function cleanUp()
    global $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $database;
    require_once "config.php";
    require_once "funcsv2.php";
    $summaryupdate = array();
    // Non-persistant: we lock tables!
    $db = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die("<p class=\"error\">Tracker error: can't connect to database - " . mysql_error() . "</p>");
    mysql_select_db($database) or die("<p class=\"error\">Tracker error: can't open database {$database} - " . mysql_error() . "</p>");
    if (isset($_GET["nolock"])) {
        $locking = false;
    } else {
        $locking = true;
    // Assumes success
    if ($locking) {
        quickQuery("LOCK TABLES BTPHP_summary WRITE, BTPHP_namemap READ");
	<table class="torrentlist" cellspacing="5">
	<!-- Column Headers -->
		<th>Bytes Transfered</th>
		<th>Stale clients</th>
		<th>Peer Cache</th>
		<td colspan="5" class="nodata"></td>
    $results = mysql_query("SELECT BTPHP_summary.info_hash, seeds, leechers, dlbytes, BTPHP_namemap.filename FROM BTPHP_summary LEFT JOIN BTPHP_namemap ON BTPHP_summary.info_hash = BTPHP_namemap.info_hash");
    $i = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($results)) {
        $writeout = "row" . $i % 2;
        list($hash, $seeders, $leechers, $bytes, $filename) = $row;
        if ($locking) {
            if ($GLOBALS["peercaching"]) {
                quickQuery("LOCK TABLES x{$hash} WRITE, y{$hash} WRITE, summary WRITE");
            } else {
                quickQuery("LOCK TABLES x{$hash} WRITE, summary WRITE");
        $results2 = mysql_query("SELECT status, COUNT(status) from x{$hash} GROUP BY status");
        echo "<tr class=\"{$writeout}\"><td>";
        if (!is_null($filename)) {
            echo $filename;
        } else {
            echo $hash;
        echo "</td>";
        if (!$results2) {
            echo "<td colspan=\"4\">Unable to process: " . mysql_error() . "</td></tr>";
        $counts = array();
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($results2)) {
            $counts[$row[0]] = $row[1];
        if (!isset($counts["leecher"])) {
            $counts["leecher"] = 0;
        if (!isset($counts["seeder"])) {
            $counts["seeder"] = 0;
        if ($counts["leecher"] != $leechers) {
            quickQuery("UPDATE BTPHP_summary SET leechers=" . $counts["leecher"] . " WHERE info_hash=\"{$hash}\"");
            echo "<td>{$leechers} -> " . $counts["leecher"] . "</td>";
        } else {
            echo "<td align=center>{$leechers}</td>";
        if ($counts["seeder"] != $seeders) {
            quickQuery("UPDATE BTPHP_summary SET seeds=" . $counts["seeder"] . " WHERE info_hash=\"{$hash}\"");
            echo "<td align=center>{$seeders} -> " . $counts["seeder"] . "</td>";
        } else {
            echo "<td align=center>{$seeders}</td>";
        //	echo "<td align=center>$finished</td>";
        if ($bytes < 0) {
            quickQuery("UPDATE BTPHP_summary SET dlbytes=0 WHERE info_hash=\"{$hash}\"");
            echo "<td>{$bytes} -> Zero</td>";
        } else {
            echo "<td align=center>" . round($bytes / 1048576 / 1024, 3) . " GB</td>";
        myTrashCollector($hash, $report_interval, time(), $writeout);
        echo "</td><td>";
        if ($GLOBALS["peercaching"]) {
            $result = mysql_query("SELECT x{$hash}.sequence FROM x{$hash} LEFT JOIN y{$hash} ON x{$hash}.sequence=y{$hash}.sequence WHERE y{$hash}.sequence IS NULL") or die(mysql_error());
            if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
                echo "Added ", mysql_num_rows($result);
                $row = array();
                while ($data = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                    $row[] = "sequence=\"{$data[0]}\"";
                $where = implode(" OR ", $row);
                $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM x{$hash} WHERE {$where}");
                while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
                    $compact = mysql_escape_string(pack('Nn', ip2long($row["ip"]), $row["port"]));
                    $peerid = mysql_escape_string('2:ip' . strlen($row["ip"]) . ':' . $row["ip"] . '7:peer id20:' . hex2bin($row["peer_id"]) . "4:porti{$row["port"]}e");
                    $no_peerid = mysql_escape_string('2:ip' . strlen($row["ip"]) . ':' . $row["ip"] . "4:porti{$row["port"]}e");
                    mysql_query("INSERT INTO y{$hash} SET sequence=\"{$row["sequence"]}\", compact=\"{$compact}\", with_peerid=\"{$peerid}\", without_peerid=\"{$no_peerid}\"");
            } else {
                echo "Added: none";
            $result = mysql_query("SELECT y{$hash}.sequence FROM y{$hash} LEFT JOIN x{$hash} ON y{$hash}.sequence=x{$hash}.sequence WHERE x{$hash}.sequence IS NULL");
            if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
                echo ", Deleted: ", mysql_num_rows($result);
                $row = array();
                while ($data = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                    $row[] = "sequence=\"{$data[0]}\"";
                $where = implode(" OR ", $row);
                $query = mysql_query("DELETE FROM y{$hash} WHERE {$where}");
            } else {
                echo "<br>Deleted: none";
        } else {
            echo "N/A";
        echo "</td>";
        echo "</tr>\n";
        //	Disabled because it's kinda not that important.
        //	quickQuery("OPTIMIZE TABLE x$hash");
        if ($locking) {
            quickQuery("UNLOCK TABLES");
        // Finally, it's time to do stuff to the summary table.
        if (!empty($summaryupdate)) {
            $stuff = "";
            foreach ($summaryupdate as $column => $value) {
                $stuff .= ', ' . $column . ($value[1] ? "=" : "={$column}+") . $value[0];
            mysql_query("UPDATE BTPHP_summary SET " . substr($stuff, 1) . " WHERE info_hash=\"{$hash}\"");
            $summaryupdate = array();
Beispiel #2
     $counts["seeder"] = 0;
 if ($counts["leecher"] != $leechers) {
     quickQuery("UPDATE " . $prefix . "summary SET leechers=" . $counts["leecher"] . " WHERE info_hash=\"{$hash}\"");
 if ($counts["seeder"] != $seeders) {
     quickQuery("UPDATE " . $prefix . "summary SET seeds=" . $counts["seeder"] . " WHERE info_hash=\"{$hash}\"");
 if ($counts["leecher"] == 0) {
     //If there are no leechers, set the speed to zero
     quickQuery("UPDATE " . $prefix . "summary set speed=0 WHERE info_hash=\"{$hash}\"");
 if ($bytes < 0) {
     quickQuery("UPDATE " . $prefix . "summary SET dlbytes=0 WHERE info_hash=\"{$hash}\"");
 myTrashCollector($hash, $report_interval, time(), $writeout);
 $result = mysql_query("SELECT " . $prefix . "x{$hash}.sequence FROM " . $prefix . "x{$hash} LEFT JOIN " . $prefix . "y{$hash} ON " . $prefix . "x{$hash}.sequence = " . $prefix . "y{$hash}.sequence WHERE " . $prefix . "y{$hash}.sequence IS NULL") or die(errorMessage() . "" . mysql_error() . "</p>");
 if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
     $row = array();
     while ($data = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
         $row[] = "sequence=\"{$data[0]}\"";
     $where = implode(" OR ", $row);
     $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "x{$hash} WHERE {$where}");
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
         $compact = mysql_escape_string(pack('Nn', ip2long($row["ip"]), $row["port"]));
         $peerid = mysql_escape_string('2:ip' . strlen($row["ip"]) . ':' . $row["ip"] . '7:peer id20:' . hex2bin($row["peer_id"]) . "4:porti{$row["port"]}e");
         $no_peerid = mysql_escape_string('2:ip' . strlen($row["ip"]) . ':' . $row["ip"] . "4:porti{$row["port"]}e");
         mysql_query("INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "y{$hash} SET sequence=\"{$row["sequence"]}\", compact=\"{$compact}\", with_peerid=\"{$peerid}\", without_peerid=\"{$no_peerid}\"");