Beispiel #1
function ona_find_config($options = array())
    global $self;
    $status = 1;
    $rows = 0;
    $config = array();
    // If the user specified a config text ID
    if ($options['config']) {
        if (!preg_match('/^\\d+$/', $options['config'])) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => A non-digit config ID was specified!";
            return array(2, 0, array());
        list($status, $rows, $config) = ona_get_config_record(array('id' => $options['config']));
    } else {
        if ($options['host'] and $options['type']) {
            // Search for the host first
            list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($options['host']);
            // Error if the host doesn't exist
            if (!$host['id']) {
                $self['error'] = "ERROR => The host specified, {$options['host']}, does not exist!";
                return array(3, 0, array());
            // Now find the ID of the config type they entered
            list($status, $rows, $config_type) = ona_get_config_type_record(array('name' => $options['type']));
            if (!$config_type['id']) {
                $self['error'] = "ERROR => The config type specified, {$options['type']}, is invalid!";
                return array(4, 0, array());
            // Select the first config record of the specified type and host
            list($status, $rows, $config) = ona_get_config_record(array('host_id' => $host['id'], 'configuration_type_id' => $config_type['id']));
            if ($status) {
                $self['error'] = "ERROR => The config type specified, {$options['type']}, is invalid!";
                return array(5, 0, array());
    // Return the config record we got
    return array($status, $rows, $config);
Beispiel #2
function ws_display_list($window_name, $form = '')
    global $conf, $self, $onadb, $baseURL;
    global $images, $color, $style;
    $html = '';
    $js = '';
    $debug_val = 3;
    // used in the auth() calls to supress logging
    // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form
    $form = parse_options_string($form);
    // Find the "tab" we're on
    $tab = $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']]['tab'];
    // Build js to refresh this list
    $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}'), 'display_list');";
    // If it's not a new query, load the previous query from the session
    // into $form and save the current page and filter in the session.
    // Also find/set the "page" we're viewing
    $page = 1;
    if ($form['page'] and is_numeric($form['page'])) {
        $form = array_merge($form, (array) $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['q']);
        $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['page'] = $page = $form['page'];
        $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['filter'] = $form['filter'];
    // Calculate the SQL query offset (based on the page being displayed)
    $offset = $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1);
    if ($offset == 0) {
        $offset = -1;
    // Search results go in here
    $results = array();
    $count = 0;
    // Start building the "where" clause for the sql query to find the records to display
    $where = '';
    $and = '';
    if ($form['all_flag']) {
        $where .= $and . "id > 0";
        $and = " AND ";
    if ($form['host_id']) {
        $where .= 'host_id = ' . $form['host_id'];
        $and = " AND ";
    // Do the SQL Query
    $filter = '';
    if ($form['filter']) {
        $filter = $and . ' configuration_type_id in (select id from configuration_types where name like "%' . $form['filter'] . '%")';
    list($status, $rows, $results) = db_get_records($onadb, 'configurations', $where . $filter, 'configuration_type_id ASC, ctime DESC', $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset);
    // If we got less than search_results_per_page, add the current offset to it
    // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it.
    if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) {
        $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1);
    } else {
        if ($rows >= $conf['search_results_per_page']) {
            list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'configurations', $where . $filter, "", 0);
    $count = $rows;
    $html .= <<<EOL
        <!-- Config List -->
        <table id="{$form['form_id']}_config_list" class="list-box" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">

            <!-- Table Header -->
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">A</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">B</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Date</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Type</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">MD5 Checksum</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Size (chars)</td>
                <td class="list-header" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
    // Loop and display each record
    foreach ($results as $record) {
        // Counter used for comparison seleciton
        // Grab some info from the associated record
        list($status, $rows, $ctype) = ona_get_config_type_record(array('id' => $record['configuration_type_id']));
        $record['config_type_name'] = $ctype['name'];
        // Escape data for display in html
        foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) {
            $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']);
        // MP: FIXME still not working right for encoded stings.. always returns 0
        $confsize = mb_strlen(html_entity_decode($record['config_body'], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']), $conf['php_charset']);
        $html .= <<<EOL
            <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight'" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal'">

                <td align="center" class="list-row" style="padding-right: 4px; width: 20px;"
                  ><input id="old{$id}" name="old" type="radio" value="{$record['id']}"
                        var tmp = 1; var obj = el('new' + tmp);
                        while (obj) {
                   = (tmp <= {$id}) ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
                            if (tmp > {$id}) obj.checked = false;
                            obj = el('new' + tmp++);

                <td class="list-row" align="center" style="width: 20px;">
                    <input id="new{$id}" style="visibility: hidden;" name="new" type="radio" value="{$record['id']}">

                <td class="list-row" align="center">

                <td class="list-row" align="center">

                <td class="list-row" align="center">

                <td class="list-row" align="center">
                <td class="list-row" align="right">
                    <form id="{$form['form_id']}_list_configs_{$record['id']}"
                        ><input type="hidden" name="config_id" value="{$record['id']}"
                        ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}"
        if (auth('host_config_admin', $debug_val)) {
            $html .= <<<EOL

                    <a title="View config. ID: {$record['id']}"
                       onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_config_text\\', \\'host_id=>{$record['host_id']},type_id=>{$record['configuration_type_id']},displayconf=>{$record['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');"
                    ><img src="{$images}/silk/zoom.png" border="0"></a>&nbsp;

                    <a title="Download config"
                    ><img src="{$images}/silk/disk.png" alt="Download config" border="0"></a>&nbsp;

                    <a title="Delete config"
                       onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this config record?');
                                if (doit == true)
                                    xajax_window_submit('display_config_text', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_configs_{$record['id']}'), 'delete_config');"
                    ><img src="{$images}/silk/delete.png" alt="Delete config" border="0"></a>&nbsp;

        $html .= <<<EOL


    $html .= <<<EOL
    // Build page links if there are any
    $html .= get_page_links($page, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $count, $window_name, $form['form_id']);
    // Insert the new html into the content div specified
    // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object
    $response = new xajaxResponse();
    $response->addAssign("{$form['form_id']}_{$tab}_count", "innerHTML", "({$count})");
    $response->addAssign($form['content_id'], "innerHTML", $html);
    if ($js) {
    return $response->getXML();
Beispiel #3
function config_add($options = "")
    // The important globals
    global $conf;
    global $self;
    global $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.00';
    // This debug is set very high as it can contain large configs and sensitive data, you gotta mean it!
    printmsg('DEBUG => config_add(' . $options . ') called', 7);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !($options['host'] and $options['type'] and $options['config'])) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Adds a new config text record into the database

  Synopsis: config_add [KEY=VALUE] ...

    config=TEXT                 the actual config text or filename to insert
    host=ID or NAME[.DOMAIN]    host the config text is from
    type=TYPE                   type of config text we're inserting -
                                  usually "IOS_VERSION" or "IOS_CONFIG"

    // Search for the host first
    list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($options['host']);
    // Error if the host doesn't exist
    if (!$host['id']) {
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => The host specified, {$options['host']}, does not exist!";
        return array(2, $self['error']);
    // Now find the ID of the config type they entered
    list($status, $rows, $config_type) = ona_get_config_type_record(array('name' => $options['type']));
    if (!$config_type['id']) {
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => The config type specified, {$options['type']}, is invalid!";
        return array(3, $self['error']);
    $options['config'] = preg_replace('/\\\\"/', '"', $options['config']);
    $options['config'] = preg_replace('/\\\\=/', '=', $options['config']);
    // Get the next ID for the new config_text record
    $id = ona_get_next_id('configurations');
    if (!$id) {
        return array(4, "ERROR => The ona_get_next_id(configurations) call failed!\n");
    printmsg("DEBUG => ID for new config_record: {$id}", 3);
    // Add the config_text
    list($status, $rows) = db_insert_record($onadb, 'configurations', array('id' => $id, 'configuration_type_id' => $config_type['id'], 'host_id' => $host['id'], 'md5_checksum' => md5($options['config']), 'config_body' => $options['config']));
    if ($status or !$rows) {
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => message_add() SQL Query failed: " . $self['error'];
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        return array(6, $self['error'] . "\n");
    list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_get_config_record(array('id' => $id));
    if ($status or !$rows) {
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => SQL INSERT failed.  Database error: ' . $error . "\n";
        return array(5, $self['error']);
    // Return the success notice
    $text = "NOTICE => Config text record ADDED, ID: {$id}\n";
    return array(0, $text);
Beispiel #4
function ws_delete_configs($window_name, $form = '')
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    global $images, $color, $style;
    // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form
    $form = parse_options_string($form);
    // Load the host record
    list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($form['host_id']);
    if (!$host['id']) {
        $html .= "<br><center><font color=\"red\"><b>Host doesn't exist!</b></font></center>";
        $response = new xajaxResponse();
        $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html);
        return $response->getXML();
    // Check permissions
    if (!(auth('host_config_admin') and authlvl($host['lvl']))) {
        $response = new xajaxResponse();
        $response->addScript("alert('Permission denied!');");
        return $response->getXML();
    // Load the config type
    list($status, $rows, $type) = ona_get_config_type_record(array('id' => $form['type_id']));
    if ($status or !$rows) {
        $response = new xajaxResponse();
        $response->addScript("alert('ERROR => Invalid config type!');");
        return $response->getXML();
    // Delete the config text records that match
    // FIXME, this should probably use a module, but there isn't one!
    list($status, $rows) = db_delete_records($onadb, 'configurations', array('host_id' => $host['id'], 'configuration_type_id' => $type['id']));
    if ($status or !$rows) {
        $response = new xajaxResponse();
        $response->addScript("alert('Delete failed!');");
        return $response->getXML();
    // Insert the new html into the window
    // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object
    $response = new xajaxResponse();
    if ($form['js']) {
    return $response->getXML();