Beispiel #1
 public function gsp_drowmap($name, $font, $fsize, $gsp_src, $geodata, $dest, $map_name, $pt_size, $thick)
     $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($gsp_src);
     $color_fill = imagecolorallocatealpha($img, 255, 0, 0, 0);
     $color_line = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 0, 0);
     $color_out = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 0);
     $color_text = imagecolorallocate($img, 128, 128, 0);
     imagesetthickness($img, $thick);
     //get limits of the map and size of map image
     $gsp_src_wd = $this->gsp_src_wd;
     $gsp_src_h = $this->gsp_src_h;
     $nlim = $this->gsp_src_n;
     $slim = $this->gsp_src_s;
     $wlim = $this->gsp_src_w;
     $elim = $this->gsp_src_e;
     imagefttext($img, $fsize, 0, 10, $fsize + 10, $color_text, $font, $name);
     //recalculate Mercator's meters in pixels on the image
     $merc_nw = merc($wlim, $nlim);
     $merc_se = merc($elim, $slim);
     $merc_mpp_h = ($merc_nw['y'] - $merc_se['y']) / $gsp_src_h;
     $merc_mpp_wd = ($merc_se['x'] - $merc_nw['x']) / $gsp_src_wd;
     //draw placemarks
     foreach ($geodata as $no_pl => $pl) {
         //if the placemark is point
         if ($pl['type'] == 'Point') {
             $coord = explode(',', $pl['coordinates']);
             $pl_x = $coord[0];
             $pl_y = $coord[1];
             if ($pl_x > $wlim && $pl_x < $elim && $pl_y > $slim && $pl_y < $nlim) {
                 $pl_merc = merc($pl_x, $pl_y);
                 $pl_map_x = ($pl_merc['x'] - $merc_nw['x']) / $merc_mpp_wd;
                 $pl_map_y = ($merc_nw['y'] - $pl_merc['y']) / $merc_mpp_h;
                 imagefilledellipse($img, $pl_map_x, $pl_map_y, $pt_size, $pt_size, $color_fill);
                 imageellipse($img, $pl_map_x, $pl_map_y, $pt_size, $pt_size, $color_out);
             } else {
                 print 'Sorry, point "' . $no_pl . '" is out of the map :(<br>';
         } else {
         //if the placemark is line
         if ($pl['type'] == 'LineString') {
             $pl_points = explode(' ', $pl['coordinates']);
             $pl_limits = array("xmin" => 0, "xmax" => 0, "ymin" => 0, "ymax" => 0);
             $points = array();
             foreach ($pl_points as $no_pt => $pt) {
                 $pt_coord = explode(',', $pt);
                 $pt_x = $pt_coord[0];
                 $pt_y = $pt_coord[1];
                 $points[$no_pt] = array();
                 $points[$no_pt]['x'] = $pt_x;
                 $points[$no_pt]['y'] = $pt_y;
                 if ($no_pt == 0) {
                     $pl_limits["xmin"] = $pt_x;
                     $pl_limits["xmax"] = $pt_x;
                     $pl_limits["ymin"] = $pt_y;
                     $pl_limits["ymax"] = $pt_y;
                 } else {
                     if ($pt_x < $pl_limits["xmin"]) {
                         $pl_limits["xmin"] = $pt_x;
                     } else {
                     if ($pt_x > $pl_limits["xmax"]) {
                         $pl_limits["xmax"] = $pt_x;
                     } else {
                     if ($pt_y < $pl_limits["ymin"]) {
                         $pl_limits["ymin"] = $pt_y;
                     } else {
                     if ($pt_y > $pl_limits["ymax"]) {
                         $pl_limits["ymax"] = $pt_y;
                     } else {
             $merc_min = merc($pl_limits["xmin"], $pl_limits["ymin"]);
             $merc_max = merc($pl_limits["xmax"], $pl_limits["ymax"]);
             $delta_x = ($merc_max['x'] - $merc_min['x']) / $merc_mpp_wd;
             $delta_y = ($merc_max['y'] - $merc_min['y']) / $merc_mpp_h;
             if ($delta_x < $pt_size && $delta_y < $pt_size) {
                 //draw point if line size lesser than pointer limits
                 $pl_map_x = ($merc_min['x'] - $merc_nw['x']) / $merc_mpp_wd;
                 $pl_map_y = ($merc_nw['y'] - $merc_min['y']) / $merc_mpp_h;
                 imagefilledellipse($img, $pl_map_x, $pl_map_y, $pt_size, $pt_size, $color_fill);
                 imageellipse($img, $pl_map_x, $pl_map_y, $pt_size, $pt_size, $color_out);
             } else {
                 //draw line if it large than pointer limits
                 $merc_line_start = merc($points[0]['x'], $points[0]['y']);
                 $points_qw = count($points);
                 for ($i = 1; $i < $points_qw; $i++) {
                     $merc_line_next = merc($points[$i]['x'], $points[$i]['y']);
                     $x1 = ($merc_line_start['x'] - $merc_nw['x']) / $merc_mpp_wd;
                     $x2 = ($merc_line_next['x'] - $merc_nw['x']) / $merc_mpp_wd;
                     $y1 = ($merc_nw['y'] - $merc_line_start['y']) / $merc_mpp_h;
                     $y2 = ($merc_nw['y'] - $merc_line_next['y']) / $merc_mpp_h;
                     imageline($img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color_line);
                     $merc_line_start = $merc_line_next;
         } else {
         //if the placemark is polygon
         if ($pl['type'] == 'Polygon') {
             $pl_points = explode(' ', $pl['coordinates']);
             $pl_limits = array("xmin" => 0, "xmax" => 0, "ymin" => 0, "ymax" => 0);
             $points = array();
             foreach ($pl_points as $no_pt => $pt) {
                 $pt_coord = explode(',', $pt);
                 $pt_x = $pt_coord[0];
                 $pt_y = $pt_coord[1];
                 $points[$no_pt] = array();
                 $points[$no_pt]['x'] = $pt_x;
                 $points[$no_pt]['y'] = $pt_y;
                 if ($no_pt == 0) {
                     $pl_limits["xmin"] = $pt_x;
                     $pl_limits["xmax"] = $pt_x;
                     $pl_limits["ymin"] = $pt_y;
                     $pl_limits["ymax"] = $pt_y;
                 } else {
                     if ($pt_x < $pl_limits["xmin"]) {
                         $pl_limits["xmin"] = $pt_x;
                     } else {
                     if ($pt_x > $pl_limits["xmax"]) {
                         $pl_limits["xmax"] = $pt_x;
                     } else {
                     if ($pt_y < $pl_limits["ymin"]) {
                         $pl_limits["ymin"] = $pt_y;
                     } else {
                     if ($pt_y > $pl_limits["ymax"]) {
                         $pl_limits["ymax"] = $pt_y;
                     } else {
             $merc_min = merc($pl_limits["xmin"], $pl_limits["ymin"]);
             $merc_max = merc($pl_limits["xmax"], $pl_limits["ymax"]);
             $delta_x = ($merc_max['x'] - $merc_min['x']) / $merc_mpp_wd;
             $delta_y = ($merc_max['y'] - $merc_min['y']) / $merc_mpp_h;
             if ($delta_x < $pt_size && $delta_y < $pt_size) {
                 //draw point if polygon size lesser than pointer limits
                 $pl_map_x = ($merc_min['x'] - $merc_nw['x']) / $merc_mpp_wd;
                 $pl_map_y = ($merc_nw['y'] - $merc_min['y']) / $merc_mpp_h;
                 imagefilledellipse($img, $pl_map_x, $pl_map_y, $pt_size, $pt_size, $color_fill);
                 imageellipse($img, $pl_map_x, $pl_map_y, $pt_size, $pt_size, $color_out);
             } else {
                 //draw polygon if it large than pointer limits
                 //make array with nodes of the polygon
                 $nodes = array();
                 $nnode = 0;
                 foreach ($points as $point_no => $point) {
                     $merc_point = merc($point['x'], $point['y']);
                     $merc_point_x = ($merc_point['x'] - $merc_nw['x']) / $merc_mpp_wd;
                     $merc_point_y = ($merc_nw['y'] - $merc_point['y']) / $merc_mpp_h;
                     $nodes[$nnode] = $merc_point_x;
                     $nnode = $nnode + 1;
                     $nodes[$nnode] = $merc_point_y;
                     $nnode = $nnode + 1;
                 $nodes_qw = count($nodes) / 2;
                 imagepolygon($img, $nodes, $nodes_qw, $color_line);
         } else {
     if (file_exists($dest . $map_name)) {
         unlink($dest . $map_name);
     imagejpeg($img, $dest . $map_name);
Beispiel #2
 public function gsp_drowmap($name, $font, $fsize, $gsp_src, $geodata, $dest, $map_name, $pt_size, $thick)
     $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($gsp_src);
     $color_fill = imagecolorallocatealpha($img, 255, 0, 0, 0);
     $color_line = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 0, 0);
     $color_out = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 0);
     $color_text = imagecolorallocatealpha($img, 128, 128, 0, 50);
     imagesetthickness($img, $thick);
     //get limits of the map and size of map image
     $gsp_src_wd = $this->gsp_src_wd;
     $gsp_src_h = $this->gsp_src_h;
     $nlim = $this->gsp_src_n;
     $slim = $this->gsp_src_s;
     $wlim = $this->gsp_src_w;
     $elim = $this->gsp_src_e;
     imagefttext($img, $fsize, 0, 10, $fsize + 10, $color_text, $font, $name);
     //Php Code by Erhan Baris 19:19, 01.09.2007
     function merc_x($lon)
         $r_major = 6378137.0;
         return $r_major * deg2rad($lon);
     function merc_y($lat)
         if ($lat > 89.5) {
             $lat = 89.5;
         if ($lat < -89.5) {
             $lat = -89.5;
         $r_major = 6378137.0;
         $r_minor = 6356752.3142;
         $temp = $r_minor / $r_major;
         $es = 1.0 - $temp * $temp;
         $eccent = sqrt($es);
         $phi = deg2rad($lat);
         $sinphi = sin($phi);
         $con = $eccent * $sinphi;
         $com = 0.5 * $eccent;
         $con = pow((1.0 - $con) / (1.0 + $con), $com);
         $ts = tan(0.5 * (M_PI * 0.5 - $phi)) / $con;
         $y = -$r_major * log($ts);
         return $y;
     function merc($x, $y)
         return array('x' => merc_x($x), 'y' => merc_y($y));
     //recalculate Mercator's meters in pixels on the image
     $merc_nw = merc($wlim, $nlim);
     $merc_se = merc($elim, $slim);
     $merc_mpp_h = ($merc_nw['y'] - $merc_se['y']) / $gsp_src_h;
     $merc_mpp_wd = ($merc_se['x'] - $merc_nw['x']) / $gsp_src_wd;
     //draw placemarks
     foreach ($geodata as $no_pl => $pl) {
         //if the placemark is point
         if ($pl['type'] == 'Point') {
             $coord = explode(',', $pl['coordinates']);
             $pl_x = $coord[0];
             $pl_y = $coord[1];
             if ($pl_x > $wlim && $pl_x < $elim && $pl_y > $slim && $pl_y < $nlim) {
                 $pl_merc = merc($pl_x, $pl_y);
                 $pl_map_x = ($pl_merc['x'] - $merc_nw['x']) / $merc_mpp_wd;
                 $pl_map_y = ($merc_nw['y'] - $pl_merc['y']) / $merc_mpp_h;
                 imagefilledellipse($img, $pl_map_x, $pl_map_y, $pt_size, $pt_size, $color_fill);
                 imageellipse($img, $pl_map_x, $pl_map_y, $pt_size, $pt_size, $color_out);
             } else {
                 print 'Sorry, point "' . $no_pl . '" is out of the map :(<br>';
         } else {
         //if the placemark is line
         if ($pl['type'] == 'LineString') {
             $pl_points = explode(' ', $pl['coordinates']);
             $pl_limits = array("xmin" => 0, "xmax" => 0, "ymin" => 0, "ymax" => 0);
             $points = array();
             foreach ($pl_points as $no_pt => $pt) {
                 $pt_coord = explode(',', $pt);
                 $pt_x = $pt_coord[0];
                 $pt_y = $pt_coord[1];
                 $points[$no_pt] = array();
                 $points[$no_pt]['x'] = $pt_x;
                 $points[$no_pt]['y'] = $pt_y;
                 if ($no_pt == 0) {
                     $pl_limits["xmin"] = $pt_x;
                     $pl_limits["xmax"] = $pt_x;
                     $pl_limits["ymin"] = $pt_y;
                     $pl_limits["ymax"] = $pt_y;
                 } else {
                     if ($pt_x < $pl_limits["xmin"]) {
                         $pl_limits["xmin"] = $pt_x;
                     } else {
                     if ($pt_x > $pl_limits["xmax"]) {
                         $pl_limits["xmax"] = $pt_x;
                     } else {
                     if ($pt_y < $pl_limits["ymin"]) {
                         $pl_limits["ymin"] = $pt_y;
                     } else {
                     if ($pt_y > $pl_limits["ymax"]) {
                         $pl_limits["ymax"] = $pt_y;
                     } else {
             $merc_min = merc($pl_limits["xmin"], $pl_limits["ymin"]);
             $merc_max = merc($pl_limits["xmax"], $pl_limits["ymax"]);
             $delta_x = ($merc_max['x'] - $merc_min['x']) / $merc_mpp_wd;
             $delta_y = ($merc_max['y'] - $merc_min['y']) / $merc_mpp_h;
             if ($delta_x < $pt_size && $delta_y < $pt_size) {
                 //draw point if line size lesser than pointer limits
                 $pl_map_x = ($merc_min['x'] - $merc_nw['x']) / $merc_mpp_wd;
                 $pl_map_y = ($merc_nw['y'] - $merc_min['y']) / $merc_mpp_h;
                 imagefilledellipse($img, $pl_map_x, $pl_map_y, $pt_size, $pt_size, $color_fill);
                 imageellipse($img, $pl_map_x, $pl_map_y, $pt_size, $pt_size, $color_out);
             } else {
                 //draw line if it large than pointer limits
                 $merc_line_start = merc($points[0]['x'], $points[0]['y']);
                 $points_qw = count($points);
                 for ($i = 1; $i < $points_qw; $i++) {
                     $merc_line_next = merc($points[$i]['x'], $points[$i]['y']);
                     $x1 = ($merc_line_start['x'] - $merc_nw['x']) / $merc_mpp_wd;
                     $x2 = ($merc_line_next['x'] - $merc_nw['x']) / $merc_mpp_wd;
                     $y1 = ($merc_nw['y'] - $merc_line_start['y']) / $merc_mpp_h;
                     $y2 = ($merc_nw['y'] - $merc_line_next['y']) / $merc_mpp_h;
                     imageline($img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color_line);
                     $merc_line_start = $merc_line_next;
         } else {
         //if the placemark is polygon
         if ($pl['type'] == 'Polygon') {
             $pl_points = explode(' ', $pl['coordinates']);
             $pl_limits = array("xmin" => 0, "xmax" => 0, "ymin" => 0, "ymax" => 0);
             $points = array();
             foreach ($pl_points as $no_pt => $pt) {
                 $pt_coord = explode(',', $pt);
                 $pt_x = $pt_coord[0];
                 $pt_y = $pt_coord[1];
                 $points[$no_pt] = array();
                 $points[$no_pt]['x'] = $pt_x;
                 $points[$no_pt]['y'] = $pt_y;
                 if ($no_pt == 0) {
                     $pl_limits["xmin"] = $pt_x;
                     $pl_limits["xmax"] = $pt_x;
                     $pl_limits["ymin"] = $pt_y;
                     $pl_limits["ymax"] = $pt_y;
                 } else {
                     if ($pt_x < $pl_limits["xmin"]) {
                         $pl_limits["xmin"] = $pt_x;
                     } else {
                     if ($pt_x > $pl_limits["xmax"]) {
                         $pl_limits["xmax"] = $pt_x;
                     } else {
                     if ($pt_y < $pl_limits["ymin"]) {
                         $pl_limits["ymin"] = $pt_y;
                     } else {
                     if ($pt_y > $pl_limits["ymax"]) {
                         $pl_limits["ymax"] = $pt_y;
                     } else {
             $merc_min = merc($pl_limits["xmin"], $pl_limits["ymin"]);
             $merc_max = merc($pl_limits["xmax"], $pl_limits["ymax"]);
             $delta_x = ($merc_max['x'] - $merc_min['x']) / $merc_mpp_wd;
             $delta_y = ($merc_max['y'] - $merc_min['y']) / $merc_mpp_h;
             if ($delta_x < $pt_size && $delta_y < $pt_size) {
                 //draw point if polygon size lesser than pointer limits
                 $pl_map_x = ($merc_min['x'] - $merc_nw['x']) / $merc_mpp_wd;
                 $pl_map_y = ($merc_nw['y'] - $merc_min['y']) / $merc_mpp_h;
                 imagefilledellipse($img, $pl_map_x, $pl_map_y, $pt_size, $pt_size, $color_fill);
                 imageellipse($img, $pl_map_x, $pl_map_y, $pt_size, $pt_size, $color_out);
             } else {
                 //draw polygon if it large than pointer limits
                 //make array with nodes of the polygon
                 $nodes = array();
                 $nnode = 0;
                 foreach ($points as $point_no => $point) {
                     $merc_point = merc($point['x'], $point['y']);
                     $merc_point_x = ($merc_point['x'] - $merc_nw['x']) / $merc_mpp_wd;
                     $merc_point_y = ($merc_nw['y'] - $merc_point['y']) / $merc_mpp_h;
                     $nodes[$nnode] = $merc_point_x;
                     $nnode = $nnode + 1;
                     $nodes[$nnode] = $merc_point_y;
                     $nnode = $nnode + 1;
                 $nodes_qw = count($nodes) / 2;
                 imagepolygon($img, $nodes, $nodes_qw, $color_line);
         } else {
     if (file_exists($dest . $map_name)) {
         unlink($dest . $map_name);
     imagejpeg($img, $dest . $map_name);