Beispiel #1
 protected function initTpl($params)
     $contragent_id = $params['contragent_id'];
     $contragent = Model_Contragent::load($contragent_id);
     $start_from = toZendDate($params['start_from']);
     $start_till = toZendDate($params['start_till']);
     $deposit_from = Core_Balance::getDepositToDate($contragent->getId(), $start_from);
     $deposit_till = Core_Balance::getDepositToDate($contragent->getId(), $start_till);
     $transactions = $this->getTransactions($contragent->getId(), $params);
     $info = $this->prepareTransactions($transactions, $start_from, $start_till);
     //    Корректировка границ из-за того, что дата выписки не совпадает с датой транзакции
     $common_correction = $this->getCommonCorrection($contragent->getId(), $start_from, $start_till);
     $deposit_from += $info['deposit_from_correct'] + $common_correction;
     $deposit_till -= $info['deposit_till_correct'] - $common_correction;
     $lic_number = is_null($contragent->getAccount()) ? generateAccount($contragent->getId()) : $contragent->getAccount();
     $result = array('date_from' => $start_from->get(getTimeFormat('date')), 'date_till' => $start_till->get(getTimeFormat('date')), 'supplier.full_name' => $contragent->getFullName(), '' => $contragent->getEmail(), 'supplier.lic_number' => $lic_number, '' => $this->renderTransaction($info['transactions']), 'deposit.from' => HumanizePrice($deposit_from, true), 'deposit.till' => HumanizePrice($deposit_till, true), '' => HumanizePrice($info['total_debet'], true), '' => HumanizePrice($info['total_credit'], true), 'deposit.till.str' => HumanizePrice($deposit_till, true), 'deposit.till.rustr' => num2str($deposit_till), 'sign_and_stamp' => $this->renderSignAndStamp());
     return $result;
Beispiel #2
<div class="column span-10 last" style="text-align: left; border: 1px solid #000000; border-bottom: none; border-left: none; padding: 3px;">

<div class="column span-8" style="text-align: left; border: 1px solid #000000; padding: 3px;">
<div class="column span-10 last" style="text-align: left; border: 1px solid #000000; border-left: none; padding: 3px;">
<div class="column span-24 last" style="text-align: left; padding: 3px;">
	Додатково: <?=$ds->excursions?>
<div class="column span-24 last" style="text-align: left; padding: 3px;">
	Загальна вартість туристичних послуг (цифрами та прописом): <?=$ds->sum?> (<?=num2str($ds->sum)?>)
<div class="column span-24 last" style="text-align: left; padding: 3px;">
	Телефони (дом., моб.): <?$demander_info = get_client_info($demander->_clients_rid)?><?=$demander_info->phones?>

<div class="column span-12" style="text-align: left;margin-top: 30px;">
function fill_invoice($filename, $invoice_number = '', $invoice_date = '', $smi = '', $client_details = '', $product_list = '', $total = '', $count = '', $invoice_period = '', $contract_number = '', $contract_date = '')
    if ($invoice_number == '') {
        $invoice_number = '____';
    $today = getdate();
    if ($invoice_date == '') {
        $invoice_date = $today[mday] . "." . $today[mon] . "." . $today[year];
    if ($client_details == '') {
        $client_details = 'данные покупателя неизвестны';
    if ($product_list == '') {
        $product_list = '<tr><td colspan=6> нет </td></tr>';
    if ($total == '') {
        $total = 0;
    if ($count == '') {
        $count = 0;
    $content = loadFile($filename);
    $total_rub_text = "<b>" . capitalizefirst(num2str($total)) . "</b>";
    // replace placeholders
    $content = str_replace('{invoice_number}', $invoice_number, $content);
    $content = str_replace('{invoice_date}', $invoice_date, $content);
    $content = str_replace('{smi}', $smi, $content);
    $content = str_replace('{client_details}', $client_details, $content);
    $content = str_replace('{product_list}', $product_list, $content);
    $content = str_replace('{total}', $total, $content);
    $content = str_replace('{count}', $count, $content);
    $content = str_replace('{total_rub_text}', $total_rub_text, $content);
    $content = str_replace('{invoice_period}', $invoice_period, $content);
    $content = str_replace('{contract_number}', $contract_number, $content);
    $content = str_replace('{contract_date}', $contract_date, $content);
    // output content
    return $content;
Beispiel #4
                foreach ($dbh->query('SELECT id,s.unit unit,
      (SELECT	code FROM units_default WHERE id=s.unit) unit_name FROM services_products s WHERE' . $dish['dish_id']) as $unit) {
                    $unit_name = $unit['unit_name'];
                $text .= '<tr><td class="second right">' . $i . '&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td class="second">
    &nbsp;&nbsp;' . $dish['dish_name'] . '</td><td class="second center">' . $unit_name . '</td><td class="second right">' . $dish['price'] . '&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td class="second right">' . $dish['dish_qt'] . '&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td class="second right">' . $dish['price'] * $dish['dish_qt'] . '&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>';
                $unit_name = '';
            foreach ($dbh->query('SELECT * FROM `payment_details_pay` WHERE op_id="' . $row['id'] . '"') as $pay) {
        $text .= '</table>';
        $text .= '<div class="footer">';
        $text .= "Всего наименований " . $i . ", на сумму " . $row['price_all'] . " руб. <br><strong>" . first_up(num2str($row['price_all'])) . "</strong>";
        $text .= '</div><br><br>';
        $text .= '
  <td style="width:55px;" class="footer_right">Отпустил</td>
  <td style="border-bottom: 1px solid black;width:100px;"></td>
  <td style="width:15px;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
  <td style="border-bottom: 1px solid black;width:150px; text-align:center;">' . $row['empl'] . '</td>
  <td style="width:15px;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
  <td style="border-bottom: 1px solid black;width:150px; text-align:center;">' . $row['cashier_name'] . '</td>
    <td style="width:55px;"></td>
    <td style="width:100px; text-align:center;">(подпись)</td>
    <td style="width:15px;"></td>
Beispiel #5
$params = array(array(intval($_SESSION["cid"]), SQLSRV_PARAM_IN));
$sp = "{call web_get_canteen_user(?)}";
$rs = sp_execute($sp, $params);
foreach ($rs as $row) {
    $uids = num2str(userid_content, $row["uid"]);
                                <img src="<?php 
    echo strlen($row["HeadURL"]) > 0 ? $row["HeadURL"] : CFG_HTTP . CFG_USER_DEFAULT;
" width="24px" height="24px;">
    echo $row["Nickname"];
    echo $row["rname"];
Beispiel #6
<center><table border=1 width=541><tr border=1><td width=29>№</td><td>Наименование</td><td width=74></center>Сумма</center></td></tr>';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($work) && $i < count($price); $i++) {
    $v = $i + 1;
    $html2 = $html2 . '<tr><td>' . $v . '</td><td>' . $work[$i] . '</td><td>' . $price[$i] . '</td></tr>';
    $summa = $summa + $price[$i];
    if (!isset($_GET['aktNumber'])) {
        $add_aktswork = $connect_db->prepare("INSERT INTO `aktswork` (`number`, `user`, `fiok`, `work`, `price`, `summa`) VALUE (?,?,?,?,?,?)");
        $add_aktswork->bind_param("isssii", $number, $user, $who, $work[$i], $price[$i], $pre_sum);
$html3 = '</tbody></table>
<table width=783><tr><td><br>Итоговая сумма к оплате: 
' . $summa . ',00 руб.<br>Сумма прописью: <b>' . num2str($summa) . '</b>
</td></tr><tr><td>Работы выполнены в полном объеме, в установленные сроки и с надлежащим качеством. Стороны претензий друг к другу не имеют. </td></tr></table>
<table width=783 height=95><tr><td><br /><br />Исполнитель: ______________</td><td><br /><br />Заказчик: ______________</td></tr></table>
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />';
$html = $html1 . $html2 . $html3;
if (!isset($_GET['aktNumber'])) {
    $connect_db->query("UPDATE `number` SET `aktvyprab` = '{$number}'");
//echo $html;
/* Конвертим в PDF */
include "mpdf/mpdf.php";
$mpdf = new mPDF('utf-8', 'A4', '8', '', 10, 10, 7, 7, 10, 10);
/*задаем формат, отступы и.т.д.*/
$mpdf->charset_in = 'utf8';
/*не забываем про русский*/
Beispiel #7
 * 将餐厅信息设置到session中
 * @param $row
function set_canteen_session($row)
    $_SESSION["cid"] = $row["cid"];
    $_SESSION["cname"] = $row["cname"];
    $_SESSION["verticket"] = $row["verticket"];
    $_SESSION["verurl"] = $row["verurl"];
    $_SESSION["allow"] = $row["allow"];
    $_SESSION["cpicurl"] = $row["picurl"];
    $_SESSION["ctelnum"] = $row["telnum"];
    $_SESSION["roleid"] = $row["roleid"];
    if (strlen($row["verticket"]) < 1) {
        /* 根据餐厅编号生成带场景二维码 */
        $str = num2str(canteenid_content, $_SESSION["cid"]);
        $token = db_get_token_ticket(CFG_APPID, CFG_SECRET)["token"];
        $url = "{$token}";
        $data = '{"action_name": "QR_LIMIT_STR_SCENE", "action_info": {"scene": {"scene_id":234, "scene_str":"' . $str . '"}}}';
        $data = json_decode(get_http_result($url, $data), true);
        $params = array(array(intval($_SESSION["cid"]), SQLSRV_PARAM_IN), array("" . $data["ticket"], SQLSRV_PARAM_IN), array("" . $data["url"], SQLSRV_PARAM_IN), array("", SQLSRV_PARAM_IN));
        sp_execute("{call web_set_canteen_verify(?,?,?,?)}", $params);
        $_SESSION["verticket"] = $data["ticket"];
echo num2str($sum);
if ($contract_num) {
    if ($sbr_nds) {
                В том числе НДС 18% &mdash; <?php 
        echo num2str($sbr_nds);
        if ($sbr_comm) {
                  с суммы агентского вознаграждения ООО "Ваан" &mdash; <?php 
            echo num2str($sbr_comm);
    } else {
Beispiel #9
if ($doc_number != '') {
    $credit_pay = 1;
// Стоимость без скидки;
// Если у нас была скидка, то нам надо вычесть ее стоимость;
$work_summ = $warranty_data['summa'] - $warranty_data['summ_det'];
if ($rko_doc_data != '' && $credit_pay == 0) {
    // Скидку мы посчитали выше;
} else {
    $discount_sum = 0;
$numm_sum = get_money_format($warranty_data['summa']);
// Итоговая сумма к оплате;
$itog_sum = get_money_format($warranty_data['summa'] - $discount_sum);
// Сумма прописью;
$itog_sum_text = num2str($warranty_data['summa'] - $discount_sum);
    body, html{
        font-family: 'Arial';
        /*page-break-inside: avoid;*/
        font-size: 0.8em;
        font-size: 0.9em;
        padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
Beispiel #10
 public function pricelong($value)
     return num2strL($value) . ' (' . num2str($value) . ')';
Beispiel #11
if (!isset($_SESSION['login'])) {
    echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
location="' . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 'index.php" 
require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/config.php";
$modal_title_start = '<div style="width: 100%; background: rgba(117, 192, 0, 0.7); color: #fff;"><center><h2 style="padding: 5px; margin: 5px 0 0 0;">';
$modal_title_end = '</h2></center></div>';
echo '<div><a class="fancybox fancybox.iframe" href="http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/inc/add.php?addprintform"><img width="30px" height="30px" src="http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/img/add.jpg" title="Добавить печатную форму" alt="Добавить печатную форму"></a></div>';
$nomer = 1;
$today = date("d.m.Y");
$who = 'Мне';
$sum = 1000;
$summa = $sum . ',00 руб.<br><b>' . num2str($sum) . '</b>';
$select_form = $connect_db->query("SELECT * FROM `form` WHERE `id_s` = 'akt_vip_rab'");
while ($fetch_form = $select_form->fetch_assoc()) {
    // Рисуем форму
    echo $modal_title_start . $fetch_form['name'] . $modal_title_end;
    echo '<div class="edit-form">';
    echo '<div class="buttom-form">
	<a class="fancybox fancybox.iframe" href="http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/inc/edit.php?editaktviprab?id_s=' . $fetch_form['id_s'] . '"><img width="30px" height="30px" src="http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/img/edit.jpg" title="Редактировать форму" alt="Редактировать форму"></a>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="form">';
    $head = stripslashes($fetch_form['head']);
    //Удаляем экранирующие слеши
    // Замена шорткодов
    $search = array('#logo#', '#nomer#', '#today#', '#who#', '#summa#');
    // Кого меняем
    $replace = array($logo, $nomer, $today, $who, $summa);
Beispiel #12
                        <th width="150px">创建日期</th>
                        <th width="226px">操作</th>
$_SESSION["uid"] = 4;
$tid = 0;
$params = array(array(intval($_SESSION["uid"]), SQLSRV_PARAM_IN), array($tid, SQLSRV_PARAM_IN));
$rs = sp_execute("{call web_get_topic_list(?,?)}", $params);
foreach ($rs as $row) {
                            <td id="<?php 
    echo num2str(CFG_ID_TOPIC, $row["tid"]);
    echo $row["tname"];
    echo $row["authname"];
                            <td align="right" style="padding-right:6px;"><?php 
    echo $row["vn"];
    echo is_object($row["cdt"]) ? $row["cdt"]->format("Y-m-d H:i:s") : "";
Beispiel #13
            <img src="vo_qrcode.php?tids=<?php 
echo num2str(CFG_ID_TOPIC, $_SESSION["tid"]);
echo $_REQUEST["vids"];
" width="300px" height="300px;">
echo $rs[0]["title"];
            <h5 style="margin-top:10px; padding-left:200px;">
                <div style="float:left">链接:</div>
                <div id="clip_text_imgurl1" style="float:left"><?php 
echo CFG_HTTP . "mobile/tp_voice_detail.php?tids=" . num2str(CFG_ID_TOPIC, $_SESSION["tid"]) . "&vids=" . $_REQUEST["vids"];
                <a class="copy" id="clip_btn_imgurl1" data-clipboard-target="clip_text_imgurl1"><div style="float:left">点击复制</div></a>
    <div class="fc"></div>
include_once "footer.php";
<script src="plugins/ZeroClipboard/ZeroClipboard.min.js"></script>
        var clip_imgurl1 = new ZeroClipboard(document.getElementById("clip_btn_imgurl1"),{moviePath:"plugins/ZeroClipboard/ZeroClipboard.swf"});
Beispiel #14
  * НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬ - УСТАРЕЛ СМ generateInvoice2.
  * Генерация счета
  * @todo: может перенести генерацию в очереди?
  * @todo: но тогда нужно организовать обратную связь.
  * @param type $user_info
  * @return bool|\CFile
 public function generateInvoice($user_info)
     $file = new CFile();
     $file_path = $this->getFilePath();
     $reserve_id = @$this->data['reserve_id'];
     if (!$file_path || !$reserve_id || empty($this->data)) {
         return false;
     $data = $this->getCheckByReserveId($reserve_id);
     if (isset($data['payed_date']) && !empty($data['payed_date'])) {
         return false;
     if (isset($data['check_file_id']) && $data['check_file_id'] > 0) {
     if (!$data) {
         $data = array();
     $this->data = array_merge($data, $this->data, $user_info);
     $data = $this->data;
     $bill_num = sprintf($bill_num_format, $data['reserve_id']);
     $data['bill_num'] = $bill_num;
     $data['date'] = date_text($data['date'], 'd');
     $data['price_txt'] = num2str(intval($data['price']));
     $data['price'] = number_format($data['price'], 2, ',', '');
     $data['title'] = sprintf($check_title, $bill_num);
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $data['$' . $key] = $value;
     $pdf = new odt2pdf($invoice_template);
     $pdf->setFolder(ABS_PATH . $templates_path);
     $content = $pdf->output(null, 'S');
     $len = strlen($content);
     if (!$len) {
         return false;
     $file->path = $file_path;
     $file->table = $table_files;
     $file->size = $len;
     $file->src_id = $src_id;
     $file->name = basename($file->secure_tmpname($file->path, '.pdf'));
     $file->original_name = change_q_x(sprintf($check_org_filename, $bill_num));
     if (!$file->putContent($file->path . $file->name, $content)) {
         return false;
     $this->data['check_file_id'] = $file->id;
     return $this->addCheck() ? $file : false;
Beispiel #15
// Тут мы будем обрабатывать данные для вывода формы печати;
if (isset($_POST['rko_id']) && $_POST['rko_id'] != '') {
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `rko` WHERE `id` = '" . $_POST['rko_id'] . "';";
    $rko_row = $db_rs->row($sql);
    // Собираем все переменные в кучу;
    if ($rko_row['print_doc_num'] != '') {
        $rko_id = $rko_row['print_doc_num'];
    } else {
        $rko_id = $rko_row['id'];
    $rko_date = date('d.m.Y');
    $rko_receiver = $rko_row['selected_name'];
    $rko_reason = $rko_row['reason'];
    $rko_sum = num2str($rko_row['sum']);
    $rko_sum_int = $rko_row['sum'];
    switch ($_SESSION['company']) {
        case 'rem':
            $logo = '<img src="data:;base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents('http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . '/templates/images/icons/logo.png')) . '" width="80px"/>';
            $ip = 'ИП Ахметов Э.В.';
            $inn = '245905040088';
            $sc_address = 'Ленина, д.3 | Ватутина д.27 | Дуси Ковальчук д.266 | Бориса Богаткова д.208';
            $phone = '(383) 383-08-91';
            $web = '';
        case 'air':
            $logo = '<img src="data:;base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents('http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . '/templates/images/icons/air_logo.png')) . '" width="80px"/>';
            $ip = 'ИП Миллер Д.Л.';
            $inn = '540538154085';
            $sc_address = 'Ленина, д.3 Цоколь';
Beispiel #16
  * Генерируем заявление на открытие аккредитива (только заказчику - юрику)
  * @param string $error
  * @param type $lc
  * @return type 
 public function generateStatement(&$error, $lc = false)
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/num_to_word.php';
     require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/LocalDateTime.php";
     $template = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/norisk2/xml/doc_statement.xml';
     $sbr_num = $this->sbr->getContractNum(null, null);
     if (!$lc) {
         $pskb = new pskb($this->sbr);
         $lc = $pskb->getLC();
     $days_acredit = round((strtotime($lc['dateExecLC']) - time()) / (3600 * 24));
     $days_acredit = $days_acredit . " " . ending($days_acredit, 'день', 'дня', 'дней');
     if ($lc['ps_frl'] == onlinedengi::BANK_YL) {
         $frl_reqv_payment = $lc['accPerf'] . "\r\n";
         $frl_reqv_payment .= "БИК: {$lc['psPerf']}";
     } else {
         $frl_reqv_payment = $lc['accPerf'];
     if ($lc['ps_emp'] == onlinedengi::BANK_YL) {
         $emp_reqv_payment = $lc['accCust'] . "\r\n";
         $emp_reqv_payment .= "БИК: {$lc['psCust']}";
     } else {
         $emp_reqv_payment = $lc['accCust'];
     if ($lc['ps_frl'] == onlinedengi::WMR || $lc['ps_frl'] == onlinedengi::YD) {
         $tax_percent_vaan = '5.4%';
         //@todo надо как то эти цифры брать из схемы
         $tax_percent_bank = '0.6%';
     } elseif ($lc['ps_frl'] != pskb::WW) {
         $tax_percent_vaan = '2.5%';
         $tax_percent_bank = '0.5%';
     } else {
         $tax_percent_bank = '0%';
     $tax_percent_bank = sbr_meta::getTaxPercent(sbr::FRL, pskb::$exrates_map[$lc['ps_frl']], 'Комиссия Банка', $this->sbr->scheme_type) . "%";
     $dvals = array('P' => pskb::$exrates_map[$lc['ps_emp']]);
     $tax_total = 0;
     $tax_bank = 0;
     $total_cost = $this->sbr->cost;
     foreach ($this->sbr->scheme['taxes'][sbr::EMP] as $tax) {
         if ($tax['tax_code'] != 'TAX_FL') {
             $tax_bank += sbr_meta::calcAnyTax($tax['tax_id'], $tax['scheme_id'], $total_cost, $dvals);
             //$stage->calcTax($tax, $dvals, $outsys);
         $tax_total += sbr_meta::calcAnyTax($tax['tax_id'], $tax['scheme_id'], $total_cost, $dvals);
         //$stage->calcTax($tax, $dvals, $outsys);
         if (!floatval($tax_total)) {
     $sum_reserved = $this->sbr->getReserveSum(true, pskb::$exrates_map[$lc['ps_emp']]);
     $sum_vaan = num2strL(round($tax_total, 2));
     $sum_vaan_nds = num2strEx(round($tax_total / 118 * 18, 2));
     $replace = array('$sbr_num' => $sbr_num, '$sbr_date' => date("d.m.Y", strtotime($this->sbr->sended)), '$efio' => $lc['nameCust'], '$ffio' => $lc['namePerf'], '$num_acredit' => $lc['lc_id'], '$date_acredit' => date('d.m.Y'), '$sum' => num2strL($this->sbr->cost), '$sum_str' => num2str($this->sbr->cost, true), '$emp_payment_method_name' => pskb::$psys[pskb::USER_EMP][$lc['ps_emp']], '$emp_reqv_payment' => $emp_reqv_payment, '$frl_payment_method_name' => pskb::$psys[pskb::USER_FRL][$lc['ps_frl']], '$frl_reqv_payment' => $frl_reqv_payment, '$frl_phone' => $lc['numPerf'], '$days_acredit' => $days_acredit, '$tax_percent_vaan' => $tax_percent_vaan, '$tax_percent_bank' => $tax_percent_bank, '$sum_vaan' => $sum_vaan, '$sum_vaan_nds' => $sum_vaan_nds, '$sum_reserved' => num2strL($sum_reserved), '$sum_reserved_str' => num2str($sum_reserved, true), '$tax_bank' => num2strL($tax_bank), '$sum_d' => num2strD($this->sbr->cost), '$tax_bank_d' => num2strD($tax_bank), '$sum_vaan_d' => num2strD(round($tax_total, 2)), '$sum_vaan_nds_d' => num2strD(round($tax_total / 118 * 18, 2)));
     $pdf = sbr::xml2pdf($template, $replace);
     if (!($file = $this->sbr->_saveDocFile($pdf->Output(NULL, 'S')))) {
         $error['fatal'] = "Ошибка при формировании Заявление на открытие аккредитива";
     return $file;
Beispiel #17
// Тут мы будем обрабатывать данные для вывода формы печати;
if (isset($_POST['pko_id']) && $_POST['pko_id'] != '') {
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `pko` WHERE `id` = '" . $_POST['pko_id'] . "';";
    $pko_row = $db_rs->row($sql);
    // Собираем все переменные в кучу;
    if ($pko_row['print_doc_num'] != '') {
        $doc_num = $pko_row['print_doc_num'];
    } else {
        $doc_num = 'NULL';
    $current_date = date('d.m.Y');
    $money_from = $pko_row['selected_name'];
    $reason_text = $pko_row['reason'];
    $sum = $pko_row['sum'];
    $sum_text = num2str($pko_row['sum']);
    $user_name = $_SESSION['user_fio'];
    switch ($_SESSION['company']) {
        case 'rem':
            $logo = '<img src="data:;base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents('http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . '/templates/images/icons/logo.png')) . '" width="80px"/>';
            $ip = 'ИП Ахметов Э.В.';
            $inn = '245905040088';
            $sc_address = 'Ленина, д.3 | Ватутина д.27 | Дуси Ковальчук д.266 | Бориса Богаткова д.208';
            $phone = '(383) 383-08-91';
            $web = '';
        case 'air':
            $logo = '<img src="data:;base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents('http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . '/templates/images/icons/air_logo.png')) . '" width="80px"/>';
            $ip = 'ИП Миллер Д.Л.';
            $inn = '540538154085';
            $sc_address = 'Ленина, д.3 Цоколь';
Beispiel #18
//Прочерки в списке допущенных лиц при выборе неограниченного числа
if ($calc_data['drivers'] == 1) {
    $y = 0;
    for ($x = 1; $x < 5; $x++) {
        $pdf->SetXY(5, 182 + $y);
        $pdf->Write(0, '-----');
        $pdf->SetXY(52, 182 + $y);
        $pdf->Write(0, '-----------------------------------------');
        $pdf->SetXY(150, 182 + $y);
        $pdf->Write(0, '---------------------------------------');
        $y = $y + 5.8;
//Страховая премия
$tarif = num2str($calc_result['t']);
$tarif = iconv('utf-8', 'windows-1251', $tarif);
$pdf->SetXY(40, 236);
$pdf->Write(0, $calc_result['t'] . ' (' . $tarif . ')');
//Особые отметки
$special_notes = iconv('utf-8', 'windows-1251', $contract_data['special_notes']);
if (!empty($contract_data['a7_number'])) {
    $special_notes .= iconv('utf-8', 'windows-1251', ' Квитанция А7 № ' . $contract_data['a7_number']);
$pdf->SetXY(5, 250);
$pdf->Write(0, $special_notes);
//Дата заключения договора
$date_create = date('d.m.Y', strtotime($contract_data["time_create"]));
$pdf->SetXY(52, 263);
$pdf->Write(0, $date_create[0] . $date_create[1]);
$month = get_month($date_create[3] . $date_create[4]);
Beispiel #19
 * 餐厅管理人员受理订单后,发送消息给用户
 * 取餐通知
 * 格式:
 *      商店名称
 *      订单编号
 *      订单类型
 *      付款状态
 * @param $cids 餐厅编号
 * @param $oid  订单编号
 * @param $uname    用户姓名
 * @param $cname    餐厅名称
 * @param $winname  窗口名称
 * @param $paysta   支付状态
 * @param $uid      用户编号
 * @param $amount   菜品数量
 * @param $total    总价
 * @param $towid    接收消息的微信号
function altermsg_for_sales($cids, $oid, $uname, $cname, $winname, $paysta, $uid, $amount, $total, $towid)
    $token = db_get_token_ticket(CFG_APPID, CFG_SECRET)["token"];
    $oids = num2str_x(orderid_content_x, $oid);
    $uids = num2str(userid_content, $uid);
    $pre_str = '{"first": {"value":"%s,在【%s】取餐","color":"#000000"},"storeName":{"value":"%s","color":"#000000"},"orderId":{"value": "%s","color":"#000000"},"orderType":{"value":"默认","color":"#000000"},"remark":{"value":"订单数量:%s\\r\\n订单金额:¥%0.2f\\r\\n付款状态:%s\\r\\n\\r\\n点击查看订单详情,并完成销售","color":"#000000"}}';
    $data = sprintf($pre_str, $uname, $winname, $cname, $oids, $amount, $total, $paysta);
    send_template_message($token, $towid, CFG_TPMSG_QUCAN, CFG_HTTP . "mobile/admin_order_list.php?act=preuids&cids={$cids}&uids={$uids}", "#7B68EE", $data);
Beispiel #20
//require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/odt2pdf.php');
require_once 'ActOdt2Pdf.php';
if (!empty($issues)) {
    $total_hours = isset($_GET['h']) ? intval($_GET['h']) : DEFAULT_TOTAL_HOURS;
    $per_hour = isset($_GET['p']) ? intval($_GET['p']) : DEFAULT_PER_HOUR;
    $total_price = $per_hour * $total_hours;
    $total_price_format = number_format($total_price, 2, ',', '');
    $total_price_parts = explode(',', $total_price_format);
    $act_date = '&laquo;' . date('j', $date_to_time) . '&raquo; ' . monthtostr(date('n', $date_to_time), true) . ' ' . date('Y', $date_to_time);
    $affix_date_time = $date_from_time;
    //strtotime('+ 1 day', $date_to_time);
    $affix_date = '&laquo;' . date('j', $affix_date_time) . '&raquo; ' . monthtostr(date('n', $affix_date_time), true) . ' ' . date('Y', $affix_date_time);
    $date_dog_time = strtotime(DATE_DOG);
    $date_dog = date('j', $date_dog_time) . ' ' . monthtostr(date('n', $date_dog_time), true) . ' ' . date('Y', $date_dog_time);
    //Подстановка для акта
    $act_val = array('$date_dog' => $date_dog, '$date_dog2' => DATE_DOG, '$worker_addr' => WORKER_ADDR_TXT, '$worker_fio' => WORKER_FIO_TXT, '$worker_bank' => WORKER_BANK_TXT, '$worker_sign' => WORKER_SIGN_TXT, '$num' => ACT_NUM, '$act_date' => $act_date, '$affix_num' => AFX_NUM, '$date_from' => $date_from, '$date_to' => $date_to, '$per_hour' => $per_hour . ' руб. 00 коп', '$total_hours' => $total_hours, '$total_price' => $total_price_format, '$total_price2' => $total_price_parts[0], '$total_price3' => $total_price_parts[1], '$total_price_txt' => trim(str_replace(array('рублей', 'рубля', ' Российской Федерации', '00 копеек'), array('', '', '', ''), num2str($total_price_parts[0]))));
    //Подстановка для приложения
    $act_affix = array('$num' => AFX_NUM, '$date_dog' => $date_dog, '$date_from' => $date_from, '$date_to' => $date_to, '$act_date' => $affix_date, '$worker_addr' => WORKER_ADDR_TXT, '$worker_fio' => WORKER_FIO_TXT, '$worker_bank' => WORKER_BANK_TXT, '$worker_sign' => WORKER_SIGN_TXT, '$services' => '');
    $cnt = count($issues);
    $h = $total_hours / $cnt;
    $ah = round($h);
    $lh = $total_hours - $ah * ($cnt - 1);
    foreach ($issues as $key => $issue) {
        $idx = $key + 1;
        $summary = iconv('UTF-8', 'WINDOWS-1251', $issue->summary);
        $act_val['$service' . $idx] = "#{$issue->id} {$summary}";
        $act_affix['$services'] .= $act_val['$service' . $idx] . ($idx < $cnt ? PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL : '');
        $hours = $key < $cnt - 1 ? $ah : $lh;
        $act_val['$hours' . $idx] = $hours;
        $cost = $per_hour * $hours;
        $act_val['$price' . $idx] = number_format($cost, 2, ',', '');
Beispiel #21
require_once "../config.php";
require_once "../conn.php";
require_once "../include/php_funs.php";
require_once "../db_weixin_funs.php";
require_once "admin_filter.php";
if (!filter_canteenadmin()) {
$cid = str2num(canteenid_content, $_REQUEST["cids"]);
$verurl = $_REQUEST["verurl"];
if ($verurl == "") {
    /* 根据餐厅编号生成带场景二维码 */
    $str = num2str(canteenid_content, $cid);
    $token = db_get_token_ticket(CFG_APPID, CFG_SECRET)["token"];
    $url = "{$token}";
     * 永久二维码请求说明
     * http请求方式: POST
     * URL:
     * POST数据格式:json
     * POST数据例子:{"action_name": "QR_LIMIT_SCENE", "action_info": {"scene": {"scene_id": 123}}}
     * 或者也可以使用以下POST数据创建字符串形式的二维码参数:
     * {"action_name": "QR_LIMIT_STR_SCENE", "action_info": {"scene": {"scene_str": "123"}}}
    $data = '{"action_name": "QR_LIMIT_STR_SCENE", "action_info": {"scene": {"scene_id":234, "scene_str":"' . $str . '"}}}';
    $data = json_decode(get_http_result($url, $data), true);
Beispiel #22
         sp_execute("{call web_set_canteen_verify(?,?,?,?)}", $params);
         $status = "ok";
         $info = $picurl;
 } else {
     if ($action == "user_set_sales_win") {
         $winids = $_REQUEST["winids"];
         $winid = str2num(saleswin_content, $winids);
         $winname = $_POST["winname"];
         $path = dirname(__FILE__) . "/upload/qrcode/";
         $name = md5(time()) . '.png';
         $filename = $path . $name;
         //ready param
         $cids = num2str(canteenid_content, $_SESSION["cid"]);
         $codeText = CFG_HTTP . "mobile/sales_scan.php?cids={$cids}&winids={$winids}";
         QRcode::png($codeText, $filename, L, 12, 2);
         $winver = "qrcode/{$name}";
         $windesc = $_POST["windesc"];
         db_log("winid:{$winid}, winname:{$winname}, verurl:{$winver}, desc:{$windesc}, cid:" . $_SESSION["cid"]);
         $params = array(array(intval($_SESSION["cid"]), SQLSRV_PARAM_IN), array($winid, SQLSRV_PARAM_IN), array("" . $winname, SQLSRV_PARAM_IN), array("" . $winver, SQLSRV_PARAM_IN), array("" . $windesc, SQLSRV_PARAM_IN));
         sp_execute("{call web_set_sales_win(?,?,?,?,?)}", $params);
         $status = "ok";
         $info = $name;
     } else {
         if ($action == "set_canteen_allow_order") {
             $params = array(array(intval($_SESSION["cid"]), SQLSRV_PARAM_IN), array(intval($_REQUEST["orden"]), SQLSRV_PARAM_IN));
             sp_execute("{call web_set_canteen_sale_state(?,?)}", $params);
             $status = "ok";
             $info = "成功";
Beispiel #23
 function formCaptcha($attributes = false, $alphanumeric = false)
     $hash = md5(getURL());
     $HTML = '<input type="hidden" name="captcha_token" value="' . $hash . '" />';
     $HTML .= '<input type="hidden" name="captcha_type" value="' . ($alphanumeric ? 'alphanumeric' : 'aritmethic') . '" />';
     if (!$alphanumeric) {
         $attributes["style"] = (isset($attributes["style"]) ? $attributes["style"] : '') . "max-width: 50px; text-align: center;";
         $attributes["type"] = "number";
         $num1 = rand(1, 9);
         $num2 = rand(1, 9);
         switch (rand(1, 3)) {
             case 1:
                 $operation = '-';
                 $answer = $num1 - $num2;
                 $operation = '+';
                 $answer = $num1 + $num2;
         $HTML .= __("How much is ") . (rand(0, 1) === 0 ? $num1 : num2str($num1, true)) . ' ' . $operation . ' ' . (rand(0, 1) === 0 ? $num2 : num2str($num2, true)) . '? ';
     } else {
         $attributes["style"] = (isset($attributes["style"]) ? $attributes["style"] : '') . "max-width: 200px; text-align: center;";
         $answer = "";
         $characters = array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0");
         for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
             $answer .= $characters[rand(0, count($characters) - 1)];
         $HTML .= '<img src="' . path("captcha/{$hash}") . '" /><br />';
     SESSION("ZanCaptcha" . $hash, $answer);
     if (isset($attributes) and is_array($attributes)) {
         $attrs = null;
         foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $value) {
             if ($attribute === "required") {
                 $attrs .= ' required ';
             } elseif ($attribute === "events") {
                 $attrs .= ' ' . $value . ' ';
             } elseif ($attribute !== "p" and $attribute !== "field") {
                 if (!preg_match('/"/', $value)) {
                     $attrs .= ' ' . strtolower($attribute) . '="' . $value . '"';
                 } else {
                     $attrs .= ' ' . strtolower($attribute) . "='" . $value . "'";
             } else {
                 ${$attribute} = $value;
         $HTML .= '<input' . $attrs . ' type="text" /> ';
         if (isset($p) and $p and isset($field)) {
             $HTML = '<p><span class="field">&raquo; ' . $field . '</span><br />' . $HTML . '</p>';
         } elseif (isset($p) and $p) {
             $HTML = '<p>' . $HTML . '</p>';
         } elseif (isset($field)) {
             $HTML = '<span class="field">&raquo; ' . $field . '</span><br />' . $HTML . '';
         return $HTML;
     } elseif ($attributes) {
         return $HTML . '<input name="' . $attributes . '" type="text" />';
     } else {
         return null;
Beispiel #24
$sp = "{call web_get_canteen_list}";
$rs = sp_execute($sp, null);
foreach ($rs as $row) {
                            <td id="<?php 
    echo num2str(canteenid_content, $row["cid"]);
    echo $row["cname"];
    echo $row["account"];
    echo '<img src="' . CFG_HTTP . (strlen($row["picurl"]) > 0 ? CFG_SHOP_PATH . $row["picurl"] : CFG_SHOP_DEFAULT) . '" width="24px" height="24px;">';
                            <td width="4%">
Beispiel #25
		<td style="text-align:center;" width="17%">Цена без НДС</td>
		<td style="text-align:center;" width="17%">Сумма без НДС</td>
$num = 1;
$kolichestvo = 1;
$edizm = 'шт';
while ($fetch_raboty = $select_raboty->fetch_assoc()) {
    if ($fetch_raboty['razdel'] == 'visovi') {
        $bumajka = 'Квитанция №' . $fetch_raboty['subid'] . ': ';
    } else {
        $bumajka = '';
    $html3 = $html3 . '<tr><td style="text-align: center;">' . $num . '</td><td>' . $bumajka . $fetch_raboty['name'] . '</td><td style="text-align: center;">' . $edizm . '</td><td style="text-align: right;">' . $fetch_raboty['kol'] . '</td><td style="text-align: right;">' . $fetch_raboty['price'] . ' р.</td><td style="text-align: right;">' . $fetch_raboty['price'] * $fetch_raboty['kol'] . ',00 р.</td></tr>';
$prsumm = num2str((int) $fetch_contragent['summa']);
$html4 = '</table><table width="100%" border="0"><tr><td style="text-align:center;" width="5%"></td><td style="text-align:center;" width="40%"></td><td style="text-align:center;" width="10%"></td><td style="text-align:center;" width="10%"></td><td style="text-align:right;" width="17%">Итого без НДС</td><td style="text-align:right;" width="17%" border="1">' . $fetch_contragent['summa'] . ' р.</td></tr>
<tr><td style="text-align:center;" width="5%"></td><td style="text-align:center;" width="40%"></td><td style="text-align:center;" width="10%"></td><td style="text-align:center;" width="10%"></td><td style="text-align:right;" width="17%">Итого НДС</td><td style="text-align:right;" width="17%" border="1">---</td></tr>
<tr><td style="text-align:center;" width="5%"></td><td style="text-align:center;" width="40%"></td><td style="text-align:center;" width="10%"></td><td style="text-align:center;" width="10%"></td><td style="text-align:right;" width="17%">Всего к оплате:</td><td style="text-align:right;" width="17%" border="1">' . $fetch_contragent['summa'] . ' р.</td></tr>
<p>Всего наименований ' . --$num . ', на сумму ' . $fetch_contragent['summa'] . ',00 р., без НДС</p>
<p><strong>' . $prsumm . '</strong></p>';
$html = $html1 . $html2 . $html3 . $html4;
$connect_db->query("UPDATE `scheta` SET `status` = '1'");
$pdf_name = 'schet_' . $id . '.pdf';
/* Конвертим в PDF */
include "mpdf/mpdf.php";
$mpdf = new mPDF('utf-8', 'A4', '8', '', 10, 10, 7, 7, 10, 10);
/*задаем формат, отступы и.т.д.*/
$mpdf->charset_in = 'utf8';
/*не забываем про русский*/
Beispiel #26
$cid = 0;
$wid = "";
$sp = "{call web_get_user_list(?,?,?)}";
$params = array(array("" . CFG_WXPID, SQLSRV_PARAM_IN), array($cid, SQLSRV_PARAM_IN), array("" . $wid, SQLSRV_PARAM_IN));
$rs = sp_execute($sp, $params);
$i = 0;
foreach ($rs as $row) {
    echo ++$i;
                            <td id="<?php 
    echo num2str(userid_content, $row["uid"]);
                                <img src="<?php 
    echo strlen($row["headurl"]) > 0 ? $row["headurl"] : CFG_HTTP . CFG_USER_DEFAULT;
" width="16" height="16">
    echo $row["nickname"];
    echo getmidstr(CFG_SUBSCRIBLE_MODE, $row["fellow"]);
Beispiel #27
	<TD class="tr8 td0"></TD>
	<TD colspan=2 class="tr8 td19"><P class="p4 ft2">ИТОГО:</P></TD>
	<TD class="tr8 td15"><P class="p7 ft5">&nbsp;</P></TD>
	<TD class="tr8 td16"><P class="p5 ft2">1</P></TD>
	<TD class="tr8 td20"><P class="p7 ft5">&nbsp;</P></TD>
	<TD class="tr8 td17"><P class="p7 ft5">&nbsp;</P></TD>
	<TD class="tr8 td18"><P class="p6 ft2">' . $_GET['price'] . '</P></TD>
	<TD class="tr6 td0"></TD>
	<TD class="tr6 td21"><P class="p7 ft6">&nbsp;</P></TD>
	<TD class="tr6 td22"><P class="p7 ft6">&nbsp;</P></TD>
	<TD class="tr6 td8"><P class="p7 ft6">&nbsp;</P></TD>
	<TD class="tr6 td11"><P class="p7 ft6">&nbsp;</P></TD>
	<TD class="tr6 td23"><P class="p7 ft6">&nbsp;</P></TD>
	<TD class="tr6 td9"><P class="p7 ft6">&nbsp;</P></TD>
	<TD class="tr6 td12"><P class="p7 ft6">&nbsp;</P></TD>
<P class="p8 ft2">Сумма прописью: ' . num2str($_GET['price']) . '. Без НДС</P>
<P class="p9 ft2">Диагностику провел _____________________</P>
include "mpdf50/mpdf.php";
$mpdf = new mPDF('utf-8', 'A4', '8', '', 10, 10, 7, 7, 10, 10);
$mpdf->charset_in = 'cp1251';
$stylesheet = file_get_contents('pdf1.css');
$mpdf->WriteHTML($stylesheet, 1);
$mpdf->list_indent_first_level = 0;
$mpdf->WriteHTML($html, 2);
$mpdf->Output('mpdf.pdf', 'I');
Beispiel #28
	<table width="710px"><tr><td><center><b>ТОВАРНЫЙ ЧЕК № ' . $id . ' от ' . $data . ' г.</center></td></tr></table><br>
	<table width="710px" border="1" bordercolor="black" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">
		<tr><td width="25px"><center><b>№</b></center></td><td><b>Наименование товара, услуги</td><td width="50px"><center><b>Кол-во</b></center></td><td width="100px"><center><b>Цена, руб.</b></center></td><td width="100px"><center><b>Сумма, руб.</b></center></td></tr>';
    $select_zakaz = $connect_db->query("SELECT * FROM `tezak` WHERE `user` = '{$user}'");
    while ($fetch_zakaz = $select_zakaz->fetch_assoc()) {
        $summa = $fetch_zakaz['kol'] * $fetch_zakaz['price'];
        $html2 = $html2 . '<tr><td><center>' . $num_field . '</center></td><td>' . $fetch_zakaz['name'] . '</td><td><center>' . $fetch_zakaz['kol'] . '</center></td><td><center>' . $fetch_zakaz['price'] . '</center></td><td><center>' . $summa . '</center></td></tr>';
        $itog = $itog + $summa;
    $html3 = '<tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td align="right"><b>Итого:</b></td><td><center><b>' . $itog . '</b></center></td></tr></tbody></table><br><br><br>Получено (сумма прописью): ' . num2str($itog) . '
	<br><br>Продавец_____________________________/' . $fio_engineer . '/';
    $html = $html1 . $html2 . $html3;
    // Имя файла
    $pdf_name = 'tovchek_' . $id . '.pdf';
    // Обновляем номер товарника
    $connect_db->query("UPDATE `number` SET `tovarnik` = '{$id}'");
    // Уменьшаем колличество товара на складе и пишим чек в базу
    $select_koltov_from_tezak = $connect_db->query("SELECT * FROM `tezak` WHERE `user` = '{$user}'");
    while ($fetch_koltov_from_tezak = $select_koltov_from_tezak->fetch_assoc()) {
        $idtov_zak = $fetch_koltov_from_tezak['idtov'];
        $koltov_zak = $fetch_koltov_from_tezak['kol'];
        $koltov_garan = $fetch_koltov_from_tezak['garan'];
        $koltov_sn = $fetch_koltov_from_tezak['sn'];
        // Записываем чек в базу
        $add_chek = $connect_db->prepare("INSERT INTO `cheki` (`number`, `idtov`, `kol`, `garan`, `sn`, `user`, `akt`, `who`) VALUE (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
 public function pricelong($value)
     $value = round($value, 2);
     return num2strL($value) . ' (' . num2str($value) . ')';
Beispiel #30
     $print_str = str_replace('%pre_month%', $months[date('F', strtotime("-1 months"))], $print_str);
     $print_str = str_replace('%current_month%', $months[date('F')], $print_str);
     $print_str = str_replace('%next_month%', $months[date('F', strtotime("+1 months"))], $print_str);
     return $print_str;
 // Составляем полный текст основания РКО имея только пконечный ID
 if (isset($_POST['get_reason_text']) && $_POST['get_reason_text'] != '') {
     echo get_full_rko_template_text($_POST['get_reason_text']);
 // Для рекурсивной обработки информации по родителям и детям дерева, напишем специальную функцию;
 // Получаем шаблон текста для основания рко;
 if (isset($_POST['get_rko_template']) && $_POST['get_rko_template'] != '') {
 // Получение суммы прописью;
 if (isset($_POST['get_sum_str']) && $_POST['get_sum_str'] != '') {
     echo num2str($_POST['get_sum_str']);
 // Различные типы поисков по разным справочникам;
 if (isset($_POST['find_client']) && $_POST['find_client'] != '') {
     //$sql = "select `code`, concat(`fam`, ' ', `name`, ' ', `g_name`) as `name`, `phone_m` as `phone` from `kontr` where concat(`fam`, ' ', `name`, ' ', `g_name`, ' ', `phone_m`) like '%".$_POST['find_client']."%' order by `fam` asc";
     $sql = "select `code`, '' as `numm`, concat(`fam`, ' ', `name`, ' ', `g_name`) as `name`, `phone_m` as `phone`, '' as `sum`, 'Клиент / Сотрудник' as `doc_type` from `kontr` where concat(`fam`, ' ', `name`, ' ', `g_name`, ' ', `phone_m`) like '%" . $_POST['find_client'] . "%' order by `name` asc";
     write_log($sql, 'pko');
     $peoples_array = $db->all($sql);
     $sql = "select '' as `code`, `numm`, concat(`fam_z`, ' ', `name_z`, ' ', `otch_z`) as `name`, `tel1` as `phone`, `summa` as `sum`, 'Заказ' as `doc_type` from `remont` where `numm` like '%" . $_POST['find_client'] . "%' order by `name` asc";
     write_log($sql, 'pko');
     $orders_array = $db->all($sql);
     $sql = "select `code`, '' as `numm`, `primech` as `name`, '' as `phone`, `summ` as `sum`, 'ПКО' as `doc_type` from `kassa` where `type_m` in (0, 3) and (`code` like '%" . $_POST['find_client'] . "%' or `primech` like '%" . $_POST['find_client'] . "%') order by `name` asc";
     write_log($sql, 'pko');
     $money_array = $db->all($sql);
     // Выводим шапку таблицы;
     $html = '<br>';