function make_repay_plan($deal)
     $true_repay_time = $deal['repay_time'];
     $repay_day = $deal['repay_start_time'];
     $has_use_self_money = 0;
     $list = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $true_repay_time; $i++) {
         $load_repay = array();
         $load_repay['repay_time'] = $repay_day = next_replay_month($repay_day);
         $load_repay['repay_date'] = to_date($load_repay['repay_time']);
         if ($i + 1 == $true_repay_time) {
             $load_repay['repay_money'] = $deal['last_month_repay_money'];
             $load_repay['self_money'] = $deal['borrow_amount'];
         } else {
             $load_repay['repay_money'] = $deal['month_repay_money'];
             $load_repay['self_money'] = 0;
         $load_repay['manage_money'] = $deal['month_manage_money'];
         $load_repay['interest_money'] = $load_repay['repay_money'] - $load_repay['self_money'];
         $load_repay['deal_id'] = $deal['id'];
         $load_repay['user_id'] = $deal['user_id'];
         $list[] = $load_repay;
     return $list;
Beispiel #2
 function make_repay_plan($deal)
     $true_repay_time = $deal['repay_time'];
     $repay_day = $deal['repay_start_time'];
     $has_use_self_money = 0;
     $list = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $true_repay_time; $i++) {
         $load_repay = array();
         $load_repay['repay_time'] = $repay_day = next_replay_month($repay_day);
         $load_repay['repay_date'] = to_date($load_repay['repay_time']);
         if ($i + 1 == $true_repay_time) {
             $load_repay['repay_money'] = $deal['last_month_repay_money'];
             $load_repay['self_money'] = $deal['borrow_amount'] - $has_use_self_money;
         } else {
             $load_repay['repay_money'] = $deal['month_repay_money'];
             $load_repay['self_money'] = get_self_money($i, $deal['borrow_amount'], $deal['month_repay_money'], $deal['rate']);
             $has_use_self_money += $load_repay['self_money'];
         $load_repay['manage_money'] = $deal['month_manage_money'];
         $load_repay['interest_money'] = $load_repay['repay_money'] - $load_repay['self_money'];
         //借款者 授权服务机构获取的管理费抽成
         $rebate_rs = get_rebate_fee($deal['user_id'], "borrow");
         $load_repay['manage_money_rebate'] = $load_repay['manage_money'] * floatval($rebate_rs['rebate']) / 100;
         $load_repay['deal_id'] = $deal['id'];
         $load_repay['user_id'] = $deal['user_id'];
         $list[] = $load_repay;
     return $list;
 public function index()
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("page_title", "VIP等级特权");
     $list = load_auto_cache("level");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("list", $list['list']);
     $userinfo = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "user WHERE id='" . $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'] . "' and vip_state='1' ");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('userinfo', $userinfo);
     $gradeinfo = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vip_type WHERE id='" . $userinfo['vip_id'] . "' and is_delete='0' ");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('gradeinfo', $gradeinfo);
     $vip_type = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vip_type WHERE is_effect='1' and is_delete='0' ");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('vip_type', $vip_type);
     $vip_setting = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vip_setting v LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "vip_type vt ON WHERE v.is_effect='1' and v.is_delete='0' ");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('vip_setting', $vip_setting);
     $customerinfo = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "customer WHERE id='" . $userinfo['customer_id'] . "' and is_effect='1'  ");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('customerinfo', $customerinfo);
     $today = to_date(TIME_UTC, "Y-m-d");
     $start_time = to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, -24), "Y-m-d");
     $begin_date = to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, -3), "Y-m-d");
     $user_id = $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'];
     $borrow_total = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select sum(borrow_amount) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal WHERE start_date>'{$start_time}' and user_id='{$user_id}' and deal_status > 3 ");
     $load_total = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select sum( FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load dl LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "deal d ON WHERE dl.create_date>'{$start_time}' and dl.user_id='{$user_id}' and d.deal_status > 3  ");
     $t_u_load = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("SELECT sum(dlr.repay_money) as load_money  FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_repay dlr LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "deal d ON LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load dl ON WHERE d.is_effect=1 and dl.is_repay= 0 and  dlr.t_user_id = " . $user_id);
     $load_total = floatval($load_total) + floatval($t_u_load['load_money']);
     //	$load_total = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select sum(money) FROM ".DB_PREFIX."deal_load WHERE create_date>'$start_time' and user_id='$user_id' ");
     $overdue_total = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select sum(repay_money) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_repay WHERE ((has_repay=1 and repay_date<true_repay_date) or (has_repay=0 and repay_date <'{$today}')) and user_id='{$user_id}' ");
     $bl_total = (int) $borrow_total + (int) $load_total;
     $yx_total = $bl_total - $overdue_total;
     $vipgradeinfo = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vip_type WHERE lower_limit<='{$yx_total}' and upper_limit>='{$yx_total}' and is_effect='1' and is_delete='0' ");
     $grade_cz = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vip_type where is_effect='1' and is_delete='0'  order by lower_limit asc limit 1   ");
     if ($grade_cz['lower_limit'] > $yx_total || $userinfo['vip_id'] == 0) {
         $chazhi = (int) $grade_cz['lower_limit'] - $yx_total;
         if ($chazhi > 0) {
             $chazhi = $chazhi;
         } else {
             $chazhi = 0;
         $nextgrade = $grade_cz['vip_grade'];
     } else {
         $chazhi = $vipgradeinfo['upper_limit'] - $yx_total + 1;
         $nextgradeinfo = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vip_type WHERE  lower_limit >'" . $vipgradeinfo['upper_limit'] . "' and is_effect='1' and is_delete='0' order by lower_limit asc limit 1 ");
         $nextgrade = $nextgradeinfo['vip_grade'];
     $chazhi = number_format($chazhi);
     $bl_total = number_format($bl_total);
     $vipgradeinfo = number_format($vipgradeinfo);
     $yx_total = number_format($yx_total);
     $overdue_total = number_format($overdue_total);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('bl_total', $bl_total);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('chazhi', $chazhi);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('nextgrade', $nextgrade);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('overdue_total', $overdue_total);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('yx_total', $yx_total);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('vipgradeinfo', $vipgradeinfo);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("inc_file", "inc/uc/uc_vip_setting_index.html");
Beispiel #4
 public function foreverdelete()
     $ajax = intval($_REQUEST['ajax']);
     $condition = array("log_time" => array("lt", next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, -6)));
     $list = M(MODULE_NAME)->where($condition)->delete();
     if ($list !== false) {
         save_log("清除半年前的记录", 1);
         $this->success(l("FOREVER_DELETE_SUCCESS"), $ajax);
     } else {
         save_log("清除半年前的记录", 0);
         $this->error(l("FOREVER_DELETE_FAILED"), $ajax);
 public function index()
     $user_info = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "user where id = " . intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']));
     $level_info = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "user_group where id = " . intval($user_info['group_id']));
     $point_level = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "user_level where id = " . intval($user_info['level_id']));
     $user_info['user_level'] = $level_info['name'];
     $user_info['point_level'] = $point_level['name'];
     $user_info['discount'] = $level_info['discount'] * 10;
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("user_data", $user_info);
     $type_title = isset($_REQUEST['type_title']) ? intval($_REQUEST['type_title']) : 100;
     $times = intval($_REQUEST['times']);
     $time_status = intval($_REQUEST['time_status']);
     $t = strim($_REQUEST['t']);
     //point 积分  为空为资金
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("t", $t);
     $page = intval($_REQUEST['p']);
     if ($page == 0) {
         $page = 1;
     $limit = ($page - 1) * app_conf("PAGE_SIZE") . "," . app_conf("PAGE_SIZE");
     if ($t == "point") {
         $title_arrays = array("100" => "全部", "0" => "结存", "4" => "偿还本息", "5" => "回收本息", "6" => "提前还款", "7" => "提前回收", "8" => "申请认证", "11" => "逾期还款", "13" => "人工操作", "14" => "借款服务费", "18" => "开户奖励", "23" => "邀请返利", "24" => "投标返利", "25" => "签到成功");
     } elseif ($t == "lock_money") {
         $title_arrays = array("100" => "全部", "0" => "结存", "1" => "充值", "2" => "投标成功", "8" => "申请提现", "9" => "提现手续费", "13" => "人工操作", "18" => "开户奖励", "19" => "流标还返");
     } elseif ($t == "score") {
         $title_arrays = array("100" => "全部", "0" => "结存", "1" => "充值", "2" => "投标成功", "3" => "招标成功", "8" => "申请提现", "9" => "提现手续费", "13" => "人工操作", "18" => "开户奖励", "22" => "兑换", "25" => "签到成功", "28" => "投资奖励 ", "29" => "红包奖励 ");
     } elseif ($t == "nmc_amount") {
         $title_arrays = array("100" => "全部", "22" => "兑换", "28" => "投资奖励 ", "29" => "红包奖励 ");
     } else {
         $title_arrays = array("100" => "全部", "0" => "结存", "1" => "充值", "2" => "投标成功", "3" => "招标成功", "4" => "偿还本息", "5" => "回收本息", "6" => "提前还款", "7" => "提前回收", "8" => "申请提现", "9" => "提现手续费", "10" => "借款管理费", "11" => "逾期罚息", "12" => "逾期管理费", "13" => "人工充值", "14" => "借款服务费", "15" => "出售债权", "16" => "购买债权", "17" => "债权转让管理费", "18" => "开户奖励", "19" => "流标还返", "20" => "投标管理费", "21" => "投标逾期收入", "22" => "兑换", "23" => "邀请返利", "24" => "投标返利", "25" => "签到成功", "26" => "逾期罚金(垫付后)", "27" => "其他费用", "28" => "投资奖励 ", "29" => "红包奖励 ");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('title_array', $title_arrays);
     $times_array = array("0" => "全部", "1" => "三天以内", "2" => "一周以内", "3" => "一月以内", "4" => "三月以内", "5" => "一年以内");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('times_array', $times_array);
     $user_id = intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']);
     $condition = "";
     if ($times == 1) {
         $condition .= " and create_time_ymd >= '" . to_date(TIME_UTC - 3600 * 24 * 3, "Y-m-d") . "' ";
     } elseif ($times == 2) {
         $condition .= "and create_time_ymd >= '" . to_date(TIME_UTC - to_date(TIME_UTC, "w") * 24 * 3600, "Y-m-d") . "'";
     } elseif ($times == 3) {
         $condition .= " and create_time_ym  = '" . to_date(TIME_UTC, "Ym") . "'";
     } elseif ($times == 4) {
         $condition .= " and create_time_ym  >= '" . to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, -2), "Ym") . "'";
     } elseif ($times == 5) {
         $condition .= " and create_time_y  = '" . to_date(TIME_UTC, "Y") . "'";
     if ($type_title == 100) {
         $type = -1;
     } else {
         $type = $type_title;
     if ($time_status == 1) {
         $time = isset($_REQUEST['time']) ? strim($_REQUEST['time']) : "";
         $time_f = to_date(to_timespan($time, "Ymd"), "Y-m-d");
         $condition .= " and create_time_ymd = '" . $time_f . "'";
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('time_normal', $time_f);
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('time', $time);
     if (isset($t) && $t == "point") {
         $result = get_user_point_log($limit, $user_id, $type, $condition);
     } elseif (isset($t) && $t == "lock_money") {
         $result = get_user_lock_money_log($limit, $user_id, $type, $condition);
     } elseif (isset($t) && $t == "score") {
         $result = get_user_score_log($limit, $user_id, $type, $condition);
     } elseif (isset($t) && $t == "nmc_amount") {
         $result = get_user_nmc_amount_log($limit, $user_id, $type, $condition);
     } else {
         $result = get_user_money_log($limit, $user_id, $type, $condition);
     foreach ($result['list'] as $k => $v) {
         $result['list'][$k]['title'] = $title_arrays[$v['type']];
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("type_title", $type_title);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("times", $times);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("carry_money", $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT sum(money) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "user_carry WHERE user_id=" . $user_id . " AND `status`=1"));
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("incharge_money", $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT sum(money) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "payment_notice WHERE user_id=" . $user_id . " AND `is_paid`=1"));
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('time_status', $time_status);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("list", $result['list']);
     $page = new Page($result['count'], app_conf("PAGE_SIZE"));
     $p = $page->show();
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('pages', $p);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("page_title", $GLOBALS['lang']['UC_MONEY']);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("inc_file", "inc/uc/uc_money_index.html");
 public function index()
     $user_info = $this->user_data;
     $ajax = intval($_REQUEST['ajax']);
     if ($ajax == 0) {
     $user_id = intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']);
     $user_statics = $user_info['user_statics'];
     $list_sql = "select sum(CASE WHEN `has_repay`=1 THEN self_money ELSE 0 END ) AS `total_self_money` ,sum(CASE WHEN `has_repay`=1 THEN interest_money ELSE 0 END ) AS `total_interest_money`, " . "sum(CASE WHEN `has_repay`=0 THEN self_money ELSE 0 END ) AS `not_self_money` ,sum(CASE WHEN `has_repay`=0 THEN interest_money ELSE 0 END ) AS `not_interest_money`" . " from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_repay dlr left join " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load dl on dlr.load_id = where ((dlr.user_id = " . $user_id . " and dlr.t_user_id = 0) or dlr.t_user_id = " . $user_id . ") and (pP2PBillNo ='' or pP2PBillNo is null)  ";
     $transfer_info = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($list_sql);
     $user_statics["load_earnings"] = number_format(floatval($user_statics["load_earnings"]) + floatval($transfer_info["total_interest_money"]), 2);
     //$user_info["load_wait_repay_amount"] = 0;
     $user_statics["need_repay_amount"] = floatval($user_statics["need_repay_amount"]) + floatval($user_statics["need_manage_amount"]);
     $user_statics["load_wait_self_money"] = floatval($transfer_info["load_wait_self_money"]) + floatval($transfer_info["not_self_money"]);
     $user_statics["clear_total_money"] = number_format(round($user_statics["load_wait_self_money"], 2) + round($user_info["money"], 2) + round($user_info["lock_money"], 2) - round($user_statics["need_repay_amount"], 2), 2);
     $user_statics["load_wait_self_money"] = number_format($user_statics["load_wait_self_money"]);
     $user_statics["load_wait_earnings"] = number_format(floatval($transfer_info["load_wait_earnings"]) + floatval($transfer_info["not_interest_money"]), 2);
     $user_statics["ltotal_money"] = number_format(floatval($user_statics["load_wait_repay_money"]) + floatval($user_statics["load_repay_money"]), 2);
     $user_info["total_money"] = number_format(floatval($user_info["money"]) + floatval($user_info["lock_money"]), 2);
     $user_info["lock_money"] = number_format(floatval($user_info["lock_money"]), 2);
     $user_statics["money"] = number_format(floatval($user_info["money"]), 2);
     $user_statics["need_repay_amount"] = number_format(floatval($user_statics["need_repay_amount"]), 2);
     $invest_sql = "SELECT count(*) as l_count,sum(money) as l_money FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load dl LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "deal d ON dl.deal_id = WHERE dl.user_id=" . $user_id . " and d.deal_status in(1,2) group by dl.user_id";
     $invest = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($invest_sql);
     $user_statics["invest_count"] = $invest["l_count"];
     $user_statics["invest_money"] = number_format($invest["l_money"], 2);
     $user_statics["total_money"] = number_format(round($invest_sql["money"], 2) + round($user_statics["load_wait_repay_money"], 2) + round($user_statics["load_repay_money"], 2), 2);
     $user_statics["load_wait_repay_money"] = number_format(floatval($user_statics["load_wait_repay_money"]), 2);
     $user_statics["load_repay_money"] = number_format(floatval($user_statics["load_repay_money"]) + floatval($transfer_info["total_self_money"]), 2);
     $this_wait_deals = $this->get_loadlist($user_id, " AND DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(repay_time),'%Y年%m月')  = date_format(curdate(),'%Y年%m月') ");
     $user_statics["this_month_money"] = 0.0;
     $user_statics["this_month_count"] = 0;
     foreach ($this_wait_deals as $k => $v) {
         $user_statics["this_month_money"] += $v["repay_money"];
     $next_wait_deals = $this->get_loadlist($user_id, " AND DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(repay_time),'%Y年%m月')  = date_format(DATE_ADD(curdate(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH),'%Y年%m月')");
     $user_statics["next_month_money"] = 0.0;
     $user_statics["next_month_count"] = 0;
     foreach ($next_wait_deals as $k => $v) {
         $user_statics["next_month_money"] += $v["repay_money"];
     $year_wait_deals = $this->get_loadlist($user_id, " AND DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(repay_time),'%Y')  =  DATE_FORMAT(curdate(),'%Y')");
     $user_statics["year_money"] = 0.0;
     $user_statics["year_count"] = 0;
     foreach ($year_wait_deals as $k => $v) {
         $user_statics["year_money"] += $v["repay_money"];
     $user_statics["year_money"] = number_format(round($user_statics["year_money"], 2), 2);
     $user_statics["this_month_money"] = number_format(round($user_statics["this_month_money"], 2), 2);
     $user_statics["next_month_money"] = number_format(round($user_statics["next_month_money"], 2), 2);
     $all_wait_deals = $this->get_loadlist($user_id, '');
     $user_statics["total_invest_money"] = 0.0;
     $user_statics["total_invest_count"] = 0;
     foreach ($all_wait_deals as $k => $v) {
         $user_statics["total_invest_money"] += $v["repay_money"];
     $user_statics["total_invest_money"] = number_format($user_statics["total_invest_money"], 2);
     //$user_statics["total_invest_count"] = $user_statics["this_month_count"]+$user_statics["next_month_count"]+$user_statics["year_count"];
     $load_list_sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load WHERE user_id = " . $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'] . " ORDER BY id DESC limit 0,4";
     $load_list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAllCached($load_list_sql);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("load_list", $load_list);
     //$user_statics["total_money"] =  number_format(floatval($user_info["load_wait_repay_money"]) - floatval($user_info["need_repay_amount"]));
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("user_statics", $user_statics);
     $month = array();
     //select month(FROM_UNIXTIME(time)) from table_name group by month(FROM_UNIXTIME(time))
     $result['lend'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getAllCached("SELECT count(*) as l_count,sum(money) as l_money,DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(dl.create_time),'%Y年%m月') as l_month FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load dl LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "deal d ON dl.deal_id = WHERE dl.is_repay = 0 AND dl.user_id=" . $user_id . " and d.deal_status in(1,2,4,5) group by DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(dl.create_time),'%Y年%m月')");
     $months[0]["time"] = to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, -5), 'Y年m月');
     $months[1]["time"] = to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, -4), 'Y年m月');
     $months[2]["time"] = to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, -3), 'Y年m月');
     $months[3]["time"] = to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, -2), 'Y年m月');
     $months[4]["time"] = to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, -1), 'Y年m月');
     $months[5]["time"] = to_date(TIME_UTC, 'Y年m月');
     $max_money = 100;
     foreach ($result['lend'] as $k => $v) {
         if (round($max_money) < round($v["l_money"])) {
             $max_money = $v["l_money"];
         foreach ($months as $kk => $vv) {
             if ($vv["time"] == $v["l_month"]) {
                 $months[$kk]["l_money"] = $v["l_money"];
                 $months[$kk]["show_money"] = number_format(floatval($v["l_money"]), 2);
     foreach ($months as $k => $v) {
         $months[$k]["height"] = $v["l_money"] / $max_money * 325;
         $months[$k]["bottom"] = $v["l_money"] / $max_money * 325 + 35;
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("max_money", $max_money);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("months", $months);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("user_data", $user_info);
     if ($ajax == 0) {
         $day_deal_repay = getUcDealRepay($user_id, 10, "");
         $day_repay_list = getUcRepayPlan($user_id, 3, 10, "");
         require APP_ROOT_PATH . "app/Lib/deal_func.php";
         $where = " is_recommend = 1 and deal_status in (0,1,2)";
         $deals_list = get_deal_list(10, 0, $where);
         foreach ($deals_list['list'] as $k => $v) {
             $deals_list['list'][$k]['repay_time_format'] = $v['repay_time'] . "个月";
             $deals_list['list'][$k]['start_time_format'] = to_date($v['start_time'], "Y-m-d");
             if ($deals_list['list'][$k]['deal_status'] == 0) {
                 $deals_list['list'][$k]['deal_status_format'] = "待等材料";
             } elseif ($deals_list['list'][$k]['deal_status'] == 1) {
                 $deals_list['list'][$k]['deal_status_format'] = "进行中";
             } elseif ($deals_list['list'][$k]['deal_status'] == 2) {
                 $deals_list['list'][$k]['deal_status_format'] = "满标";
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('day_deal_repay', $day_deal_repay['list']);
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('day_repay_list', $day_repay_list['list']);
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('deals_list', $deals_list['list']);
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("page_title", $GLOBALS['lang']['UC_CENTER_INDEX']);
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("post_title", $GLOBALS['lang']['UC_CENTER_INDEX']);
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("inc_file", "inc/uc/uc_center_index.html");
     } else {
         header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8");
         echo $GLOBALS['tmpl']->fetch("inc/topic_col_list.html");
Beispiel #7
function getUcDealRepay($user_id, $limit, $condition = "")
    $result = array("rs_count" => 0, "list" => array());
    $extWhere = " 1=1 ";
    $extWhere .= " and   has_repay=0 and user_id = " . $user_id . " and repay_time <=" . next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, 1) . " ";
    $sql_count = "SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_repay where  {$extWhere} {$condition}  order by deal_id";
    $result['rs_count'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql_count);
    if ($result['rs_count'] > 0) {
        $result['list'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("select *,l_key+1 as l_key_index from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_repay where  {$extWhere} {$condition} order by deal_id limit " . $limit);
        foreach ($result['list'] as $k => $v) {
            $result['list'][$k]['name'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select name from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal where id = " . $result['list'][$k]['deal_id']);
            $result['list'][$k]['l_key_index'] = "第 " . $v['l_key_index'] . " 期";
            if ($v['has_repay'] == 0) {
                $result['list'][$k]['status_format'] = '待还';
            } elseif ($v['status'] == 0) {
                $result['list'][$k]['status_format'] = '提前还款';
            } elseif ($v['status'] == 1) {
                $result['list'][$k]['status_format'] = '准时还款';
            } elseif ($v['status'] == 2) {
                $result['list'][$k]['status_format'] = '逾期还款';
            } elseif ($v['status'] == 3) {
                $result['list'][$k]['status_format'] = '严重逾期';
            $result['list'][$k]['repay_money_format'] = format_price($v['repay_money']);
            $result['list'][$k]['self_money_format'] = format_price($v['self_money']);
            $result['list'][$k]['interest_money_format'] = format_price($v['interest_money']);
    return $result;
 * 满标放款
 * $type 0 普通 1代表 第三方
 * $is_loan 0 不返款, 1 返款
function do_loans($id, $repay_start_time, $type = 0)
    $return = array("status" => 0, "info" => "");
    if ($id == 0) {
        $return['info'] = "放款失败,借款不存在";
        return $return;
    require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "app/Lib/deal.php";
    $deal_info = get_deal($id);
    if ($deal['cate_id'] == 6) {
        // 体验金
        $is_ty = 1;
    } else {
        $is_ty = 0;
    if (!$deal_info) {
        $return['info'] = "放款失败,借款不存在";
        return $return;
    if (!in_array($deal_info['deal_status'], array(2, 4, 5))) {
        $return['info'] = "放款失败,借款不是满标状态";
        return $return;
    if ($type == 0) {
        $loan_data['repay_start_time'] = $repay_start_time == '' ? 0 : to_timespan(to_date(to_timespan($repay_start_time), "Y-m-d"), "Y-m-d");
    } else {
        $loan_data['repay_start_time'] = $repay_start_time;
    if ($loan_data['repay_start_time'] == 0) {
        $return['info'] = "放款失败,时间没选择";
        return $return;
    if ($type == 0 && $deal_info['ips_bill_no'] != "") {
        $return['status'] = 2;
        $return['info'] = "";
        $return['jump'] = APP_ROOT . "/index.php?ctl=collocation&act=Transfer&pTransferType=1&deal_id=" . $id . "&ref_data=" . $loan_data['repay_start_time'];
        return $return;
    if ($loan_data['repay_start_time'] > 0) {
        $deal_info['next_repay_time'] = $loan_data['next_repay_time'] = next_replay_month($loan_data['repay_start_time']);
    $deal_info['deal_status'] = $loan_data['deal_status'] = 4;
    $deal_info['is_has_loans'] = $loan_data['is_has_loans'] = 1;
    $deal_info['repay_start_time'] = $loan_data['repay_start_time'];
    $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal", $loan_data, "UPDATE", "id=" . $id);
    if ($GLOBALS['db']->affected_rows() > 0) {
        require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/libs/user.php";
        if ($type == 0) {
            modify_account(array("money" => $deal_info['borrow_amount']), $deal_info['user_id'], "[<a href='" . $deal_info['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal_info['name'] . "</a>],招标成功", 3, $is_ty);
            $services_fee = $deal_info['borrow_amount'] * floatval(trim($deal_info['services_fee'])) / 100;
            modify_account(array("money" => -$services_fee), $deal_info['user_id'], "[<a href='" . $deal_info['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal_info['name'] . "</a>],服务费", 14, $is_ty);
        $load_list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("SELECT id,user_id,`money`,`is_old_loan`,`rebate_money`,`rebid_money` FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load where deal_id=" . $id . " and is_rebate = 0 and is_rebid = 0 ");
        foreach ($load_list as $lk => $lv) {
            if ($lv['is_old_loan'] == 0 && $type == 0) {
                modify_account(array("lock_money" => -$lv['money']), $lv['user_id'], "[<a href='" . $deal_info['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal_info['name'] . "</a>],投标成功", 2, $is_ty);
            if (floatval($lv["rebate_money"]) != 0) {
                $GLOBALS['db']->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load SET is_rebate =1 WHERE id=" . $lv['id'] . " AND is_rebate = 0 AND user_id=" . $lv['user_id'], $is_ty);
                if ($GLOBALS['db']->affected_rows()) {
                    modify_account(array("money" => $lv['rebate_money']), $lv['user_id'], "[<a href='" . $deal_info['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal_info['name'] . "</a>],返利", 24, $is_ty);
            if (floatval($lv["rebid_money"]) != 0) {
                $GLOBALS['db']->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load SET is_rebid =1 WHERE id=" . $lv['id'] . " AND is_rebid = 0 AND user_id=" . $lv['user_id']);
                if ($GLOBALS['db']->affected_rows()) {
                    modify_account(array("money" => $lv['rebid_money']), $lv['user_id'], "[<a href='" . $deal_info['url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $deal_info['name'] . "</a>],续投奖励", 24, $is_ty);
        $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_load", array("is_has_loans" => 1), "UPDATE", "deal_id=" . $id);
        send_deal_success_mail_sms($id, $deal_info);
        send_deal_success_site_sms($id, $deal_info);
        $return['status'] = 1;
        $return['info'] = "放款成功";
        return $return;
    } else {
        $return['info'] = "放款失败";
        return $return;
Beispiel #9
function getUcTransferBuys($page, $status)
    if ($page == 0) {
        $page = 1;
    $limit = ($page - 1) * app_conf("PAGE_SIZE") . "," . app_conf("PAGE_SIZE");
    $page_args = array();
    $condition = ' and d.is_effect=1 and d.is_delete=0  and d.repay_time_type =1 and  d.publish_wait=0 and dlt.t_user_id=' . $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'] . "  ";
    $union_sql = " LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_transfer dlt ON dlt.deal_id = dl.deal_id  and ";
    switch ($status) {
        case 1:
            $condition .= " AND d.deal_status = 4 ";
        case 2:
            $condition .= " AND d.deal_status = 5 ";
            $condition .= " AND d.deal_status >= 4 ";
    $count_sql = 'SELECT count( FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'deal_load dl LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'deal d ON = dl.deal_id ' . $union_sql . ' WHERE 1=1 ' . $condition;
    $rs_count = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($count_sql . " LIMIT {$limit} ");
    $list = array();
    if ($rs_count > 0) {
        $list_sql = 'SELECT as dlid,d.*, as load_money, as dltid,dlt.status as tras_status,dlt.t_user_id,dlt.transfer_amount,dlt.create_time as tras_create_time,dlt.transfer_time FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'deal_load dl LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'deal d ON = dl.deal_id ' . $union_sql . ' WHERE 1=1 ' . $condition;
        $list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($list_sql);
        foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
            $list[$k]['final_repay_time'] = next_replay_month($v['repay_start_time'], $v['repay_time']);
            $list[$k]['final_repay_time_format'] = to_date($list[$k]['final_repay_time'], "Y-m-d");
            if ($v['deal_status'] == 4) {
                if (intval($v['last_repay_time']) > 0) {
                    $list[$k]['how_much_month'] = how_much_month($v['last_repay_time'], $list[$k]['final_repay_time']);
                } else {
                    $list[$k]['how_much_month'] = how_much_month($v['repay_start_time'], $list[$k]['final_repay_time']);
            } else {
                $list[$k]['how_much_month'] = 0;
            if ($v['loantype'] == 0) {
                $list[$k]['month_repay_money'] = pl_it_formula($v['load_money'], $v['rate'] / 12 / 100, $v['repay_time']);
            } elseif ($v['loantype'] == 1) {
                $list[$k]['month_repay_money'] = av_it_formula($v['load_money'], $v['rate'] / 12 / 100);
            } elseif ($v['loantype'] == 2) {
                $list[$k]['month_repay_money'] = 0;
            if ($v['deal_status'] == 4) {
                if ($v['loantype'] == 0) {
                    $list[$k]['all_must_repay_money'] = $list[$k]['month_repay_money'] * $list[$k]['how_much_month'];
                    $list[$k]['left_benjin'] = get_benjin($v['repay_time'] - $list[$k]['how_much_month'] - 1, $v['repay_time'], $v['load_money'], $list[$k]['month_repay_money'], $v['rate']);
                } elseif ($v['loantype'] == 1) {
                    $list[$k]['all_must_repay_money'] = $list[$k]['month_repay_money'] * $list[$k]['how_much_month'] + $v['load_money'];
                    $list[$k]['left_benjin'] = $v['load_money'];
                } elseif ($v['loantype'] == 2) {
                    $list[$k]['all_must_repay_money'] = $v['load_money'] * $v['rate'] / 12 / 100 * $v['repay_time'] + $v['load_money'];
                    $list[$k]['left_benjin'] = $v['load_money'];
                $list[$k]['left_benjin_format'] = format_price($list[$k]['left_benjin'] / 10000) . "万";
                $list[$k]['left_lixi'] = $list[$k]['all_must_repay_money'] - $list[$k]['left_benjin'];
                $list[$k]['left_lixi_format'] = format_price($list[$k]['left_lixi']);
            } else {
                $list[$k]['left_benjin_format'] = format_price(0);
                $list[$k]['left_lixi_format'] = format_price(0);
            $list[$k]['transfer_amount_format'] = format_price($v['transfer_amount'] / 10000) . "万";
            if ($v['tras_create_time'] != "") {
                $list[$k]['tras_create_time_format'] = to_date($v['tras_create_time'], "Y-m-d");
            if (intval($v['transfer_time']) > 0) {
                $list[$k]['transfer_time_format'] = to_date($v['transfer_time'], "Y-m-d");
            $list[$k]['tras_status_op'] = 5;
            if ($v['deal_status'] == 4) {
                $list[$k]['tras_status_format'] = '回收中';
            } elseif ($v['deal_status'] == 5) {
                $list[$k]['tras_status_format'] = '已回收';
            $durl = "/index.php?ctl=deal&act=mobile&id=" . $v['id'];
            $list[$k]['app_url'] = str_replace("/mapi", "", SITE_DOMAIN . $durl);
        return array('list' => $list, 'count' => $rs_count);
    } else {
        return array('list' => null, 'count' => 0);
Beispiel #10
 function apart()
     require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "app/Lib/common.php";
     require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "app/Lib/deal.php";
     $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']);
     $deal = get_deal($id, 0);
     if (!$deal) {
     if ($deal['is_effect'] == 1) {
     if ($deal['ips_bill_no'] != "") {
     if ($deal['deal_status'] != 1) {
     if ($deal['load_money'] == 0) {
     $this->assign("deal", $deal);
     if (!in_array((int) to_date(TIME_UTC, "d"), array(29, 30, 31))) {
         $NOW_TIME = to_date(TIME_UTC, "Y-m-d");
     } else {
         $NOW_TIME = to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC), "Y-m") . "-01";
     $this->assign("NOW_TIME", $NOW_TIME);
     $html = $this->fetch();
Beispiel #11
  * 提前还款
 function inrepay_repay($loaninfo, $k, $time_utc = 0)
     $benjin = $loaninfo['deal']['borrow_amount'];
     $rate = $loaninfo['deal']['rate'] * 0.01 / 12;
     $all_repay_time = $loaninfo['deal']['repay_time'];
     $true_m = $true_k = 0;
     if ($time_utc == 0) {
         $time_utc = TIME_UTC;
     if ($loaninfo['deal']['repay_time_type'] == 0) {
         $rate = $rate / 30;
         $left_time = intval(to_timespan(to_date($time_utc, "Y-m-d"), "Y-m-d")) - intval($loaninfo['deal']['repay_start_time']);
         if ($left_time > 0) {
             $true_k = ceil($left_time / 24 / 3600);
         } else {
             $true_k = 1;
         $true_m = 1;
         $all_repay_time = 1;
     } else {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $all_repay_time; $i++) {
             if ($time_utc >= next_replay_month($loaninfo['deal']['repay_start_time'], $i) + 24 * 3600 - 1) {
                 $true_k += 1;
         $true_m = $true_k;
     $return["impose_money"] = $benjin * (double) trim($loaninfo['deal']['compensate_fee']) * 0.01;
     $return["true_self_money"] = $benjin;
     $return["true_repay_money"] = $benjin + $benjin * $rate * $true_k;
     $return["true_manage_money"] = $loaninfo['deal']['all_manage_money'] / $all_repay_time * $true_m;
     $return["true_manage_money_rebate"] = $return["true_manage_money"] * floatval($loaninfo['deal']['rebate']) / 100;
     $return["true_manage_interest_money"] = $benjin * $rate * $true_k * floatval($loaninfo['deal']["user_loan_interest_manage_fee"]) / 100;
     $return["true_manage_interest_money_rebate"] = $return["true_manage_interest_money"] * floatval($loaninfo['deal']['rebate_fee']) / 100;
     return $return;
 public function contact()
     $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']);
     if ($id == 0) {
         echo "不存在的债权";
     $deal_id = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT deal_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load WHERE id=" . $id);
     if ($deal_id == 0) {
         echo "不存在的债权";
     } else {
     $condition = ' AND' . $id . ' AND d.deal_status >= 4 and d.is_effect=1 and d.is_delete=0 and d.loantype = 0 and d.repay_time_type =1 and  d.publish_wait=0 and (dlt.user_id=' . $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'] . ' or dlt.t_user_id = ' . $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'] . ') ';
     $union_sql = " LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_transfer dlt ON dlt.deal_id = dl.deal_id ";
     $sql = 'SELECT,dlt.deal_id,dlt.load_id,dlt.transfer_amount,dlt.near_repay_time,dlt.user_id,d.next_repay_time,d.last_repay_time,d.rate,d.repay_start_time,d.repay_time,dlt.load_money, as dltid,dlt.status as tras_status,dlt.t_user_id,dlt.transfer_amount,dlt.create_time as tras_create_time,dlt.transfer_time,d.user_id as duser_id FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'deal_load dl LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'deal d ON = dl.deal_id ' . $union_sql . ' WHERE 1=1 ' . $condition;
     $transfer = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql);
     if ($transfer) {
         $transfer['next_repay_time_format'] = to_date($transfer['near_repay_time'], "Y 年 m 月 d 日");
         $transfer['near_repay_time_format'] = to_date(next_replay_month($transfer['near_repay_time'], " -1 "), "Y 年 m 月 d 日");
         $transfer['repay_start_time_format'] = to_date($transfer['repay_start_time'], "Y 年 m 月 d 日");
         $transfer['final_repay_time'] = next_replay_month($transfer['repay_start_time'], $transfer['repay_time']);
         $transfer['final_repay_time_format'] = to_date($transfer['final_repay_time'], "Y 年 m 月 d 日");
         $transfer['how_much_month'] = how_much_month($transfer['near_repay_time'], $transfer['final_repay_time']) + 1;
         $transfer['month_repay_money'] = pl_it_formula($transfer['load_money'], $transfer['rate'] / 12 / 100, $transfer['repay_time']);
         $transfer['month_repay_money_format'] = format_price($transfer['month_repay_money']);
         $transfer['all_must_repay_money'] = $transfer['month_repay_money'] * $transfer['how_much_month'];
         $transfer['all_must_repay_money_format'] = format_price($transfer['all_must_repay_money']);
         $transfer['left_benjin'] = get_benjin($transfer['repay_time'] - $transfer['how_much_month'] - 1, $transfer['repay_time'], $transfer['load_money'], $transfer['month_repay_money'], $transfer['rate']);
         $transfer['left_benjin_format'] = format_price($transfer['left_benjin']);
         $transfer['left_lixi'] = $transfer['all_must_repay_money'] - $transfer['left_benjin'];
         $transfer['left_lixi_format'] = format_price($transfer['left_lixi']);
         $transfer['load_money_format'] = format_price($transfer['load_money']);
         $transfer['transfer_amount_format'] = format_price($transfer['transfer_amount']);
         $transfer_fee = $transfer['transfer_amount'] * (double) app_conf("USER_LOAD_TRANSFER_FEE");
         if ($transfer_fee != 0) {
             $transfer_fee = $transfer_fee / 100;
         $transfer['transfer_fee_format'] = format_price($transfer_fee);
         $transfer['transfer_income_format'] = format_price($transfer['all_must_repay_money'] - $transfer['transfer_amount']);
         if ($transfer['tras_create_time'] != "") {
             $transfer['tras_create_time_format'] = to_date($transfer['tras_create_time'], "Y 年 m 月 d 日");
         $transfer['transfer_time_format'] = to_date($transfer['transfer_time'], "Y 年 m 月 d 日");
         $transfer['user'] = get_user("user_name,real_name,idno,level_id", $transfer['user_id']);
         $transfer['tuser'] = get_user("user_name,real_name,idno,level_id", $transfer['t_user_id']);
         $transfer['duser'] = get_user("user_name,real_name,idno,level_id", $transfer['duser_id']);
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('transfer', $transfer);
     } else {
         echo "不存在的债权";
     $contract = $GLOBALS['tmpl']->fetch("str:" . app_conf("TCONTRACT"));
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('contract', $contract);
Beispiel #13
 * VIP 升降级
function syn_user_vip($user_id, $type, $type_info)
    $vipdata = array();
    //$type_info 1借款升级、2投标升级、3正常还款升级、4提前还款升级、5.逾期还款降级、6.代还款降级、7.坏账降级
    switch ($type_info) {
        case "1":
            $vipdata['causes'] = "借款升级";
        case "2":
            $vipdata['causes'] = "投标升级";
        case "3":
            $vipdata['causes'] = "正常还款升级";
        case "4":
            $vipdata['causes'] = "提前还款升级";
        case "5":
            $vipdata['causes'] = "逾期还款降级";
        case "6":
            $vipdata['causes'] = "代还款降级";
        case "7":
            $vipdata['causes'] = "坏账降级";
            $vipdata['causes'] = "";
    $vipdata['user_id'] = $user_id;
    $today = to_date(TIME_UTC, "Y-m-d");
    $start_time = to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, -24), "Y-m-d");
    $begin_date = to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, -3), "Y-m-d");
    $user_info = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "user WHERE id='{$user_id}' ");
    $borrow_total = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select sum(borrow_amount) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal WHERE start_date>'{$start_time}' and user_id='{$user_id}' and deal_status > 3 ");
    $overdue_total = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select sum(repay_money) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_repay WHERE ((has_repay=1 and repay_date<true_repay_date) or (has_repay=0 and repay_date <'{$today}')) and user_id='{$user_id}' ");
    $load_total = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select sum( FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load dl LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "deal d ON WHERE dl.create_date>'{$start_time}' and dl.user_id='{$user_id}' and d.deal_status > 3  ");
    $t_u_load = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("SELECT sum(dlr.repay_money) as load_money  FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_repay dlr LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "deal d ON LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load dl ON WHERE d.is_effect=1 and dl.is_repay= 0 and  dlr.t_user_id = " . $user_id);
    $load_total = floatval($load_total) + floatval($t_u_load['load_money']);
    $bl_total = $borrow_total + $load_total - $overdue_total;
    $gradeinfo = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vip_type WHERE lower_limit<='{$bl_total}' and upper_limit>='{$bl_total}' and is_effect='1' and is_delete='0' ");
    if ($type == 0) {
    } elseif ($type == 1) {
        $overdue_num = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_repay WHERE ((has_repay=1 and repay_date<true_repay_date and repay_date>'{$begin_date}') or (has_repay=0 and repay_date <'{$today}'))  and user_id='{$user_id}' ");
        $demotion_num = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "demotion_record  WHERE status=0 and user_id='{$user_id}' and eresume_date>'{$today}' ");
        $rdemotion_num = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "demotion_record  WHERE status=0 and user_id='{$user_id}' and eresume_date<='{$today}' ");
        //三个月内无逾期还款且 超过了预计降级还原期
        if ($overdue_num == 0 && $demotion_num == 0) {
            $vipdata['original_vip_id'] = $user_info['vip_id'];
            $vipdata['now_vip_id'] = $gradeinfo['id'];
            $vipdata['upgrade_date'] = to_date(TIME_UTC, "Y-m-d");
            if ($gradeinfo['id'] != $user_info['vip_id'] && $gradeinfo['id'] != 0) {
                $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "vip_upgrade_record", $vipdata, "INSERT");
            $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "user SET vip_id='" . $gradeinfo['id'] . "',vip_state='1' WHERE id=" . $user_id);
            if ($rdemotion_num > 0) {
                $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "demotion_record SET status='1',arecovery_date='{$today}' WHERE status=0 and user_id='{$user_id}' and eresume_date<='{$today}' ");
    } elseif ($type == 2) {
        $now_grade = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vip_type WHERE sort<'" . $gradeinfo['sort'] . "' and is_effect='1' and is_delete='0' order by sort desc limit 1 ");
        if ($gradeinfo['vip_grade'] != "普通VIP会员" && $user_info['vip_id'] != 0) {
            $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "user SET vip_id='" . $now_grade . "' WHERE id=" . $user_id);
        $vipdata['original_vip_id'] = $user_info['vip_id'];
        $vipdata['now_vip_id'] = $now_grade;
        $vipdata['start_date'] = to_date(TIME_UTC, "Y-m-d");
        $vipdata['eresume_date'] = to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, 3), "Y-m-d");
        $vipdata['status'] = 0;
        if ($demotion_num == 0 && $gradeinfo['vip_grade'] != "普通VIP会员" && $user_info['vip_id'] != 0) {
            $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "demotion_record", $vipdata, "INSERT");
    return $vipdata;
Beispiel #14
function check_trans($id, $paypassword)
    $paypassword = strim($paypassword);
    $id = intval($id);
    $root = array();
    $root["status"] = 0;
    if (!$GLOBALS['user_info']) {
        $root["show_err"] = $GLOBALS['lang']['PLEASE_LOGIN_FIRST'];
        return $root;
    if ($paypassword == "") {
        $root["show_err"] = $GLOBALS['lang']['PAYPASSWORD_EMPTY'];
        return $root;
    if (md5($paypassword) != $GLOBALS['user_info']['paypassword']) {
        $root["show_err"] = $GLOBALS['lang']['PAYPASSWORD_ERROR'];
        return $root;
    $deal_id = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT deal_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_transfer WHERE id=" . $id);
    if ($deal_id == 0) {
        $root["show_err"] = "不存在的债权";
        return $root;
    } else {
    $condition = ' AND' . $id . ' AND d.deal_status = 4 and d.is_effect=1 and d.is_delete=0 and d.loantype = 0 and d.repay_time_type =1 and  d.publish_wait=0 ';
    $union_sql = " LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load_transfer dlt ON dlt.deal_id = dl.deal_id ";
    $sql = 'SELECT dlt.load_id,,dlt.t_user_id,dlt.transfer_amount,dlt.user_id,dlt.near_repay_time,d.next_repay_time,d.last_repay_time,d.rate,d.repay_start_time,d.repay_time,dlt.load_money, as dltid,dlt.status as tras_status,dlt.t_user_id,dlt.transfer_amount,dlt.create_time as tras_create_time,d.user_id as duser_id,d.ips_bill_no FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'deal_load dl LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'deal d ON = dl.deal_id ' . $union_sql . ' WHERE 1=1 ' . $condition;
    $transfer = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql);
    if ($transfer) {
        if ($transfer['user_id'] == $GLOBALS['user_info']['id']) {
            $root["show_err"] = "不能购买自己转让的债权";
            return $root;
        if ($transfer['duser_id'] == $GLOBALS['user_info']['id']) {
            $root["show_err"] = "不能购买自己的的借贷债权";
            return $root;
        if ($transfer['tras_status'] == 0) {
            $root["show_err"] = "债权已撤销";
            return $root;
        if (intval($transfer['t_user_id']) > 0) {
            $root["show_err"] = "债权已转让";
            return $root;
        if (intval($transfer['next_repay_time']) == 0) {
            $transfer['next_repay_time'] = next_replay_month($transfer['repay_start_time']);
        if ($transfer['next_repay_time'] - TIME_UTC + 24 * 3600 - 1 <= 0) {
            $root["show_err"] = "债权转让已过期";
            return $root;
        $root["transfer"] = $transfer;
        $root["deal_id"] = $deal_id;
    } else {
        $root["show_err"] = "债权转让不存在";
        return $root;
    if ($transfer['ips_bill_no'] != "") {
        $root["status"] = 2;
    } else {
        $root["status"] = 1;
    return $root;
  * 提前还款
 function inrepay_repay($loaninfo, $k, $time_utc = 0)
     $benjin = $loaninfo['deal']['borrow_amount'];
     $rate = $loaninfo['deal']['rate'] * 0.01 / 12;
     $all_repay_time = $loaninfo['deal']['repay_time'];
     $true_k = 0;
     if ($time_utc == 0) {
         $time_utc = TIME_UTC;
     if ($loaninfo['deal']['repay_time_type'] == 0) {
         $rate = $rate / 30;
         $true_k = 1;
         $all_repay_time = 1;
     } else {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $all_repay_time; $i++) {
             if ($time_utc >= next_replay_month($loaninfo['deal']['repay_start_time'], $i) + 24 * 3600 - 1) {
                 $true_k += 1;
     $return["impose_money"] = $benjin * (double) trim($loaninfo['deal']['compensate_fee']) * 0.01;
     $return["true_self_money"] = $benjin;
     $return["true_repay_money"] = $benjin + $benjin * $rate * $true_k;
     $return["true_manage_money"] = $loaninfo['deal']['all_manage_money'] / $all_repay_time * $true_k;
     return $return;
 public function index()
     $user_info = $this->user_data;
     $user_info["total_money"] = number_format(floatval($user_info["money"]) + floatval($user_info["lock_money"]), 2);
     $user_info["lock_money"] = number_format(floatval($user_info["lock_money"]), 2);
     $ajax = intval($_REQUEST['ajax']);
     if ($ajax == 0) {
     $user_id = intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']);
     $user_statics = sys_user_status($GLOBALS['user_info']['id'], true);
     $user_statics["load_earnings"] = number_format(floatval($user_statics["load_earnings"]), 2);
     //$user_info["load_wait_repay_amount"] = 0;
     $user_statics["need_repay_amount"] = floatval($user_statics["need_repay_amount"]) + floatval($user_statics["need_manage_amount"]);
     $user_statics["load_wait_self_money"] = number_format(floatval($user_statics["load_wait_self_money"]), 2);
     $user_statics["load_wait_earnings"] = number_format(floatval($user_statics["load_wait_earnings"]), 2);
     $user_statics["ltotal_money"] = number_format(floatval($user_statics["load_wait_repay_money"]) + floatval($user_statics["load_repay_money"]), 2);
     $user_statics["money"] = number_format(floatval($user_info["money"]), 2);
     $user_statics["load_repay_money"] = number_format(floatval($user_statics["load_repay_money"]), 2);
     $user_statics["load_wait_repay_money"] = number_format(floatval($user_statics["load_wait_repay_money"]), 2);
     $user_statics["need_repay_amount"] = number_format(floatval($user_statics["need_repay_amount"]), 2);
     $invest_sql = "SELECT count(*) as l_count,sum(money) as l_money FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load dl LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "deal d ON dl.deal_id = WHERE dl.user_id=" . $user_id . " and d.deal_status in(1,2) group by dl.user_id";
     $invest = $GLOBALS['db']->getRowCached($invest_sql);
     $user_statics["invest_count"] = $invest["l_count"];
     $user_statics["invest_money"] = number_format($invest["l_money"], 2);
     $user_statics["total_money"] = number_format(round($invest_sql["money"], 2) + round($user_statics["load_wait_repay_money"], 2) + round($user_statics["load_repay_money"], 2), 2);
     $this_wait_deals = $this->get_loadlist($user_id, " AND DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(repay_time),'%Y年%m月')  = date_format(curdate(),'%Y年%m月')");
     $user_statics["this_month_money"] = 0.0;
     $user_statics["this_month_count"] = 0;
     foreach ($this_wait_deals as $k => $v) {
         $user_statics["this_month_money"] += $v["repay_money"];
     $next_wait_deals = $this->get_loadlist($user_id, " AND DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(repay_time),'%Y年%m月')  = date_format(DATE_ADD(curdate(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH),'%Y年%m月')");
     $user_statics["next_month_money"] = 0.0;
     $user_statics["next_month_count"] = 0;
     foreach ($next_wait_deals as $k => $v) {
         $user_statics["next_month_money"] += $v["repay_money"];
     $year_wait_deals = $this->get_loadlist($user_id, " AND DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(repay_time),'%Y')  =  DATE_FORMAT(curdate(),'%Y')");
     $user_statics["year_money"] = 0.0;
     $user_statics["year_count"] = 0;
     foreach ($year_wait_deals as $k => $v) {
         $user_statics["year_money"] += $v["repay_money"];
     //$user_statics["total_invest_money"] = number_format($user_statics["this_month_money"]+$user_statics["next_month_money"]+$user_statics["year_money"],2);
     $user_statics["year_money"] = number_format(round($user_statics["year_money"], 2), 2);
     $user_statics["this_month_money"] = number_format(round($user_statics["this_month_money"], 2), 2);
     $user_statics["next_month_money"] = number_format(round($user_statics["next_month_money"], 2), 2);
     $all_wait_deals = $this->get_loadlist($user_id, '');
     $user_statics["total_invest_money"] = 0.0;
     $user_statics["total_invest_count"] = 0;
     foreach ($all_wait_deals as $k => $v) {
         $user_statics["total_invest_money"] += $v["repay_money"];
     $user_statics["total_invest_money"] = number_format($user_statics["total_invest_money"], 2);
     //$user_statics["total_invest_count"] = $user_statics["this_month_count"]+$user_statics["next_month_count"]+$user_statics["year_count"];
     $load_list_sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load WHERE user_id = " . $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'] . " ORDER BY id DESC limit 0,4";
     $load_list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAllCached($load_list_sql);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("load_list", $load_list);
     //$user_statics["total_money"] =  number_format(floatval($user_info["load_wait_repay_money"]) - floatval($user_info["need_repay_amount"]));
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("user_statics", $user_statics);
     $month = array();
     //select month(FROM_UNIXTIME(time)) from table_name group by month(FROM_UNIXTIME(time))
     $result['lend'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getAllCached("SELECT count(*) as l_count,sum(money) as l_money,DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(dl.create_time),'%Y年%m月') as l_month FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load dl LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "deal d ON dl.deal_id = WHERE dl.is_repay = 0 AND dl.user_id=" . $user_id . " and d.deal_status in(1,2,4,5) group by DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(dl.create_time),'%Y年%m月')");
     $months[0]["time"] = to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, -5), 'Y年m月');
     $months[1]["time"] = to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, -4), 'Y年m月');
     $months[2]["time"] = to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, -3), 'Y年m月');
     $months[3]["time"] = to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, -2), 'Y年m月');
     $months[4]["time"] = to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, -1), 'Y年m月');
     $months[5]["time"] = to_date(TIME_UTC, 'Y年m月');
     $max_money = 100;
     foreach ($result['lend'] as $k => $v) {
         if (round($max_money) < round($v["l_money"])) {
             $max_money = $v["l_money"];
         foreach ($months as $kk => $vv) {
             if ($vv["time"] == $v["l_month"]) {
                 $months[$kk]["l_money"] = $v["l_money"];
                 $months[$kk]["show_money"] = number_format(floatval($v["l_money"]), 2);
     foreach ($months as $k => $v) {
         $months[$k]["height"] = $v["l_money"] / $max_money * 325;
         $months[$k]["bottom"] = $v["l_money"] / $max_money * 325 + 35;
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("max_money", $max_money);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("months", $months);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("user_data", $user_info);
     if ($ajax == 0) {
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("page_title", $GLOBALS['lang']['UC_CENTER_INDEX']);
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("post_title", $GLOBALS['lang']['UC_CENTER_INDEX']);
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("inc_file", "inc/uc/uc_center_index.html");
     } else {
         header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8");
         echo $GLOBALS['tmpl']->fetch("inc/topic_col_list.html");
Beispiel #17
 public function three_msg()
     $map['is_delete'] = 0;
     if (trim($_REQUEST['name']) != '') {
         $map['name'] = array('like', '%' . trim($_REQUEST['name']) . '%');
     if (intval($_REQUEST['cate_id']) > 0) {
         require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/utils/child.php";
         $child = new Child("deal_cate");
         $cate_ids = $child->getChildIds(intval($_REQUEST['cate_id']));
         $cate_ids[] = intval($_REQUEST['cate_id']);
         $map['cate_id'] = array("in", $cate_ids);
     if (trim($_REQUEST['user_name']) != '') {
         $sql = "select group_concat(id) from " . DB_PREFIX . "user where user_name like '%" . trim($_REQUEST['user_name']) . "%'";
         $ids = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql);
         $map['user_id'] = array("in", $ids);
     $map['publish_wait'] = 0;
     $map['is_effect'] = 1;
     $temp_ids = M("Deal")->where("publish_wait = 0  and is_delete=0 AND deal_status = 4 AND  ((next_repay_time - " . TIME_UTC . " +  24*3600 -1)/24/3600 between 0 AND 3)")->Field('id')->findAll();
     $deal_ids[] = 0;
     foreach ($temp_ids as $k => $v) {
         $deal_ids[] = $v['id'];
     $map['id'] = array("in", implode(",", $deal_ids));
     $list = D("Deal")->where($map)->findAll();
     foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
         $next_repay_time = 0;
         $true_repay_time = $v['repay_time'];
         if ($v['next_repay_time'] > 0) {
             $next_repay_time = $v['next_repay_time'];
         } else {
             if ($v['repay_time_type'] == 0) {
                 $r_y = to_date($v['repay_start_time'], "Y");
                 $r_m = to_date($v['repay_start_time'], "m");
                 $r_d = to_date($v['repay_start_time'], "d");
                 if ($r_m - 1 <= 0) {
                     $r_m = 12;
                     $r_y = $r_y - 1;
                 } else {
                     $r_m = $r_m - 1;
                 $true_repay_time = 1;
                 $v['repay_start_time'] = to_timespan($r_y . "-" . $r_m . "-" . $r_d, "Y-m-d") + $v['repay_time'] * 24 * 3600;
             if ($v['loantype'] == 2) {
                 $y = to_date($v['repay_start_time'], "Y");
                 $m = to_date($v['repay_start_time'], "m");
                 $d = to_date($v['repay_start_time'], "d");
                 $y = $y + intval(($m + $true_repay_time) / 12);
                 $m = ($m + $true_repay_time) % 12;
                 $next_repay_time = to_timespan($y . "-" . $m . "-" . $d, "Y-m-d");
             } else {
                 $next_repay_time = next_replay_month($v['repay_start_time']);
         if ($v["loantype"] == 0) {
             $repay_money = pl_it_formula($v['borrow_amount'], $v['rate'] / 12 / 100, $true_repay_time);
         } elseif ($v['loantype'] == 1) {
             $repay_money = av_it_formula($v['borrow_amount'], $v['rate'] / 12 / 100);
         } elseif ($v['loantype'] == 2) {
             $repay_money = $v['borrow_amount'] * $v['rate'] / 12 / 100 * $true_repay_time;
         if ($v['repay_time_type'] == 1) {
             $idx = ((int) to_date(TIME_UTC, "Y") - (int) to_date($v['repay_start_time'], "Y")) * 12 + ((int) to_date(TIME_UTC, "m") - (int) to_date($v['repay_start_time'], "m"));
             if ($true_repay_time == $idx) {
                 if ($v['loantype'] == 0) {
                     $repay_money = $repay_money * 12 - ($idx - 1) * round($repay_money, 2);
                 } elseif ($v['loantype'] == 1) {
                     $repay_money = $repay_money + $v['borrow_amount'];
                 } elseif ($v['loantype'] == 2) {
                     $repay_money = $repay_money + $v['borrow_amount'];
         $content = "您在" . app_conf("SHOP_TITLE") . "的借款 “<a href=\"" . url("index", "deal", array("id" => $v['id'])) . "\">" . $v['name'] . "</a>”," . "最近一期还款将于" . to_date($next_repay_time, "d") . "日到期,需还金额" . round($repay_money, 2) . "元。";
         $group_arr = array(0, $v['user_id']);
         $group_arr[] = 4;
         $msg_data['content'] = $content;
         $msg_data['to_user_id'] = $v['user_id'];
         $msg_data['create_time'] = TIME_UTC;
         $msg_data['type'] = 0;
         $msg_data['group_key'] = implode("_", $group_arr);
         $msg_data['is_notice'] = 12;
         $msg_data['fav_id'] = $v['id'];
         $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "msg_box", $msg_data);
         $id = $GLOBALS['db']->insert_id();
         $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "msg_box set group_key = '" . $msg_data['group_key'] . "_" . $id . "' where id = " . $id);
         $user_info = D("User")->where("id=" . $v['user_id'])->find();
         if (app_conf("MAIL_ON") == 1) {
             $tmpl = $GLOBALS['db']->getRowCached("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "msg_template where name = 'TPL_DEAL_THREE_EMAIL'");
             $tmpl_content = $tmpl['content'];
             $notice['user_name'] = $user_info['user_name'];
             $notice['deal_name'] = $v['name'];
             $notice['deal_url'] = SITE_DOMAIN . url("index", "deal", array("id" => $v['id']));
             $notice['repay_url'] = SITE_DOMAIN . url("index", "uc_deal#refund");
             $notice['repay_time_y'] = to_date($next_repay_time, "Y");
             $notice['repay_time_m'] = to_date($next_repay_time, "m");
             $notice['repay_time_d'] = to_date($next_repay_time, "d");
             $notice['site_name'] = app_conf("SHOP_TITLE");
             $notice['repay_money'] = round($repay_money, 2);
             $notice['help_url'] = SITE_DOMAIN . url("index", "helpcenter");
             $notice['msg_cof_setting_url'] = SITE_DOMAIN . url("index", "uc_msg#setting");
             $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("notice", $notice);
             $msg = $GLOBALS['tmpl']->fetch("str:" . $tmpl_content);
             $msg_data['dest'] = $user_info['email'];
             $msg_data['send_type'] = 1;
             $msg_data['title'] = "三日内还款通知";
             $msg_data['content'] = addslashes($msg);
             $msg_data['send_time'] = 0;
             $msg_data['is_send'] = 0;
             $msg_data['create_time'] = TIME_UTC;
             $msg_data['user_id'] = $user_info['id'];
             $msg_data['is_html'] = $tmpl['is_html'];
             $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_msg_list", $msg_data);
         if (app_conf("SMS_ON") == 1) {
             $tmpl = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "msg_template where name = 'TPL_DEAL_THREE_SMS'");
             $tmpl_content = $tmpl['content'];
             $notice['user_name'] = $user_info["user_name"];
             $notice['deal_name'] = $v['name'];
             $notice['repay_time_y'] = to_date($next_repay_time, "Y");
             $notice['repay_time_m'] = to_date($next_repay_time, "m");
             $notice['repay_time_d'] = to_date($next_repay_time, "d");
             $notice['site_name'] = app_conf("SHOP_TITLE");
             $notice['repay_money'] = round($repay_money, 2);
             $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("notice", $notice);
             $msg = $GLOBALS['tmpl']->fetch("str:" . $tmpl_content);
             $msg_data['dest'] = $user_info['mobile'];
             $msg_data['send_type'] = 0;
             $msg_data['title'] = "三日内还款通知";
             $msg_data['content'] = addslashes($msg);
             $msg_data['send_time'] = 0;
             $msg_data['is_send'] = 0;
             $msg_data['create_time'] = TIME_UTC;
             $msg_data['user_id'] = $user_info['id'];
             $msg_data['is_html'] = $tmpl['is_html'];
             $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_msg_list", $msg_data);
         $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal", array("send_three_msg_time" => $next_repay_time), "UPDATE", "id=" . $v['id']);
     if ($deal_ids) {
         save_log(implode(",", $deal_ids) . "发送三日内还款提示", 1);
 public function cash()
     $user_info = $GLOBALS['authorized_info'] = $this->checkLogin();
     //$level_info = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from ".DB_PREFIX."user_group where id = ".intval($authorized_info['group_id']));
     //$point_level = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from ".DB_PREFIX."user_level where id = ".intval($authorized_info['level_id']));
     //$authorized_info['user_level'] = $level_info['name'];
     //$authorized_info['point_level'] = $point_level['name'];
     //$authorized_info['discount'] = $level_info['discount']*10;
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("user_data", $user_info);
     require APP_ROOT_PATH . "app/Lib/uc_func.php";
     require APP_ROOT_PATH . "app/Lib/page.php";
     $type_title = isset($_REQUEST['type_title']) ? intval($_REQUEST['type_title']) : 100;
     $times = intval($_REQUEST['times']);
     $time_status = intval($_REQUEST['time_status']);
     $t = strim($_REQUEST['t']);
     //point 积分  为空为资金
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("t", $t);
     $page = intval($_REQUEST['p']);
     if ($page == 0) {
         $page = 1;
     $limit = ($page - 1) * app_conf("PAGE_SIZE") . "," . app_conf("PAGE_SIZE");
     if ($t == "lock_money") {
         $title_arrays = array("100" => "全部", "8" => "申请提现", "9" => "提现手续费", "13" => "人工充值", "18" => "开户奖励", "23" => "邀请返利", "27" => "其他费用");
     } else {
         $title_arrays = array("100" => "全部", "8" => "申请提现", "9" => "提现手续费", "13" => "人工充值", "18" => "开户奖励", "23" => "邀请返利", "27" => "其他费用");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('title_array', $title_arrays);
     $times_array = array("0" => "全部", "1" => "三天以内", "2" => "一周以内", "3" => "一月以内", "4" => "三月以内", "5" => "一年以内");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('times_array', $times_array);
     $user_id = intval($GLOBALS['authorized_info']['id']);
     $condition = "";
     if ($times == 1) {
         $condition .= " and create_time_ymd >= '" . to_date(TIME_UTC - 3600 * 24 * 3, "Y-m-d") . "' ";
     } elseif ($times == 2) {
         $condition .= "and create_time_ymd >= '" . to_date(TIME_UTC - to_date(TIME_UTC, "w") * 24 * 3600, "Y-m-d") . "'";
     } elseif ($times == 3) {
         $condition .= " and create_time_ym  = '" . to_date(TIME_UTC, "Ym") . "'";
     } elseif ($times == 4) {
         $condition .= " and create_time_ym  >= '" . to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, -2), "Ym") . "'";
     } elseif ($times == 5) {
         $condition .= " and create_time_y  = '" . to_date(TIME_UTC, "Y") . "'";
     if ($type_title == 100) {
         $type = -1;
     } else {
         $type = $type_title;
     if ($time_status == 1) {
         $time = isset($_REQUEST['time']) ? strim($_REQUEST['time']) : "";
         $time_f = to_date(to_timespan($time, "Ymd"), "Y-m-d");
         $condition .= " and create_time_ymd = '" . $time_f . "'";
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('time_normal', $time_f);
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('time', $time);
     if (isset($t) && $t == "lock_money") {
         $result = get_user_lock_money_log($limit, $user_id, $type, $condition);
     } else {
         $result = get_user_money_log($limit, $user_id, $type, $condition);
     foreach ($result['list'] as $k => $v) {
         $result['list'][$k]['title'] = $title_arrays[$v['type']];
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("type_title", $type_title);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("times", $times);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("carry_money", $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT sum(money) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "user_carry WHERE user_id=" . $user_id . " AND `status`=1"));
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("incharge_money", $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT sum(money) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "payment_notice WHERE user_id=" . $user_id . " AND `is_paid`=1"));
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('time_status', $time_status);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("list", $result['list']);
     $page = new Page($result['count'], app_conf("PAGE_SIZE"));
     $p = $page->show();
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('pages', $p);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("user_info", $GLOBALS['authorized_info']);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("page_title", $GLOBALS['lang']['UC_MONEY']);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("inc_file", "authorized/authorized_money_index.html");
 function ajax_calculate()
     $deal['loantype'] = intval($_REQUEST['borrowpay']);
     $deal['borrow_amount'] = intval($_REQUEST['borrowamount']);
     $deal['repay_time'] = intval($_REQUEST['repaytime']);
     $deal['repay_time_type'] = intval($_REQUEST['repaytimetype']);
     $deal['rate'] = trim($_REQUEST['apr']);
     $deal['repay_start_time'] = to_timespan(to_date(TIME_UTC, "Y-m-d"));
     $deal_repay_rs = deal_repay_money($deal);
     $deal['month_repay_money'] = $deal_repay_rs['month_repay_money'];
     $deal['remain_repay_money'] = $deal_repay_rs['remain_repay_money'];
     $deal['last_month_repay_money'] = $deal_repay_rs['last_month_repay_money'];
     $deal['month_manage_money'] = $deal['borrow_amount'] * (double) app_conf('MANAGE_FEE') / 100;
     if ($deal['repay_time_type'] == 1) {
         $deal['all_manage_money'] = $deal['month_manage_money'] * $deal["repay_time"];
     } else {
         $deal['all_manage_money'] = $deal['month_manage_money'];
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("borrowpay", $deal['loantype']);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("borrowamount", $deal['borrow_amount']);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("apr", $deal['rate']);
     if ($deal['repay_time_type'] == 1) {
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("rate", $deal['rate'] / 12);
     } else {
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("rate", $deal['rate'] / 12 / 30);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("repaytime", $deal['repay_time']);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("repaytimetype", $deal['repay_time_type']);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("repayamount", $deal['month_repay_money']);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("repayallamount", $deal['remain_repay_money']);
     $level = intval($_REQUEST['level']);
     $level_list = load_auto_cache("level");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("services_fee", $level_list['services_fee'][$level] / 100 * $deal['borrow_amount']);
     if ($deal['repay_time_type'] == 0) {
         $inrepayshow = 0;
     } else {
         $inrepayshow = intval($_REQUEST['inrepayshow']);
     $impose_day = intval($_REQUEST['impose_day']);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['isshow']) && intval($_REQUEST['isshow']) == 1) {
         $loantype = $deal['loantype'];
         $LoanModule = LoadLoanModule($loantype);
         $list = $LoanModule->make_repay_plan($deal);
         if ($impose_day >= app_conf('YZ_IMPSE_DAY')) {
             $impose_fee = app_conf('IMPOSE_FEE_DAY2');
             $manage_impose_fee = app_conf('MANAGE_IMPOSE_FEE_DAY2');
         } else {
             $impose_fee = app_conf('IMPOSE_FEE_DAY1');
             $manage_impose_fee = app_conf('MANAGE_IMPOSE_FEE_DAY1');
         $left_repay_money = $deal['remain_repay_money'];
         foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
             $list[$k]['impose_money'] = $v['repay_money'] * $impose_fee * $impose_day * 0.01;
             $list[$k]['manage_impose_money'] = $v['repay_money'] * $manage_impose_fee * $impose_day * 0.01;
             $list[$k]['left_repay_money'] = $left_repay_money = $left_repay_money - round($v['repay_money'], 2);
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("list", $list);
     if ($inrepayshow == 1) {
         $tq_list = array();
         $deal['compensate_fee'] = app_conf('COMPENSATE_FEE');
         for ($i = 0; $i < $deal['repay_time']; $i++) {
             $loaninfo['deal'] = $deal;
             if (is_last_repay($deal['loantype'])) {
                 $loaninfo['deal']['month_manage_money'] = $deal['all_manage_money'];
             $tq_list[$i] = inrepay_repay($loaninfo, $i, next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, $i + 1));
             if (is_last_repay($deal['loantype'])) {
                 $tq_list[$i]['month_repay_money'] = 0;
                 $tq_list[$i]['month_repay_money'] = 0;
                 if ($i + 1 == $deal['repay_time']) {
                     $tq_list[$i]['manage_money'] = $deal['all_manage_money'];
                     $tq_list[$i]['month_repay_money'] = $deal['last_month_repay_money'];
             } else {
                 $tq_list[$i]['manage_money'] = $deal['month_manage_money'];
                 $tq_list[$i]['month_repay_money'] = $deal['month_repay_money'];
                 if ($i + 1 == $deal['repay_time']) {
                     $tq_list[$i]['month_repay_money'] = $deal['last_month_repay_money'];
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("tq_list", $tq_list);
 public function record()
     $user_info = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "user where id = " . intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']));
     $level_info = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "user_group where id = " . intval($user_info['group_id']));
     $point_level = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "user_level where id = " . intval($user_info['level_id']));
     $user_info['user_level'] = $level_info['name'];
     $user_info['point_level'] = $point_level['name'];
     $user_info['discount'] = $level_info['discount'] * 10;
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("user_data", $user_info);
     $type_title = isset($_REQUEST['type_title']) ? intval($_REQUEST['type_title']) : 100;
     $times = intval($_REQUEST['times']);
     $time_status = intval($_REQUEST['time_status']);
     $t = "score";
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("t", $t);
     $page = intval($_REQUEST['p']);
     if ($page == 0) {
         $page = 1;
     $limit = ($page - 1) * app_conf("PAGE_SIZE") . "," . app_conf("PAGE_SIZE");
     if ($t == "score") {
         $title_arrays = array("100" => "全部", "0" => "结存", "1" => "充值", "2" => "投标成功", "3" => "招标成功", "8" => "申请提现", "9" => "提现手续费", "13" => "人工操作", "18" => "开户奖励", "22" => "兑换", "25" => "签到成功", "28" => "投资奖励 ", "29" => "红包奖励 ");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('title_array', $title_arrays);
     $times_array = array("0" => "全部", "1" => "三天以内", "2" => "一周以内", "3" => "一月以内", "4" => "三月以内", "5" => "一年以内");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('times_array', $times_array);
     $user_id = intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']);
     $condition = "";
     if ($times == 1) {
         $condition .= " and create_time_ymd >= '" . to_date(TIME_UTC - 3600 * 24 * 3, "Y-m-d") . "' ";
     } elseif ($times == 2) {
         $condition .= "and create_time_ymd >= '" . to_date(TIME_UTC - to_date(TIME_UTC, "w") * 24 * 3600, "Y-m-d") . "'";
     } elseif ($times == 3) {
         $condition .= " and create_time_ym  = '" . to_date(TIME_UTC, "Ym") . "'";
     } elseif ($times == 4) {
         $condition .= " and create_time_ym  >= '" . to_date(next_replay_month(TIME_UTC, -2), "Ym") . "'";
     } elseif ($times == 5) {
         $condition .= " and create_time_y  = '" . to_date(TIME_UTC, "Y") . "'";
     if ($type_title == 100) {
         $type = -1;
     } else {
         $type = $type_title;
     if ($time_status == 1) {
         $time = isset($_REQUEST['time']) ? strim($_REQUEST['time']) : "";
         $time_f = to_date(to_timespan($time, "Ymd"), "Y-m-d");
         $condition .= " and create_time_ymd = '" . $time_f . "'";
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('time_normal', $time_f);
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('time', $time);
     if (isset($t) && $t == "score") {
         $result = get_user_score_log($limit, $user_id, $type, $condition);
     foreach ($result['list'] as $k => $v) {
         $result['list'][$k]['title'] = $title_arrays[$v['type']];
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("type_title", $type_title);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("times", $times);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('time_status', $time_status);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("list", $result['list']);
     $page = new Page($result['count'], app_conf("PAGE_SIZE"));
     $p = $page->show();
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('pages', $p);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("page_title", "积分详情");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("inc_file", "inc/uc/uc_score_exchange_record.html");