if ($get_result->numRows() > 0) {
    $fetch_result = $get_result->fetchRow();
    $file_extension_string = $fetch_result['value'];
$file_extensions = explode(",", $file_extension_string);
// get from settings and add to forbidden list
$forbidden_file_types = preg_replace('/\\s*[,;\\|#]\\s*/', '|', RENAME_FILES_ON_UPLOAD);
// Loop through the files
$good_uploads = 0;
$sum_dirs = 0;
$sum_files = 0;
for ($count = 1; $count <= 10; $count++) {
    // If file was upload to tmp
    if (isset($_FILES["file{$count}"]['name'])) {
        // Remove bad characters
        $filename = trim(media_filename($_FILES["file{$count}"]['name']), '.');
        // Check if there is still a filename left
        // if($filename != '') {
        $info = pathinfo($filename);
        $ext = isset($info['extension']) ? $info['extension'] : '';
        if ($filename != '' && !preg_match("/" . $forbidden_file_types . "\$/i", $ext)) {
            // Move to relative path (in media folder)
            if (file_exists($relative . $filename) and $overwrite == true) {
                if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file{$count}"]['tmp_name'], $relative . $filename)) {
                    // Chmod the uploaded file
                    change_mode($relative . $filename);
            } elseif (!file_exists($relative . $filename)) {
                if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file{$count}"]['tmp_name'], $relative . $filename)) {
Beispiel #2
function build_page(&$admin, &$database)
    global $HEADING, $TEXT, $MENU, $MESSAGE;
    // Include the functions file
    include_once get_include(LEPTON_PATH . '/framework/summary.functions.php');
    include_once get_include(ADMIN_PATH . '/media/function.inc.php');
    $memory_limit = ini_get('memory_limit');
    $post_max_size = ini_get('post_max_size');
    $upload_max_filesize = ini_get('upload_max_filesize');
    $maxUploadFiles = 12;
    $request = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
    $allowed_img_types = 'jpg|png|gif|tif';
    $actions = isset($_POST['action']) ? trim(stripslashes($admin->get_post('action'))) : 'show';
    $actions = isset($_POST['media_reload']) && $_POST['media_reload'] == true ? 'media_reload' : $actions;
    $actions = isset($_POST['cancel']) ? 'show' : $actions;
    // Get home folder not to show
    $home_folders = get_home_folders();
    $currentHome = $admin->get_home_folder();
    $pathsettings = get_media_settings();
    // Get the user specified dir  parent_path
    if ($request == 'GET' && isset($_REQUEST)) {
        $directory = rawurldecode(trim(stripslashes($admin->get_get('dir'))));
    } elseif (isset($_POST['current_select'])) {
        $directory = str_replace(MEDIA_DIRECTORY, '', rawurldecode(trim(stripslashes($admin->get_post('current_select')))));
    } elseif (isset($_POST['current_dir'])) {
        $directory = rawurldecode(trim(stripslashes($admin->get_post('current_dir'))));
    //$directory = is_null($directory) ? $currentHome : $directory;
    // $directory is not always null ... 8-/
    $directory = is_null($directory) || empty($directory) ? $currentHome : $directory;
    $directory = $directory == '/' || $directory == '\\' ? '' : $directory;
    $target = $current_dir = $directory;
    $backlink = 'index.php?dir=' . $directory;
    $FILE = array();
    $dirs = array();
    $skip = LEPTON_PATH;
    directory_list(LEPTON_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY, false, 0, $dirs, $skip);
    // dirs with readWrite access
    $dirs_rw = media_dirs_rw($admin);
    array_walk($dirs_rw, 'remove_path', LEPTON_PATH);
    if ($admin->get_user_id() == 1) {
        $id = array_unshift($dirs_rw, MEDIA_DIRECTORY);
    // Define absolute path to WB media directory (using Unix path seperator)
    $mediaPath = str_replace('\\', '/', LEPTON_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY);
    /* comment out to show only Home Folder  till yet not build in overall
       $acess_denied = (($currentHome != '') && (strpos($mediaPath.$directory, $currentHome))) ? false : true;
    // sytem_admin if not superadmin, no homefolder, groupmember 1
    $system_admin = $admin->ami_group_member('1') == true || $admin->get_user_id() == 1;
    $group_admin = empty($currentHome) == true && $admin->ami_group_member('1') == true;
    //$full_home_folder_access = $directory == '' || in_array(MEDIA_DIRECTORY.$directory, $dirs_rw) || $group_admin ;
     * If HOME_FOLDERS are not active the user have access to all media files,
     * otherwise check if the shown folders in list are within the personal folder
     * and grant desired rights only for this folders (upload, create directory a.s.o.)
    $full_home_folder_access = !HOME_FOLDERS ? true : empty($_SESSION['HOME_FOLDER']) || in_array(MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory, $dirs_rw) || $group_admin;
    if (strstr($current_dir, '..')) {
        // target_path contains ../
        $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['MEDIA_TARGET_DOT_DOT_SLASH'], $backlink);
    // Build canonicalized absolute path from user input and check if path exists (False if not)
    $userPath = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($mediaPath . $directory));
    // Ensure that the user specified path is located inside WB media folder
    if ($userPath == false || strpos($userPath, $mediaPath) !== 0) {
        // User defined path is invalid or is located outside the WB media directory
        $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['MEDIA_DIR_ACCESS_DENIED'], $backlink);
    if (!is_writeable($mediaPath . $directory)) {
        $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['GENERIC_BAD_PERMISSIONS'], $backlink);
    $tpl = new Template(THEME_PATH . '/templates', 'keep');
    // false | true
    $tpl->debug = false;
    $file_array = array('page' => 'media.htt', 'browse' => 'media_browse.htt', 'rename' => 'media_rename.htt', 'settings' => 'setparameter.htt');
    $tpl->set_block('page', 'main_block', 'main');
    // BEGIN left side always with main_block and the dropdown list may later as dirtree
    // First insert language text and messages
    $tpl->set_var(array('USER_ID' => $admin->is_authenticated() ? $admin->get_user_id() : '', 'ADMIN_URL' => ADMIN_URL, 'LEPTON_URL' => LEPTON_URL, 'LEPTON_PATH' => LEPTON_PATH, 'THEME_URL' => THEME_URL));
    //  && (($admin->ami_group_member('1') != true) || ($admin->get_user_id() != 1))
    // set optionen media_settings_block
    $tpl->set_block('main_block', 'media_settings_block', 'media_settings');
    // Only show admin the settings link
    if ($pathsettings['global']['admin_only'] == true) {
        if ($system_admin != true) {
            $tpl->set_var('DISPLAY_SETTINGS', 'hide');
            $tpl->set_block('media_settings', '');
        } else {
            $tpl->parse('media_settings', 'media_settings_block', true);
    } else {
        $tpl->parse('media_settings', 'media_settings_block', true);
    // set optionen media_upload_block
    $tpl->set_var(array('HOME_DIRECTORY' => $currentHome, 'MEDIA_DIRECTORY' => MEDIA_DIRECTORY, 'CURRENT_DIR' => $directory));
    // create dropdownlist dir_list_block
    $tpl->set_block('main_block', 'dir_list_block', 'dir_list');
    // select the correct directory list
    $use_dirs = !HOME_FOLDERS ? $dirs : empty($_SESSION['HOME_FOLDER']) ? $dirs : $dirs_rw;
    if (count($use_dirs) > 0) {
        foreach ($use_dirs as $name) {
            // prevent duplicate entries - default directory is also set by template!
            if ($name == MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $currentHome) {
            $tpl->set_var(array('MEDIA_NAME' => $name, 'SELECTED' => MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory == $name ? ' selected="selected"' : ''));
            $tpl->parse('dir_list', 'dir_list_block', true);
    } else {
        $tpl->set_var('dir_list', '');
    // Insert permissions values, hide for some actions
    // workout action should show default blocks
    switch ($actions) {
        // all others remove from left side
        case 'none':
        case 'show':
        case 'media_reload':
        case 'media_create':
        case 'media_upload':
        case 'media_delete':
        case 'save_media_rename':
            $tpl->set_block('main_block', 'media_create_block', 'media_create');
            if ($admin->get_permission('media_create') != true || $full_home_folder_access == false) {
                $tpl->set_var('DISPLAY_CREATE', 'hide');
                $tpl->set_block('media_create', '');
            } else {
                $tpl->set_var(array('DISPLAY_CREATE' => '', 'MAX_UPLOADS' => $maxUploadFiles, 'ALLOW_EXTS' => RENAME_FILES_ON_UPLOAD));
                $tpl->parse('media_create', 'media_create_block', true);
            $tpl->set_block('main_block', 'input_upload_block', 'input_upload');
            for ($x = 0; $x <= $maxUploadFiles; $x++) {
                $tpl->parse('input_upload', 'input_upload_block', true);
            $tpl->set_block('main_block', 'media_upload_block', 'media_upload');
            if ($admin->get_permission('media_upload') != true || $full_home_folder_access == false) {
                $tpl->set_var('DISPLAY_UPLOAD', 'hide');
                $tpl->set_block('media_upload', '');
            } else {
                $tpl->set_var(array('DISPLAY_UPLOAD' => ''));
                $tpl->parse('media_upload', 'media_upload_block', true);
            // all the other action has to hide the blocks
            $tpl->set_block('main_block', 'media_create_block', 'media_create');
            $tpl->set_var('DISPLAY_CREATE', 'hide');
            $tpl->parse('media_create', '');
            $tpl->set_block('main_block', 'media_upload_block', 'media_upload');
            $tpl->set_var('DISPLAY_UPLOAD', 'hide');
            $tpl->parse('media_upload', '');
    // END workout main_wrapper
    // Now prepare and parse values for the wrapper template show modus
    switch ($actions) {
        case 'none':
        case 'show':
        case 'media_reload':
        case 'media_create':
        case 'media_upload':
        case 'media_delete':
        case 'save_media_rename':
            $tpl->set_block('main_block', 'main_wrapper_block', 'browse');
            // Workout the parent dir link PARENT_PATH
            //$parent_path = !empty($directory) ? dirname($directory) : $directory;
            if (!empty($directory)) {
                if (HOME_FOLDERS && !empty($_SESSION['HOME_FOLDER'])) {
                    $parent_path = $_SESSION['HOME_FOLDER'];
                } else {
                    $parent_path = dirname($directory);
            } else {
                $parent_path = $directory;
            // $parent_dir_link = ADMIN_URL.'/media/index.php?dir='.$directory.'&amp;up=1';
            $parent_dir_link = 1;
            // Workout if the up arrow should be shown
            $display_up_arrow = '';
            // $display_up_arrow = (($directory == '') || ($directory == $currentHome)) ? 'hide' : '';
            // Insert header info values main_wrapper_block
            $tpl->set_var(array('THEME_URL' => THEME_URL, 'ROOT_DIRECTORY' => MEDIA_DIRECTORY, 'MEDIA_DIRECTORY' => MEDIA_DIRECTORY, 'CURRENT_PATH' => $directory, 'PARENT_DIR_LINK' => $parent_dir_link, 'PARENT_PATH' => $parent_path));
            $tpl->set_block('browse', 'up_link_block', 'up_link');
            if (!empty($directory) && $directory != $parent_path) {
                // show only if parent <> directory
                $tpl->set_var(array('PARENT_DIR_LINK' => $parent_dir_link, 'TEXT_UP' => $TEXT['UP'], 'DISPLAY_UP_ARROW' => ''));
                $tpl->parse('up_link', 'up_link_block', true);
            } else {
                $tpl->set_block('up_link', '');
                $tpl->set_var(array('UP_LINK_COL' => ' display_up_arrow', 'TEXT_UP' => $TEXT['UP'], 'DISPLAY_UP_ARROW' => ' display_up_arrow'));
            // now set the dirs and files  file_list_block  and permissions
            $tpl->set_block('browse', 'file_list_block', 'file_list');
            $tpl->set_block('file_list', 'media_rename_block', 'media_rename');
            $tpl->set_block('file_list', 'media_delete_block', 'media_delete');
            // get dirs and files in currentDir
            $FILE = scan_current_dir(LEPTON_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . '/' . $directory);
            $temp_id = 0;
            $line = $row_id = 1;
            if (count($FILE['path']) > 0) {
                foreach ($FILE['path'] as $name) {
                    $link_name = str_replace(' ', '%20', $name);
                    $tpl->set_var(array('NAME' => $name, 'NAME_SLASHED' => addslashes($name), 'TEMP_ID' => $temp_id, 'LINK' => 'index.php?dir=' . $directory . '/' . $link_name, 'LINK_RELATION' => '', 'ROW_ID' => $line++ & 1, 'FT_ICON' => THEME_URL . '/images/folder_16.png', 'FILETYPE_ICON' => THEME_URL . '/images/folder_16.png', 'FILETYPE' => 'dir', 'FILENAME' => '/' . addslashes($name), 'LINK_TARGET' => '_self', 'ENABLE_OVERLIB' => '', 'EXTENSION' => '', 'MOUSEOVER' => '', 'CLASS_PREVIEW' => '', 'IMAGEDETAIL' => '', 'DISPLAY_ICON' => '', 'SIZE' => '', 'DATE' => '', 'PREVIEW' => '', 'LINK_PATH' => $directory . '/' . $link_name, 'MEDIA_PATH' => MEDIA_DIRECTORY));
                    $tpl->parse('file_list', 'file_list_block', true);
            // now set the files  file_list_block  and permissions
            if (count($FILE['filename']) > 0) {
                // convert to correct searchpattern
                $allowed_file_types = str_replace(',', '|', RENAME_FILES_ON_UPLOAD);
                foreach ($FILE['filename'] as $name) {
                    $preview = 'preview';
                    if (!preg_match("/\\." . $allowed_file_types . "\$/i", $name)) {
                        $preview = '';
                    $overlib = preg_match("/\\." . $allowed_img_types . "\$/i", $name) ? ' overlib' : '';
                    if ($preview) {
                        $filetype = get_filetype(LEPTON_URL . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory . '/' . $name);
                        $size = filesize(LEPTON_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory . '/' . $name);
                        $bytes = byte_convert($size);
                        $fdate = filemtime(LEPTON_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory . '/' . $name);
                        $date = date(DATE_FORMAT . ' ' . TIME_FORMAT, $fdate);
                        $filetypeicon = get_filetype_icon(LEPTON_URL . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory . '/' . $name);
                        $tooltip = '';
                        $imgdetail = $bytes;
                        $icon = THEME_URL . '/images/files/unknown.png';
                        if (!$pathsettings['global']['show_thumbs']) {
                            $info = @getimagesize(LEPTON_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory . '/' . $name);
                            if ($info[0]) {
                                $imgdetail = fsize(filesize(LEPTON_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory . '/' . $name)) . '<br /> ' . $info[0] . ' x ' . $info[1] . ' px';
                                $icon = 'thumb.php?t=1&amp;img=' . $directory . '/' . $name;
                                $tooltip = ShowTip('thumb.php?t=2&amp;img=' . $directory . '/' . $name, $allowed_img_types);
                            } else {
                                $icon = THEME_URL . '/images/files/' . $filetypeicon . '.png';
                        } else {
                            $filetypeicon = get_filetype_icon(LEPTON_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory . '/' . $name);
                            $icon = THEME_URL . '/images/files/' . $filetypeicon . '.png';
                        $tpl->set_var(array('NAME' => $name, 'NAME_SLASHED' => addslashes($name), 'TEMP_ID' => $temp_id, 'LINK' => LEPTON_URL . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory . '/' . $name, 'LINK_RELATION' => '', 'ROW_ID' => $line++ & 1, 'FT_ICON' => $icon, 'FILETYPE_ICON' => THEME_URL . '/images/files/' . $filetypeicon . '.png', 'FILENAME' => addslashes($name), 'LINK_TARGET' => '_top', 'ENABLE_OVERLIB' => $overlib, 'FILETYPE' => 'file', 'EXTENSION' => $filetype, 'MOUSEOVER' => $tooltip, 'CLASS_PREVIEW' => '', 'IMAGEDETAIL' => $imgdetail, 'DISPLAY_ICON' => '', 'SIZE' => $bytes, 'DATE' => $date, 'PREVIEW' => $preview));
                        $tpl->parse('file_list', 'file_list_block', true);
            // If no files are in the media folder say so
            if ($temp_id == 0) {
                $tpl->set_var('DISPLAY_LIST_TABLE', ' hide');
                $tpl->set_var('DISPLAY_NONE_FOUND', ' center');
                $tpl->set_var("file_list_block", "<tr><td></td></tr>");
                $tpl->parse('file_list', 'file_list_block', true);
            } else {
                $tpl->set_var('DISPLAY_LIST_TABLE', '');
                $tpl->set_var('DISPLAY_NONE_FOUND', ' hide');
            $tpl->set_block('file_list', 'media_rename_block', 'media_rename');
            $tpl->set_block('file_list', 'media_delete_block', 'media_delete');
            // Insert permissions values
            if ($admin->get_permission('media_rename') != true || $full_home_folder_access == false) {
                $tpl->set_var('DISPLAY_RENAME', 'hide');
                $tpl->set_var('RENHAME_CONTENT', '');
                $tpl->parse('media_rename', '');
            } else {
                $tpl->set_var('RENHAME_CONTENT', '');
                $tpl->parse('media_rename', 'media_rename_block', true);
            if ($admin->get_permission('media_delete') != true || $full_home_folder_access == false) {
                $tpl->set_var('DISPLAY_DELETE', 'hide');
                $tpl->set_var('DELETE_CONTENT', '');
                $tpl->parse('media_delete', '');
            } else {
                $tpl->set_var('DELETE_CONTENT', '');
                $tpl->parse('media_delete', 'media_delete_block', true);
    // begin with save modus actions
    switch ($actions) {
        // save actions
        case 'save_media_settings':
            if (($x = save_media_settings($pathsettings)) == 0) {
                $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['SETTINGS_UNABLE_WRITE_CONFIG'], $backlink);
            } else {
                $admin->print_success($MESSAGE['SETTINGS_SAVED'], $backlink);
        case 'save_media_rename':
            $ext = trim(stripslashes($admin->get_post('extension')));
            $ext = empty($ext) ? '' : '.' . $ext;
            $old_file = media_filename(trim(stripslashes($admin->get_post('old_name')))) . $ext;
            $rename_file = media_filename(trim(stripslashes($admin->get_post('name')))) . $ext;
            $type = trim(stripslashes($admin->get_post('filetype')));
            // perhaps change dots in underscore by tpye = directory
            $rename_file = trim($rename_file, '.');
            $old_file = LEPTON_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory . '/' . $old_file;
            $rename_file = LEPTON_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory . '/' . $rename_file;
            if ($type == 'dir') {
                $rename_file = str_replace('.', '_', $rename_file);
            } elseif (!preg_match("/\\." . $allowed_file_types . "\$/i", $rename_file)) {
                $admin->print_error($TEXT['EXTENSION'] . ': ' . $MESSAGE['GENERIC_INVALID'], $backlink);
            if (rename($old_file, $rename_file)) {
                $admin->print_success($MESSAGE['MEDIA_RENAMED'], $backlink);
            } else {
                $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['MEDIA_CANNOT_RENAME'], $backlink);
    // mask input modus
    switch ($actions) {
        case 'media_rename':
            $rename_file = media_filename(trim(stripslashes($admin->get_post('filename'))));
            $ext = trim(stripslashes($admin->get_post('fileext')));
            $type = trim(stripslashes($admin->get_post('filetype')));
            $rename_file = basename($rename_file);
            $tpl->set_block('main_block', 'main_wrapper_block', 'rename');
            // false | true
            $tpl->debug = false;
            $tpl->set_var(array('THEME_URL' => THEME_URL, 'TEXT_CURRENT_FOLDER' => $TEXT['CURRENT_FOLDER'], 'FILENAME' => $rename_file, 'BASENAME' => trim(str_replace($ext, '', basename($rename_file)), '.'), 'ROOT_DIRECTORY' => MEDIA_DIRECTORY, 'DISPLAY_UP_ARROW' => ' display_up_arrow', 'CURRENT_PATH' => $directory, 'DIR' => $directory, 'FILE_TYPE' => $type, 'EXTENSION' => '.' . ltrim($ext, '.'), 'FILE_EXT' => ltrim($ext, '.'), 'TEXT_OVERWRITE_EXIST' => $TEXT['OVERWRITE_EXISTING'], 'TEXT_TO' => '', 'MEDIA_BROWSE' => '', 'TEXT_RENAME' => $TEXT['RENAME'], 'TEXT_CANCEL' => $TEXT['CANCEL']));
            $tpl->parse('rename', 'main_wrapper_block', true);
        case 'media_settings':
            // load template language file
            $lang = THEME_PATH . '/languages/' . LANGUAGE . '.php';
            include_once !file_exists($lang) ? THEME_PATH . '/languages/EN.php' : $lang;
            $tpl->set_block('main_block', 'main_wrapper_block', 'settings');
            // false | true
            $tpl->debug = false;
            $admin_only = isset($pathsettings['global']['admin_only']) && $pathsettings['global']['admin_only'] == true ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
            $show_thumbs = isset($pathsettings['global']['show_thumbs']) && $pathsettings['global']['show_thumbs'] == true ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
            $tpl->set_var(array('TEXT_HEADER' => $TEXT['TEXT_HEADER'], 'SAVE_TEXT' => $TEXT['SAVE'], 'CANCEL' => $TEXT['CANCEL'], 'RESET' => $TEXT['RESET'], 'NO_SHOW_THUMBS' => $TEXT['NO_SHOW_THUMBS'], 'MEDIA_BROWSE' => '', 'ADMIN_ONLY' => $TEXT['ADMIN_ONLY'], 'SETTINGS' => $TEXT['SETTINGS'], 'CURRENT_PATH' => $directory, 'ADMIN_URL' => ADMIN_URL, 'WIDTH' => $TEXT['WIDTH'], 'HEIGHT' => $TEXT['HEIGHT'], 'ADMIN_ONLY_SELECTED' => $admin_only, 'NO_SHOW_THUMBS_SELECTED' => $show_thumbs, 'NONE_FOUND' => '', 'DISPLAY_NONE' => ''));
            // Get dirs in currentDir
            $dirs = array();
            $skip = LEPTON_PATH;
            directory_list(LEPTON_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY, false, 0, $dirs, $skip);
            $line = $row_id = 1;
            $tpl->set_block('settings', 'dir_settings_block', 'dir_settings');
            if (isset($dirs)) {
                $good_dirs = 0;
                $dir_filter = MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory;
                $parent = substr_count($dir_filter, '/') + 1;
                $dir_filter = str_replace(array('/', ' '), '_', $dir_filter);
                foreach ($dirs as $name) {
                    $relative = $name;
                    // str_replace(LEPTON_PATH, '', $name);
                    $subparent = substr_count($relative, '/') + 1;
                    $safepath = str_replace(array('/', ' '), '_', $relative);
                    $continue = strlen(str_replace($safepath, '', $dir_filter));
                    // if( (substr_count($safepath,$dir_filter) == 0) || ( $dir_filter == $safepath )      )
                    if ($parent != $subparent - 1 || substr_count($safepath, $dir_filter) == 0 || $dir_filter == $safepath) {
                    $cur_width = $cur_height = '';
                    if (isset($pathsettings[$safepath]['width'])) {
                        $cur_width = $pathsettings[$safepath]['width'];
                    if (isset($pathsettings[$safepath]['height'])) {
                        $cur_height = $pathsettings[$safepath]['height'];
                    $cur_width = $cur_width != 0 ? (int) $cur_width : '-';
                    $cur_height = $cur_height != 0 ? (int) $cur_height : '-';
                    $tpl->set_var(array('PATH_NAME' => basename($relative), 'FIELD_NAME' => $safepath, 'CUR_WIDTH' => $cur_width, 'CUR_HEIGHT' => $cur_height, 'ROW_ID' => $line++ & 1));
                    $tpl->parse('dir_settings', 'dir_settings_block', true);
                if ($good_dirs == 0) {
                    $tpl->set_var(array('PATH_NAME' => '', 'FIELD_NAME' => '', 'CUR_WIDTH' => '', 'CUR_HEIGHT' => '', 'ROW_ID' => '', 'DISPLAY_NONE' => ' hide'));
                    $tpl->parse('dir_settings', 'dir_settings_block', true);
                    $tpl->set_var('NONE_FOUND', $MESSAGE['MEDIA_NONE_FOUND']);
                    $tpl->parse('settings', 'dir_settings_block', true);
            } else {
                $tpl->set_var('NONE_FOUND', $MESSAGE['MEDIA_NONE_FOUND']);
                $tpl->parse('settings', 'dir_settings_block', true);
    // normal actions
    switch ($actions) {
        case 'media_upload':
            $target_path = str_replace('\\', '/', LEPTON_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory);
            // Create relative path of the new dir name
            $resizepath = MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory;
            $resizepath = str_replace(array('/', ' '), '_', $resizepath);
            // Find out whether we should replace files or give an error
            $overwrite = $admin->get_post('overwrite') != '' ? true : false;
            // convert to correct searchpattern
            $allowed_file_types = str_replace(',', '|', RENAME_FILES_ON_UPLOAD);
            $good_uploads = 0;
            // If the user chose to unzip the first file, unzip into the current folder
            if (isset($_POST['unzip']) && $_POST['unzip'] == true) {
                // include_once(get_include('thumb.php'));
                if (isset($_FILES['upload']['error'][0]) && $_FILES['upload']['error'][0] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
                    $src_file = isset($_FILES['upload']['name'][0]) ? $_FILES['upload']['name'][0] : null;
                    if ($src_file && preg_match('/\\.zip$/i', $src_file)) {
                         * Callback function to skip files not in white-list
                        function pclzipCheckValidFile($p_event, &$p_header)
                            //  return 1;
                            $allowed_file_types = str_replace(',', '|', RENAME_FILES_ON_UPLOAD);
                            $info = pathinfo($p_header['filename']);
                            $ext = isset($info['extension']) ? $info['extension'] : '';
                            $dots = substr($info['basename'], 0, 1) == '.' || substr($info['basename'], -1, 1) == '.';
                            if (preg_match('/' . $allowed_file_types . '$/i', $ext) && $dots != '.') {
                                // ----- allowed file types are extracted
                                return 1;
                            } else {
                                // ----- all other files are skiped
                                return 0;
                        /* ********************************* */
                        require_once get_include(LEPTON_PATH . '/modules/lib_lepton/pclzip/pclzip.lib.php');
                        $archive = new PclZip($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'][0]);
                        $list = $archive->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $target_path, PCLZIP_CB_PRE_EXTRACT, 'pclzipCheckValidFile');
                        $good_uploads = sizeof($list);
                        if ($archive->error_code != 0) {
                            $admin->print_error('UNABLE TO UNZIP FILE' . ' :: ' . $archive->errorInfo(true), $backlink);
            } else {
                // proceed normal multi-upload
                $file_count = sizeof($_FILES['upload']['error']);
                for ($x = 0; $x < $file_count; $x++) {
                    // If file was upload to tmp
                    if (isset($_FILES['upload']['name'][$x])) {
                        // Remove bad characters
                        $filename = media_filename($_FILES['upload']['name'][$x]);
                        // Check if there is still a filename left and allowed filetyp
                        if ($filename != '' && preg_match("/\\." . $allowed_file_types . "\$/i", $filename)) {
                            // Move to relative path (in media folder)
                            if (file_exists($target_path . '/' . $filename) && $overwrite === true) {
                                if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'][$x], $target_path . '/' . $filename)) {
                                    // Chmod the uploaded file
                                    change_mode($target_path . '/' . $filename, 'file');
                            } elseif (!file_exists($target_path . '/' . $filename)) {
                                if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'][$x], $target_path . '/' . $filename)) {
                                    // Chmod the uploaded file
                                    change_mode($target_path . '/' . $filename);
                            if (file_exists($target_path . '/' . $filename) && preg_match("/\\." . $allowed_img_types . "\$/i", $filename)) {
                                if (isset($pathsettings[$resizepath])) {
                                    include_once get_include(ADMIN_PATH . '/media/resize_img.php');
                                    if ($pathsettings[$resizepath]['width'] || $pathsettings[$resizepath]['height']) {
                                        $rimg = new RESIZEIMAGE($target_path . '/' . $filename);
                                        $rimg->resize_limitwh($pathsettings[$resizepath]['width'], $pathsettings[$resizepath]['height'], $target_path . '/' . $filename);
                            // store file name of first file for possible unzip action
                            if ($x == 1) {
                                $filename1 = $target_path . '/' . $filename;
            if (isset($_POST['delzip'])) {
                if (file_exists($filename1)) {
            if ($good_uploads == 1) {
                $admin->print_success($good_uploads . ' ' . $MESSAGE['MEDIA_SINGLE_UPLOADED'], $backlink);
            } else {
                $admin->print_success($good_uploads . ' ' . $MESSAGE['MEDIA_UPLOADED'], $backlink);
        case 'media_create':
            // $directory = rawurldecode(trim(stripslashes($admin->get_post('current_dir'))));
            // Remove bad characters from user folder name
            $target = $admin->get_post('target') != null ? media_filename(trim(stripslashes($admin->get_post('target')))) : $current_dir;
            $userPath = LEPTON_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY;
            $err_msg = array();
            if ($target == null || $target == $current_dir) {
                $err_msg[] = $MESSAGE['MEDIA_BLANK_NAME'];
            } else {
                // Try and make the dir
                $target = trim($target, '.');
                $dirname = $userPath . $current_dir . '/' . $target;
                if (file_exists($dirname)) {
                    $err_msg[] = $MESSAGE['MEDIA_DIR_EXISTS'];
                } else {
                    if (make_dir($dirname)) {
                        if (is_writable($dirname)) {
                            // Create default "index.php" file
                            $rel_pages_dir = str_replace(LEPTON_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY, '', dirname($dirname));
                            $step_back = str_repeat('../', substr_count($rel_pages_dir, '/') + 1);
                            $content = '<?php' . "\n";
                            $content .= '// This file is generated by LEPTON Ver.' . VERSION . ';' . "\n";
                            $content .= "\t" . 'header(\'Location: ' . $step_back . 'index.php\');' . "\n";
                            $content .= '?>';
                            $filename = $dirname . '/index.php';
                            // write content into file
                            $handle = fopen($filename, 'w');
                            fwrite($handle, $content);
                            change_mode($filename, 'file');
                        } else {
                            $err_msg[] = $MESSAGE['GENERIC_BAD_PERMISSIONS'];
                    } else {
                        $err_msg[] = $MESSAGE['GENERIC_BAD_PERMISSIONS'];
            if (sizeof($err_msg) > 0) {
                $admin->print_error(implode('<br />', $err_msg));
            } else {
                $admin->print_success($MESSAGE['MEDIA_DIR_MADE'], $backlink);
        case 'media_delete':
            $filetype = isset($_POST['filetype']) ? trim(stripslashes($admin->get_post('filetype'))) : '';
            $filename = isset($_POST['filename']) ? trim(stripslashes($admin->get_post('filename'))) : '';
            $relative_path = LEPTON_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory;
            // Find out whether its a file or folder
            if ($filetype == 'dir') {
                // Try and delete the directory
                if (rm_full_dir($relative_path . '/' . $filename)) {
                    $admin->print_success($MESSAGE['MEDIA_DELETED_DIR'], $backlink);
                } else {
                    $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['MEDIA_CANNOT_DELETE_DIR'], $backlink);
            } elseif ($filetype == 'file') {
                // Try and delete the file
                if (unlink($relative_path . '/' . $filename)) {
                    $admin->print_success($MESSAGE['MEDIA_DELETED_FILE'], $backlink);
                } else {
                    $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['MEDIA_CANNOT_DELETE_FILE'], $backlink);
            } else {
                $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['MEDIA_CANNOT_DELETE_FILE'], $backlink);
    // Parse template for preferences form
    $tpl->parse('main', 'main_wrapper_block', false);
    $tpl->parse('main', 'main_block', false);
    $output = $tpl->finish($tpl->parse('output', 'page'));
    return $output;
// Include the WB functions file
if (!defined('createFolderProtectFile')) {
    require WB_PATH . '/framework/functions.php';
// suppress to print the header, so no new FTAN will be set
$admin = new admin('Media', 'media_create', false);
// Get dir name and target location
$requestMethod = '_' . strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);
$name = isset(${$requestMethod}['name']) ? ${$requestMethod}['name'] : '';
// Check to see if name or target contains ../
if (strstr($name, '..')) {
// Remove bad characters
$name = trim(media_filename($name), '.');
// Target location
$requestMethod = '_' . strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);
$target = isset(${$requestMethod}['target']) ? ${$requestMethod}['target'] : '';
if (!$admin->checkFTAN()) {
    $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['GENERIC_SECURITY_ACCESS'], ADMIN_URL);
// After check print the header
if (!check_media_path($target, false)) {
// Create relative path of the new dir name
$directory = WB_PATH . $target . '/' . $name;
// Check to see if the folder already exists
  * Check the created or edited form and createor update the database records
  * and return the dlgFormEdit() dialog.
  * @return string dlgFormEdit() or false on error
 protected function checkFormEdit()
     global $dbKITform;
     global $dbKITformFields;
     global $kitContactInterface;
     global $dbKITformTableSort;
     global $kitLibrary;
     $checked = true;
     $message = '';
     $form_id = isset($_REQUEST[dbKITform::field_id]) ? $_REQUEST[dbKITform::field_id] : -1;
     $form_data = $dbKITform->getFields();
     foreach ($form_data as $field => $value) {
         switch ($field) {
             case dbKITform::field_id:
                 $form_data[$field] = $form_id;
             case dbKITform::field_name:
                 $form_data[$field] = isset($_REQUEST[$field]) ? $_REQUEST[$field] : '';
                 if (empty($form_data[$field])) {
                     $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The <b>form name</b> must contain 3 charactes at minimum!</p>');
                     $checked = false;
                 $name = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower(media_filename(trim($form_data[$field]))));
                 $SQL = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s='%s' AND %s!='%s'", dbKITform::field_id, $dbKITform->getTableName(), dbKITform::field_name, $name, dbKITform::field_status, dbKITform::status_deleted);
                 $result = array();
                 if (!$dbKITform->sqlExec($SQL, $result)) {
                     $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITform->getError()));
                     return false;
                 if (count($result) > 0) {
                     if ($form_id > 0 && $result[0][dbKITform::field_id] !== $form_id) {
                         // Formular kann nicht umbenannt werden, der
                         // Bezeichner wird bereits verwendet
                         $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The form name can not changed to <b>{{ name }}</b>, this name is already in use by the form with the <b>ID {{ id }}</b>.</p>', array('name' => $name, 'id' => sprintf('%03d', $result[0][dbKITform::field_id])));
                         $checked = false;
                     } elseif ($form_id < 1) {
                         // Der Bezeichner wird bereits verwendet
                         $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The name <b>{{ name }}</b> is already in use by the form with the <b>ID {{ id }}</b>, please use another name!</p>', array('name' => $name, 'id' => sprintf('%03d', $result[0][dbKITform::field_id])));
                         $checked = false;
                 $form_data[$field] = $name;
             case dbKITform::field_title:
                 $form_data[$field] = isset($_REQUEST[$field]) ? $_REQUEST[$field] : '';
                 if (empty($form_data[$field]) || strlen($form_data[$field]) < 6) {
                     $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>At minimum the form title must be 5 or more characters long!</p>');
                     $checked = false;
             case dbKITform::field_action:
             case dbKITform::field_description:
             case dbKITform::field_fields:
             case dbKITform::field_must_fields:
                 $form_data[$field] = isset($_REQUEST[$field]) ? $_REQUEST[$field] : '';
             case dbKITform::field_status:
                 $form_data[$field] = isset($_REQUEST[$field]) ? $_REQUEST[$field] : dbKITform::status_locked;
                 if ($form_data[$field] == dbKITform::status_deleted) {
                     // Formular loeschen
                     $where = array(dbKITform::field_id => $form_id);
                     if (!$dbKITform->sqlDeleteRecord($where)) {
                         $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITform->getError()));
                         return false;
                     // Formular Items loeschen
                     $where = array(dbKITformFields::field_form_id => $form_id);
                     if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlDeleteRecord($where)) {
                         $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITform->getError()));
                         return false;
                     // es gibt nichts mehr zu tun, zurueck zur
                     // Uebersichtsliste
                     $this->lang->translate('<p>The form with the <b>ID {{ id }}</b> was successfully deleted.</p>', array('id' => sprintf('%03d', $form_id)));
                     return $this->dlgFormList();
             case dbKITform::field_provider_id:
                 $form_data[$field] = isset($_REQUEST[$field]) ? $_REQUEST[$field] : -1;
                 if ($form_data[$field] == -1) {
                     // kein Diensleister ausgewaehlt
                     $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>Please select a service provider for this form!</p>');
                     $checked = false;
             case dbKITform::field_email_cc:
                 $cc = isset($_REQUEST[$field]) ? $_REQUEST[$field] : '';
                 if (!empty($cc)) {
                     // CC Adressen auslesen
                     $cc_arr = explode(',', $cc);
                     $new_arr = array();
                     foreach ($cc_arr as $email) {
                         if (!$kitLibrary->validateEMail(trim($email))) {
                             $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The email address <b>{{ email }}</b> is not valid, please check your input.</p>', array('email' => $email));
                             $checked = false;
                         $new_arr[] = trim($email);
                     $cc = implode(',', $new_arr);
                 $form_data[$field] = $cc;
             case dbKITform::field_email_html:
                 $form_data[$field] = isset($_REQUEST[$field]) ? $_REQUEST[$field] : dbKITform::html_off;
             case dbKITform::field_captcha:
                 $form_data[$field] = isset($_REQUEST[$field]) ? $_REQUEST[$field] : dbKITform::captcha_on;
                 // uebrige Felder ueberspringen
     // Action Links pruefen
     $links = array();
     foreach ($dbKITform->action_array as $key => $text) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST[$key])) {
             $links[$key] = $_REQUEST[$key];
     // ... und uebernehmen
     $form_data[dbKITform::field_links] = http_build_query($links);
     // pruefen ob ein Feld entfernt werden soll oder ob Felder als
     // Pflichtfelder gesetzt werden sollen
     $fields = explode(',', $form_data[dbKITform::field_fields]);
     $must_fields = explode(',', $form_data[dbKITform::field_must_fields]);
     foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
         if ($value < 100) {
             // KIT Felder
             $field_name = array_search($value, $kitContactInterface->index_array);
             if (!isset($_REQUEST[$field_name])) {
                 $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The datafield <b>{{ field }}</b> was removed.</p>', array('field' => $kitContactInterface->field_array[$field_name]));
             if (isset($_REQUEST['must_' . $field_name]) && !in_array($value, $must_fields)) {
                 $must_fields[] = $value;
         } else {
             // allgemeine Felder
             $further_check = true;
             $where = array(dbKITformFields::field_id => $value);
             $data = array();
             if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlSelectRecord($where, $data)) {
                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
                 return false;
             if (count($data) < 1) {
                  * @todo continue instead prompting error is only a workaround!
                 // $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__,
                 // __LINE__, kit_error_invalid_id));
                 // return false;
             $data = $data[0];
             $field_name = $data[dbKITformFields::field_name];
             $field_id = $data[dbKITformFields::field_id];
             if (!isset($_REQUEST[$field_name])) {
                 // Feld entfernen
                 $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The datafield <b>{{ field }}</b> was removed.</p>', array('field' => $field_name));
                 $further_check = false;
                 // Tabelle aktualisieren
                 $where = array(dbKITformFields::field_id => $field_id);
                 if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlDeleteRecord($where)) {
                     $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
                     return false;
             if (isset($_REQUEST["must_{$field_name}"]) && !in_array($value, $must_fields)) {
                 $must_fields[] = $value;
             if ($further_check) {
                 // erweiterte Pruefung der Felder in Abhaenigkeit des Feld
                 // Typen
                 switch ($data[dbKITformFields::field_type]) {
                     case dbKITformFields::type_text:
                         // Einfache Text Eingabefelder pruefen
                         $field_data = array(dbKITformFields::field_name => isset($_REQUEST['name_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['name_' . $field_name] : 'free_' . $field_id, dbKITformFields::field_title => isset($_REQUEST['title_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['title_' . $field_name] : 'title_' . $field_id, dbKITformFields::field_value => isset($_REQUEST['default_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['default_' . $field_name] : '', dbKITformFields::field_data_type => isset($_REQUEST['data_type_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['data_type_' . $field_name] : dbKITformFields::data_type_text, dbKITformFields::field_hint => isset($_REQUEST['hint_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['hint_' . $field_name] : '');
                         $where = array(dbKITformFields::field_id => $field_id);
                         if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlUpdateRecord($field_data, $where)) {
                             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
                             return false;
                     case dbKITformFields::type_text_area:
                         // textarea pruefen
                         // first we have to check the additional settings for count and limit characters
                         $additional = array();
                         if (isset($_REQUEST["limit_chars_{$field_name}"])) {
                             if (intval($_REQUEST["limit_chars_{$field_name}"]) > 65534) {
                                 $additional['limit_chars'] = 65534;
                             } elseif (intval($_REQUEST["limit_chars_{$field_name}"]) < 1) {
                                 $additional['limit_chars'] = -1;
                             } else {
                                 $additional['limit_chars'] = intval($_REQUEST["limit_chars_{$field_name}"]);
                         } else {
                             $additional['limit_chars'] = -1;
                         if ($additional['limit_chars'] > -1 || isset($_REQUEST["count_chars_{$field_name}"])) {
                             $additional['count_chars'] = 1;
                         } else {
                             $additional['count_chars'] = 0;
                         $field_data = array(dbKITformFields::field_name => isset($_REQUEST['name_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['name_' . $field_name] : 'free_' . $field_id, dbKITformFields::field_title => isset($_REQUEST['title_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['title_' . $field_name] : 'title_' . $field_id, dbKITformFields::field_value => isset($_REQUEST['default_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['default_' . $field_name] : '', dbKITformFields::field_data_type => dbKITformFields::data_type_text, dbKITformFields::field_hint => isset($_REQUEST['hint_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['hint_' . $field_name] : '', dbKITformFields::field_type_add => http_build_query($additional));
                         $where = array(dbKITformFields::field_id => $field_id);
                         if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlUpdateRecord($field_data, $where)) {
                             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
                             return false;
                     case dbKITformFields::type_file:
                         // FILE Type
                         $settings = array();
                         $parse = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $data[dbKITformFields::field_type_add]);
                         parse_str($parse, $settings);
                         $upload_max_filesize = $this->convertBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
                         $post_max_size = $this->convertBytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));
                         $max_filesize = $upload_max_filesize;
                         if ($upload_max_filesize > $post_max_size) {
                             $max_filesize = $post_max_size;
                         // check if the field NAME has changed ...
                         if ($settings['upload_method']['name'] != "upload_method_{$field_name}") {
                             $settings['upload_method']['name'] = "upload_method_{$field_name}";
                             $settings['file_types']['name'] = "file_types_{$field_name}";
                             $settings['max_file_size']['name'] = "max_file_size_{$field_name}";
                         // update settings ...
                         if (isset($_REQUEST["upload_method_{$field_name}"])) {
                             // check the upload method
                             $dummy = strtolower($_REQUEST["upload_method_{$field_name}"]);
                             switch ($dummy) {
                                 case 'standard':
                                     $settings['upload_method']['value'] = 'standard';
                                 case 'uploadify':
                                     if (!file_exists(LEPTON_PATH . '/modules/kit_uploader/info.php')) {
                                         // missing kitUploader
                                         $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>To use the upload method <b>uploadify</b> kitUploader must be installed!</p>');
                                         $settings['upload_method']['value'] = 'standard';
                                     $settings['upload_method']['value'] = 'uploadify';
                                     $checked = false;
                                     $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>Unknown upload method: <b>{{ method }}</b>, allowed methods are <i>standard</i> or <i>uploadify</i>.</p>', array('method' => $dummy));
                                     $settings['upload_method']['value'] = 'standard';
                         } else {
                             $settings['upload_method']['value'] = 'standard';
                         if (isset($_REQUEST["file_types_{$field_name}"])) {
                             // set allowed file extensions, grant lowercase
                             // and remove spaces
                             $dummy = strtolower($_REQUEST["file_types_{$field_name}"]);
                             $dummy = str_replace(' ', '', $dummy);
                             $settings['file_types']['value'] = $dummy;
                         } else {
                             $settings['file_types']['value'] = $this->file_allowed_filetypes;
                         if (isset($_REQUEST["max_file_size_{$field_name}"])) {
                             $max = (int) $_REQUEST["max_file_size_{$field_name}"];
                             if ($max * 1024 * 1024 > $max_filesize) {
                                 $max = $max_filesize / 1024 / 1024;
                                 $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>System does not allow uploads greater than <b>{{ max_filesize }} MB</b>. Please contact your webmaster to increase this value.</p>', array('max_filesize' => $max_filesize / 1024 / 1024));
                             $settings['max_file_size']['value'] = $max;
                         } else {
                             $settings['max_file_size']['value'] = $max_filesize / 1024 / 1024;
                         $field_data = array(dbKITformFields::field_name => isset($_REQUEST['name_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['name_' . $field_name] : 'free_' . $field_id, dbKITformFields::field_title => isset($_REQUEST['title_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['title_' . $field_name] : 'title_' . $field_id, dbKITformFields::field_value => '', dbKITformFields::field_data_type => dbKITformFields::data_type_undefined, dbKITformFields::field_hint => isset($_REQUEST['hint_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['hint_' . $field_name] : '', dbKITformFields::field_type_add => http_build_query($settings));
                         $where = array(dbKITformFields::field_id => $field_id);
                         if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlUpdateRecord($field_data, $where)) {
                             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
                             return false;
                     case dbKITformFields::type_checkbox:
                         // CHECKBOX pruefen
                         $cboxes = array();
                         $parse = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $data[dbKITformFields::field_type_add]);
                         parse_str($parse, $cboxes);
                         $checkboxes = array();
                         foreach ($cboxes as $checkbox) {
                             $cb_name = $checkbox['name'];
                             if (!isset($_REQUEST['cb_active_' . $cb_name])) {
                             if (!empty($_REQUEST['cb_value_' . $cb_name])) {
                                 $checkbox['value'] = $_REQUEST['cb_value_' . $cb_name];
                             if (!empty($_REQUEST['cb_text_' . $cb_name])) {
                                 $checkbox['text'] = $_REQUEST['cb_text_' . $cb_name];
                             $checkbox['checked'] = isset($_REQUEST['cb_checked_' . $cb_name]) ? 1 : 0;
                             $checkboxes[] = $checkbox;
                         // neue Checkboxen dazunehmen
                         if (isset($_REQUEST['cb_active_' . $field_id])) {
                             // es soll eine neue Checkbox uebernommen werden
                             if (isset($_REQUEST['cb_value_' . $field_id]) && !empty($_REQUEST['cb_value_' . $field_id]) && isset($_REQUEST['cb_text_' . $field_id]) && !empty($_REQUEST['cb_text_' . $field_id])) {
                                 // ok - checkbox uebernehmen
                                 $value = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower(media_filename($_REQUEST['cb_value_' . $field_id])));
                                 $checkboxes[] = array('name' => $field_id . '_' . $value, 'value' => $value, 'text' => $_REQUEST['cb_text_' . $field_id], 'checked' => isset($_REQUEST['cb_checked_' . $field_id]) ? 1 : 0);
                             } else {
                                 // Definition der Checkbox ist nicht
                                 // vollstaendig
                                 $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The definition of the new checkbox is not complete. Please specify a <b>value</b> and a <b>text</b> for it!</p>');
                         // allgemeine Daten der Checkbox pruefen
                         $field_data = array(dbKITformFields::field_name => isset($_REQUEST['name_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['name_' . $field_name] : 'free_' . $field_id, dbKITformFields::field_title => isset($_REQUEST['title_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['title_' . $field_name] : 'title_' . $field_id, dbKITformFields::field_value => isset($_REQUEST['default_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['default_' . $field_name] : '', dbKITformFields::field_data_type => dbKITformFields::data_type_undefined, dbKITformFields::field_hint => isset($_REQUEST['hint_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['hint_' . $field_name] : '', dbKITformFields::field_type_add => http_build_query($checkboxes));
                         $where = array(dbKITformFields::field_id => $field_id);
                         if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlUpdateRecord($field_data, $where)) {
                             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
                             return false;
                     case dbKITformFields::type_radio:
                         // RADIOBUTTON pruefen
                         $rbuttons = array();
                         $parse = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $data[dbKITformFields::field_type_add]);
                         parse_str($parse, $rbuttons);
                         $radios = array();
                         foreach ($rbuttons as $radio) {
                             $rb_name = $radio['name'];
                             if (!isset($_REQUEST['rb_active_' . $rb_name])) {
                             if (!empty($_REQUEST['rb_value_' . $rb_name])) {
                                 $radio['value'] = $_REQUEST['rb_value_' . $rb_name];
                             if (!empty($_REQUEST['rb_text_' . $rb_name])) {
                                 $radio['text'] = $_REQUEST['rb_text_' . $rb_name];
                             $radio['checked'] = isset($_REQUEST['rb_checked_' . $field_name]) && $_REQUEST['rb_checked_' . $field_name] == $radio['value'] ? 1 : 0;
                             $radios[] = $radio;
                         // neuen Radiobutton dazunehmen
                         if (isset($_REQUEST['rb_active_' . $field_id])) {
                             // es soll eine neuer Radio uebernommen werden
                             if (isset($_REQUEST['rb_value_' . $field_id]) && !empty($_REQUEST['rb_value_' . $field_id]) && isset($_REQUEST['rb_text_' . $field_id]) && !empty($_REQUEST['rb_text_' . $field_id])) {
                                 // ok - radiobutton uebernehmen
                                 $value = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower(media_filename($_REQUEST['rb_value_' . $field_id])));
                                 $radios[] = array('name' => $field_id . '_' . $value, 'value' => $value, 'text' => $_REQUEST['rb_text_' . $field_id], 'checked' => 0);
                             } else {
                                 // Definition der Checkbox ist nicht
                                 // vollstaendig
                                 $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The definition of the new radiobutton is not complete. Please specify a <b>value</b> and a <b>text</b> for it!</p>');
                         // allgemeine Daten der Radiobuttons pruefen
                         $field_data = array(dbKITformFields::field_name => isset($_REQUEST['name_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['name_' . $field_name] : 'free_' . $field_id, dbKITformFields::field_title => isset($_REQUEST['title_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['title_' . $field_name] : 'title_' . $field_id, dbKITformFields::field_value => isset($_REQUEST['default_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['default_' . $field_name] : '', dbKITformFields::field_data_type => dbKITformFields::data_type_undefined, dbKITformFields::field_hint => isset($_REQUEST['hint_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['hint_' . $field_name] : '', dbKITformFields::field_type_add => http_build_query($radios));
                         $where = array(dbKITformFields::field_id => $field_id);
                         if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlUpdateRecord($field_data, $where)) {
                             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
                             return false;
                     case dbKITformFields::type_select:
                         // SELECT Auswahlliste pruefen
                         $sOptions = array();
                         $parse = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $data[dbKITformFields::field_type_add]);
                         parse_str($parse, $sOptions);
                         $options = array();
                         foreach ($sOptions as $option) {
                             $opt_name = $option['name'];
                             if (!isset($_REQUEST['opt_active_' . $opt_name])) {
                             if (!empty($_REQUEST['opt_value_' . $opt_name])) {
                                 $option['value'] = $_REQUEST['opt_value_' . $opt_name];
                             if (!empty($_REQUEST['opt_text_' . $opt_name])) {
                                 $option['text'] = $_REQUEST['opt_text_' . $opt_name];
                             $option['checked'] = isset($_REQUEST['opt_checked_' . $field_name]) && $_REQUEST['opt_checked_' . $field_name] == $option['value'] ? 1 : 0;
                             $options[] = $option;
                         // neues Auswahlfeld dazunehmen
                         if (isset($_REQUEST['opt_active_' . $field_id])) {
                             // es soll eine neuer OPTION Eintrag uebernommen
                             // werden
                             if (isset($_REQUEST['opt_value_' . $field_id]) && !empty($_REQUEST['opt_value_' . $field_id]) && isset($_REQUEST['opt_text_' . $field_id]) && !empty($_REQUEST['opt_text_' . $field_id])) {
                                 // ok - OPTION uebernehmen
                                 $value = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower(media_filename($_REQUEST['opt_value_' . $field_id])));
                                 $options[] = array('name' => $field_id . '_' . $value, 'value' => $value, 'text' => $_REQUEST['opt_text_' . $field_id], 'checked' => 0);
                             } else {
                                 // Definition der Auswahlliste ist nicht
                                 // vollstaendig
                                 $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The definition of the new selection list is not complete. Please specify a <b>value</b> and a <b>text</b> for it!</p>');
                         // allgemeine Daten der Auswahlliste pruefen
                         $field_data = array(dbKITformFields::field_name => isset($_REQUEST['name_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['name_' . $field_name] : 'free_' . $field_id, dbKITformFields::field_title => isset($_REQUEST['title_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['title_' . $field_name] : 'title_' . $field_id, dbKITformFields::field_value => isset($_REQUEST['size_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['size_' . $field_name] : '1', dbKITformFields::field_data_type => dbKITformFields::data_type_undefined, dbKITformFields::field_hint => isset($_REQUEST['hint_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['hint_' . $field_name] : '', dbKITformFields::field_type_add => http_build_query($options));
                         $where = array(dbKITformFields::field_id => $field_id);
                         if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlUpdateRecord($field_data, $where)) {
                             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
                             return false;
                     case dbKITformFields::type_html:
                         // Daten fuer das HTML Feld pruefen
                         $field_data = array(dbKITformFields::field_name => isset($_REQUEST['name_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['name_' . $field_name] : 'free_' . $field_id, dbKITformFields::field_title => isset($_REQUEST['title_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['title_' . $field_name] : 'title_' . $field_id, dbKITformFields::field_value => isset($_REQUEST['html_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['html_' . $field_name] : '', dbKITformFields::field_hint => isset($_REQUEST['hint_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['hint_' . $field_name] : '', dbKITformFields::field_data_type => dbKITformFields::data_type_text);
                         $where = array(dbKITformFields::field_id => $field_id);
                         if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlUpdateRecord($field_data, $where)) {
                             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
                             return false;
                     case dbKITformFields::type_hidden:
                         // Daten fuer versteckte Felder pruefen
                         $field_data = array(dbKITformFields::field_name => isset($_REQUEST['name_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['name_' . $field_name] : 'free_' . $field_id, dbKITformFields::field_title => isset($_REQUEST['title_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['title_' . $field_name] : 'title_' . $field_id, dbKITformFields::field_value => isset($_REQUEST['value_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['value_' . $field_name] : '', dbKITformFields::field_data_type => dbKITformFields::data_type_text);
                         $where = array(dbKITformFields::field_id => $field_id);
                         if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlUpdateRecord($field_data, $where)) {
                             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
                             return false;
                     case dbKITformFields::type_delayed:
                         // check the data for delayed transmissions
                         $type_add = array();
                         if (isset($_REQUEST['text_' . $field_name])) {
                             $type_add = array('text' => $_REQUEST['text_' . $field_name]);
                         $field_data = array(dbKITformFields::field_name => dbKITformFields::kit_delayed_transmission, dbKITformFields::field_title => isset($_REQUEST['title_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['title_' . $field_name] : 'title_' . $field_id, dbKITformFields::field_value => 1, dbKITformFields::field_data_type => dbKITformFields::data_type_integer, dbKITformFields::field_hint => isset($_REQUEST['hint_' . $field_name]) ? $_REQUEST['hint_' . $field_name] : '', dbKITformFields::field_type_add => http_build_query($type_add));
                         $where = array(dbKITformFields::field_id => $field_id);
                         if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlUpdateRecord($field_data, $where)) {
                             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
                             return false;
                         $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The datatype {{ datatype }} is not supported!</p>', array('datatype' => $data[dbKITformFields::field_type]));
     $form_data[dbKITform::field_fields] = implode(',', $fields);
     // pruefen ob Pflichtfelder zurueckgestuft werden sollen
     foreach ($must_fields as $key => $value) {
         if ($value < 100) {
             // KIT Felder
             $field_name = array_search($value, $kitContactInterface->index_array);
             if (!isset($_REQUEST['must_' . $field_name])) {
         } else {
             // allgemeine Felder
             $where = array(dbKITformFields::field_id => $value);
             $data = array();
             if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlSelectRecord($where, $data)) {
                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
                 return false;
             if (count($data) < 1) {
                  * @todo continue is only a workaround, what is the reason for
                  *       invalid ids?
                 // $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__,
                 // __LINE__, kit_error_invalid_id));
                 // return false;
             $field_name = $data[0][dbKITformFields::field_name];
             if (!isset($_REQUEST["must_{$field_name}"])) {
     $form_data[dbKITform::field_must_fields] = implode(',', $must_fields);
     if ($checked) {
         // Datensatz fuer das Formular uebernehmen oder aktualisieren
         if ($form_id > 0) {
             // Datensatz aktualisieren
             $where = array(dbKITform::field_id => $form_id);
             if (!$dbKITform->sqlUpdateRecord($form_data, $where)) {
                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITform->getError()));
                 return false;
             $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The form with the <b>ID {{ id }}</b> was updated.</p>', array('id' => $form_id));
         } else {
             // Datensatz einfuegen
             if (!$dbKITform->sqlInsertRecord($form_data, $form_id)) {
                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITform->getError()));
                 return false;
             $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The form with the <b>ID {{ id }}</b> was successfully created.</p>', array('id' => $form_id));
         // $_REQUEST's zuruecksetzen
         foreach ($form_data as $field => $value) {
             if (isset($_REQUEST[$field])) {
         // FORM_ID setzen
         $_REQUEST[dbKITform::field_id] = $form_id;
     // KIT Datenfelder hinzufuegen
     $kit_fields = $kitContactInterface->index_array;
     if (isset($_REQUEST[self::request_add_kit_field]) && array_key_exists($_REQUEST[self::request_add_kit_field], $kit_fields)) {
         $new_field = $_REQUEST[self::request_add_kit_field];
         if ($form_id > 0) {
             // Formular ist gueltig, neues Datenfeld einfuegen
             $fields = explode(',', $form_data[dbKITform::field_fields]);
             $fields[] = $kit_fields[$new_field];
             $where = array(dbKITform::field_id => $form_id);
             $form_data[dbKITform::field_fields] = implode(',', $fields);
             // nur die Felder aktualisieren
             $data = array(dbKITform::field_fields => $form_data[dbKITform::field_fields]);
             if (!$dbKITform->sqlUpdateRecord($data, $where)) {
                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITform->getError()));
                 return false;
             $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The KIT datafield <b>{{ field }}</b> was added to the form.</p>', array('field' => $kitContactInterface->field_array[$new_field]));
         } else {
             // Formular ist noch nicht aktiv
             $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>Please save the new form before you insert the datafield <b>{{ field }}</b>!</p>', array('field' => $kitContactInterface->field_array[$new_field]));
     // Allgemeine Felder hinzufuegen
     if (isset($_REQUEST[self::request_add_free_field]) && $_REQUEST[self::request_add_free_field] != -1) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST[self::request_free_field_title]) && $_REQUEST[self::request_free_field_title] !== $this->lang->translate('Enter title ...') && !empty($_REQUEST[self::request_free_field_title])) {
             if ($form_id > 0) {
                 // Formular ist gueltig, neues Datenfeld hinzufuegen
                 $data = array(dbKITformFields::field_type => $_REQUEST[self::request_add_free_field], dbKITformFields::field_title => $_REQUEST[self::request_free_field_title], dbKITformFields::field_form_id => $form_id);
                 $field_id = -1;
                 if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlInsertRecord($data, $field_id)) {
                     $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
                     return false;
                 if ($data[dbKITformFields::field_type] == dbKITformFields::type_file) {
                     // create settings for file uploads
                     $upload_max_filesize = $this->convertBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
                     $post_max_size = $this->convertBytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));
                     $max_filesize = $upload_max_filesize;
                     $settings = array('upload_method' => array('label' => 'Upload method', 'name' => "upload_method_free_{$field_id}", 'value' => 'standard'), 'file_types' => array('label' => 'Allowed filetypes', 'name' => "file_types_free_{$field_id}", 'value' => $this->file_allowed_filetypes), 'max_file_size' => array('label' => 'max. filesize (MB)', 'name' => "max_file_size_free_{$field_id}", 'value' => $max_filesize / 1024 / 1024));
                     $data = array(dbKITformFields::field_name => "free_{$field_id}", dbKITformFields::field_type_add => http_build_query($settings));
                 } elseif ($data[dbKITformFields::field_type] == dbKITformFields::type_delayed) {
                     // create settings for delayed transmissions
                     $data = array(dbKITformFields::field_name => dbKITformFields::kit_delayed_transmission, dbKITformFields::field_value => 1);
                 } else {
                     // create all other fields ...
                     $data = array(dbKITformFields::field_name => "free_{$field_id}");
                 $where = array(dbKITformFields::field_id => $field_id);
                 if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlUpdateRecord($data, $where)) {
                     $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
                     return false;
                 $fields = explode(',', $form_data[dbKITform::field_fields]);
                 $fields[] = $field_id;
                 $where = array(dbKITform::field_id => $form_id);
                 $form_data[dbKITform::field_fields] = implode(',', $fields);
                 $data[dbKITform::field_fields] = $form_data[dbKITform::field_fields];
                 if (!$dbKITform->sqlUpdateRecord($data, $where)) {
                     $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITform->getError()));
                     return false;
                 $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The general datafield <b>{{ field }}</b> was added to the form.</p>', array('field' => $_REQUEST[self::request_free_field_title]));
             } else {
                 // Formular ist noch nicht aktiv
                 $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>Please save the new form before you insert the datafield <b>{{ field }}</b>!</p>', array('field' => $_REQUEST[self::request_free_field_title]));
         } else {
             // Titel fehlt oder ist unguelig
             $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>Please select a datafield <b>and</b> specify a title for the new field!</p>');
     // Sortierung pruefen
     $where = array(dbKITformTableSort::field_value => $form_id, dbKITformTableSort::field_table => 'mod_kit_form');
     $sorter = array();
     if (!$dbKITformTableSort->sqlSelectRecord($where, $sorter)) {
         $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformTableSort->getError()));
         return false;
     if (count($sorter) > 0) {
         $form_fields = explode(',', $form_data[dbKITform::field_fields]);
         $sort_fields = explode(',', $sorter[0][dbKITformTableSort::field_order]);
         // erster Schritt: Sortierfeld bereinigen
         $unset = array_diff($sort_fields, $form_fields);
         foreach ($unset as $id) {
             $key = array_search($id, $sort_fields);
         // zweiter Schritt: Sortierfeld ergaenzen
         $add = array_diff($form_fields, $sort_fields);
         foreach ($add as $id) {
             $sort_fields[] = $id;
         // letzter Schritt: Sortierfeld uebernehmen
         $form_data[dbKITform::field_fields] = implode(',', $sort_fields);
         $where = array(dbKITform::field_id => $form_id);
         // nur die Sortierung aktualisieren
         $data = array(dbKITform::field_fields => $form_data[dbKITform::field_fields]);
         if (!$dbKITform->sqlUpdateRecord($data, $where)) {
             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITform->getError()));
             return false;
     return $this->dlgFormEdit();
  * Ueberprueft das Formular, zeigt das Formular bei Fehlern erneut an.
  * Wenn alles in Ordnung ist, werden die Daten gesichert und
  * Benachrichtigungs E-Mails versendet.
  * @return string FORMULAR oder ERFOLGSMELDUNG
 protected function checkForm()
     global $dbKITform;
     global $dbKITformFields;
     global $kitContactInterface;
     global $kitLibrary;
     global $dbKITformData;
     global $dbContact;
     global $dbKITdirList;
     global $dbCfg;
     global $dbMemos;
     if (!isset($_REQUEST[dbKITform::field_id])) {
         $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $this->lang->translate('Missing the form ID!')));
         return false;
     $form_id = $_REQUEST[dbKITform::field_id];
     $where = array(dbKITform::field_id => $form_id);
     $form = array();
     if (!$dbKITform->sqlSelectRecord($where, $form)) {
         $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITform->getError()));
         return false;
     if (count($form) < 1) {
         $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $this->lang->translate('The ID {{ id }} is invalid!', array('id' => $form_id))));
         return false;
     $form = $form[0];
     // pruefen, ob eine Aktion ausgefuehrt werden soll
     switch ($form[dbKITform::field_action]) {
         case dbKITform::action_login:
             return $this->checkLogin($form);
         case dbKITform::action_logout:
             return $this->Logout($form);
         case dbKITform::action_send_password:
             return $this->sendNewPassword($form);
         case dbKITform::action_change_password:
             return $this->changePassword($form);
         case dbKITform::action_newsletter:
             // return $this->subscribeNewsletter ( $form );
         // return $this->subscribeNewsletter ( $form );
         case dbKITform::action_register:
         case dbKITform::action_account:
              * Diese speziellen Aktionen werden erst durchgefuehrt, wenn die
              * allgemeinen Daten bereits geprueft sind
          * Diese speziellen Aktionen werden erst durchgefuehrt, wenn die
          * allgemeinen Daten bereits geprueft sind
             // nothing to do - go ahead...
     $message = '';
     $checked = true;
     // CAPTCHA pruefen?
     if ($form[dbKITform::field_captcha] == dbKITform::captcha_on) {
         if (!isset($_REQUEST['captcha']) || $_REQUEST['captcha'] != $_SESSION['captcha']) {
             $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The CAPTCHA code is not correct, please try again!</p>');
             $checked = false;
     // check wait for seconds
     if (isset($_REQUEST['wait_seconds']) && (int) $_REQUEST['wait_seconds'] > 0 && isset($_REQUEST['wait_start'])) {
         $start = (int) $_REQUEST['wait_start'];
         $seconds = (int) ($_REQUEST['wait_seconds'] / 100);
         $stop = mktime(date('H', $start), date('i', $start), date('s', $start) + $seconds, date('m', $start), date('d', $start), date('Y', $start));
         if ($stop > time()) {
             $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>You have submitted the form to early, please wait for the specified seconds (SPAM protection).</p>');
             $checked = false;
     // zuerst die Pflichtfelder pruefen
     $must_array = explode(',', $form[dbKITform::field_must_fields]);
     if (in_array('20', $must_array)) {
         // special: key must transformed!
         $key = array_search('20', $must_array);
         $must_array[] = 18;
         $must_array[] = 19;
     foreach ($must_array as $must_id) {
         if ($must_id < 100) {
             // IDs 1-99 sind fuer KIT reserviert
             if (false === ($field_name = array_search($must_id, $kitContactInterface->index_array))) {
                 // $field_id nicht gefunden
                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $this->lang->translate('The field with the <b>ID {{ id }}</b> is no KIT datafield!', array('id' => $must_id))));
                 return false;
             if (!isset($_REQUEST[$field_name]) || empty($_REQUEST[$field_name])) {
                 // Feld muss gesetzt sein
                 $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The field <b>{{ field }}</b> must be filled out.</p>', array('field' => $kitContactInterface->field_array[$field_name]));
                 $checked = false;
             } elseif ($field_name == kitContactInterface::kit_email) {
                 // check email address
                 if (isset($_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_email_retype]) && $_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_email] != $_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_email_retype]) {
                     // comparing email and retyped email address failed ...
                     $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The email address and the retyped email address does not match!</p>');
                     $checked = false;
                 } elseif (!$kitLibrary->validateEMail($_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_email])) {
                     // checking email address failed ...
                     $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The email address <b>{{ email }}</b> is not valid, please check your input.</p>', array('email' => $_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_email]));
                     $checked = false;
         } else {
             // freie Datenfelder
             $where = array(dbKITformFields::field_id => $must_id);
             $field = array();
             if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlSelectRecord($where, $field)) {
                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
                 return false;
             if (count($field) < 1) {
                  * @todo only a workaround ...
                 // $this->setError (sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__,
                 // __LINE__, sprintf ( kit_error_invalid_id, $must_id ) ));
                 // return false;
             $field = $field[0];
             $field_name = $field[dbKITformFields::field_name];
             if ($field[dbKITformFields::field_type] == dbKITformFields::type_file) {
                 // file upload?
             } elseif (!isset($_REQUEST[$field_name]) || empty($_REQUEST[$field_name])) {
                 // Feld muss gesetzt sein
                 $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The field <b>{{ field }}</b> must be filled out.</p>', array('field' => $field[dbKITformFields::field_title]));
                 $checked = false;
             } else {
                 // erweiterte Pruefung
                 switch ($field[dbKITformFields::field_data_type]) {
                     case dbKITformFields::data_type_date:
                         if (false === ($timestamp = strtotime($_REQUEST[$field_name]))) {
                             $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p><b>{{ value }}</b> is not a valid date, please check your input!</p>', array('value' => $_REQUEST[$field_name]));
                             $checked = false;
                         // alle anderen Datentypen ohne Pruefung...
     // foreach
     // special: check if kit_birthday is valid
     $kit_birthday = '';
     if (isset($_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_birthday])) {
         if (strpos($_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_birthday], cfg_date_separator) == false && in_array($kitContactInterface->index_array[kitContactInterface::kit_birthday], $must_array)) {
             $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>Please type in the birthday like <b>{{ date_str }}</b>.</p>', array('date_str' => cfg_date_str));
             $checked = false;
         } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_birthday])) {
             $barray = explode(cfg_date_separator, $_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_birthday]);
             $df = explode(cfg_date_separator, cfg_date_str);
             if (count($barray) == 3) {
                 $da = array();
                 for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
                     $da[$df[$i]] = $barray[$i];
                 if ($da['Y'] < 100) {
                     $da['Y'] = 1900 + $da['Y'];
                 if ($da['Y'] < 1900 || $da['Y'] > date('Y') || $da['m'] < 1 || $da['m'] > 12 || $da['d'] < 1 || $da['d'] > 31) {
                     $checked = false;
                     $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The date <b>{{ date }}</b> is invalid!</p>', array('date' => $_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_birthday]));
                 if ($checked && false !== ($date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $da['m'], $da['d'], $da['Y']))) {
                     $kit_birthday = $date;
                 } elseif ($checked) {
                     $checked = false;
                     $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The date <b>{{ date }}</b> is invalid!</p>', array('date' => $_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_birthday]));
             } else {
                 // date is invalid
                 $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>Please type in the birthday like <b>{{ date_str }}<b>.</p>', array('date_str' => cfg_date_str));
                 $checked = false;
     // file upload?
     $uploaded_files = array();
     $uploaded_files['count'] = 0;
     $file_array = array();
     if ($checked) {
         $where = array(dbKITformFields::field_form_id => $form_id, dbKITformFields::field_type => dbKITformFields::type_file);
         if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlSelectRecord($where, $file_array)) {
             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
             return false;
         if (count($file_array) > 0) {
             // check the protected upload directory
             if (!file_exists($upload_path)) {
                 if (!mkdir($upload_path, 0755, true)) {
                     $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $this->lang->translate('Error creating the directory <b>{{ directory }}</b>.', array('directory' => $upload_path))));
                     return false;
             // check if .htaccess and .htpasswd exists...
             if (!file_exists($upload_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htaccess') || !file_exists($upload_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htpasswd')) {
                 if (!$this->createProtection()) {
                     return false;
             // get the email address
             $email = $_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_email];
             // the user directory for this upload - the directory will be
             // created when moving the uploaded file!
         foreach ($file_array as $file) {
             $parse = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $file[dbKITformFields::field_type_add]);
             parse_str($parse, $settings);
             $method = $settings['upload_method']['value'];
             if ($method == 'standard') {
                 // method: standard - check the file uploads
                 if (!isset($_FILES[$file[dbKITformFields::field_name]]) && in_array($file[dbKITformFields::field_id], $must_array)) {
                     // file upload is a MUST field
                     $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The field <b>{{ field }}</b> must be filled out.</p>', array('field' => $kitContactInterface->field_array[$field_name]));
                     $checked = false;
                     // go ahead...
                 if (isset($_FILES[$file[dbKITformFields::field_name]]) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$file[dbKITformFields::field_name]]['tmp_name'])) {
                     // file was uploaded with the standard method
                     if ($_FILES[$file[dbKITformFields::field_name]]['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
                         // upload without error
                         if ($checked) {
                             $fext = explode('.', $_FILES[$file[dbKITformFields::field_name]]['name']);
                             // file extension
                             $ext = strtolower(end($fext));
                             if (in_array($ext, $this->general_excluded_extensions)) {
                                 // disallowed file or filetype - delete
                                 // uploaded file
                                 $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The file {{ file }} is member of a blacklist or use a disallowed file extension.</p>', array('file' => basename($_FILES[$file[dbKITformFields::field_name]]['name'])));
                                 $checked = false;
                             // get the settings for this file
                             $parse = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $file[dbKITformFields::field_type_add]);
                             parse_str($parse, $settings);
                             if (!empty($settings['file_types'])) {
                                 $ext_array = explode(',', $settings['file_types']['value']);
                                 if (!in_array($ext, $ext_array)) {
                                     $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>Please upload only files with the extension <b>{{ extensions }}</b>, the file {{ file }} is refused.</p>', array('extensions' => implode(', ', $ext_array), 'file' => basename($_FILES[$file[dbKITformFields::field_name]]['name'])));
                                     $checked = false;
                             if ($_FILES[$file[dbKITformFields::field_name]]['size'] > $settings['max_file_size']['value'] * 1024 * 1024) {
                                 $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The file size exceeds the limit of {{ size }} MB.</p>', array('size' => $settings['max_file_size']['value']));
                                 $checked = false;
                         if (!$checked) {
                             // not checked - delete the file and continue
                         // now create the directory
                         if (!file_exists($upload_path)) {
                             if (!mkdir($upload_path, 0755, true)) {
                                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $this->lang->translate('Error creating the directory <b>{{ directory }}</b>.', array('directory' => $upload_path))));
                                 return false;
                         $mf = media_filename($_FILES[$file[dbKITformFields::field_name]]['name']);
                         if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$file[dbKITformFields::field_name]]['tmp_name'], $upload_path . $mf)) {
                             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $this->lang->translate('Error moving the file <b>{{ file }}</b> to the target directory!', array('file' => $_FILES[$file[dbKITformFields::field_name]]['name']))));
                             return false;
                         // create dbKITdirList entry
                         $data = array(dbKITdirList::field_count => 0, dbKITdirList::field_date => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), dbKITdirList::field_file => $mf, dbKITdirList::field_path => $upload_path . $mf, dbKITdirList::field_user => $email);
                         $file_id = -1;
                         if (!$dbKITdirList->sqlInsertRecord($data, $file_id)) {
                             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITdirList->getError()));
                             return false;
                         // add $file_id to the uploaded files ...
                         $uploaded_files['count'] += 1;
                         $uploaded_files['items'][$file_id] = array('id' => $file_id, 'name' => $mf, 'name_origin' => $_FILES[$file[dbKITformFields::field_name]]['name'], 'size' => $_FILES[$file[dbKITformFields::field_name]]['size'], 'path' => substr($upload_path . $mf, strlen(WB_PATH)), 'download' => WB_URL . '/modules/kit/kdl.php?id=' . $file_id);
                         $contact_id = -1;
                         if (!$kitContactInterface->isEMailRegistered($email, $contact_id)) {
                             if ($kitContactInterface->isError()) {
                                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $kitContactInterface->getError()));
                                 return false;
                             // contact does not exists
                             $data = array(kitContactInterface::kit_email => $email);
                             if (!$kitContactInterface->addContact($data, $contact_id)) {
                                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $kitContactInterface->getError()));
                                 return false;
                          * see setting notice for uploads below! no longer needed!
                         // add notice to KIT
                         $kitContactInterface->addNotice($contact_id, $this->lang->translate('[kitForm] File <a href="{{ link }}">{{ file }}</a> uploaded.', array(
                             'link' => WB_URL.'/modules/kit/kdl.php?id='.$file_id,
                             'file' => $mf)));
                     } else {
                         // handling upload errors
                         switch ($_FILES[$file[dbKITformFields::field_name]]['error']) {
                             case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
                                 $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The file size exceeds the php.ini directive "upload_max_size" <b>{{ size }}</b>.</p>', array('size' => ini_get('upload_max_filesize')));
                                 $checked = false;
                             case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL:
                                 $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The file <b>{{ file }}</b> was uploaded partial.</p>', array('file' => $_FILES[dbKITformFields::field_name]['name']));
                                 $checked = false;
                                 $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>Unspecified error, no description available.</p>');
                                 $checked = false;
                         // delete temporary file
             } else {
                 // method: uploadify
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['upload_delete']) && !empty($_REQUEST['upload_delete']) && isset($_REQUEST['upload_id'])) {
                     // if 'upload_delete' isset and not empty the file was
                     // uploaded and then deleted
                     $where = array(dbKITdirList::field_reference => $_REQUEST['upload_id'], dbKITdirList::field_file_origin => $_REQUEST['upload_delete']);
                     if (!$dbKITdirList->sqlDeleteRecord($where)) {
                         $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITdirList->getError()));
                         return false;
                     $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The file <b>{{ file }}</b> was deleted.<p>', array('file' => $_REQUEST['upload_delete']));
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['upload_id'])) {
                     $where = array(dbKITdirList::field_reference => $_REQUEST['upload_id']);
                     $uploads = array();
                     if (!$dbKITdirList->sqlSelectRecord($where, $uploads)) {
                         $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITdirList->getError()));
                         return false;
                     if (count($uploads) < 1 && in_array($file[dbKITformFields::field_id], $must_array)) {
                         // file upload is a MUST field
                         $message .= $this->lang->translate('<p>The field <b>{{ field }}</b> must be filled out.</p>', array('field' => $kitContactInterface->field_array[$field_name]));
                         $checked = false;
                         // go ahead...
                     foreach ($uploads as $upload) {
                         // now create the directory
                         if (!file_exists($upload_path)) {
                             if (!mkdir($upload_path, 0755, true)) {
                                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $this->lang->translate('Error creating the directory <b>{{ directory }}</b>.', array('directory' => $upload_path))));
                                 return false;
                         // move the uploads from temporary directory to the
                         // target directory
                         if (!rename($upload[dbKITdirList::field_path], $upload_path . $upload[dbKITdirList::field_file])) {
                             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $this->lang->translate('Error moving file <b>{{ file_origin }}</b> to <b>{{ file_target }}</b>.', array('file_origin' => $upload[dbKITdirList::field_path], 'file_target' => $upload_path . $upload[dbKITdirList::field_file]))));
                             return false;
                         // delete the temporary directory if empty
                         if ($this->isDirectoryEmpty($upload_path)) {
                         $data = array(dbKITdirList::field_path => $upload_path . $upload[dbKITdirList::field_file], dbKITdirList::field_user => $email);
                         $where = array(dbKITdirList::field_id => $upload[dbKITdirList::field_id]);
                         if (!$dbKITdirList->sqlUpdateRecord($data, $where)) {
                             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITdirList->getError()));
                             return false;
                         // add $file_id to the uploaded files ...
                         $uploaded_files['count'] += 1;
                         $uploaded_files['items'][$upload[dbKITdirList::field_id]] = array('id' => $upload[dbKITdirList::field_id], 'name' => $upload[dbKITdirList::field_file], 'name_origin' => $upload[dbKITdirList::field_file_origin], 'size' => filesize($upload_path . $upload[dbKITdirList::field_file]), 'path' => substr($upload_path . $upload[dbKITdirList::field_file], strlen(WB_PATH)), 'download' => WB_URL . '/modules/kit/kdl.php?id=' . $upload[dbKITdirList::field_id]);
                         $contact_id = -1;
                         if (!$kitContactInterface->isEMailRegistered($email, $contact_id)) {
                             if ($kitContactInterface->isError()) {
                                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $kitContactInterface->getError()));
                                 return false;
                             // contact does not exists
                             $data = array(kitContactInterface::kit_email => $email);
                             if (!$kitContactInterface->addContact($data, $contact_id)) {
                                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $kitContactInterface->getError()));
                                 return false;
         // foreach
     // if checked
     if ($checked) {
         // Daten sind ok und koennen uebernommen werden
         // Sonderfall: Newsletter Dialog
         if ($form[dbKITform::field_action] == dbKITform::action_newsletter) {
             return $this->subscribeNewsletter($form);
         $password_changed = false;
         $password = '';
         $contact_array = array();
         $field_array = $kitContactInterface->field_array;
         // Feld fuer internen Verteiler hinzufuegen
         $field_array[kitContactInterface::kit_intern] = '';
         foreach ($field_array as $key => $value) {
             switch ($key) {
                 case kitContactInterface::kit_free_field_1:
                 case kitContactInterface::kit_free_field_2:
                 case kitContactInterface::kit_free_field_3:
                 case kitContactInterface::kit_free_field_4:
                 case kitContactInterface::kit_free_field_5:
                 case kitContactInterface::kit_free_note_1:
                 case kitContactInterface::kit_free_note_2:
                 case kitContactInterface::kit_zip_city:
                     // nothing to do...
                 case kitContactInterface::kit_newsletter:
                     if (isset($_REQUEST[$key])) {
                         if (is_array($_REQUEST[$key])) {
                             $contact_array[$key] = implode(',', $_REQUEST[$key]);
                         } else {
                             $contact_array[$key] = $_REQUEST[$key];
                 case kitContactInterface::kit_password:
                     // kit_password wird ignoriert
                 case kitContactInterface::kit_password_retype:
                     if (isset($_REQUEST[$key]) && !empty($_REQUEST[$key]) && (isset($_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_password]) && !empty($_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_password]))) {
                         // nur pruefen, wenn beide Passwortfelder gesetzt sind
                         if (!$kitContactInterface->changePassword($_SESSION[kitContactInterface::session_kit_register_id], $_SESSION[kitContactInterface::session_kit_contact_id], $_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_password], $_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_password_retype])) {
                             // Fehler beim Aendern des Passwortes
                             if ($kitContactInterface->isError()) {
                                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $kitContactInterface->getError()));
                                 return false;
                             $message .= $kitContactInterface->getMessage();
                         } else {
                             // Passwort wurde geaendert
                             $password_changed = true;
                             $password = $_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_password];
                             $message .= $kitContactInterface->getMessage();
                 case kitContactInterface::kit_birthday:
                     // check birthday
                     if (isset($_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_birthday]) && !empty($kit_birthday)) {
                         $contact_array[$key] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $kit_birthday);
                 case kitContactInterface::kit_contact_language:
                     // check contact language
                     if (isset($_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_contact_language]) && $_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_contact_language] !== strtolower(LANGUAGE)) {
                         $contact_array[$key] = strtolower(LANGUAGE);
                     if (isset($_REQUEST[$key])) {
                         $contact_array[$key] = $_REQUEST[$key];
         if ($form[dbKITform::field_action] == dbKITform::action_register) {
             // es handelt sich um einen Registrierdialog, die weitere Bearbeitung an $this->registerAccount() uebergeben
             return $this->registerAccount($form, $contact_array);
         } elseif ($form[dbKITform::field_action] == dbKITform::action_account) {
             // Es wird das Benutzerkonto bearbeitet
             if (!$kitContactInterface->updateContact($_SESSION[kitContactInterface::session_kit_contact_id], $contact_array)) {
                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $kitContactInterface->getError()));
                 return false;
             if ($password_changed) {
                 // Passwort wurde geaendert, E-Mail Bestaetigung versenden
                 $form['subject'] = $form[dbKITform::field_title];
                 $data = array('contact' => $contact_array, 'password' => $password, 'form' => $form);
                 $provider_data = array();
                 if (!$kitContactInterface->getServiceProviderByID($form[dbKITform::field_provider_id], $provider_data)) {
                     if ($kitContactInterface->isError()) {
                         $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $kitContactInterface->getError()));
                     } else {
                         $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $kitContactInterface->getMessage()));
                     return false;
                 $provider_email = $provider_data['email'];
                 $provider_name = $provider_data['name'];
                 $client_mail = $this->getTemplate('mail.client.password.htt', $data);
                 if ($form[dbKITform::field_email_html] == dbKITform::html_off) {
                     $client_mail = strip_tags($client_mail);
                 $client_subject = strip_tags($this->getTemplate('mail.client.subject.htt', $data));
                 $mail = new kitMail($form[dbKITform::field_provider_id]);
                 if (!$mail->mail($client_subject, $client_mail, $provider_email, $provider_name, array($contact_array[kitContactInterface::kit_email] => $contact_array[kitContactInterface::kit_email]), false)) {
                     $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $this->lang->translate('Can\'t send the email to <b>{{ email }}</b>!', array('email' => $contact_array[kitContactInterface::kit_email]))));
                     return false;
             // Mitteilung, dass das Benutzerkonto aktualisiert wurde
             if (empty($message)) {
                 $message = $this->lang->translate('<p>The user account was updated.</p>');
             return $this->showForm();
         $contact_id = -1;
         $status = '';
         if ($kitContactInterface->isEMailRegistered($_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_email], $contact_id, $status)) {
             // E-Mail Adresse existiert bereits, Datensatz ggf.
             // aktualisieren
             if (!$kitContactInterface->updateContact($contact_id, $contact_array)) {
                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $kitContactInterface->getError()));
                 return false;
         } elseif ($kitContactInterface->isError()) {
             // Fehler bei der Datenbankabfrage
             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $kitContactInterface->getError()));
             return false;
         } else {
             // E-Mail Adresse ist noch nicht registriert
             if (!$kitContactInterface->addContact($contact_array, $contact_id)) {
                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $kitContactInterface->getError()));
                 return false;
         // special: check additional fields and notes
         $check_array = array(kitContactInterface::kit_free_field_1 => dbKITcontact::field_free_1, kitContactInterface::kit_free_field_2 => dbKITcontact::field_free_2, kitContactInterface::kit_free_field_3 => dbKITcontact::field_free_3, kitContactInterface::kit_free_field_4 => dbKITcontact::field_free_4, kitContactInterface::kit_free_field_5 => dbKITcontact::field_free_5, kitContactInterface::kit_free_note_1 => dbKITcontact::field_free_note_1, kitContactInterface::kit_free_note_2 => dbKITcontact::field_free_note_2);
         foreach ($check_array as $check_field => $replace_field) {
             if (isset($_REQUEST[$check_field])) {
                 // get the old user defined fields for compare
                 $SQL = sprintf("SELECT %s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s FROM %s WHERE %s='%s'", dbKITcontact::field_free_1, dbKITcontact::field_free_2, dbKITcontact::field_free_3, dbKITcontact::field_free_4, dbKITcontact::field_free_5, dbKITcontact::field_free_note_1, dbKITcontact::field_free_note_2, $dbContact->getTableName(), dbKITcontact::field_id, $contact_id);
                 $field_array = array();
                 if (!$dbContact->sqlExec($SQL, $field_array)) {
                     $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbContact->getError()));
                     return false;
                 $field_array = $field_array[0];
                 $fid = $field_array[$kitContactInterface->field_assign[$check_field]];
                 if ($fid < 1 && !empty($_REQUEST[$check_field])) {
                     // field is not empty and does not exists in in dbKITmemo
                     $data = array(dbKITmemos::field_contact_id => $contact_id, dbKITmemos::field_memo => trim($_REQUEST[$check_field]), dbKITmemos::field_status => dbKITmemos::status_active, dbKITmemos::field_update_by => 'SYSTEM', dbKITmemos::field_update_when => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                     $mid = -1;
                     if (!$dbMemos->sqlInsertRecord($data, $mid)) {
                         $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbMemos->getError()));
                         return false;
                     // update contact record!
                     $where = array(dbKITcontact::field_id => $contact_id);
                     $data = array($replace_field => $mid);
                     if (!$dbContact->sqlUpdateRecord($data, $where)) {
                         $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbContact->getError()));
                         return false;
                 } elseif ($fid > 0) {
                     // field already exists in dbKITmemo - get the data field
                     $where = array(dbKITmemos::field_id => $fid);
                     $memo = array();
                     if (!$dbMemos->sqlSelectRecord($where, $memo)) {
                         $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbMemos->getError()));
                         return false;
                     $memo = $memo[0];
                     if (trim($_REQUEST[$check_field] != $memo[dbKITmemos::field_memo])) {
                         // entries differ - update record
                         $data = array(dbKITmemos::field_memo => trim($_REQUEST[$check_field]), dbKITmemos::field_status => dbKITmemos::status_active, dbKITmemos::field_update_by => 'SYSTEM', dbKITmemos::field_update_when => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                         if (!$dbMemos->sqlUpdateRecord($data, $where)) {
                             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbMemos->getError()));
                             return false;
         // Kontakt Datensatz ist erstellt oder aktualisiert, allgemeine
         // Daten uebernehmen und E-Mails versenden
         $fields = array();
         $values = array();
         $fields_array = explode(',', $form[dbKITform::field_fields]);
         foreach ($fields_array as $fid) {
             if ($fid > 99) {
                 $fields[] = $fid;
         $delayed_transmission = isset($_REQUEST[dbKITformFields::kit_delayed_transmission]) ? true : false;
         foreach ($fields as $fid) {
             $where = array(dbKITformFields::field_id => $fid);
             $field = array();
             if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlSelectRecord($where, $field)) {
                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
                 return false;
             // if no valid record still continue to the next
             if (count($field) < 1) {
             $field = $field[0];
             switch ($field[dbKITformFields::field_data_type]) {
                 case dbKITformFields::data_type_date:
                     $values[$fid] = isset($_REQUEST[$field[dbKITformFields::field_name]]) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($_REQUEST[$field[dbKITformFields::field_name]])) : '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
                 case dbKITformFields::data_type_float:
                     $values[$fid] = isset($_REQUEST[$field[dbKITformFields::field_name]]) ? $kitLibrary->str2float($_REQUEST[$field[dbKITformFields::field_name]], cfg_thousand_separator, cfg_decimal_separator) : 0;
                 case dbKITformFields::data_type_integer:
                     $values[$fid] = isset($_REQUEST[$field[dbKITformFields::field_name]]) ? $kitLibrary->str2int($_REQUEST[$field[dbKITformFields::field_name]], cfg_thousand_separator, cfg_decimal_separator) : 0;
                     $values[$fid] = isset($_REQUEST[$field[dbKITformFields::field_name]]) ? $_REQUEST[$field[dbKITformFields::field_name]] : '';
         // foreach
         $form_data = array(dbKITformData::field_form_id => $form_id, dbKITformData::field_kit_id => $contact_id, dbKITformData::field_date => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), dbKITformData::field_fields => implode(',', $fields), dbKITformData::field_values => http_build_query($values), dbKITformData::field_status => $delayed_transmission ? dbKITformData::status_delayed : dbKITformData::status_active);
         $data_id = -1;
         if (!$dbKITformData->sqlInsertRecord($form_data, $data_id)) {
             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformData->getError()));
             return false;
          * check for special actions by field names, i.e. Feedback Form...
         $is_feedback_form = false;
         $SQL = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s='%s' AND %s='%s'", dbKITformFields::field_id, $dbKITformFields->getTableName(), dbKITformFields::field_form_id, $form_id, dbKITformFields::field_name, self::FIELD_FEEDBACK_TEXT);
         $result = array();
         if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlExec($SQL, $result)) {
             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
             return false;
         if (count($result) == 1) {
             // exec special action: Feedback for the Website
             $is_feedback_form = true;
         // end: special actions
          * Leave here at delayed transmission
         if ($delayed_transmission) {
             return $this->delayedTransmission($data_id, $contact_id);
         // ok - Daten sind gesichert, vorab LOG schreiben
         if ($is_feedback_form) {
             $protocol = $this->lang->translate('[kitForm] The contact has <a href="{{ url }}">submitted a feedback</a>', array('url' => sprintf('%s&%s', ADMIN_URL . '/admintools/tool.php?tool=kit_form', http_build_query(array(formBackend::request_action => formBackend::action_protocol_id, formBackend::request_protocol_id => $data_id)))));
         } else {
             $protocol = $this->lang->translate('[kitForm] The contact has <a href="{{ url }}">submitted a form</a>.', array('url' => sprintf('%s&%s', ADMIN_URL . '/admintools/tool.php?tool=kit_form', http_build_query(array(formBackend::request_action => formBackend::action_protocol_id, formBackend::request_protocol_id => $data_id)))));
         $dbContact->addSystemNotice($contact_id, $protocol);
         if (isset($uploaded_files['items'])) {
             foreach ($uploaded_files['items'] as $file) {
                 // add a system notice for each file
                 $kitContactInterface->addNotice($contact_id, $this->lang->translate('[kitForm] File <a href="{{ link }}">{{ file }}</a> uploaded.', array('link' => WB_URL . '/modules/kit/kdl.php?id=' . $file['id'], 'file' => $file['name'])));
                 // check for special links
                 if (isset($_SESSION[self::SESSION_SPECIAL_LINK])) {
         $contact = array();
         if (!$kitContactInterface->getContact($contact_id, $contact)) {
             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $kitContactInterface->getError()));
             return false;
         if ($this->params[self::PARAM_RETURN] == true) {
             // direkt zum aufrufenden Programm zurueckkehren
             $result = array('contact' => $contact, 'result' => true);
             return $result;
         // Feedback Form? Leave here...
         if ($is_feedback_form) {
             return $this->checkFeedbackForm($form_data, $contact, $data_id);
         $items = array();
         foreach ($fields as $fid) {
             $where = array(dbKITformFields::field_id => $fid);
             $field = array();
             if (!$dbKITformFields->sqlSelectRecord($where, $field)) {
                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $dbKITformFields->getError()));
                 return false;
             if (count($field) < 1) {
                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $this->lang->translate('The ID {{ id }} is invalid!', array('id' => $fid))));
                 return false;
             $field = $field[0];
             switch ($field[dbKITformFields::field_data_type]) {
                 case dbKITformFields::data_type_date:
                     $value = date(cfg_datetime_str, $values[$fid]);
                 case dbKITformFields::data_type_float:
                     $value = number_format($values[$fid], 2, cfg_decimal_separator, cfg_thousand_separator);
                 case dbKITformFields::data_type_integer:
                 case dbKITformFields::data_type_text:
                     $value = is_array($values[$fid]) ? implode(', ', $values[$fid]) : $values[$fid];
             $items[$field[dbKITformFields::field_name]] = array('name' => $field[dbKITformFields::field_name], 'label' => $field[dbKITformFields::field_title], 'value' => $value, 'type' => $field[dbKITformFields::field_type]);
         // E-Mail Versand vorbereiten
         $provider_data = array();
         if (!$kitContactInterface->getServiceProviderByID($form[dbKITform::field_provider_id], $provider_data)) {
             if ($kitContactInterface->isError()) {
                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $kitContactInterface->getError()));
             } else {
                 $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $kitContactInterface->getMessage()));
             return false;
         $provider_email = $provider_data['email'];
         $provider_name = $provider_data['name'];
         $relaying = $provider_data['relaying'] == 1 ? true : false;
         $form_d = $form_data;
         $form_d['datetime'] = date(cfg_datetime_str, strtotime($form_d[dbKITformData::field_date]));
         $form_d['subject'] = $form[dbKITform::field_title];
         $data = array('form' => $form_d, 'contact' => $contact, 'items' => $items, 'files' => $uploaded_files);
         $client_mail = $this->getTemplate('mail.client.htt', $data);
         if ($form[dbKITform::field_email_html] == dbKITform::html_off) {
             $client_mail = strip_tags($client_mail);
         $client_subject = strip_tags($this->getTemplate('mail.client.subject.htt', $data));
         // E-Mail an den Absender des Formulars
         $mail = new kitMail($form[dbKITform::field_provider_id]);
         if (!$mail->mail($client_subject, $client_mail, $provider_email, $provider_name, array($contact[kitContactInterface::kit_email] => $contact[kitContactInterface::kit_email]), $form[dbKITform::field_email_html] == dbKITform::html_on ? true : false)) {
             $err = $mail->getMailError();
             if (empty($err)) {
                 $err = $this->lang->translate('Can\'t send the email to <b>{{ email }}</b>!', array('email' => $contact[kitContactInterface::kit_email]));
             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $err));
             return false;
         // E-Mail an den Betreiber der Website
         $provider_mail = $this->getTemplate('mail.provider.htt', $data);
         if ($form[dbKITform::field_email_html] == dbKITform::html_off) {
             $provider_mail = strip_tags($provider_mail);
         $provider_subject = stripslashes($this->getTemplate('mail.provider.subject.htt', $data));
         $cc_array = array();
         $ccs = explode(',', $form[dbKITform::field_email_cc]);
         foreach ($ccs as $cc) {
             if (!empty($cc)) {
                 $cc_array[$cc] = $cc;
         $mail = new kitMail($form[dbKITform::field_provider_id]);
         if (!$relaying) {
             $mail->AddReplyTo($contact[kitContactInterface::kit_email], $contact[kitContactInterface::kit_email]);
             $from_email = $provider_email;
             $from_name = $contact[kitContactInterface::kit_email];
         } else {
             $from_email = $contact[kitContactInterface::kit_email];
             $from_name = $contact[kitContactInterface::kit_email];
         if (!$mail->mail($provider_subject, $provider_mail, $from_email, $from_name, array($provider_email => $provider_name), $form[dbKITform::field_email_html] == dbKITform::html_on ? true : false, $cc_array)) {
             $err = $mail->getMailError();
             if (empty($err)) {
                 $err = $this->lang->translate('Can\'t send the email to <b>{{ email }}</b>!', array('email' => $contact[kitContactInterface::kit_email]));
             $this->setError(sprintf('[%s - %s] %s', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $err));
             return false;
         return $this->getTemplate('confirm.htt', $data);
     // checked
     if ($checked == false) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_password])) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST[kitContactInterface::kit_password_retype])) {
     } else {
     return $this->showForm();
if (!isset($rename_file)) {
    $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['MEDIA_FILE_NOT_FOUND'], $dirlink, false);
// Check if they entered a new name
if (media_filename($admin->get_post('name')) == "") {
    $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['MEDIA_BLANK_NAME'], "rename.php?dir={$directory}&id={$file_id}", false);
} else {
    $old_name = $admin->get_post('old_name');
    $new_name = media_filename($admin->get_post('name'));
// Check if they entered an extension
if ($type == 'file') {
    if (media_filename($admin->get_post('extension')) == "") {
        $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['MEDIA_BLANK_EXTENSION'], "rename.php?dir={$directory}&id={$file_id}", false);
    } else {
        $extension = media_filename($admin->get_post('extension'));
} else {
    $extension = '';
// Join new name and extension
$name = $new_name . $extension;
$info = pathinfo(WB_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $directory . '/' . $name);
$ext = isset($info['extension']) ? $info['extension'] : '';
$dots = substr($info['basename'], 0, 1) == '.' || substr($info['basename'], -1, 1) == '.';
if (preg_match('/' . $forbidden_file_types . '$/i', $ext) || $dots == '.') {
    $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['MEDIA_CANNOT_RENAME'], "rename.php?dir={$directory}&id={$file_id}", false);
// Check if the name contains ..
if (strstr($name, '..')) {
    $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['MEDIA_NAME_DOT_DOT_SLASH'], "rename.php?dir={$directory}&id={$file_id}", false);