Beispiel #1
  * Initializes client object and fetches API KEY
 public function __construct()
      * Fetching API key from the wp_options table
     $this->apiKey = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_API_KEY);
Beispiel #2
 function __construct()
     global $wpdb;
     if (op_get_option('installed') == 'Y') {
         require_once OP_ASSETS . 'default.php';
         // This isn't used but it is causing unnecessary DB request
         // $assets = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT name FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}optimizepress_assets`" );
         // if($assets){
         //  foreach($assets as $asset){
         //      $this->load_addon($asset);
         //  }
         // }
         add_action('wp_ajax_' . OP_SN . '-assets-folder-list', array($this, 'folder_list'));
          * Email marketing services integration hooks
         add_action('wp_ajax_' . OP_SN . '-email-provider-list', array($this, 'providerList'));
         add_action('wp_ajax_' . OP_SN . '-email-provider-enabled', array($this, 'providerEnabled'));
         add_action('wp_ajax_' . OP_SN . '-email-provider-details', array($this, 'providerDetails'));
         add_action('wp_ajax_' . OP_SN . '-email-provider-items', array($this, 'providerItems'));
         add_action('wp_ajax_' . OP_SN . '-email-provider-item-fields', array($this, 'providerItemFields'));
          * Live search hooks
         add_action('wp_ajax_' . OP_SN . '-live-search', array($this, 'liveSearch'));
         add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_' . OP_SN . '-live-search', array($this, 'liveSearch'));
         add_action('the_content', array($this, 'removeContentFromSearchResults'));
         add_filter('the_content', array($this, 'fixptag'));
          * Content template
         add_action('wp_ajax_' . OP_SN . '-content-layout-delete', array($this, 'deleteContentLayout'));
Beispiel #3
 function initalize_theme()
     $pages = array(OP_SN, OP_SN . '-setup-wizard');
     $reinit_theme = $reinit_page_theme = false;
     $disable_theme = false;
     if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
         if ($_GET['page'] == OP_SN || $_GET['page'] == OP_SN . '-setup-wizard') {
             $cur = op_get_option('theme', 'dir');
             if (isset($_GET['theme_switch']) && $_GET['theme_switch'] != $cur && ($conf = op_load_theme_config($_GET['theme_switch'])) !== false) {
                 $theme = array('name' => $conf['name'], 'screenshot' => $conf['screenshot'], 'screenshot_thumbnail' => $conf['screenshot_thumbnail'], 'description' => $conf['description'], 'dir' => $_GET['theme_switch']);
                 op_update_option('theme', $theme);
                 $reinit_theme = true;
         } elseif ($_GET['page'] == OP_SN . '-page-builder') {
             $disable_theme = true;
     } elseif (defined('DOING_AJAX')) {
         $action = '';
         if (!($action = op_get('action'))) {
             $action = op_post('action');
         $chk = OP_SN . '-live-editor';
         if (is_string($action) && substr($action, 0, strlen($chk)) == $chk) {
             $disable_theme = true;
     if ($disable_theme === false) {
         define('OP_REINIT_THEME', $reinit_theme);
         if ($reinit_theme) {
             define('OP_SHOW_THEME_MSG', $cur !== false);
             do_action(OP_SN . '-reinit_theme');
Beispiel #4
  * Constructor, initializes $accessToken, $organizerKey and creates $client
 public function __construct()
      * Fetching values from wp_options table
     $this->enabled = (bool) op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_ENABLED);
Beispiel #5
 function __construct()
     global $wpdb;
     if (op_get_option('installed') == 'Y') {
         require_once OP_ASSETS . 'default.php';
         $assets = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT name FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}optimizepress_assets`");
         if ($assets) {
             foreach ($assets as $asset) {
         add_action('wp_ajax_' . OP_SN . '-assets-folder-list', array($this, 'folder_list'));
          * Email marketing services integration hooks
         add_action('wp_ajax_' . OP_SN . '-email-provider-list', array($this, 'providerList'));
         add_action('wp_ajax_' . OP_SN . '-email-provider-details', array($this, 'providerDetails'));
          * Live search hooks
         add_action('wp_ajax_' . OP_SN . '-live-search', array($this, 'liveSearch'));
         add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_' . OP_SN . '-live-search', array($this, 'liveSearch'));
         add_filter('the_content', array($this, 'fixptag'));
Beispiel #6
  * Initializes client object and fetches API KEY
 public function __construct(OptimizePress_Modules_Email_LoggerInterface $logger)
     $this->apiKey = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_API_KEY);
      * Initializing logger
     $this->logger = $logger;
Beispiel #7
  * Constructor, initializes $username and $password
 public function __construct()
      * Fetching values from wp_options table
     $this->username = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_USERNAME);
     $this->password = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_PASSWORD);
Beispiel #8
  * Constructor, initializes $accessToken, $organizerKey and creates $client
 public function __construct()
      * Fetching values from wp_options table
     $this->accessToken = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN);
     $this->organizerKey = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_OAUTH_ORGANIZER_KEY);
     $this->apiKey = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_OAUTH_API_KEY);
Beispiel #9
  * Initializes client object and fetches API KEY
 public function __construct(OptimizePress_Modules_Email_LoggerInterface $logger)
     $this->accountID = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_ACCOUNT_ID);
     $this->publicKey = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY);
     $this->privateKey = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_PRIVATE_KEY);
      * Initializing logger
     $this->logger = $logger;
  * Constructor
 public function __construct(OptimizePress_Modules_Email_LoggerInterface $logger)
      * Fetching values from wp_options table
     $this->enabled = (bool) op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_ENABLED);
      * Initializing logger
     $this->logger = $logger;
Beispiel #11
  * Constructor, initializes $username and $password
 public function __construct(OptimizePress_Modules_Email_LoggerInterface $logger)
      * Fetching values from wp_options table
     $this->username = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_USERNAME);
     $this->password = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_PASSWORD);
      * Initializing logger
     $this->logger = $logger;
Beispiel #12
  * Initializes client object and fetches API KEY
 public function __construct(OptimizePress_Modules_Email_LoggerInterface $logger)
      * Fetching API key from the wp_options table
     $this->accountId = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_ACCOUNT_ID);
     $this->authToken = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_AUTH_TOKEN);
      * Initializing logger
     $this->logger = $logger;
Beispiel #13
  * Initializes client object and fetches API KEY
 public function __construct(OptimizePress_Modules_Email_LoggerInterface $logger)
      * Fetching API key from the wp_options table
     $this->apiKey = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_API_KEY);
     $this->apiUrl = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_API_URL);
      * Initializing logger
     $this->logger = $logger;
Beispiel #14
  * Constructor, initializes $accessToken, $organizerKey and creates $client
 public function __construct(OptimizePress_Modules_Email_LoggerInterface $logger)
      * Fetching values from wp_options table
     $this->accessToken = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN);
     $this->organizerKey = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_OAUTH_ORGANIZER_KEY);
     $this->apiKey = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_OAUTH_API_KEY);
      * Initializing logger
     $this->logger = $logger;
Beispiel #15
<div class="op-bsw-grey-panel-content op-bsw-grey-panel-no-sidebar cf">
    <label class="form-title"><?php 
_e('AWeber API connection', 'optimizepress');
if (op_get_option('aweber_access_token') === false || op_get_option('aweber_access_secret') === false) {
    <p class="op-micro-copy"><?php 
    _e('AWeber is disconnected.', 'optimizepress');
 <a href="<?php 
    echo admin_url('admin.php?action=' . OP_AWEBER_AUTH_URL);
    _e('Connect', 'optimizepress');
} else {
	<p class="op-micro-copy"><?php 
    _e('AWeber is connected.', 'optimizepress');
 <a href="<?php 
    echo admin_url('admin.php?action=' . OP_AWEBER_AUTH_URL);
    _e('Disconnect', 'optimizepress');
Beispiel #16
            <td align="center">
                <input type="checkbox" name="op[sections][le_external_plugins][css][]" data-type="css" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($pluginId);
" <?php 
        checked(true, is_array(op_get_option('op_le_external_plugins_css')) && in_array($pluginId, op_get_option('op_le_external_plugins_css')));
            <td align="center">
                <input type="checkbox" name="op[sections][le_external_plugins][js][]" data-type="js" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($pluginId);
" <?php 
        checked(true, is_array(op_get_option('op_le_external_plugins_js')) && in_array($pluginId, op_get_option('op_le_external_plugins_js')));

if (false === $hasActive) {
Beispiel #17

if (($theme_dir = op_get_option('theme', 'dir')) === false && count($themes) > 0) {
    $theme_dir = $themes[0]['dir'];
_e('Theme Style', OP_SN);
<div class="clear"></div>
_e('Use the options below to choose a look and feel for your blog.', OP_SN);
$sel_text = __('Selected', OP_SN);
$prev_text = __('Preview', OP_SN);
$previews = array();
$img = op_img('', true);
foreach ($themes as $key => $theme) {
    $field_id = 'op_theme_' . $theme['dir'];
    $selected = $theme_dir == $theme['dir'];
    /*$get_theme = (isset($_GET['theme_switch']) ? $_GET['theme_switch'] : 1);
    	$selected = ($get_theme==($key+1) ? true : false);*/
    $li_class = $input_attr = '';
    if ($selected) {
Beispiel #18
			<label for="<?php 
        echo $tmp_id;
size" class="form-title"><?php 
        echo $title;
        echo empty($help) ? '' : '<p class="op-micro-copy">' . $help . '</p>';
			<div class="font-chooser cf">
        $opt_array = array('typography', 'font_elements', $element);
        $opts = op_get_option($opt_array);
        echo op_font_size_dropdown($tmp_field . '[size]', op_default_option($opt_array, 'size'), $tmp_id . 'size');
        echo op_font_dropdown($tmp_field . '[font]', op_default_option($opt_array, 'font'), $tmp_id . 'font');
        echo op_font_style_dropdown($tmp_field . '[style]', op_default_option($opt_array, 'style'), $tmp_id . 'style');
        // echo "<div class='clear'></div>";
        op_color_picker($tmp_field . '[color]', op_default_option($opt_array, 'color'), $tmp_id . 'color');
				<a href="#reset" class="reset-link"><?php 
        _e('Reset', OP_SN);

Beispiel #19
<div class="op-bsw-grey-panel-content op-bsw-grey-panel-no-sidebar cf">
    <label for="op_sections_email_marketing_services_convertkit_api_key" class="form-title"><?php 
_e('API Key', OP_SN);
op_text_field('op[sections][email_marketing_services][convertkit_api_key]', op_get_option('convertkit_api_key'));
Beispiel #20
function op_opengraph_meta()
    /*$metas = array(
    		//'og:url' => get_bloginfo('wpurl'),
    		'og:type' => 'article',
    	$site_title = '';
    	if(!$site_title = op_get_option('seo','title')){
    		$site_title = get_bloginfo('name');
    		$site_description = get_bloginfo( 'description', 'display' );
    		if ( $site_description && ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) )
    			$site_title .= ' &mdash; '.$site_description;
    	$metas['og:site_name'] = $site_title;
    		global $post;
    			$metas['og:url'] = get_permalink($post->ID);
    			$seo = get_post_meta($post->ID,'op_seo',true);
    			$seo = is_array($seo) ? $seo : array();
    			$title = op_get_var($seo,'title');
    			$description = op_get_var($seo,'description');
    			$metas['og:title'] = empty($title) ? $post->post_title : $title;
    			$metas['og:description'] = empty($description) ? wp_trim_excerpt($post->post_excerpt) : $description;
    				$thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID),'list-image');
    				$metas['og:image'] = $thumbnail[0];
    $metas = array();
    $appId = op_get_option('comments', 'facebook', 'id');
    if (!empty($appId)) {
        $metas['fb:app_id'] = op_get_option('comments', 'facebook', 'id');
        if ($notify = op_get_option('comments', 'facebook', 'notify') && !empty($notify)) {
            $metas['fb:admins'] = $notify;
    //$metas = apply_filters('op_meta_tags',$metas);
    foreach ($metas as $property => $content) {
        echo '
			<meta property="' . $property . '" content="' . esc_attr($content) . '" />
Beispiel #21
  * Checks that 'optimizepress_gotowebinar_access_token' is defined and if 'optimizepress_gotowebinar_expires_in' is larger smaller than two weeks
  * @author Luka Peharda <*****@*****.**>
  * @return void
 function goToWebinarTokenExpiry()
     $accessToken = op_get_option('gotowebinar_access_token');
     $expiresIn = op_get_option('gotowebinar_expires_in');
     $expiryTime = (int) $expiresIn - time();
     if (false !== $accessToken && false !== $expiresIn && $expiryTime < OP_GOTOWEBINAR_EXPIRE_NOTICE) {
         if ($expiryTime > 0) {
             echo '<div class="update-nag">' . sprintf(__('GoToWebinar access token is going to expire in %1$d day(s). Please <a href="%2$s">re-authorize</a>.', OP_SN), intval($expiryTime / 86400), admin_url('admin.php?action=op-gotowebinar-authorize&authorize=1')) . '</div>';
         } else {
             echo '<div class="update-nag">' . sprintf(__('GoToWebinar access token is expired. Please <a href="%1$s">re-authorize</a>.', OP_SN), admin_url('admin.php?action=op-gotowebinar-authorize&authorize=1')) . '</div>';
 function save_typography($op)
     if (isset($op['typography'])) {
         $op = $op['typography'];
         $typography = op_get_option('typography');
         $typography = is_array($typography) ? $typography : array();
         $typography_elements = op_typography_elements();
         $typography['font_elements'] = op_get_var($typography, 'font_elements', array());
         $typography['color_elements'] = op_get_var($typography, 'font_elements', array());
         if (isset($typography_elements['font_elements'])) {
             foreach ($typography_elements['font_elements'] as $name => $options) {
                 $tmp = op_get_var($op, $name, op_get_var($typography['font_elements'], $name, array()));
                 $typography['font_elements'][$name] = array('size' => op_get_var($tmp, 'size'), 'font' => op_get_var($tmp, 'font'), 'style' => op_get_var($tmp, 'style'), 'color' => op_get_var($tmp, 'color'));
         if (isset($typography_elements['color_elements'])) {
             foreach ($typography_elements['color_elements'] as $name => $options) {
                 $typography['color_elements'][$name] = op_get_var($op, $name, op_get_var($typography['color_elements'], $name, array()));
         op_update_option('typography', $typography);
Beispiel #23
  * Ping SL service with API key
  * @param string $type
  * @param string $version
  * @return bool|WP_Error
 public function ping($type = null, $version = null)
     $args = array('headers' => array(self::HEADER_INSTALLATION_URL_PARAM => $this->getInstallationUrl(), self::HEADER_API_KEY_PARAM => $this->getApiKey()), 'body' => array('type' => $type !== null ? $type : OP_TYPE, 'version' => $version !== null ? $version : OP_VERSION, 'php' => phpversion(), 'locale' => get_locale()));
     if ($type === null && OP_TYPE === 'plugin') {
         $theme = wp_get_theme();
         $args['body']['theme'] = $theme->get('Name');
     } else {
         if ($type === null && OP_TYPE === 'theme') {
             $themeNum = op_get_option('theme', 'dir');
             // There is no theme selected cause the blog setup wasn't finished
             if (empty($themeNum)) {
                 $themeNum = '0 (not selected)';
             $args['body']['theme'] = 'OptimizePress #' . $themeNum;
     $args['body']['optin_stats_current'] = op_optin_stats_get_local_month_count('current');
     $args['body']['optin_stats_last'] = op_optin_stats_get_local_month_count('last');
     $response = wp_remote_post(base64_decode(self::OP_SL_BASE_URL) . 'ping', $args);
     if (is_wp_error($response)) {
          * Request failed
         $this->log('OP SL error: ' . $response->get_error_message());
         return new WP_Error($response->get_error_code(), $response->get_error_message());
     } else {
         if ((int) $response['response']['code'] !== 200) {
              * API key issues
             $data = json_decode($response['body']);
             $this->log('OP SL error: ' . $data->error);
             return new WP_Error('invalid', $data->error);
         } else {
              * Success
             $data = json_decode($response['body']);
             // If SL customer data exists we'll save it
             if (isset($data->data->customer)) {
                 op_update_option('sl_customer', (array) $data->data->customer);
             // If global optin stats exists we'll save it
             if (isset($data->data->optin_stats)) {
             return true;
Beispiel #24
" data-type="css" class="op-disable-all-css"><?php 
_e('CSS', 'optimizepress');
            <th width="10%"><a href="#toggle-js" title="<?php 
_e('Toggle all checkboxes', 'optimizepress');
" data-type="js" class="op-disable-all-js"><?php 
_e('JS', 'optimizepress');
echo $theme->name;
            <td align="center">
op_checkbox_field('op[sections][le_external_theme_css]', 1, checked(1, op_get_option('op_le_external_theme_css'), false), 'data-type="css"');
            <td align="center">
op_checkbox_field('op[sections][le_external_theme_js]', 1, checked(1, op_get_option('op_le_external_theme_js'), false), 'data-type="js"');
Beispiel #25
 function get_metas()
     global $page, $paged, $post;
     $title = $keywords = $description = '';
     if (is_single() || is_page()) {
         $seo = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta(get_queried_object_id(), '_' . OP_SN . '_seo', true));
         $seo = is_array($seo) ? $seo : array();
         $title = op_get_var($seo, 'title');
         $keywords = op_get_var($seo, 'keywords');
         $description = op_get_var($seo, 'description');
         $ogtitle = op_get_var($seo, 'ogtitle');
         $ogdescription = op_get_var($seo, 'ogdescription');
         $ogimage = op_get_var($seo, 'ogimage');
     if (empty($title)) {
         $titleFull = false;
         $title = wp_title('&mdash;', false, 'right');
         $temp = explode('&mdash;', $title);
         if (isset($temp[1]) && strlen($temp[1]) == 1) {
             $title .= get_bloginfo('name');
     } else {
         $titleFull = true;
         //$title .= ' &mdash; ';
     $site_title = '';
     if (!($site_title = op_get_option('seo', 'title'))) {
         $site_title = get_bloginfo('name');
         /*$site_description = get_bloginfo( 'description', 'display' );
           if ( $site_description && ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) )
               $site_title .= ' &mdash; ' . $site_description;*/
     if ($titleFull) {
         if (!empty($site_title)) {
             $title .= ' &mdash; ' . $site_title;
     if ($paged >= 2 || $page >= 2) {
         $title .= ' &mdash; ' . sprintf(__('Page %s', OP_SN), max($paged, $page));
     if (empty($keywords)) {
         $keywords = '';
     if (empty($description)) {
         if (!empty($post->post_content)) {
             $cont = substr(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($post->post_content)), 0, 150);
             $description = trim($cont);
         } else {
             $description = '';
     if (empty($ogtitle)) {
         $ogtitle = $title;
     if (empty($ogdescription)) {
         $ogdescription = $description;
     if (empty($ogimage)) {
         if (has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)) {
             $thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'list-image');
             $ogimage = $thumbnail[0];
         } else {
             $ogimage = '';
     return array('title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'keywords' => $keywords, 'ogtitle' => $ogtitle, 'ogdescription' => $ogdescription, 'ogimage' => $ogimage);
Beispiel #26
 function save_typography($op)
     if (isset($op['default_typography'])) {
         $op = $op['default_typography'];
         $typography = op_get_option('default_typography');
         $typography = is_array($typography) ? $typography : array();
         $typography_elements = op_typography_elements();
         $typography_elements['color_elements'] = array('footer_text_color' => '', 'footer_link_color' => '', 'footer_link_hover_color' => '', 'feature_text_color' => '', 'feature_link_color' => '', 'feature_link_hover_color' => '');
         $typography['font_elements'] = op_get_var($typography, 'font_elements', array());
         $typography['color_elements'] = op_get_var($typography, 'color_elements', array());
         if (isset($typography_elements['font_elements'])) {
             foreach ($typography_elements['font_elements'] as $name => $options) {
                 $tmp = op_get_var($op, $name, op_get_var($typography['font_elements'], $name, array()));
                 $typography['font_elements'][$name] = array('size' => op_get_var($tmp, 'size'), 'font' => op_get_var($tmp, 'font'), 'style' => op_get_var($tmp, 'style'), 'color' => op_get_var($tmp, 'color'));
         if (isset($typography_elements['color_elements'])) {
             foreach ($typography_elements['color_elements'] as $name => $options) {
                 $typography['color_elements'][$name] = $op[$name];
         op_update_option('default_typography', $typography);
         //Check for blanks so we can set the defaults.
         //Otherwise a refresh would be necessary to see the defaults.
         // op_set_font_defaults();
Beispiel #27
<div class="op-bsw-grey-panel-content op-bsw-grey-panel-no-sidebar cf">        
    <label for="op_sections_email_marketing_services_icontact_username" class="form-title"><?php 
_e('iContact Username', OP_SN);
op_text_field('op[sections][email_marketing_services][icontact_username]', op_get_option('icontact_username'));
    <label for="op_sections_email_marketing_services_icontact_password" class="form-title"><?php 
_e('API password', OP_SN);
op_text_field('op[sections][email_marketing_services][icontact_password]', op_get_option('icontact_password'));
    <p class="op-micro-copy"><a href="<?php 
" target="_blank"><?php 
_e('Get API password', OP_SN);
    <p class="op-note"><em><?php 
_e('Note: You need to allow external program to access your account and generate password for the API access.', OP_SN);
Beispiel #28
 public function __construct()
     $this->appId = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_APP_ID);
     $this->apiKey = op_get_option(self::OPTION_NAME_API_KEY);
Beispiel #29
  * Fetching API key from options table
  * @return [type] [description]
 public function getApiKey()
     return op_get_option(self::OPTION_API_KEY_PARAM);
Beispiel #30
function op_flowplayer_license($default, $type = 'js_file')
    $flowplayer_license = op_get_option('flowplayer_license');
    if (!empty($flowplayer_license[$type]) && !empty($flowplayer_license['license_key'])) {
        return $flowplayer_license[$type];
    } else {
        return $default;