print $pgv_lang["media_file_not_moved"]; } print "</b></span><br />"; $finalResult = false; } else { if (!$isExternal) { $oldMainFile = $oldFolder . $oldFilename; $newMainFile = $folder . $filename; $oldThumFile = str_replace($MEDIA_DIRECTORY, $MEDIA_DIRECTORY . "thumbs/", $oldMainFile); $newThumFile = str_replace($MEDIA_DIRECTORY, $MEDIA_DIRECTORY . "thumbs/", $newMainFile); if (media_exists($oldMainFile) == 3) { // the file is in the media firewall directory $oldMainFile = get_media_firewall_path($oldMainFile); $newMainFile = get_media_firewall_path($newMainFile); } if (media_exists($oldThumFile) == 3) { $oldThumFile = get_media_firewall_path($oldThumFile); $newThumFile = get_media_firewall_path($newThumFile); } $isMain = file_exists(filename_decode($oldMainFile)); $okMain = !file_exists(filename_decode($newMainFile)); $isThum = file_exists(filename_decode($oldThumFile)); $okThum = !file_exists(filename_decode($newThumFile)); if ($okMain && $okThum) { // make sure the directories exist before moving the files mkdirs(dirname($newMainFile) . "/"); mkdirs(dirname($newThumFile) . "/"); if ($isMain) { $okMain = @rename(filename_decode($oldMainFile), filename_decode($newMainFile)); } if ($isThum) {
private function create_media($url) { global $user; global $db; if ($mid = media_exists($url)) { return $mid; } else { $provider = rmpl_parse_url($url); $request = $provider . "?url=" . $url . "&format=json"; $response = oembed_request($request); $db->query('INSERT INTO media (title, url, provider_name, provider_url, html, added, added_by, deleted )VALUES ( "' . $response->title . '", "' . $url . '", "' . $response->provider_name . '", "' . $response->provider_url . '", "' . mysql_real_escape_string($response->html) . '", ' . time() . ', ' . $user->uid . ', 0)'); return media_exists($url); } }