public function formPreferences() { $user = new User($this->data->id); $this->data->title = $user->getLogin() . ' :: Preferences'; $this->data->save = "@fnbr20/auth/user/savePreferences|formPreferences"; $userLevel = $user->getUserLevel(); if ($userLevel == 'BEGINNER') { $this->data->isBeginner = true; $this->data->idJunior = $user->getConfigData('fnbr20JuniorUser'); $this->data->junior = $user->getUsersOfLevel('JUNIOR'); mdump($this->data); } if ($userLevel == 'JUNIOR') { $this->data->isJunior = true; $this->data->idSenior = $user->getConfigData('fnbr20SeniorUser'); $this->data->senior = $user->getUsersOfLevel('SENIOR'); mdump($this->data); } if ($userLevel == 'SENIOR') { $this->data->isSenior = true; $this->data->idMaster = $user->getConfigData('fnbr20MasterUser'); $this->data->master = $user->getUsersOfLevel('MASTER'); mdump($this->data); } $this->data->userLevel = $userLevel; $this->render(); }
public function currency() { $value = 123456.78; $this->data->value = 'Valor = ' . $value; $currency = Manager::currency($value); $this->data->currency = 'Currency = ' . $currency; $formated = $currency->format(); $this->data->formated = 'Formatado = ' . $formated; $currency = Manager::currency($formated); $value = $currency->getValue(); $this->data->getValue = 'Get Value = ' . $value; $currency->setValue(87654321.09); $this->data->setValue = 'Após setValue = ' . $currency; $currency->setValue(-654.3200000000001); $this->data->setValueNeg = 'Após setValue negativo = ' . $currency; $currency = Manager::currency('-R$ 123.345,67'); $value = $currency->getValue(); $this->data->valueNeg = 'Valor negativo = ' . $value; $valor1 = Manager::currency(10.9008900015); $valor2 = Manager::currency(10.9008900017); mdump($valor1->getValue() == $valor2->getValue() ? 'Valores iguais' : 'Valores diferentes'); $valor1 = Manager::currency(10.9018900015); $valor2 = Manager::currency(10.9068900017); mdump($valor1->getValue() == $valor2->getValue() ? 'Valores iguais' : 'Valores diferentes'); $this->render(); }
public function generateFields() { $fields = ''; $control = $this->fields; if ($control->hasItems()) { foreach ($control->controls as $field) { mdump($field); if ($field->tag == 'mhiddenfield') { $fields .= $field->generate(); } else { $mfieldlabel = new mfieldlabel(['id' => $field->property->id, 'text' => $field->property->label]); if ($this->property->layout == 'horizontal') { //$mfieldlabel->setClass($this->labelClass); } $label = $mfieldlabel->generate(); if ($label) { $formGroup = "<div class=\"mFormColumn\">{$label}</div>" . "<div class=\"mFormColumn\">{$field->generate()}</div>"; } else { //$formGroup = "<div class=\"mFormColumn\">{$field->generate()}</div>"; $formGroup = "<div class=\"mFormColumn\"></div>" . "<div class=\"mFormColumn\">{$field->generate()}</div>"; } if ($field->tag == 'mvcontainer' || $field->tag == 'mhcontainer') { $fields .= "</div>"; $fields .= $field->generate(); $fields .= "<div class='mFormContainer'>"; } else { // usa a classe form-group do bootstrap $fields .= "<div class=\"mFormRow\">{$formGroup}</div>"; } } } } return $fields; }
public function generateForm() { $this->property->action = $this->property->action ?: Manager::getCurrentURL(); \Maestro\Utils\MUtil::setIfNull($this->property->method, 'POST'); \Maestro\Utils\MUtil::setIfNull($this->style->width, "100%"); $this->property->role = "form"; $fields = $buttons = $help = $tools = ""; $fields = $this->generateFields(); $buttons = $this->generateButtons(); $help = $this->generateHelp(); if ($this->tools != NULL) { mdump('has tools'); $tools = $this->generateTools(); } // menubar if ($this->property->menubar) { $menubar = PainterControl::generate($this->property->menubar); } // por default, o método de submissão é POST \Maestro\Utils\MUtil::setIfNull($this->property->method, "POST"); if ($this->property->onsubmit) { PainterControl::getPage()->onSubmit($this->property->onsubmit, $this->property->id); } // se o form tem fields com validators, define onSubmit $validators = ''; if (count($this->property->toValidate)) { PainterControl::getPage()->onSubmit("\$('#{$this->property->id}').form('validate')", $this->property->id); $validators = implode(',', $this->property->bsValidator); } //mdump($fields); // obtem o codigo html via template $inner = PainterControl::fetch('painter/formdialog', $this, ['fields' => $fields, 'buttons' => $buttons, 'help' => $help, 'tools' => $tools, 'validators' => $validators, 'menubar' => $menubar]); return $inner; }
public function formNewWindowPost() { $pessoa = new models\Pessoa($this->data->idPessoa); $pessoa->setData($this->data); $pessoa->save(); $this->data->object = $pessoa->getData(); mdump($this->data->object); $this->render(); }
public function main() { $this->data->isMaster = Manager::checkAccess('MASTER', A_EXECUTE) ? 'true' : 'false'; $editor = MApp::getService('fnbr20', '', 'visualeditor'); $this->data->relationData = $editor->getAllCxnRelationData(); mdump($this->data->relationData); $this->data->relationEntry = json_encode($this->data->relationData); $this->render(); }
public function listForLookup() { //$colorRepository = new InMemoryColorRepository(); //$service = new QueryService($colorRepository); $queryService = Manager::getContainer()->get('ColorQueryService'); $filter = (object) ['idColor' => 2]; $list = $queryService->listForLookup(); mdump($list); $this->render('formLogin'); }
public function formFind() { $model = new Pessoa($this->data->id); $this->data->object = $model->getData(); $filter->nome = $this->data->nome . '%'; $this->data->query = $model->listByFilter($filter)->asQuery(); mdump($this->data->query->getResult()); mdump($this->data->query->getColumnNames()); $this->render(); }
public function authenticate() { $auth = Manager::getAuth(); $this->data->result = $auth->authenticate($this->data->user, $this->data->challenge, $this->data->response); if ($this->data->result) { mdump("++++++++++++"); $this->redirect(Manager::getURL('dlivro/main')); } else { $this->renderPrompt('error', 'Login ou senha inválidos. Tente novamente.'); } }
function __construct() { $data = Manager::getData(); $array = json_decode($data->gridInputExemplo3_data); mdump($array); parent::__construct('gridInputExemploGrid3', $array, null, '', 0, 1); $this->addActionSelect('marca3'); $this->addColumn(new MObjectGridColumn('id', '', 'left', true, '0%', false)); $this->addColumn(new MObjectGridColumn('codigoExemplo3', 'Código', 'left', true, '20%', true)); $this->addColumn(new MObjectGridColumn('descricaoExemplo3', 'Descrição', 'left', true, '80%', true)); $this->setHasForm('true'); }
public function __construct($id, $basePath) { $this->id = $id; $this->basePath = $basePath; mdump('basepath = ' . $basePath); mtracestack(); //$this->loadModules(); $this->loadControllers(); $this->loadServices(); $this->loadComponents(); $this->loadFilters(); $this->loadModels(); //$this->loadMaps(); }
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container, RequestedEntry $entry) { $repository = $container->get('repository'); $model = str_replace('Repository', '', $entry->getName()); if ($repository == 'Doctrine') { $em = $container->get('EntityManager'); //return new \FNBr\Infrastructure\Persistence\Doctrine\Color\DoctrineColorRepository($em); mdump("\\FNBr\\Domain\\Model\\{$model}\\{$model}"); return $em->getRepository("\\FNBr\\Domain\\Model\\{$model}\\{$model}"); } else { //InMemory return new \FNBr\Infrastructure\Persistence\InMemory\Color\InMemoryColorRepository(); } }
public function listByFilter($filter) { mdump($filter); $criteria = $this::getCriteria()->select('idPessoa, nome, cpf, dataNascimento, email'); if ($filter->nome) { $criteria->where("nome LIKE '%{$filter->nome}%'"); } if ($filter->cpf) { $criteria->where("cpf = '{$filter->cpf}'"); } if ($filter->email) { $criteria->where("email LIKE '{$filter->email}%'"); } return $criteria; }
public function setContent() { mdump('Executing MRuntimeError'); try { $errorHtml = $this->fetch("runtime"); if (Manager::isAjaxCall()) { $this->ajax->setType('page'); $this->ajax->setData($errorHtml); $this->ajax->setResponseType('JSON'); $this->content = $this->ajax->returnData(); } else { $this->content = $errorHtml; } } catch (\Maestro\Services\Exception\EMException $e) { } }
public function getMetaData($stmt) { $s = $stmt->getWrappedStatement(); mdump('xxx'); mdump($s->getColumnMeta(0)); $metadata['columnCount'] = $count = $s->columnCount(); mdump($count); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $meta = $s->getColumnMeta($i); $name = strtoupper($meta['name']); $metadata['fieldname'][$i] = $name; $metadata['fieldtype'][$name] = $this->_getMetaType($meta['pdo_type']); $metadata['fieldlength'][$name] = $meta['len']; $metadata['fieldpos'][$name] = $i; } return $metadata; }
/** * * @param int $userId * @param string $challenge * @param string $response * @return boolean */ public function validate($userId, $challenge, $response) { $user = Manager::getModelMAD('user'); $user->getByLogin($userId); $login = $user->getLoginAtivo(); mdump("Ldap validating userid = {$userId} - login ativo = {$login}"); $filter = "uid={$login}"; mdump("Ldap filter = {$filter}"); $mldap = new \MLdap(); $info = $mldap->search($filter, array('userPassword')); mdump($info); if ($info['count'] == 0) { return false; } $passLdap = trim($info[0]['userpassword'][0]); $hash_pass = md5(trim($login) . ':' . MLdap::ldapToMd5($passLdap) . ":" . $challenge); return $hash_pass == $response; }
public function show() { $file = Manager::getAppPath('public/files/controles.txt'); $this->data->ini = parse_ini_file($file, true); $this->data->class = $this->data->lookupControl; $this->data->description = $this->data->ini[$this->data->class]['description']; $this->data->extends = $this->data->ini[$this->data->class]['extends']; $this->data->attributes = array(); $attributes = $this->data->ini[$this->data->class]['attributes']; if (is_array($attributes)) { foreach ($attributes as $name => $description) { $this->data->attributes[$name]['name'] = $name; $this->data->attributes[$name]['class'] = $this->data->class; $this->data->attributes[$name]['description'] = $description; } } $header = $this->data->ini[$this->data->class]; $extends = $header['extends']; while ($extends) { $parent = $this->data->ini[$extends]; $attributes = $parent['attributes']; if (is_array($attributes)) { foreach ($attributes as $name => $description) { $this->data->attributes[$name]['name'] = $name; $this->data->attributes[$name]['class'] = $extends; $this->data->attributes[$name]['description'] = $description; } } $extends = $parent['extends']; } ksort($this->data->attributes); $codeXML = Manager::getAppPath('public/files/code/' . strtolower($this->data->class) . '.xml'); $this->data->code = highlight_file($codeXML, true); //htmlentities(file_get_contents($codeXML)); mdump($codeXML); mdump($this->data->code); $this->render(); }
public function loadFile($xmlFile, $context = NULL) { libxml_use_internal_errors(true); // $this->root = simplexml_load_file($xmlFile, "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOCDATA); $this->path = pathinfo($xmlFile, PATHINFO_DIRNAME); //mdump('xml file = ' . $xmlFile); $xmlString = file_get_contents($xmlFile); $xmlString = utf8_encode($xmlString); // mdump($xmlString); $this->root = simplexml_load_string($xmlString, NULL, LIBXML_NOCDATA); if (!$this->root) { $xml = explode("\n", $xmlString); $errors = libxml_get_errors(); foreach ($errors as $error) { $e .= $this->getErrors($error, $xml); } mdump($e); libxml_clear_errors(); } //mdump($this->root); $this->context = $context; $this->localContext = $this->context; }
/** * Operações com associações. */ public function associations() { // retrieve by Id $this->getById(1); foreach ($this->getUsuarios() as $usuario) { $nome = $usuario->getPessoa()->getNome(); } // adiciona um usuário existente a um setor $usuario = new Usuario(1); $usuario->setIdPessoa(3); $usuario->setLogin('Novo Login'); $usuario->setPassword('123456'); $this->getUsuarios()->append($usuario); $this->saveAssociation('usuarios'); // contagem de usuários em um setor $n = $this->getUsuarios()->count(); // Salva associação com base no id dos usuários $idUsuario = array(1, 3, 5, 6); $this->saveAssociation('usuarios', $idUsuario); mdump('++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'); $this->deleteAssociationById('usuarios', $idUsuario); mdump('++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'); }
/** * Upload de sentenças de construções, em arquivo texto simples (uma sentença por linha). * Parâmetro data informa: idConstruction, subCorpus e idLanguage * @param type $data * @param type $file */ public function uploadCxnSimpleText($data, $file) { $subCorpus = $data->subCorpus; $idLanguage = $data->idLanguage; $transaction = $this->beginTransaction(); $subCorpus = $this->createSubCorpusCxn($data); $document = new Document(); $document->getbyEntry('not_informed'); try { $sentenceNum = 0; $rows = file($file->getTmpName()); foreach ($rows as $row) { $row = preg_replace('/#([0-9]*)/', '', $row); $row = trim($row); if ($row[0] != '#' && $row[0] != ' ' && $row[0] != '') { $row = str_replace('&', 'e', $row); $row = str_replace(' < ', ' < ', $row); $row = str_replace(' > ', ' > ', $row); $row = str_replace(array('$.', '$,', '$:', '$;', '$!', '$?', '$(', '$)', '$\'', '$"', '$--', "’", "“", "”"), array('.', ',', ':', ';', '!', '?', '(', ')', '\'', '"', '--', '\'', '"', '"'), $row); $replace = [' .' => ".", ' ,' => ',', ' ;' => ';', ' :' => ':', ' !' => '!', ' ?' => '?', ' >' => '>']; $search = array_keys($replace); $sentence = str_replace($search, $replace, $row); mdump($sentence); $text = $sentence; $sentenceNum += 1; $paragraph = $document->createParagraph(); $sentenceObj = $document->createSentence($paragraph, $sentenceNum, $text, $idLanguage); $data->idSentence = $sentenceObj->getId(); $subCorpus->createAnnotationCxn($data); } } $transaction->commit(); } catch (\EModelException $e) { // rollback da transação em caso de algum erro $transaction->rollback(); throw new EModelException($e->getMessage()); } return $result; }
/** * CRUD operations. */ public function methods() { // retrieve by Id $this->getById(1); // lazy load $nome = $this->getPessoa()->getNome(); mdump('nome = ' . $nome); // update $this->setLogin('Novo Login'); $this->setPassword('123456'); $this->save(); // cria novo usuario com os mesmos dados $this->setPersistent(false); $this->setIdusuario(NULL); $this->save(); // obtem o id do novo objeto $id = $this->getId(); // delete $this->delete(); }
private function getContent($controller, $view, $parameters = NULL) { $app = $this->getApplication(); $section = $this->getSection(); mdump('*********' . Manager::$controllers[$section][$controller][0]); $loader = Manager::$container->get('loader'); $fileController = $loader->findFile(Manager::$controllers[$section][$controller][0]); $base = dirname(dirname($fileController)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Views'; mdump($base); $path = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $controller . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $view; $extensions = ['.xml', '.php', '.html', '.js', '.wiki']; foreach ($extensions as $extension) { $fileName = $base . $path . $extension; mtrace('MController::getContent ' . $fileName); if (file_exists($fileName)) { return $this->renderView($controller, $fileName, $parameters); } } }
/** * Extrai um certificado em formato PEM a partir de uma assinatura. * * @return mixed */ public static function extractCertificateFromSignature($signature) { $answer = null; $result = 1; $filePrefix = self::createFilename(); $certFilePath = $filePrefix . '.pkcs7'; $signatureFilePath = $filePrefix . '.sig'; file_put_contents($signatureFilePath, $signature); exec("openssl pkcs7 -in {$signatureFilePath} -inform PEM -print_certs -out {$certFilePath}", $answer, $result); if ($result == 0) { $fileContent = file_get_contents($certFilePath); unlink($certFilePath); $certificate = self::extractTopCertificate($fileContent); } else { mdump("Erro: não foi possivel extrair o certificado à partir da assinatura."); $certificate = null; } unlink($signatureFilePath); return $certificate; }
public function formDGridData() { $pessoa = new models\Pessoa($this->data->id); $this->data->object = $pessoa->getData(); $filter->nome = $this->data->nome; if ($this->data->count) { $query = $pessoa->listByFilter($filter)->asQuery(); $query->setRange($this->data->start / $this->data->count, $this->data->count); $json = $query->asJSON('nome,idPessoa,dataNascimento,ativo'); mdump($json); } else { $json = "[]"; } $this->renderJson($json); }
public function listElement2ElementRelation($elements1, $elements2, $type) { mdump('--' . $type); $idLanguage = \Manager::getSession()->idLanguage; $el1 = implode(',', $elements1); $el2 = implode(',', $elements2); $cmd = <<<HERE SELECT as name1, er.idEntity1, model1.type as model1, as name2, er.idEntity2, model2.type as model2 FROM EntityRelation er INNER JOIN Entity e1 ON (er.idEntity1 = e1.idEntity) INNER JOIN RelationType ON (er.idRelationType = RelationType.idRelationType) INNER JOIN Entity e2 ON (er.idEntity2 = e2.idEntity) INNER JOIN ( \t\t select entry, idEntity, 'fe' as type from FrameElement \t\t UNION select entry, idEntity, 'ce' as type from ConstructionElement \t\t) model1 on (e1.idEntity = model1.idEntity) INNER JOIN ( \t\t select entry, idEntity, 'fe' as type from FrameElement \t\t UNION select entry, idEntity, 'ce' as type from ConstructionElement \t\t) model2 on (e2.idEntity = model2.idEntity) INNER JOIN Entry entry1 ON (model1.entry = entry1.entry) INNER JOIN Entry entry2 ON (model2.entry = entry2.entry) WHERE (e1.idEntity IN ({$el1})) AND (e2.idEntity IN ({$el2})) AND (RelationType.entry = '{$type}') AND (entry1.idLanguage = {$idLanguage} ) AND (entry2.idLanguage = {$idLanguage} ) ORDER BY er.idEntity1, er.idEntity2 HERE; $result = $this->getDb()->getQueryCommand($cmd)->getResult(); return $result; }
function handleClass($elements) { $tab = ' '; $classNodes = $elements; $dbName = $this->databaseName; $moduleName = $this->moduleName; $document = array(); $document[] = "[globals]"; $document[] = "database = \"{$dbName}\""; $document[] = "app = \"{$this->appName}\""; $document[] = "module = \"{$this->moduleName}\""; $document[] = ''; foreach ($classNodes as $node) { $properties = $methods = ''; $id = $node->getAttributeNode('xmi:id')->value; //$this->moduleName = $moduleName = $this->nodes['classModule'][$id]; $classNameXMI = $node->getAttributeNode('name')->value; $this->className = $className = strtolower($classNameXMI); if ($className == 'menumdatabase') { continue; } mdump('handleClass = ' . $classNameXMI); $docassoc = $docattr = $attributes = array(); $document[] = '[' . $classNameXMI . ']'; if ($t = $this->getChild($node->firstChild->nextSibling, 'ormDetail')) { $tableId = $t->getAttributeNode('tableModel')->value; $table = $this->nodes['dbTable'][$tableId]; if ($table->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { $tableName = $table->getAttributeNode('name')->value; $document[] = "table = \"{$tableName}\""; } } $extends = ''; if ($generalization = $this->nodes['classGeneralization'][$id]) { $moduleSuperClass = $this->nodes['classModule'][$generalization]; if ($node->getAttributeNode('xmi:type')->value != 'uml:Enumeration') { $superClass = $this->nodes['uml:Class'][$generalization]; $extends = "\\" . $moduleSuperClass . "\\models\\" . $superClass->getAttributeNode('name')->value; $document[] = "extends = \"{$extends}\""; $reference = $this->getChild($node->firstChild->nextSibling, 'ormDetail'); if ($reference) { $key = $this->nodes['PK'][$generalization]; $columnType = $this->getType($key[2]); $docattr[] = "attributes['{$key[0]}'] = \"{$key[1]},{$columnType},not null,reference\""; } } else { $superClass = $this->nodes['uml:Enumeration'][$generalization]; if ($superClass->getAttributeNode('name')->value != 'MEnumDatabase') { $extends = "\\" . $moduleSuperClass . "\\models\\" . $superClass->getAttributeNode('name')->value; } else { $extends = "\\" . $superClass->getAttributeNode('name')->value; } $document[] = "extends = \"{$extends}\""; } } $comment = $this->nodes['classComment'][$id]; $noGenerator = $this->hasChild($node->firstChild->nextSibling, 'appliedStereotype', "Class_ORM No Generator_id"); $idIdentity = $this->hasChild($node->firstChild->nextSibling, 'appliedStereotype', "Class_ORM ID Identity_id"); $getterSetter = ''; $pk = ''; if ($node->getAttributeNode('xmi:type')->value == 'uml:Enumeration') { $document[] = "type = \"enumeration\""; } else { $document[] = "log = \"\""; $document[] = "description = \"\""; } $n = $node->firstChild->nextSibling; while ($n) { if ($n->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { if ($n->nodeName == 'ownedAttribute') { if ($n->getAttributeNode('association')->value != '') { // e uma associação, não um atributo $n = $n->nextSibling; continue; } $at = $n->getAttributeNode('name')->value; $attributes[$at] = $at; $attribute = "attributes['{$at}'] = \""; if ($cmt = $this->getChild($n, 'ownedComment')) { $c = $this->getChild($cmt, 'body'); $attrComment = str_replace("\n", "\n * ", $c->nodeValue); } if ($c = $this->getChild($n->firstChild->nextSibling, 'ormDetail')) { $colId = $c->getAttributeNode('columnModel')->value; $col = $this->nodes['dbColumn'][$colId]; if ($col->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { $colName = $col->getAttributeNode('name')->value; $attribute .= "{$colName}"; } } $columnType = $this->getType($n->getAttributeNode('type')); $attribute .= ",{$columnType}"; $isPK = false; if ($c = $this->getChild($n->firstChild->nextSibling, 'appliedStereotype')) { if ($c->getAttributeNode('xmi:value')->value == 'Attribute_PK_id') { $attribute .= ",not null,primary"; $isPK = true; $pk = $at; if (!$noGenerator) { if ($idIdentity) { $attribute .= ",identity"; } else { $attribute .= ",seq_{$tableName}"; } } } } $docattr[] = $attribute . "\""; } else { if ($n->nodeName == 'ownedLiteral') { $at = $n->getAttributeNode('name')->value; mdump($at); $attributes[$at] = $at; $c = $n->firstChild->nextSibling; if ($c->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { $value = $c->getAttributeNode('value')->value; if ($at == 'model') { $attribute = "attributes['{$at}'] = \"\\{$moduleName}\\models\\{$value}\""; } elseif ($at == 'table') { $attribute = "attributes['{$at}'] = \"{$value}\""; } else { $attribute = "constants['{$at}'] = \"{$value}\""; } } if ($enumDefault == '') { $enumDefault = 'default = ' . "\"{$at}\""; $docattr[] = $enumDefault; } $docattr[] = $attribute; } } } $n = $n->nextSibling; } if (count($this->nodes['Associations'][$id])) { foreach ($this->nodes['Associations'][$id] as $idA => $association) { $i = 0; $j = 0; $class0 = $association[0]->getAttributeNode('type')->value; $name0 = trim($association[0]->getAttributeNode('name')->value); $class1 = $association[1]->getAttributeNode('type')->value; $name1 = trim($association[1]->getAttributeNode('name')->value); $attribute = ''; if ($class0 == $id && $name1 != '') { $docassoc[] = $this->createAssociationNode($association[1], $association[0], $attribute, $params); if ($attribute != '' && !$attributes[$attribute[0]]) { $docattr[] = "attributes['{$attribute[0]}'] = \"{$attribute[0]},{$attribute[2]},,foreign\""; $attributes[$attribute[0]] = $attribute[0]; } } if ($class1 == $id && $name0 != '') { $docassoc[] = $this->createAssociationNode($association[0], $association[1], $attribute, $params); if ($attribute != '' && !$attributes[$attribute[0]]) { $docattr[] = "attributes['{$attribute[0]}'] = \"{$attribute[0]},{$attribute[2]},,foreign\""; $attributes[$attribute[0]] = $attribute[0]; } } } } if (count($this->nodes['AssociativeClass'][$id])) { foreach ($this->nodes['AssociativeClass'][$id] as $idA => $association) { $toClass = $association[0]; $module = $this->nodes['classModule'][$id]; $docattr[] = "associations['{$toClass}s'] = \"{$module}\\models\\{$toClass},oneToMany,{$pk}:{$pk}\""; } } if (count($this->nodes['AssociativeClassAttribute'][$id])) { foreach ($this->nodes['AssociativeClassAttribute'][$id] as $idA => $associatedClass) { $atName = $this->nodes['PK'][$associatedClass][0]; $atCol = $this->nodes['PK'][$associatedClass][0]; $atType = $this->nodes['PK'][$associatedClass][0]; $docattr[] = "attributes['{$atName}'] = \"{$atCol},integer,,foreign\""; } } if (count($especializations = $this->nodes['classEspecialization'][$id])) { foreach ($especializations as $especialization) { $moduleSubClass = $this->nodes['classModule'][$especialization]; $subClass = $this->nodes['uml:Class'][$especialization]; $subClassName = lcfirst($subClass->getAttributeNode('name')->value); $subClassNameFull = "\\" . $moduleSubClass . "\\models\\" . $subClassName; $key = $this->nodes['PK'][$id]; $docassoc[] = "associations['{$subClassName}'] = \"{$subClassNameFull},oneToOne,{$key[0]}:{$key[1]}\""; } } foreach ($docattr as $attr) { $document[] = $attr; } foreach ($docassoc as $assoc) { $document[] = $assoc; } $document[] = ''; } $map = implode("\n", $document); $filename = $this->baseDir . '/' . $this->moduleName . '.txt'; file_put_contents($filename, $map); }
public function objectAssociations() { $filter = $this->data; $setor = new models\Setor(); // uso de associações $setor->associations(); // uso de associação na cláusula WHERE $criteria = $setor->associationWhere()->asQuery()->getResult(); // obter o objeto associado: oneToMany retorna objeto Association $setor->getById(1); $setor->getUsuarios(); // obter o objeto associado: oneToOne retorna objeto associado $usuario = new models\Usuario(1); $usuario->getPessoa(); // associação com outro objeto - 1:1 $usuario->saveAssociationById('setor', 1); // associação com outros objetos - N:N $grupos = array(1, 2, 3); mdump('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'); $usuario->saveAssociationById('grupos', $grupos); mdump('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'); // associação com outro objeto - 1:N $setor = new models\Setor(1); $usuarios = array(1, 2, 3); $setor->saveAssociationById('usuarios', $usuarios); $this->render(); }
/** * Registra o path de uma classe (ou conjunto de classes) para posterior importação. * "import" não carrega a classe: apenas registra o path em self::autoload, para o "autoload" carregar a classe quando ela for efetivamente instanciada. * @param string $path Path no formato x\y\z * @param string $className Nome da classe * @return string Retorna o path registrado para a classe. */ public static function import($namespace, $classAlias = '') { mdump('import namespace = ' . $namespace); $path = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $namespace); $tokens = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); $wildcard = end($tokens) == '*'; if ($wildcard) { $path = substr($path, 0, -2); $registerAlias = true; } // verifica se o primeiro token é a app ou um módulo, e obtem o path completo $structure = MApp::getStructure(self::getApp()); if ($structure->modules[$tokens[0]]) { $basePath = MApp::getPathModules() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } else { $basePath = Manager::$appsPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $fullPath = $basePath . $path; //mdump($fullPath); // seja o wildcard *, seja um unico arquivo, normaliza no array $files //$fullPath = realpath($fullPath); $files = array(); //$file = basename($fullPath); //$wildcard = ($file == '*'); if ($wildcard) { MUtil::dirToArray($fullPath, $files); // $registerAlias = true; } else { $fullPath .= '.php'; if (file_exists($fullPath)) { $files[] = $fullPath; } } //mdump($files); if (count($files)) { $classOriginal = $classAlias; foreach ($files as $file) { $fileName = basename($file, '.php'); //$classPath = $wildcard ? $file : $fullPath; $className = strtolower($classOriginal ?: $fileName); //self::$autoload[$className] = $classPath; $fileName = str_replace([$fullPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '.php'], '', $file); $fileName = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\\', $fileName); $nsClass = $wildcard ? str_replace('*', $fileName, $namespace) : $namespace; class_alias($nsClass, $className); //mdump('*************'.$className . ' - ' . $classPath . ' - ' . $nsClass); //mdump('*************'.$className . ' - ' . $nsClass); } } //mdump(self::$autoload); //mdump(self::$classAlias); mdump('import result = ' . $fullPath); return $fullPath; }
function dump_java_exception($ex) { $trace = new java(""); mdump("Java Exception in File '" . $ex->getFile() . "' Line:" . $ex->getLine() . " - Message: " . $ex->getCause()->toString()); $cause = $ex->getCause(); $cause->printStackTrace(new java("", $trace)); mdump("<PRE>Java Stack Trace:\n" . $trace->toString() . "\n</PRE>"); }
public function postProcess() { $diff = time() - Manager::getData()->profile; mdump('Executado em ' . $diff . ' segundos'); }