Beispiel #1
function updateOrderStock($id, $minus = true)
    $ordergoods = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_order_goods') . " WHERE orderid='{$id}'");
    foreach ($ordergoods as $item) {
        $goods = mysqld_select("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_goods') . "  WHERE id='" . $item['goodsid'] . "'");
        if ($minus) {
            if (!empty($item['optionid'])) {
                mysqld_query("update " . table('shop_goods_option') . " set stock=stock-:stock where id=:id", array(":stock" => $item['total'], ":id" => $item['optionid']));
            $data = array();
            if ($goods['totalcnf'] != 1) {
                $data['total'] = $goods['total'] - $item['total'];
            $data['sales'] = $goods['sales'] + $item['total'];
            mysqld_update('shop_goods', $data, array('id' => $item['goodsid']));
        } else {
            if (!empty($item['optionid'])) {
                mysqld_query("update " . table('shop_goods_option') . " set stock=stock+:stock where id=:id", array(":stock" => $item['total'], ":id" => $item['optionid']));
            $data = array();
            if ($goods['totalcnf'] != 1) {
                $data['total'] = $goods['total'] + $item['total'];
            $data['sales'] = $goods['sales'] - $item['total'];
            mysqld_update('shop_goods', $data, array('id' => $item['goodsid']));
Beispiel #2
            $newids = implode("_", $newids);
            $a = array("title" => $_GP['option_title_' . $ids][0], "productprice" => $_GP['option_productprice_' . $ids][0], "costprice" => $_GP['option_costprice_' . $ids][0], "marketprice" => $_GP['option_marketprice_' . $ids][0], "stock" => $_GP['option_stock_' . $ids][0], "weight" => $_GP['option_weight_' . $ids][0], "goodsid" => $id, "specs" => $newids);
            $totalstocks += $a['stock'];
            if (empty($get_option_id)) {
                mysqld_insert("shop_goods_option", $a);
                $option_id = mysqld_insertid();
            } else {
                mysqld_update("shop_goods_option", $a, array('id' => $get_option_id));
                $option_id = $get_option_id;
            $optionids[] = $option_id;
        if (count($optionids) > 0) {
            mysqld_query("delete from " . table('shop_goods_option') . " where goodsid={$id} and id not in ( " . implode(',', $optionids) . ")");
        } else {
            mysqld_query("delete from " . table('shop_goods_option') . " where goodsid={$id}");
        if ($totalstocks > 0) {
            mysqld_update("shop_goods", array("total" => $totalstocks), array("id" => $id));
        message('商品操作成功!', web_url('goods', array('op' => 'post', 'id' => $id)), 'success');
    include page('goods');
} elseif ($operation == 'display') {
    $pindex = max(1, intval($_GP['page']));
    $psize = 10;
    $condition = '';
    if (!empty($_GP['keyword'])) {
        $condition .= " AND title LIKE '%{$_GP['keyword']}%'";
Beispiel #3
    $result = array('result' => 1, 'total' => $carttotal);
} else {
    if ($op == 'clear') {
        mysqld_delete('shop_cart', array('session_id' => $openid));
        die(json_encode(array("result" => 1)));
    } else {
        if ($op == 'remove') {
            $id = intval($_GP['id']);
            mysqld_delete('shop_cart', array('session_id' => $openid, 'id' => $id));
            die(json_encode(array("result" => 1, "cartid" => $id)));
        } else {
            if ($op == 'update') {
                $id = intval($_GP['id']);
                $num = intval($_GP['num']);
                mysqld_query("update " . table('shop_cart') . " set total={$num} where id=:id", array(":id" => $id));
                die(json_encode(array("result" => 1)));
            } else {
                $list = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('shop_cart') . " WHERE   session_id = '" . $openid . "'");
                $totalprice = 0;
                if (!empty($list)) {
                    foreach ($list as &$item) {
                        $goods = mysqld_select("SELECT  title, thumb, marketprice, total FROM " . table('shop_goods') . " WHERE id=:id limit 1", array(":id" => $item['goodsid']));
                        $option = mysqld_select("select title,marketprice,stock from " . table("shop_goods_option") . " where id=:id limit 1", array(":id" => $item['optionid']));
                        if ($option) {
                            $goods['title'] = $goods['title'];
                            $goods['optionname'] = $option['title'];
                            $goods['marketprice'] = $option['marketprice'];
                            $goods['total'] = $option['stock'];
Beispiel #4
 public function do_getaward()
     $xc_zjp = mysqld_select("SELECT * FROM " . table('xc_zjp_reply'));
     $member = get_member_account(true, intval($xc_zjp['needreg']) == 1);
     $openid = $member['openid'];
     if (empty($openid)) {
     $member = member_get($openid);
     if (empty($xc_zjp)) {
     $result = array('status' => -1, 'message' => '');
     $total = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . table('xc_zjp_winner') . " WHERE  open_id = '{$openid}' and TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(createtime))<= " . $xc_zjp["periodlottery"]);
     $myuser = mysqld_select("SELECT * FROM " . table('xc_zjp_user') . " WHERE  open_id = '{$openid}' ");
     $friendcount = 0;
     $arr_times = $this->get_today_times($total, $xc_zjp['maxlottery'], $friendcount);
     $result['useCount'] = false;
     $useCredit = false;
     if ($arr_times['today_has'] <= 0) {
         if (!empty($xc_zjp['basenum']) && $xc_zjp['basenum'] < $member['credit']) {
             $useCredit = true;
     if ($arr_times['today_has'] <= 0) {
         if (empty($xc_zjp['basenum']) || !empty($xc_zjp['basenum']) && $xc_zjp['basenum'] > $member['credit']) {
             $result['nochance'] = $arr_times['today_has'];
             $result['message'] = '抽奖机会已用完!';
             $vars = array();
             $vars['message'] = $result;
             $vars['redirect'] = refresh();
             $vars['type'] = 'ajax';
     $result['surplusCount'] = $arr_times['today_has'] - 1 < 0 ? -1 : $arr_times['today_has'] - 1;
     if (!empty($xc_zjp['basenum'])) {
         $result['useCredit1'] = $xc_zjp['basenum'];
         $result['surplusCredit1'] = $member['credit'] - $xc_zjp['basenum'] < 0 ? 0 : $member['credit'] - $xc_zjp['basenum'];
     } else {
         $result['useCredit1'] = 0;
         $result['surplusCredit1'] = 0;
     $result['useCount'] = true;
     $gifts = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('xc_zjp_award') . " WHERE  total>0 ORDER BY probalilty ASC");
     $probability = 0;
     $rate = 1;
     $award = array();
     foreach ($gifts as $name => $gift) {
         if (empty($gift['probalilty'])) {
         if ($gift['probalilty'] < 1) {
             $temp = explode('.', $gift['probalilty']);
             $temp = pow(10, strlen($temp[1]));
             $rate = $temp < $rate ? $rate : $temp;
         $probability = $probability + $gift['probalilty'] * $rate;
         $award[] = array('id' => $gift['id'], 'probalilty' => $probability);
     $all = 100 * $rate;
     if ($probability < $all) {
         $award[] = array('title' => '', 'probalilty' => $all);
     mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
     $rand = mt_rand(1, $all);
     foreach ($award as $key => $gift) {
         if (isset($award[$key - 1])) {
             if ($rand > $award[$key - 1]['probalilty'] && $rand <= $gift['probalilty']) {
                 $awardid = $gift['id'];
         } else {
             if ($rand > 0 && $rand <= $gift['probalilty']) {
                 $awardid = $gift['id'];
     $title = '';
     $result['hasPrize'] = false;
     $result['message'] = '很遗憾,您没能中奖!';
     $data = array('open_id' => $openid, 'status' => 0, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP);
     $credit = array('award' => (empty($awardid) ? '未' : '') . '中奖', 'open_id' => $openid, 'status' => 3, 'description' => empty($awardid) ? $xc_zjp['misscredit'] : $xc_zjp['hitcredit'], 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP);
     if (!empty($awardid)) {
         $gift = mysqld_select("SELECT * FROM " . table('xc_zjp_award') . " WHERE id = '{$awardid}'");
         if ($gift['total'] > 0) {
             $data['award'] = $gift['title'];
             $result['gift'] = $gift['title'];
             $result['giftimg'] = $gift['description'];
             $result['hasPrize'] = true;
             mysqld_query("UPDATE " . table('xc_zjp_award') . " SET total = total - 1 WHERE  id = '{$awardid}'");
             $data['description'] = '';
             $result['message'] = '恭喜您,得到“' . $data['award'] . '”!' . $desss;
             $result['status'] = 0;
         } else {
             $credit['description'] = $xc_zjp['misscredit'];
         $data['gifturl'] = $gift['description'];
         $data['description'] = $gift['title'];
     if ($useCredit) {
         member_credit($openid, intval($xc_zjp['basenum']), 'usecredit', '抓奖品消费积分');
     if (empty($_SESSION['cachetime']) || $_SESSION['cachetime'] < time()) {
         $_SESSION['cachetime'] = time() + 3;
         mysqld_insert('xc_zjp_winner', $data);
     $result['myaward'] = mysqld_selectall("SELECT * FROM " . table('xc_zjp_winner') . " WHERE open_id = '{$openid}'   AND award <> '' ORDER BY createtime DESC");
     $mycredit = mysqld_selectcolumn("SELECT SUM(description) FROM " . table('xc_zjp_winner') . " WHERE open_id = '{$openid}'   AND award <> '' ");
     $result['credit'] = $mycredit;
     $result['credit'] = !empty($result['credit']) ? $result['credit'] : '0';
     $vars = array();
     $vars['message'] = $result;
     $vars['redirect'] = refresh();
     $vars['type'] = 'ajax';