function SaveHTTPFile($fFileHTTPPath, $fFileSavePath, $fFileSaveName) { //记录程序开始的时间 $BeginTime = getmicrotime(); //取得文件名 $fFileSaveName = $fFileSavePath . "/" . $fFileSaveName; make_dir(dirname($fFileSaveName)); //取得文件的内容 ob_start(); readfile($fFileHTTPPath); $img = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); //$size = strlen($img); //保存到本地 $fp2 = @fopen($fFileSaveName, "a"); fwrite($fp2, $img); fclose($fp2); /*加水印代码*/ require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/cls_image.php'; $ext = get_extension($fFileSaveName); $fFileSaveName = convert_GIF_to_JPG($fFileSaveName); if (CopyFiles($fFileSaveName)) { $image = new cls_image(); $image->add_watermark($fFileSaveName, '', '../../../../' . $GLOBALS['waterMark']['watermark'], $GLOBALS['waterMark']['watermark_place'], $GLOBALS['waterMark']['watermark_alpha']); } if ($ext == 'gif' || $ext == '.gif') { back_JPG_to_GIF($fFileSaveName); } /*加水印代码--end*/ //记录程序运行结束的时间 $EndTime = getmicrotime(); //返回运行时间 return $EndTime - $BeginTime; }
function mb_template($temp_file = null, $options = null, $caller = null) { if ($options !== null) { foreach ($options as $k => $v) { if ($v !== null) { $this->{$k} = $v; } } } $this->caller = $caller ? $caller : $this; if ($temp_file != null) { $this->temp_file = $temp_file; } if (substr($this->temp_dir, -1, 1) != '/' && substr($this->temp_dir, -1, 1) != '\\') { $this->temp_dir .= '/'; } if (substr($this->compile_dir, -1, 1) != '/' && substr($this->compile_dir, -1, 1) != '\\') { $this->compile_dir .= '/'; } $pos = strrpos($temp_file, "/"); if (false !== $pos) { $dir_part = substr($temp_file, 0, $pos + 1); $this->temp_dir .= $dir_part; $this->compile_dir .= $dir_part; $this->temp_file = substr($temp_file, $pos + 1, strlen($temp_file)); } if (!file_exists($this->temp_dir . $this->temp_file)) { $this->_raise_error('Template File "' . $this->temp_dir . $this->temp_file . '" doesn\'t exists.'); } if (!make_dir($this->compile_dir)) { $this->_raise_error('Cont\'t create template compile dir "' . $this->compile_dir . '".'); } }
function insert_page($cat_id, $title, $parent_cat_id) { global $database; $title = trim($title); if (1 > $cat_id) { return; } $parent = (int) $database->get_one("SELECT page_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pages WHERE cat_id = {$parent_cat_id} LIMIT 1"); $parent_section = ''; $parent_titles = array_reverse(get_parent_titles($parent)); foreach ($parent_titles as $parent_title) { $parent_section .= page_filename($parent_title) . '/'; } if ($parent_section == '/') { $parent_section = ''; } $link = '/' . $parent_section . page_filename($title); $filename = WB_PATH . PAGES_DIRECTORY . $link . '.php'; make_dir(WB_PATH . PAGES_DIRECTORY . '/' . $parent_section); $get_same_page = $database->query("SELECT page_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pages WHERE link = '{$link}' LIMIT 1"); if ($get_same_page->numRows() > 0) { echo "Page {$link} exists."; return; } $q = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pages (cat_id, page_title, menu_title, parent, template, target, visibility, searching, menu, language, admin_groups, viewing_groups, modified_when, modified_by)\n VALUES ({$cat_id}, '{$title}', '{$title}', {$parent}, '', '', 'public', '1', '3', 'CS', '1,2', '1', '" . time() . "', 1)"; $pages = $database->query($q); if ($database->is_error()) { echo $database->get_error(); return; } $page_id = $pages->handle->insert_id; return $page_id; }
public static function init_lang_tpl() { $dir = PHPDISK_ROOT . 'system/global/'; make_dir($dir); $file = $dir . ''; file_exists($file) ? require_once $file : lang_cache(); $file = $dir . ''; file_exists($file) ? require_once $file : tpl_cache(); if (count($tpl_settings)) { foreach ($tpl_settings as $v) { if ($v[actived] && $v[tpl_type] == 'user') { $user_tpl_dir = $v[tpl_name]; } if ($v[actived] && $v[tpl_type] == 'admin') { $admin_tpl_dir = $v[tpl_name]; } } } if (count($lang_settings)) { foreach ($lang_settings as $v) { if ($v[actived]) { $lang_name = $v[lang_name]; } } } $user_tpl_dir = $user_tpl_dir ? "templates/{$user_tpl_dir}/" : 'templates/default/'; $admin_tpl_dir = $admin_tpl_dir ? "templates/{$admin_tpl_dir}/" : 'templates/admin/'; $lang_name = $lang_name ? $lang_name : 'zh_cn'; return array('user_tpl_dir' => $user_tpl_dir, 'admin_tpl_dir' => $admin_tpl_dir, 'lang_name' => $lang_name); }
function create_csv_file($opts, $pipe, $cmd = __FUNCTION__) { # set prefix $prefix = 'create_csv'; # merge opts $opts = merge_opts($opts, $pipe, 'file'); # get file opt $file = get_opt($prefix, $opts, 'file'); if (!check_opt_set_type($cmd, $file, 'file', 'string')) { return false; } # get fields opt $fields = get_opt($prefix, $opts, 'fields'); if (!check_opt_set_type($cmd, $fields, 'fields', 'array_of_strings')) { return false; } # get data opt $data = get_opt($prefix, $opts, 'data'); if (!check_opt_set_type($cmd, $data, 'data', 'array')) { return false; } # make parent dir if (!make_dir($opts, dirname($file))) { return false; } # create temp file $file_handle = @fopen('php://temp/csv-out', 'w'); if (!$file_handle) { return error($cmd, "cannot create temp CSV file"); } # output the fields if (!fputcsv($file_handle, $fields)) { return error($cmd, "could not output the fields CSV file : {$file}"); } # output the data foreach ($data as $line_no => $line) { if (!fputcsv($file_handle, $line)) { return error($cmd, "could not output line {$line_no} to CSV file : {$file}"); } } # grab contents and close temp file rewind($file_handle); $text = stream_get_contents($file_handle); fclose($file_handle); # create file and if (!file_put_contents($file, $text)) { return error($cmd, "cannot store CSV data to file : {$file}"); } # report $lines = count($data); debug_echo($cmd, "CSV file created ({$lines} lines) : {$file}"); # return if ($pipe === false) { return $file; } return array('file' => $file); }
function cover_image($description, $upload_dir) { make_dir($upload_dir); if (preg_match('/<img.+src="(.+?)">/i', $description, $image)) { $file_name = random(rand(8, 12)) . '.jpg'; if (file_put_contents($upload_dir . '/' . $file_name, file_get_contents($image[1]))) { return substr($upload_dir . '/' . $file_name, 3); } } return ''; }
function make_dir($path, $write_file = 1) { if (!is_dir($path)) { $str = dirname($path); if ($str) { make_dir($str . '/'); @mkdir($path, 0777); if ($write_file) { file_put_contents($path . 'index.htm', 'PHPDisk'); } } } }
/** * 图片上传的处理函数 * * @access public * @param array upload 包含上传的图片文件信息的数组 * @param array dir 文件要上传在$this->data_dir下的目录名。如果为空图片放在则在$this->images_dir下以当月命名的目录下 * @param array img_name 上传图片名称,为空则随机生成 * @return mix 如果成功则返回文件名,否则返回false */ function upload_image($upload, $dir = '', $img_name = '') { /* 没有指定目录默认为根目录images */ if (empty($dir)) { /* 创建当月目录 */ $dir = date('Ym'); $dir = ROOT_PATH . $this->images_dir . '/' . $dir . '/'; } else { /* 创建目录 */ $dir = ROOT_PATH . $this->data_dir . '/' . $dir . '/'; if ($img_name) { $img_name = $dir . $img_name; // 将图片定位到正确地址 } } /* 如果目标目录不存在,则创建它 */ if (!file_exists($dir)) { if (!make_dir($dir)) { /* 创建目录失败 */ $this->error_msg = sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['directory_readonly'], $dir); $this->error_no = ERR_DIRECTORY_READONLY; return false; } } if (empty($img_name)) { $img_name = $this->unique_name($dir); $img_name = $dir . $img_name . $this->get_filetype($upload['name']); } if (!$this->check_img_type($upload['type'])) { $this->error_msg = $GLOBALS['_LANG']['invalid_upload_image_type']; $this->error_no = ERR_INVALID_IMAGE_TYPE; return false; } /* 允许上传的文件类型 */ $allow_file_types = '|GIF|JPG|JEPG|PNG|BMP|SWF|'; if (!check_file_type($upload['tmp_name'], $img_name, $allow_file_types)) { $this->error_msg = $GLOBALS['_LANG']['invalid_upload_image_type']; $this->error_no = ERR_INVALID_IMAGE_TYPE; return false; } if ($this->move_file($upload, $img_name)) { return str_replace(ROOT_PATH, '', $img_name); } else { $this->error_msg = sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['upload_failure'], $upload['name']); $this->error_no = ERR_UPLOAD_FAILURE; return false; } }
function make_dir($node, $path = null, $root = null) { if (is_null($root)) { $root = ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $root = trim($root, "/") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $keep = false; $ignore = false; if ($node == "#keep#") { $keep = true; $node = null; } else { if ($node == "#ignore#") { $ignore = true; $node = null; } } if (!is_null($node) && !is_array($node)) { $path = $node; } if (!is_null($path)) { $root = $root . $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!file_exists($root)) { echo "> dir " . $root . "\n"; mkdir($root); } } if ($keep) { $keep = $root . ".gitkeep"; if (!file_exists($keep)) { echo "> file " . $keep . "\n"; file_put_contents($keep, ""); } } else { if ($ignore) { $ignore = $root . ".gitignore"; if (!file_exists($ignore)) { echo "> file " . $ignore . "\n"; file_put_contents($ignore, "*"); } } } if (is_array($node)) { foreach ($node as $k => $v) { make_dir($v, $k, $root); } } }
function __construct($opts) { $this->build_config($opts['config'], $opts['template']); // fix paths foreach (array('db', 'img') as $path) { $this->cfg->rrd->paths->{$path} = absolute_path((string) $this->cfg->rrd->paths->{$path}, $opts['paths'][$path]); if (!is_dir((string) $this->cfg->rrd->paths->{$path})) { // create a path if not exsits echo 'creating ' . $this->cfg->rrd->paths->{$path} . PHP_EOL; make_dir((string) $this->cfg->rrd->paths->{$path}); } } $this->rrdtool = new rrdtool($this->cfg->rrd); // echo $this->cfg->asXML() . PHP_EOL; // print_r($this->cfg); // exit; }
/** * * @category modules * @package news * @author WebsiteBaker Project * @copyright WebsiteBaker Org. e.V. * @link * @license * @platform WebsiteBaker 2.8.3 * @requirements PHP 5.3.6 and higher * @version $Id: save_post.php 1538 2011-12-10 15:06:15Z Luisehahne $ * @filesource $HeadURL: svn:// $ * @lastmodified $Date: 2011-12-10 16:06:15 +0100 (Sa, 10. Dez 2011) $ * */ function createNewsAccessFile($newLink, $oldLink, $page_id, $section_id, $post_id) { global $admin, $MESSAGE; $sPagesPath = WB_PATH . PAGES_DIRECTORY; $sPostsPath = $sPagesPath . '/posts'; // create /posts/ - directory if not exists if (!file_exists($sPostsPath)) { if (is_writable($sPagesPath)) { make_dir(WB_PATH . PAGES_DIRECTORY . '/posts/'); } else { $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['PAGES_CANNOT_CREATE_ACCESS_FILE']); } } // check if /posts/ - dir is writable if (!is_writable($sPostsPath . '/')) { $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['PAGES_CANNOT_CREATE_ACCESS_FILE']); } /* // delete old accessfile if link has changed if (($newLink != $oldLink) && (is_writable($sPostsPath.$oldLink.PAGE_EXTENSION))) { if (!unlink($sPostsPath.$oldLink.PAGE_EXTENSION)) { $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['PAGES_CANNOT_DELETE_ACCESS_FILE'].' - '.$oldLink); } } */ // delete old accessfile if link has changed if ($newLink != $oldLink && is_writable($sPagesPath . $oldLink . PAGE_EXTENSION)) { if (!unlink($sPagesPath . $oldLink . PAGE_EXTENSION)) { $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['PAGES_CANNOT_DELETE_ACCESS_FILE'] . ' - ' . $oldLink); } } // all ok, now create new accessfile $newFile = $sPagesPath . $newLink . PAGE_EXTENSION; // $backSteps = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote(WB_PATH).'/', '', $sPostsPath); $backSteps = preg_replace('@^' . preg_quote(WB_PATH) . '@', '', $sPostsPath); $backSteps = str_repeat('../', substr_count($backSteps, '/')); $content = '<?php' . "\n" . '// *** This file is generated by WebsiteBaker Ver.' . WB_VERSION . "\n" . '// *** Creation date: ' . date('c') . "\n" . '// *** Do not modify this file manually' . "\n" . '// *** WB will rebuild this file from time to time!!' . "\n" . '// *************************************************' . "\n" . "\t" . '$page_id = ' . $page_id . ';' . "\n" . "\t" . '$section_id = ' . $section_id . ';' . "\n" . "\t" . '$post_id = ' . $post_id . ';' . "\n" . "\t" . '$post_section = ' . $section_id . ';' . "\n" . "\t" . 'require(\'' . $backSteps . 'index.php\');' . "\n" . '// *************************************************' . "\n"; if (file_put_contents($newFile, $content) !== false) { // Chmod the file change_mode($newFile); } else { $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['PAGES_CANNOT_CREATE_ACCESS_FILE'], ADMIN_URL . '/pages/modify.php?page_id=' . $page_id); // $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['PAGES_CANNOT_CREATE_ACCESS_FILE'].': '.$newFile); } }
function wxch_file($upload) { $dir = date('Ymdh'); $img_path = 'images' . '/' . $dir . '/'; $dir = ROOT_PATH . 'images' . '/' . $dir . '/'; if (!file_exists($dir)) { if (!make_dir($dir)) { $this->error_msg = sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['directory_readonly'], $dir); $this->error_no = ERR_DIRECTORY_READONLY; return false; } } $file_name = random_filename(); $path_name = $dir . $file_name; file_put_contents($path_name, $upload); $img_name = $img_path . $file_name; return $img_name; }
function rename_recursive_dirs($dirsource, $dirdest, $deep = 0) { if (true === is_dir($dirsource)) { $dir = dir($dirsource); while ($file = $dir->read()) { if ($file[0] != ".") { if (!is_dir($dirsource . "/" . $file)) { copy($dirsource . "/" . $file, $dirdest . "/" . $file); change_mode($dirdest . "/" . $file); } else { make_dir($dirdest . "/" . $file); rename_recursive_dirs($dirsource . "/" . $file, $dirdest . '/' . $file, $deep + 1); } } } $dir->close(); } if ($deep == 0) { rm_full_dir($dirsource); } return true; }
public static function init_lang_tpl() { global $C, $settings, $auth; $dir = PHPDISK_ROOT . 'system/global/'; make_dir($dir); $file = $dir . ''; file_exists($file) ? require_once $file : lang_cache(); $file = $dir . ''; file_exists($file) ? require_once $file : tpl_cache(); if (count($tpl_settings)) { foreach ($tpl_settings as $v) { if ($v[actived] && $v[tpl_type] == 'user') { $user_tpl_dir = $v[tpl_name]; } if ($v[actived] && $v[tpl_type] == 'admin') { $admin_tpl_dir = $v[tpl_name]; } } } if (count($lang_settings)) { foreach ($lang_settings as $v) { if ($v[actived]) { $lang_name = $v[lang_name]; } } } if ($settings[open_switch_tpls]) { $ptpl = gpc('ptpl', 'C', ''); $user_tpl_dir = $C[tpl_name] = $ptpl ? check_template($ptpl) ? $ptpl : $user_tpl_dir : $user_tpl_dir; //$C[tpl_name] = $user_tpl_dir; } $arr = get_template_info($user_tpl_dir); $is_fms = $arr['template_core'] == 'fms' && $auth[open_fms] ? 1 : 0; $user_tpl_dir = $user_tpl_dir ? "templates/{$user_tpl_dir}/" : 'templates/default/'; $admin_tpl_dir = $admin_tpl_dir ? "templates/{$admin_tpl_dir}/" : 'templates/admin/'; $lang_name = $lang_name ? $lang_name : 'zh_cn'; return array('user_tpl_dir' => $user_tpl_dir, 'admin_tpl_dir' => $admin_tpl_dir, 'lang_name' => $lang_name, 'fms' => $is_fms); }
function write($log_type, $str) { $log_arr = array('cache_log', 'db_log'); if (in_array($log_type, $log_arr)) { $log_dir = PHPDISK_ROOT . "system/{$log_type}/"; $log_file = $log_dir . date('Ymd') . '.php'; make_dir($log_dir); $str = '<?php exit; ?>' . $str . LF; $fp = fopen($log_file, 'ab'); if (!$fp) { die("Logger: Can not open file <b>{$log_type}</b> .code:1"); } if (is_writable($log_file)) { if (!fwrite($fp, $str)) { die("Logger: Can not write file <b>{$log_type}</b> .code:2"); } } else { die("Logger: Can not write file <b>{$log_type}</b> .code:3"); } fclose($fp); } else { die("Logger: Logger write error!"); } }
function _create_post($post_id) { global $database, $admin, $MESSAGE; $query_posts = $database->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "mod_news_posts WHERE `post_id` = '{$post_id}'"); if (!$query_posts || $query_posts->numRows() == 0) { return false; } $res = $query_posts->fetchRow(); $link = $res['link']; $page_id = $res['page_id']; $section_id = $res['section_id']; $sPagesPath = WB_PATH . PAGES_DIRECTORY; $sPostsPath = $sPagesPath . '/posts'; if (!file_exists($sPostsPath)) { if (is_writable($sPagesPath)) { make_dir(WB_PATH . PAGES_DIRECTORY . '/posts/'); } else { $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['PAGES_CANNOT_CREATE_ACCESS_FILE']); } } if (!is_writable($sPostsPath . '/')) { $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['PAGES_CANNOT_CREATE_ACCESS_FILE']); } $newFile = $sPagesPath . $link . PAGE_EXTENSION; // $backSteps = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote(WB_PATH).'/', '', $sPostsPath); $backSteps = preg_replace('@^' . preg_quote(WB_PATH) . '@', '', $sPostsPath); $backSteps = str_repeat('../', substr_count($backSteps, '/')); $content = '<?php' . "\n" . '// *** This file is generated by WebsiteBaker Ver.' . WB_VERSION . "\n" . '// *** Creation date: ' . date('c') . "\n" . '// *** Do not modify this file manually' . "\n" . '// *** WB will rebuild this file from time to time!!' . "\n" . '// *************************************************' . "\n" . "\t" . '$page_id = ' . $page_id . ';' . "\n" . "\t" . '$section_id = ' . $section_id . ';' . "\n" . "\t" . '$post_id = ' . $post_id . ';' . "\n" . "\t" . '$post_section = ' . $section_id . ';' . "\n" . "\t" . 'require(\'' . $backSteps . 'index.php\');' . "\n" . '// *************************************************' . "\n"; if (file_put_contents($newFile, $content) !== false) { // Chmod the file change_mode($newFile); } else { $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['PAGES_CANNOT_CREATE_ACCESS_FILE'], ADMIN_URL . '/pages/modify.php?page_id=' . $page_id); // $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['PAGES_CANNOT_CREATE_ACCESS_FILE'].': '.$newFile); } }
/** * 创建图片的缩略图 * * @access public * @param string $img 原始图片的路径 * @param int $thumb_width 缩略图宽度 * @param int $thumb_height 缩略图高度 * @param strint $path 指定生成图片的目录名 * @return mix 如果成功返回缩略图的路径,失败则返回false */ function make_thumb($img, $thumb_width = 0, $thumb_height = 0, $path = '', $bgcolor = '') { $gd = $this->gd_version(); //获取 GD 版本。0 表示没有 GD 库,1 表示 GD 1.x,2 表示 GD 2.x if ($gd == 0) { $this->error_msg = $GLOBALS['_LANG']['missing_gd']; return false; } /* 检查缩略图宽度和高度是否合法 */ if ($thumb_width == 0 && $thumb_height == 0) { return str_replace(ROOT_PATH, '', str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($img))); } /* 检查原始文件是否存在及获得原始文件的信息 */ $org_info = @getimagesize($img); if (!$org_info) { $this->error_msg = sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['missing_orgin_image'], $img); $this->error_no = ERR_IMAGE_NOT_EXISTS; return false; } if (!$this->check_img_function($org_info[2])) { $this->error_msg = sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['nonsupport_type'], $this->type_maping[$org_info[2]]); $this->error_no = ERR_NO_GD; return false; } $img_org = $this->img_resource($img, $org_info[2]); /* 原始图片以及缩略图的尺寸比例 */ $scale_org = $org_info[0] / $org_info[1]; /* 处理只有缩略图宽和高有一个为0的情况,这时背景和缩略图一样大 */ if ($thumb_width == 0) { $thumb_width = $thumb_height * $scale_org; } if ($thumb_height == 0) { $thumb_height = $thumb_width / $scale_org; } /* 创建缩略图的标志符 */ if ($gd == 2) { $img_thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($thumb_width, $thumb_height); } else { $img_thumb = imagecreate($thumb_width, $thumb_height); } /* 背景颜色 */ if (empty($bgcolor)) { $bgcolor = $this->bgcolor; } $bgcolor = trim($bgcolor, "#"); sscanf($bgcolor, "%2x%2x%2x", $red, $green, $blue); $clr = imagecolorallocate($img_thumb, $red, $green, $blue); imagefilledrectangle($img_thumb, 0, 0, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $clr); if ($org_info[0] / $thumb_width > $org_info[1] / $thumb_height) { $lessen_width = $thumb_width; $lessen_height = $thumb_width / $scale_org; } else { /* 原始图片比较高,则以高度为准 */ $lessen_width = $thumb_height * $scale_org; $lessen_height = $thumb_height; } $dst_x = ($thumb_width - $lessen_width) / 2; $dst_y = ($thumb_height - $lessen_height) / 2; /* 将原始图片进行缩放处理 */ if ($gd == 2) { imagecopyresampled($img_thumb, $img_org, $dst_x, $dst_y, 0, 0, $lessen_width, $lessen_height, $org_info[0], $org_info[1]); } else { imagecopyresized($img_thumb, $img_org, $dst_x, $dst_y, 0, 0, $lessen_width, $lessen_height, $org_info[0], $org_info[1]); } /* 创建当月目录 */ if (empty($path)) { $dir = ROOT_PATH . $this->images_dir . '/' . date('Ym') . '/'; } else { $dir = $path; } /* 如果目标目录不存在,则创建它 */ if (!is_dir($dir)) { if (!make_dir($dir)) { /* 创建目录失败 */ $this->error_msg = sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['directory_readonly'], $dir); $this->error_no = ERR_DIRECTORY_READONLY; return false; } } /* 如果文件名为空,生成不重名随机文件名 */ $filename = $this->unique_name($dir); /* 生成文件 */ if (function_exists('imagejpeg')) { $filename .= '.jpg'; imagejpeg($img_thumb, $dir . $filename); } elseif (function_exists('imagegif')) { $filename .= '.gif'; imagegif($img_thumb, $dir . $filename); } elseif (function_exists('imagepng')) { $filename .= '.png'; imagepng($img_thumb, $dir . $filename); } else { $this->error_msg = $GLOBALS['_LANG']['creating_failure']; $this->error_no = ERR_NO_GD; return false; } imagedestroy($img_thumb); imagedestroy($img_org); //确认文件是否生成 if (is_file($dir . $filename)) { return str_replace(ROOT_PATH, '', $dir) . $filename; } else { $this->error_msg = $GLOBALS['_LANG']['writting_failure']; $this->error_no = ERR_DIRECTORY_READONLY; return false; } }
function mod_news_Upgrade() { global $database, $msg, $admin, $MESSAGE; $callingScript = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; $tmp = 'upgrade-script.php'; $globalStarted = substr_compare($callingScript, $tmp, 0 - strlen($tmp), strlen($tmp)) === 0; $sPagesPath = WB_PATH . PAGES_DIRECTORY; $sPostsPath = $sPagesPath . '/posts'; // create /posts/ - directory if not exists if (!file_exists($sPostsPath)) { if (is_writable($sPagesPath)) { make_dir(WB_PATH . PAGES_DIRECTORY . '/posts/'); } else { if (!$globalStarted) { $msg[] = $MESSAGE['PAGES_CANNOT_CREATE_ACCESS_FILE']; } else { $msg[] = $MESSAGE['PAGES_CANNOT_CREATE_ACCESS_FILE'] . '<br />'; return; } } if ($globalStarted) { echo 'directory "' . PAGES_DIRECTORY . '/posts/" created.<br />'; } } // check if new fields must be added $doImportDate = true; if (!$database->field_exists(TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_news_posts', 'created_when')) { if (!$database->field_add(TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_news_posts', 'created_when', 'INT NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\' AFTER `commenting`')) { if ($globalStarted) { echo $MESSAGE['RECORD_MODIFIED_FAILED'] . '<br />'; return; } else { $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['RECORD_MODIFIED_FAILED']); } } if ($globalStarted) { echo 'datafield `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_news_posts`.`created_when` added.<br />'; } } else { $doImportDate = false; } if (!$database->field_exists(TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_news_posts', 'created_by')) { if (!$database->field_add(TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_news_posts', 'created_by', 'INT NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\' AFTER `created_when`')) { if ($globalStarted) { echo $MESSAGE['RECORD_MODIFIED_FAILED'] . '<br />'; return; } else { $admin->print_error($MESSAGE['RECORD_MODIFIED_FAILED']); } } if ($globalStarted) { echo 'datafield `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_news_posts`.`created_by` added.<br />'; } } // preset new fields `created_by` and `created_when` from existing values if ($doImportDate) { $sql = 'UPDATE `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_news_posts` ' . 'SET `created_by`=`posted_by`, `created_when`=`posted_when`'; $database->query($sql); } // now iterate through all existing accessfiles, // write its creation date into database $oDir = new DirectoryIterator($sPostsPath); $count = 0; foreach ($oDir as $fileinfo) { $fileName = $fileinfo->getFilename(); if (!$fileinfo->isDot() && $fileName != 'index.php' && substr_compare($fileName, PAGE_EXTENSION, 0 - strlen(PAGE_EXTENSION), strlen(PAGE_EXTENSION)) === 0) { // save creation date from old accessfile if ($doImportDate) { $link = '/posts/' . preg_replace('/' . preg_quote(PAGE_EXTENSION) . '$/i', '', $fileinfo->getFilename()); $sql = 'UPDATE `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_news_posts` SET ' . '`created_when`=' . $fileinfo->getMTime() . ' ' . 'WHERE `link`=\'' . $database->escapeString($link) . '\' ' . 'AND `created_when`= 0'; $database->query($sql); } // delete old access file unlink($fileinfo->getPathname()); $count++; } } unset($oDir); if ($globalStarted && $count > 0) { $msg[] = 'save date of creation from ' . $count . ' old accessfiles and delete these files.<br />'; } // ************************************************ // Check the validity of 'create-file-timestamp' and balance against 'posted-timestamp' $sql = 'UPDATE `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_news_posts` '; $sql .= 'SET `created_when`=`published_when` '; $sql .= 'WHERE `published_when`<`created_when`'; $database->query($sql); $sql = 'UPDATE `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_news_posts` '; $sql .= 'SET `created_when`=`posted_when` '; $sql .= 'WHERE `published_when`=0 OR `published_when`>`posted_when`'; $database->query($sql); // ************************************************ // rebuild all access-files $count = 0; $backSteps = preg_replace('@^' . preg_quote(WB_PATH) . '@', '', $sPostsPath); $backSteps = str_repeat('../', substr_count($backSteps, '/')); $sql = 'SELECT `page_id`,`post_id`,`section_id`,`link` '; $sql .= 'FROM `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_news_posts`'; $sql .= 'WHERE `link` != \'\''; if ($resPosts = $database->query($sql)) { while ($recPost = $resPosts->fetchRow()) { $file = $sPagesPath . $recPost['link'] . PAGE_EXTENSION; $content = '<?php' . "\n" . '// *** This file is generated by WebsiteBaker Ver.' . VERSION . "\n" . '// *** Creation date: ' . date('c') . "\n" . '// *** Do not modify this file manually' . "\n" . '// *** WB will rebuild this file from time to time!!' . "\n" . '// *************************************************' . "\n" . "\t" . '$page_id = ' . $recPost['page_id'] . ';' . "\n" . "\t" . '$section_id = ' . $recPost['section_id'] . ';' . "\n" . "\t" . '$post_id = ' . $recPost['post_id'] . ';' . "\n" . "\t" . '$post_section = ' . $recPost['section_id'] . ';' . "\n" . "\t" . 'require(\'' . $backSteps . 'index.php\');' . "\n" . '// *************************************************' . "\n"; if (file_put_contents($file, $content) !== false) { // Chmod the file change_mode($file); } else { if ($globalStarted) { $msg[] = $MESSAGE['PAGES_CANNOT_CREATE_ACCESS_FILE'] . '<br />'; return; } else { $msg[] = $MESSAGE['PAGES_CANNOT_CREATE_ACCESS_FILE']; } } $count++; } } if ($globalStarted) { $msg[] = 'created ' . $count . ' new accessfiles.'; } }
function upload_article_file($upload) { if (!make_dir("../" . DATA_DIR . "/article")) { /* 创建目录失败 */ return false; } $filename = cls_image::random_filename() . substr($upload['name'], strpos($upload['name'], '.')); $path = ROOT_PATH . DATA_DIR . "/article/" . $filename; if (move_upload_file($upload['tmp_name'], $path)) { return DATA_DIR . "/article/" . $filename; } else { return false; } }
<?php /** * * @category modules * @package news * @author WebsiteBaker Project * @copyright WebsiteBaker Org. e.V. * @link * @license * @platform WebsiteBaker 2.8.3 * @requirements PHP 5.3.6 and higher * @version $Id: install.php 1587 2012-01-24 23:19:06Z darkviper $ * @filesource $HeadURL: svn:// $ * @lastmodified $Date: 2012-01-25 00:19:06 +0100 (Mi, 25. Jan 2012) $ * */ if (defined('WB_PATH')) { // create tables from sql dump file if (is_readable(__DIR__ . '/install-struct.sql')) { $database->SqlImport(__DIR__ . '/install-struct.sql', TABLE_PREFIX, __FILE__); // Make news post access files dir require_once WB_PATH . '/framework/functions.php'; if (make_dir(WB_PATH . PAGES_DIRECTORY . '/posts')) { } } } /* **** END INSTALL ********************************************************* */
/** * Validate Upload Path * * Verifies that it is a valid upload path with proper permissions. * * * @return bool */ public function validate_upload_path() { if ($this->upload_path == '') { $this->set_error('upload_no_filepath'); return FALSE; } if (function_exists('realpath') and @realpath($this->upload_path) !== FALSE) { $this->upload_path = str_replace("\\", "/", realpath($this->upload_path)); } if (!defined('IN_SAE')) { if (!is_dir($this->upload_path)) { if (!make_dir($this->upload_path)) { $this->set_error('upload_not_writable'); return FALSE; } } if (!is_really_writable($this->upload_path)) { $this->set_error('upload_not_writable'); return FALSE; } } $this->upload_path = preg_replace("/(.+?)\\/*\$/", "\\1/", $this->upload_path); return TRUE; }
// Work-out what the link and page filename should be if ($parent == '0') { $link = '/' . page_filename($title); $filename = WB_PATH . PAGES_DIRECTORY . '/' . page_filename($title) . '.php'; } else { $parent_section = ''; $parent_titles = array_reverse(get_parent_titles($parent)); foreach ($parent_titles as $parent_title) { $parent_section .= page_filename($parent_title) . '/'; } if ($parent_section == '/') { $parent_section = ''; } $link = '/' . $parent_section . page_filename($title); $filename = WB_PATH . PAGES_DIRECTORY . '/' . $parent_section . page_filename($title) . '.php'; make_dir(WB_PATH . PAGES_DIRECTORY . '/' . $parent_section); } // Check if a page with same page filename exists $flag = true; $get_same_page = $database->query("SELECT page_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pages WHERE link = '{$link}'"); if ($get_same_page->numRows() > 0 or file_exists(WB_PATH . PAGES_DIRECTORY . $link . '.php') or file_exists(WB_PATH . PAGES_DIRECTORY . $link . '/')) { $error[] .= "<br /><span class='red'><b>#{$i}: " . "</b> " . $MESSAGE['PAGES']['PAGE_EXISTS'] . " ({$link})<span><br />"; $flag = false; } if ($flag) { $admin_groups = implode(',', $admin_groups); $viewing_groups = implode(',', $viewing_groups); $run[$i]['msg'] = "{$i}) Title: {$title} Module: {$module} Parent: {$parent}<br />"; $language = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; $time = mktime(); $uid = $admin->get_user_id();
/** * 递归创建目录 * * 与 mkdir 不同之处在于支持一次性多级创建, 比如 /dir/sub/dir/ * * @param string * @param int * @return boolean */ function make_dir($dir, $permission = 0777) { $dir = rtrim($dir, '/') . '/'; if (is_dir($dir)) { return TRUE; } if (!make_dir(dirname($dir), $permission)) { return FALSE; } return @mkdir($dir, $permission); }
setcookie('QS[password]', "", time() - 3600, $QS_cookiepath, $QS_cookiedomain); setcookie("QS[utype]", "", time() - 3600, $QS_cookiepath, $QS_cookiedomain); header("Location:" . url_rewrite('QS_login')); } } elseif ($_SESSION['username'] && $_SESSION['utype'] && $_COOKIE['QS']['username'] && $_COOKIE['QS']['password']) { header("Location:" . get_member_url($_SESSION['utype'])); } elseif ($act == 'login') { /** * 微信扫描登录start */ if (intval($_CFG['weixin_apiopen']) == 1) { $access_token = get_access_token(); $scene_id = rand(1, 10000000); $_SESSION['scene_id'] = $scene_id; $dir = QISHI_ROOT_PATH . 'data/weixin/' . $scene_id % 10; make_dir($dir); $fp = @fopen($dir . '/' . $scene_id . '.txt', 'wb+'); $post_data = '{"expire_seconds": 1800, "action_name": "QR_SCENE", "action_info": {"scene": {"scene_id": ' . $scene_id . '}}}'; $url = "" . $access_token; $result = https_request($url, $post_data); $result_arr = json_decode($result, true); $ticket = urlencode($result_arr["ticket"]); $html = '<img width="120" height="120" src="' . $ticket . '">'; $smarty->assign('qrcode_img', $html); } /** * 微信扫描登录end */ $smarty->assign('title', '会员登录 - ' . $_CFG['site_name']); $smarty->assign('error', $_GET['error']); $smarty->assign('url', $_GET['url']);
//write_file(PHPDISK_ROOT.'system/1.txt',var_export($_POST,true)); $file_name = trim(gpc('file_name', 'P', '')); $file_do_name = trim(gpc('file_do_name', 'P', '')); $file_size = (int) gpc('file_size', 'P', 0); $file_name = is_utf8() ? convert_str('gbk', 'utf-8', $file_name) : $file_name; $file_do_name = is_utf8() ? convert_str('gbk', 'utf-8', $file_do_name) : $file_do_name; $file_extension = get_extension($file_do_name); $esp = strlen($file_extension) + 1; $file_real_name = $file_extension ? substr($file_do_name, 0, strlen($file_do_name) - $esp) : $file_do_name; $file_name = $file_extension ? substr($file_name, 0, strlen($file_name) - $esp) : $file_name; $rs = $db->fetch_one_array("select * from {$tpf}uploadx_files where userid='{$uid}' and file_real_name='{$file_real_name}' and file_name='{$file_name}' limit 1"); if ($rs) { $tmp_ext = $rs[file_extension] ? '.' . $rs[file_extension] : ''; $dir1 = PHPDISK_ROOT . 'system/cache/'; $dir2 = PHPDISK_ROOT . $settings[file_path] . '/' . $rs[file_store_path]; make_dir($dir2); $file = $dir1 . $rs[file_real_name] . $tmp_ext . '.phpdisk'; $file_real_name = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true) . microtime() . $uid); $file_dest = $dir2 . $file_real_name . get_real_ext($rs[file_extension]); //write_file(PHPDISK_ROOT.'system/s2.txt',$file.'|'.$file_dest.','); //if(@filesize($file)==(int)$rs[file_size]){ if (file_exists($file) && @rename($file, $file_dest)) { $file_real_path = PHPDISK_ROOT . '/' . $settings['file_path'] . '/'; $img_arr = getimagesize($file_dest); if ($img_arr[2] && @in_array($file_extension, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp'))) { $is_image = 1; make_thumb($file_dest, $file_real_path . $rs[file_store_path] . $file_real_name . '_thumb.' . $file_extension, $settings['thumb_width'], $settings['thumb_height']); } else { $is_image = 0; } if ($configs[server_key]) {
/** * 格式化商品图片名称(按目录存储) * */ function reformat_image_name($type, $goods_id, $source_img, $position = '') { $rand_name = gmtime() . sprintf("%03d", mt_rand(1, 999)); $img_ext = substr($source_img, strrpos($source_img, '.')); $dir = 'images'; if (defined('IMAGE_DIR')) { $dir = IMAGE_DIR; } $sub_dir = date('Ym', gmtime()); if (!make_dir(ROOT_PATH . $dir . '/' . $sub_dir)) { return false; } if (!make_dir(ROOT_PATH . $dir . '/' . $sub_dir . '/source_img')) { return false; } if (!make_dir(ROOT_PATH . $dir . '/' . $sub_dir . '/goods_img')) { return false; } if (!make_dir(ROOT_PATH . $dir . '/' . $sub_dir . '/thumb_img')) { return false; } switch ($type) { case 'goods': $img_name = $goods_id . '_G_' . $rand_name; break; case 'goods_thumb': $img_name = $goods_id . '_thumb_G_' . $rand_name; break; case 'gallery': $img_name = $goods_id . '_P_' . $rand_name; break; case 'gallery_thumb': $img_name = $goods_id . '_thumb_P_' . $rand_name; break; } if ($position == 'source') { if (move_image_file(ROOT_PATH . $source_img, ROOT_PATH . $dir . '/' . $sub_dir . '/source_img/' . $img_name . $img_ext)) { return $dir . '/' . $sub_dir . '/source_img/' . $img_name . $img_ext; } } elseif ($position == 'thumb') { if (move_image_file(ROOT_PATH . $source_img, ROOT_PATH . $dir . '/' . $sub_dir . '/thumb_img/' . $img_name . $img_ext)) { return $dir . '/' . $sub_dir . '/thumb_img/' . $img_name . $img_ext; } } else { if (move_image_file(ROOT_PATH . $source_img, ROOT_PATH . $dir . '/' . $sub_dir . '/goods_img/' . $img_name . $img_ext)) { return $dir . '/' . $sub_dir . '/goods_img/' . $img_name . $img_ext; } } return false; }
public function associate_avatar($uid, $headimgurl) { if ($headimgurl) { if (!($user_info = $this->model('account')->get_user_info_by_uid($uid))) { return false; } if ($user_info['avatar_file']) { return false; } if ($avatar_stream = curl_get_contents($headimgurl, 1)) { $avatar_location = get_setting('upload_dir') . '/avatar/' . $this->model('account')->get_avatar($uid, '', 1) . $this->model('account')->get_avatar($uid, '', 2); $avatar_dir = str_replace(basename($avatar_location), '', $avatar_location); if (!is_dir($avatar_dir)) { make_dir($avatar_dir); } if (@file_put_contents($avatar_location, $avatar_stream)) { foreach (AWS_APP::config()->get('image')->avatar_thumbnail as $key => $val) { $thumb_file[$key] = $avatar_dir . $this->model('account')->get_avatar($uid, $key, 2); AWS_APP::image()->initialize(array('quality' => 90, 'source_image' => $avatar_location, 'new_image' => $thumb_file[$key], 'width' => $val['w'], 'height' => $val['h']))->resize(); } $avatar_file = $this->model('account')->get_avatar($uid, null, 1) . basename($thumb_file['min']); } } } if ($avatar_file) { return $this->model('account')->update('users', array('avatar_file' => $avatar_file), 'uid = ' . intval($uid)); } }
function make_dir($path) { if (!file_exists($path)) { make_dir(dirname($path)); @mkdir($path, 0777); @chmod($path, 0777); } }
query("SET CHARACTER SET '" . DB_CHARSET . "';"); // TODO DB_COLLATE setzen? wie? echo "Reading tags and categories... "; $res = query("SELECT, rel.object_id " . "FROM " . $table_prefix . "terms AS terms, " . $table_prefix . "term_relationships AS rel, " . $table_prefix . "term_taxonomy AS tax " . "WHERE terms.term_id = tax.term_id " . "AND tax.term_taxonomy_id = rel.term_taxonomy_id"); $tags = array(); while (($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) !== false) { $id = $r['object_id']; $tag = $r['name']; if (!isset($tags[$id])) { $tags[$id] = array(); } $tags[$id][] = tag_quotes($tag); } echo "Done.\n"; make_dir($dir . '/src'); make_dir($dir . '/meta'); $res = query("SELECT id, post_date, post_content, post_title, post_name, " . "post_modified FROM " . $table_prefix . "posts WHERE post_type='post';"); chdir($dir) or die("Could not change into directory '{$dir}'.\n"); echo "Exporting to '{$dir}' with suffix {$suf} and meta-suffix {$muf}...\n"; while (($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) !== false) { echo $r['id'] . ': "' . $r['post_title'] . '"... '; $content = $r['post_content']; $content = str_replace("\r\n\r\n", "</p>\n<p>", $content); $content = str_replace("\r\n", "<br />\n", $content); $content = "<p>{$content}</p>\n"; // The above inserts extra <br /> inside of some tags, fix that $content = preg_replace_callback('|<pre>.*</pre>|Uims', 'remove_br', $content); $content = preg_replace_callback('|<ul>.*</ul>|Uims', 'remove_br', $content); $content = preg_replace_callback('|<ol>.*</ol>|Uims', 'remove_br', $content); $text = '<:' . htmlspecialchars($r['post_title']) . '>'; if (isset($tags[$r['id']])) {
public function associate_remote_avatar($uid, $headimgurl) { if (!$headimgurl) { return false; } if (!($user_info = $this->get_user_info_by_uid($uid))) { return false; } if ($user_info['avatar_file']) { return false; } if (!($avatar_stream = curl_get_contents($headimgurl, 1))) { return false; } $avatar_location = get_setting('upload_dir') . '/avatar/' . $this->get_avatar($uid, ''); $avatar_dir = dirname($avatar_location) . '/'; if (!file_exists($avatar_dir)) { make_dir($avatar_dir); } if (!@file_put_contents($avatar_location, $avatar_stream)) { return false; } foreach (AWS_APP::config()->get('image')->avatar_thumbnail as $key => $val) { AWS_APP::image()->initialize(array('quality' => 90, 'source_image' => $avatar_location, 'new_image' => $avatar_dir . $this->get_avatar($uid, $key, 2), 'width' => $val['w'], 'height' => $val['h']))->resize(); } $this->update('users', array('avatar_file' => $this->get_avatar($uid)), 'uid = ' . intval($uid)); if (!$this->model('integral')->fetch_log($new_user_id, 'UPLOAD_AVATAR')) { $this->model('integral')->process($new_user_id, 'UPLOAD_AVATAR', round(get_setting('integral_system_config_profile') * 0.2), '上传头像'); } return true; }