$adminService->serviceCmd($service, $service_command); if (!$adminService->waitCallback()) { nt_common_add_debug('Error while waiting for callback on service \'' . $service . '\' for command : ' . $service_command); } else { // the locator displays a nice output, no need for the raw one //$tpl->assign('tool_execute_command', $service_command); $tpl->assign('tool_guild_errors', tool_gl_parse_grade_change($command_return_data)); } } case 'dumpguild': $service = $NELTOOL['GET_VARS']['servicealias']; $guild_shard_id = $NELTOOL['GET_VARS']['guildshardid']; $guild_id = $NELTOOL['GET_VARS']['guildid']; if ($guild_shard_id > 0 && $guild_id > 0 && $service != '') { $service_command = 'dumpGuild ' . $guild_shard_id . ':' . $guild_id; nt_log("Domain '{$AS_Name}' : '{$service_command}' on " . $service); $tpl->assign('tool_execute_result', ''); $command_return_data = array(); $adminService->serviceCmd($service, $service_command); if (!$adminService->waitCallback()) { nt_common_add_debug('Error while waiting for callback on service \'' . $service . '\' for command : ' . $service_command); } else { // the locator displays a nice output, no need for the raw one //$tpl->assign('tool_execute_command', $service_command); } if (sizeof($command_return_data)) { $tool_sub_services_gl = null; if (isset($NELTOOL['POST_VARS']['subservices_gl'])) { $tool_sub_services_gl = $NELTOOL['POST_VARS']['subservices_gl']; } elseif (isset($NELTOOL['GET_VARS']['subservices_gl'])) { $tool_sub_services_gl = $NELTOOL['GET_VARS']['subservices_gl'];
function tool_main_set_restart_sequence_user($AS_ShardRestart) { global $db; global $AS_Name, $AS_ShardName; global $nel_user; global $restart_notification_emails; $sequence_info = tool_main_get_restart_sequence_by_id($AS_ShardRestart); if ($sequence_info) { $sql = "UPDATE " . NELDB_RESTART_SEQUENCE_TABLE . " SET restart_sequence_user_name='" . $nel_user['user_name'] . "' WHERE restart_sequence_id=" . $AS_ShardRestart; $db->sql_query($sql); nt_log("Shard Restart (Domain: '" . $AS_Name . "' - Shard: '" . $AS_ShardName . "' - Sequence: '" . $AS_ShardRestart . "') owner set to '" . $nel_user['user_name'] . "'"); $email_subject = "[Shard Admin Tool] Restart Sequence Takeover (id: " . $sequence_info['restart_sequence_id'] . ", step: " . $sequence_info['restart_sequence_step'] . ") for shard " . $AS_Name . "/" . $AS_ShardName . " by " . $nel_user['user_name']; $email_message = $email_subject; nt_email($email_subject, $email_message, $restart_notification_emails); } }
$adminService->controlCmd($service, 'abortService'); if (!$adminService->waitCallback()) { nt_common_add_debug('Error while waiting for callback on service \'' . $service . '\' for abortService'); } } nt_sleep(VIEW_DELAY); } } break; case 'execute': if (tool_admin_applications_check('tool_main_execute')) { if (isset($_POST['service_command'])) { $service_command = trim(stripslashes(html_entity_decode($_POST['service_command'], ENT_QUOTES))); $service_list = tool_main_get_checked_services(); if (sizeof($service_list)) { nt_log("Domain '{$AS_Name}' : '{$service_command}' on " . implode(', ', array_values($service_list))); nt_common_add_debug(array_combine($service_list, $service_list)); $tpl->assign('tool_service_select_list', array_combine($service_list, $service_list)); $tpl->assign('tool_execute_result', ''); reset($service_list); foreach ($service_list as $service) { nt_common_add_debug("about to run command '{$service_command}' on '{$service}' ..."); $adminService->serviceCmd($service, $service_command); if (!$adminService->waitCallback()) { nt_common_add_debug('Error while waiting for callback on service \'' . $service . '\' for command : ' . $service_command); } else { $tpl->assign('tool_execute_command', htmlentities($service_command, ENT_QUOTES)); } } } }