', get_param('single_item_footer_text'));
        if (param('xml_item_footer_text', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Blog footer:
            param_check_html('xml_item_footer_text', T_('Invalid RSS footer'));
            $this->set_setting('xml_item_footer_text', get_param('xml_item_footer_text'));
        if (param('blog_notes', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // HTML notes:
            param_check_html('blog_notes', T_('Invalid Blog Notes'));
            $this->set('notes', get_param('blog_notes'));
            param_integer_range('max_footer_credits', 0, 3, T_('Max credits must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('max_footer_credits', get_param('max_footer_credits'));
        if (in_array('pings', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the ping checkboxes:
            $blog_ping_plugins = param('blog_ping_plugins', 'array/string', array());
            $blog_ping_plugins = array_unique($blog_ping_plugins);
            $this->set_setting('ping_plugins', implode(',', $blog_ping_plugins));
        if (in_array('authors', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the multiple authors params
            $this->set('advanced_perms', param('advanced_perms', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('use_workflow', param('blog_use_workflow', 'integer', 0));
        if (in_array('features', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the workflow checkboxes:
            $this->set_setting('allow_html_post', param('allow_html_post', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('enable_goto_blog', param('enable_goto_blog', 'string', NULL));
            $this->set_setting('editing_goto_blog', param('editing_goto_blog', 'string', NULL));
            $this->set_setting('default_post_status', param('default_post_status', 'string', NULL));
            $this->set_setting('post_categories', param('post_categories', 'string', NULL));
            $this->set_setting('post_navigation', param('post_navigation', 'string', NULL));
            // Show x days or x posts?:
            $this->set_setting('what_to_show', param('what_to_show', 'string', ''));
            param_integer_range('posts_per_page', 1, 9999, T_('Items/days per page must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('posts_per_page', get_param('posts_per_page'));
            $this->set_setting('orderby', param('orderby', 'string', true));
            $this->set_setting('orderdir', param('orderdir', 'string', true));
            // Time frame
            $this->set_setting('timestamp_min', param('timestamp_min', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('timestamp_min_duration', param_duration('timestamp_min_duration'));
            $this->set_setting('timestamp_max', param('timestamp_max', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('timestamp_max_duration', param_duration('timestamp_max_duration'));
            // Location
            $location_country = param('location_country', 'string', 'hidden');
            $location_region = param('location_region', 'string', 'hidden');
            $location_subregion = param('location_subregion', 'string', 'hidden');
            $location_city = param('location_city', 'string', 'hidden');
            if ($location_city == 'required') {
                // If city is required - all location fields also are required
                $location_country = $location_region = $location_subregion = 'required';
            } else {
                if ($location_subregion == 'required') {
                    // If subregion is required - country & region fields also are required
                    $location_country = $location_region = 'required';
                } else {
                    if ($location_region == 'required') {
                        // If region is required - country field also is required
                        $location_country = 'required';
            $this->set_setting('location_country', $location_country);
            $this->set_setting('location_region', $location_region);
            $this->set_setting('location_subregion', $location_subregion);
            $this->set_setting('location_city', $location_city);
            // Set to show Latitude & Longitude params for this blog items
            $this->set_setting('show_location_coordinates', param('show_location_coordinates', 'integer', 0));
            // Load custom double & varchar fields
            $custom_field_names = array();
            $this->load_custom_fields('double', $update_cascade_query, $custom_field_names);
            $this->load_custom_fields('varchar', $update_cascade_query, $custom_field_names);
            if (!empty($update_cascade_query)) {
                // Some custom fields were deleted and these fields must be deleted from the item settings table also. Add required query.
            // call modules update_collection_features on this blog
            modules_call_method('update_collection_features', array('edited_Blog' => &$this));
        if (in_array('comments', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the workflow checkboxes:
            // load moderation statuses
            $moderation_statuses = get_visibility_statuses('moderation');
            $blog_moderation_statuses = array();
            foreach ($moderation_statuses as $status) {
                if (param('notif_' . $status, 'integer', 0)) {
                    $blog_moderation_statuses[] = $status;
            $this->set_setting('moderation_statuses', implode(',', $blog_moderation_statuses));
            $this->set_setting('comment_quick_moderation', param('comment_quick_moderation', 'string', 'expire'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_item_subscriptions', param('allow_item_subscriptions', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('comments_detect_email', param('comments_detect_email', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('comments_register', param('comments_register', 'integer', 0));
        if (in_array('other', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the workflow checkboxes:
            $this->set_setting('enable_sitemaps', param('enable_sitemaps', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('allow_subscriptions', param('allow_subscriptions', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('allow_item_subscriptions', param('allow_item_subscriptions', 'integer', 0));
            // Public blog list
            $this->set('in_bloglist', param('blog_in_bloglist', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('image_size_user_list', param('image_size_user_list', 'string'));
            $this->set_setting('image_size_messaging', param('image_size_messaging', 'string'));
            $this->set_setting('archive_mode', param('archive_mode', 'string', true));
        if (param('allow_comments', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Feedback options:
            $this->set_setting('allow_comments', param('allow_comments', 'string', 'any'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_view_comments', param('allow_view_comments', 'string', 'any'));
            $new_feedback_status = param('new_feedback_status', 'string', 'draft');
            if ($new_feedback_status != $this->get_setting('new_feedback_status') && ($new_feedback_status != 'published' || $current_User->check_perm('blog_admin', 'edit', false, $this->ID))) {
                // Only admin can set this setting to 'Public'
                $this->set_setting('new_feedback_status', $new_feedback_status);
            $this->set_setting('disable_comments_bypost', param('disable_comments_bypost', 'string', '0'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_anon_url', param('allow_anon_url', 'string', '0'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_html_comment', param('allow_html_comment', 'string', '0'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_attachments', param('allow_attachments', 'string', 'registered'));
            $this->set_setting('max_attachments', param('max_attachments', 'integer', ''));
            $this->set_setting('allow_rating_items', param('allow_rating_items', 'string', 'never'));
            $this->set_setting('rating_question', param('rating_question', 'text'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_rating_comment_helpfulness', param('allow_rating_comment_helpfulness', 'string', '0'));
            $blog_allowtrackbacks = param('blog_allowtrackbacks', 'integer', 0);
            if ($blog_allowtrackbacks != $this->get('allowtrackbacks') && ($blog_allowtrackbacks == 0 || $current_User->check_perm('blog_admin', 'edit', false, $this->ID))) {
                // Only admin can turn ON this setting
                $this->set('allowtrackbacks', $blog_allowtrackbacks);
            $this->set_setting('comments_orderdir', param('comments_orderdir', '/^(?:ASC|DESC)$/', 'ASC'));
            // call modules update_collection_comments on this blog
            modules_call_method('update_collection_comments', array('edited_Blog' => &$this));
            $threaded_comments = param('threaded_comments', 'integer', 0);
            $this->set_setting('threaded_comments', $threaded_comments);
            $this->set_setting('paged_comments', $threaded_comments ? 0 : param('paged_comments', 'integer', 0));
            param_integer_range('comments_per_page', 1, 9999, T_('Comments per page must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('comments_per_page', get_param('comments_per_page'));
            $this->set_setting('comments_avatars', param('comments_avatars', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('comments_latest', param('comments_latest', 'integer', 0));
        if (in_array('seo', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the workflow checkboxes:
            $this->set_setting('canonical_homepage', param('canonical_homepage', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('relcanonical_homepage', param('relcanonical_homepage', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('canonical_item_urls', param('canonical_item_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('relcanonical_item_urls', param('relcanonical_item_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('canonical_archive_urls', param('canonical_archive_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('relcanonical_archive_urls', param('relcanonical_archive_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('canonical_cat_urls', param('canonical_cat_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('relcanonical_cat_urls', param('relcanonical_cat_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('canonical_tag_urls', param('canonical_tag_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('relcanonical_tag_urls', param('relcanonical_tag_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('default_noindex', param('default_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('paged_noindex', param('paged_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('paged_nofollowto', param('paged_nofollowto', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('archive_noindex', param('archive_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('archive_nofollowto', param('archive_nofollowto', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('chapter_noindex', param('chapter_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('tag_noindex', param('tag_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('filtered_noindex', param('filtered_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('arcdir_noindex', param('arcdir_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('catdir_noindex', param('catdir_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('feedback-popup_noindex', param('feedback-popup_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('msgform_noindex', param('msgform_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('special_noindex', param('special_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('title_link_type', param('title_link_type', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('permalinks', param('permalinks', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('404_response', param('404_response', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('help_link', param('help_link', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('excerpts_meta_description', param('excerpts_meta_description', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('categories_meta_description', param('categories_meta_description', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('tags_meta_keywords', param('tags_meta_keywords', 'integer', 0));
        if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_admin', 'edit', false, $this->ID)) {
            // We have permission to edit advanced admin settings:
            if (in_array('cache', $groups)) {
                // we want to load the cache params:
                $this->set_setting('ajax_form_enabled', param('ajax_form_enabled', 'integer', 0));
                $this->set_setting('ajax_form_loggedin_enabled', param('ajax_form_loggedin_enabled', 'integer', 0));
                $this->set_setting('cache_enabled_widgets', param('cache_enabled_widgets', 'integer', 0));
            if (in_array('styles', $groups)) {
                // we want to load the styles params:
                $this->set('allowblogcss', param('blog_allowblogcss', 'integer', 0));
                $this->set('allowusercss', param('blog_allowusercss', 'integer', 0));
            if (in_array('login', $groups)) {
                // we want to load the login params:
                $this->set_setting('in_skin_login', param('in_skin_login', 'integer', 0));
                $this->set_setting('in_skin_editing', param('in_skin_editing', 'integer', 0));
            if (param('blog_head_includes', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // HTML header includes:
                param_check_html('blog_head_includes', T_('Invalid Custom meta section'));
                $this->set_setting('head_includes', get_param('blog_head_includes'));
            if (param('blog_footer_includes', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // HTML header includes:
                param_check_html('blog_footer_includes', T_('Invalid Custom javascript section'));
                $this->set_setting('footer_includes', get_param('blog_footer_includes'));
            if (param('owner_login', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // Permissions:
                $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
                $owner_User =& $UserCache->get_by_login(get_param('owner_login'));
                if (empty($owner_User)) {
                    param_error('owner_login', sprintf(T_('User &laquo;%s&raquo; does not exist!'), get_param('owner_login')));
                } else {
                    $this->set('owner_user_ID', $owner_User->ID);
                    $this->owner_User =& $owner_User;
            if (($blog_urlname = param('blog_urlname', 'string', NULL)) !== NULL) {
                // check urlname
                if (param_check_not_empty('blog_urlname', T_('You must provide an URL blog name!'))) {
                    if (!preg_match('|^[A-Za-z0-9\\-]+$|', $blog_urlname)) {
                        param_error('blog_urlname', sprintf(T_('The url name %s is invalid.'), "&laquo;{$blog_urlname}&raquo;"));
                        $blog_urlname = NULL;
                    if (isset($blog_urlname) && $DB->get_var('SELECT COUNT(*)
															FROM T_blogs
															WHERE blog_urlname = ' . $DB->quote($blog_urlname) . '
															AND blog_ID <> ' . $this->ID)) {
                        // urlname is already in use
                        param_error('blog_urlname', sprintf(T_('The URL name %s is already in use by another blog. Please choose another name.'), "&laquo;{$blog_urlname}&raquo;"));
                        $blog_urlname = NULL;
                    if (isset($blog_urlname)) {
            if (($access_type = param('blog_access_type', 'string', NULL)) !== NULL) {
                // Blog URL parameters:
                $this->set('access_type', $access_type);
                if ($access_type == 'absolute') {
                    $blog_siteurl = param('blog_siteurl_absolute', 'string', true);
                    if (preg_match('#^https?://[^/]+/.*#', $blog_siteurl, $matches)) {
                        // It looks like valid absolute URL, so we may update the blog siteurl
                        $this->set('siteurl', $blog_siteurl);
                    } else {
                        // It is not valid absolute URL, don't update the blog 'siteurl' to avoid errors
                        $Messages->add(T_('Blog Folder URL') . ': ' . sprintf(T_('%s is an invalid absolute URL'), '&laquo;' . htmlspecialchars($blog_siteurl) . '&raquo;') . ' ' . T_('You must provide an absolute URL (starting with <code>http://</code> or <code>https://</code>) and it must contain at least one \'/\' sign after the domain name!'), 'error');
                } elseif ($access_type == 'relative') {
                    // relative siteurl
                    $blog_siteurl = param('blog_siteurl_relative', 'string', true);
                    if (preg_match('#^https?://#', $blog_siteurl)) {
                        $Messages->add(T_('Blog Folder URL') . ': ' . T_('You must provide a relative URL (without <code>http://</code> or <code>https://</code>)!'), 'error');
                    $this->set('siteurl', $blog_siteurl);
                } else {
                    $this->set('siteurl', '');
            if (param('aggregate_coll_IDs', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // Aggregate list: (can be '*')
                $aggregate_coll_IDs = get_param('aggregate_coll_IDs');
                if ($aggregate_coll_IDs != '*') {
                    // Sanitize the string
                    $aggregate_coll_IDs = sanitize_id_list($aggregate_coll_IDs);
                // fp> TODO: check perms on each aggregated blog (if changed)
                // fp> TODO: better interface
                if ($aggregate_coll_IDs != '*' && !preg_match('#^([0-9]+(,[0-9]+)*)?$#', $aggregate_coll_IDs)) {
                    param_error('aggregate_coll_IDs', T_('Invalid aggregate blog ID list!'));
                $this->set_setting('aggregate_coll_IDs', $aggregate_coll_IDs);
            if (param('blog_media_location', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // Media files location:
                $this->set_media_subdir(param('blog_media_subdir', 'string', ''));
                $this->set_media_fullpath(param('blog_media_fullpath', 'string', ''));
                $this->set_media_url(param('blog_media_url', 'string', ''));
                // check params
                switch ($this->get('media_location')) {
                    case 'custom':
                        // custom path and URL
                        global $demo_mode, $media_path;
                        if ($this->get('media_fullpath') == '') {
                            param_error('blog_media_fullpath', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . T_('You must provide the full path of the media directory.'));
                        if (!preg_match('#^https?://#', $this->get('media_url'))) {
                            param_error('blog_media_url', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . T_('You must provide an absolute URL (starting with <code>http://</code> or <code>https://</code>)!'));
                        if ($demo_mode) {
                            $canonical_fullpath = get_canonical_path($this->get('media_fullpath'));
                            if (!$canonical_fullpath || strpos($canonical_fullpath, $media_path) !== 0) {
                                param_error('blog_media_fullpath', T_('Media dir location') . ': in demo mode the path must be inside of $media_path.');
                    case 'subdir':
                        global $media_path;
                        if ($this->get('media_subdir') == '') {
                            param_error('blog_media_subdir', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . T_('You must provide the media subdirectory.'));
                        } else {
                            // Test if it's below $media_path (subdir!)
                            $canonical_path = get_canonical_path($media_path . $this->get('media_subdir'));
                            if (!$canonical_path || strpos($canonical_path, $media_path) !== 0) {
                                param_error('blog_media_subdir', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . sprintf(T_('Invalid subdirectory &laquo;%s&raquo;.'), format_to_output($this->get('media_subdir'))));
                            } else {
                                // Validate if it's a valid directory name:
                                $subdir = no_trailing_slash(substr($canonical_path, strlen($media_path)));
                                if ($error = validate_dirname($subdir)) {
                                    param_error('blog_media_subdir', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . $error);
        return !param_errors_detected();
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // Group
     $old_group_ID = $this->ufgp_ID;
     // Save old group ID to know if it was changed
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_ufgp_ID', T_('Please select a group.'));
     // Type
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_type', T_('Please enter a type.'));
     // Code
     $code = param('ufdf_code', 'string');
     param_check_not_empty('ufdf_code', T_('Please provide a code to uniquely identify this field.'));
     param_check_regexp('ufdf_code', '#^[a-z0-9_]{1,20}$#', T_('The field code must contain only lowercase letters, digits or the "_" sign. 20 characters max.'));
     // Name
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_name', T_('Please enter a name.'));
     // Icon name
     param('ufdf_icon_name', 'string');
     $this->set_from_Request('icon_name', 'ufdf_icon_name', true);
     // Options
     if (param('ufdf_type', 'string') == 'list') {
         // Save 'Options' only for Field type == 'Option list'
         $ufdf_options = param('ufdf_options', 'text');
         if (count(explode("\n", $ufdf_options)) < 2) {
             // We don't want save an option list with one item
             param_error('ufdf_options', T_('Please enter at least 2 options on 2 different lines.'));
         } elseif (utf8_strlen($ufdf_options) > 255) {
             // This may not happen in normal circumstances because the textarea max length is set to 255 chars
             // This extra check is for the case if js is not enabled or someone would try to directly edit the html
             param_error('ufdf_options', T_('"Options" field content can not be longer than 255 symbols.'));
         $this->set('options', $ufdf_options);
     // Required
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_required', 'Please select Hidden, Optional, Recommended or Required.');
     // Duplicated
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_duplicated', 'Please select Forbidden, Allowed or List style.');
     // Order
     if ($old_group_ID != $this->ufgp_ID) {
         // Group is changing, set order as last
         $this->set('order', $this->get_last_order($this->ufgp_ID));
     // Suggest
     if (param('ufdf_type', 'string') == 'word') {
         // Save 'Suggest values' only for Field type == 'Single word'
         param('ufdf_suggest', 'integer', 0);
     // Bubbletip
     param('ufdf_bubbletip', 'text', '');
     $this->set_from_Request('bubbletip', NULL, true);
     if (!param_errors_detected()) {
         // Field code must be unique, Check it only when no errors on the form
         if ($field_ID = $this->dbexists('ufdf_code', $this->get('code'))) {
             // We have a duplicate entry:
             param_error('ufdf_code', sprintf(T_('Another user field already uses this code. Do you want to <a %s>edit the existing user field</a>?'), 'href="?ctrl=userfields&amp;action=edit&amp;ufdf_ID=' . $field_ID . '"'));
     return !param_errors_detected();
  * Init filter params from request params
  * @param boolean do we want to use saved filters ?
  * @return boolean true if we could apply a filterset based on Request params (either explicit or reloaded)
 function load_from_Request($use_filters = true)
     $this->filters = $this->default_filters;
     if ($use_filters) {
         // Do we want to restore filters or do we want to create a new filterset
         $filter_action = param('filter', 'string', 'save');
         switch ($filter_action) {
             case 'restore':
                 return $this->restore_filterset();
                 /* BREAK */
             /* BREAK */
             case 'reset':
                 // We want to reset the memorized filterset:
                 global $Session;
                 // Memorize global variables:
                 $this->set_filters(array(), true);
                 // We have applied no filterset:
                 return false;
                 /* BREAK */
          * Filter preset
         $this->filters['filter_preset'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'filter_preset', 'string', $this->default_filters['filter_preset'], true);
         // Activate preset default filters if necessary:
      * Restrict to selected author:
     $this->filters['author_IDs'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'author_IDs', '/^-?[0-9]+(,[0-9]+)*$/', $this->default_filters['author_IDs'], true);
     // List of authors ID to restrict to
     $this->filters['author'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'author', '/^-?[0-9]+(,[0-9]+)*$/', $this->default_filters['author'], true);
     // List of authors to restrict to
     $this->filters['author_email'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'author_email', 'string', $this->default_filters['author_email'], true);
     $this->filters['author_url'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'author_url', 'string', $this->default_filters['author_url'], true);
     $this->filters['url_match'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'url_match', 'string', $this->default_filters['url_match'], true);
     $this->filters['include_emptyurl'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'include_emptyurl', 'string', $this->default_filters['include_emptyurl'], true);
     $this->filters['author_IP'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'author_IP', 'string', $this->default_filters['author_IP'], true);
      * Restrict to selected statuses:
     $this->filters['statuses'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'show_statuses', 'array:string', $this->default_filters['statuses'], true);
     // List of statuses to restrict to
      * Restrict to active/expired comments:
     $this->filters['expiry_statuses'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'expiry_statuses', 'array:string', $this->default_filters['expiry_statuses'], true);
     // List of expiry statuses to restrict to
      * Restrict to selected types:
     $this->filters['types'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'types', 'array:string', $this->default_filters['types'], true);
     // List of types to restrict to
      * Restrict to selected user perm:
     $this->filters['user_perm'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'user_perm', 'string', $this->default_filters['user_perm'], true);
     // A specific user perm to restrict to
      * Restrict by keywords
     $this->filters['keywords'] = param($this->param_prefix . 's', 'string', $this->default_filters['keywords'], true);
     // Search string
     $this->filters['phrase'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'sentence', 'string', $this->default_filters['phrase'], true);
     // Search for sentence or for words
     $this->filters['exact'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'exact', 'integer', $this->default_filters['exact'], true);
     // Require exact match of title or contents
      * Restrict to selected rating:
     $this->filters['rating_toshow'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'rating_toshow', 'array:string', $this->default_filters['rating_toshow'], true);
     // Rating to restrict to
     $this->filters['rating_turn'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'rating_turn', 'string', $this->default_filters['rating_turn'], true);
     // Rating to restrict to
     $this->filters['rating_limit'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'rating_limit', 'integer', $this->default_filters['rating_limit'], true);
     // Rating to restrict to
     // 'limit'
     $this->filters['comments'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'comments', 'integer', $this->default_filters['comments'], true);
     // # of units to display on the page
     $this->limit = $this->filters['comments'];
     // for compatibility with parent class
     $this->filters['limit'] = $this->limit;
     // 'paged'
     $this->filters['page'] = param($this->page_param, 'integer', 1, true);
     // List page number in paged display
     $this->page = $this->filters['page'];
     $this->filters['order'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'order', '/^(ASC|asc|DESC|desc)$/', $this->default_filters['order'], true);
     // ASC or DESC
     // This order style is OK, because sometimes the commentList is not displayed on a table so we cannot say we want to order by a specific column. It's not a crap.
     $this->filters['orderby'] = param($this->param_prefix . 'orderby', '/^([A-Za-z0-9_]+([ ,][A-Za-z0-9_]+)*)?$/', $this->default_filters['orderby'], true);
     // list of fields to order by (TODO: change that crap)
     if ($use_filters && $filter_action == 'save') {
     return !param_errors_detected();
Beispiel #25
                $redirect_to = $Blog->get('userurl', array('glue' => '&'));
            } else {
                // Redirect to upload avatar
                $redirect_to = get_user_avatar_url();
        case 'upload_avatar':
            // Redirect to display user profile form
            $redirect_to = url_add_param($Blog->gen_blogurl(), 'disp=profile', '&');
    if (!empty($redirect_to)) {
if (!param_errors_detected() || !isset($disp)) {
    // User data is updated without errors
    // redirect will save $Messages into Session:
    $redirect_to = NULL;
    if (isset($disp)) {
        $redirect_to = url_add_param($Blog->gen_blogurl(), 'disp=' . $disp, '&');
    // redirect to the corresponding display form
    // EXITED
} else {
    // Errors exist; Don't redirect; Display a template to save a received data from request
    $SkinCache =& get_SkinCache();
    $Skin =& $SkinCache->get_by_ID($Blog->get_skin_ID());
    $skin = $Skin->folder;
    $ads_current_skin_path = $skins_path . $skin . '/';
Beispiel #26
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // Group
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_ufgp_ID', T_('Please select a group.'));
     // Type
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_type', T_('Please enter a type.'));
     // Name
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_name', T_('Please enter a name.'));
     // Options
     if (param('ufdf_type', 'string') == 'list') {
         // Save 'Options' only for Field type == 'Option list'
         $ufdf_options = explode("\n", param('ufdf_options', 'text'));
         if (count($ufdf_options) < 2) {
             // We don't want save an option list with one item
             param_error('ufdf_options', T_('Please enter at least 2 options on 2 different lines.'));
     // Required
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_required', 'Please select Hidden, Optional, Recommended or Required.');
     // Duplicated
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_duplicated', 'Please select Forbidden, Allowed or List style.');
     // Order
     if ($this->group_ID != $this->ufgp_ID) {
         // Group is changing, set order as last
         $this->set('order', $this->get_last_order($this->ufgp_ID));
     // Suggest
     if (param('ufdf_type', 'string') == 'word') {
         // Save 'Suggest values' only for Field type == 'Single word'
         param('ufdf_suggest', 'integer', 0);
     // Bubbletip
     param('ufdf_bubbletip', 'text', '');
     return !param_errors_detected();
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // Address
     global $emadr_address;
     param_string_not_empty('emadr_address', T_('Please enter email address.'));
     $emadr_address = utf8_strtolower(get_param('emadr_address'));
     param_check_email('emadr_address', true);
     if ($existing_emadr_ID = $this->dbexists('emadr_address', get_param('emadr_address'))) {
         // Check if a email address already exists with the same address
         global $admin_url;
         param_error('emadr_address', sprintf(T_('This email address already exists. Do you want to <a %s>edit the existing email address</a>?'), 'href="' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=email&amp;tab=blocked&amp;emadr_ID=' . $existing_emadr_ID . '"'));
     // Status
     $emadr_status = param('emadr_status', 'string', true);
     if (!empty($emadr_status)) {
         $this->set('status', $emadr_status);
     // Sent count
     param('emadr_sent_count', 'integer', '');
     param_check_number('emadr_sent_count', T_('The count must be a number.'), true);
     $this->set_from_Request('sent_count', 'emadr_sent_count', true);
     // Sent count since last error
     param('emadr_sent_last_returnerror', 'integer', '');
     param_check_number('emadr_sent_last_returnerror', T_('The count must be a number.'), true);
     $this->set_from_Request('sent_last_returnerror', 'emadr_sent_last_returnerror', true);
     // Permanent errors count
     param('emadr_prmerror_count', 'integer', '');
     param_check_number('emadr_prmerror_count', T_('The count must be a number.'), true);
     $this->set_from_Request('prmerror_count', 'emadr_prmerror_count', true);
     // Permanent errors count
     param('emadr_tmperror_count', 'integer', '');
     param_check_number('emadr_tmperror_count', T_('The count must be a number.'), true);
     $this->set_from_Request('tmperror_count', 'emadr_tmperror_count', true);
     // Permanent errors count
     param('emadr_spamerror_count', 'integer', '');
     param_check_number('emadr_spamerror_count', T_('The count must be a number.'), true);
     $this->set_from_Request('spamerror_count', 'emadr_spamerror_count', true);
     // Permanent errors count
     param('emadr_othererror_count', 'integer', '');
     param_check_number('emadr_othererror_count', T_('The count must be a number.'), true);
     $this->set_from_Request('othererror_count', 'emadr_othererror_count', true);
     return !param_errors_detected();
Beispiel #28
     * Load data from Request form fields.
     * @param array groups of params to load
     * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
    function load_from_Request($groups = array())
        global $Messages, $default_locale, $DB;
         * @var User
        global $current_User;
        if (param('blog_name', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // General params:
            $this->set('shortname', param('blog_shortname', 'string', true));
            $this->set('locale', param('blog_locale', 'string', $default_locale));
        if (param('archive_links', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Archive link type:
            $this->set_setting('archive_links', get_param('archive_links'));
            $this->set_setting('archive_posts_per_page', param('archive_posts_per_page', 'integer', NULL), true);
        if (param('chapter_links', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Chapter link type:
            $this->set_setting('chapter_links', get_param('chapter_links'));
        if (param('category_prefix', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            $category_prefix = get_param('category_prefix');
            if (!preg_match('|^([A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+(/[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+)*)?$|', $category_prefix)) {
                param_error('category_prefix', T_('Invalid category prefix.'));
            $this->set_setting('category_prefix', $category_prefix);
        if (param('tag_links', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Tag page link type:
            $this->set_setting('tag_links', get_param('tag_links'));
        if (param('tag_prefix', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            $category_prefix = get_param('tag_prefix');
            if (!preg_match('|^([A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+(/[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+)*)?$|', $category_prefix)) {
                param_error('tag_prefix', T_('Invalid category prefix.'));
            $this->set_setting('tag_prefix', $category_prefix);
        if (param('chapter_posts_per_page', 'integer', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Chapter link type:
            $this->set_setting('chapter_posts_per_page', get_param('chapter_posts_per_page'), true);
            $this->set_setting('tag_posts_per_page', param('tag_posts_per_page', 'integer', NULL), true);
        if (param('single_links', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Single post link type:
            $this->set_setting('single_links', get_param('single_links'));
        if (param('blog_skin_ID', 'integer', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Default blog:
        if (param('what_to_show', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Show x days or x posts?:
            $this->set_setting('what_to_show', get_param('what_to_show'));
            param_integer_range('posts_per_page', 1, 9999, T_('Items/days per page must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('posts_per_page', get_param('posts_per_page'));
            $this->set_setting('archive_mode', param('archive_mode', 'string', true));
            $this->set_setting('orderby', param('orderby', 'string', true));
            $this->set_setting('orderdir', param('orderdir', 'string', true));
        if (param('feed_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // How much content in feeds?
            $this->set_setting('feed_content', get_param('feed_content'));
            param_integer_range('posts_per_feed', 1, 9999, T_('Items per feed must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('posts_per_feed', get_param('posts_per_feed'));
        if (param('blog_description', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Description:
            $this->set_from_Request('shortdesc', 'blog_description');
        if (param('blog_keywords', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Keywords:
        if (param('blog_tagline', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // HTML tagline:
            param_check_html('blog_tagline', T_('Invalid tagline'));
            $this->set('tagline', get_param('blog_tagline'));
        if (param('blog_longdesc', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // HTML long description:
            param_check_html('blog_longdesc', T_('Invalid long description'));
            $this->set('longdesc', get_param('blog_longdesc'));
        if (param('blog_footer_text', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Blog footer:
            param_check_html('blog_footer_text', T_('Invalid blog footer'));
            $this->set_setting('blog_footer_text', get_param('blog_footer_text'));
        if (param('single_item_footer_text', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Blog footer:
            param_check_html('single_item_footer_text', T_('Invalid single post footer'));
            $this->set_setting('single_item_footer_text', get_param('single_item_footer_text'));
        if (param('xml_item_footer_text', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Blog footer:
            param_check_html('xml_item_footer_text', T_('Invalid RSS footer'));
            $this->set_setting('xml_item_footer_text', get_param('xml_item_footer_text'));
        if (param('blog_notes', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // HTML notes:
            param_check_html('blog_notes', T_('Invalid Blog Notes'));
            $this->set('notes', get_param('blog_notes'));
        if (in_array('pings', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the ping checkboxes:
            $blog_ping_plugins = param('blog_ping_plugins', 'array', array());
            $blog_ping_plugins = array_unique($blog_ping_plugins);
            $this->set_setting('ping_plugins', implode(',', $blog_ping_plugins));
        if (in_array('features', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the workflow checkboxes:
            $this->set_setting('allow_subscriptions', param('allow_subscriptions', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set('advanced_perms', param('advanced_perms', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('use_workflow', param('blog_use_workflow', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set('allowblogcss', param('blog_allowblogcss', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set('allowusercss', param('blog_allowusercss', 'integer', 0));
        if (param('blog_allowcomments', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Feedback options:
            $this->set_setting('new_feedback_status', param('new_feedback_status', 'string', 'draft'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_rating', param('allow_rating', 'string', 'never'));
            $this->set('allowtrackbacks', param('blog_allowtrackbacks', 'integer', 0));
            // Public blog list
            $this->set('in_bloglist', param('blog_in_bloglist', 'integer', 0));
        if (in_array('seo', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the workflow checkboxes:
            $this->set_setting('canonical_item_urls', param('canonical_item_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('canonical_cat_urls', param('canonical_cat_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('canonical_tag_urls', param('canonical_tag_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('default_noindex', param('default_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('paged_noindex', param('paged_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('paged_nofollowto', param('paged_nofollowto', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('archive_noindex', param('archive_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('archive_nofollowto', param('archive_nofollowto', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('chapter_noindex', param('chapter_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('tag_noindex', param('tag_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('filtered_noindex', param('filtered_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('arcdir_noindex', param('arcdir_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('catdir_noindex', param('catdir_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('feedback-popup_noindex', param('feedback-popup_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('msgform_noindex', param('msgform_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('special_noindex', param('special_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('title_link_type', param('title_link_type', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('permalinks', param('permalinks', 'string', ''));
        if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_admin', 'edit', false, $this->ID)) {
            // We have permission to edit advanced admin settings:
            if (param('owner_login', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // Permissions:
                $UserCache =& get_Cache('UserCache');
                $owner_User =& $UserCache->get_by_login(get_param('owner_login'), false, false);
                if (empty($owner_User)) {
                    param_error('owner_login', sprintf(T_('User &laquo;%s&raquo; does not exist!'), get_param('owner_login')));
                } else {
                    $this->set('owner_user_ID', $owner_User->ID);
                    $this->owner_User =& $owner_User;
            if (param('blog_urlname', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // check urlname
                if (param_check_not_empty('blog_urlname', T_('You must provide an URL blog name!'))) {
                    if (!preg_match('|^[A-Za-z0-9\\-]+$|', $this->urlname)) {
                        param_error('blog_urlname', T_('The url name is invalid.'));
                    if ($DB->get_var('SELECT COUNT(*)
															 FROM T_blogs
															WHERE blog_urlname = ' . $DB->quote($this->get('urlname')) . '
															  AND blog_ID <> ' . $this->ID)) {
                        // urlname is already in use
                        param_error('blog_urlname', T_('This URL name is already in use by another blog. Please choose another name.'));
            if (($access_type = param('blog_access_type', 'string', NULL)) !== NULL) {
                // Blog URL parameters:
                $this->set('access_type', $access_type);
                if ($access_type == 'absolute') {
                    $blog_siteurl = param('blog_siteurl_absolute', 'string', true);
                    if (!preg_match('#^https?://.+#', $blog_siteurl)) {
                        $Messages->add(T_('Blog Folder URL') . ': ' . T_('You must provide an absolute URL (starting with <code>http://</code> or <code>https://</code>)!'), 'error');
                    $this->set('siteurl', $blog_siteurl);
                } elseif ($access_type == 'relative') {
                    // relative siteurl
                    $blog_siteurl = param('blog_siteurl_relative', 'string', true);
                    if (preg_match('#^https?://#', $blog_siteurl)) {
                        $Messages->add(T_('Blog Folder URL') . ': ' . T_('You must provide a relative URL (without <code>http://</code> or <code>https://</code>)!'), 'error');
                    $this->set('siteurl', $blog_siteurl);
                } else {
                    $this->set('siteurl', '');
            if (param('aggregate_coll_IDs', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // Aggregate list:
                // fp> TODO: check perms on each aggregated blog (if changed)
                // fp> TODO: better interface
                if (!preg_match('#^([0-9]+(,[0-9]+)*)?$#', get_param('aggregate_coll_IDs'))) {
                    param_error('aggregate_coll_IDs', T_('Invalid aggregate blog ID list!'));
                $this->set_setting('aggregate_coll_IDs', get_param('aggregate_coll_IDs'));
            if (param('source_file', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // Static file:
                $this->set_setting('source_file', get_param('source_file'));
                $this->set_setting('static_file', param('static_file', 'string', ''));
            if (param('blog_media_location', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // Media files location:
                $this->set_media_subdir(param('blog_media_subdir', 'string', ''));
                $this->set_media_fullpath(param('blog_media_fullpath', 'string', ''));
                $this->set_media_url(param('blog_media_url', 'string', ''));
                // check params
                switch ($this->get('media_location')) {
                    case 'custom':
                        // custom path and URL
                        global $demo_mode, $media_path;
                        if ($this->get('media_fullpath') == '') {
                            param_error('blog_media_fullpath', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . T_('You must provide the full path of the media directory.'));
                        if (!preg_match('#^https?://#', $this->get('media_url'))) {
                            param_error('blog_media_url', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . T_('You must provide an absolute URL (starting with <code>http://</code> or <code>https://</code>)!'));
                        if ($demo_mode) {
                            $canonical_fullpath = get_canonical_path($this->get('media_fullpath'));
                            if (!$canonical_fullpath || strpos($canonical_fullpath, $media_path) !== 0) {
                                param_error('blog_media_fullpath', T_('Media dir location') . ': in demo mode the path must be inside of $media_path.');
                    case 'subdir':
                        global $media_path;
                        if ($this->get('media_subdir') == '') {
                            param_error('blog_media_subdir', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . T_('You must provide the media subdirectory.'));
                        } else {
                            // Test if it's below $media_path (subdir!)
                            $canonical_path = get_canonical_path($media_path . $this->get('media_subdir'));
                            if (!$canonical_path || strpos($canonical_path, $media_path) !== 0) {
                                param_error('blog_media_subdir', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . sprintf(T_('Invalid subdirectory &laquo;%s&raquo;.'), format_to_output($this->get('media_subdir'))));
                            } else {
                                // Validate if it's a valid directory name:
                                $subdir = substr($canonical_path, strlen($media_path));
                                if ($error = validate_dirname($subdir)) {
                                    param_error('blog_media_subdir', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . $error);
        return !param_errors_detected();
Beispiel #29
        param('newloc_locale', 'string', true);
        param_check_regexp('newloc_locale', '/^[a-z]{2,3}-[A-Z]{2}.*$/', T_('Please use valid locale format.'));
        param('newloc_enabled', 'integer', 0);
        param('newloc_name', 'string', true);
        param('newloc_datefmt', 'string', true);
        param_check_not_empty('newloc_datefmt', T_('Date format cannot be empty.'));
        param('newloc_timefmt', 'string', true);
        param_check_not_empty('newloc_timefmt', T_('Time format cannot be empty.'));
        param('newloc_shorttimefmt', 'string', true);
        param_check_not_empty('newloc_shorttimefmt', T_('Short time format cannot be empty.'));
        param('newloc_startofweek', 'integer', 0);
        param('newloc_priority', 'integer', 1);
        param_check_range('newloc_priority', 1, 255, T_('Priority must be numeric (1-255).'));
        param('newloc_messages', 'string', true);
        param('newloc_transliteration_map', 'string', true);
        if (param_errors_detected()) {
            // Don't save locale if errors exist
            $action = 'edit';
        if ($action == 'updatelocale') {
            param('oldloc_locale', 'string', true);
            if ($DB->get_var('SELECT loc_locale FROM T_locales WHERE loc_locale = ' . $DB->quote($oldloc_locale))) {
                // old locale exists in DB
                if ($oldloc_locale != $newloc_locale) {
                    // locale key was renamed, we delete the old locale in DB and remember to create the new one
                    $q = $DB->query('DELETE FROM T_locales
															WHERE loc_locale = ' . $DB->quote($oldloc_locale));
                    if ($DB->rows_affected) {
                        $Messages->add(sprintf(T_('Deleted settings for locale &laquo;%s&raquo; in database.'), $oldloc_locale), 'success');
Beispiel #30
 * Insert contacts group into database
 * @param string Group name
 * @return integer Group ID if success, else false
function create_contacts_group($group_name)
    global $DB, $current_User, $Messages;
    if ($group_name != '') {
        // Check new group name for duplicates
        $SQL = new SQL();
        $SQL->WHERE('cgr_user_ID = ' . $current_User->ID);
        $SQL->WHERE_and('cgr_name = ' . $DB->quote($group_name));
        $group = $DB->get_var($SQL->get());
        if (!is_null($group)) {
            // Duplicate group
            $Messages->add(T_('You already have a group with this name.'), 'error');
    if (param_errors_detected()) {
        // Errors exist, Exit here
        return false;
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO T_messaging__contact_groups
			     ( cgr_user_ID, cgr_name )
		VALUES ( ' . $current_User->ID . ', ' . $DB->quote($group_name) . ' )';
    if ($DB->query($sql, 'Insert contacts group')) {
        // Success query, Return ID of new group
        return $DB->insert_id;
    } else {
        // Failed query
        return false;