public function getPublicGames() { $sql = goPublicGame::getSql(); $link = @mysqli_connect(Config::getDatabaseServer(), Config::getDatabaseUser(), Config::getDatabasePassword(), Config::getDatabase()); if (!$link) { mydie("Error connecting to Database"); } if (Config::getDebug()) { $this->LOG->log("{$sql}", PEAR_LOG_INFO); } $cursor = @mysqli_query($link, $sql); if (!$cursor) { $this->mydie(mysqli_error($link), $link); } $record = 0; while ($row = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($cursor)) { $game = new goPublicgame(); //$game->setGameID($row['gameID']); $game->setDescription($row['description']); $game->setTitle($row['title']); $game->setEventName($row['eventName']); $game->setEventDate($row['eventDate']); $game->setSportID($row['sport']); $game->setSportName($row['sportName']); $game->setLeagueName($row['leagueName']); $game->setFavorite($row['favorite']); $game->setTypeID($row['type']); $game->setTypeName($row['typeName']); /*** temp explicit treatment as array storage***/ $this->publicGames[$record] = $game; $record++; /*** end temp ***/ } //while $link->close(); }
public function getGame($gameID, $type = 'game') { $link = @mysqli_connect(Config::getDatabaseServer(), Config::getDatabaseUser(), Config::getDatabasePassword(), Config::getDatabase()); if (!$link) { mydie("Error connecting to Database"); } //added JHM 8/19/2010 $sql = $this->getQuery($gameID, $type, $link); if (Config::getDebug()) { $this->LOG->log("{$sql}", PEAR_LOG_INFO); } $cursor = @mysqli_query($link, $sql); if (!$cursor) { $this->mydie(mysqli_error($link), $link); } $row = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($cursor); if (Config::getDebug()) { $this->LOG->log("{$row}", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); } if (!row) { return false; } $this->setGameID($row['gameID']); $this->setPublicGameID($row['publicGameID']); $this->setDescription($row['description']); $this->setCreatedByUserID($row['createdByUserID']); $this->setCreatedByUserName($row['createdByUserName']); $this->setTitle($row['title']); $this->setSportID($row['sport']); $this->setSportName($row['sportName']); $this->setTypeID($row['type']); $this->setTypeName($row['typeName']); $this->setWagerUnits($row['wagerUnits']); $this->setWagerTypeID($row['wagerTypeID']); $this->setWagerType($row['wagerType']); $this->setSubscriptionCloseDate($row['subscriptionClose']); $this->setSubscriptionOpen($row['subscriptionOpen']); $this->setSyndicationUrl($row['syndicationUrl']); $this->setPivotDate($row['pivotDate']); $this->setPivotCondition($row['pivotCondition']); /*Add JHM - public Games */ $this->setHomeTeamID($row['team1ID']); $this->setVisitingTeamID($row['team2ID']); $this->setHomeTeam($row['teamName1']); $this->setVisitingTeam($row['teamName2']); /*Finish add */ }
public function get_google() { $this->check_agent(); $this->check_input(); $scopes = "openid profile email"; $prompt = $this->_getParam('prompt') ?: 'none'; $config = Bootstrap::$main->getConfig(); $uri = $config['protocol'] . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . Bootstrap::$main->getRoot() . 'user/google'; $realm = $config['protocol'] . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . Bootstrap::$main->getRoot() . 'user/google'; if ($this->_getParam('redirect')) { Bootstrap::$main->session('auth_redirect', $this->_getParam('redirect')); } elseif (!Bootstrap::$main->session('auth_redirect')) { mydie('redirect parameter missing', 'error'); } if (isset($_GET['state']) && $_GET['state'] == Bootstrap::$main->session('oauth2_state')) { if (isset($_GET['code'])) { $data = array('code' => $_GET['code'], 'client_id' => $config['oauth2.client_id'], 'client_secret' => $config['oauth2.client_secret'], 'redirect_uri' => $uri, 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code'); $response = $this->req("", $data); $token = json_decode($response, true); if (isset($token['access_token'])) { $auth = json_decode(file_get_contents('' . $token['access_token']), true); if (isset($auth['given_name'])) { $auth['first_name'] = $auth['given_name']; } if (isset($auth['family_name'])) { $auth['last_name'] = $auth['family_name']; } if (isset($auth['id']) && isset($auth['email'])) { $email = $this->standarize_email($auth['email'], false); $user = $this->user()->find_one_by_email($email); if (!$user) { $user = $this->add(array('firstname' => $auth['first_name'], 'lastname' => $auth['last_name'], 'md5hash' => $this->md5hash($email), 'email' => $email, 'ref_login' => 'gplus'), false); } $model = new userModel($user['id']); if (!$model->firstname) { $model->firstname = $auth['first_name']; } if (!$model->lastname) { $model->lastname = $auth['last_name']; } if (isset($auth['picture'])) { if (!$model->photo || strstr($model->photo, 'googleusercontent')) { $model->photo = $auth['picture']; } } if (isset($auth['link'])) { if (!$model->social || strstr($model->social, '')) { $model->social = $auth['link']; } } if (isset($auth['gender'])) { $model->gender = strtoupper(substr($auth['gender'], 0, 1)); } if (!$model->cover && isset($auth['link'])) { $person = @end(explode('/', $auth['link'])); $url = "" . urlencode($person) . "?fields=cover%2FcoverPhoto%2Furl&access_token=" . $token['access_token']; $cover = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true); if (isset($cover['cover']['coverPhoto']['url'])) { $model->cover = preg_replace('/s[0-9]+-fcrop/', 's' . $config['image_size'] . '-fcrop', $cover['cover']['coverPhoto']['url']); } } $this->beautify($model); $model->save(); $data = $model->data(); unset($data['password']); Bootstrap::$main->session('user', $data); Bootstrap::$main->session('auth', $auth); if ($model->lang) { Bootstrap::$main->session('lang', $model->lang); } $this->redirect(Bootstrap::$main->session('auth_redirect')); } else { if (isset($auth['error'])) { Bootstrap::$main->session('error', $auth['error']['message']); } $this->redirect(Bootstrap::$main->session('auth_redirect')); } } else { $this->redirect(Bootstrap::$main->session('auth_redirect')); } } elseif (isset($_GET['error']) && $_GET['error'] == 'immediate_failed') { $this->redirect($uri . '?prompt=select_account'); } else { $this->redirect(Bootstrap::$main->session('auth_redirect')); } } elseif (isset($_GET['state'])) { $this->redirect($uri); } else { $state = md5(rand(90000, 1000000) . time()); Bootstrap::$main->session('oauth2_state', $state); $url = '' . urlencode($config['oauth2.client_id']); $url .= '&response_type=code'; $url .= '&scope=' . urlencode($scopes); $url .= '&redirect_uri=' . urlencode($uri); $url .= '&openid.realm=' . urlencode($realm); $url .= '&state=' . $state; $url .= '&prompt=' . $prompt; //$url.='&access_type=offline'; //mydie("<a href='$url'>$url</a>"); $this->redirect($url); } }
echo mysqli_error($link) . " Using Sql = {$sql}\n"; $LOG->log(mysqli_error($link) . " Using Sql = {$sql}\n"); } //else } //if //insert home team $sql = sprintf("insert into go_publicgames_combatants (gameID,teamID,homeTeam) values ('%u','%u','%u')", $gameID, $homeTeamID, 1); if (Config::getDebug()) { $LOG->log($sql, PEAR_DEBUG); } $rc = mysqli_query($link, $sql); if (!$rc) { // Server error if (!ERROR_TOLERANCE) { mydie(mysqli_error($link) . " Using Sql - {$sql}\n"); } else { echo mysqli_error($link) . " Using Sql = {$sql}\n"; $LOG->log(mysqli_error($link) . " Using Sql = {$sql}\n"); } //else } //if } //while //close fclose($fileHandle); //close input file $link->close(); //close database exit;
//if $link = mysqli_connect(Config::getDatabaseServer(), Config::getDatabaseUser(), Config::getDatabasePassword(), Config::getDatabase()); if (!$link) { // Server error header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); mydie("Error connecting to Database"); } $sql = getQuery($link, $userID); if (Config::getDebug()) { $LOG->log("{$sql}", PEAR_LOG_INFO); } $cursor = mysqli_query($link, $sql); if (!$cursor) { // Server error header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); mydie(mysqli_error($link), 500, $link); } header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK'); header("Content-Type: text/xml"); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; /* Fetch the results of the query */ Utility::emitXML("", 'game_invites', 0); Utility::emitXML('200', 'status_code'); Utility::emitXML('Ok', 'status_message'); Utility::emitXML("{$userID}", 'userID'); Utility::emitXML("{$userName}", 'username'); Utility::emitXML($cursor->num_rows, 'openinvites'); $recordsEmitted = 0; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($cursor)) { $recordsEmitted++; Utility::emitXML("", 'gameinvite', 0);
public function get_offer() { $config = $this->getConfig(); $offer = $this->merlin->getOfferOnToken($this->id); $offer['stars'] = ''; if (isset($offer['obj']['category'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < $offer['obj']['category']; $i += 10) { $offer['stars'] .= Bootstrap::$main->getConfig('star'); } } if (isset($offer['obj']['info']['desc'])) { $desc = $offer['obj']['info']['desc']; $desc2 = []; foreach ($desc as $d) { if (is_array($d['subject'])) { continue; } if (is_array($d['content'])) { continue; } if (!in_array(strtolower(trim($d['subject'])), ['category', 'kategoria', 'region', 'kraj', 'kategoria lokalna'])) { $pm = []; if (preg_match_all('~<b>([^<]+)</b>([^<]+)~i', $d['content'], $pm)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($pm[1]); $i++) { $desc2[] = ['subject' => str_replace(':', '', $pm[1][$i]), 'content' => trim($pm[2][$i])]; } } else { $desc2[] = $d; } } } $offer['obj']['info']['desc'] = $desc2; $offer['dep_from'] = $config['dep_from'][$offer['trp']['depCode']]; $offer['adt'] = Bootstrap::$main->session('adt'); $offer['chd'] = Bootstrap::$main->session('chd'); //mydie($offer['obj']['info']); } if ($this->data('debug')) { $ret = [$offer]; if ($this->data('debug') == 2) { $ret[1] = $this->merlin->debug; } mydie($ret); } return $this->status($offer); }
$nextnumber = $tmp; } } } closedir($dh); $fnprefix = sprintf("PMI%08.0f.", $nextnumber); $initialname = $fnprefix . "creating"; $finalname = $fnprefix . "DEM"; $initialpath = "{$EXPORT_PATH}/{$initialname}"; $finalpath = "{$EXPORT_PATH}/{$finalname}"; // Write the file locally with a temporary version of the name. @touch($initialpath); // work around possible php bug $fh = @fopen($initialpath, "w"); if (!$fh) { mydie("Unable to open {$initialpath} for writing"); } fwrite($fh, $out); fclose($fh); // Rename the local file. rename($initialpath, $finalpath); // Delete old stuff to avoid uncontrolled growth. if ($nextnumber > 5) { @unlink("{$EXPORT_PATH}/PMI%08.0f.DEM", $nextnumber - 5); } // End of serialized code. rename("{$EXPORT_PATH}/locked", "{$EXPORT_PATH}/unlocked"); // If we have an ftp server, send it there and then rename it. if ($FTP_SERVER) { $ftpconn = ftp_connect($FTP_SERVER) or die("FTP connection failed"); ftp_login($ftpconn, $FTP_USER, $FTP_PASS) or die("FTP login failed");
$LOG = Config::getLogObject(); $programName = array_shift($argv); /*i//if (count($argv) != 4) { mydie("Usage: $programName inputFile, , sportID, sportName, LeagueName\n"); } */ $recordsProcessed = 0; $link = @mysqli_connect(Config::getDatabaseServer(), Config::getDatabaseUser(), Config::getDatabasePassword(), Config::getDatabase()); if (!$link) { mydie("Error connecting to Database \n" . "Error No:" . mysqli_connect_errno() . "\n Error = " . mysqli_connect_error() . "\n using database server = " . Config::getDatabaseServer() . "\n Database User = "******"\n Database Password = "******"\n Database = " . Config::getDatabase() . "\n"); } $sql = "select * from go_teams_lu where stadiumAddress is not null and stadiumCity is not null"; $cursor = mysqli_query($link, $sql); if (!$cursor) { // Server error mydie(mysqli_error($link) . " executing sql {$sql}"); } //if $apiUrl = ""; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($cursor)) { $teamID = $row['id']; $address = $row['stadiumName'] . " " . $row['stadiumAddress'] . " " . $row['stadiumCity'] . " " . $row['stadiumState']; $address = urlencode(htmlentities($address)); $url = $apiUrl . $address . "&sensor=false"; //echo $url . "\n"; $curl = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $result = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); $document = simplexml_load_string($result); if (!$document) {
$graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->yaxis->SetColor("black"); // Create the data plot $plot = new LinePlot($data['values']); $color = $options['graph_color']; $plot->SetColor($color); $plot->SetWeight(2); $plot->mark->SetType(MARK_FILLEDCIRCLE); $plot->mark->SetColor('blue'); if (!empty($options['graph_point_legend'])) { $plot->SetLegend($options['graph_point_legend']); } if (!empty($options['graph_show_values'])) { if (!isset($plot->value) || !method_exists($plot->value, 'show')) { mydie("This JPGraph version does not support 'Show values'"); } $plot->value->HideZero(); $plot->value->SetFormat('%u'); $plot->value->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $plot->value->SetColor('blue'); $plot->value->SetMargin(10); $plot->value->Show(); } // Add the data plot to the graph $graph->Add($plot); } elseif ($options['graph_type'] == 'radar') { require_once "{$jpgraph}/jpgraph_radar.php"; $background = "white"; $incref = false; // Setup graph
//Filtering $params = array(); $params['userid'] = $_GET['userid']; //open connect to database $link = mysqli_connect(Config::getDatabaseServer(), Config::getDatabaseUser(), Config::getDatabasePassword(), Config::getDatabase()); if (!$link) { header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); mydie("Error connecting to Database"); } $sql = getQuery($params); $LOG->log($sql, PEAR_DEBUG); $cursor = mysqli_query($link, $sql); if (!$cursor) { // Server error header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); mydie(mysqli_error($link) . " executing {$sql}", $link); } header("content-type: text/xml"); echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>'; Utility::emitXML("", 'userdashboard', 0); Utility::emitXML("200", 'statuscode'); Utility::emitXML("OK", 'statusmessage'); $recordsEmitted = 0; $totalBets = 0; $totalBets = 0; $totalBetsInitiated = 0; $totalBetsAccepted = 0; $totalWins = 0; $totalLoses = 0; // while records to read/ retrieve and emit xml if ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($cursor)) {
public static function getUserIDOrName($param, $type = 'id') { $LOG = Config::getLogObject(); $link = mysqli_connect(Config::getDatabaseServer(), Config::getDatabaseUser(), Config::getDatabasePassword(), Config::getDatabase()); if (!$link) { // Server error mydie("Error connecting to Database"); } if ($type == 'id') { $sql = sprintf("select * from go_user where userID='%u'", mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $param)); } else { $sql = sprintf("select * from go_user where userName='******'", mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $param)); } if (Config::getDebug()) { $LOG->log("{$sql}", PEAR_LOG_INFO); } $cursor = mysqli_query($link, $sql); if (!$cursor) { // Server error mydie(mysqli_error($link), 500, $link); } //if $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($cursor); if (isset($cursor)) { $cursor->close(); } if (isset($link)) { $link->close(); } return $type == 'id' ? $row['userName'] : $row['userID']; }
if (!$row) { // Server error header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); mydie("GameID {$gameID} does not exist"); } $subscriptionClose = $row['subscriptionClose']; //is a mysql timestamp $sql = sprintf("insert into go_gamesSubscribers (gameID,userID,wagerUnits) values ('%u','%u','%u')", mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $gameID), mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $userID), mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $wagerUnits)); if (Config::getDebug()) { $LOG->log("{$sql}", PEAR_LOG_INFO); } $rc = mysqli_query($link, $sql); if (!$rc) { // Server error header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); mydie(mysqli_error($link)); } header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK'); $link->close(); /* Close Database */ //return xml Utility::emitXML("", "insert_game_subscriber", 0); Utility::emitXML("200", "status_code"); Utility::emitXML("ok", "status_message"); Utility::emitXML("{$gameID}", "gameid"); Utility::emitXML("{$userID}", "userid"); Utility::emitXML("{$numberOfSubscribers}", "numberofsubscribers"); Utility::emitXML("", "insert_game_subscriber", 0); ob_end_flush(); exit; function mydie($message, $statusCode = 500)
<?php require ""; if (isset($_POST['submitButton'])) { if (!isset($_POST['username']) || empty($_POST['username'])) { mydie("Error: The username field was not set <br>"); } if (!isset($_POST['password']) || empty($_POST['password'])) { mydie("Error: The password field was not set <br>"); } $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $hash = hash("sha512", $password); $query = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE email = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($username) . "' AND password = '******'"); if (mysql_num_rows($query)) { $sessID = mysql_real_escape_string(session_id()); $hashsession = mysql_real_escape_string(hash("sha512", $sessID . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); $expires = time() + 60 * 3; $userdata = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); $userdataid = $userdata['id']; $insert = "INSERT INTO active_users (id, user, session_id, hash, expires) \n\t\t\tVALUES(\n\t\t\t''\n\t\t\t,{$userdataid}\n\t\t\t,'{$sessID}'\n\t\t\t,'{$hashsession}'\n\t\t\t,{$expires})"; mysql_query($insert) or die("Active User SQL Insert failed"); Header("Location: ./home.php"); } else { mydie("Error: Incorrect password or email address"); } } function mydie($msg) { die($msg); }
function insertGameInvites($link, $gameID, $inviteKey, $closeDateTime, $createdByUserID, $createdByUserName, $gameInvitees) { global $LOG; $sql = sprintf("insert into go_gameInvite (gameID,inviteKey) values ('%s','%s')", mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $gameID), mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $inviteKey)); if (Config::getDebug()) { $LOG->log("{$sql}", PEAR_LOG_INFO); } $rc = mysqli_query($link, $sql); if (!$rc) { // Server error header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); mydie(mysqli_error($link), 500, $link); } //if //TODO - Remove temporary automatic insert into invite Detail $gameInviteesArray = explode(" ", trim($gameInvitees)); $count = count($gameInviteesArray); for ($x = 0; $x < $count; $x++) { $inviteeUserID = $gameInviteesArray[$x]; $sql = sprintf("insert into go_gameInviteDetail (gameID, inviteKey, createdByUserID,createdByUserName, closeDateTime,inviteeUserID) values ('%s','%s','%u','%s','%s','%u')", mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $gameID), mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $inviteKey), mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $createdByUserID), mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $createdByUserName), mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $closeDateTime), mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $inviteeUserID)); if (Config::getDebug()) { $LOG->log("{$sql}", PEAR_LOG_INFO); } $rc = mysqli_query($link, $sql); } //for }
function userNameAvailable($userName, $link) { global $LOG; $userName = strtolower($userName); // $sql = sprintf("select count(*) as countOfUserName from go_user where userName = '******'", // mysqli_real_escape_string($link,$userName)); $sql = sprintf("select userName from go_user where userName = '******'", mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $userName)); if (Config::getDebug()) { $LOG->log("{$sql}", PEAR_LOG_INFO); } $cursor = mysqli_query($link, $sql); if (!$cursor) { // Server error mydie(mysqli_error($link) . " executing sql {$sql}"); } //if $countOfUserName = $cursor->num_rows; // if ($row = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($cursor) == null) mydie(mysqli_error($link) . " executing sql $sql"); // $countOfUserName = $row['countOfUserName']; $cursor->close(); if ($countOfUserName > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }
$extension = pathinfo($_FILES['image_map']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if (in_array(strtolower($extension), $tabExt)) { if (filesize($_FILES['image_map']['tmp_name']) <= $MAX_SIZE) { if (isset($_FILES['image_map']['error']) && UPLOAD_ERR_OK === $_FILES['image_map']['error']) { $rel_path = '/img/map/' . $map . '.' . $extension; if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image_map']['tmp_name'], dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . $rel_path)) { $vals = $vals . ', imgpath'; $insert = $insert . ', "' . $rel_path . '"'; $update = $update . ', imgpath="' . $rel_path . '"'; } else { mydie("can't move"); } } else { mydie("errors"); } } else { mydie("too big"); } } else { mydie("wrong ext"); } } $vals = $vals . ')'; $insert = $insert . ')'; $query = 'INSERT INTO map ' . $vals . ' VALUES ' . $insert . ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ' . $update . ';'; if (!$db->query($query)) { mydie($query); } } header('Location: /'); exit;
protected function mercadopage_check($topic, $id) { require_once __DIR__ . '/../class/mercadopago.php'; $config = Bootstrap::$main->getConfig(); try { $mp = new MP($config['mercadopago.client_id'], $config['mercadopago.client_secret']); $merchant_order_info = null; switch ($topic) { case 'payment': $payment_info = $mp->get("/collections/notifications/" . $id); $merchant_order_info = $mp->get("/merchant_orders/" . $payment_info["response"]["collection"]["merchant_order_id"]); break; case 'merchant_order': $merchant_order_info = $mp->get("/merchant_orders/" . $id); break; default: $merchant_order_info = null; } return $merchant_order_info; } catch (Exception $e) { mydie($e); } }
function generateTypeListbox($typeName = null) { global $LOG; $link = @mysqli_connect(Config::getDatabaseServer(), Config::getDatabaseUser(), Config::getDatabasePassword(), Config::getDatabase()); if (!$link) { mydie("Error connecting to Database"); } $sql = "select * from go_types_lu order by typeName"; if (Config::getDebug()) { $LOG->log("{$sql}", PEAR_LOG_INFO); } $cursor = @mysqli_query($link, $sql); if (!$cursor) { $this->mydie(mysqli_error($link), $link); } echo '<select id="typelistbox" name="typename">'; while (($row = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($cursor)) != null) { $selected = strtoupper($typeName) == strtoupper($row['typeName']) ? ' SELECTED' : null; echo '<option value="' . $row['id'] . '"' . $selected . '>' . $row['typeName'] . '</option>'; } $link->close(); echo '</select>'; }
public function getGame($gameID) { $link = @mysqli_connect(Config::getDatabaseServer(), Config::getDatabaseUser(), Config::getDatabasePassword(), Config::getDatabase()); if (!$link) { mydie("Error connecting to Database"); } $sql = sprintf("select g.*,t.typeName,,s.sportName, l.leagueName from go_publicgames g LEFT JOIN go_types_lu t on LEFT JOIN go_sports_lu s on LEFT JOIN go_leagues_lu l on g.leagueID = where g.gameID='%u'", mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $gameID)); if (Config::getDebug()) { $this->LOG->log("{$sql}", PEAR_LOG_INFO); } $cursor = @mysqli_query($link, $sql); if (!$cursor) { $this->mydie(mysqli_error($link), $link); } if (Config::getDebug()) { $this->LOG->log($row, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); } $row = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($cursor); if (!$row) { return false; } //if $this->setGameID($row['gameID']); $this->setDescription($row['description']); $this->setTitle($row['title']); $this->setEventName($row['eventName']); //$this->setEventDate($row['eventDate']); $this->setEventDate($row['date']); $this->setSportID($row['id']); $this->setSportName($row['sportName']); $this->setLeagueName($row['leagueName']); $this->setLeagueID($row['leagueID']); $this->setFavorite($row['favorite']); $this->setTypeID($row['type']); $this->setTypeName($row['typeName']); // $this->setSubscriptionClose($row['subscriptionClose']); //a little cleanup for properties that may be empty if (empty($this->eventName)) { $this->setEventName($this->getTitle()); } if (empty($this->description)) { $this->setDescription($this->getTitle()); } $rc = $this->getPublicGameCombatants($gameID, $link); if ($rc) { $this->setStatusCode("200"); $this->setStatusMessage("Ok"); } return $rc; }
function getTeams($sportID = null, $selected = null) { global $LOG; $link = @mysqli_connect(Config::getDatabaseServer(), Config::getDatabaseUser(), Config::getDatabasePassword(), Config::getDatabase()); if (!$link) { mydie("Error connecting to Database"); } $sql = "select * from go_teams_lu "; if (!empty($sportID)) { if (is_numeric($sportID)) { $where = " where sportID = {$sportID}"; } else { $where = ' where leagueName ="' . $sportID . '"'; } } //if $sql .= $where . " order by teamName"; if (Config::getDebug()) { $LOG->log("{$sql}", PEAR_LOG_INFO); } $cursor = @mysqli_query($link, $sql); if (!$cursor) { mydie(mysqli_error($link), $link); } echo '<select id="teamlistbox" name="teamname">'; while (($row = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($cursor)) != null) { $selectedFlag = strtolower($selected) == strtolower($row['teamName']) ? ' SELECTED' : null; echo '<option value="' . $row['teamName'] . '"' . $selectedFlag . '>' . $row['teamName'] . '</option>'; } $link->close(); echo '</select>'; }
} else { $errorMsg .= empty($inviteeBSUserID) ? "inviteeUserID missing " : null; } //if //if (isset($errorMsg)) mydie($errorMsg); if (Config::getDebug()) { $LOG->log($_REQUEST['invites'], PEAR_LOG_INFO); } if (Config::getDebug()) { $LOG->log($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], PEAR_LOG_INFO); } $link = mysqli_connect(Config::getDatabaseServer(), Config::getDatabaseUser(), Config::getDatabasePassword(), Config::getDatabase()); if (!$link) { // Server error header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); mydie("Error connecting to Database"); } //if header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Content-Type: text/xml"); Utility::emitXML("", 'friend_invite', 0); Utility::emitXML("^STATUS_CODE", 'status_code'); Utility::emitXML("^STATUS_MESSAGE", 'status_message'); Utility::emitXML("^NUMBEROFINVITES", 'numberofinvites'); $invitesArr = explode('^', $_REQUEST['invites']); //invites records are separated by ^ (caret) $noOfInvites = count($invitesArr); $failureCount = 0; $successCount = 0; for ($index = 0; $index < $noOfInvites; $index++) { $params = null;
public function getUserSettings($user, $isName = null) { $rv = false; //default to not found $link = mysqli_connect(Config::getDatabaseServer(), Config::getDatabaseUser(), Config::getDatabasePassword(), Config::getDatabase()); if (!$link) { $this - mydie("Error connecting to Database"); } if (empty($isName)) { //retrieve by userID $sql = sprintf("select g.*,s.*,b.bankBalance as duckettBankBalanceAvailable ,b.overDraftLine as duckettOverDraftLimit, b.overDraftLineUsed as duckettOverDraftLineAvailable, b.currentInPlayWagers as duckettsInPlay from go_user g LEFT JOIN go_userSettings s on g.userID=s.userID LEFT JOIN go_userBank b on b.userID=g.userID where g.userID='%u'", mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $user)); } else { //retrieve by userName $sql = sprintf("select g.*,s.* from go_user g, go_userSettings s where g.userName='******' and g.userID=s.userID ", mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $user)); } if (Config::getDebug()) { $this->LOG->log("{$sql}", PEAR_LOG_INFO); } $cursor = mysqli_query($link, $sql); if (!$cursor) { $this->mydie(mysqli_error($link) . " executing sql {$sql}", $link); } $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($cursor); if ($row) { $this->setUserID($row['userID']); $this->setPrimaryNetworkID($row['primaryNetworkID']); $this->setPrimaryNetworkName($row['primaryNetworkName']); $this->setUserName($row['userName']); $this->setFirstName($row['firstName']); $this->setLastName($row['lastName']); $this->setEmail($row['email']); $this->setFacebookUserID($row['facebookID']); $this->setTwitterUserID($row['twitterID']); $this->setFoursquareUserID($row['foursquareID']); $this->setFacebookDefault($row['facebookDefault']); $this->setTwitterDefault($row['twitterDefault']); $this->setFoursquareDefault($row['foursquareDefault']); $this->setTwitterOAuthToken($row['twitterOAuthToken']); $this->setTwitterOAuthTokenSecret($row['twitterOAuthTokenSecret']); $this->setTwitterProfileImageUrl($row['twitterImageUrl']); $this->setFoursquareOAuthToken($row['foursquareOAuthToken']); $this->setFoursquareOAuthTokenSecret($row['foursquareOAuthTokenSecret']); $this->setFoursquareProfileImageUrl($row['foursquareImageUrl']); $this->setFacebookOAuthToken($row['facebookOAuthToken']); $this->setFacebookOAuthTokenSecret($row['facebookOAuthTokenSecret']); $this->setFacebookProfileImageUrl($row['facebookImageUrl']); //duckett balance fields $this->setDuckettBankBalanceAvailable($row['duckettBankBalanceAvailable']); $this->setDuckettsInPlay($row['duckettsInPlay']); $this->setDuckettOverDraftLimit($row['duckettOverDraftLimit']); $this->setDuckettOverDraftAvailable($row['duckettOverDraftAvailable']); $rv = true; } $link->close(); $cursor->close(); return $rv; }
if (count($h) == 1) { $desc = new descModel(); $d = $desc->find('en', $book->id, $remedium->id); if (!$d) { $desc->add($h[0], 'en', $book->id, $remedium->id); } else { $dict = new dictModel($d); $dict->body = $h[0]; $dict->save(); } } if (count($h) == 2) { $complaint = new complaintModel(); $complaint_name = strtolower($h[0]); if (strlen($complaint_name) > 25) { mydie($complaint_name); } switch ($complaint_name) { case 'relationship': break; case 'dose': break; case 'modalities': foreach (explode('.', $h[1]) as $modal) { $modal = trim($modal); $mod = ''; if (strtolower(substr($modal, 0, 5)) == 'worse') { $modal = trim(substr($modal, 5)); $mod = 'W'; } if (strtolower(substr($modal, 0, 6)) == 'better') {
protected function getConfig() { $token = 'config.' . Bootstrap::$main->getConfig('site'); $config = Tools::memcache($token); if ($config && !$this->data('debug')) { return $config; } $config = json_config(__DIR__ . '/../config/merlin.json', false, false); $config['words'] = []; $config['words-with-space'] = []; $extended = ['number']; foreach ($config['dict'] as $field => $fields) { foreach ($fields as $code => $values) { foreach ($values['words'] as $d) { $w = []; if ($field != 'extended') { $w['field'] = $field; } foreach ($extended as $f) { if (isset($values[$f])) { $w[$f] = $values[$f]; } } $value = 'value'; if (isset($values['name'])) { $value = $values['name']; } if (isset($values['evalue'])) { $w[$value] = '~' . $values['evalue']; } elseif (isset($values['value'])) { $w[$value] = $values['value']; } elseif (!in_array($field, $extended)) { $w[$value] = $code; } $config['words'][$d] = $w; } } } unset($config['dict']); //mydie($config['words']); $reg = $this->merlin->getRegions('F', null, $this->data('debug') ? false : true, true); $dest = []; $i = 0; $far = []; foreach ($reg as $r) { if (!isset($r['region'])) { $r['region'] = ''; } if (!isset($r['country'])) { continue; } $country = trim(mb_strtolower($r['country'], 'utf-8')); $region = trim(mb_strtolower($r['region'], 'utf-8')); if ($r['price'] >= Bootstrap::$main->getConfig('merlin.far.price') && !in_array($country, ['bułgaria', 'portugalia', 'hiszpania', 'włochy', 'grecja', 'francja', 'niemcy', 'cypr', 'chorwacja'])) { $far[] = $r['id']; } foreach ($config['dest_shit'] as $shit) { for ($ii = 0; $ii < 2; $ii++) { if (strstr($country, ' ') && strstr($country, $shit)) { $country = trim(str_replace($shit, '', $country)); } if (strstr($region, ' ') && strstr($region, $shit)) { $region = trim(str_replace($shit, '', $region)); } } } $i++; if (strstr($country, ' ') || strstr($region, ' ')) { continue; mydie($r, "{$country}:{$region}:{$i}/" . count($reg)); } foreach ([$country, $region] as $w) { if (!$w) { continue; } if (!isset($dest[$w])) { $dest[$w] = ['field' => 'dest', 'value' => $r['id']]; } else { $dest[$w]['value'] .= ',' . $r['id']; } $w2 = Tools::str_to_url($w); if ($w2 == $w) { continue; } $w = $w2; if (!isset($dest[$w])) { $dest[$w] = ['field' => 'dest', 'value' => $r['id']]; } else { $dest[$w]['value'] .= ',' . $r['id']; } } } foreach (['dest'] as $field) { foreach ($config[$field] as $code => $dep) { foreach ($dep as $d) { if (isset($dest[$d])) { $dest[$d]['value'] .= ',' . $code; } else { $dest[$d] = ['field' => 'dest', 'value' => $code]; } } } } foreach ($dest as $w => $r) { if (!isset($config['words'][$w])) { $config['words'][$w] = $r; } } $config['far'] = $far; if ($this->data('debug') == 1) { $hotels = $this->merlin->getFilters(['ofr_type' => 'F'], 'obj_xCode', $this->data('debug') ? false : true); Tools::log('hotels-' . $token, $hotels); $words = array_keys($config['words']); $hotel_map = []; foreach ($hotels as $hotel) { $hotel = str_replace(['+', ',', ';', '~', '(', ')', '"'], ' ', $hotel); $hotel = str_replace(["'"], '"', $hotel); $hotel = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', trim($hotel)); $hotel = mb_strtolower($hotel, 'utf-8'); foreach (explode(' ', $hotel) as $h) { $h = Tools::str_to_url($h); if (strlen($h) < 4) { continue; } if (isset($config['words'][$h])) { continue; } if (isset($hotel_map[$h])) { continue; } $lev = false; foreach ($words as $w) { if (levenshtein($h, $w) <= 2) { $lev = true; break; } } if ($lev) { continue; } $hotel_map[$h] = ['field' => 'ftsName', 'value' => $h]; } } $config['hotels'] = $hotel_map; } //mydie($config,count($config['words'])); foreach (array_keys($config['words']) as $word) { if (strstr($word, ' ')) { $config['words-with-space'][] = $word; } } Tools::log('get-config', [$token]); return Tools::memcache($token, $config, 4 * 3600); }
public function getFilters($cond = array(), $what = '*', $cache = true) { if ($this->operator_code) { $cond['ofr_tourOp'] = $this->operator_code; } $cond['filters'] = 'obj_xServiceId,trp_depName,trp_durationM,ofr_type,ofr_tourOp,trp_depCode'; if (!isset($cond['trp_retDate'])) { $cond['trp_retDate'] = date('Ymd', time() + 365 * 24 * 3600); } if ($what == 'obj_xCode') { $cond['filters'] = 'obj_xCode,obj_xServiceId'; } if (isset($cond['obj_code']) || isset($cond['obj_xCode'])) { $cond['filters'] .= ',obj_room'; } $md5 = md5(serialize($cond)); $token = 'filters.' . $md5; $filters = null; if ($cache) { $filters = Tools::memcache($token); } if (!$filters) { $xml = $this->request('filters', $cond); $filters = $this->post_xml($xml, 'filters'); if (isset($filters['fdef'])) { Tools::memcache($token, $filters, 3 * 3600); } } $result = array(); foreach ($filters['fdef'] as $fdef) { if (isset($fdef['@attributes']['id']) && $fdef['@attributes']['id'] == $what) { if (!is_array($fdef['f'])) { continue; } if (count($fdef['f']) && !isset($fdef['f'][0])) { $fdef['f'] = array($fdef['f']); } foreach ($fdef['f'] as $f) { if (!isset($f['@attributes'])) { mydie($fdef); } foreach ($f['@attributes'] as $id => $val) { if (count($f['@attributes']) == 1) { if ($id == 'id') { $result[] = "{$val}"; } } else { if ($id == 'id') { $key = "{$val}"; } if ($id == 'v') { $result[$key] = "{$val}"; } } } } } } return $result; }
$params['operation'] = strtolower($operation); $params['query'] = $query; $link = mysqli_connect(Config::getDatabaseServer(), Config::getDatabaseUser(), Config::getDatabasePassword(), Config::getDatabase()); if (!$link) { // Server error header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); mydie("Error connecting to Database"); } $sql = getQuery($params, $link); if (Config::getDebug()) { $LOG->log("{$sql}", PEAR_LOG_INFO); } $cursor = mysqli_query($link, $sql); if (!$cursor) { // Server error mydie(mysqli_error($link), "500", $link); } $numberOfFriends = $cursor->num_rows; header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK'); // Fetch the results of the query header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("content-type: text/xml"); echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>'; Utility::emitXML("", 'go_friends', 0); Utility::emitXML("200", 'status_code'); Utility::emitXML("Ok", 'status_message'); Utility::emitXML($userID, 'userid'); Utility::emitXML($numberOfFriends, 'numberoffriends'); $recordsEmitted = 0; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($cursor)) { Utility::emitXML("", 'friend', 0);
function lookupHash($link) { $lookup = array(); $sql = "select * from go_teams_lu"; $cursor = mysqli_query($link, $sql); if (!$cursor) { // Server error mydie(mysqli_error($link) . " executing {$sql}", $link); } // while records to read/ retrieve and emit xml while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($cursor)) { $keyID = $row['id']; $teamName = $row['teamName']; $nickName = $row['nickName']; $teamNameNormalized = $row['teamNameNormalized']; $teamLogoURL = $row['teamLogoURL']; $stadiumName = $row['stadiumName']; $address = $row['stadiumAddress']; $city = $row['stadiumCity']; $state = $row['stadiumState']; $latitude = $row['latitude']; $longitude = $row['longitude']; $fsvenueID = $row['foursquareVenueID']; $arr = array('teamName' => $teamName, 'teamNameNormalized' => $teamNameNormalized, 'teamLogoURL' => $teamLogoURL, 'stadiumName' => $stadiumName, 'address' => $address, 'city' => $city, 'state' => $state, 'latitude' => $latitude, 'longitude' => $longitude, 'fsvenueID' => $fsvenueID); $lookup[$keyID] = $arr; $lookup[$teamName] = $keyID; $lookup[$nickName] = $keyID; } //while return $lookup; }
//mydie(sprintf(_("No RRD available for: '%s' at '%s'") , $ip, $rrdpath)); $norrdfile = "../../pixmaps/norrd.png"; if (!($fp = @fopen($norrdfile, 'r'))) { mydie(_("Could not read {$norrdfile} file")); } header("Content-Type: image/png"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($norrdfile)); fpassthru($fp); fclose($fp); exit; } $_cmd = '? graph ? -s ? -e ? -t ? --font ? --font ? -r --zoom ? --vertical-label=EPS --lower-limit=0 ? ? ?'; $_params = array($rrdtool_bin, $tmpfile, $start, $end, $hostname . ' ' . _('Metrics'), 'TITLE:12:' . $font, 'AXIS:7:' . $font, $zoom, "DEF:obs={$rrdpath}/{$id}.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE", "CDEF:bp=obs,obs,+,2,/", "AREA:bp{$color1}: {$hostname} "); try { $output = Util::execute_command($_cmd, $_params, 'array'); if (preg_match('/^ERROR/i', $output[0])) { mydie(_("rrdtool cmd failed with error")); } } catch (Exception $e) { mydie(_("rrdtool cmd failed with error")); } // // Output generated image // if (!($fp = @fopen($tmpfile, 'r'))) { mydie(sprintf(_("Could not read rrdtool created image: '%s'"), $tmpfile)); } header("Content-Type: image/png"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($tmpfile)); fpassthru($fp); fclose($fp);
require_once '../classes/config.class.php'; $LOG = Config::getLogObject(); $programName = array_shift($argv); if (count($argv) != 4) { mydie("Usage: {$programName} inputFile, , sportID, sportName, LeagueName\n"); } $inputFile = array_shift($argv); define("ERROR_TOLERANCE", 1); define("IMAGE_RAW_DIRECTORY", "../images/raw"); define("FIELD_DELIMITER", ","); $recordsProcessed = 0; //open input file $fileHandle = fopen($inputFile, 'r'); $link = @mysqli_connect(Config::getDatabaseServer(), Config::getDatabaseUser(), Config::getDatabasePassword(), Config::getDatabase()); if (!$link) { mydie("Error connecting to Database \n" . "Error No:" . mysqli_connect_errno() . "\n Error = " . mysqli_connect_error() . "\n using database server = " . Config::getDatabaseServer() . "\n Database User = "******"\n Database Password = "******"\n Database = " . Config::getDatabase() . "\n"); } while (!feof($fileHandle)) { $recordsProcessed++; //read a record and parse into array $line = fgets($fileHandle, 4096); $lineArray = split(FIELD_DELIMITER, $line); $teamName = $lineArray[0]; $imageURL = $lineArray[1]; $fullSavePath = saveImage($teamName, $imageURL); //echo $line; } fclose($fileHandle); //close input file $link->close(); //close database