Beispiel #1
 protected function setUp()
     // Create tempfile.
     $tempfolder = make_request_directory(false);
     $this->tempfile = $tempfolder . '/' . rand();
Beispiel #2
 protected function setUp()
     global $CFG;
     // Use our special testable fixture plugin.
     $CFG->antiviruses = 'testable';
     // Create tempfile.
     $tempfolder = make_request_directory(false);
     $this->tempfile = $tempfolder . '/' . rand();
  * @dataProvider rewrite_step_backup_file_for_legacy_freeze_provider
  * @param   string  $source     The source file to test
  * @param   string  $expected   The expected result of the transformation
 public function test_rewrite_step_backup_file_for_legacy_freeze($source, $expected)
     $restore = $this->getMockBuilder('\\restore_gradebook_structure_step')->setMethods(null)->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     // Copy the file somewhere as the rewrite_step_backup_file_for_legacy_freeze will write the file.
     $dir = make_request_directory(true);
     $filepath = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'file.xml';
     copy($source, $filepath);
     $rc = new \ReflectionClass('\\restore_gradebook_structure_step');
     $rcm = $rc->getMethod('rewrite_step_backup_file_for_legacy_freeze');
     $rcm->invoke($restore, $filepath);
     // Check the result.
     $this->assertFileEquals($expected, $filepath);
Beispiel #4
  * Tests extracting files returning only a boolean state with failure.
 public function test_extract_to_pathname_returnvalue_failure()
     $packer = get_file_packer('application/x-gzip');
     // Create sample files.
     $archivefile = make_request_directory() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'test.tgz';
     file_put_contents($archivefile, '');
     // Extract same files.
     $outdir = make_request_directory();
     $result = $packer->extract_to_pathname($archivefile, $outdir, null, null, true);
Beispiel #5
 public function test_make_request_directory()
     // Every request directory should be unique.
     $firstdir = make_request_directory();
     $seconddir = make_request_directory();
     $thirddir = make_request_directory();
     $fourthdir = make_request_directory();
     $this->assertNotEquals($firstdir, $seconddir);
     $this->assertNotEquals($firstdir, $thirddir);
     $this->assertNotEquals($firstdir, $fourthdir);
     $this->assertNotEquals($seconddir, $thirddir);
     $this->assertNotEquals($seconddir, $fourthdir);
     $this->assertNotEquals($thirddir, $fourthdir);
     // They should also all be within the request storage directory.
     $requestdir = get_request_storage_directory();
     $this->assertEquals(0, strpos($firstdir, $requestdir));
     $this->assertEquals(0, strpos($seconddir, $requestdir));
     $this->assertEquals(0, strpos($thirddir, $requestdir));
     $this->assertEquals(0, strpos($fourthdir, $requestdir));
     // Removing the requestdir should mean that new request directories are still created successfully.
     $fifthdir = make_request_directory();
     $this->assertNotEquals($firstdir, $fifthdir);
     $this->assertNotEquals($seconddir, $fifthdir);
     $this->assertNotEquals($thirddir, $fifthdir);
     $this->assertNotEquals($fourthdir, $fifthdir);
     $this->assertFalse(strpos($fifthdir, $requestdir));
     // And it should be within the new request directory.
     $newrequestdir = get_request_storage_directory();
     $this->assertEquals(0, strpos($fifthdir, $newrequestdir));
Beispiel #6
  * @dataProvider usezipbackups_provider
 public function test_extract_to_pathname_returnvalue_failure($usezipbackups)
     global $CFG;
     $packer = get_file_packer('application/vnd.moodle.backup');
     // Create 2 archives (each with one file in) in zip mode.
     $CFG->usezipbackups = $usezipbackups;
     $mbzfile = make_request_directory() . '/file.mbz';
     file_put_contents($mbzfile, 'Content');
     $target = make_request_directory();
     $result = $packer->extract_to_pathname($mbzfile, $target, null, null, true);
Beispiel #7
  * Archive the current plugin on-disk version.
  * @param string $folderpath full path to the plugin folder
  * @param string $component
  * @param int $version
  * @param bool $overwrite overwrite existing archive if found
  * @return bool
 public function archive_plugin_version($folderpath, $component, $version, $overwrite = false)
     if ($component !== clean_param($component, PARAM_SAFEDIR)) {
         // This should never happen, but just in case.
         throw new moodle_exception('unexpected_plugin_component_format', 'core_plugin', '', null, $component);
     if ((string) $version !== clean_param((string) $version, PARAM_FILE)) {
         // Prevent some nasty injections via $plugin->version tricks.
         throw new moodle_exception('unexpected_plugin_version_format', 'core_plugin', '', null, $version);
     if (empty($component) or empty($version)) {
         return false;
     if (!is_dir($folderpath)) {
         return false;
     $archzip = $this->temproot . '/archive/' . $component . '/' . $version . '.zip';
     if (file_exists($archzip) and !$overwrite) {
         return true;
     $tmpzip = make_request_directory() . '/' . $version . '.zip';
     $zipped = $this->zip_plugin_folder($folderpath, $tmpzip);
     if (!$zipped) {
         return false;
     // Assert that the file looks like a valid one.
     list($expectedtype, $expectedname) = core_component::normalize_component($component);
     $actualname = $this->get_plugin_zip_root_dir($tmpzip);
     if ($actualname !== $expectedname) {
         // This should not happen.
         throw new moodle_exception('unexpected_archive_structure', 'core_plugin');
     return rename($tmpzip, $archzip);
Beispiel #8
  * Fetch the file ocntnet for the ODS.
  * @return string
 public function get_file_content()
     $dir = make_request_directory();
     $filename = $dir . '/result.ods';
     $files = ['mimetype' => [$this->get_ods_mimetype()], 'content.xml' => [$this->get_ods_content($this->worksheets)], 'meta.xml' => [$this->get_ods_meta()], 'styles.xml' => [$this->get_ods_styles()], 'settings.xml' => [$this->get_ods_settings()], 'META-INF/manifest.xml' => [$this->get_ods_manifest()]];
     $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
     $packer->archive_to_pathname($files, $filename);
     $contents = file_get_contents($filename);
     return $contents;
Beispiel #9
 * @package   mod_folder
 * @copyright 2015 Andrew Hancox <*****@*****.**>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
require_once __DIR__ . "/../../config.php";
$id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT);
// Course module ID.
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('folder', $id, 0, true, MUST_EXIST);
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
require_course_login($course, true, $cm);
$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
require_capability('mod/folder:view', $context);
$folder = $DB->get_record('folder', array('id' => $cm->instance), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$downloadable = folder_archive_available($folder, $cm);
if (!$downloadable) {
    print_error('cannotdownloaddir', 'repository');
folder_downloaded($folder, $course, $cm, $context);
$fs = get_file_storage();
$file = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'mod_folder', 'content', 0, '/', '.');
if (!$file) {
    print_error('cannotdownloaddir', 'repository');
$zipper = get_file_packer('application/zip');
$filename = clean_filename($folder->name . "-" . date("Ymd")) . ".zip";
$temppath = make_request_directory() . $filename;
if ($zipper->archive_to_pathname(array('/' => $file), $temppath)) {
    send_temp_file($temppath, $filename);
} else {
    print_error('cannotdownloaddir', 'repository');
Beispiel #10
  * Get a unique file path in which to save the file.
  * The filename returned will be removed at the end of the request and
  * should not be relied upon to exist in subsequent requests.
  * @param string $filename file name
  * @return file path
 public function prepare_file($filename)
     if (empty($filename)) {
         $filename = 'file';
     return sprintf('%s/%s', make_request_directory(), $filename);
Beispiel #11
  * @depends test_archive_to_storage
 public function test_extract_to_pathname_returnvalue_failure()
     global $CFG;
     $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
     $target = make_request_directory();
     $archive = "{$CFG->tempdir}/";
     $result = $packer->extract_to_pathname($archive, $target, null, null, true);
Beispiel #12
  * Rewrite step definition to handle the legacy freeze attribute.
  * In previous backups the calculations_freeze property was stored as an attribute of the
  * top level node <gradebook>. The backup API, however, do not process grandparent nodes.
  * It only processes definitive children, and their parent attributes.
  * We had:
  * <gradebook calculations_freeze="20160511">
  *   <grade_categories>
  *     <grade_category id="10">
  *       <depth>1</depth>
  *       ...
  *     </grade_category>
  *   </grade_categories>
  *   ...
  * </gradebook>
  * And this method will convert it to:
  * <gradebook >
  *   <attributes>
  *     <calculations_freeze>20160511</calculations_freeze>
  *   </attributes>
  *   <grade_categories>
  *     <grade_category id="10">
  *       <depth>1</depth>
  *       ...
  *     </grade_category>
  *   </grade_categories>
  *   ...
  * </gradebook>
  * Note that we cannot just load the XML file in memory as it could potentially be huge.
  * We can also completely ignore if the node <attributes> is already in the backup
  * file as it never existed before.
  * @param string $filepath The absolute path to the XML file.
  * @return void
 protected function rewrite_step_backup_file_for_legacy_freeze($filepath)
     $foundnode = false;
     $newfile = make_request_directory(true) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'file.xml';
     $fr = fopen($filepath, 'r');
     $fw = fopen($newfile, 'w');
     if ($fr && $fw) {
         while (($line = fgets($fr, 4096)) !== false) {
             if (!$foundnode && strpos($line, '<gradebook ') === 0) {
                 $foundnode = true;
                 $matches = array();
                 $pattern = '@calculations_freeze=.([0-9]+).@';
                 if (preg_match($pattern, $line, $matches)) {
                     $freeze = $matches[1];
                     $line = preg_replace($pattern, '', $line);
                     $line .= "  <attributes>\n    <calculations_freeze>{$freeze}</calculations_freeze>\n  </attributes>\n";
             fputs($fw, $line);
         if (!feof($fr)) {
             throw new restore_step_exception('Error while attempting to rewrite the gradebook step file.');
         if (!rename($newfile, $filepath)) {
             throw new restore_step_exception('Error while attempting to rename the gradebook step file.');
     } else {
         if ($fr) {
         if ($fw) {
 public function test_zip_plugin_folder()
     $fixtures = __DIR__ . '/fixtures/update_validator/plugindir';
     $storage = make_request_directory();
     $codeman = new \core\update\testable_code_manager();
     $codeman->zip_plugin_folder($fixtures . '/foobar', $storage . '/');
     $this->assertTrue(file_exists($storage . '/'));
     $fp = get_file_packer('application/zip');
     $zipfiles = $fp->list_files($storage . '/');
     foreach ($zipfiles as $zipfile) {
         if ($zipfile->is_directory) {
             $this->assertTrue(is_dir($fixtures . '/' . $zipfile->pathname));
         } else {
             $this->assertTrue(file_exists($fixtures . '/' . $zipfile->pathname));
Beispiel #14
  * Get a unique file path in which to save the file.
  * The filename returned will be removed at the end of the request and
  * should not be relied upon to exist in subsequent requests.
  * @param string $filename file name
  * @return file path
 public function prepare_file($filename)
     return sprintf('%s/%s', make_request_directory(), $filename);
Beispiel #15
  * Detect the given plugin's component name
  * Only plugins that declare valid $plugin->component value in the version.php
  * are supported.
  * @param string $zipfilepath full path to the saved ZIP file
  * @return string|bool declared component name or false if unable to detect
 public function detect_plugin_component($zipfilepath)
     $workdir = make_request_directory();
     $versionphp = $this->extract_versionphp_file($zipfilepath, $workdir);
     if (empty($versionphp)) {
         return false;
     return $this->detect_plugin_component_from_versionphp(file_get_contents($workdir . '/' . $versionphp));
Beispiel #16
  * Perform a file format conversion on the specified document.
  * @param stored_file $file the file we want to preview
  * @param string $format The desired format - e.g. 'pdf'. Formats are specified by file extension.
  * @return stored_file|bool false if unable to create the conversion, stored file otherwise
 protected function create_converted_document(stored_file $file, $format)
     global $CFG;
     if (empty($CFG->pathtounoconv) || !file_is_executable(trim($CFG->pathtounoconv))) {
         // No conversions are possible, sorry.
         return false;
     $fileextension = core_text::strtolower(pathinfo($file->get_filename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
     if (!self::is_format_supported_by_unoconv($fileextension)) {
         return false;
     if (!self::is_format_supported_by_unoconv($format)) {
         return false;
     // Copy the file to the local tmp dir.
     $tmp = make_request_directory();
     $localfilename = $file->get_filename();
     // Safety.
     $localfilename = clean_param($localfilename, PARAM_FILE);
     $filename = $tmp . '/' . $localfilename;
     $newtmpfile = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME) . '.' . $format;
     // Safety.
     $newtmpfile = $tmp . '/' . clean_param($newtmpfile, PARAM_FILE);
     $cmd = escapeshellcmd(trim($CFG->pathtounoconv)) . ' ' . escapeshellarg('-f') . ' ' . escapeshellarg($format) . ' ' . escapeshellarg('-o') . ' ' . escapeshellarg($newtmpfile) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($filename);
     $e = file_exists($filename);
     $output = null;
     $currentdir = getcwd();
     $result = exec($cmd, $output);
     if (!file_exists($newtmpfile)) {
         return false;
     $context = context_system::instance();
     $record = array('contextid' => $context->id, 'component' => 'core', 'filearea' => 'documentconversion', 'itemid' => 0, 'filepath' => '/' . $format . '/', 'filename' => $file->get_contenthash());
     return $this->create_file_from_pathname($record, $newtmpfile);
Beispiel #17
  * Perform the installation of plugins.
  * If used for installation of remote plugins from the Moodle Plugins
  * directory, the $plugins must be list of {@link \core\update\remote_info}
  * object that represent installable remote plugins. The caller can use
  * {@link self::filter_installable()} to prepare the list.
  * If used for installation of plugins from locally available ZIP files,
  * the $plugins should be list of objects with properties ->component and
  * ->zipfilepath.
  * The method uses {@link mtrace()} to produce direct output and can be
  * used in both web and cli interfaces.
  * @param array $plugins list of plugins
  * @param bool $confirmed should the files be really deployed into the dirroot?
  * @param bool $silent perform without output
  * @return bool true on success
 public function install_plugins(array $plugins, $confirmed, $silent)
     global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
     if (!empty($CFG->disableupdateautodeploy)) {
         return false;
     if (empty($plugins)) {
         return false;
     $ok = get_string('ok', 'core');
     // Let admins know they can expect more verbose output.
     $silent or $this->mtrace(get_string('packagesdebug', 'core_plugin'), PHP_EOL, DEBUG_NORMAL);
     // Download all ZIP packages if we do not have them yet.
     $zips = array();
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
         if ($plugin instanceof \core\update\remote_info) {
             $zips[$plugin->component] = $this->get_remote_plugin_zip($plugin->version->downloadurl, $plugin->version->downloadmd5);
             $silent or $this->mtrace(get_string('packagesdownloading', 'core_plugin', $plugin->component), ' ... ');
             $silent or $this->mtrace(PHP_EOL . ' <- ' . $plugin->version->downloadurl, '', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
             $silent or $this->mtrace(PHP_EOL . ' -> ' . $zips[$plugin->component], ' ... ', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
             if (!$zips[$plugin->component]) {
                 $silent or $this->mtrace(get_string('error'));
                 return false;
             $silent or $this->mtrace($ok);
         } else {
             if (empty($plugin->zipfilepath)) {
                 throw new coding_exception('Unexpected data structure provided');
             $zips[$plugin->component] = $plugin->zipfilepath;
             $silent or $this->mtrace('ZIP ' . $plugin->zipfilepath, PHP_EOL, DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
     // Validate all downloaded packages.
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
         $zipfile = $zips[$plugin->component];
         $silent or $this->mtrace(get_string('packagesvalidating', 'core_plugin', $plugin->component), ' ... ');
         list($plugintype, $pluginname) = core_component::normalize_component($plugin->component);
         $tmp = make_request_directory();
         $zipcontents = $this->unzip_plugin_file($zipfile, $tmp, $pluginname);
         if (empty($zipcontents)) {
             $silent or $this->mtrace(get_string('error'));
             $silent or $this->mtrace('Unable to unzip ' . $zipfile, PHP_EOL, DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
             return false;
         $validator = \core\update\validator::instance($tmp, $zipcontents);
         // TODO Check for missing dependencies during validation.
         $result = $validator->execute();
         if (!$silent) {
             $result ? $this->mtrace($ok) : $this->mtrace(get_string('error'));
             foreach ($validator->get_messages() as $message) {
                 if ($message->level === $validator::INFO) {
                     // Display [OK] validation messages only if debugging mode is DEBUG_NORMAL.
                     $level = DEBUG_NORMAL;
                 } else {
                     if ($message->level === $validator::DEBUG) {
                         // Display [Debug] validation messages only if debugging mode is DEBUG_ALL.
                         $level = DEBUG_ALL;
                     } else {
                         // Display [Warning] and [Error] always.
                         $level = null;
                 if ($message->level === $validator::WARNING and !CLI_SCRIPT) {
                     $this->mtrace('  <strong>[' . $validator->message_level_name($message->level) . ']</strong>', ' ', $level);
                 } else {
                     $this->mtrace('  [' . $validator->message_level_name($message->level) . ']', ' ', $level);
                 $this->mtrace($validator->message_code_name($message->msgcode), ' ', $level);
                 $info = $validator->message_code_info($message->msgcode, $message->addinfo);
                 if ($info) {
                     $this->mtrace('[' . s($info) . ']', ' ', $level);
                 } else {
                     if (is_string($message->addinfo)) {
                         $this->mtrace('[' . s($message->addinfo, true) . ']', ' ', $level);
                     } else {
                         $this->mtrace('[' . s(json_encode($message->addinfo, true)) . ']', ' ', $level);
                 if ($icon = $validator->message_help_icon($message->msgcode)) {
                     if (CLI_SCRIPT) {
                         $this->mtrace(PHP_EOL . '  ^^^ ' . get_string('help') . ': ' . get_string($icon->identifier . '_help', $icon->component), '', $level);
                     } else {
                         $this->mtrace($OUTPUT->render($icon), ' ', $level);
                 $this->mtrace(PHP_EOL, '', $level);
         if (!$result) {
             $silent or $this->mtrace(get_string('packagesvalidatingfailed', 'core_plugin'));
             return false;
     $silent or $this->mtrace(PHP_EOL . get_string('packagesvalidatingok', 'core_plugin'));
     if (!$confirmed) {
         return true;
     // Extract all ZIP packs do the dirroot.
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
         $silent or $this->mtrace(get_string('packagesextracting', 'core_plugin', $plugin->component), ' ... ');
         $zipfile = $zips[$plugin->component];
         list($plugintype, $pluginname) = core_component::normalize_component($plugin->component);
         $target = $this->get_plugintype_root($plugintype);
         if (file_exists($target . '/' . $pluginname)) {
         if (!$this->unzip_plugin_file($zipfile, $target, $pluginname)) {
             $silent or $this->mtrace(get_string('error'));
             $silent or $this->mtrace('Unable to unzip ' . $zipfile, PHP_EOL, DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
             if (function_exists('opcache_reset')) {
             return false;
         $silent or $this->mtrace($ok);
     if (function_exists('opcache_reset')) {
     return true;
Beispiel #18
  * Output file headers to initialise the download of the file.
 public function send_http_headers()
     $this->writer = \Box\Spout\Writer\WriterFactory::create($this->spouttype);
     if (method_exists($this->writer, 'setTempFolder')) {
     $filename = $this->filename . $this->get_extension();
     if ($this->sheettitle && $this->writer instanceof \Box\Spout\Writer\AbstractMultiSheetsWriter) {
         $sheet = $this->writer->getCurrentSheet();