function run_propel_init_admin($task, $args)
    if (count($args) < 2) {
        throw new Exception('You must provide your module name.');
    if (count($args) < 3) {
        throw new Exception('You must provide your model class name.');
    $app = $args[0];
    $module = $args[1];
    $model_class = $args[2];
    $theme = isset($args[3]) ? $args[3] : 'default';
    try {
        $author_name = $task->get_property('author', 'symfony');
    } catch (pakeException $e) {
        $author_name = 'Your name here';
    $constants = array('PROJECT_NAME' => $task->get_property('name', 'symfony'), 'APP_NAME' => $app, 'MODULE_NAME' => $module, 'MODEL_CLASS' => $model_class, 'AUTHOR_NAME' => $author_name, 'THEME' => $theme);
    $moduleDir = sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir') . '/' . sfConfig::get('sf_apps_dir_name') . '/' . $app . '/' . sfConfig::get('sf_app_module_dir_name') . '/' . $module;
    // create module structure
    $finder = pakeFinder::type('any')->ignore_version_control()->discard('.sf');
    $dirs = sfLoader::getGeneratorSkeletonDirs('sfPropelAdmin', $theme);
    foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
        if (is_dir($dir)) {
            pake_mirror($finder, $dir, $moduleDir);
    // customize php and yml files
    $finder = pakeFinder::type('file')->ignore_version_control()->name('*.php', '*.yml');
    pake_replace_tokens($finder, $moduleDir, '##', '##', $constants);
 public function test_pake_replace_tokens_finder()
     $test_file_names = array('file1.tpl', 'file2.tpl', 'file3.tpl');
     foreach ($test_file_names as $test_file_name) {
         file_put_contents($this->test_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $test_file_name, '{token} {token2}');
     $files = pakeFinder::type('file')->relative()->in($this->test_dir);
     pake_replace_tokens($files, $this->test_dir, '{', '}', array('token' => 'hello', 'token2' => 'world'));
     foreach ($test_file_names as $test_file_name) {
         $test_file = $this->test_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $test_file_name;
         $replaced = file_get_contents($test_file);
         $this->assertEqual('hello world', $replaced);
function run_propel_generate_crud($task, $args)
    if (count($args) < 2) {
        throw new Exception('You must provide your module name.');
    if (count($args) < 3) {
        throw new Exception('You must provide your model class name.');
    $theme = isset($args[3]) ? $args[3] : 'default';
    $app = $args[0];
    $module = $args[1];
    $model_class = $args[2];
    $sf_root_dir = sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir');
    // generate module
    $tmp_dir = $sf_root_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
    sfConfig::set('sf_module_cache_dir', $tmp_dir);
    $generator_manager = new sfGeneratorManager();
    $generator_manager->generate('sfPropelCrudGenerator', array('model_class' => $model_class, 'moduleName' => $module, 'theme' => $theme));
    $moduleDir = $sf_root_dir . '/' . sfConfig::get('sf_apps_dir_name') . '/' . $app . '/' . sfConfig::get('sf_app_module_dir_name') . '/' . $module;
    // copy our generated module
    $finder = pakeFinder::type('any');
    pake_mirror($finder, $tmp_dir . '/auto' . ucfirst($module), $moduleDir);
    // change module name
    pake_replace_tokens($moduleDir . '/actions/actions.class.php', getcwd(), '', '', array('auto' . ucfirst($module) => $module));
    try {
        $author_name = $task->get_property('author', 'symfony');
    } catch (pakeException $e) {
        $author_name = 'Your name here';
    $constants = array('PROJECT_NAME' => $task->get_property('name', 'symfony'), 'APP_NAME' => $app, 'MODULE_NAME' => $module, 'MODEL_CLASS' => $model_class, 'AUTHOR_NAME' => $author_name);
    // customize php and yml files
    $finder = pakeFinder::type('file')->name('*.php', '*.yml');
    pake_replace_tokens($finder, $moduleDir, '##', '##', $constants);
    // create basic test
    pake_copy(sfConfig::get('sf_symfony_data_dir') . '/skeleton/module/test/actionsTest.php', $sf_root_dir . '/test/functional/' . $app . '/' . $module . 'ActionsTest.php');
    // customize test file
    pake_replace_tokens($module . 'ActionsTest.php', $sf_root_dir . '/test/functional/' . $app, '##', '##', $constants);
    // delete temp files
    $finder = pakeFinder::type('any');
    pake_remove($finder, $tmp_dir);
Beispiel #4
  * Creates the MS WPI
 public static function run_dist_wpi($task = null, $args = array(), $cliopts = array())
     $opts = self::getOpts($args, $cliopts);
     if ($opts['create']['mswpipackage']) {
         $toppath = $opts['build']['dir'] . '/release';
         $rootpath = $toppath . '/' . self::getProjName();
         if ($opts['create']['mswpipackage']) {
             // add extra files to build
             /// @todo move this to another phase/task... ?
             /// @todo shall we check that there's no spurious file in $toppath?
             $resourcesPath = self::getResourceDir();
             pake_copy($resourcesPath . '/wpifiles/install.sql', $toppath . '/install.sql', array('override' => true));
             /// @todo: if the $rootpath is different from "ezpublish", the manifest and parameters files need to be altered accordingly
             /// after copying them to their location
             pake_copy($resourcesPath . '/wpifiles/manifest.xml', $toppath . '/manifest.xml', array('override' => true));
             pake_copy($resourcesPath . '/wpifiles/parameters.xml', $toppath . '/parameters.xml', array('override' => true));
             // this one is overwritten
             pake_copy($resourcesPath . '/wpifiles/kickstart.ini', $rootpath . '/kickstart.ini', array('override' => true));
             if (is_file($rootpath . '/web.config-RECOMMENDED')) {
                 pake_copy($rootpath . '/web.config-RECOMMENDED', $rootpath . '/web.config', array('override' => true));
             } else {
                 if (!is_file($rootpath . '/web.config')) {
                     pake_copy($resourcesPath . '/wpifiles/web.config', $rootpath . '/web.config', array('override' => true));
             // create zip
             /// @todo if name is empty do not add an extra hyphen
             $filename = self::getProjFileName() . '';
             $target = $opts['dist']['dir'] . '/' . $filename;
             self::archiveDir($toppath, $target, true);
             // update feed file
             $feedfile = 'ezpcpmswpifeed.xml';
             pake_copy($resourcesPath . '/wpifiles/' . $feedfile, $opts['dist']['dir'] . '/' . $feedfile);
             $files = pakeFinder::type('file')->name($feedfile)->maxdepth(0)->in($opts['dist']['dir']);
             //pake_replace_regexp( $files, $opts['dist']['dir'], array(
             //) );
             pake_replace_tokens($files, $opts['dist']['dir'], '{', '}', array('$update_date' => gmdate('c'), '$version' => $opts['version']['alias'], '$sha1' => sha1_file($target), '$filename' => $filename, '$filesizeKB' => round(filesize($target) / 1024)));
Beispiel #5
// unit tests
$h->register_glob($h->base_dir . '/unit/*/*Test.php');
// functional tests
$h->register_glob($h->base_dir . '/functional/*Test.php');
$h->register_glob($h->base_dir . '/functional/*/*Test.php');
$ret = $h->run();
if (!$ret) {
    throw new Exception('Some tests failed. Release process aborted!');
if (is_file('package.xml')) {
    pake_remove('package.xml', getcwd());
pake_copy(getcwd() . '/package.xml.tmpl', getcwd() . '/package.xml');
// add class files
$finder = pakeFinder::type('file')->ignore_version_control()->relative();
$xml_classes = '';
$dirs = array('lib' => 'php', 'data' => 'data');
foreach ($dirs as $dir => $role) {
    $class_files = $finder->in($dir);
    foreach ($class_files as $file) {
        $xml_classes .= '<file role="' . $role . '" baseinstalldir="symfony" install-as="' . $file . '" name="' . $dir . '/' . $file . '" />' . "\n";
// replace tokens
pake_replace_tokens('package.xml', getcwd(), '##', '##', array('SYMFONY_VERSION' => $version, 'CURRENT_DATE' => date('Y-m-d'), 'CLASS_FILES' => $xml_classes, 'STABILITY' => $stability));
$results = pake_sh('pear package');
echo $results;
pake_remove('package.xml', getcwd());
// copy .tgz as symfony-latest.tgz
pake_copy(getcwd() . '/symfony-' . $version . '.tgz', getcwd() . '/symfony-latest.tgz');
Beispiel #6
function run_create_package_xml()
    $_root = dirname(__FILE__);
    $options = pakeYaml::loadFile($_root . '/options.yaml');
    $version = $options['version'];
    // create a pear package
    pake_echo_comment('creating PEAR package.xml for version "' . $version . '"');
    pake_copy($_root . '/package.xml.tmpl', $_root . '/package.xml', array('override' => true));
    // add class files
    $class_files = pakeFinder::type('file')->ignore_version_control()->not_name('/^pakeApp.class.php$/')->name('*.php')->maxdepth(0)->relative()->in($_root . '/lib/pake');
    $task_files = pakeFinder::type('file')->ignore_version_control()->name('*.php')->relative()->in($_root . '/lib/pake/tasks');
    $renames = '';
    $xml_classes = '';
    $task_classes = '';
    foreach ($class_files as $file) {
        $xml_classes .= '<file role="php" name="' . $file . '"/>' . "\n";
        $renames .= '<install as="pake/' . $file . '" name="lib/pake/' . $file . '"/>' . "\n";
    foreach ($task_files as $file) {
        $task_classes .= '<file role="php" name="' . $file . '"/>' . "\n";
        $renames .= '<install as="pake/tasks/' . $file . '" name="lib/pake/tasks/' . $file . '"/>' . "\n";
    // replace tokens
    pake_replace_tokens('package.xml', $_root, '##', '##', array('PAKE_VERSION' => $version, 'CURRENT_DATE' => date('Y-m-d'), 'CLASS_FILES' => $xml_classes, 'TASK_FILES' => $task_classes, 'RENAMES' => $renames));
  * Generates a sample package.xml to allow creation of packaged extension
  * NB: that file is to be completed by hand
 static function run_generate_sample_package_xml($task = null, $args = array(), $cliopts = array())
     pake_copy(self::getResourceDir() . '/package_master.xml', 'package.xml');
     // tokens not replaced here are replaced at build time
     // tokens in square brackets are supposed to be edited by the developer
     $tokens = array('$summary' => '[Summary]', '$description' => '[Description]', '$vendor' => '', '$maintainers' => '', '$documents' => '', '$changelog' => '', '$simple-files' => '', '$state' => '[State]', '$requires' => '');
     //$files = pakeFinder::type( 'file' )->name( 'package.xml' )->maxdepth( 0 )->in( '.' );
     pake_replace_tokens('package.xml', '.', '{', '}', $tokens);
     pake_echo("File package.xml generated. Please replace all tokens in square brackets in it (but do not replace values in curly brackets) then commit it to sources in the top dir of the extension");
Beispiel #8
function run_init_controller($task, $args)
    // handling two required arguments (application and batch name)
    if (count($args) < 2) {
        throw new Exception('You must provide the environment name');
    $app = $args[0];
    $env = $args[1];
    // handling two optional arguments (environment and debug)
    $controller = isset($args[2]) ? $args[2] : $app . '_' . $env;
    $debug = isset($args[3]) ? $args[3] : true;
    $constants = array('PROJECT_NAME' => $task->get_property('name', 'symfony'), 'APP_NAME' => $app, 'CONTROLLER_NAME' => $controller, 'ENV_NAME' => $env, 'DEBUG' => (bool) $debug);
    $sf_web_dir = sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir');
    pake_copy(sfConfig::get('sf_symfony_data_dir') . '/skeleton/controller/controller.php', $sf_web_dir . '/' . $controller . '.php');
    pake_replace_tokens($controller . '.php', $sf_web_dir, '##', '##', $constants);
Beispiel #9
  * @todo allow via CLI to specify dir for tarballs
  * @todo simplify management of title for docs: just get it whole from configs...
  * @todo split this monster in smaller pieces
 public static function run_generate_apidocs_generic($stack, $task = null, $args = array(), $cliopts = array())
     $opts = self::getOpts($args, $cliopts);
     $sourcedir = @$cliopts['sourcedir'];
     $docsdir = @$cliopts['docsdir'];
     switch ($stack) {
         case 'LS':
             $excludedirs = $opts['docs']['exclude_dirs']['legacy_stack'];
             if ($sourcedir == '') {
                 $sourcedir = $opts['build']['dir'] . '/release/' . self::getProjName() . '/ezpublish_legacy';
             } else {
                 $sourcedir .= '/ezpublish_legacy';
             if ($docsdir == '') {
                 $docsdir = $opts['build']['dir'] . '/apidocs/' . self::getProjName() . '/ezpublish_legacy';
             $files = pakeFinder::type('file')->name('autoload.php')->maxdepth(0)->in($sourcedir);
             $namesuffix = $opts['docs']['name_suffix']['legacy_stack'];
         case '4X':
             $excludedirs = $opts['docs']['exclude_dirs']['legacy_stack'];
             if ($sourcedir == '') {
                 $sourcedir = $opts['build']['dir'] . '/release/' . self::getProjName();
             if ($docsdir == '') {
                 $docsdir = $opts['build']['dir'] . '/apidocs/' . self::getProjName();
             $files = pakeFinder::type('file')->name('runcronjobs.php')->maxdepth(0)->in($sourcedir);
             $namesuffix = $opts['docs']['name_suffix']['4x_stack'];
             $stack = 'NS';
             $excludedirs = $opts['docs']['exclude_dirs']['new_stack'];
             if ($sourcedir == '') {
                 $sourcedir = $opts['build']['dir'] . '/release/' . self::getProjName();
             if ($docsdir == '') {
                 $docsdir = $opts['build']['dir'] . '/apidocs/' . self::getProjName() . '/ezpublish';
             $files = pakeFinder::type('file')->name('autoload.php')->maxdepth(0)->in($sourcedir . '/ezpublish');
             // allow building from sources, not only from release
             if (!count($files)) {
                 $files = pakeFinder::type('directory')->name('eZ')->maxdepth(0)->in($sourcedir);
             $namesuffix = $opts['docs']['name_suffix']['new_stack'];
     if ($opts['create']['doxygen_doc'] || $opts['create']['docblox_doc'] || $opts['create']['phpdoc_doc'] || $opts['create']['sami_doc']) {
         if (!count($files)) {
             throw new pakeException("Can not generate documentation: no sources found in {$sourcedir}");
     $excludedirs = explode(' ', $excludedirs);
     if ($namesuffix != '') {
         $namesuffix = ' ' . $namesuffix;
     if ($opts['create']['doxygen_doc']) {
         pake_echo("Generating docs using Doxygen");
         $doxygen = self::getTool('doxygen', $opts);
         if ($opts['docs']['doxygen']['dir'] != '') {
             $outdir = $opts['docs']['doxygen']['dir'];
         } else {
             $outdir = $docsdir . '/doxygen';
         if ($opts['docs']['doxygen']['zipdir'] != '') {
             $zipdir = $opts['docs']['doxygen']['zipdir'];
         } else {
             $zipdir = $opts['dist']['dir'];
         $doxyfile = $opts['build']['dir'] . '/doxyfile';
         $excludes = '';
         foreach ($excludedirs as $excluded) {
             $excludes .= "{$sourcedir}/{$excluded} ";
         pake_copy($opts['docs']['doxyfile_master'], $doxyfile, array('override' => true));
         file_put_contents($doxyfile, "\nPROJECT_NAME = " . self::getLongProjName(true, $namesuffix) . "\nPROJECT_NUMBER = " . $opts['version']['alias'] . "\nOUTPUT_DIRECTORY = " . $outdir . "\nINPUT = " . $sourcedir . "\nEXCLUDE = " . $excludes . "\nSTRIP_FROM_PATH = " . $sourcedir . "\nSOURCE_BROWSER = " . ($opts['docs']['include_sources'] ? 'yes' : 'no'), FILE_APPEND);
         pake_remove_dir($outdir . '/html');
         $out = pake_sh("{$doxygen} " . escapeshellarg($doxyfile) . ' > ' . escapeshellarg($outdir . '/generate.log'));
         // test that there are any doc files created
         $files = pakeFinder::type('file')->name('index.html')->maxdepth(0)->in($outdir . '/html');
         if (!count($files)) {
             throw new pakeException("Doxygen did not generate index.html file in {$outdir}/html");
         // zip the docs
         pake_echo("Creating tarballs of docs");
         $filename = self::getProjFileName() . '-apidocs-doxygen-' . $stack;
         // get absolute path to dist dir
         $target = realpath($zipdir) . '/' . $filename;
         if ($opts['docs']['create']['zip']) {
             self::archiveDir($outdir . '/html', $target . '.zip', true);
         if ($opts['docs']['create']['tgz']) {
             self::archiveDir($outdir . '/html', $target . '.tar.gz', true);
         if ($opts['docs']['create']['bz2']) {
             self::archiveDir($outdir . '/html', $target . '.tar.bz2', true);
     if ($opts['create']['sami_doc']) {
         pake_echo("Generating docs using Sami");
         $sami = self::getTool('sami', $opts, true);
         if ($opts['docs']['sami']['dir'] != '') {
             $outdir = $opts['docs']['sami']['dir'];
         } else {
             $outdir = $docsdir . '/sami';
         if ($opts['docs']['sami']['zipdir'] != '') {
             $zipdir = $opts['docs']['sami']['zipdir'];
         } else {
             $zipdir = $opts['dist']['dir'];
         $samifile = $opts['build']['dir'] . '/samicfg.php';
         $excludes = array();
         foreach ($excludedirs as $excluded) {
             $excludes[] = str_replace("'", "\\'", $excluded);
         $excludes = implode("' )\n    ->exclude( '", $excludes);
         pake_copy(self::getResourceDir() . '/samicfg_master.php', $samifile, array('override' => true));
         pake_replace_tokens('samicfg.php', $opts['build']['dir'], '//', '//', array('SOURCE' => str_replace("'", "\\'", $sourcedir), 'TITLE' => self::getLongProjName(true, $namesuffix) . ' ' . $opts['version']['alias'], 'EXCLUDE' => $excludes, 'OUTPUT' => $outdir . '/html', 'CACHEDIR' => $opts['build']['dir'] . '/sami_cache', 'BASEDIR' => dirname(__DIR__)));
         //clear sami cache, as sometimes it prevents docs from generating correctly
         pake_remove_dir($opts['build']['dir'] . '/sami_cache');
         pake_remove_dir($outdir . '/html');
         $php = self::getTool('php', $opts);
         $out = pake_sh("{$php} {$sami} parse --force " . escapeshellarg($samifile) . ' > ' . escapeshellarg($outdir . '/generate.log'));
         $out = pake_sh("{$php} {$sami} render " . escapeshellarg($samifile) . ' >> ' . escapeshellarg($outdir . '/generate.log'));
         // test that there are any doc files created
         $files = pakeFinder::type('file')->name('index.html')->maxdepth(0)->in($outdir . '/html');
         if (!count($files)) {
             throw new pakeException("Sami did not generate index.html file in {$outdir}/html");
         // zip the docs
         pake_echo("Creating tarballs of docs");
         $filename = self::getProjFileName() . '-apidocs-sami-' . $stack;
         // get absolute path to dist dir
         $target = realpath($zipdir) . '/' . $filename;
         if ($opts['docs']['create']['zip']) {
             self::archiveDir($outdir . '/html', $target . '.zip', true);
         if ($opts['docs']['create']['tgz']) {
             self::archiveDir($outdir . '/html', $target . '.tar.gz', true);
         if ($opts['docs']['create']['bz2']) {
             self::archiveDir($outdir . '/html', $target . '.tar.bz2', true);
     if ($opts['create']['docblox_doc']) {
         pake_echo("Generating docs using Docblox");
         $docblox = self::getTool('docblox', $opts);
         if ($opts['docs']['docblox']['dir'] != '') {
             $outdir = $opts['docs']['docblox']['dir'];
         } else {
             $outdir = $docsdir . '/docblox';
         if ($opts['docs']['docblox']['zipdir'] != '') {
             $zipdir = $opts['docs']['docblox']['zipdir'];
         } else {
             $zipdir = $opts['dist']['dir'];
         pake_remove_dir($outdir . '/html');
         $php = self::getTool('php', $opts);
         $out = pake_sh("{$php} -d memory_limit=3000M {$docblox}" . ' -d ' . escapeshellarg($sourcedir) . ' -t ' . escapeshellarg($outdir . '/html') . ' --title ' . escapeshellarg(self::getLongProjName(true, $namesuffix) . ' ' . $opts['version']['alias']) . ' --ignore ' . escapeshellarg(implode(',', $excludedirs)) . ($opts['docs']['include_sources'] ? ' --sourcecode' : '') . ' > ' . escapeshellarg($outdir . '/docblox/generate.log'));
         /// @todo sed -e "s,${checkoutpath},,g" ${doxydir}/generate.log > ${doxydir}/generate2.log
         // test that there are any doc files created
         $files = pakeFinder::type('file')->name('index.html')->maxdepth(0)->in($outdir . '/html');
         if (!count($files)) {
             throw new pakeException("Docblox did not generate index.html file in {$outdir}/html");
         // zip the docs
         pake_echo("Creating tarballs of docs");
         $filename = self::getProjFileName() . '-apidocs-docblox-' . $stack;
         $target = realpath($zipdir) . '/' . $filename;
         if ($opts['docs']['create']['zip']) {
             self::archiveDir($outdir . '/html', $target . '.zip', true);
         if ($opts['docs']['create']['tgz']) {
             self::archiveDir($outdir . '/html', $target . '.tar.gz', true);
         if ($opts['docs']['create']['bz2']) {
             self::archiveDir($outdir . '/html', $target . '.tar.bz2', true);
     if ($opts['create']['phpdoc_doc']) {
         pake_echo("Generating docs using PhpDoc");
         $phpdoc = self::getTool('phpdoc', $opts, true);
         if ($opts['docs']['phpdoc']['dir'] != '') {
             $outdir = $opts['docs']['phpdoc']['dir'];
         } else {
             $outdir = $docsdir . '/phpdoc';
         if ($opts['docs']['phpdoc']['zipdir'] != '') {
             $zipdir = $opts['docs']['phpdoc']['zipdir'];
         } else {
             $zipdir = $opts['dist']['dir'];
         pake_mkdirs($outdir . '/html');
         // we try to avoid deprecation errors from phpdoc
         $errcode = 30719;
         // php 5.3, 5.4
         if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') < 0) {
             $errcode = 6143;
         // phpdoc uses A LOT of memory as well
         $php = self::getTool('php', $opts);
         $out = pake_sh("{$php} -d error_reporting={$errcode} -d memory_limit=3000M {$phpdoc}" . ' -t ' . escapeshellarg($outdir . '/html') . ' -d ' . escapeshellarg($sourcedir) . ' --parseprivate' . ' --title ' . escapeshellarg(self::getLongProjName(true, $namesuffix) . ' ' . $opts['version']['alias']) . ' -i ' . escapeshellarg(implode('/*,', $excludedirs) . '/*') . ($opts['docs']['include_sources'] ? ' --sourcecode' : '') . ' > ' . escapeshellarg($outdir . '/generate.log'));
         /// @todo sed -e "s,${phpdocdir},,g" ${phpdocdir}/generate.log > ${phpdocdir}/generate2.log
         ///       sed -e "s,${checkoutpath},,g" ${phpdocdir}/generate2.log > ${phpdocdir}/generate3.log
         ///       sed -e "s,${phpdocinstall},,g" ${phpdocdir}/generate3.log > ${phpdocdir}/generate4.log
         // test that there are any doc files created
         $files = pakeFinder::type('file')->name('index.html')->maxdepth(0)->in($outdir . '/html');
         if (!count($files)) {
             throw new pakeException("Phpdoc did not generate index.html file in {$outdir}/phpdoc/html");
         // clear phpdoc cache, as it is generated in same folder as doc artifacts and there is apparently no option
         // to have it somewhere else
         foreach (PakeFinder::type('dir')->maxdepth(1)->name('phpdoc-cache-*')->in($outdir . '/html') as $dir) {
         // zip the docs
         pake_echo("Creating tarballs of docs");
         $filename = self::getProjFileName() . '-apidocs-phpdoc-' . $stack;
         $target = realpath($zipdir) . '/' . $filename;
         if ($opts['docs']['create']['zip']) {
             self::archiveDir($outdir . '/html', $target . '.zip', true);
         if ($opts['docs']['create']['tgz']) {
             self::archiveDir($outdir . '/html', $target . '.tar.gz', true);
         if ($opts['docs']['create']['bz2']) {
             self::archiveDir($outdir . '/html', $target . '.tar.bz2', true);