private function send_notification($message) { if ($this->settings->guestbook_maintainers == "") { return; } $maintainers = users_with_role($this->db, $this->settings->guestbook_maintainers); $guestbook_url = "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . "/" . $this->page->module; $email = new email("Guestbook message posted", $this->settings->webmaster_email); foreach ($maintainers as $maintainer) { $cms_url = "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . "/cms/guestbook"; if (($key = one_time_key($this->db, $maintainer["id"])) !== false) { $cms_url .= "?login="******"<body>" . "<p>The following message has been added to the guestbook on the '" . $this->settings->head_title . "' website.</p>" . "<p>\"<i>" . $message . "</i>\"</p>" . "<p>Click <a href=\"" . $guestbook_url . "\">here</a> to visit the guestbook page or <a href=\"" . $cms_url . "\">here</a> to visit the guestbook CMS page.</p>" . "</body>"; $email->message($message); $email->send($maintainer["email"], $maintainer["fullname"]); } }
private function send_notifications($message, $topic_id, $message_id = null) { if ($this->user->logged_in) { return; } else { if ($this->settings->forum_maintainers == null) { return; } } $maintainers = users_with_role($this->db, $this->settings->forum_maintainers); $topic_url = "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . "/" . $this->page->module . "/topic/" . $topic_id; if ($message_id !== null) { $topic_url .= "#" . $message_id; } $email = new email("Forum message posted", $this->settings->webmaster_email); foreach ($maintainers as $maintainer) { $cms_url = "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . "/cms/forum"; if (($key = one_time_key($this->db, $maintainer["id"])) !== false) { $cms_url .= "?login="******"<body>" . "<p>The following message has been added to the forum on the '" . $this->settings->head_title . "' website.</p>" . "<p>\"<i>" . $message . "</i>\"</p>" . "<p>Click <a href=\"" . $topic_url . "\">here</a> to visit the forum topic page or <a href=\"" . $cms_url . "\">here</a> to visit the forum CMS page.</p>" . "</body>"; $email->message($message); $email->send($maintainer["email"], $maintainer["fullname"]); } }
private function send_notification($weblog_id, $comment) { if (($weblog = $this->db->entry("weblogs", $weblog_id)) === false) { return false; } else { if (($author = $this->db->entry("users", $weblog["user_id"])) === false) { return false; } } $weblog_url = "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . "/" . $this->page->module . "/" . $weblog_id; $cms_url = "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . "/cms/weblog/" . $weblog_id; if (($key = one_time_key($this->db, $author["id"])) !== false) { $cms_url .= "?login="******"<body>" . "<p>The following comment has been added to your weblog post on the '" . $this->settings->head_title . "' website.</p>" . "<p>\"<i>" . $comment . "</i>\"</p>" . "<p>Click <a href=\"" . $weblog_url . "\">here</a> to visit the weblog page or <a href=\"" . $cms_url . "\">here</a> to visit the weblog CMS page.</p>" . "</body>"; $email = new email("Weblog comment posted", $this->settings->webmaster_email); $email->message($message); $email->send($author["email"], $author["fullname"]); }