Beispiel #1
function send_to_identica(&$model, &$rec)
    if (!get_profile_id()) {
    // if the Record does not have a title or uri, bail out
    if (!isset($rec->title) || !isset($rec->uri)) {
    if (get_option('identica_status') != 'enabled') {
    // truncate the tweet at 140 chars
    $notice_content = substr($rec->title, 0, 140);
    // activate Twitter Tools
    $_GET['activate'] = true;
    // trip the init() function
    // get the Twitter Tools object
    global $aktt;
    // make a new tweet object
    $tweet = new aktt_tweet();
    // set the tweetbody
    $tweet->tw_text = stripslashes($notice_content);
    // send the dent to Identica
    global $db;
    $aktt->twitter_username = get_option('aktt_identica_username');
    $aktt->twitter_password = md5_decrypt(stripslashes(get_option('aktt_identica_password')), $db->dbname);
Beispiel #2
function twitter_login_test()
    global $db;
    $test = @aktt_login_test(@stripslashes(get_option('aktt_twitter_username')), @md5_decrypt(stripslashes(get_option('aktt_twitter_password')), $db->dbname));
    if (strpos($test, 'succeeded')) {
        echo 1;
    } else {
        echo 0;
Beispiel #3
        echo $rs;
        echo $x;
"><img src="images/icn_editar.gif" width="20" height="20" border="0"></a> 
     &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="<?php 
        echo $rs;
        echo md5_decrypt($datos['PASSWORD'], _CFG_INTERFACE_BLOWFISH);
" target="_blank"><img src="images/icn_mysql.gif" width="20" height="20" border="0"></a>
     &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="webpanel/<?php 
        echo $_GET['grupo'];
        echo $_GET['seccion'];
        echo $x;
        echo $rs;
" onclick="return confirmLink(this, '¿Desea borrar <?php 
Beispiel #4
 function UpdateHtaccess()
     global $tc_db;
     $htaccess_contents = file_get_contents(KU_BOARDSDIR . '.htaccess');
     $htaccess_contents_preserve = substr($htaccess_contents, 0, strpos($htaccess_contents, '## !KU_BANS:') + 12) . "\n";
     $htaccess_contents_bans_iplist = '';
     $results = $tc_db->GetAll("SELECT `ip` FROM `" . KU_DBPREFIX . "banlist` WHERE `allowread` = 0 AND `type` = 0 AND (`expired` =  1) ORDER BY `ip` ASC");
     if (count($results) > 0) {
         $htaccess_contents_bans_iplist .= 'RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} (';
         foreach ($results as $line) {
             $htaccess_contents_bans_iplist .= str_replace('.', '\\.', md5_decrypt($line['ip'], KU_RANDOMSEED)) . '|';
         $htaccess_contents_bans_iplist = substr($htaccess_contents_bans_iplist, 0, -1);
         $htaccess_contents_bans_iplist .= ')$' . "\n";
     if ($htaccess_contents_bans_iplist != '') {
         $htaccess_contents_bans_start = "<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>\nRewriteEngine On\n";
         $htaccess_contents_bans_end = "RewriteRule !^(banned.php|youarebanned.jpg|favicon.ico|css/site_futaba.css)\$ " . KU_BOARDSFOLDER . "banned.php [L]\n</IfModule>";
     } else {
         $htaccess_contents_bans_start = '';
         $htaccess_contents_bans_end = '';
     $htaccess_contents_new = $htaccess_contents_preserve . $htaccess_contents_bans_start . $htaccess_contents_bans_iplist . $htaccess_contents_bans_end;
     file_put_contents(KU_BOARDSDIR . '.htaccess', $htaccess_contents_new);

::                                             ::
::          Include required classes           ::
::                                             ::
require_once "Captcha.class.php";
require_once "Functions.php";
::                                             ::
::   And turn the http header into image/gif   ::
::                                             ::
Header('Content-type: image/gif');
if ($dh = opendir("fonts/")) {
    while (false !== ($dat = readdir($dh))) {
        if ($dat != "." && $dat != "..") {
            $fonts[] = "fonts/{$dat}";
if ($_GET['uid']) {
    $UID = explode(";", $_GET['uid']);
    $IMG = new Captcha(md5_decrypt($UID[1]), $fonts[rand(0, count($fonts) - 1)], "8a8a8a");
    echo $IMG->AnimatedOut();
include "webpanel/" . $_GET['grupo'] . "/include_permiso.php";
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
require_once _CFG_INTERFACE_DIRMODULES . "mod_xmlconfig/include_funciones.php";
//Crea copia seguridad antes de modificar
$conf = new patConfiguration();
$conf->parseConfigFile(_CFG_XML_DOMINIOS, a);
$datos = $conf->getConfigValue(xmlconfig_buscaid($_GET['id'], _CFG_XML_DOMINIOS));
$mDominio = $datos['DOMINIO'];
$mBase = $datos['BASE'];
$mUsuario = $datos['USUARIO'];
$mPassword = md5_decrypt($datos['PASSWORD'], _CFG_INTERFACE_BLOWFISH);
$mCuentas = $datos['CUENTAS'];
$mRedirecciones = $datos['REDIRECCIONES'];
$mAlias = $datos['ALIAS'];
$mAutoRespuesta = $datos['AUTORESPUESTA'];
$mLista = $datos['LISTA'];
$mQuotaCORREO = $datos['QUOTACORREO'];
$mQuotaFTP = $datos['QUOTAFTP'];
echo "Generando hospedaje...<br>";
if (function_exists("apache_info")) {
    echo "Modulo mod_apache...<br>";
    $variables = array();
    $variables["CFG_DOCUMENTROOT"] = _CFG_APACHE_DOCUMENTROOT . $mDominio;
    $variables["CFG_ESTADO"] = 1;
    $variables["APACHE_CGIBIN"] = 0;
Beispiel #7
     } else {
         if ($post['message'] == '' && KU_NOMESSAGETHREAD != '') {
             $post['message'] = KU_NOMESSAGETHREAD;
     $post_class = new Post(0, $board_class->board['name'], $board_class->board['id'], true);
     $post_id = $post_class->Insert($thread_replyto, $post['name'], $post['tripcode'], $post['email'], $post['subject'], addslashes($post['message']), $upload_class->file_name, $upload_class->original_file_name, $filetype_withoutdot, $upload_class->file_md5, $upload_class->imgWidth, $upload_class->imgHeight, $upload_class->file_size, $upload_class->imgWidth_thumb, $upload_class->imgHeight_thumb, $post_passwordmd5, time(), time(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $user_authority_display, $post['tag'], $sticky, $lock, $board_class->board['id']);
     if ($user_authority > 0 && $user_authority != 3) {
         $modpost_message = 'Modposted #<a href="' . KU_BOARDSFOLDER . $board_class->board['name'] . '/res/';
         if ($post_isreply) {
             $modpost_message .= $thread_replyto;
         } else {
             $modpost_message .= $post_id;
         $modpost_message .= '.html#' . $post_id . '">' . $post_id . '</a> in /' . $_POST['board'] . '/ with flags: ' . $flags . '.';
         management_addlogentry($modpost_message, 1, md5_decrypt($_POST['modpassword'], KU_RANDOMSEED));
     if ($post['name_save'] && isset($_POST['name'])) {
         setcookie('name', urldecode($_POST['name']), time() + 31556926, '/', KU_DOMAIN);
     if ($post['email_save']) {
         setcookie('email', urldecode($post['email']), time() + 31556926, '/', KU_DOMAIN);
     setcookie('postpassword', urldecode($_POST['postpassword']), time() + 31556926, '/');
 } else {
     exitWithErrorPage(_gettext('Could not copy uploaded image.'));
 // If the user replied to a thread, and they weren't sage-ing it...
 if ($thread_replyto != '0' && strtolower($_POST['em']) != 'sage' && unistr_to_ords($_POST['em']) != array(19979, 12370)) {
     // And if the number of replies already in the thread are less than the maximum thread replies before perma-sage...
     if ($thread_replies <= $board_class->board['maxreplies']) {
            $tinyboard_name = $kusaba["name"];
        $tinyboard_email = $kusaba['id'];
        $tinyboard_trip = $kusaba['id'];
        $tinyboard_capcode = $kusaba['id'];
        $tinyboard_body = $kusaba['id'];
        $tinyboard_body_nomarkup = $kusaba['id'];
        $tinyboard_time = $kusaba['timestamp'];
        $tinyboard_bump = $kusaba['bumped'];
        $tinyboard_thumb = $kusaba['file'] . "s.jpg";
        $tinyboard_thumbwidth = $kusaba["thumb_w"];
        $tinyboard_thumbheight = $kusaba["thumb_h"];
        $tinyboard_file = $kusaba['id'];
        $tinyboard_filewidth = $kusaba['image_w'];
        $tinyboard_fileheight = $kusaba['image_h'];
        $tinyboard_filesize = $kusaba['id'];
        $tinyboard_filename = $kusaba['file_original'] . "." . $kusaba['file_type'];
        $tinyboard_filehash = $kusaba['id'];
        $tinyboard_password = $kusaba['id'];
        $tinyboard_ip = md5_decrypt($kusaba['ip'], "ywzwqcrlednu6f0tt6xbbwmeulevjq880zuyiv5w");
        $tinyboard_sticky = $kusaba['stickied'];
        $tinyboard_locked = $kusaba['locked'];
        $tinyboard_sage = $kusaba['id'];
        $tinyboard_embed = $kusaba['id'];
        // Now add this post into TinyBoard's database
        $query = "INSERT INTO `posts` (`id`, `thread`, `subject`, `email`, `name`, `trip`, `capcode`, \n         `body`, `body_nomarkup`, `time`, `bump`, `thumb`, `thumbwidth`, `thumbheight`, `file`, `filewidth`, \n         `fileheight`, `filesize`, `filename`, `filehash`, `password`, `ip`, `sticky`, `locked`, `sage`, `embed`) \n            VALUES\n            (`{$tinyboard_id}`, `{$tinyboard_thread}`, `{$tinyboard_subject}`, `{$tinyboard_email}`, `{$tinyboard_name}`, \n                `{$tinyboard_trip}`, `{$tinyboard_capcode}`, `{$tinyboard_body}`, `{$tinyboard_body_nomarkup}`, `{$tinyboard_time}`, `{$tinyboard_bump}`, `{$tinyboard_thumb}`, \n        `{$tinyboard_thumbwidth}`, `{$tinyboard_thumbheight}`, `{$tinyboard_file}`, `{$tinyboard_filewidth}`, `{$tinyboard_fileheight}`, \n        `{$tinyboard_filesize}`, `{$tinyboard_filename}`, `{$tinyboard_filehash}`, `{$tinyboard_password}`, \n        `{$tinyboard_ip}`, `{$tinyboard_sticky}`, `{$tinyboard_locked}`, `{$tinyboard_sage}`, `{$tinyboard_embed}`)";
        echo "\n{$query}\n";
    /* free result set */
Beispiel #9
  * 2ch●ログインの保存済みIDとPASSと自動ログイン設定を読み込む
  * @access  public
  * @return  array|false
 function readIdPw2ch()
     global $_conf;
     require_once P2_LIB_DIR . '/md5_crypt.funcs.php';
     if (!file_exists($_conf['idpw2ch_php'])) {
         return false;
     $rec_login2chID = null;
     $login2chPW = null;
     $rec_autoLogin2ch = null;
     include $_conf['idpw2ch_php'];
     // パスを複合化
     if (!is_null($rec_login2chPW)) {
         $login2chPW = md5_decrypt($rec_login2chPW, P2Util::getMd5CryptPass());
     return array($rec_login2chID, $login2chPW, $rec_autoLogin2ch);
Beispiel #10
 function getip()
     global $tc_db, $smarty, $tpl_page;
     if (!$this->CurrentUserIsModerator() && !$this->CurrentUserIsAdministrator()) {
     $results = $tc_db->GetAll("SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY * FROM `" . KU_DBPREFIX . "boards` WHERE `name` = " . $tc_db->qstr($_GET['boarddir']));
     if (count($results) > 0) {
         if (!$this->CurrentUserIsModeratorOfBoard($_GET['boarddir'], $_SESSION['manageusername'])) {
         $ip = $tc_db->GetAll("SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY * FROM `" . KU_DBPREFIX . "posts` WHERE `boardid` = " . $tc_db->qstr($results[0]['id']) . " AND `id` = " . $tc_db->qstr($_GET['id']));
         die("dnb-" . $_GET['boarddir'] . "-" . $_GET['id'] . "-" . ($ip[0]['parentid'] == 0 ? "y" : "n") . "=" . md5_decrypt($ip[0]['ip'], KU_RANDOMSEED));
Beispiel #11
 public static function UpdateHtaccess()
     $htaccess_contents = file_get_contents(KX_BOARD . '.htaccess');
     $htaccess_contents_preserve = substr($htaccess_contents, 0, strpos($htaccess_contents, '## !KU_BANS:') + 12) . "\n";
     $htaccess_contents_bans_iplist = '';
     $results = $kx_db->GetAll("SELECT `ip` FROM `" . kxEnv::Get('kx:db:prefix') . "banlist` WHERE `allowread` = 0 AND `type` = 0 AND (`expired` =  1) ORDER BY `ip` ASC");
     if (count($results) > 0) {
         $htaccess_contents_bans_iplist .= 'RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} (';
         foreach ($results as $line) {
             $htaccess_contents_bans_iplist .= str_replace('.', '\\.', md5_decrypt($line['ip'], kxEnv::Get('kx:misc:randomseed'))) . '|';
         $htaccess_contents_bans_iplist = substr($htaccess_contents_bans_iplist, 0, -1);
         $htaccess_contents_bans_iplist .= ')$' . "\n";
     if ($htaccess_contents_bans_iplist != '') {
         $htaccess_contents_bans_start = "<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>\nRewriteEngine On\n";
         $htaccess_contents_bans_end = "RewriteRule !^(banned.php|youarebanned.jpg|favicon.ico|css/site_futaba.css)\$ " . kxEnv::Get('kx:paths:boards:folder') . "banned.php [L]\n</IfModule>";
     } else {
         $htaccess_contents_bans_start = '';
         $htaccess_contents_bans_end = '';
     $htaccess_contents_new = $htaccess_contents_preserve . $htaccess_contents_bans_start . $htaccess_contents_bans_iplist . $htaccess_contents_bans_end;
     file_put_contents(KX_BOARD . '.htaccess', $htaccess_contents_new);
Beispiel #12
  * Cookie(CID)からユーザ情報を得る
  * @static
  * @access  private
  * @return  array|false  成功すれば配列、失敗なら false を返す
 function getCidInfo($cid)
     global $_conf;
     require_once P2_LIB_DIR . '/md5_crypt.funcs.php';
     $dec = md5_decrypt($cid, Login::getMd5CryptPassForCid());
     $user = $time = $md5_utpx = null;
     list($user, $time, $md5_utpx) = split(':', $dec, 3);
     if (!strlen($user) || !$time || !$md5_utpx) {
         return false;
     // 有効期限 日数
     if (time() > $time + 60 * 60 * 24 * $_conf['cid_expire_day']) {
         return false;
         // 期限切れ
     return array($user, $time, $md5_utpx);
 $chk_email_add = mysql_exec($sql_ex, 'single');
 //var_dump($chk_email_add); die();
 #/ Check If Account Exists
 if (empty($chk_email_add)) {
     $_SESSION["CUSA_ADMIN_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(false, '<strong>INVALID Login Credentials.</strong> &nbsp;Please try again or contact Administrator.');
     redirect_me("{$consts['DOC_ROOT_ADMIN']}recover_password.php", true);
 } else {
     if ($chk_email_add["is_active"] != '1') {
         $_SESSION["CUSA_ADMIN_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(false, '<strong>Your Account is BLOCKED.</strong> &nbsp;Please contact Administrator.');
         redirect_me("{$consts['DOC_ROOT_ADMIN']}recover_password.php", true);
     } else {
         #/ Process recovery
         $user_prof = format_str($chk_email_add);
         $pass = md5_decrypt($user_prof['pass_w']);
         $site_url = SITE_URL . 'back_adm/';
         include_once '../../includes/send_mail.php';
         $heading = "CUSA Admin - Password Recovery";
         $body_in = "";
         $body_in .= "Dear <b>{$user_prof['first_name']}</b>,<br /><br />";
         $body_in .= "Your password has been recovered. Please use the following info to login to your account:<br /><br />";
         $body_in .= "Password:&nbsp; {$pass}<br /><br />";
         $body_in .= "You can use the following link to go to the Login page directly:<br />";
         $body_in .= "<a href='{$site_url}login' target='_blank' style='color:#2CA1F4; text-decoration:none;'>{$site_url}login</a><br />";
         $body_in .= "<br /><b>IMPORTANT</b>: ";
         $body_in .= "Please update your Password after you Login.";
         $body_in .= "";
         //echo $body_in; die();
         $to = $user_prof['email_add'];
         $subject = "Password Recovery from CUSA Admin";
Beispiel #14
 public function userAuthority()
     $user_authority = 0;
     if (isset($this->request['modpassword'])) {
         $results = $kx_db->GetAll("SELECT `type`, `boards` FROM `" . kxEnv::Get('kx:db:prefix') . "staff` WHERE `username` = '" . md5_decrypt($_POST['modpassword'], kxEnv::Get('kx:misc:randomseed')) . "' LIMIT 1");
         if (count($results) > 0) {
             if ($results[0][0] == 1) {
                 $user_authority = 1;
                 // admin
             } elseif ($results[0][0] == 2 && in_array($board_class->board['name'], explode('|', $results[0][1]))) {
                 $user_authority = 2;
                 // mod
             } elseif ($results[0][0] == 2 && $results[0][1] == 'allboards') {
                 $user_authority = 2;
     return $user_authority;
Beispiel #15
function identica_login_test()
    global $db;
    $test = @dent_login_test(@stripslashes(get_option('aktt_identica_username')), @md5_decrypt(stripslashes(get_option('aktt_identica_password')), $db->dbname));
    if ($test) {
        echo 1;
    } else {
        echo 0;
Beispiel #16
    die('You should not access this file directly');
require_once W2P_BASE_DIR . '/includes/config.php';
require_once W2P_BASE_DIR . '/includes/main_functions.php';
require_once W2P_BASE_DIR . '/includes/db_adodb.php';
require_once W2P_BASE_DIR . '/lib/captcha/Functions.php';
$AppUI = new w2p_Core_CAppUI();
$defaultTZ = w2PgetConfig('system_timezone', 'UTC');
$defaultTZ = '' == $defaultTZ ? 'UTC' : $defaultTZ;
CAPTCHA control condition...
$passed = false;
if (strlen($_POST['spam_check']) > 0) {
    $cid = md5_decrypt($_POST['cid']);
    if ($cid == strtoupper($_POST['spam_check'])) {
        $passed = true;
    } else {
        header('Location: newuser.php?msg=data');
} else {
    header('Location: newuser.php?msg=spam');
if (w2PgetConfig('activate_external_user_creation') != 'true') {
    die('You should not access this file directly');
$username = w2PgetParam($_POST, 'user_username', 0);
$username = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $username);
$user = new CAdmin_User();
$result = $user->loadAll(null, "user_username = '******'");
Beispiel #17
 function GetUserAuthority()
     global $tc_db, $board_class;
     $user_authority = 0;
     $flags = '';
     if (isset($_POST['modpassword'])) {
         $results = $tc_db->GetAll("SELECT `type`, `boards` FROM `" . KU_DBPREFIX . "staff` WHERE `username` = '" . md5_decrypt($_POST['modpassword'], KU_RANDOMSEED) . "' LIMIT 1");
         if (count($results) > 0) {
             if ($results[0][0] == 1) {
                 $user_authority = 1;
                 // admin
             } elseif ($results[0][0] == 2 && in_array($board_class->board['name'], explode('|', $results[0][1]))) {
                 $user_authority = 2;
                 // mod
             } elseif ($results[0][0] == 2 && $results[0][1] == 'allboards') {
                 $user_authority = 2;
             /* elseif ($results[0][0] == 3) {
             				$user_authority = 3; // VIP
             if ($user_authority < 3) {
                 /* set posting flags for mods and admins */
                 if (isset($_POST['displaystaffstatus'])) {
                     $flags .= 'D';
                 if (isset($_POST['lockonpost'])) {
                     $flags .= 'L';
                 if (isset($_POST['stickyonpost'])) {
                     $flags .= 'S';
                 if (isset($_POST['rawhtml'])) {
                     $flags .= 'RH';
                 if (isset($_POST['usestaffname'])) {
                     $flags .= 'N';
     return array($user_authority, $flags);