} else {
        if ($ga['p1'] > 0 && $ga['p2'] == 0 || $ga['p1'] == 0 && $ga['p2'] > 0) {
            $waittxt = "Waiting for another person to join...";
            $vstxt = "";
if ($move) {
    if ($userid == $ga['p1']) {
        $missfield = "p1missed";
    if ($userid == $ga['p2']) {
        $missfield = "p2missed";
    $db->query("UPDATE {$gpre}room SET {$missfield}=0 WHERE id={$roomid}");
    make_move($move, $userid, $roomid);
if ($begin) {
    player_ready($begin, $userid, $roomid);
if ($setup) {
    place_piece($setup, $userid, $roomid);
if ($endturn) {
    end_turn($userid, $roomid);
print "<h1>{$gamename}</h1>";
if ($waittxt) {
    print "{$waittxt}";
} else {
    if ($defaultwin) {
$ir = $db->fetch_row($is);
$userid = $ir['userid'];
include "s_{$gpre}func.php";
$pp = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$gpre}game WHERE gameover=0 AND userid={$userid}");
$pany = $db->num_rows($pp);
$move = abs((int) $_POST['move']);
$select = abs((int) $_POST['select']);
print "<center>";
//This code is essentially the code that executes in the if($pany && $_GET['act']=='play') statement within s_pp_game.php
if ($pany) {
    $p = $db->fetch_row($pp);
    print "<h2>Poker Patience</h2><a href='s_pp_game.php?act=highscores'><b><font color=green>View Highscores</font></b></a> | \n\t<b>How to play:</b><br /><font size=1> Get the best 5 card hand possible on each row, column, and the two diagonals. <br />\n\tYour final score is the total points you earned from all 12 of those hands.<br />\n\tClick one of the two decks at top to select a card to play, and click an open square to play it.</font><br /><br />\n\t<div id = \"gamediv\">";
    $gameid = $p['id'];
    $boardtxt = draw_board($userid, $gameid);
    if ($move != 0 && $p['gameover'] == 0) {
        make_move($move, $userid);
        $points = check_win($userid);
        if ($points > 0) {
            $ins = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pp_scores WHERE userid={$userid} AND {$points}<score");
            $insn = $db->num_rows($ins);
            //keep old score only if there's a score in the DB that has a higher value than $points
            if (!$insn) {
                $db->query("DELETE FROM pp_scores WHERE userid={$userid}");
                $db->query("DELETE FROM pp_game WHERE userid={$userid} AND id!={$gameid}");
                $db->query("INSERT INTO pp_scores (userid, score, gameid) VALUES({$userid}, {$points}, {$gameid})");
            print "Game over, you got <b>{$points} points</b>  <br /><br>";
            print "<form method='post' action='?act=replay'>\n\t\t\t<input type='submit' value='New Game?'>\n\t\t\t</form><br /><br />";
            print "<form method='post' action='?act=post'>\n\t\t\tVictory Message (optional): <input type=text name='victory'><br />\n\t\t\t<input type='submit' value='Post to Facebook?'>\n\t\t\t</form>";
Beispiel #3
function turn()
    if ($_SESSION['select']) {
        include 'connection.php';
        $req = "SELECT player_1_obj, player_2_obj, player_3_obj, player_4_obj, asteroid FROM party WHERE `id`=" . $_SESSION['id_party'] . "";
        $pl = array();
        foreach ($bdd->query($req) as $test) {
            if ($test['player_1_obj'] !== "" && intval($_SESSION['player_id']) === 1) {
                $_SESSION['player_obj'] = $test['player_1_obj'];
            if ($test['player_2_obj'] !== "" && intval($_SESSION['player_id']) === 2) {
                $_SESSION['player_obj'] = $test['player_2_obj'];
            if ($test['player_3_obj'] !== "" && intval($_SESSION['player_id']) === 3) {
                $_SESSION['player_obj'] = $test['player_3_obj'];
            if ($test['player_4_obj'] !== "" && intval($_SESSION['player_id']) === 4) {
                $_SESSION['player_obj'] = $test['player_4_obj'];
            if ($test['asteroid'] !== "") {
                $_SESSION['asteroid'] = $test['asteroid'];
    } else {
        if ($_SESSION['order']) {
            //			$move = 1;
        } else {
            if ($_SESSION['mvt']) {
                //			$move = 1;
            } else {
                if ($_SESSION['make_move']) {
                    //			$move = 1;
                } else {
                    //			$move = 1;
    if (kill_ship()) {
        $_SESSION['select'] = 1;
        $_SESSION['order'] = 0;
        $_SESSION['mvt'] = 0;
        $_SESSION['make_move'] = 0;
        $_SESSION['fire'] = 0;
        include 'connection.php';
        $req = $bdd->prepare("UPDATE `party` SET turn = (turn % player) + 1  where id=" . $_SESSION['id_party']);