function indexAction()
     /* @var $model CidadesModel */
     $model = newModel('CidadesModel');
     /* @var $v CidadeVO */
     $start = microtime(true);
     $estado = url_parans(0) ? url_parans(0) : inputPost('estado');
     $cidade = url_parans(1) ? url_parans(1) : inputPost('cidade');
     if ($estado > 0 or preg_match('/^[A-Z]{2}$/i', $estado)) {
         $cache = new Cache('cidades.' . $estado, 60);
         if (!($options = $cache->getContent())) {
             $cidades = $model->getCidades($estado);
             if (count($cidades)) {
                 $options = formOption('-- Selecione a cidade --', '');
             } else {
                 $options = formOption('-- Selecione o estado --', '');
             foreach ($cidades as $v) {
                 $options .= formOption($v->getTitle(), $v->getId(), false);
             # Salvando cache
         echo preg_replace(['/(value="' . preg_quote($cidade) . '")/', '/>(' . preg_quote($cidade) . ')</'], ['$1 selected=""', 'selected="" >$1<'], $options);
     $end = microtime(true);
     echo "\n\n<!-- " . number_format(($end - $start) * 1000, 5, ',', '.') . "ms --> Buscou por {$cidade}";
Beispiel #2
 * Create a new presenter/default view pair.
 * @param string $name presenter e.g.: "hello"
 * @param string $model make connection to a model
function newPresenter($name, $model = NULL)
    // lowercase
    $lowercase = strtolower($name);
    if (!empty($model)) {
        $model = ucfirst($model);
        $modelLowercase = strtolower($model);
    $presenterCode = <<<CODE
<?php if (!defined('FARI')) die();

 * Description of {$name}.
 * @package   Application\\Presenters
final class {$name}Presenter extends Fari_ApplicationPresenter {

    /********************* filters *********************/

    /** var filters to apply to these actions before they are called */
    //public \$beforeFilter = array(
    //    array('nameOfFilter' => array('nameOfAction'))

    /** var filters to apply after all processing has occured */
    //public \$afterFilter = array(
    //    array('nameOfFilter' => array('nameOfAction'))

     * Applied automatically before any action is called.
     * @example use it to authenticate users or setup locales
    public function filterStartup() { }

    /********************* actions *********************/

    /** Responsible for presenting a collection back to the user. */
\tpublic function actionIndex(\$p) {

    /** Responsible for showing a single specific object to the user. */
\tpublic function actionShow() { }

    /** Responsible for providing the user with an empty form to create a new object. */
\tpublic function actionNew() { }

    /** Receives the form submission from the new action and creates the new object. */
\tpublic function actionCreate() { }

    /** Responsible for providing a form populated with a specific object to edit. */
\tpublic function actionEdit() { }

    /** Receives the form submission from the edit action and updates the specific object. */
\tpublic function actionUpdate() { }

    /** Deletes the specified object from the database. */
\tpublic function actionDelete() { }

    $presenterAndModelCode = <<<CODE
<?php if (!defined('FARI')) die();

 * Description of {$name}.
 * @package   Application\\Presenters
final class {$name}Presenter extends Fari_ApplicationPresenter {

    /** var {$model} Table connection */
    private \${$modelLowercase};

    /********************* filters *********************/

    /** var filters to apply to these actions before they are called */
    //public \$beforeFilter = array(
    //    array('nameOfFilter' => array('nameOfAction'))

    /** var filters to apply after all processing has occured */
    //public \$afterFilter = array(
    //    array('nameOfFilter' => array('nameOfAction'))

     * Applied automatically before any action is called.
     * @example use it to authenticate users or setup locales
    public function filterStartup() {
        // setup table connection
        \$this->{$modelLowercase} = new {$model}();

    /********************* actions *********************/

    /** Responsible for presenting a collection back to the user. */
\tpublic function actionIndex(\$p) {

    /** Responsible for showing a single specific object to the user. */
\tpublic function actionShow(\$id) {

    /** Responsible for providing the user with an empty form to create a new object. */
\tpublic function actionNew() { }

    /** Receives the form submission from the new action and creates the new object. */
\tpublic function actionCreate() {

    /** Responsible for providing a form populated with a specific object to edit. */
\tpublic function actionEdit() { }

    /** Receives the form submission from the edit action and updates the specific object. */
\tpublic function actionUpdate(\$id) {

    /** Deletes the specified object from the database. */
\tpublic function actionDelete(\$id) {

    $layoutCode = <<<CODE
<?php if (!defined('FARI')) die(); ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en" />

    <?php stylesheetLinkTag('style'); ?>
    <?php echo \$template; ?>
    $viewCode = <<<CODE
<?php if (!defined('FARI')) die(); ?>
<pre>This is a default view template in 'application/views/{$name}/index.phtml'</pre>
    $presenterPath = 'application/presenters';
    $viewsPath = 'application/views';
    // is dir writable?
    if (!is_writable(BASEPATH . "/{$presenterPath}")) {
        echo message("Cannot write into {$presenterPath} directory!", 'red');
    } else {
        // check path to presenters exists, dir-wise
        $path = '';
        foreach (explode('/', $presenterPath) as $dir) {
            $path .= $dir . '/';
        // does the presenter file exist?
        if (!empty($model)) {
            createFile("{$presenterPath}/{$name}Presenter.php", $presenterAndModelCode);
            newModel($model, 'id');
        } else {
            createFile("{$presenterPath}/{$name}Presenter.php", $presenterCode);
        // check/create views directory
        createDirectory($viewsPath . '/');
        // presenter layout
        createFile("{$viewsPath}/@{$lowercase}.phtml", $layoutCode);
        // create appropriate presenter-named views dir
        // default index file
        createFile("{$viewsPath}/{$name}/index.phtml", $viewCode);
Beispiel #3
 * Build schema from settings file.
function buildSchema()
    // does the settings file exist?
    if (!file_exists(BASEPATH . '/config/config.php')) {
        message("Couldn't find settings file config/config.php", 'red');
    } else {
        // include file
        if (!defined('FARI')) {
            define('FARI', 'Fari Framework CLI');
        require BASEPATH . '/config/config.php';
        // check database settings are present
        if (!defined('DB_DRIVER')) {
            message("Database driver 'DB_DRIVER' needs to be specified", 'red');
        if (!defined('DB_HOST')) {
            message("Database host 'DB_HOST' needs to be specified", 'red');
        if (!defined('DB_NAME')) {
            message("Database name 'DB_NAME' needs to be specified", 'red');
        // try connecting to the database
        try {
            switch (strtolower(DB_DRIVER)) {
                // MySQL
                case 'mysql':
                    $pdoInstance = new PDO('mysql:host=' . DB_HOST . ';dbname=' . DB_NAME . ';unix_socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock', DB_USER, DB_PASS);
                    // PostgreSQL (untested)
                // PostgreSQL (untested)
                case 'pgsql':
                    $pdoInstance = new PDO('pgsql:dbname=' . DB_NAME . ';host=' . DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS);
                    // SQLite 3
                // SQLite 3
                case 'sqlite3':
                case 'sqlite':
                    $pdoInstance = new PDO('sqlite:' . BASEPATH . '/' . DB_NAME);
                    // SQLite 2
                // SQLite 2
                case 'sqlite2':
                    $pdoInstance = new PDO('sqlite2:' . BASEPATH . '/' . DB_NAME);
        } catch (PDOException $exception) {
            message('Cannot connect to DB: ' . $exception->getMessage(), 'red');
        // can we open schema file?
        if (!is_readable($f = BASEPATH . '/db/schema.sql')) {
            message("Couldn't find schema file db/schema.sql", 'red');
        } else {
            $schemas = explode("\n", file_get_contents($f));
            // traverse executing each line
            foreach ($schemas as $schema) {
                // a query (maybe) :)
                if (substr(trim($schema), 0, 1) !== '#') {
                    if ($pdoInstance->exec($schema) === FALSE) {
                        // did we try to create a table?
                        $schema = explode(' ', $schema);
                        if ($schema[0] == 'CREATE' && $schema[1] == 'TABLE') {
                            // check if table exists
                            if ($pdoInstance->exec("SELECT * FROM {$schema[2]} LIMIT 1") !== FALSE) {
                                $schema = implode(' ', $schema);
                                message("      exists  '{$schema}'", 'gray');
                        message("      failed  '{$schema}'", 'red');
                    } else {
                        message("      create  '{$schema}'", 'black');
                        // were we trying to create table?
                        $schema = explode(' ', $schema);
                        if ($schema[0] == 'CREATE' && $schema[1] == 'TABLE') {
                            $tableName = ucfirst(preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\s]/", "", $schema[2]));
                            // determine primary key in the table
                            $schema = explode(',', implode(' ', $schema));
                            foreach ($schema as $element) {
                                // do we have primary key?
                                if (strpos($element, 'PRIMARY KEY') !== FALSE) {
                                    $element = substr($element, strpos($element, '(') + 1);
                                    $fields = explode(', ', $element);
                                    foreach ($fields as $field) {
                                        // column field with PRIMARY KEY defined
                                        if (strpos($field, 'PRIMARY KEY') !== FALSE) {
                                            $primaryKey = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\s]/", "", current(explode(' ', $field)));
                            if (!defined('BACKSTAGE')) {
                                define('BACKSTAGE', TRUE);
                            include_once 'generate.php';
                            // create model
                            newModel($tableName, $primaryKey);
                } else {
                    // a comment...
                    message($schema, 'gray');