public function publish($subject, $body, $channels = [])
        $structured = ['default' => $body];
        foreach ($channels as $channel) {
            $is_supported = true;
            switch ($channel) {
                case self::CHANNEL_EMAIL:
                case self::CHANNEL_SQS:
                case self::CHANNEL_LAMBDA:
                case self::CHANNEL_HTTP:
                case self::CHANNEL_HTTPS:
                case self::CHANNEL_SMS:
                    // don't touch body
                case self::CHANNEL_APNS:
                case self::CHANNEL_APNS_SANDBOX:
                case self::CHANNEL_APNS_VOIP:
                case self::CHANNEL_APNS_VOIP_SANDBOX:
                case self::CHANNEL_MACOS:
                case self::CHANNEL_MACOS_SANDBOX:
                    $body = ["aps" => ["alert" => $body]];
                case self::CHANNEL_GCM:
                case self::CHANNEL_ADM:
                    $body = ["data" => ["message" => $body]];
                case self::CHANNEL_BAIDU:
                    $body = ["title" => $body, "description" => $body];
                case self::CHANNEL_MPNS:
                    $body = htmlentities($body, ENT_XML1);
                    $body = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><wp:Notification xmlns:wp="WPNotification"><wp:Tile><wp:Count>ENTER COUNT</wp:Count><wp:Title>{$body}</wp:Title></wp:Tile></wp:Notification>
                    mwarning("Channel [%s] is not supported by %s", $channels, static::class);
                    $is_supported = false;
            if ($is_supported) {
                $structured[$channel] = $body;
        $json = json_encode($structured);
        $this->client->publish(["Subject" => $subject, "Message" => $json, "MessageStructure" => "json", "TopicArn" => $this->topic_arn]);
 public function onProcessExit($exitStatus, $pid)
     if ($exitStatus != 0) {
         if ($this->alert) {
             malert("Daemon command %s failed with exit code = %d", $this->name, $exitStatus);
         } else {
             mwarning("Daemon command %s failed with exit code = %d", $this->name, $exitStatus);
     if ($this->once) {
         $this->stopped = true;
     } else {
         $this->nextRun = time();
         if ($this->interval) {
             $this->nextRun = $this->nextRun + $this->interval;
         if ($this->frequency) {
             if ($this->nextRun - $this->lastRun < $this->frequency) {
                 $this->nextRun = $this->lastRun + $this->frequency;
     if ($this->traceEnabled) {
         mdebug("Process [%d] exits for command %s, exit code = %d, last run = %d, next run = %d", $pid, $this->name, $exitStatus, $this->lastRun, $this->nextRun);
 public function setThroughput($read, $write, $indexName = self::PRIMARY_INDEX)
     $requestArgs = ["TableName" => $this->tableName];
     $updateObject = ['ReadCapacityUnits' => $read, 'WriteCapacityUnits' => $write];
     if ($indexName == self::PRIMARY_INDEX) {
         $requestArgs['ProvisionedThroughput'] = $updateObject;
     } else {
         $requestArgs['GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates'] = [['Update' => ['IndexName' => $indexName, 'ProvisionedThroughput' => $updateObject]]];
     try {
     } catch (DynamoDbException $e) {
         if ($e->getAwsErrorCode() == "ValidationException" && $e->getAwsErrorType() == "client" && !$e->isConnectionError()) {
             mwarning("Throughput not updated, because new value is identical to old value!");
         } else {
             throw $e;
  * should only be called from a Rule constructor
  * @ignore
 public function load_from_domxml(DOMElement $xml)
     $this->xmlroot = $xml;
     foreach ($this->xmlroot->childNodes as $node) {
         if ($node->nodeType != 1) {
         if ($this->skipEmptyXmlObjects && !$node->hasChildNodes()) {
             mwarning('XML element had no child, it was skipped', $node);
         //print $this->toString()."\n";
         $newObj = new $this->classn('**tmp**', $this);
         //print $this->toString()." : new Tag '".$newTag->name()."' found\n";
         $this->o[] = $newObj;
  * @param DOMElement $xml
  *      * should only be called from a Rule constructor
  * @ignore
 public function load_from_domxml($xml)
     $this->xmlroot = $xml;
     $toBeCleaned = array();
     foreach ($xml->childNodes as $node) {
         if ($node->nodeType != 1) {
         if (strlen($node->textContent) < 1) {
             mwarning('invalid (empty) tag name found in rule "' . $this->owner->toString() . '", IT WILL BE CLEANED', $node);
             $toBeCleaned[] = $node;
         } else {
             $f = $this->parentCentralStore->findOrCreate($node->textContent, $this);
             $this->o[] = $f;
     foreach ($toBeCleaned as $cleanMe) {
 protected function onChildProcessExit($pid, $exitStatus, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     if (($key = array_search($pid, $this->pids)) !== false) {
         //mdebug("Child process $pid exit with code: %x", $exitStatus);
         array_splice($this->pids, $key, 1);
         switch ($exitStatus) {
             case self::EXIT_CODE_RESTART:
                 //mdebug("Child process $pid requires restart");
                 $newPid = $this->doFork($input, $output);
                 $this->pids[] = $newPid;
                 mdebug("Child process {$pid} restarted, new pid = {$newPid}");
             case self::EXIT_CODE_OK:
                 $this->isFailed = true;
     } else {
         mwarning("Un-managed child process {$pid} exit with code: %d", $exitStatus);
 public function load_from_domxml($xml)
     $this->xmlroot = $xml;
     $this->name = DH::findAttribute('name', $xml);
     if ($this->name === FALSE) {
         derr("name not found\n");
     //print "found rule name '".$this->name."'\n";
     //						//
     // Destination NAT properties Extraction	//
     //						//
     $this->dnatroot = DH::findFirstElement('destination-translation', $xml);
     if ($this->dnatroot !== FALSE) {
         //print "rule '".$this->name."' has destination-translation\n";
         if ($this->dnatroot->hasChildNodes()) {
             $this->subdnatTAroot = DH::findFirstElement('translated-address', $this->dnatroot);
             if ($this->subdnatTAroot !== FALSE) {
                 $f = $this->parentAddressStore->findOrCreate($this->subdnatTAroot->textContent, $this);
                 $this->dnathost = $f;
                 $this->subdnatTProot = DH::findFirstElement('translated-port', $this->dnatroot);
                 if ($this->subdnatTProot !== FALSE) {
                     $this->subdnatport = $this->subdnatTProot->textContent;
     // end of destination translation extraction
     //										//
     // Source NAT properties Extraction		//
     //										//
     $this->snatroot = DH::findFirstElement('source-translation', $xml);
     if ($this->snatroot !== FALSE) {
         //print "we have found a source NAT\n";
         // next <tag> will determine NAT type
         $firstE = DH::firstChildElement($this->snatroot);
         $this->snattype = $firstE->nodeName;
         // Do we support this type of NAT ?
         if ($this->snattype != "static-ip" && $this->snattype != "dynamic-ip-and-port" && $this->snattype != "dynamic-ip") {
             derr("SNAT type '" . $this->snattype . "' for rule '" . $this->name . "' is not supported, EXIT\n");
         //print "Determined NAT type ".$tcur['name']."\n";
         if ($this->snattype == "static-ip") {
             $isbidrx = DH::findFirstElement('bi-directional', $firstE);
             if ($isbidrx !== FALSE) {
                 $this->snatbidir = $isbidrx->textContent;
             $transladx = DH::findFirstElement('translated-address', $firstE);
             $fad = $this->parentAddressStore->findOrCreate($transladx->textContent, $this);
             $this->snathosts->xmlroot = $transladx;
         } else {
             if ($this->snattype == "dynamic-ip-and-port") {
                 // Is it <translated-address> type ?
                 $subtype = DH::findFirstElement('translated-address', $firstE);
                 if ($subtype !== FALSE) {
                     if (DH::firstChildElement($subtype) === FALSE) {
                         // this rule has no address specified
                     } else {
                         foreach ($subtype->childNodes as $node) {
                             if ($node->nodeType != 1) {
                             $translad = $this->parentAddressStore->findOrCreate($node->textContent, $this);
                         $this->snathosts->xmlroot = $subtype;
                 } else {
                     $subtype = DH::findFirstElement('interface-address', $firstE);
                     if ($subtype !== FALSE) {
                         if (DH::firstChildElement($subtype) === FALSE) {
                             derr("Cannot understand dynmaic NAT for rule '" . $this->name . "'\n");
                         foreach ($subtype->childNodes as $node) {
                             if ($node->nodeType != 1) {
                             if ($node->nodeName == 'interface') {
                                 $this->snatinterface = $node->textContent;
                             } else {
                                 if ($node->nodeName == 'ip') {
                                     $translad = $this->parentAddressStore->findOrCreate($node->textContent, $this);
                                 } else {
                                     derr("Cannot understand dynmaic NAT for rule '" . $this->name . "'\n");
                     } else {
                         mwarning("Unknown dynamic SNAT type on rule '" . $this->name . " don't mess too much with this rule or face unpredictable results");
     // End of Source NAT properties extraction	//
     //  								//
     //	Begin of <service> extraction				//
     //								//
     $this->serviceroot = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('service', $xml, 'any');
     if ($this->serviceroot !== FALSE) {
         $lname = $this->serviceroot->textContent;
         if (strtolower($lname) != 'any') {
             //print "found service named $lname in  NAT rule '".$this->name."'\n";
             $f = $this->parentServiceStore->findOrCreate($lname, $this, true);
             if (!$f) {
                 derr("Error: service object named '{$lname}' not found in NAT rule '" . $this->name . "'\n");
             $this->service = $f;
     } else {
         derr('unexpected error');
     // End of <service> extraction 	//
 public function load_from_domxml($xml)
     $this->xmldoc = $xml;
     $this->configroot = DH::findFirstElementOrDie('config', $this->xmldoc);
     $this->xmlroot = $this->configroot;
     $versionAttr = DH::findAttribute('version', $this->configroot);
     if ($versionAttr !== false) {
         $this->version = PH::versionFromString($versionAttr);
     } else {
         if (isset($this->connector) && $this->connector !== null) {
             $version = $this->connector->getSoftwareVersion();
         } else {
             derr('cannot find PANOS version used for make this config');
         $this->version = $version['version'];
     $tmp = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('mgt-config', $this->configroot);
     $tmp = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('devices', $tmp);
     foreach ($tmp->childNodes as $serial) {
         if ($serial->nodeType != 1) {
         $s = DH::findAttribute('name', $serial);
         if ($s === FALSE) {
             derr('no serial found');
         $this->managedFirewallsSerials[] = $s;
     $this->sharedroot = DH::findFirstElementOrDie('shared', $this->configroot);
     $this->devicesroot = DH::findFirstElementOrDie('devices', $this->configroot);
     $this->localhostroot = DH::findFirstElementByNameAttrOrDie('entry', 'localhost.localdomain', $this->devicesroot);
     $this->devicegrouproot = DH::findFirstElementOrDie('device-group', $this->localhostroot);
     $this->templateroot = DH::findFirstElementOrDie('template', $this->localhostroot);
     // Extract Tag objects
     if ($this->version >= 60) {
         $tmp = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('tag', $this->sharedroot);
     // End of Tag objects extraction
     // Shared address objects extraction
     $tmp = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('address', $this->sharedroot);
     // end of address extraction
     // Extract address groups
     $tmp = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('address-group', $this->sharedroot);
     // End of address groups extraction
     // Extract services
     $tmp = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('service', $this->sharedroot);
     // End of address groups extraction
     // Extract service groups
     $tmp = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('service-group', $this->sharedroot);
     // End of address groups extraction
     $prerulebase = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('pre-rulebase', $this->sharedroot);
     $postrulebase = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('post-rulebase', $this->sharedroot);
     $tmp = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('security', $prerulebase);
     $tmp = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('rules', $tmp);
     $tmpPost = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('security', $postrulebase);
     $tmpPost = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('rules', $tmpPost);
     $this->securityRules->load_from_domxml($tmp, $tmpPost);
     $tmp = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('nat', $prerulebase);
     $tmp = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('rules', $tmp);
     $tmpPost = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('nat', $postrulebase);
     $tmpPost = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('rules', $tmpPost);
     $this->natRules->load_from_domxml($tmp, $tmpPost);
     $tmp = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('decryption', $prerulebase);
     $tmp = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('rules', $tmp);
     $tmpPost = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('decryption', $postrulebase);
     $tmpPost = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('rules', $tmpPost);
     $this->decryptionRules->load_from_domxml($tmp, $tmpPost);
     $tmp = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('application-override', $prerulebase);
     $tmp = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('rules', $tmp);
     $tmpPost = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('application-override', $postrulebase);
     $tmpPost = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('rules', $tmpPost);
     $this->appOverrideRules->load_from_domxml($tmp, $tmpPost);
     // loading templates
     foreach ($this->templateroot->childNodes as $node) {
         if ($node->nodeType != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
         $ldv = new Template('*tmp*', $this);
         $this->templates[] = $ldv;
         //print "Template '{$ldv->name()}' found\n";
     // end of Templates
     // loading Device Groups now
     if ($this->version < 70) {
         foreach ($this->devicegrouproot->childNodes as $node) {
             if ($node->nodeType != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
             $lvname = $node->nodeName;
             //print "Device Group '$lvname' found\n";
             $ldv = new DeviceGroup($this);
             $this->deviceGroups[] = $ldv;
     } else {
         $dgMetaDataNode = DH::findXPathSingleEntryOrDie('/config/readonly/dg-meta-data/dginfo', $this->xmlroot);
         $dgToParent = array();
         $parentToDG = array();
         foreach ($dgMetaDataNode->childNodes as $node) {
             if ($node->nodeType != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
             $dgName = DH::findAttribute('name', $node);
             if ($dgName === false) {
                 derr("DeviceGroup name attribute not found in dg-meta-data", $node);
             $parentDG = DH::findFirstElement('parent-dg', $node);
             if ($parentDG === false) {
                 $dgToParent[$dgName] = 'shared';
                 $parentToDG['shared'][] = $dgName;
             } else {
                 $dgToParent[$dgName] = $parentDG->textContent;
                 $parentToDG[$parentDG->textContent][] = $dgName;
         $dgLoadOrder = array('shared');
         while (count($parentToDG) > 0) {
             $dgLoadOrderCount = count($dgLoadOrder);
             foreach ($dgLoadOrder as &$dgName) {
                 if (isset($parentToDG[$dgName])) {
                     foreach ($parentToDG[$dgName] as &$newDGName) {
                         $dgLoadOrder[] = $newDGName;
             if (count($dgLoadOrder) <= $dgLoadOrderCount) {
                 derr('dg-meta-data seems to be corrupted, parent.child template cannot be calculated ', $dgMetaDataNode);
             $dgLoadOrderCount = count($dgLoadOrder);
         /*print "DG loading order:\n";
           foreach( $dgLoadOrder as &$dgName )
               print " - {$dgName}\n";*/
         $deviceGroupNodes = array();
         foreach ($this->devicegrouproot->childNodes as $node) {
             if ($node->nodeType != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
             $nodeNameAttr = DH::findAttribute('name', $node);
             if ($nodeNameAttr === false) {
                 derr("DeviceGroup 'name' attribute was not found", $node);
             if (!is_string($nodeNameAttr) || $nodeNameAttr == '') {
                 derr("DeviceGroup 'name' attribute has invalid value", $node);
             $deviceGroupNodes[$nodeNameAttr] = $node;
         foreach ($dgLoadOrder as $dgIndex => &$dgName) {
             if ($dgName == 'shared') {
             if (!isset($deviceGroupNodes[$dgName])) {
                 mwarning("DeviceGroup '{$dgName}' is listed in dg-meta-data but doesn't exist in XML");
             $ldv = new DeviceGroup($this);
             if (!isset($dgToParent[$dgName])) {
                 mwarning("DeviceGroup '{$dgName}' has not parent associated, assuming SHARED");
             } elseif ($dgToParent[$dgName] == 'shared') {
                 // do nothing
             } else {
                 $parentDG = $this->findDeviceGroup($dgToParent[$dgName]);
                 if ($parentDG === null) {
                     mwarning("DeviceGroup '{$dgName}' has DG '{$dgToParent[$dgName]}' listed as parent but it cannot be found in XML");
                 } else {
                     $parentDG->childDeviceGroups[$dgName] = $ldv;
                     $ldv->parentDeviceGroup = $parentDG;
             $this->deviceGroups[] = $ldv;
     // End of DeviceGroup loading
 protected function sendMessageBatch(array $payrolls, array $attributes, $delay)
     $entries = [];
     foreach ($payrolls as $idx => $payroll) {
         $entry = ["Id" => "buf_{$idx}", "MessageBody" => $payroll];
         if ($delay) {
             $entry['DelaySeconds'] = $delay;
         if ($attributes) {
             $entry['MessageAttributes'] = $attributes[$idx];
         $entries[] = $entry;
     $args = ["QueueUrl" => $this->getQueueUrl(), "Entries" => $entries];
     $result = $this->client->sendMessageBatch($args);
     if ($result['Failed']) {
         foreach ($result['Failed'] as $failed) {
             mwarning(sprintf("Batch sending message failed, code = %s, id = %s, msg = %s, senderfault = %s", $failed['Code'], $failed['Id'], $failed['Message'], $failed['SenderFault']));
         throw new \RuntimeException("Cannot send some messages, consult log for more info!");
 public function load_from_domxml($xml)
     $this->xmlroot = $xml;
     $this->name = DH::findAttribute('name', $xml);
     if ($this->name === FALSE) {
         derr("name not found\n");
     //print "found rule name '".$this->name."'\n";
     //  											//
     //	Begin of <disabled> extraction				//
     //												//
     // End of <disabled> properties extraction		//
     //  											//
     //	Begin of <description> extraction			//
     //												//
     // End of <description> extraction 				//
     //														//
     // Begin <application> application extraction			//
     //														//
     $tmp = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('application', $xml);
     // end of <application> application extraction
     //										//
     // Begin <service> extraction			//
     //										//
     $tmp = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('service', $xml);
     // end of <service> zone extraction
     // Begin <log-setting> extraction
     $tmp = $this->logstartroot = DH::findFirstElement('log-setting', $xml);
     if ($tmp === false) {
         $this->logSetting = false;
     } else {
         $this->logSetting = $tmp->textContent;
     // End of <log-setting>
     // Begin <log-start> extraction
     $this->logstartroot = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('log-start', $xml, 'no');
     $this->logstart = yesNoBool($this->logstartroot->textContent);
     // End of <log-start>
     // Begin <log-end> extraction
     $this->logendroot = DH::findFirstElementOrCreate('log-end', $xml, 'yes');
     $this->logend = yesNoBool($this->logendroot->textContent);
     // End of <log-start>
     // Begin <profile-setting> extraction
     $this->secprofroot = DH::findFirstElement('profile-setting', $xml);
     if ($this->secprofroot === false) {
         $this->secprofroot = null;
     // End of <profile-setting>
     // Begin <negate-source> extraction
     $negatedSourceRoot = DH::findFirstElement('negate-source', $xml);
     if ($negatedSourceRoot !== false) {
         $this->negatedSource = yesNoBool($negatedSourceRoot->textContent);
     } else {
         $this->negatedSource = false;
     // End of <negate-source>
     // Begin <negate-destination> extraction
     $negatedDestinationRoot = DH::findFirstElement('negate-destination', $xml);
     if ($negatedDestinationRoot !== false) {
         $this->negatedDestination = yesNoBool($negatedDestinationRoot->textContent);
     } else {
         $this->negatedDestination = false;
     // End of <negate-destination>
     // Begin <action> extraction
     $tmp = DH::findFirstElement('action', $xml);
     if ($tmp !== false) {
         $actionFound = array_search($tmp->textContent, self::$RuleActions);
         if ($actionFound === false) {
             mwarning("unsupported action '{$tmp->textContent}' found, allow assumed", $tmp);
         } else {
             $this->action = $actionFound;
     } else {
         mwarning("'<action> not found, assuming 'allow'", $xml);
     // End of <rule-type>
     // Begin <rule-type> extraction
     if ($this->owner->version >= 61) {
         $tmp = DH::findFirstElement('rule-type', $xml);
         if ($tmp !== false) {
             $typefound = array_search($tmp->textContent, self::$RuleTypes);
             if ($typefound === false) {
                 mwarning("unsupported rule-type '{$tmp->textContent}', universal assumed", $tmp);
             } else {
                 $this->ruleType = $typefound;
     // End of <rule-type>
 * @ignore
function removeReference($o, $ref)
    if (is_null($ref)) {
    $serial = spl_object_hash($ref);
    if (array_key_exists($serial, $o->refrules)) {
    } else {
        mwarning('tried to unreference an object from a store that does not reference it:' . $o->toString() . '  against  ' . $ref->toString());
  * !!OBSOLETE!!
  * @obsolete
  * @param string $name
  * @return VirtualSystem|null
 public function findVSYS_by_Name($name)
     mwarning('use of obsolete function, please use findVirtualSystem() instead!');
     return $this->findVirtualSystem($name);
Beispiel #13
 public function API_setName($newname)
     if (!$this->isTmp()) {
         $c = findConnectorOrDie($this);
         $path = $this->getXPath();
         $c->sendRenameRequest($path, $newname);
     } else {
         mwarning('this is a temporary object, cannot be renamed from API');
  * For developper use only
  * @param DOMElement $xml
  * @param DOMElement $xmlPost
 public function load_from_domxml($xml, $xmlPost = null)
     global $PANC_DEBUG;
     $this->xmlroot = $xml;
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($xml->childNodes as $node) {
         if ($node->nodeType != 1) {
         if ($node->tagName != 'entry') {
             mwarning("A rule entry with tag '{$node->tagName}' was found and ignored");
         if ($PANC_DEBUG && $count % 1000 == 0) {
             print "Parsed {$count} rules so far\n";
         /** @var SecurityRule|NatRule|DecryptionRule|Rule $nr */
         $nr = new $this->type($this);
         $this->rules[] = $nr;
     // print $count." prerules found\n";
     if ($this->isPreOrPost) {
         if ($xmlPost === null) {
             derr('no <post-rulebase> xml root provided !');
         $this->postRulesRoot = $xmlPost;
         $count = 0;
         foreach ($xmlPost->childNodes as $node) {
             if ($node->nodeType != 1) {
             if ($PANC_DEBUG && $count % 1000 == 0) {
                 print "Parsed {$count} rules so far\n";
             $nr = new $this->type($this);
             $this->postRules[] = $nr;
         //print $count." postrules found\n";
  * @param $contextVSYS VirtualSystem
  * @param $orderByNarrowest bool
  * @return array
 public function getIPtoZoneRouteMapping($contextVSYS, $orderByNarrowest = true)
     $ipv4 = array();
     $ipv6 = array();
     $ipv4sort = array();
     foreach ($this->staticRoutes() as $route) {
         $ipv4Mapping = $route->destinationIP4Mapping();
         $nexthopIf = $route->nexthopInterface();
         if ($nexthopIf !== null) {
             if (!$this->attachedInterfaces->hasInterfaceNamed($nexthopIf->name())) {
                 mwarning("route {$route->name()}/{$route->destination()} ignored because its attached to interface {$nexthopIf->name()} but this interface does not belong to this virtual router'");
             if ($contextVSYS->importedInterfaces->hasInterfaceNamed($nexthopIf->name())) {
                 $findZone = $contextVSYS->zoneStore->findZoneMatchingInterfaceName($nexthopIf->name());
                 if ($findZone === null) {
                     mwarning("route {$route->name()}/{$route->destination()} ignored because its attached to interface {$nexthopIf->name()} but this interface is not attached to a Zone in vsys {$contextVSYS->name()}'");
                 } else {
                     $record = array('network' => $route->destination(), 'start' => $ipv4Mapping['start'], 'end' => $ipv4Mapping['end'], 'zone' => $findZone->name(), 'origin' => 'static', 'priority' => 2);
                     $ipv4sort[$record['end'] - $record['start']][$record['start']][] =& $record;
             } else {
                 $findVsys = $contextVSYS->owner->network->findVsysInterfaceOwner($nexthopIf->name());
                 if ($findVsys === null) {
                     mwarning("route {$route->name()}/{$route->destination()} ignored because its attached to interface {$nexthopIf->name()} but this interface is attached to no VSYS");
                 $externalZone = $contextVSYS->zoneStore->findZoneWithExternalVsys($findVsys);
                 if ($externalZone == null) {
                     mwarning("route {$route->name()}/{$route->destination()} ignored because its attached to interface {$nexthopIf->name()} but this interface is attached to wrong vsys '{$findVsys->name()}' and no external zone could be found");
                 $record = array('network' => $route->destination(), 'start' => $ipv4Mapping['start'], 'end' => $ipv4Mapping['end'], 'zone' => $externalZone->name(), 'origin' => 'static', 'priority' => 2);
                 $ipv4sort[$record['end'] - $record['start']][$record['start']][] =& $record;
         } else {
             if ($route->nexthopType() == 'ip-address') {
                 $nextHopType = $route->nexthopType();
                 $nexthopIP = $route->nexthopIP();
                 $findZone = null;
                 foreach ($this->attachedInterfaces->interfaces() as $if) {
                     if (($if->isEthernetType() || $if->isAggregateType()) && $if->type() == 'layer3' || $if->isLoopbackType()) {
                         if (!$contextVSYS->importedInterfaces->hasInterfaceNamed($if->name())) {
                         if ($if->isLoopbackType()) {
                             $ips = $if->getIPv4Addresses();
                         } else {
                             $ips = $if->getLayer3IPv4Addresses();
                         foreach ($ips as &$interfaceIP) {
                             if (cidr::netMatch($nexthopIP, $interfaceIP) > 0) {
                                 $findZone = $contextVSYS->zoneStore->findZoneMatchingInterfaceName($if->name());
                                 if ($findZone === null) {
                                     mwarning("route {$route->name()}/{$route->destination()} ignored because its attached to interface {$if->name()} but this interface is not attached to a Zone in vsys {$contextVSYS->name()}'");
                         if ($findZone !== null) {
                     } else {
                 if ($findZone === null) {
                     mwarning("route {$route->name()}/{$route->destination()} ignored because no matching interface was found for nexthop={$nexthopIP}");
                 $record = array('network' => $route->destination(), 'start' => $ipv4Mapping['start'], 'end' => $ipv4Mapping['end'], 'zone' => $findZone->name(), 'origin' => 'static', 'priority' => 2);
                 $ipv4sort[$record['end'] - $record['start']][$record['start']][] =& $record;
             } else {
                 mwarning("route {$route->name()}/{$route->destination()} ignored because of unknown type '{$nextHopType}'");
     foreach ($this->attachedInterfaces->interfaces() as $if) {
         if (!$contextVSYS->importedInterfaces->hasInterfaceNamed($if->name())) {
         if (($if->isEthernetType() || $if->isAggregateType()) && $if->type() == 'layer3') {
             $findZone = $contextVSYS->zoneStore->findZoneMatchingInterfaceName($if->name());
             if ($findZone === null) {
             $ipAddresses = $if->getLayer3IPv4Addresses();
             foreach ($ipAddresses as $interfaceIP) {
                 $ipv4Mapping = cidr::stringToStartEnd($interfaceIP);
                 $record = array('network' => $interfaceIP, 'start' => $ipv4Mapping['start'], 'end' => $ipv4Mapping['end'], 'zone' => $findZone->name(), 'origin' => 'connected', 'priority' => 1);
                 $ipv4sort[$record['end'] - $record['start']][$record['start']][] =& $record;
         } elseif ($if->isLoopbackType()) {
             $findZone = $contextVSYS->zoneStore->findZoneMatchingInterfaceName($if->name());
             if ($findZone === null) {
             $ipAddresses = $if->getIPv4Addresses();
             foreach ($ipAddresses as $interfaceIP) {
                 $ipv4Mapping = cidr::stringToStartEnd($interfaceIP);
                 $record = array('network' => $interfaceIP, 'start' => $ipv4Mapping['start'], 'end' => $ipv4Mapping['end'], 'zone' => $findZone->name(), 'origin' => 'connected', 'priority' => 1);
                 $ipv4sort[$record['end'] - $record['start']][$record['start']][] =& $record;
     foreach ($ipv4sort as &$record) {
         foreach ($record as &$subRecord) {
             foreach ($subRecord as &$subSubRecord) {
                 $ipv4[] =& $subSubRecord;
     $result = array('ipv4' => &$ipv4, 'ipv6' => &$ipv6);
     return $result;
  * @ignore
 protected function findParentCentralStore()
     $this->parentCentralStore = null;
     if ($this->owner) {
         $currentObject = $this;
         while (isset($currentObject->owner) && !is_null($currentObject->owner)) {
             if (isset($currentObject->owner->addressStore) && !is_null($currentObject->owner->addressStore)) {
                 $this->parentCentralStore = $currentObject->owner->addressStore;
                 //print $this->toString()." : found a parent central store: ".$parentCentralStore->toString()."\n";
             $currentObject = $currentObject->owner;
     mwarning('no parent store found!');