Beispiel #1

// auto-generated by sfPropelCrud
// date: 2008/02/18 03:11:47
use_helper('Global', 'Object', 'Form', 'Javascript');

echo nav_tabs('messages', 'compose');

if ($sf_request->hasErrors()) {
        <span>Something seems to be wrong with your message. Please correct these errors and resend it:</span>
    foreach ($sf_request->getErrors() as $name => $error) {
        echo $error;
Beispiel #2

use_helper('Date', 'Number', 'I18N', 'Form', 'Javascript', 'Star', 'Global', 'sfFileGallery');

echo nav_tabs('project', $tab, $project);

<div style="border: 1px solid #72BE44;background-color: #D9E1FF;padding: 4px;margin-bottom: 10px;">
  <p style="float:right;text-align:right;">
    Task belongs to <?php 
echo $task->getSingleUser('user')->getProfile()->getFullName();
<br />
    Assigned by <?php 
echo link_to($task->getSfGuardUser()->getProfile(), '@show_user?user='******'comment') . ' ' . $task->getNbComments() . ' Comments';
echo icon_tag('folder') . ' ' . get_nb_files('Task', $task->getId()) . ' Files ';
if ($sf_user->isAuthenticated() && $project->hasPermission('create-task', $sf_user->getId())) {
    echo icon_tag('notes_edit') . ' ' . link_to('Edit Task', '@edit_project_task?project=' . $project->getSlug() . '&task=' . $task->getUuid());
if (!isset($tab)) {
    if ($sf_user->isAuthenticated()) {
        $tab = 'personal';
    } else {
        $tab = 'profile';
if ($tab == 'personal' && !$sf_user->isAuthenticated() || $tab == 'personal' && $sf_user->isAuthenticated() && $profile->getUserId() != $sf_user->getId()) {
    $tab = 'profile';

echo nav_tabs('profile', $tab, $profile);

$content = 'These widgets over here don\'t do much now, but we have plenty of useful things planned for them. If you\'re really anxious to get these things going, head over to the <strong>' . link_to('suggestions page', 'features/list?tab=mostpopular#70') . '</strong> and vote for #70! Better yet, tell us what interested ideas you have for Cothink widgets!';
$panel = array();
$panel['title'] = "Forgetful widgets";
$panel['content'] = $content;
$panel['id'] = 'panel-user-forgetful';
$panel['class'] = 'panel-holder panel-size-1 float-right clear-both';
echo output_panel($panel);
$content = '';
$events = $sf_user->getProfile()->getHistory(5);
$counter = 0;
foreach ($events as $event) {
Beispiel #4

use_helper('Object', 'Global', 'Project', 'nifty');


echo nav_tabs('projects', $tab);

  <ul style="list-style:horizontal;">
    <li style="float:left;margin-right:5px;">1. Description</li>
    <li style="float:left;margin-right:5px;">2. Details</li>
    <li style="float:left;margin-right:5px;">3. Timeline</li>
  <hr class="clear" />

  <h1>Creating a project on Cothink . . .</h1>
  <div id="project-information" style="width:70%;float:left;background-color:#87B94D;color:white;padding:4px;">
    <h2>Here are a few things you should know...</h2>
      Projects on Cothink have to meet certain requirements.<br />
      <span>1. As the project manager, you'll have to show how your proposal will benefit your community, and explain why student work will be a good fit for you.</span><br />
      <span>2. When you create your first project, we take a few extra steps to verify your identity. You might be required to upload a photo of yourself, or fill in extra fields for your profile.</span><br />
      Also, creating a project can be difficult, especially if you're not familiar with the subject area - you know what you want, but you don't know what it involves. At every step of the process, you can flag your application for help. The Cothink community, made up of experts from every field, will then be shown the page of the application you've requested help for. Everyone will make comments, and guide you, offering suggestions on setting reasonable guidelines. Only you can actually make the changes though, so no worries. Take the suggestions you like, and politely decline the ones you don't.
function display_tabbed_panel_box($portal_id, $topic_id, $sub_topic_1_id, $sub_topic_2_id, $sub_topic_3_id, $sub_topic_4_id, $category_id)
    $output = "<div class=\"row\"><!-- row ? - tabbed pannel content box row -->";
    $output .= "<div class=\"section-box\">";
    $output .= "<div class=\"bs-example\">";
    echo $output;
    nav_tabs($portal_id, $topic_id, $sub_topic_1_id, $sub_topic_2_id, $sub_topic_3_id, $sub_topic_4_id, $category_id);
    tab_content($portal_id, $topic_id, $sub_topic_1_id, $sub_topic_2_id, $sub_topic_3_id, $sub_topic_4_id, $category_id);
    $output = "<br class=\"clearfloat\" />";
    $output .= "<!-- end .bs-example--></div>";
    $output .= "<br class=\"clearfloat\" />";
    $output .= "<!-- end .section-box --></div>";
    $output .= "<!-- end section-box .row --></div>";
    echo $output;
Beispiel #6
// auto-generated by sfPropelCrud
// date: 2008/06/07 23:07:24
use_helper('Javascript', 'Date', 'sfIcon', 'Global', 'Object');

$tab = $sf_params->get('tab');
if (!isset($tab)) {
    $tab = 'mostrecent';
echo nav_tabs('features', $tab);

if ($sf_user->isAuthenticated()) {
    echo link_to_function('Hide Suggestion Form', visual_effect('toggle_blind', 'new_feature', array("duration" => 0.5)));
    $new_feature = new SuggestedFeature();
<div id="new_feature">
  <div class="blue-shadow"><div class="blue-title blue-content">Tell us what's up!</div></div>
  <div class="blue-shadow">
    <div class="blue-content">
    echo form_tag('features/saveNew');
Beispiel #7

$tab = $sf_params->get('tab');
if (!isset($tab)) {
    $tab = 'inbox';

  <div id="project-tabs">
echo nav_tabs('messages', $tab);
Beispiel #8

// auto-generated by sfPropelCrud
// date: 2008/04/07 23:35:01
use_helper('Object', 'Global');

echo nav_tabs('project', 'tasks', $task->getProject());
<div id="form-holder-blue" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:25px;float:none;" class="form-holder-blue">
  <div class="blue-shadow"><div class="blue-title blue-content">Edit task for your project</div></div>
  <div class="blue-shadow">
    <div class="blue-content">
echo form_tag('tasks/update');
        <fieldset id="task-details" style="vertical-align:top;">
echo input_hidden_tag('task', $task->getUuid(), array());
            <li style="float:left;width:50%;margin-right:5px;">
echo label_for('name', 'Task Name'), object_input_tag($task, 'getName', array('style' => 'width:100%;'));
<br />
            <li style="float:left;margin-right:5px;">
Beispiel #9

// auto-generated by sfPropelCrud
// date: 2008/04/04 15:24:10
use_helper('I18N', 'Global');

echo nav_tabs('members', $tab);

echo format_number_choice('[0]0 Members|[1]1 Member|(1,+Inf]%1% Members', array('%1%' => $users->getNbResults()), $users->getNbResults());
<div id="pager-holder">
//echo include_partial('user_pager', array('users' => $users));
Beispiel #10

use_helper('Date', 'Number', 'I18N', 'Form', 'Javascript', 'Star', 'Global');
  <div id="project-tabs">
echo nav_tabs('profile', 'blog', $profile);

<h1>Blog Entry</h1>
echo form_tag('user/blogEntry', array('class' => 'blog-form'));
echo label_for('title', __('Title')), input_tag('title');
echo label_for('body', __('Body')), textarea_tag('body');
echo label_for('image', 'Upload Image'), input_file_tag('image', array());
echo submit_tag('Post', array('class' => 'btn'));
Beispiel #11

use_helper('Global', 'sfIcon');

echo nav_tabs('network', $tab);

foreach ($connections as $connection) {
    $user = $connection->getOtherUser($sf_user->getId())->getProfile();
<div class="member-connection">
    echo image_tag($user->getPhoto('medium'));
    echo link_to($user->getFullName(), 'user/show?user='******'A ' . $user->getDepartment() . ' ' . $user->getTitle() . ' at ' . $user->getCampus();
    echo link_to(image_tag('sendmessage') . ' Message', 'messages/compose?recipient=' . $user->getUuid());