Beispiel #1
 * Implementation of hook_form_system_theme_settings_alter()
 * @param $form
 *   Nested array of form elements that comprise the form.
 * @param $form_state
 *   A keyed array containing the current state of the form.
function omega_form_system_theme_settings_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  // Get the build info for the form
  $build_info = $form_state->getBuildInfo();
  // Get the theme name we are editing
  $theme = \Drupal::theme()->getActiveTheme()->getName();
  // get a list of themes
  $themes = \Drupal::service('theme_handler')->listInfo();
  // get the default settings for the current theme
  $themeSettings = $themes[$theme];

  // check for ajax update of default layout, or use default theme setting
  $defaultLayout = isset($form_state->values['default_layout']) ? $form_state->values['default_layout'] : theme_get_setting('default_layout', $theme);
  $edit_this_layout = isset($form_state->values['edit_this_layout']) ? $form_state->values['edit_this_layout'] : theme_get_setting('default_layout', $theme);
  // get the layouts available to edit in this theme
  $layouts = omega_return_layouts($theme);
  // pull the configuration object for this theme that defines the region groups represented in page.html.twig
  $region_groups = \Drupal::config($theme . '.region_groups')->get();
  $theme_regions = $themeSettings->info['regions'];
  // add in custom CSS/JS for Omega administration
  $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'omega/omega_admin';  
  // include the introduction message(s)
  include_once(drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/theme-settings/omega-intro.php');
  // include the adjustments to core system theme settings
  include_once(drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/theme-settings/core-settings.php');
  // Custom settings in Vertical Tabs container
  $form['omega'] = array(
    '#type' => 'vertical_tabs',
    '#attributes' => array('class' => array('entity-meta')),
    '#weight' => -999,
    '#default_tab' => 'edit-layouts',
  // include the default omega settings
  include_once(drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/theme-settings/general-settings.php');
  // include the ability to enable/disable custom Omega stylesheets/javascripts
  include_once(drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/theme-settings/style-settings.php');
  // include the ability to customize various scss variables to provide basic style adjustments
  // include_once(drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/theme-settings/scss-settings.php');
  // include the ability to debug various theme development elements
  include_once(drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/theme-settings/debug-settings.php');
  // include the layout configuration options
  include_once(drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/theme-settings/layout-config.php');
  // include the layout builder interface
  include_once(drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/theme-settings/layout-settings.php');
  // Change the text for default submit button
  $form['actions']['submit']['#value'] = t('Save');
  // Hide the default submit button if 'export new subtheme' option is enabled
  $form['actions']['submit']['#states'] = array(
    'invisible' => array(
     ':input[name="export_new_subtheme"]' => array('checked' => TRUE),
  // add appropriate validate & submit hooks
  $form['#validate'][] = 'omega_theme_settings_validate';
  $form['#submit'][] = 'omega_theme_settings_submit';
  // gather the default submit callback so we can add it to our custom one
  $defaultSubmit = $build_info['callback_object'];
  // copy the default submit button/handler
  $form['actions']['submit_layout'] = $form['actions']['submit'];
  // update the text for the new button
  $form['actions']['submit_layout']['#value'] = t('Save & Generate Layout');
  // update the submit handlers
  // add in the default Omega submit handler that handles the layout data
  //$form['actions']['submit_layout']['#submit'][] = 'omega_theme_settings_submit';
  // add in the layout generation handler that actually creates/updates the SCSS/CSS files
  $form['actions']['submit_layout']['#submit'][] = 'omega_theme_layout_build_submit';
  // add in default submit handler
  $form['actions']['submit_layout']['#submit'][] = '::submitForm';
  // define the visibility of the custom submit button
  // only when enable layout is enabled 
  // AND
  // only when export new subtheme is disabled
  $form['actions']['submit_layout']['#states'] = array(
    'visible' => array(
     ':input[name="enable_omegags_layout"]' => array('checked' => TRUE),
     // once export ability is included, will need to enable/test this again
     //':input[name="export_new_subtheme"]' => array('checked' => FALSE),     
  // include the ability to export changes made in the Omega settings form to a new
  // subtheme, rather than saving the current settings
  // include_once(drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/theme-settings/export-settings.php');
  $form['actions']['generate_subtheme'] = $form['actions']['submit'];
  $form['actions']['generate_subtheme']['#value'] = t('Export as Subtheme');
  $form['actions']['generate_subtheme']['#submit'] = array('omega_theme_generate_submit');
  $form['actions']['generate_subtheme']['#validate'] = array('omega_theme_generate_validate');
  // show export only when appropriate
  $form['actions']['generate_subtheme']['#states'] = array(
    // Hide the submit buttons appropriately
    'invisible' => array(
     ':input[name="export_new_subtheme"]' => array('checked' => FALSE),
 * Implementation of hook_form_system_theme_settings_alter()
 * @param $form
 *   Nested array of form elements that comprise the form.
 * @param $form_state
 *   A keyed array containing the current state of the form.
function omega_form_system_theme_settings_alter(&$form, &$form_state)
      $request = new Request(array('theme' => 'another_sooper_custom_theme'));
      $themeController = new ThemeController();
      $listing = new ExtensionDiscovery(\Drupal::root());
      $themes = $listing->scan('theme');
      uasort($themes, 'system_sort_modules_by_info_name');
    // Get the build info for the form
    $build_info = $form_state->getBuildInfo();
    // Get the theme name we are editing
    $theme = \Drupal::theme()->getActiveTheme()->getName();
    // Create Omega Settings Object
    $omegaSettings = new OmegaSettingsInfo($theme);
    // get a list of themes
    $themes = $omegaSettings->themes;
    // get the default settings for the current theme
    //$themeSettings = $themes[$theme];
    $themeSettings = $omegaSettings->getThemeInfo();
    $force_theme_export = $themeSettings->info['force_export'];
    // get all the values of the submitted form
    $values = $form_state->getValues();
    // check for ajax update of default layout, or use default theme setting
    $defaultLayout = isset($form_state->values['default_layout']) ? $form_state->values['default_layout'] : theme_get_setting('default_layout', $theme);
    $edit_this_layout = isset($form_state->values['edit_this_layout']) ? $form_state->values['edit_this_layout'] : theme_get_setting('default_layout', $theme);
    // get the layouts available to edit in this theme
    $layouts = omega_return_layouts($theme);
    // pull the configuration object for this theme that defines the region groups represented in page.html.twig
    $region_groups = \Drupal::config($theme . '.region_groups')->get();
    $theme_regions = $themeSettings->info['regions'];
    // add in custom CSS/JS for Omega administration
    $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'omega/omega_admin';
    // include the introduction message(s)
    include_once drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/theme-settings/omega-intro.php';
    // include the adjustments to core system theme settings
    include_once drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/theme-settings/core-settings.php';
    if (!$force_theme_export) {
        // Custom settings in Vertical Tabs container
        $form['omega'] = array('#type' => 'vertical_tabs', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('entity-meta')), '#weight' => -999, '#default_tab' => 'edit-export', '#states' => array('invisible' => array(':input[name="force_subtheme_creation"]' => array('checked' => TRUE))));
        // include the default omega settings
        include_once drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/theme-settings/general-settings.php';
        // include the ability to enable/disable custom Omega stylesheets/javascripts
        include_once drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/theme-settings/style-settings.php';
        // include the ability to customize various scss variables to provide basic style adjustments
        // include_once(drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/theme-settings/scss-settings.php');
        // include the ability to debug various theme development elements
        include_once drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/theme-settings/debug-settings.php';
        // include the layout configuration options
        include_once drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/theme-settings/layout-config.php';
        // include the layout builder interface
        include_once drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/theme-settings/layout-settings.php';
        // Change the text for default submit button
        $form['actions']['submit']['#value'] = t('Save');
        // Hide the default submit button if 'export new subtheme' option is enabled
        $form['actions']['submit']['#states'] = array('disabled' => array(':input[name="export[export_new_subtheme]"]' => array('checked' => TRUE)));
        // add appropriate validate & submit hooks
        $form['#validate'][] = 'omega_theme_settings_validate';
        $form['#submit'][] = 'omega_theme_settings_submit';
        // gather the default submit callback so we can add it to our custom one
        $defaultSubmit = $build_info['callback_object'];
        // copy the default submit button/handler
        $form['actions']['submit_layout'] = $form['actions']['submit'];
        // update the text for the new button
        $form['actions']['submit_layout']['#value'] = t('Save & Generate Layout');
        // update the submit handlers
        // add in the default Omega submit handler that handles the layout data
        //$form['actions']['submit_layout']['#submit'][] = 'omega_theme_settings_submit';
        // add in the layout generation handler that actually creates/updates the SCSS/CSS files
        $form['actions']['submit_layout']['#submit'][] = 'omega_theme_layout_build_submit';
        // add in default submit handler
        $form['actions']['submit_layout']['#submit'][] = '::submitForm';
        // define the visibility of the custom submit button
        // only when enable layout is enabled
        // AND
        // only when export new subtheme is disabled
        $form['actions']['submit_layout']['#states'] = array('visible' => array(':input[name="enable_omegags_layout"]' => array('checked' => TRUE)), 'disabled' => array(':input[name="export[export_new_subtheme]"]' => array('checked' => TRUE)));
    } else {
        // We are forced to export/create a new subtheme. DO IT
        // include the ability to export changes made in the Omega settings form to a new
        // subtheme, rather than saving the current settings
        // Make sure Machine Name functionality is attached
        $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/drupal.machine-name';
        // Include the form data for export/subtheme creation
        include_once drupal_get_path('theme', 'omega') . '/theme-settings/export-settings.php';
        $form['actions']['generate_subtheme'] = $form['actions']['submit'];
        $form['actions']['generate_subtheme']['#value'] = t('Export Subtheme');
        $form['actions']['generate_subtheme']['#validate'] = array('omega_theme_generate_validate');
        $form['actions']['generate_subtheme']['#submit'] = array('omega_theme_generate_submit');
        // Change the text for default submit button
        $form['actions']['submit']['#value'] = t('Save');
        // disable the default submit button
        $form['actions']['submit']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
        // hide it
        $form['actions']['submit']['#access'] = FALSE;