function getPageDB($page) { global $db; $q="select path from pages where name='$page'"; $r=$db->query($q); if($db->num_rows($r)==0) return pageNotFound($page); $row=$db->result($r); include($row[path]); return html(head().view()); }
public static function bindResource($vendor, $name, $file) { $module = module($vendor . '/' . $name); if (!$module->exists()) { return pageNotFound(); } $path = $module->assets() . '/' . trim($file, '/'); if (file_exists($path)) { return new Resource($path); } return pageNotFound(); }
function get() { // Make sure params are numeric foreach ($this->params as $param) { if (!is_numeric($param)) { // TODO replace by decent error message pageNotFound(); } } $date = join('-', $this->params); $pages = $this->page->parent()->children(array('where' => 'page.created_on LIKE :date', 'order' => 'page.created_on DESC'), array(':date' => '' . $date . '%')); return $pages; }
public function __construct(&$page, $params) { $this->page =& $page; $this->params = $params; switch (count($params)) { case 0: break; case 1: $slug = $params[0]; /* We try to find a subpage of the calendar page, so the event's page can be customized */ $page_found = Page::findBySlug($slug, $this->page, true); if (is_a($page_found, "Page")) { $this->page = $page_found; } else { /* A subpage is not found, so try to parse a date and then create an event's page */ try { $datetime = new DateTime($slug); } catch (Exception $e) { pageNotFound(); exit; } $events = CalendarEvent::findEventsByDate($datetime->format('Y-m-d')); $this->page->title = strftime("%x", $datetime->getTimestamp()); /* The date should be localized */ $this->beginCapture(); showEvents($events); $this->endCapture(); } break; case 2: $year = $params[0]; $month = $params[1]; $this->beginCapture(); $this->showCalendarForMonth($year, $month); $this->endCapture(); break; default: pageNotFound(); exit; } }
function main() { // get the uri string from the query $path = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; // Make sure special characters are decoded (support non-western glyphs like japanese) $path = urldecode($path); // START processing $_GET variables // If we're NOT using mod_rewrite, we check for GET variables we need to integrate if (!USE_MOD_REWRITE && strpos($path, '?') !== false) { $_GET = array(); // empty $_GET array since we're going to rebuild it list($path, $get_var) = explode('?', $path); $exploded_get = explode('&', $get_var); if (count($exploded_get)) { foreach ($exploded_get as $get) { list($key, $value) = explode('=', $get); $_GET[$key] = $value; } } } else { if (!USE_MOD_REWRITE && (strpos($path, '&') !== false || strpos($path, '=') !== false)) { $path = '/'; } } // If we're using mod_rewrite, we should have a WOLFPAGE entry. if (USE_MOD_REWRITE && array_key_exists('WOLFPAGE', $_GET)) { $path = $_GET['WOLFPAGE']; unset($_GET['WOLFPAGE']); } else { if (USE_MOD_REWRITE) { // We're using mod_rewrite but don't have a WOLFPAGE entry, assume site root. $path = '/'; } } // Needed to allow for ajax calls to backend if (array_key_exists('WOLFAJAX', $_GET)) { $path = '/' . ADMIN_DIR . $_GET['WOLFAJAX']; unset($_GET['WOLFAJAX']); } // END processing $_GET variables // remove suffix page if founded if (URL_SUFFIX !== '' and URL_SUFFIX !== '/') { $path = preg_replace('#^(.*)(' . URL_SUFFIX . ')$#i', "\$1", $path); } define('CURRENT_PATH', trim($path, '/')); // Alias for backward compatibility, this constant should no longer be used. define('CURRENT_URI', CURRENT_PATH); if ($path != null && $path[0] != '/') { $path = '/' . $path; } // Check if there's a custom route defined for this URI, // otherwise continue and assume page was requested. if (Dispatcher::hasRoute($path)) { Observer::notify('dispatch_route_found', $path); Dispatcher::dispatch($path); exit; } foreach (Observer::getObserverList('page_requested') as $callback) { $path = call_user_func_array($callback, array(&$path)); } // this is where 80% of the things is done $page = Page::findByPath($path, true); // if we found it, display it! if (is_object($page)) { // If a page is in preview status, only display to logged in users if (Page::STATUS_PREVIEW == $page->status_id) { AuthUser::load(); if (!AuthUser::isLoggedIn() || !AuthUser::hasPermission('page_view')) { pageNotFound($path); } } // If page needs login, redirect to login if ($page->getLoginNeeded() == Page::LOGIN_REQUIRED) { AuthUser::load(); if (!AuthUser::isLoggedIn()) { Flash::set('redirect', $page->url()); redirect(URL_PUBLIC . (USE_MOD_REWRITE ? '' : '?/') . ADMIN_DIR . '/login'); } } Observer::notify('page_found', $page); $page->_executeLayout(); } else { pageNotFound($path); } }
function sendToFriend() { global $db, $CONFIG, $pageInfo, $CONSTANT, $pageContents, $additionalJs, $intPropID; $queryString = $pageInfo['queryString']; parse_str($queryString, $string); foreach ($string as $key => $val) { $path = $val; } if (!is_numeric($path)) { propertyNotFound(); } else { $dea_id = intval($path); } $CONSTANT['robots'] = 'noindex,follow'; // $sql = "SELECT\n\tpro_addr3,pro_addr4,pro_addr5,LEFT(pro_postcode, 4) AS pro_postcode,pro_north,pro_east,\n\tdeal.*,\n\tarea.are_title\n\tFROM deal\n\tLEFT JOIN property ON deal.dea_prop = property.pro_id\n\tLEFT JOIN area ON property.pro_area = area.are_id\n\tWHERE\n\t(deal.dea_status = 'Available' OR deal.dea_status = 'Under Offer' OR deal.dea_status = 'Exchanged') AND\n\tdea_id = {$dea_id}"; $q = $db->query($sql); if ($q->numRows() == 0) { propertyNotFound(); } while ($row = $q->fetchRow()) { $render = '<p>' . $row['dea_strapline'] . '</p><p>' . $row['pro_addr3'] . ', ' . $row['are_title'] . ', ' . $row['pro_postcode'] . ' - ' . format_price($row['dea_marketprice']); if ($row['dea_type'] == 'Lettings') { $render .= "p/w"; } $render .= '</p><p><a href="' . $CONFIG['SITE_URL'] . 'details/' . $dea_id . '.html">' . $CONFIG['SITE_URL'] . 'details/' . $dea_id . '.html</a></p>'; $renderEmail = $row['dea_strapline'] . "\n" . $row['pro_addr3'] . ', ' . $row['are_title'] . ', ' . $row['pro_postcode'] . ' - ' . format_price($row['dea_marketprice']); if ($row['dea_type'] == 'Lettings') { $renderEmail .= "p/w"; } $renderEmail .= "\n" . '' . $CONFIG['SITE_URL'] . 'details/' . $dea_id . '.html'; } if ($_POST['action'] != 'sendtofriend') { $render = ' <p>I\'m visiting the Wooster and Stock Web Site and I thought this property might be of interest to you:</p> ' . $render . ' <form method="post" action=""> <div class="row"> <label>Your Email Address</label> <input type="text" name="sender_email" class="text" /> </div> <div class="row"> <label>Your Friend\'s Email Address *</label> <input type="text" name="recipient_email" class="text" /> </div> <div class="row"> <label>Optional Comment</label> <textarea name="comment" rows="4" cols="50"></textarea> </div> <input type="submit" value="Send" /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="sendtofriend" /> </form> '; } else { if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { die("Forbidden - You are not authorized to view this page"); exit; } $authHosts = array("", "", "wsvitaly.acp.local"); $fromArray = parse_url(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); $wwwUsed = strpos($fromArray['host'], "www."); if (!in_array($wwwUsed === false ? $fromArray['host'] : substr(stristr($fromArray['host'], '.'), 1), $authHosts)) { pageNotFound(); } // Attempt to defend against header injections: $badStrings = array("Content-Type:", "MIME-Version:", "Content-Transfer-Encoding:", "bcc:", "cc:"); foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { foreach ($badStrings as $v2) { if (strpos($v, $v2) !== false) { pageNotFound(); } } } if (!clean_input($_POST['recipient_email'])) { $errors[] = 'Your Friend\'s Email Address'; } else { $recipient = clean_input($_POST['recipient_email']); } $comment = clean_input($_POST['comment']); if ($errors) { $render = "<h3>Error</h3>\n<p>The following fields are mandatory:</p>\n<ul>\n"; foreach ($errors as $error) { $render .= "<li>{$error}</li>\n"; } $render .= "</ul>\n<p>Please <a href=\"javascript:goback();\">go back</a> and try again</p>\n"; } else { // send the email if ($_POST['sender_email']) { $from = $_POST['sender_email']; } else { $from = '*****@*****.**'; } $emailBody = "I'm visiting the Wooster and Stock Web Site and I thought this property might be of interest to you:\n\n"; $emailBody .= str_replace('£', 'GBP ', $renderEmail) . "\n\n"; $emailBody .= $comment; $emailHeaders = "From: {$from}\r\n"; mail($recipient, 'Web Site recommendation from your friend or colleague', $emailBody, $emailHeaders); header("Location:" . $CONFIG['SITE_URL'] . 'details/' . $dea_id . '.html'); } } return $render; }
public function post() { return pageNotFound(); }
/** * Provides a nice print out of the stack trace when an exception is thrown. * * @param Exception $e Exception object. */ function framework_exception_handler($e) { if (!DEBUG) { pageNotFound(); } echo '<style>h1,h2,h3,p,td {font-family:Verdana; font-weight:lighter;}</style>'; echo '<h1>Wolf CMS - Uncaught ' . get_class($e) . '</h1>'; echo '<h2>Description</h2>'; echo '<p>' . $e->getMessage() . '</p>'; echo '<h2>Location</h2>'; echo '<p>Exception thrown on line <code>' . $e->getLine() . '</code> in <code>' . $e->getFile() . '</code></p>'; echo '<h2>Stack trace</h2>'; $traces = $e->getTrace(); if (count($traces) > 1) { echo '<pre style="font-family:Verdana; line-height: 20px">'; $level = 0; foreach (array_reverse($traces) as $trace) { ++$level; if (isset($trace['class'])) { echo $trace['class'] . '→'; } $args = array(); if (!empty($trace['args'])) { foreach ($trace['args'] as $arg) { if (is_null($arg)) { $args[] = 'null'; } else { if (is_array($arg)) { $args[] = 'array[' . sizeof($arg) . ']'; } else { if (is_object($arg)) { $args[] = get_class($arg) . ' Object'; } else { if (is_bool($arg)) { $args[] = $arg ? 'true' : 'false'; } else { if (is_int($arg)) { $args[] = $arg; } else { $arg = htmlspecialchars(substr($arg, 0, 64)); if (strlen($arg) >= 64) { $arg .= '...'; } $args[] = "'" . $arg . "'"; } } } } } } } echo '<strong>' . $trace['function'] . '</strong>(' . implode(', ', $args) . ') '; echo 'on line <code>' . (isset($trace['line']) ? $trace['line'] : 'unknown') . '</code> '; echo 'in <code>' . (isset($trace['file']) ? $trace['file'] : 'unknown') . "</code>\n"; echo str_repeat(" ", $level); } echo '</pre><hr/>'; } $dispatcher_status = Dispatcher::getStatus(); $dispatcher_status['request method'] = get_request_method(); debug_table($dispatcher_status, 'Dispatcher status'); if (!empty($_GET)) { debug_table($_GET, 'GET'); } if (!empty($_POST)) { debug_table($_POST, 'POST'); } if (!empty($_COOKIE)) { debug_table($_COOKIE, 'COOKIE'); } debug_table($_SERVER, 'SERVER'); }
public static function exceptionHandler($e) { if (DEBUG == 0) { pageNotFound(); } $label = 'Uncaught ' . get_class($e) . ' ( ' . $e->getMessage() . ')'; $traceStack = array(); $traces = $e->getTrace(); if (count($traces) > 1) { $level = 0; foreach (array_reverse($traces) as $trace) { ++$level; $var = false; $val = false; $args = array(); if (!empty($trace['args'])) { foreach ($trace['args'] as $arg) { if (is_null($arg)) { $args[] = 'null'; } else { if (is_array($arg)) { $args[] = 'array[' . sizeof($arg) . ']'; } else { if (is_object($arg)) { $args[] = get_class($arg) . ' Object'; } else { if (is_bool($arg)) { $args[] = $arg ? 'true' : 'false'; } else { if (is_int($arg)) { $args[] = $arg; } else { $arg = htmlspecialchars(substr($arg, 0, 64)); if (strlen($arg) >= 64) { $arg .= '...'; } $args[] = "'" . $arg . "'"; } } } } } } } $message = __('%s::%s(%s) on line %s in file %s', isset($trace['class']) ? $trace['class'] : '', $trace['function'], implode(', ', $args), $trace['line'], defined('FIREBUG') ? addslashes($trace['file']) : $trace['file']); $traceStack[] = array('type' => 'info', 'message' => $message); } } ++$level; $message = sprintf('Exception Thrown on line %s in file %s', $e->getLine(), defined('FIREBUG') ? addslashes($e->getFile()) : $e->getFile()); $traceStack[] = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => $message); self::dump($traceStack, $label); }
private function _displayPage($slug) { if (!($this->page = Page::findBySlug($slug, $this->page, true))) { pageNotFound($slug); } }
if(!$Friend->exists) { echo pageNotFound(); return; } //Friend exists, get their conversation $User = new User($_SESSION['userID']); $Conversation = $Friend->getConversationWith($User->ID, true); if(!$Conversation->exists) { pageNotFound(); return; } //Show their conversation $title = $User->row['fName']." ".$User->row['lName']." - Chat"; $content = '/var/www/html/src/html/chat/conversation.html'; require_once('/var/www/html/src/html/blank.html'); return true; } else {pageNotFound(); return;} } else {pageNotFound(); return;} return; function pageNotFound() { echo "<span style='font-size:30'>404</span><br>"; echo "Page not found."; } ?>
private function pageNotFound() { pageNotFound(); exit; }
</div> <div id="content"> <ul> <?php $page = $_GET['page']; if (!isset($page)) { print getBlogPostsList(); } else { if ($page == 'blog') { $post_id = $_GET['post_id']; if (isset($post_id)) { print getBlogPost($post_id); } else { print 'No Such Post'; } } else { print pageNotFound(); } } ?> </ul> </div> <div id="footer"> <span class="copyright">Copyright OMSU Web-Course 2015</span> <span class="date"><?php print getCurrentTIme(); ?> </span> </div> </body> </html>