Beispiel #1
 // guardamos los parametros para el query string (ahora veo que quise decir .= pero funciona asi tambien)
 $con = db_open($d);
 // si es solo para los nombres de las columnas ... el SELECT los devuelve
 // luego podemos necesitar mas cosas
 $cols = db_getColumns($meta, $d, $t);
 // PC::db($cols, "getcols");
 foreach ($cols[1] as $i) {
     $columnas[] = $i[0];
 // guardamos la clave primaria, debe estar exactamente una
 $pk = db_getPK($meta, $d, $t);
 // el index del PK en las columnas
 $pki = array_search($pk, $columnas);
 // esto no debe fallar porque siempre necesitamos seleccionar el PK
 // claves, etc
 // comandos de momento - i insertar, b borrar, a actualizar, pasamos el ID en id
 if ($c) {
     if ($c == "i") {
         echo "Quiere insertar", br();
         // cojemos los valores pasados
         foreach ($columnas as $col) {
             $valores[] = $_REQUEST[$col];
         $sql = "INSERT INTO {$t} (" . implode(",", $columnas) . ") VALUES (" . implode(",", array_map("comillas", $valores)) . ")";
         echo $sql;
         db_query($con, $sql);
     } else {
         if ($c == "b") {
             // Borrar
             param("id", $id);
Beispiel #2
                document.getElementById("contenedorabajo").style.margin="2% auto 2% auto";
            function mostrar(){
                document.cookie = "lateral=ON; path=/";
                document.getElementById("contenedorgrande").style.margin="2% auto 2% 2%";
                document.getElementById("contenedorabajo").style.margin="2% auto 2% 2%";
            <img src="' . $rfiurl . 'w=img&imagen=derecha" alt="&gt; &gt;" id="flechaderecha" onclick="ocultar();">
            <img src="' . $rfiurl . 'w=img&imagen=izquierda" style="display:none;" id="flechaizquierda" alt="&lt; &lt;" onclick="mostrar();">
        <div style="float:right; width: 90%; margin: auto 0 auto 0; overflow:auto;">' . mostrar_informacion() . '
    <div class="contenedorgrande" id="contenedorgrande">
    <div class="contenedor">
switch ($_GET['w']) {
    /* Mostramos las directivas mas importantes de php.ini y su explicación */
    case 'directivas':
        /* Creamos un array con todas las directivas y su descripcion */
        //safe mode
        $functions[] = array('<h2>Safe-Mode</h2>', '<a href=""></a>');
        $functions[] = leerconfig('safe_mode', ' Whether to enable PHP&#039;s safe mode. If PHP is compiled with --enable-safe-mode then defaults to On, otherwise Off.');
        $functions[] = leerconfig('safe_mode_gid', ' By default, Safe Mode does a UID compare check when opening files. If you want to relax this to a GID compare, then turn on safe_mode_gid. Whether to use UID (FALSE) or GID (TRUE) checking upon file access. ');
        $functions[] = leerconfig('safe_mode_include_dir', ' UID/GID checks are bypassed when including files from this directory and its subdirectories (directory must also be in include_path or full path must including). As of PHP 4.2.0, this directive can take a colon (semi-colon on Windows) separated path in a fashion similar to the include_path directive, rather than just a single directory. The restriction specified is actually a prefix, not a directory name. This means that &quot;safe_mode_include_dir = /dir/incl&quot; also allows access to &quot;/dir/include&quot; and &quot;/dir/incls&quot; if they exist. When you want to restrict access to only the specified directory, end with a slash. For example: &quot;safe_mode_include_dir = /dir/incl/&quot; If the value of this directive is empty, no files with different UID/GID can be included in PHP 4.2.3 and as of PHP 4.3.3. In earlier versions, all files could be included. ');
        $functions[] = leerconfig('safe_mode_exec_dir', ' If PHP is used in safe mode, system() and the other functions executing system programs  refuse to start programs that are not in this directory. You have to use / as directory separator on all environments including Windows. ');