function configure($args)
    if (isset($args['from']) and isset($args['to'])) {
        $url = file_get_contents(GEOCODE_API_URL . "?format=json&key=" . GEOKEY . "&query=" . urlencode($args['from']));
        $arr = json_decode($url, true);
        echo myForm($arr['geoResponse']);
        $url = file_get_contents(GEOCODE_API_URL . "?format=json&key=" . GEOKEY . "&query=" . urlencode($args['to']));
        $arr = json_decode($url, true);
        echo myForm($arr['geoResponse'], true);
        return null;
    } elseif (isset($args['selectTo']) and isset($args['selectFrom']) and !isset($args['time'])) {
        $coordinate = $args['selectTo'] . ":" . $args['selectFrom'];
        $url = file_get_contents(TRAFFIC_API_URL . $coordinate . "/Quickest/json?key=" . MAPKEY . "&includeTraffic=false&includeInstructions=false");
        $jsonArr = json_decode($url, true);
        $currentTime = $jsonArr['route']['summary']['totalTimeSeconds'];
        $args['time'] = $currentTime;
        echo myForm($args);
        return null;
    } elseif (isset($args['selectTo']) and isset($args['selectFrom']) and isset($args['min']) and isset($args['max']) and isset($args['time'])) {
        $result = "coordinate=" . $args['selectFrom'] . ":" . $args['selectTo'] . "&min=" . $args['min'] . "&max=" . $args['max'] . "&time=" . $args['time'];
        echo $result;
        return $result;
    echo myForm();
    return null;
function configure($args)
    if (isset($args)) {
    } else {
        echo myForm();
function configure($args)
    if (isset($args['periodValue']) and isset($args['eachValue'])) {
        return "periodValue=" . $args['periodValue'] . "&eachValue=" . $args['eachValue'] . "&lastCheck=" . time();
    echo myForm();
    return null;
function configure($args)
    if (isset($args['city_select'])) {
        return "city_select=" . $args['city_select'] . "&forecast=" . $args['forecast'];
    echo myForm();
    return null;
function configure($args)
    if (isset($args['city'])) {
        $url = file_get_contents(weather_api_url . $args['city']);
        $arr = json_decode($url, true);
        if (strcmp($arr['cod'], "200") == 0) {
            echo myForm($arr);
            return null;
        } else {
            echo "<H1>Error city not found !</H1>";
            return null;
    if (isset($args['city_select'])) {
        if (!isset($args['forecast'])) {
            echo myForm($args);
            return null;
        } else {
            return "city_select=" . $args['city_select'] . "&forecast=" . $args['forecast'];
    echo myForm();
    return null;