$svc = 0;
                             if (!$ratedetail['service']) {
                                 $svc = $svc + $ratedetail['discountvalue'] * SVCPCT / 100;
                             $tax = 0;
                             if (!$ratedetail['tax']) {
                                 $tax = $tax + $ratedetail['discountvalue'] * TAXPCT / 100;
                             $newamt = $ratedetail['discountvalue'] + $svc + $tax;
                             $totamt = $totamt + $newamt;
                             $totsvc = $totsvc + $svc;
                             $tottax = $tottax + $tax;
                         $newCheckinDate = $checkindate;
                         for ($dc = 0; $dc < $no_nights; $dc++) {
                             modify_transaction(0, $bill_id, 1, $reserved_date, $newCheckinDate, $userid, $roomamt, $totsvc, $tottax, $roomamt, $totsvc, $tottax, 1, $rtid, '', $totamt, $curr);
                             $newCheckinDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('+1 day', strtotime($newCheckinDate)));
     if (!$bill_id) {
         echo "<div align=\"center\"><h1>" . $_L['RSV_bill_err'] . "</h1></div>";
     } else {
         echo "<div align=\"center\"><h1>" . $_L['RSV_bill_sccss'] . "</h1></div>";
 } else {
     echo "<div align=\"center\"><h1>" . $_L['RSV_billater_err'] . "</h1></div>";
Beispiel #2
        $arrayXO = array();
        $arrayXO = process_EXO_datablob($_POST['EXOdatablob']);
        $arrayMIS = process_EXO_datablob($_POST['MISdatablob']);
        if (isset($arrayXO['module']) && !empty($arrayXO['module'])) {
            if ($arrayXO['module'] == EBRIDGE_HOTEL) {
                $catMIS = HOTEL;
            } elseif ($arrayXO['module'] == EBRIDGE_TOUR) {
                $catMIS = TOUR;
            } elseif ($arrayXO['module'] == EBRIDGE_GOLF) {
                $catMIS = GOLF;
            } elseif ($arrayXO['module'] == EBRIDGE_VEHICLE) {
                $catMIS = TRANSPORT;
        $itemidMIS = get_first_itemID_by_itype($catMIS);
        modify_transaction(0, $arrayMIS['bill_id'], $itemidMIS, '', $arrayXO['datebooked'], $_SESSION['userid'], $arrayXO['amount'], 0, 0, $arrayXO['amount'], 0, 0, $arrayXO['count'], '', '', $arrayXO['amount'], $arrayXO['currency'], $arrayXO['XOID']);
// This is a new checkin, so set the reservation and the reservation_room details to Checked In.
if ($act && $res_id && !$id && $details_id) {
    // Only upate the status when last one is checked in.
    if ($rem_cnt == 0) {
        update_reservation_status($res_id, RES_CHECKIN);
    get_booking_byresid($res_id, $details_id, $bookings);
    $book_id = $bookings['book_id'];
    update_resDetails_status($details_id, RES_CHECKIN);
if (!$guestid && isset($_POST['guestid'])) {
    $guestid = $_POST['guestid'];
Beispiel #3
     $itm = $_POST['itemid_' . $modid];
     $addby = $_POST['add_by_' . $modid];
     $dat = $_POST['add_date_' . $modid];
     $trdate = $_POST['trans_date_' . $modid];
     $std_amt = $_POST['std_amt_' . $modid];
     $std_tx = $_POST['std_tax_' . $modid];
     $std_sv = $_POST['std_svc_' . $modid];
     $amt = $_POST['amount_' . $modid];
     $tx = $_POST['tax_' . $modid];
     $sv = $_POST['svc_' . $modid];
     $qty = $_POST['qty_' . $modid];
     $rid = $_POST['ratesid_' . $modid];
     $currency = get_Currency_byTransactionID($modid);
     $transDetail = $_POST['transDetail_' . $modid];
     $XOID = $_POST['XOID_' . $modid];
     modify_transaction($modid, $id, $itm, $dat, $trdate, $addby, $std_amt, $std_sv, $std_tx, $amt, $tx, $sv, $qty, $rid, $transDetail, '', $currency, $XOID);
 // add a new payment
 if ($id && $fop && $rcpt_amt) {
     if ($fop == FOP_CASH_DEP || $fop == FOP_CC_DEP) {
         $tgtCurrency = $_POST['DepCurrency'];
         $srcCurrency = $_POST['DepCurrency'];
         $exrate = 1;
         if ($fop == FOP_CASH_DEP) {
             $fop = FOP_CASH;
             $cardname = "Deposit " . $cardname;
         if ($fop == FOP_CC_DEP) {
             $fop = FOP_CC;
             $cardname = "Deposit " . $cardname;
Beispiel #4
 * Add room charges to the bill for the date, calculate from the rate id supplied
 * or the default room rate.
 * @param $billid [in] Invoice /Bill id
 * @param $roomid [in] Room id for the charge to be used.
 * @param $rateid [in] Rate to use in calculation of discount
 * @param $start [in] Start date in dd/mm/yyyy format
 * @param $end  [in] End date in dd/mm/yyyy format
 * @param $userid [in] id of user adding the charges.
function add_roomcharges($billid, $roomid, $rateid, $start, $end, $userid)
    $quantity = 1;
    //print "Start ".$start." End ".$end."<br/>";
    $start = str_replace("/", "-", $start);
    list($dd, $mm, $yy) = sscanf($start, "%d-%d-%d");
    $sdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $mm, $dd, $yy);
    $end = str_replace("/", "-", $end);
    list($dd, $mm, $yy) = sscanf($end, "%d-%d-%d");
    $edate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $mm, $dd, $yy);
    $dt = $sdate;
    $today = date("d/m/Y");
    if (!$rateid) {
        // Retrieve booking rate id
        $rateid = get_bookingrate(get_bill_bookid($billid));
        //		print "Try using booking rate ".$rateid."<br/>";
    while ($dt < $edate) {
        $tottax = 0;
        $totamt = 0;
        $totsvc = 0;
        $amount = 0;
        $tax = 0;
        $svc = 0;
        $itemid = 0;
        $lrate = $rateid;
        $trans_date = date("d/m/Y", $dt);
        //		print "Trans date ".$trans_date."<br/>";
        $ratedetails = array();
        get_rateitems($rateid, $ratedetails);
        $curr = get_Currency_byRateID($rateid);
        $roomamt = 0;
        foreach ($ratedetails as $ratedetail) {
            $roomamt = $roomamt + $ratedetail['discountvalue'];
            $svc = 0;
            if (!$ratedetail['service']) {
                $svc = $svc + $ratedetail['discountvalue'] * SVCPCT / 100;
            $tax = 0;
            if (!$ratedetail['tax']) {
                $tax = $tax + $ratedetail['discountvalue'] * TAXPCT / 100;
            $newamt = $ratedetail['discountvalue'] + $svc + $tax;
            $totamt = $totamt + $newamt;
            $totsvc = $totsvc + $svc;
            $tottax = $tottax + $tax;
        //$gross = get_ratecharges($itemid, $quantity, $roomid, $trans_date, $lrate, $std_amount, $std_tax, $std_svc, $amount, $tax, $svc);
        modify_transaction(0, $billid, 1, $today, $trans_date, $userid, $roomamt, $totsvc, $tottax, $roomamt, $totsvc, $tottax, $quantity, $rateid, "", $totamt, $curr);
        $dt = $dt + 24 * 60 * 60;