include dirname(__FILE__) . '/oai2/listmetadataformats.php'; break; case 'ListRecords': unset($args['verb']); include dirname(__FILE__) . '/oai2/listrecords.php'; break; case 'ListSets': unset($args['verb']); include dirname(__FILE__) . '/oai2/listsets.php'; break; default: // we never use compression with errors $compress = FALSE; $errors .= oai_error('badVerb', $args['verb']); } /*switch */ } else { $errors .= oai_error('noVerb'); } if ($errors != '') { oai_exit(); } if ($compress) { ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } header($CONTENT_TYPE); echo $xmlheader; echo $request; echo $output; oai_close();
/** * Index function. * * @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ public function indexAction() { // Need to define some variables global so they can // be accessed by the OAI classes global $output; global $xmlheader; global $errors; global $granularity; global $SQL; global $METADATAFORMATS; global $XMLSCHEMA; $output = ''; $errors = ''; if ($this->isTestingEnv()) { $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = 'localhost'; $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET'; unset($_GET['enabledModules']); } $MY_URI = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $this->view->webroot . '/oai'; $compression = array('gzip', 'deflate'); $XMLHEADER = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <OAI-PMH xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">' . "\n"; $responseDate = gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') . 'Z'; $xmlheader = $XMLHEADER . ' <responseDate>' . $responseDate . "</responseDate>\n"; $repositoryName = $this->Setting->getValueByName(OAI_REPOSITORY_NAME_KEY, $this->moduleName); $baseURL = $MY_URI; $protocolVersion = '2.0'; $adminEmail = $this->Setting->getValueByName(OAI_ADMIN_EMAIL_KEY, $this->moduleName); $earliestDatestamp = 'T00:00:00Z'; $deletedRecord = 'persistent'; $granularity = 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ'; $show_identifier = false; $repositoryIdentifier = $this->Setting->getValueByName(OAI_REPOSITORY_IDENTIFIER_KEY, $this->moduleName); $delimiter = ':'; $idPrefix = ''; $oaiprefix = 'oai' . $delimiter . $repositoryIdentifier . $delimiter . $idPrefix; $setspecprefix = 'hdl_'; $METADATAFORMATS = array('oai_dc' => array('metadataPrefix' => 'oai_dc', 'schema' => '', 'metadataNamespace' => '', 'myhandler' => 'record_dc.php', 'record_prefix' => 'dc', 'record_namespace' => '')); $MAXIDS = 5; $MAXRECORDS = 5; $tokenValid = 24 * 3600; $expirationdatetime = gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time() + $tokenValid); $SQL['split'] = ';'; $XMLSCHEMA = ''; $MidasTempDirectory = $this->getTempDirectory(); require_once BASE_PATH . '/modules/oai/library/oai/oaidp-util.php'; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { $args = $_GET; } elseif ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $args = $_POST; } else { $errors .= oai_error('badRequestMethod', $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']); } // Some fixes for CakePHP unset($args['url']); $reqattr = ''; if (is_array($args)) { foreach ($args as $key => $val) { $reqattr .= ' ' . $key . '="' . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($val)) . '"'; } } // in case register_globals is on, clean up polluted global scope $verbs = array('from', 'identifier', 'metadataPrefix', 'set', 'resumptionToken', 'until'); foreach ($verbs as $val) { unset(${$val}); } $request = ' <request' . $reqattr . '>' . $MY_URI . "</request>\n"; $request_err = ' <request>' . $MY_URI . "</request>\n"; if (is_array($compression)) { $compress = false; } if (isset($args['verb'])) { switch ($args['verb']) { case 'GetRecord': unset($args['verb']); include BASE_PATH . '/modules/oai/library/oai/getrecord.php'; break; case 'Identify': unset($args['verb']); // we never use compression in Identify $compress = false; include BASE_PATH . '/modules/oai/library/oai/identify.php'; break; case 'ListIdentifiers': unset($args['verb']); include BASE_PATH . '/modules/oai/library/oai/listidentifiers.php'; break; case 'ListMetadataFormats': unset($args['verb']); include BASE_PATH . '/modules/oai/library/oai/listmetadataformats.php'; break; case 'ListRecords': unset($args['verb']); include BASE_PATH . '/modules/oai/library/oai/listrecords.php'; break; case 'ListSets': unset($args['verb']); include BASE_PATH . '/modules/oai/library/oai/listsets.php'; break; default: // we never use compression with errors $compress = false; $errors .= oai_error('badVerb', $args['verb']); } /* switch */ } else { $errors .= oai_error('noVerb'); } if ($errors != '' && $this->isTestingEnv()) { echo $errors; } elseif ($errors != '') { oai_exit(); } if ($compress) { ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } $this->disableLayout(); $this->disableView(); if (!$this->isTestingEnv()) { header('Content-Type: text/plain'); } echo $xmlheader; echo $request; echo $output; if (!$this->isTestingEnv()) { oai_close(); exit; } }
function oai_exit() { global $CONTENT_TYPE; global $xmlheader; global $request; global $errors; header($CONTENT_TYPE); echo $xmlheader; echo $request; echo $errors; oai_close(); exit; }
function oai_exit() { global $CONTENT_TYPE; global $xmlheader; global $request; global $errors; $environment = Zend_Registry::get('configGlobal')->environment; if ($environment != 'testing') { header('Content-Type: text/plain'); } echo $xmlheader; echo $request; echo $errors; if ($environment != 'testing') { oai_close(); exit; } }