Beispiel #1
function getArray($content, $startStr, $endStr, $startType, $endType)
    $s = "";
    $i = "";
    $listStr = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 999; $i++) {
        //echo($content . "=" . instr($content, $startStr));
        if (instr($content, $startStr) > 0 && instr($content, $endStr) > 0) {
            $s = mid($content, 1, instr($content, $endStr) + 1);
            //echo("    s=" . $s . "<br>");
            $content = mid($content, instr($content, $endStr) + strlen($endStr), -1);
            $s = mid($s, instr($s, $startStr) + strlen($startStr), -1);
            //echo("    s2=" . $s . "<br>");
            $s = substr($s, 0, strlen($s) - strlen($endStr));
            if ($startType == true) {
                $s = $startStr . $s;
            if ($endType == true) {
                $s = $s . $endStr;
            if ($listStr != "") {
                $listStr = $listStr . '$Array$';
            $listStr = $listStr . $s;
        } else {
    $GetArray = $listStr;
    return @$GetArray;
function extractColors($Hexa)
    if (strlen($Hexa) != 6) {
        return array(0, 0, 0);
    $R = hexdec(left($Hexa, 2));
    $G = hexdec(mid($Hexa, 3, 2));
    $B = hexdec(right($Hexa, 2));
    return array($R, $G, $B);
Beispiel #3
function getFormFieldList()
    $s = '';
    $c = '';
    $splstr = '';
    $fieldName = '';
    $splstr = aspSplit(@$_POST, '&');
    foreach ($splstr as $key => $s) {
        $fieldName = lCase(mid($s, 1, inStr($s, '=') - 1));
        if ($c != '') {
            $c = $c . '|';
        $c = $c . $fieldName;
    $getFormFieldList = $c;
    return @$getFormFieldList;
Beispiel #4
function getWhereAnd($sql, $addSql)
    $LCaseAddSql = '';
    $AddType = '';
    $s = '';
    if (aspTrim($addSql) == '') {
        $getWhereAnd = $sql;
        return @$getWhereAnd;
    if (inStr(lCase($sql), ' where ') > 0) {
        $AddType = ' And ';
    } else {
        $AddType = ' Where ';
    if ($addSql != '') {
        $addSql = aspTrim($addSql);
        $LCaseAddSql = lCase($addSql);
        if (left($LCaseAddSql, 6) == 'order ' || left($LCaseAddSql, 6) == 'group ') {
            $getWhereAnd = $sql . ' ' . $addSql;
            return @$getWhereAnd;
        } else {
            if (left($LCaseAddSql, 6) == 'where ') {
                $addSql = mid($addSql, 7, -1);
            } else {
                if (left($LCaseAddSql, 4) == 'and ') {
                    $addSql = mid($addSql, 5, -1);
        //对where 改进   20160623
        $s = lCase($addSql);
        if ($s != 'and' && $s != 'or' && $s != 'where') {
            $sql = $sql . $AddType . $addSql;
    $getWhereAnd = $sql;
    return @$getWhereAnd;
Beispiel #5
function StrCut($Content, $StartStr, $EndStr, $CutType)
    //On Error Resume Next
    $S1 = '';
    $S1Str = '';
    $S2 = '';
    $S3 = '';
    if (instr($Content, $StartStr) == false || instr($Content, $EndStr) == false) {
        $StrCut = '';
        return @$StrCut;
    switch ($CutType) {
        case 1:
            $S1 = instr($Content, $StartStr);
            $S1Str = mid($Content, $S1 + strlen($StartStr), -1);
            $S2 = $S1 + instr($S1Str, $EndStr) + strlen($StartStr) + strlen($EndStr) - 1;
        case 2:
            $S1 = instr($Content, $StartStr) + strlen($StartStr);
            $S1Str = mid($Content, $S1, -1);
            //S2 = InStr(S1, Content, EndStr)
            $S2 = $S1 + instr($S1Str, $EndStr) - 1;
            //call echo("s2",s2)
    $S3 = $S2 - $S1;
    if ($S3 >= 0) {
        $StrCut = mid($Content, $S1, $S3);
    } else {
        $StrCut = '';
    return @$StrCut;
Beispiel #6
function haveChina($content)
    $i = '';
    $j = '';
    $haveChina = false;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= len($content); $i++) {
        $j = asc(mid($content, $i, 1));
        if ($j < 0) {
            if (($j <= -22033 && $j >= -24158) == false) {
                $haveChina = true;
                return @$haveChina;
    return @$haveChina;
Beispiel #7
 function handleSqlTop($sql)
     $s = "";
     $nLength = "";
     $leftStr = "";
     $rightStr = "";
     $nRow = "";
     $s = LCase($sql);
     $nLength = instr($s, " top ");
     $nSelect = instr(lcase($s), "select ");
     if ($nLength > 0 && $nSelect > 0) {
         //只允许查询有显示多少条的限制 20160408
         $leftStr = mid($sql, 1, $nLength);
         $rightStr = mid($sql, $nLength + 5, -1);
         $rightStr = AspTrim($rightStr);
         $nRow = mid($rightStr, 1, instr($rightStr, " "));
         $rightStr = mid($rightStr, instr($rightStr, " "), -1);
         //call echo("nRow",nRow)
         //call echo("leftStr",leftStr)
         //call echo("rightStr",rightStr)
         $sql = $leftStr . $rightStr . " limit " . $nRow;
     $handleSqlTop = $sql;
     return @$handleSqlTop;
Beispiel #8
function handleWithWebSiteList($httpurl, $urllist)
    $website = '';
    $splstr = '';
    $url = '';
    $c = '';
    $urlWebsite = '';
    $s = '';
    $website = lCase(getWebSite($httpurl));
    $splstr = aspSplit($urllist, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splstr as $key => $url) {
        if ($url != '') {
            if (right($url, 1) != '/' && inStr($url, '?') == false) {
                $s = mid($url, inStrRev($url, '/'), -1);
                //call echo("s",s)
                if ((inStr($s, '.') == false || inStr($s, '.com') > 0 || inStr($s, '.cn') > 0 || inStr($s, '.net') > 0) && inStr($s, '@') == false) {
                    $url = $url . '/';
                //call echo("url",url)
            $urlWebsite = lCase(getWebSite($url));
            if ($website == $urlWebsite && inStr(vbCrlf() . $c . vbCrlf(), vbCrlf() . $url . vbCrlf()) == false) {
                if ($c != '') {
                    $c = $c . vbCrlf();
                $c = $c . $url;
    $handleWithWebSiteList = $c;
    return @$handleWithWebSiteList;
Beispiel #9
function getHtmlValue($content, $sType)
    $i = '';
    $endStr = '';
    $s = '';
    $labelName = '';
    $startLabel = '';
    $endLabel = '';
    $LCaseEndStr = '';
    $paramName = '';
    $startLabel = '<';
    $endLabel = '>';
    for ($i = 1; $i <= len($content); $i++) {
        $s = mid($content, $i, 1);
        $endStr = mid($content, $i, -1);
        if ($s == '<') {
            if (inStr($endStr, '>') > 0) {
                $s = mid($endStr, 1, inStr($endStr, '>'));
                $i = $i + len($s) - 1;
                $s = mid($s, 2, len($s) - 2);
                $s = PHPTrim($s);
                if (right($s, 1) == '/') {
                    $s = PHPTrim(left($s, len($s) - 1));
                $endStr = right($endStr, len($endStr) - len($s) - 2);
                //最后字符减去当前标签  -2是因为它有<>二个字符
                $labelName = mid($s, 1, inStr($s . ' ', ' ') - 1);
                $labelName = lCase($labelName);
                if ($labelName == 'title' && $sType == 'webtitle') {
                    $LCaseEndStr = lCase($endStr);
                    if (inStr($LCaseEndStr, '</title>') > 0) {
                        $s = mid($endStr, 1, inStr($LCaseEndStr, '</title>') - 1);
                    } else {
                        $s = '';
                    $getHtmlValue = $s;
                    return @$getHtmlValue;
                } else {
                    if ($labelName == 'meta' && ($sType == 'webkeywords' || $sType == 'webdescription')) {
                        $LCaseEndStr = lCase($endStr);
                        $paramName = PHPTrim(lCase(getParamValue($s, 'name')));
                        if ('web' . $paramName == $sType) {
                            $getHtmlValue = getParamValue($s, 'content');
                            return @$getHtmlValue;
    $getHtmlValue = '';
    return @$getHtmlValue;
Beispiel #10
$nCount = 0;
foreach ($splStr as $s) {
    $tempS = $s;
    $s = AspTrim($s);
    if ($tempS != '' && substr(phptrim($s) . ' ', 0, 1) != '#') {
        $nCount = $nCount + 1;
        if (substr($tempS, 0, 4) == '    ') {
        } else {
            $parentid = '-1';
        if (trim(LCase($tempS)) == 'end') {
        } else {
            if (trim($s) != '') {
                $title = mid($s . ' ', 1, instr($s . ' ', ' ') - 1);
                $lableName = getStrCut($s, 'lablename=\'', '\'', 2);
                $url = getStrCut($s, 'url=\'', '\'', 2);
                $isdisplay = getStrCut($s, 'isdisplay=\'', '\'', 2);
                if ($isdisplay == '') {
                    $isdisplay = 1;
                //ASPEcho('lablename', $lableName) ;
                if ($title != '') {
                    connExecute('insert into ' . $DB_PREFIX . 'ListMenu (title,parentid,sortrank,lablename,isdisplay,customaurl) values(\'' . $title . '\',' . $parentid . ',' . $nCount . ',\'' . $lableName . '\',' . $isdisplay . ',\'' . $url . '\')');
                    if ($parentid == '-1') {
                        $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $DB_PREFIX . 'ListMenu where title=\'' . $title . '\'');
                        $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);
                        if (@mysql_num_rows($rsObj) != 0) {
                            $parentid = $rs['id'];
Beispiel #11
 //$planet_angle[$sort_pos[$i]] = ($chart_idx * (3 * $deg_in_each_house) / (3 * $max_num_pl_in_each_house)) + ($deg_in_each_house / (2 * $max_num_pl_in_each_house));    // needed for aspect lines
 $planet_angle[$sort_pos[$i]] = $sort[$i];
 $angle_to_use = $planet_angle[$sort_pos[$i]] - $Ascendant;
 // needed for placing info on chartwheel
 // denote that we have done at least one planet in this house (actually count the planets in this house that we have done)
 // display the planet in the wheel
 $angle_to_use = deg2rad($angle_to_use);
 if ($flag == False) {
     display_planet_glyph($angle_to_use, $radius - $dist_from_diameter1, $xy);
 } else {
     display_planet_glyph($angle_to_use, $radius - $dist_from_diameter2, $xy);
 imagettftext($im, 16, 0, $xy[0] + $center_pt, $xy[1] + $center_pt, $planet_color, FONTPATH . HAMBURG_TTF, chr($pl_glyph[$sort_pos[$i]]));
 // display degrees of longitude for each planet
 if (strtoupper(mid($retrograde, $sort_pos[$i] + 1, 1)) == "R") {
     $t = sprintf("%.1f", Reduce_below_30($sort[$i])) . " r";
 } else {
     $t = sprintf("%.1f", Reduce_below_30($sort[$i]));
 //draw line from planet to circumference
 if ($flag == False) {
     $x1 = (-$radius + $dist_from_diameter1a) * cos($angle_to_use);
     $y1 = ($radius - $dist_from_diameter1a) * sin($angle_to_use);
     $x2 = (-$radius + 6) * cos($angle_to_use);
     $y2 = ($radius - 6) * sin($angle_to_use);
 } else {
     $x1 = (-$radius + $dist_from_diameter2a) * cos($angle_to_use);
     $y1 = ($radius - $dist_from_diameter2a) * sin($angle_to_use);
     $x2 = (-$radius + 6) * cos($angle_to_use);
     $y2 = ($radius - 6) * sin($angle_to_use);
Beispiel #12
function PHPStr_Split($content, $Split_Length)
    $i = '';
    $s = '';
    $c = '';
    $n = '';
    $ArrStr = aspArray(99);
    $nArray = '';
    if ($Split_Length <= 0) {
        $Split_Length = 1;
    $n = 0;
    $nArray = 0;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= len($content); $i++) {
        $s = mid($content, $i, 1);
        $c = $c . $s;
        $n = $n + 1;
        if ($n == $Split_Length) {
            $ArrStr[$nArray] = $c;
            $c = '';
            $n = 0;
            $nArray = $nArray + 1;
    $PHPStr_Split = $ArrStr;
    return @$PHPStr_Split;
Beispiel #13
function scanUrl($httpUrl, $toTitle, $codeset)
    $splStr = '';
    $i = '';
    $s = '';
    $content = '';
    $PubAHrefList = '';
    $PubATitleList = '';
    $splUrl = '';
    $spltitle = '';
    $title = '';
    $url = '';
    $htmlDir = '';
    $htmlFilePath = '';
    $nOK = '';
    $dataArray = '';
    $webState = '';
    $u = '';
    $iniDir = '';
    $iniFilePath = '';
    $websize = '';
    $nSetTime = '';
    $startTime = '';
    $openSpeed = '';
    $isLocal = '';
    $isThrough = '';
    $htmlDir = '/../网站UrlScan/' . setFileName(getWebSite($httpUrl));
    $htmlFilePath = $htmlDir . '/' . setFileName($httpUrl) . '.html';
    $iniDir = $htmlDir . '/conifg';
    $iniFilePath = $iniDir . '/' . setFileName($httpUrl) . '.txt';
    $webState = 0;
    $nSetTime = 1;
    $openSpeed = 0;
    if (CheckFile($htmlFilePath) == false) {
        $startTime = now();
        aspEcho('codeset', $codeset);
        $dataArray = handleXmlGet($httpUrl, $codeset);
        $content = $dataArray[0];
        $content = toGB2312Char($content);
        $webState = $dataArray[1];
        $openSpeed = dateDiff('s', $startTime, now());
        //call createfile(htmlFilePath,content)
        WriteToFile($htmlFilePath, $content, $codeset);
        createFile($iniFilePath, $webState . vbCrlf() . $openSpeed);
        $nSetTime = 3;
        $isLocal = 0;
    } else {
        $content = reaFile($htmlFilePath, $codeset);
        $content = toGB2312Char($content);
        $splStr = aspSplit(getFText($iniFilePath), vbCrlf());
        $webState = CInt($splStr[0]);
        $openSpeed = CInt($splStr[0]);
        $isLocal = 1;
    $websize = getFSize($htmlFilePath);
    if ($websize == '') {
        $websize = 0;
    aspEcho('isLocal', $isLocal);
    $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan where httpurl=\'' . $httpUrl . '\'');
    if (@mysql_num_rows($rsObj) == 0) {
        $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);
        connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan(httpurl,title,charset) values(\'' . $httpUrl . '\',\'' . $toTitle . '\',\'' . $codeset . '\')');
    connexecute('update ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan  set webstate=' . $webState . ',websize=' . $websize . ',openspeed=' . $openSpeed . ',charset=\'' . $codeset . '\'  where httpurl=\'' . $httpUrl . '\'');
    //strLen(content)  不用这个,不精准
    $s = getContentAHref('', $content, $PubAHrefList, $PubATitleList);
    $s = handleScanUrlList($httpUrl, $s);
    //call echo("httpurl",httpurl)
    //call echo("s",s)
    //call echo("PubATitleList",PubATitleList)
    $nOK = 0;
    $splUrl = aspSplit($PubAHrefList, vbCrlf());
    $spltitle = aspSplit($PubATitleList, vbCrlf());
    for ($i = 1; $i <= uBound($splUrl); $i++) {
        $title = $spltitle[$i];
        $url = $splUrl[$i];
        if (inStr($url, '#') > 0) {
            $url = mid($url, 1, inStr($url, '#') - 1);
        if ($url == '') {
            if ($title != '') {
                aspEcho('网址为空', $title);
        } else {
            $url = handleScanUrlList($httpUrl, $url);
            $url = handleWithWebSiteList($httpUrl, $url);
            if ($url != '') {
                $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan where httpurl=\'' . $url . '\'');
                if (@mysql_num_rows($rsObj) == 0) {
                    $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);
                    $u = lCase($url);
                    if (inStr($u, 'tools/downfile.asp') > 0 || inStr($u, '/url.asp?') > 0 || inStr($u, '/aspweb.asp?') > 0 || inStr($u, '/phpweb.php?') > 0 || $u == '' || inStr($u, 'mailto:') > 0 || inStr($u, 'tel:') > 0 || inStr($u, '.html?replytocom') > 0) {
                        //.html?replytocom  王通网站
                        $isThrough = 0;
                    } else {
                        $isThrough = 1;
                        //不用true 因为写入数据会有问题
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan(tohttpurl,totitle,httpurl,title,isthrough,charset) values(\'' . $httpUrl . '\',\'' . $toTitle . '\',\'' . $url . '\',\'' . left($title, 255) . '\',' . $isThrough . ',\'' . $codeset . '\')');
                    $nOK = $nOK + 1;
                    aspEcho($i, $url);
                } else {
                    aspEcho($title, $url);
    $scanUrl = $nSetTime;
    return @$scanUrl;
Beispiel #14
function handleTransferChinese_temp($content, $sType)
    $zd = '';
    $i = '';
    $s = '';
    $c = '';
    $zd = 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Beispiel #15
 $first_colon = strpos($result, ":") + 1;
 $rise_hour = mid($result, $first_colon - 2, 2) + $timezone;
 if ($rise_hour >= 24) {
     $rise_hour = $rise_hour - 24;
 $rise_minute = mid($result, $first_colon + 1, 2);
 $second_colon = strpos($result, ":", $first_colon + 1) + 1;
 $rise_seconds = mid($result, $second_colon + 1, 2);
 $third_colon = strpos($result, ":", $second_colon + 1) + 1;
 $set_hour = mid($result, $third_colon - 2, 2) + $timezone;
 if ($set_hour < 0) {
     $set_hour = $set_hour + 24;
 $set_minute = mid($result, $third_colon + 1, 2);
 $fourth_colon = strpos($result, ":", $third_colon + 1) + 1;
 $set_seconds = mid($result, $fourth_colon + 1, 2);
 echo "<center>";
 if ($timezone < 0) {
     $tz = $timezone;
 } else {
     $tz = "+" . $timezone;
 echo '<font size="2"><b>For ' . strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y<br>JD used = {$starting_JD}<br>(time zone = GMT {$tz} hours)</b></font><br />\n", mktime($hour, $minute, 0, $month, $day, $year));
 echo "<font size = '-1'><b>" . $long_deg . $ew_txt . $long_min . ", " . $lat_deg . $ns_txt . $lat_min . "</b></font><br /><br />";
 echo "</center><br>";
 $pl_name[0] = "Sun";
 $pl_name[1] = "Moon";
 $pl_name[2] = "Mars";
 $pl_name[3] = "Mercury";
 $pl_name[4] = "Jupiter";
 $pl_name[5] = "Venus";
Beispiel #16
function batchImportColumnList($splField, $listStr, $nOK, $tableName)
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                                if ($fieldName == 'flags') {
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                    if ($nIndex != 0) {
                        $c = $c . '【parentid】' . $parentIdArray[$nIndex - 1] . vbCrlf();
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                    $c = $c . '【sortrank】' . $nCount . vbCrlf();
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                    $c = $c . '-------------------------------' . vbCrlf();
    //call die(createfile("1.txt",c))
    if ($c != '') {
        importTXTData($c, $tableName, '添加');
Beispiel #17
function getBrType($theInfo)
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        $s = 'ELinks';
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        $s = 'JBrowser';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('konqueror')) > 0) {
        $s = 'konqueror';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('wget')) > 0) {
        $s = 'wget';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('ask jeeves')) > 0 || inStr($theInfo, uCase('teoma')) > 0) {
        $s = 'Ask Jeeves/Teoma';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('wget')) > 0) {
        $s = 'wget';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('opera')) > 0) {
        $s = 'opera';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('NOKIAN')) > 0) {
        $s = 'NOKIAN(诺基亚手机)';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('SPV')) > 0) {
        $s = 'SPV(多普达手机)';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('Jakarta Commons')) > 0) {
        $s = 'Jakarta Commons-HttpClient';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('Gecko')) > 0) {
        $strType = '[Gecko] ';
        $s = 'Mozilla Series';
        if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('aol')) > 0) {
            $s = 'AOL';
        if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('netscape')) > 0) {
            $s = 'Netscape';
        if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('firefox')) > 0) {
            $s = 'FireFox';
        if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('chimera')) > 0) {
            $s = 'Chimera';
        if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('camino')) > 0) {
            $s = 'Camino';
        if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('galeon')) > 0) {
            $s = 'Galeon';
        if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('k-meleon')) > 0) {
            $s = 'K-Meleon';
        $s = $strType . $s;
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('bot')) > 0 || inStr($theInfo, uCase('crawl')) > 0) {
        $strType = '[Bot/Crawler]';
        if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('grub')) > 0) {
            $s = 'Grub';
        if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('googlebot')) > 0) {
            $s = 'GoogleBot';
        if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('msnbot')) > 0) {
            $s = 'MSN Bot';
        if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('slurp')) > 0) {
            $s = 'Yahoo! Slurp';
        $s = $strType . $s;
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('applewebkit')) > 0) {
        $strType = '[AppleWebKit]';
        $s = '';
        if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('omniweb')) > 0) {
            $s = 'OmniWeb';
        if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('safari')) > 0) {
            $s = 'Safari';
        $s = $strType . $s;
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('msie')) > 0) {
        $strType = '[MSIE';
        $tmp1 = mid($theInfo, inStr($theInfo, uCase('MSIE')) + 4, 6);
        $tmp1 = left($tmp1, inStr($tmp1, ';') - 1);
        $strType = $strType . $tmp1 . ']';
        $s = 'Internet Explorer';
        $s = $strType . $s;
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('msn')) > 0) {
        $s = 'MSN';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('aol')) > 0) {
        $s = 'AOL';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('webtv')) > 0) {
        $s = 'WebTV';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('myie2')) > 0) {
        $s = 'MyIE2';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('maxthon')) > 0) {
        $s = 'Maxthon(傲游浏览器)';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('gosurf')) > 0) {
        $s = 'GoSurf(冲浪高手浏览器)';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('netcaptor')) > 0) {
        $s = 'NetCaptor';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('sleipnir')) > 0) {
        $s = 'Sleipnir';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('avant browser')) > 0) {
        $s = 'AvantBrowser';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('greenbrowser')) > 0) {
        $s = 'GreenBrowser';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('slimbrowser')) > 0) {
        $s = 'SlimBrowser';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('360SE')) > 0) {
        $s = $s . '-360SE(360安全浏览器)';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('QQDownload')) > 0) {
        $s = $s . '-QQDownload(QQ下载器)';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('TheWorld')) > 0) {
        $s = $s . '-TheWorld(世界之窗浏览器)';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('icafe8')) > 0) {
        $s = $s . '-icafe8(网维大师网吧管理插件)';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('TencentTraveler')) > 0) {
        $s = $s . '-TencentTraveler(腾讯TT浏览器)';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('baiduie8')) > 0) {
        $s = $s . '-baiduie8(百度IE8.0)';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('iCafeMedia')) > 0) {
        $s = $s . '-iCafeMedia(网吧网媒趋势插件)';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('DigExt')) > 0) {
        $s = $s . '-DigExt(IE5允许脱机阅读模式特殊标记)';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('baiduds')) > 0) {
        $s = $s . '-baiduds(百度硬盘搜索)';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('CNCDialer')) > 0) {
        $s = $s . '-CNCDialer(数控拨号)';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('NOKIAN85')) > 0) {
        $s = $s . '-NOKIAN85(诺基亚手机)';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('SPV_C600')) > 0) {
        $s = $s . '-SPV_C600(多普达C600)';
    if (inStr($theInfo, uCase('Smartphone')) > 0) {
        $s = $s . '-Smartphone(Windows Mobile for Smartphone Edition 操作系统的智能手机)';
    $getBrType = $s;
    return @$getBrType;
Beispiel #18
function setHtmlParam($content, $ParamList)
    $splStr = '';
    $startStr = '';
    $endStr = '';
    $c = '';
    $paramValue = '';
    $ReplaceStartStr = '';
    $endStr = '\'';
    $splStr = aspSplit($ParamList, '|');
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $startStr) {
        $startStr = aspTrim($startStr);
        if ($startStr != '') {
            //替换开始字符   因为开始字符类型可变 不同
            $ReplaceStartStr = $startStr;
            if (left($ReplaceStartStr, 3) == 'img') {
                $ReplaceStartStr = mid($ReplaceStartStr, 4, -1);
            } else {
                if (left($ReplaceStartStr, 1) == 'a') {
                    $ReplaceStartStr = mid($ReplaceStartStr, 2, -1);
                } else {
                    if (inStr('|ul|li|', '|' . left($ReplaceStartStr, 2) . '|') > 0) {
                        $ReplaceStartStr = mid($ReplaceStartStr, 3, -1);
            $ReplaceStartStr = ' ' . $ReplaceStartStr . '=\'';
            $startStr = ' ' . $startStr . '=\'';
            if (inStr($content, $startStr) > 0 && inStr($content, $endStr) > 0) {
                $paramValue = StrCut($content, $startStr, $endStr, 2);
                $paramValue = HandleInModule($paramValue, 'end');
                $c = $c . $ReplaceStartStr . $paramValue . $endStr;
    $setHtmlParam = $c;
    return @$setHtmlParam;
Beispiel #19
function page($page, $n, $pagesize)
    $total = ceil($n / $pagesize);
    $total < 1 and $total = 1;
    return mid($page, 1, $total);
Beispiel #20
function setCutTDStr($content, $TDWidth, $MoreColor)
    $i = '';
    $s = '';
    $c = '';
    $n = '';
    $EndNumb = '';
    $YesMore = '';
    $content = cStr($content . '');
    if ($content == '') {
        $setCutTDStr = $content;
        return @$setCutTDStr;
    if ($TDWidth == '') {
        $setCutTDStr = $content;
        return @$setCutTDStr;
    $n = 0;
    $YesMore = false;
    $EndNumb = int($TDWidth / 6.3);
    for ($i = 1; $i <= len($content); $i++) {
        $s = mid($content, $i, 1);
        if ($n >= $EndNumb) {
            $YesMore = true;
        } else {
            $c = $c . $s;
        if (asc($s) < 0) {
            $n = $n + 2;
        } else {
            $n = $n + 1;
    if ($YesMore == true) {
        $c = '<span Title="' . displayHtml($content) . '" style="background-color:' . $MoreColor . ';">' . $c . '</span>';
    $setCutTDStr = $c;
    return @$setCutTDStr;
Beispiel #21
function formatting($content, $action)
    $i = '';
    $endStr = '';
    $s = '';
    $c = '';
    $labelName = '';
    $startLabel = '';
    $endLabel = '';
    $endLabelStr = '';
    $nLevel = '';
    $isYes = '';
    $parentLableName = '';
    $nextLableName = '';
    $isA = '';
    $isTextarea = '';
    $isScript = '';
    $isStyle = '';
    $isPre = '';
    $startLabel = '<';
    $endLabel = '>';
    $nLevel = 0;
    $action = '|' . $action . '|';
    $isA = false;
    $isTextarea = false;
    $isScript = false;
    $isStyle = false;
    $isPre = false;
    $content = replace(replace($content, vbCrlf(), chr(10)), vbTab(), '    ');
    for ($i = 1; $i <= len($content); $i++) {
        $s = mid($content, $i, 1);
        $endStr = mid($content, $i, -1);
        if ($s == '<') {
            if (inStr($endStr, '>') > 0) {
                $s = mid($endStr, 1, inStr($endStr, '>'));
                $i = $i + len($s) - 1;
                $s = mid($s, 2, len($s) - 2);
                if (right($s, 1) == '/') {
                    $s = PHPTrim(left($s, len($s) - 1));
                $endStr = right($endStr, len($endStr) - len($s) - 2);
                //最后字符减去当前标签  -2是因为它有<>二个字符
                $labelName = mid($s, 1, inStr($s . ' ', ' ') - 1);
                $labelName = lCase($labelName);
                //call echo("labelName",labelName)
                if ($labelName == 'a') {
                    $isA = true;
                } else {
                    if ($labelName == '/a') {
                        $isA = false;
                    } else {
                        if ($labelName == 'textarea') {
                            $isTextarea = true;
                        } else {
                            if ($labelName == '/textarea') {
                                $isTextarea = false;
                            } else {
                                if ($labelName == 'script') {
                                    $isScript = true;
                                } else {
                                    if ($labelName == '/script') {
                                        $isScript = false;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($labelName == 'style') {
                                            $isStyle = true;
                                        } else {
                                            if ($labelName == '/style') {
                                                $isStyle = false;
                                            } else {
                                                if ($labelName == 'pre') {
                                                    $isPre = true;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($labelName == '/pre') {
                                                        $isPre = false;
                $endLabelStr = $endLabel;
                $nextLableName = getHtmlLableName($endStr, 0);
                if (inStr($action, '|ziphtml|') == false && $isPre == false) {
                    if ($isA == false) {
                        if (inStr('|a|strong|u|i|s|script|', '|' . $labelName . '|') == false && '/' . $labelName != $nextLableName && inStr('|/a|/strong|/u|/i|/s|/script|', '|' . $nextLableName . '|') == false) {
                            $endLabelStr = $endLabelStr . chr(10);
                //单标签最后加个 /   20160615
                if (inStr('|br|hr|img|input|param|meta|link|', '|' . $labelName . '|') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . ' /';
                $s = $startLabel . $s . $endLabelStr;
                if (inStr($action, '|ziphtml|') == false && $isPre == false) {
                    //处理这个            aaaaa</span>
                    if ($isA == false && $isYes == false && left($labelName, 1) == '/' && $labelName != '/script' && $labelName != '/a') {
                        //排除这种    <span>天天发团</span>     并且判断上一个字段不等于vbcrlf换行
                        if ('/' . $parentLableName != $labelName && right(aspTrim($c), 1) != chr(10)) {
                            $s = chr(10) . $s;
                $parentLableName = $labelName;
                $isYes = true;
        } else {
            if ($s != '') {
                $isYes = false;
                //call echo("isPre",isPre)
                if ($isPre == false) {
                    if ($s == chr(10)) {
                        if ($isTextarea == false && $isScript == false && $isStyle == false) {
                            $s = '';
                        } else {
                            if ($isScript == true) {
                                if (inStr($action, '|zipscripthtml|') > 0) {
                                    $s = ' ';
                            } else {
                                if ($isStyle == true) {
                                    if (inStr($action, '|zipstylehtml|') > 0) {
                                        $s = '';
                                } else {
                                    if ($isTextarea == true) {
                                        if (inStr($action, '|ziptextareahtml|') > 0) {
                                            $s = '';
                                    } else {
                                        $s = chr(10);
                        // Right(Trim(c), 1) = ">")   为在压缩时用到
                    } else {
                        if ((right(aspTrim($c), 1) == chr(10) || right(aspTrim($c), 1) == '>') && PHPTrim($s) == '' && $isTextarea == false && $isScript == false) {
                            $s = '';
        $c = $c . $s;
    $c = replace($c, chr(10), vbCrlf());
    $formatting = $c;
    return @$formatting;
Beispiel #22
function copyHtmlToWeb()
    $webDir = '';
    $toWebDir = '';
    $toFilePath = '';
    $filePath = '';
    $fileName = '';
    $fileList = '';
    $splStr = '';
    $content = '';
    $s = '';
    $s1 = '';
    $c = '';
    $webImages = '';
    $webCss = '';
    $webJs = '';
    $splJs = '';
    $webFolderName = '';
    $jsFileList = '';
    $setFileCode = '';
    $nErrLevel = '';
    $jsFilePath = '';
    $url = '';
    $setFileCode = @$_REQUEST['setcode'];
    writeSystemLog('', '复制生成HTML页面');
    $webFolderName = $GLOBALS['cfg_webTemplate'];
    if (left($webFolderName, 1) == '/') {
        $webFolderName = mid($webFolderName, 2, -1);
    if (right($webFolderName, 1) == '/') {
        $webFolderName = mid($webFolderName, 1, len($webFolderName) - 1);
    if (inStr($webFolderName, '/') > 0) {
        $webFolderName = mid($webFolderName, inStr($webFolderName, '/') + 1, -1);
    $webDir = '/htmladmin/' . $webFolderName . '/';
    $toWebDir = '/htmlw' . 'eb/viewweb/';
    $toWebDir = $toWebDir . pinYin2($webFolderName) . '/';
    //创建文件夹 防止web文件夹不存在20160504
    $webImages = $webDir . 'Images/';
    $webCss = $webDir . 'Css/';
    $webJs = $webDir . 'Js/';
    copyFolder($GLOBALS['cfg_webImages'], $webImages);
    copyFolder($GLOBALS['cfg_webCss'], $webCss);
    $splJs = aspSplit(getDirJsList($webJs), vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splJs as $key => $filePath) {
        if ($filePath != '') {
            $toFilePath = $webJs . getFileName($filePath);
            aspEcho('js', $filePath);
            moveFile($filePath, $toFilePath);
    $splStr = aspSplit(getDirCssList($webCss), vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        if ($filePath != '') {
            $content = getFText($filePath);
            $content = replace($content, $GLOBALS['cfg_webImages'], '../images/');
            $content = deleteCssNote($content);
            $content = PHPTrim($content);
            //设置为utf-8编码 20160527
            if (lCase($setFileCode) == 'utf-8') {
                $content = replace($content, 'gb2312', 'utf-8');
            WriteToFile($filePath, $content, $setFileCode);
            aspEcho('css', $GLOBALS['cfg_webImages']);
    $GLOBALS['isMakeHtml'] = true;
    $rssObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'webcolumn where isonhtml=true');
    while ($rss = $GLOBALS['conn']->fetch_array($rssObj)) {
        $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = replace(getColumnUrl($rss['columnname'], 'name'), $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'] . '/', '');
        if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '/' || right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '') {
            $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . 'index.html';
        if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 5) == '.html') {
            if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 11) == '/index.html') {
                $fileList = $fileList . $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . vbCrlf();
            } else {
                $fileList = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . vbCrlf() . $fileList;
            $fileName = replace($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], '/', '_');
            $toFilePath = $webDir . $fileName;
            copyFile($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], $toFilePath);
            aspEcho('导航', $GLOBALS['glb_filePath']);
    $rssObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'articledetail where isonhtml=true');
    while ($rss = $GLOBALS['conn']->fetch_array($rssObj)) {
        $GLOBALS['glb_url'] = getHandleRsUrl($rss['filename'], $rss['customaurl'], '/detail/detail' . $rss['id']);
        $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = replace($GLOBALS['glb_url'], $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'] . '/', '');
        if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '/' || right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '') {
            $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . 'index.html';
        if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 5) == '.html') {
            if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 11) == '/index.html') {
                $fileList = $fileList . $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . vbCrlf();
            } else {
                $fileList = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . vbCrlf() . $fileList;
            $fileName = replace($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], '/', '_');
            $toFilePath = $webDir . $fileName;
            copyFile($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], $toFilePath);
            aspEcho('文章' . $rss['title'], $GLOBALS['glb_filePath']);
    $rssObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'onepage where isonhtml=true');
    while ($rss = $GLOBALS['conn']->fetch_array($rssObj)) {
        $GLOBALS['glb_url'] = getHandleRsUrl($rss['filename'], $rss['customaurl'], '/page/page' . $rss['id']);
        $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = replace($GLOBALS['glb_url'], $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'] . '/', '');
        if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '/' || right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '') {
            $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . 'index.html';
        if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 5) == '.html') {
            if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 11) == '/index.html') {
                $fileList = $fileList . $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . vbCrlf();
            } else {
                $fileList = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . vbCrlf() . $fileList;
            $fileName = replace($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], '/', '_');
            $toFilePath = $webDir . $fileName;
            copyFile($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], $toFilePath);
            aspEcho('单页' . $rss['title'], $GLOBALS['glb_filePath']);
    //call echo(cfg_webSiteUrl,cfg_webTemplate)
    //call rwend(fileList)
    $sourceUrl = '';
    $replaceUrl = '';
    $splStr = aspSplit($fileList, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        if ($filePath != '') {
            $filePath = $webDir . replace($filePath, '/', '_');
            aspEcho('filePath', $filePath);
            $content = getFText($filePath);
            foreach ($splStr as $key => $s) {
                $s1 = $s;
                if (right($s1, 11) == '/index.html') {
                    $s1 = left($s1, len($s1) - 11) . '/';
                $sourceUrl = $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'] . $s1;
                $replaceUrl = $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'] . replace($s, '/', '_');
                //Call echo(sourceUrl, replaceUrl) 							'屏蔽  否则大量显示20160613
                $content = replace($content, $sourceUrl, $replaceUrl);
            $content = replace($content, $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'], '');
            $content = replace($content, $GLOBALS['cfg_webTemplate'] . '/', '');
            //删除模板路径 记
            foreach ($splJs as $key => $s) {
                if ($s != '') {
                    $fileName = getFileName($s);
                    $content = replace($content, 'Images/' . $fileName, 'js/' . $fileName);
            if (inStr($content, '/Jquery/Jquery.Min.js') > 0) {
                $content = replace($content, '/Jquery/Jquery.Min.js', 'js/Jquery.Min.js');
                copyFile('/Jquery/Jquery.Min.js', $webJs . '/Jquery.Min.js');
            $content = replace($content, '<a href="" ', '<a href="index.html" ');
            createFileGBK($filePath, $content);
    //把复制网站夹下的images/文件夹下的js移到js/文件夹下  20160315
    $htmlFileList = '';
    $splHtmlFile = '';
    $splJsFile = '';
    $htmlFilePath = '';
    $jsFileName = '';
    $jsFileList = getDirJsNameList($webImages);
    $htmlFileList = getDirHtmlList($webDir);
    $splHtmlFile = aspSplit($htmlFileList, vbCrlf());
    $splJsFile = aspSplit($jsFileList, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splHtmlFile as $key => $htmlFilePath) {
        $content = getFText($htmlFilePath);
        foreach ($splJsFile as $key => $jsFileName) {
            $content = regExp_Replace($content, 'Images/' . $jsFileName, 'js/' . $jsFileName);
        $nErrLevel = 0;
        $content = handleHtmlFormatting($content, false, $nErrLevel, '|删除空行|');
        $content = handleCloseHtml($content, true, '');
        $nErrLevel = checkHtmlFormatting($content);
        if (checkHtmlFormatting($content) == false) {
            echoRed($htmlFilePath . '(格式化错误)', $nErrLevel);
        if (lCase($setFileCode) == 'utf-8') {
            $content = replace($content, '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />', '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />');
        $content = PHPTrim($content);
        WriteToFile($htmlFilePath, $content, $setFileCode);
    foreach ($splJsFile as $key => $jsFileName) {
        $jsFilePath = $webImages . $jsFileName;
        $content = getFText($jsFilePath);
        $content = PHPTrim($content);
        WriteToFile($webJs . $jsFileName, $content, $setFileCode);
    copyFolder($webDir, $toWebDir);
    if (@$_REQUEST['isMakeZip'] == '1') {
    if (@$_REQUEST['isMakeXml'] == '1') {
        makeHtmlWebToXmlZip('/htmladmin/', $webFolderName);
    $url = '' . $toWebDir;
    aspEcho('浏览', '<a href=\'' . $url . '\' target=\'_blank\'>' . $url . '</a>');
Beispiel #23
function JsEncode__($s)
    if (isNul($s)) {
        $JsEncode__ = '';
        return @$JsEncode__;
    $arr1 = '';
    $arr2 = '';
    $i = '';
    $j = '';
    $c = '';
    $p = '';
    $t = '';
    $arr1 = array(chr(34), chr(92), chr(47), chr(8), chr(12), chr(10), chr(13), chr(9));
    //34|",92|\,47|/,8|,12|,10| ,13| ,9|	,
    $arr2 = array(chr(34), chr(92), chr(47), chr(98), chr(102), chr(110), chr(114));
    for ($i = 1; $i <= len($s); $i++) {
        $p = true;
        $c = mid($s, $i, 1);
        for ($j = 0; $j <= uBound($arr1); $j++) {
            if ($c == $arr1[$j]) {
                $t = $t . '\\' . $arr2[$j];
                $p = false;
        if ($p) {
            $t = $t . $c;
    $JsEncode__ = $t;
    return @$JsEncode__;
Beispiel #24
function handleHtmlStyle($content)
    $serchS = '';
    $replaceS = '';
    $nLength = '';
    $serchS = $content;
    $nLength = inStr(lCase($serchS), '</style>') + 7;
    $serchS = mid($serchS, 1, $nLength);
    $nLength = inStrRev(lCase($serchS), '<style');
    if ($nLength > 0) {
        $serchS = mid($serchS, $nLength, -1);
    $replaceS = $serchS;
    $replaceS = cssCompression($replaceS, 0) . vbCrlf();
    $replaceS = removeBlankLines($replaceS);
    $content = replace($content, $serchS, $replaceS);
    $handleHtmlStyle = $content;
    return @$handleHtmlStyle;
Beispiel #25
function getRParam($content, $lableStr)
    $contentLCase = '';
    $endS = '';
    $i = '';
    $s = '';
    $c = '';
    $isStart = '';
    $startStr = '';
    $isValue = '';
    $content = ' ' . $content . ' ';
    $contentLCase = lCase($content);
    $lableStr = lCase($lableStr);
    $endS = mid($content, inStr($contentLCase, $lableStr) + len($lableStr), -1);
    //call echo("ends",ends)
    $isStart = false;
    $isValue = false;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= len($endS); $i++) {
        $s = mid($endS, $i, 1);
        if ($isStart == true) {
            if ($s != '') {
                if ($startStr == '') {
                    $startStr = $s;
                } else {
                    if ($startStr == '"' || $startStr == '\'') {
                        if ($s == $startStr) {
                            $isValue = true;
                    } else {
                        if ($s == ' ' && $c == '') {
                        } else {
                            if ($s == ' ' || $s == '/' || $s == '>') {
                                $isValue = true;
                    if ($s != ' ') {
                        $c = $c . $s;
        if ($s == '=') {
            $isStart = true;
    if ($isValue == false) {
        $c = '';
    $getRParam = $c;
    //call echo("c",c)
    return @$getRParam;
Beispiel #26
function getPostSql($id, $tableName, $fieldNameList)
    $valueStr = '';
    $editValueStr = '';
    $sql = '';
    $splStr = '';
    $splxx = '';
    $s = '';
    $fieldList = '';
    $fieldName = '';
    $defaultFieldValue = '';
    $fieldSetType = '';
    $fieldValue = '';
    $systemFieldList = '';
    $systemFieldList = getHandleFieldList($GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName, '字段配置列表');
    $postFieldList = '';
    $splPost = '';
    $fieldContent = '';
    $fieldConfig = '';
    $postFieldList = getFormFieldList();
    $splPost = aspSplit($postFieldList, '|');
    foreach ($splPost as $key => $fieldName) {
        $fieldContent = @$_POST[$fieldName];
        if (inStr($systemFieldList, ',' . $fieldName . '|') > 0 && inStr(',' . $fieldList . ',', ',' . $fieldName . ',') == false) {
            if (inStr($fieldNameList, ',' . $fieldName . '|') > 0) {
                $fieldConfig = mid($fieldNameList, inStr($fieldNameList, ',' . $fieldName . '|') + 1, -1);
            } else {
                $fieldConfig = mid($systemFieldList, inStr($systemFieldList, ',' . $fieldName . '|') + 1, -1);
            $fieldConfig = mid($fieldConfig, 1, inStr($fieldConfig, ',') - 1);
            //call echo("config",fieldConfig)
            //call echo(fieldName,fieldContent)
            //call echo("fieldConfig",fieldConfig)
            $splxx = aspSplit($fieldConfig . '|||', '|');
            $fieldName = $splxx[0];
            $fieldSetType = $splxx[1];
            $defaultFieldValue = $splxx[2];
            $fieldValue = ADSqlRf($fieldName);
            //call echo("fieldValue",fieldValue)
            if ($fieldValue != '#NO******NO#') {
                if ($fieldSetType == 'md5') {
                    $fieldValue = myMD5($fieldValue);
                if ($fieldSetType == 'yesno') {
                    if ($fieldValue == '') {
                        $fieldValue = $defaultFieldValue;
                } else {
                    if ($fieldSetType == 'numb') {
                        if ($fieldValue == '') {
                            $fieldValue = $defaultFieldValue;
                    } else {
                        if ($fieldName == 'flags') {
                            if (EDITORTYPE == 'php') {
                                if ($fieldValue != '') {
                                    $fieldValue = '|' . arrayToString($fieldValue, '|');
                            } else {
                                $fieldValue = '|' . arrayToString(aspSplit($fieldValue, ', '), '|');
                            $fieldValue = '\'' . $fieldValue . '\'';
                        } else {
                            if ($fieldSetType == 'time' || $fieldSetType == 'now') {
                                if ($fieldValue == '') {
                                    $fieldValue = now();
                                $fieldValue = '\'' . $fieldValue . '\'';
                            } else {
                                if ($fieldSetType == 'date') {
                                    if ($fieldValue == '') {
                                        $fieldValue = aspDate();
                                    $fieldValue = '\'' . $fieldValue . '\'';
                                } else {
                                    $fieldValue = '\'' . $fieldValue . '\'';
                $fieldValue = unescape($fieldValue);
                if ($valueStr != '') {
                    $valueStr = $valueStr . ',';
                    $editValueStr = $editValueStr . ',';
                $valueStr = $valueStr . $fieldValue;
                $editValueStr = $editValueStr . $fieldName . '=' . $fieldValue;
            if ($fieldList != '') {
                $fieldList = $fieldList . ',';
            $fieldList = $fieldList . $fieldName;
    //自定义字段是否需要写入默认值  有的
    $splStr = aspSplit($fieldNameList, ',');
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $s) {
        if (inStr($s, '|') > 0) {
            $splxx = aspSplit($s . '|||', '|');
            $fieldName = $splxx[0];
            $fieldSetType = $splxx[1];
            $fieldValue = $splxx[2];
            if (inStr($systemFieldList, ',' . $fieldName . '|') > 0 && inStr(',' . $fieldList . ',', ',' . $fieldName . ',') == false) {
                if ($fieldSetType == 'date' && $fieldValue == '') {
                    $fieldValue = aspDate();
                } else {
                    if (($fieldSetType == 'time' || $fieldSetType == 'now') && $fieldValue == '') {
                        $fieldValue = now();
                if ($fieldSetType != 'yesno' && $fieldSetType != 'numb') {
                    $fieldValue = '\'' . $fieldValue . '\'';
                if ($fieldList != '') {
                    $fieldList = $fieldList . ',';
                    $valueStr = $valueStr . ',';
                    $editValueStr = $editValueStr . ',';
                $fieldList = $fieldList . $fieldName;
                $valueStr = $valueStr . $fieldValue;
                $editValueStr = $editValueStr . $fieldName . '=' . $fieldValue;
                //call echo(fieldName,fieldSetType)
    if ($id == '') {
        $sql = 'insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . '' . $tableName . ' (' . $fieldList . ',updatetime) values(' . $valueStr . ',\'' . now() . '\')';
    } else {
        $sql = 'update ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . '' . $tableName . ' set ' . $editValueStr . ',updatetime=\'' . now() . '\' where id=' . $id;
    $getPostSql = $sql;
    return @$getPostSql;
Beispiel #27
function cutFunctionvValue($content, $startStr, $endStr)
    $ku1 = '';
    $ku2 = '';
    $i = '';
    $s = '';
    $c = '';
    $ku1 = 1;
    $ku2 = 0;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= len($content); $i++) {
        $s = mid($content, $i, 1);
        $c = $c . $s;
        if ($s == $startStr) {
            $ku1 = $ku1 + 1;
        } else {
            if ($s == $endStr) {
                $ku2 = $ku2 + 1;
                if ($ku1 == $ku2) {
    $cutFunctionvValue = $c;
    return @$cutFunctionvValue;
Beispiel #28
    $input_banip_on = form_radio_yes_no('banip_on', $conf['banip_on']);
    empty($baniplist) and $baniplist = array(array('banid' => 1, 'ip0' => 0, 'ip1' => 0, 'ip2' => 0, 'ip3' => 0, 'create_date_fmt' => '', 'expiry_fmt' => ''));
    include "./admin/view/banip.htm";
} elseif ($action == 'update') {
    $method != 'POST' and message(-1, 'Method error');
    $banid = param(2, 0);
    $ip0 = param('ip0', 0);
    $ip1 = param('ip1', 0);
    $ip2 = param('ip2', 0);
    $ip3 = param('ip3', 0);
    $expiry = param('expiry');
    $expiry = strtotime($expiry);
    $ip0 = mid($ip0, 0, 255);
    $ip1 = mid($ip1, 0, 255);
    $ip2 = mid($ip2, 0, 255);
    $ip3 = mid($ip3, 0, 255);
    $banip = banip_read($banid);
    if (empty($banip)) {
        $r = banip_create(array('banid' => $banid, 'ip0' => $ip0, 'ip1' => $ip1, 'ip2' => $ip2, 'ip3' => $ip3, 'expiry' => $expiry));
        $r !== FALSE ? message(0, '创建成功') : message(-1, '创建失败');
    $r = banip_update($banid, array('ip0' => $ip0, 'ip1' => $ip1, 'ip2' => $ip2, 'ip3' => $ip3, 'expiry' => $expiry));
    $r !== FALSE ? message(0, '更新成功') : message(-1, '更新失败');
} elseif ($action == 'enable') {
    $method != 'POST' and message(-1, 'Method error');
    $banip_on = param('banip_on', 0);
    $r = conf_set('banip_on', $banip_on);
    $r !== FALSE ? message(0, '更新成功') : message(-1, '更新失败,请检查 conf/conf.php 是否可写!');
} elseif ($action == 'delete') {
    $method != 'POST' and message(-1, 'Method error');
    $banid = param(2, 0);
Beispiel #29
function delTemplate()
    $templateDir = '';
    $toTemplateDir = '';
    $url = '';
    $templateDir = replace(@$_REQUEST['templateDir'], '\\', '/');
    $toTemplateDir = mid($templateDir, 1, inStrRev($templateDir, '/')) . '#' . mid($templateDir, inStrRev($templateDir, '/') + 1, -1) . '_' . Format_Time(now(), 11);
    //call die(toTemplateDir)
    moveFolder($templateDir, $toTemplateDir);
    $url = '?act=displayLayout&templateFile=layout_manageTemplates.html&lableTitle=模板';
    Rw(getMsg1('删除模板完成,正在进入模板界面...', $url));
Beispiel #30
function formatNumber($content, $n)
    $dianLeft = "";
    $dianRight = "";
    $i = "";
    $c = "";
    $s = "";
    $content = cstr($content);
    if (inStr($content, ".") > 0) {
        $dianLeft = mid($content, 1, inStr($content, ".") - 1);
        $dianRight = mid($content, inStr($content, ".") + 1, -1);
    } else {
        $dianLeft = $content;
    $dianRight = $dianRight . "0000000000";
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $n; $i++) {
        $s = mid($dianRight, $i, 1);
        $c = $c . $s;
    if ($n > 0) {
        $dianLeft = $dianLeft . ".";
    $test = $dianLeft . $c;
    return @$formatNumber;