</div> <?php if ($node->field_news_image[0]['filename']) { ?> <div id="news_main_image"> <div class="drop-shadow"> <div class="drop-shadow-outer"> <div class="drop-shadow-inner"> <img class="main_image" src="/sites/default/files/imagecache/news_event_main/<?php print $node->field_news_image[0]['filename']; ?> " alt="<?php print $node->field_news_image[0]['data']['alt']; ?> " title="<?php print $node->field_news_image[0]['data']['title']; ?> " /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } print $node->content['body']['#value']; ?> <?php print multilink_filter('process', 0, 3, "[529:" . locale('Back to News and Events') . " »]");
</span> <?php } ?> <div class="content clear-block"> <div class = "job_table"> <?php $job_category = db_fetch_array(db_query('SELECT name, td.tid FROM term_node as tn LEFT JOIN term_data as td on tn.tid = td.tid WHERE nid = ' . $node->nid . ' AND td.vid = 5 LIMIT 0, 1')); $job_category = i18ntaxonomy_translate_term_name($job_category['tid'], $job_category['name']); $job_division = db_fetch_array(db_query('SELECT name, td.tid FROM term_node as tn LEFT JOIN term_data as td on tn.tid = td.tid WHERE nid = ' . $node->nid . ' AND td.vid = 4 LIMIT 0, 1')); $job_division = i18ntaxonomy_translate_term_name($job_division['tid'], $job_division['name']); ?> <table> <tr><td colspan="2"><?php print ' ← ' . multilink_filter('process', 0, 3, '[528:' . t('back to jobs') . ']'); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td><h3><?php print $node->content['field_job_reqnumb']['field']['#title']; ?> </h3></td><td><?php print $node->field_job_reqnumb[0]['view']; ?> </td></tr> <tr><td><h3><?php print t('Job Category'); ?> </h3></td><td><?php print $job_category; ?>
<?php } ?> <?php print $exhibit_node->title; ?> <?php if ($exhibit_node->field_exhibit_link[0]['url']) { ?> </a> <?php } ?> </h3> <?php print multilink_filter('process', 0, 3, $exhibit_node->body); ?> <?php if ($exhibit_node->field_exhibit_link[0]['url']) { ?> <a href="<?php print $link_href; ?> " class="indent" target="<?php print $url_target; ?> "> <?php } ?> <?php