Beispiel #1
<h1>User details</h1>

	<td width="20%"><p><b>Name</b></p></td>
echo $name;
	<td width="20%"><p><b>Username</b></p></td>
echo $username;
	<td width="20%"><p><b>Email</b></p></td>
echo $email;

//TODO: combine this user_detail with root user_detail!
page_advanced_include("user_profile", "apply", array('profile' => $profile));
Beispiel #2
<h1>Question Manager</h1>

<p>Here, you can customize your application. You can either add one question at a time, or multiple questions. With multiple questions, the name goes on the first line, then the description, then the type on the third line.</p>

<p>If you are not sure what to do here, you should use the <a href="easy_question.php">Easy Question Adder</a> to generate the name, description, and type (then, copy and paste the output to the form on the right).</p>

<div align="center">
page_advanced_include("category_manager", "admin", array("categories" => $categories));
if($isAvailableWindow) {
	echo '<br /><div class="warning">Your club is currently in the available window, and users may have already added the club to their applications list! Changes will not automatically be reflected in the user application; a script in root management needs to be executed.</div><br />';

if(isset($editInfo) && $editInfo !== 0) {
	echo '<form method="post" action="man_questions.php?action=edit"><table align="center">';
	echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $editInfo[0] . '">';
	echo '<tr><td align="right"><p class="messpart">Name</p></td><td><input type="text" name="varname" value="' . $editInfo[1] . '" style="width:100%"></td></tr>';
	echo '<tr><td align="right"><p class="messpart">Description</p></td><td><textarea name="vardesc" style="resize:none;width:100%;height:120px">' . $editInfo[2] . '</textarea></td></tr>';
	echo '<tr><td align="right"><p class="messpart">Type</p></td><td><input type="text" name="vartype" value="' . $editInfo[3] . '" style="width:100%">';
	echo '<tr><td colspan="2" align="right"><input type="submit" value="Update"></td></tr>';
	echo '</table></form><br><br>';
} else {
	//because we have these in two columns now, we display one form for both and decide which is being submitted based on button
	<form method="post" action="man_questions.php">
	<table  align="center">
	<tr><td width=50%>
	<tr><td><p class="name">Name</p></td><td><textarea name="varname" class="right" style="resize:vertical;width:90%;min-height:60px"></textarea></td></tr>
	<tr><td><p class="name">Description</p></td><td><textarea name="vardesc" class="right" style="resize:vertical;width:90%;min-height:60px"></textarea></td><tr>
Beispiel #3
<h1>Application preview</h1>

page_advanced_include("category_manager", $context, array("categories" => $categories));

<tr><td width="60%"></td><td></td></tr>
foreach($questionList as $questionInfo) {
	writeField(0, 0, $questionInfo[0], $questionInfo[1], $questionInfo[2]);