Beispiel #1
require SYS_DIR . 'logincheck.php';
// now you have access to all CMS API
// define a helper function
function delete_cache_log($id)
    // delete cached file
    $cacheQuery = "id='" . $id . "'";
    $page = db_select(TBL_PREFIX . TBL_CACHE, "file", $cacheQuery);
    if (is_file(CACHE_DIR . $page['file'])) {
        unlink(CACHE_DIR . $page['file']);
    // now delete cache log
    $success = db_delete(TBL_PREFIX . TBL_CACHE, $cacheQuery);
    return $success ? 'Deleted!' : 'Error!';
// delete single cached log
if (!empty($_GET['pid'])) {
    $id = (int) $_GET['pid'];
    $msg = delete_cache_log($id);
    // here we are using the SetupCMS.deleteTrackingButtons()
    echo '{"success":' . (bool) $msg . ',"response":"' . $msg . '"}';
} else {
    if (!empty($_POST)) {
        $ids = explode(",", $_POST['id']);
        foreach ($ids as $id) {
            $msg = delete_cache_log($id);
        // if everything went ok, display the $_notifyMsg["SAVED"] string. Otherwise, use a custom error message.
        notify_request("orphanlogs", (bool) $msg, $msg);
Beispiel #2
$incoming = strtolower($_POST["Body"]);
$command = "";
$parameters = "";
if (gettype(strpos($incoming, " ")) != "boolean") {
    $command = substr($incoming, 0, strpos($incoming, " "));
    $parameters = substr($incoming, strpos($incoming, " ") + 1);
} else {
    $command = $incoming;
    $parameters = "";
switch ($command) {
    case $commands[0]:
        $outgoing = stock($parameters);
    case $commands[1]:
        $outgoing = update($parameters);
        $outgoing = notify_request($command);
header("content-type: text/xml");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
echo $outgoing;
    if (isset($_POST['create'])) {
        // insert new role with allowed sections
        $success = db_insert(TBL_PREFIX . TBL_ROLES, "name,ext_allowed", "'" . $role_name . "', '" . implode(",", $exts) . "'");
    } else {
        if (isset($_POST['update'])) {
            $success = db_update(TBL_PREFIX . TBL_ROLES, "ext_allowed='" . implode(",", $exts) . "'", "id='" . $role_id . "'");
        } else {
            if (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
                $success = db_delete(TBL_PREFIX . TBL_ROLES, "id='" . $role_id . "'");
} else {
    if ($form == "describe") {
        $description = $_POST['description'];
        // form array
        $name = $_POST['name'];
        // form array
        if (!isset($_POST['check'])) {
            // nothing to change...
            notify_request($form, false, "You should check at least one role to describe.");
        foreach ($_POST['check'] as $id) {
            $success = db_update(TBL_PREFIX . TBL_ROLES, "name='" . $name[$id] . "', description='" . $description[$id] . "'", "id='" . $id . "'");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- redirect ---
notify_request($form, $success);
Beispiel #4
        // save?
        if (!isset($_POST['reset'])) {
            $_SESSION[$key] = ${$key};
        } else {
            if (isset($_SESSION[$key])) {
// parse date
$from = $_POST['from'];
$to = $_POST['to'];
$pattern = "/\\d{2}\\/\\d{2}\\/\\d{4}\\s\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\s(a|p)m{1}/i";
if (!empty($from) && !preg_match($pattern, $from) || !empty($to) && !preg_match($pattern, $to)) {
    notify_request("mine", false, "Please use this date format: <em>mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm (a|p)m</em> &rarr; example: <em>07/23/2009 11:30 am</em>");
// date range
$sfrom = !empty($from) ? strtotime($from) : strtotime("last year");
$sto = !empty($to) ? strtotime($to) : strtotime("now");
// +1 day?
$fromdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $sfrom);
$todate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $sto);
$sql .= " AND (sess_date BETWEEN '{$fromdate}' AND '{$todate}')";
// time range
$sql .= " AND (sess_time BETWEEN " . $mintime . " AND " . $maxtime . ")";
// grouping
if (!empty($groupby)) {
    $sql .= " GROUP BY " . $groupby;
} else {
Beispiel #5
// now you have access to all CMS API
// only root user can backup the database
if (!is_root()) {
require SYS_DIR . 'class.db.backup.php';
// load maintenance configuration
require 'config.php';
$backup = new MySQL_Backup();
$backup->server = DB_HOST;
$backup->username = DB_USER;
$backup->password = DB_PASSWORD;
$backup->database = DB_NAME;
// backup all tables on 'backup' dir
$backup->tables = array();
$backup->backup_dir = BACKUPDIR;
$backup->fname_format = 'Ymd-His';
$task = (int) $_GET['task'];
$run = $backup->Execute($task);
if (!$run) {
    $output = $backup->error;
} else {
    $output = 'Operation completed successfully at <strong>' . date('H:i:s') . '</strong><em> (Local Server Time)</em>.';
    if ($task == MSB_SAVE) {
        notify_request("backup", (bool) $run, $output);
    } else {
        if ($task == MSB_STRING) {
            echo $output . '<br /><pre>' . $run . '</pre>';