Beispiel #1
 public function video($page = "video")
     $uri = $this->uri->segment(2);
     $videoId = getIdFromUri($uri);
     $video = $this->Video_model->getByIdFull($videoId);
     $data = array();
     if ($video) {
         $data['video'] = $video;
         $data['server_type'] = $this->_config['server_type'];
         $seriesId = $video['series_id'];
         $series = $this->Series_model->getByIdFull($seriesId);
         $videosOfSeries = $this->Video_model->getRange("series_id=" . $seriesId, 0, 0, 'episode DESC');
         $randomGenreId = $series['genre'] ? array_rand($series['genre']) : 0;
         $suggestSeriesList = $this->Series_model->listSeriesByGenre($randomGenreId, 0, 8, TRUE, $seriesId);
         $data['videoOfSeries'] = $videosOfSeries;
         //echo "<pre>"; print_r($videosOfSeries); die();
         $data['suggestSeriesList'] = $suggestSeriesList;
         $data['randomGenre'] = $randomGenreId ? array('id' => $randomGenreId, 'name' => $series['genre'][$randomGenreId]) : array();
         $metaData['description'] = getVideoDescription($video);
         $metaData['page_link'] = makeLink($video['id'], $video['title'], 'video');
         $metaData['image'] = getThumbnail($series['thumbnail'], 'series');
         $this->layout->view('video/' . $page, $data);
     } else {
         $this->layout->view('home/nodata', array());
 function toHTML($label, $name)
     $assets_path = SCRIPT_RELATIVE . 'framework/core/subsystems/forms/controls/assets/';
     $subTypeName = empty($this->subtype) ? "expFile[]" : "expFile[" . $this->subtype . "][]";
     $files = $this->buildImages();
     $html = '<div id="filemanager' . $name . '" class="filemanager control' . (empty($this->class) ? "" : " " . $this->class) . '">';
     //$html .= '<div id="displayfiles" class="displayfiles" style="padding:5px; border:1px solid #444"> </div>';
     $html .= '<div class="hd"><label class="label">' . $label . '';
     if ($this->limit != null) {
         $html .= ' | <small>' . gt('Limit') . ': <em class="limit">' . $this->limit . '</em></small>';
     if ($this->count < $this->limit) {
         $html .= ' | <a class="add" href="#" id="addfiles-' . $name . '">' . gt('Add Files') . '</a>';
     $html .= '</label></div>';
     if (empty($files)) {
         $this->count = 0;
         $files = '<li class="blank">' . gt('You need to add some files') . '</li>';
     $html .= '<ul id="filelist' . $name . '" class="filelist">';
     $html .= $files;
     $html .= '</ul>';
     $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $subTypeName . '" value="' . $subTypeName . '">';
     $html .= '</div>';
     $js = "\n            YUI(EXPONENT.YUI3_CONFIG).use('dd-constrain','dd-proxy','dd-drop','json','io', function(Y) {\n                var limit = " . $this->limit . ";\n                var filesAdded = " . $this->count . ";\n                var fl ='#filelist" . $name . "');\n                \n                // file picker window opener\n                function openFilePickerWindow(e){\n                    e.halt();\n                    win ='" . makeLink($params = array('controller' => 'file', 'action' => 'picker', 'ajax_action' => "1", 'update' => $name)) . "', 'IMAGE_BROWSER','left=20,top=20,scrollbars=yes,width=800,height=600,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,status=0');\n                    if (!win) {\n                        //Catch the popup blocker\n                        alert('" . gt('Please disable your popup blocker') . "!!');\n                    }\n                };\n                \n                var listenForAdder = function(){\n                    var af ='#addfiles-" . $name . "');\n                    af.on('click',openFilePickerWindow);\n                };\n                \n                var showEmptyLI = function(){\n                    var blank = Y.Node.create('<li class=\"blank\">" . gt('You need to add some files') . "</li>');\n                    fl.appendChild(blank);\n                };\n                \n                if (limit > filesAdded) {\n                    listenForAdder();\n                }\n                                \n                // remove the file from the list\n                fl.delegate('click',function(e){\n          'li').remove();\n                    \n                    showFileAdder();\n                },'.delete');\n                \n                var showFileAdder = function() {\n                    var sf ='#addfiles-" . $name . "');\n                    if (Y.Lang.isNull(sf)) {\n                        var afl = Y.Node.create('<a class=\"add\" href=\"#\" id=\"addfiles-" . $name . "\">" . gt('Add Files') . "</a>');\n              '#filemanager" . $name . " .hd').append(afl);\n                        listenForAdder();\n                    }\n                    filesAdded--;\n                    if (filesAdded == 0) showEmptyLI();\n                }\n\n                //Drag Drop stuff\n                \n                //Listen for all drop:over events\n                Y.DD.DDM.on('drop:over', function(e) {\n                    //Get a reference to out drag and drop nodes\n                    var drag = e.drag.get('node'),\n                        drop = e.drop.get('node');\n\n                    //Are we dropping on a li node?\n                    if (drop.get('tagName').toLowerCase() === 'li') {\n                        //Are we not going up?\n                        if (!goingUp) {\n                            drop = drop.get('nextSibling');\n                        }\n                        //Add the node to this list\n                        e.drop.get('node').get('parentNode').insertBefore(drag, drop);\n                        //Resize this nodes shim, so we can drop on it later.\n                        e.drop.sizeShim();\n                    }\n                });\n                //Listen for all drag:drag events\n                Y.DD.DDM.on('drag:drag', function(e) {\n                    //Get the last y point\n                    var y =[1];\n                    //is it greater than the lastY var?\n                    if (y < lastY) {\n                        //We are going up\n                        goingUp = true;\n                    } else {\n                        //We are going down..\n                        goingUp = false;\n                    }\n                    //Cache for next check\n                    lastY = y;\n                });\n                //Listen for all drag:start events\n                Y.DD.DDM.on('drag:start', function(e) {\n                    //Get our drag object\n                    var drag =;\n                    //Set some styles here\n                    drag.get('node').setStyle('opacity', '.25');\n                    drag.get('dragNode').set('innerHTML', drag.get('node').get('innerHTML'));\n                    drag.get('dragNode').setStyles({\n                        opacity: '.85',\n                        borderColor: drag.get('node').getStyle('borderColor'),\n                        backgroundImage: drag.get('node').getStyle('backgroundImage')\n                    });\n                });\n                //Listen for a drag:end events\n                Y.DD.DDM.on('drag:end', function(e) {\n                    var drag =;\n                    //Put out styles back\n                    drag.get('node').setStyles({\n                        visibility: '',\n                        opacity: '1'\n                    });\n                });\n                //Listen for all drag:drophit events\n                Y.DD.DDM.on('drag:drophit', function(e) {\n                    var drop = e.drop.get('node'),\n                        drag = e.drag.get('node');\n\n                    //if we are not on an li, we must have been dropped on a ul\n                    if (drop.get('tagName').toLowerCase() !== 'li') {\n                        if (!drop.contains(drag)) {\n                            drop.appendChild(drag);\n                        }\n                    }\n                });\n\n                //Static Vars\n                var goingUp = false, lastY = 0;\n\n                var initDragables =  function(){\n\n                    //Get the list of li's in the lists and make them draggable\n                    var lis = Y.Node.all('#filelist" . $name . " li');\n                    if (lis){\n                        lis.each(function(v, k) {\n                            var dd = new Y.DD.Drag({\n                                node: v,\n                                proxy: true,\n                                moveOnEnd: false,\n                                target: {\n                                    padding: '0 0 0 20'\n                                }\n                            }).plug(Y.Plugin.DDConstrained, {\n                                //Keep it inside the #list1 node\n                                constrain2node: '#filelist" . $name . "',\n                                stickY:true\n                            }).plug(Y.Plugin.DDProxy, {\n                                //Don't move the node at the end of the drag\n                                moveOnEnd: false,\n                                borderStyle:'0'\n                            });//.addHandle('.fpdrag');\n                        });\n                    }\n\n                    //var tar = new Y.DD.Drop({'#filelist" . $name . "')});\n                }\n                \n                initDragables();\n\n                // calback function from open window\n                EXPONENT.passBackFile" . $name . " = function(id) {\n\n                    var complete = function (ioId, o) {\n                        var df ='#filelist" . $name . "');\n                        var objson = Y.JSON.parse(o.responseText);\n                        var obj =;\n                        if (obj.mimetype!='image/png' && obj.mimetype!='image/gif' && obj.mimetype!='image/jpeg'){\n                            var filepic = '<img class=\"filepic\" src=\"'+EXPONENT.ICON_RELATIVE+'\"attachableitems/generic_22x22.png\">';\n                        } else {\n                            var filepic = '<img class=\"filepic\" src=\"'+EXPONENT.URL_FULL+'thumb.php?id=''&amp;w=24&amp;h=24&amp;zc=1\">';\n                        }\n                    \n                        var html = '<li>';\n                        html += '<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . $subTypeName . "\" value=\"''\">';\n                        html += '<a class=\"delete\" rel=\"imgdiv''\" href=\"javascript:{}\">" . gt('delete') . "<\\/a>';\n                        html += filepic;\n                        html += '<span class=\"filename\">'+obj.filename+'<\\/span>';\n                        html += '<\\/li>';\n                        \n                        htmln = Y.Node.create(html);                        \n                        \n                        df.append(htmln);\n\n                        var dd = new Y.DD.Drag({\n                            node: htmln,\n                            proxy: true,\n                            moveOnEnd: false,\n                            target: {\n                                padding: '0 0 0 20'\n                            }\n                        }).plug(Y.Plugin.DDConstrained, {\n                            constrain2node: '#filelist" . $name . "',\n                            stickY:true\n                        }).plug(Y.Plugin.DDProxy, {\n                            moveOnEnd: false,\n                            borderStyle:'0'\n                        });\n\n                        \n                        var af ='#addfiles-" . $name . "');\n\n                        if (filesAdded==0) {\n                  '.blank').remove();\n                        }\n\n                        filesAdded++\n\n                        if (!Y.Lang.isNull(af) && limit==filesAdded) {\n                            af.remove();\n                        }\n\n                        //initDragables();\n                    };\n                    \n                    var cfg = {\n                        on:{\n                            success:complete\n                        }\n                    };\n          'index.php.php?controller=file&action=getFile&ajax_action=1&json=1&id='+id, cfg);\n                    //ej.fetch({action:'getFile',controller:'fileController',json:1,params:'&id='+id});\n                }\n\n            });\n            ";
     expCSS::pushToHead(array("unique" => "cal2", "link" => $assets_path . "files/attachable-files.css"));
     //        exponent_javascript_toFoot("filepicker".$name,"json,connection","dd-constrain,dd-proxy,dd-drop",$js,"");
     expJavascript::pushToFoot(array("unique" => "filepicker" . $name, "yui3mods" => "1", "content" => $js, "src" => ""));
     return $html;
 * Smarty {backlink} function plugin
 * Type:     function<br>
 * Name:     backlink<br>
 * Purpose:  create a back link
 * @param         $params
 * @param \Smarty $smarty
function smarty_function_backlink($params, &$smarty)
    //	global $history;
    //	$d=$params['distance']?$params['distance']+1:2;
    //	echo makelink($history->history[$history->history['lasts']['type']][count($history->history[$history->history['lasts']['type']])-$d]['params']);
    $d = $params['distance'] ? $params['distance'] : 1;
    echo makeLink(expHistory::getBack($d));
Beispiel #4
 function init()
     global $language, $config, $messages;
     $this->esoTalk->view = "feed.view.php";
     header("Content-type: text/xml; charset={$language["charset"]}");
     // Work out what type of feed we're doing:
     // conversation/[id] -> fetch the posts in conversation [id]
     // default -> fetch the most recent posts over the whole forum
     switch (@$_GET["q2"]) {
         case "conversation":
             // Get the conversation.
             $conversationId = (int) $_GET["q3"];
             if (!$conversationId or !($conversation = $this->esoTalk->db->fetchAssoc("SELECT c.conversationId AS id, c.title AS title, c.slug AS slug, c.private AS private, c.posts AS posts, c.startMember AS startMember, c.lastActionTime AS lastActionTime, GROUP_CONCAT(t.tag ORDER BY t.tag ASC SEPARATOR ', ') AS tags FROM {$config["tablePrefix"]}conversations c LEFT JOIN {$config["tablePrefix"]}tags t USING (conversationId) WHERE c.conversationId={$conversationId} GROUP BY c.conversationId"))) {
             // Do we need authentication?
             if ($conversation["private"] or $conversation["posts"] == 0) {
                 // Try to login with provided credentials.
                 if (isset($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"])) {
                     $this->esoTalk->login($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"], $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_PW"]);
                 // Still not logged in? Ask them again!
                 if (!$this->esoTalk->user) {
                     header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="esoTalk RSS feed"');
                     header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
                 // We're logged in now. So, is this member allowed in this conversation?
                 if (!($conversation["startMember"] == $this->esoTalk->user["memberId"] or $conversation["posts"] > 0 and (!$conversation["private"] or $this->esoTalk->db->result("SELECT allowed FROM {$config["tablePrefix"]}status WHERE conversationId={$conversationId} AND (memberId={$this->esoTalk->user["memberId"]} OR memberId='{$this->esoTalk->user["account"]}')", 0)))) {
                     // Nuh-uh. Get OUT!!!
             // Past this point, the user is allowed to view the conversation.
             // Set the title, link, description, etc.
             $this->title = "{$conversation["title"]} - {$config["forumTitle"]}";
             $this->link = $config["baseURL"] . makeLink($conversation["id"], $conversation["slug"]);
             $this->description = $conversation["tags"];
             $this->pubDate = date("D, d M Y H:i:s O", $conversation["lastActionTime"]);
             // Get posts
             $result = $this->esoTalk->db->query("SELECT postId, name, content, time FROM {$config["tablePrefix"]}posts INNER JOIN {$config["tablePrefix"]}members USING (memberId) WHERE conversationId={$conversation["id"]} AND p.deleteMember IS NULL ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 20");
             while (list($id, $member, $content, $time) = $this->esoTalk->db->fetchRow($result)) {
                 $this->items[] = array("title" => $member, "description" => sanitize($this->absoluteURLs($content)), "link" => $config["baseURL"] . makeLink("post", $id), "date" => date("D, d M Y H:i:s O", $time));
             // It doesn't matter whether we're logged in or not - just get the posts!
             $result = $this->esoTalk->db->query("SELECT p.postId, c.title,, p.content, p.time FROM {$config["tablePrefix"]}posts p LEFT JOIN {$config["tablePrefix"]}conversations c USING (conversationId) INNER JOIN {$config["tablePrefix"]}members m ON (m.memberId=p.memberId) WHERE c.private=0 AND c.posts>0 AND p.deleteMember IS NULL ORDER BY p.time DESC LIMIT 20");
             while (list($postId, $title, $member, $content, $time) = $this->esoTalk->db->fetchRow($result)) {
                 $this->items[] = array("title" => "{$member} - {$title}", "description" => sanitize($this->absoluteURLs($content)), "link" => $config["baseURL"] . makeLink("post", $postId), "date" => date("D, d M Y H:i:s O", $time));
             // Set the title, link, description, etc.
             $this->title = "{$language["Recent posts"]} - {$config["forumTitle"]}";
             $this->link = $config["baseURL"];
             $this->pubDate = !empty($this->items[0]) ? $this->items[0]["date"] : "";
Beispiel #5
function tile_TheTileName($group, $x, $y, $width, $height, $background, $url, $labelText, $labelColor, $labelPosition, $classes)
    global $scale, $spacing, $scaleSpacing, $groupSpacing;
    $marginTop = $y * $scaleSpacing + getMarginTop($group);
    $marginLeft = $x * $scaleSpacing + getMarginLeft($group);
    $tileWidth = $width * $scaleSpacing - $spacing;
    $tileHeight = $height * $scaleSpacing - $spacing;
  	<a <?php 
    echo makeLink($url);
 class="tile group<?php 
    echo $group;
    echo $classes;
" style="
    echo $marginTop;
px; margin-left:<?php 
    echo $marginLeft;
    echo $tileWidth;
px; height:<?php 
    echo $tileHeight;
    echo $background;
;" <?php 
    posVal($marginTop, $marginLeft, $tileWidth);
    if ($labelText != "") {
        if ($labelPosition == 'top') {
            echo "<div class='tileLabelWrapper top' style='border-top-color:" . $labelColor . ";'><div class='tileLabel top' >" . $labelText . "</div></div>";
        } else {
            echo "<div class='tileLabelWrapper bottom'><div class='tileLabel bottom' style='border-bottom-color:" . $labelColor . ";'>" . $labelText . "</div></div>";
 function init()
     if ($this->esoTalk->user) {
     global $language, $messages, $config;
     $this->title = $language["Forgot your password"];
     $this->esoTalk->addToHead("<meta name='robots' content='noindex, noarchive'/>");
     // If we're on the second step (they've clicked the link in their email)
     if ($hash = @$_GET["q2"]) {
         // Get the user with this recover password hash
         $result = $this->esoTalk->db->query("SELECT memberId FROM {$config["tablePrefix"]}members WHERE resetPassword='******'");
         if (!$this->esoTalk->db->numRows($result)) {
         list($memberId) = $this->esoTalk->db->fetchRow($result);
         $this->setPassword = true;
         // Validate the form if it was submitted
         if (isset($_POST["changePassword"])) {
             $password = @$_POST["password"];
             $confirm = @$_POST["confirm"];
             if ($error = validatePassword(@$_POST["password"])) {
                 $this->errors["password"] = $error;
             if ($password != $confirm) {
                 $this->errors["confirm"] = "passwordsDontMatch";
             if (!count($this->errors)) {
                 $passwordHash = md5($config["salt"] . $password);
                 $this->esoTalk->db->query("UPDATE {$config["tablePrefix"]}members SET resetPassword=NULL, password='******' WHERE memberId={$memberId}");
                 $this->esoTalk->message("passwordChanged", false);
     // If they've submitted their email for a password link, email them!
     if (isset($_POST["email"])) {
         // Find the member with this email
         $result = $this->esoTalk->db->query("SELECT memberId, name, email FROM {$config["tablePrefix"]}members WHERE email='{$_POST["email"]}'");
         if (!$this->esoTalk->db->numRows($result)) {
         list($memberId, $name, $email) = $this->esoTalk->db->fetchRow($result);
         // Set a special 'forgot password' hash
         $hash = md5(rand());
         $this->esoTalk->db->query("UPDATE {$config["tablePrefix"]}members SET resetPassword='******' WHERE memberId={$memberId}");
         // Send the email
         if (sendEmail($email, sprintf($language["emails"]["forgotPassword"]["subject"], $name), sprintf($language["emails"]["forgotPassword"]["body"], $name, $config["forumTitle"], $config["baseURL"] . makeLink("forgot-password", $hash)))) {
             $this->esoTalk->message("passwordEmailSent", false);
Beispiel #7
 public function index($page = "index")
     $data = array();
     if (isset($_GET['keyword']) && strlen($_GET['keyword']) > 2) {
         $keyword = filterText($_GET['keyword']);
         $data['original_keyword'] = $keyword;
         $keyword = strtolower($keyword);
         $keyword = str_replace(' ep ', ' episode ', $keyword);
         $whereClause = "title LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%'";
         $pageNum = isset($_GET['p']) ? intval($_GET['p']) : 1;
         $offset = ($pageNum - 1) * ITEM_PER_PAGE;
         $total = $this->Series_model->getTotal($whereClause);
         $listObject = $this->Series_model->getRange($whereClause, $offset, ITEM_PER_PAGE);
         $data['keyword'] = $keyword;
         $data['max'] = ITEM_PER_PAGE;
         $data['offset'] = $offset;
         $data['total'] = $total;
         $this->layout->title('Search result for ' . $keyword);
         $metaData['page_link'] = makeLink(0, $keyword, 'search');
         if (empty($listObject)) {
             $whereClause2 = "video.title LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%'";
             $total = $this->Video_model->getTotalFull($whereClause2);
             $data['total'] = $total;
             $listVideo = $this->Video_model->getRangeFull($whereClause2, $offset, ITEM_PER_PAGE);
             if ($listVideo) {
                 $data['listObject'] = $listVideo;
                 $this->layout->view('search/video', $data);
             } else {
                 $this->layout->view('home/nodata', array());
         } else {
             $data['listObject'] = $listObject;
             $this->layout->view('search/' . $page, $data);
     } else {
Beispiel #8
        echo $info['title'];
</a> >
    } else {
 > <a href="<?php 
        echo makeLink($c, 'list', array('classid' => $info['classid'], 'filename' => $classinfo['filename']));
        echo $classinfo['title'];
 > <a href="<?php 
        echo makeLink($c, $a, array('id' => $info['id'], 'filename' => $info['filename']));
        echo $info['title'];
</a> >

if ($a == 'search') {
 > 搜索
Beispiel #9
  * the first thing after checkout.
 public function preprocess()
     global $order, $user, $db;
     //eDebug($_POST, true);
     // get the shippnig and billing objects, these objects handle the setting up the billing/shipping methods
     // and their calculators
     $shipping = new shipping();
     $billing = new billing();
     // since we're skipping the billing method selection, do it here
     //this is just dumb. it doesn't update the object, refresh doesn't work, and I'm tired
     $billing = new billing();
     if (!$user->isLoggedIn()) {
         flash('message', gt("It appears that your session has expired. Please log in to continue the checkout process."));
         expHistory::redirecto_login(makeLink(array('module' => 'cart', 'action' => 'checkout'), 'secure'));
     // Make sure all the pertanent data is there...otherwise flash an error and redirect to the checkout form.
     if (empty($order->orderitem)) {
         flash('error', gt('There are no items in your cart.'));
     if (empty($shipping->calculator->id) && !$shipping->splitshipping) {
         flash('error', gt('You must pick a shipping method'));
     if (empty($shipping->address->id) && !$shipping->splitshipping) {
         flash('error', gt('You must pick a shipping address'));
     if (empty($billing->calculator->id)) {
         flash('error', gt('You must pick a billing method'));
     if (empty($billing->address->id)) {
         flash('error', gt('You must select a billing address'));
     // make sure all the methods picked for shipping meet the requirements
     foreach ($order->getShippingMethods() as $smid) {
         $sm = new shippingmethod($smid);
         $calcname = $db->selectValue('shippingcalculator', 'calculator_name', 'id=' . $sm->shippingcalculator_id);
         $calc = new $calcname($sm->shippingcalculator_id);
         $ret = $calc->meetsCriteria($sm);
         if (is_string($ret)) {
             flash('error', $ret);
     // if we encounterd any errors we will return to the checkout page and show the errors
     if (!expQueue::isQueueEmpty('error')) {
         redirect_to(array('controller' => 'cart', 'action' => 'checkout'));
     // get the billing options..this is usually the credit card info entered by the user
     $opts = $billing->calculator->userFormUpdate($this->params);
     expSession::set('billing_options', $opts);
     //$o = expSession::get('billing_options');
     //this should probably be genericized a bit more - currently assuming order_type parameter is present, or defaults
     // final the cart totals
     // call the billing mehod's preprocess in case it needs to prepare things.
     // eDebug($billing);
     $result = $billing->calculator->preprocess($billing->billingmethod, $opts, $this->params, $order);
     // once in a while it appears the payment processor will return a nullo value in the errorCode field
     // which the previous check takes as a TRUE, as 0, null, and empty will all equate out the same using the ==
     // adding the === will specifically test for a 0 and only a 0, which is what we want
     if (empty($result->errorCode)) {
         redirect_to(array('controller' => 'cart', 'action' => 'confirm'));
     } else {
         flash('error', gt('An error was encountered while processing your transaction.') . '<br /><br />' . $result->message);
Beispiel #10
	  <a href="./<?php 
        echo makeLink('downloads', 'show', array('id' => $value['id'], 'filename' => $value['filename']));
" title="<?php 
        echo $value['title'];
"><img height="60" width="80" src="<?php 
        echo $value['thumb'];
" /></a>
	  <div class="icl_list_right">
	  <div class="icl_list_right_title">
	  <a href="./<?php 
        echo makeLink('downloads', 'show', array('id' => $value['id'], 'filename' => $value['filename']));
" title="<?php 
        echo $value['title'];
"><font color="<?php 
        echo $value['titlecolor'];
        echo cutstr($value['title'], 16);
	  <div class="icl_list_right_intro">
        echo cutstr($value['intro'], 40);
Beispiel #11
} else {
    echo $this->esoTalk->htmlMessage("noSkinsInstalled");

<fieldset id='addSkin'>
echo $language["Add a new skin"];
echo $this->esoTalk->htmlMessage("downloadSkins", "");
<form action='<?php 
echo makeLink("skins");
' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
<ul class='form'>
echo $language["Upload a skin"];
</label> <input name='uploadSkin' type='file' class='text' size='20'/></li>
<li><label></label> <?php 
echo $this->esoTalk->skin->button(array("value" => $language["Add skin"]));
Beispiel #12
function readtxt($f)
    $return = '';
    $filename = $f;
    $ini_handle = fopen($filename, "r");
    $return = fread($ini_handle, filesize($filename));
    $return = nl2br($return);
    return makeLink($return);
 // 40,000 almost definitely will not exceed the 10MB sitemap limit.
 define("ZLIB", extension_loaded("zlib") ? ".gz" : null);
 // Generate conversation sitemap files until we run out of conversations.
 while (true) {
     // Set the filename with the counter.
     $filename = "sitemap.conversations.{$i}.xml" . ZLIB;
     // Get the next batch of public conversations from the database.
     $r = mysql_query("SELECT conversationId, slug, posts / ((UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - startTime) / 86400) AS postsPerDay, IF(lastActionTime, lastActionTime, startTime) AS lastUpdated, posts FROM " . config("esoTalk.database.prefix") . "conversations WHERE !private LIMIT " . ($i - 1) * URLS_PER_SITEMAP . "," . URLS_PER_SITEMAP);
     // If there are no conversations left, break from the loop.
     if (!mysql_num_rows($r)) {
     } else {
         $urlset = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><urlset xmlns=''>";
         // Create a <url> tag for each conversation in the result set.
         while (list($conversationId, $slug, $postsPerDay, $lastUpdated, $posts) = mysql_fetch_row($r)) {
             $urlset .= "<url><loc>{$config["baseURL"]}" . makeLink($conversationId, $slug) . "</loc><lastmod>" . gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s+00:00", $lastUpdated) . "</lastmod><changefreq>";
             // How often should we tell them to check for updates?
             if ($postsPerDay < 0.006) {
                 $urlset .= "yearly";
             } elseif ($postsPerDay < 0.07000000000000001) {
                 $urlset .= "monthly";
             } elseif ($postsPerDay < 0.3) {
                 $urlset .= "weekly";
             } elseif ($postsPerDay < 3) {
                 $urlset .= "daily";
             } else {
                 $urlset .= "hourly";
             $urlset .= "</changefreq>";
             // Estimate the conversation's importance based upon the number of posts.
             if ($posts < 50) {
Beispiel #14
 &amp; <?php 
    echo $this->esoTalk->user["name"];
<br/><span class='label private'><?php 
    echo $language["labels"]["private"];
</span></label> <div><a href='<?php 
    echo makeLink("search", "?q2=private+%2B+contributor:" . urlencode(desanitize($this->member["name"])));
    printf($language["See the private conversations I've had"], $this->member["name"]);
<a href='<?php 
    echo makeLink("new", "?member=" . urlencode(desanitize($this->member["name"])));
    printf($language["Start a private conversation"], $this->member["name"]);


Beispiel #15
  * add all module items to search index
  * @return int
 function addContentToSearch()
     global $db, $router;
     $count = 0;
     $model = new $this->basemodel_name(null, false, false);
     $content = $db->selectArrays($model->tablename);
     foreach ($content as $cnt) {
         $origid = $cnt['id'];
         // get the location data for this content
         if (isset($cnt['location_data'])) {
             $loc = expUnserialize($cnt['location_data']);
         $src = isset($loc->src) ? $loc->src : null;
         //build the search record and save it.
         $search_record = new search($cnt, false, false);
         $search_record->original_id = $origid;
         $search_record->posted = empty($cnt['created_at']) ? null : $cnt['created_at'];
         $link = str_replace(URL_FULL, '', makeLink(array('controller' => $this->baseclassname, 'action' => 'show', 'id' => $origid, 'src' => $src)));
         //	        if (empty($search_record->title)) $search_record->title = 'Untitled';
         $search_record->view_link = $link;
         $search_record->ref_module = $this->classname;
         $search_record->category = $this->searchName();
         $search_record->ref_type = $this->searchCategory();
         $count += 1;
     return $count;
Beispiel #16
global $user, $db;
$my_version = gt("Exponent Version") . " : " . EXPONENT_VERSION_MAJOR . "." . EXPONENT_VERSION_MINOR . "." . EXPONENT_VERSION_REVISION . "<br />";
    $my_type = gt("Release level") . " : " . EXPONENT_VERSION_TYPE . EXPONENT_VERSION_ITERATION . "<br />";
} else {
    $my_type = '';
$my_releasedate = gt("Release date") . " : " . date("F-d-Y", EXPONENT_VERSION_BUILDDATE);
$script = "\n// YUI(EXPONENT.YUI3_CONFIG).use('node', function(Y) {\n// \n// });\n\n";
expJavascript::pushToFoot(array("unique" => 'admin1', "yui3mods" => null, "content" => $script));
if ($user->isAdmin()) {
    $expAdminMenu = array('text' => '<img src="' . $this->asset_path . 'images/admintoolbar/expbar.png">', 'classname' => 'site', 'submenu' => array('id' => 'admin', 'itemdata' => array(array('classname' => 'info', 'text' => gt('About ExponentCMS'), "submenu" => array('id' => 'ver', 'itemdata' => array(array('classname' => 'moreinfo', 'text' => $my_version . $my_type . $my_releasedate . "<br />" . gt("PHP Version") . " : " . phpversion(), "disabled" => true), array('text' => gt("Exponent Documentation"), 'url' => '#', 'id' => 'docs-toolbar', 'classname' => 'docs'), array('text' => gt("Discuss Exponent"), 'url' => '#', 'id' => 'forums-toolbar', 'classname' => 'forums'), array('text' => gt("Report a bug"), 'url' => '#', 'id' => 'reportabug-toolbar', 'classname' => 'reportbug')))))));
} else {
    $expAdminMenu = array('text' => '<img src="' . $this->asset_path . 'images/admintoolbar/expbar.png">', 'classname' => 'site', 'submenu' => array('id' => 'admin', 'itemdata' => array(array('classname' => 'info', 'text' => gt('About ExponentCMS'), "submenu" => array('id' => 'ver', 'itemdata' => array(array('classname' => 'moreinfo', 'text' => $my_version . $my_type . $my_releasedate, "disabled" => true), array('text' => gt("Exponent Documentation"), 'url' => '#', 'id' => 'docs-toolbar', 'classname' => 'docs'), array('text' => gt("Discuss Exponent"), 'url' => '#', 'id' => 'forums-toolbar', 'classname' => 'forums')))))));
if ($user->isAdmin()) {
    if (SMTP_USE_PHP_MAIL) {
        $expAdminMenu['submenu']['itemdata'][] = array('text' => gt("Configuration"), 'classname' => 'config', 'submenu' => array('id' => 'configure', 'itemdata' => array(array('text' => gt("Configure Website"), 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'configure_site'))), array('text' => gt('Regenerate Search Index'), 'classname' => 'search', 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'search', 'action' => 'spider'))))));
    } else {
        $expAdminMenu['submenu']['itemdata'][] = array('text' => gt('Configuration'), 'classname' => 'config', 'submenu' => array('id' => 'configure', 'itemdata' => array(array('text' => gt("Configure Website"), 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'configure_site'))), array('text' => gt('Test SMTP Mail Server Settings'), 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'test_smtp'))), array('text' => gt('Regenerate Search Index'), 'classname' => 'search', 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'search', 'action' => 'spider'))))));
$groups = $db->selectObjects('groupmembership', 'member_id=' . $user->id . ' AND is_admin=1');
if ($user->isAdmin() || !empty($groups)) {
    $expAdminMenu['submenu']['itemdata'][] = array('text' => gt('User Management'), 'classname' => 'users', 'submenu' => array('id' => 'usermanagement', 'itemdata' => array(array('text' => gt('User Accounts'), 'url' => makeLink(array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'manage')), 'classname' => 'euser'), array('text' => gt('Group Accounts'), 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'users', 'action' => 'manage_groups')), 'classname' => 'egroup'), array('text' => gt('Profile Definitions'), 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'users', 'action' => 'manage_extensions'))), array('text' => gt('User Sessions'), 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'users', 'action' => 'manage_sessions'))))));
if ($user->isSuperAdmin()) {
    $expAdminMenu['submenu']['itemdata'][] = array('text' => gt('Developer Tools'), 'classname' => 'development', 'submenu' => array('id' => 'development', 'itemdata' => array(array('text' => DEVELOPMENT ? gt('Turn Error Reporting off') : gt('Turn Error Reporting on'), 'classname' => DEVELOPMENT ? 'develop_on_red' : 'develop_off', 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'toggle_dev'))), array('text' => gt('Database'), 'submenu' => array('id' => 'database', 'itemdata' => array(array('text' => gt('Install Tables'), 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'install_tables'))), array('text' => gt('Import Data'), 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'importer', 'action' => 'list_importers'))), array('text' => gt('Export Data'), 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'exporter', 'action' => 'list_exporters'))), array('text' => gt('Optimize Database'), 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'fix_optimize_database'))), array('text' => gt('Repair Database'), 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'fix_database'))), array('text' => gt('Reset Sessions Table'), 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'fix_sessions'))), array('text' => gt('Remove Unused Tables'), 'classname' => 'remove', 'url' => makeLink(array('controller' => 'administration', 'action' => 'manage_unused_tables')))))), array('text' => gt('Migration'), 'submenu' => array('id' => 'migration', 'itemdata' => array(array('text' => '1 - ' . gt('Configure Migration Settings'), 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'migration', 'action' => 'configure'))), array('text' => '2 - ' . gt('Migrate Users/Groups'), 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'migration', 'action' => 'manage_users'))), array('text' => '3 - ' . gt('Migrate Pages'), 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'migration', 'action' => 'manage_pages'))), array('text' => '4 - ' . gt('Migrate Files'), 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'migration', 'action' => 'manage_files'))), array('text' => '5 - ' . gt('Migrate Content'), 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'migration', 'action' => 'manage_content')))))), array('text' => gt('Extensions'), 'submenu' => array('id' => 'extensions', 'itemdata' => array(array('text' => gt('Install Extension'), 'classname' => 'fileuploader', 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'install_extension'))), array('text' => gt('Manage Modules'), 'classname' => 'manage', 'url' => makeLink(array('controller' => 'expModule', 'action' => 'manage'))), array('text' => gt('Manage Translations'), 'classname' => 'manage', 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'manage_lang'))), array('text' => gt('Manage Themes'), 'classname' => 'manage', 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'manage_themes'))), array('text' => MOBILE ? gt('Turn Mobile View off') : gt('Turn Mobile View on'), 'classname' => MOBILE ? 'develop_on_green' : 'develop_off', 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'toggle_mobile')))))), array('text' => gt('System Cache'), 'submenu' => array('id' => 'cache', 'itemdata' => array(array('text' => MINIFY ? gt('Turn Minification off') : gt('Turn Minification on'), 'classname' => MINIFY ? 'develop_on_green' : 'develop_off', 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'toggle_minify'))), array('text' => gt('Clear Smarty Cache'), 'classname' => 'remove', 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'clear_smarty_cache'))), array('text' => gt('Clear CSS/Minify Cache'), 'classname' => 'remove', 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'clear_css_cache'))), array('text' => gt('Clear Image Cache'), 'classname' => 'remove', 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'clear_image_cache'))), array('text' => gt('Clear RSS/Podcast Cache'), 'classname' => 'remove', 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'clear_rss_cache'))), array('text' => gt('Clear All Caches'), 'classname' => 'remove', 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'clear_all_caches')))))), array('text' => MAINTENANCE_MODE ? gt('Turn Maintenance Mode off') : gt('Turn Maintenance Mode on'), 'classname' => MAINTENANCE_MODE ? 'develop_on_red' : 'develop_off', 'url' => makeLink(array('module' => 'administration', 'action' => 'toggle_maintenance'))))));
return $expAdminMenu;
Beispiel #17
function tile_slide($group, $x, $y, $width, $height, $background, $url, $text, $img, $imgSize, $slidePercent, $slideDir, $doSlideText, $doSlideLabel, $border, $labelText, $labelColor, $labelPosition, $classes)
    global $scale, $spacing, $scaleSpacing, $groupSpacing;
    $tileWidth = $width * $scaleSpacing - $spacing;
    $tileHeight = $height * $scaleSpacing - $spacing;
    $marginTop = $y * $scaleSpacing + getMarginTop($group);
    $marginLeft = $x * $scaleSpacing + getMarginLeft($group);
    switch ($slideDir) {
        case "left":
        case "right":
            $d = 'hor';
        case "down":
        case "up":
            $d = 'ver';
  	<a <?php 
    echo makeLink($url);
 class="tile tileSlide <?php 
    echo $slideDir;
    echo $group;
    echo $classes;
" style="
    echo $marginTop;
px; margin-left:<?php 
    echo $marginLeft;
    echo $tileWidth;
px; height:<?php 
    echo $tileHeight;
    echo $background;
; <?php 
    if (!$border) {
        echo "padding:0;";
" <?php 
    posVal($marginTop, $marginLeft, $tileWidth);
    echo $doSlideText;
    <div class='slideText' style='
    if ($d == "ver") {
        echo $tileHeight * $slidePercent;
px; width:100%;<?php 
    } else {
        echo $tileWidth * $slidePercent;
px; height:100%;<?php 
    if ($doSlideText) {
        switch ($slideDir) {
            case "left":
                echo "left:" . $tileWidth . 'px;';
            case "right":
                echo "left:" . -$tileWidth * $slidePercent . 'px;';
            case "down":
                echo "top:" . -$tileHeight * $slidePercent . 'px;';
            case "up":
                echo "top:" . $tileHeight . 'px;';
    } else {
        switch ($slideDir) {
            case "left":
                echo "right";
            case "right":
                echo "left";
            case "down":
                echo "top";
            case "up":
                echo "bottom";
        echo ":0;";
    echo "'>" . $text;
    <div class="imageWrapper">
    	<div class="imageCenterer" style="width:<?php 
    echo $tileWidth;
px; height:<?php 
    echo $tileHeight;
    echo $tileHeight - 2;
			<img src='<?php 
    echo $img;
' style="width:<?php 
    echo $tileWidth * $imgSize;
px;" /> 
    if (!$doSlideLabel) {
        echo "</div>";
    if ($labelText != "") {
        if ($labelPosition == 'top') {
            echo "<div class='tileLabelWrapper top' style='border-top-color:" . $labelColor . ";'><div class='tileLabel top' >" . $labelText . "</div></div>";
        } else {
            echo "<div class='tileLabelWrapper bottom'><div class='tileLabel bottom' style='border-bottom-color:" . $labelColor . ";'>" . $labelText . "</div></div>";
    if ($doSlideLabel) {
        echo "</div>";
Beispiel #18
    global $code, $appId, $secretCode, $redirectUri;
    return "" . "client_id={$appId}&client_secret={$secretCode}&redirect_uri={$redirectUri}" . "&code={$code}";
function wallPost($text)
    global $userId, $accessToken;
    $text = urlencode($text);
    $url = "{$userId}&access_token={$accessToken}" . "&message={$text}";
    return $url;
function makeLink($href)
    return "<div><a href={$href}>{$href}</a></div>";
$url = wallPost("Салам алейкум");
//$url = getAccessToken();

    <h2>Response: <?php 
echo $url;
echo file_get_contents($url);
echo makeLink(getAuthUrl());
//echo makeLink(getAccessToken());
//echo makeLink(wallPost("Салам алейкум"));
Beispiel #19
function dompayouts($data, $user)
    $pg = '<h1>Mining Rewards</h1>';
    $ans = getMPayouts($user);
    $pg .= "The rewards you've earned for each block the pool has found.<br>";
    $pg .= 'See the ';
    $pg .= makeLink('payments');
    $pg .= "Payments</a> page for the payments you've been sent.<br><br>";
    $pg .= "<table callpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n";
    $pg .= "<tr class=title>";
    $pg .= "<td class=dr>Block</td>";
    $pg .= "<td class=dr>Block UTC</td>";
    $pg .= "<td class=dr>Miner Reward</td>";
    $pg .= "<td class=dr>N Diff</td>";
    $pg .= "<td class=dr>N Range</td>";
    $pg .= "<td class=dr>Pool N Avg</td>";
    $pg .= "<td class=dr>Your %</td>";
    $pg .= "<td class=dr>Your N Diff</td>";
    $pg .= "<td class=dr>Your N Avg</td>";
    $pg .= "<td class=dr>Your BTC</td>";
    $pg .= "</tr>\n";
    if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok') {
        $totamt = 0;
        $count = $ans['rows'];
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                $row = 'even';
            } else {
                $row = 'odd';
            $pg .= "<tr class={$row}>";
            $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . $ans['height:' . $i] . '</td>';
            $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . gmdate('j/M H:i', $ans['blockcreatedate:' . $i]) . '</td>';
            $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . btcfmt($ans['minerreward:' . $i]) . '</td>';
            $diffused = $ans['diffused:' . $i];
            $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . difffmt($diffused) . '</td>';
            $elapsed = $ans['elapsed:' . $i];
            $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . howmanyhrs($elapsed) . '</td>';
            $phr = $diffused * pow(2, 32) / $elapsed;
            $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . siprefmt($phr) . 'Hs</td>';
            $diffacc = $ans['diffacc:' . $i];
            $ypct = $diffacc * 100 / $diffused;
            $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . number_format($ypct, 2) . '%</td>';
            $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . difffmt($diffacc) . '</td>';
            $hr = $diffacc * pow(2, 32) / $elapsed;
            $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . dsprate($hr) . '</td>';
            $amount = $ans['amount:' . $i];
            $totamt += $amount;
            $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . btcfmt($amount) . '</td>';
            $pg .= "</tr>\n";
        if ($count > 1) {
            if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                $row = 'even';
            } else {
                $row = 'odd';
            $pg .= "<tr class={$row}>";
            $pg .= '<td class=dr>Total:</td>';
            $pg .= '<td class=dl colspan=8></td>';
            $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . btcfmt($totamt) . '</td>';
            $pg .= "</tr>\n";
    $pg .= "</table>\n";
    return $pg;
Beispiel #20
        echo makePopupLink('?view=' . $eventsView . '&amp;page=1' . $monitor['eventCounts'][$i]['filter']['query'], $eventsWindow, $eventsView, $monitor['EventCount' . $i], canView('Events'));
            <td class="colZones"><?php 
    echo makePopupLink('?view=zones&amp;mid=' . $monitor['Id'], 'zmZones', array('zones', $monitor['Width'], $monitor['Height']), $monitor['ZoneCount'], canView('Monitors'));
    if (canEdit('Monitors')) {
            <td class="colOrder"><?php 
        echo makeLink('?view=' . $view . '&amp;action=sequence&amp;mid=' . $monitor['Id'] . '&amp;smid=' . $seqIdUpList[$monitor['Id']], '<img src="' . $seqUpFile . '" alt="Up"/>', $monitor['Sequence'] > $minSequence);
        echo makeLink('?view=' . $view . '&amp;action=sequence&amp;mid=' . $monitor['Id'] . '&amp;smid=' . $seqIdDownList[$monitor['Id']], '<img src="' . $seqDownFile . '" alt="Down"/>', $monitor['Sequence'] < $maxSequence);
            <td class="colMark"><input type="checkbox" name="markMids[]" value="<?php 
    echo $monitor['Id'];
" onclick="setButtonStates( this )"<?php 
    if (!canEdit('Monitors')) {
Beispiel #21
     echo "<div class=\"" . $feeditem->type_title . "\">";
     echo "<div class=\"left_" . $feeditem->type_title . "_box\" style='float:left';>";
     echo "<img src=\"components/com_redsocialstream/images/" . $feeditem->type_title . ".jpg\"  class=\"icon_" . $feeditem->type_title . "\">";
     echo "</div>";
     echo "<div class=\"title_" . $feeditem->type_title . "_box\" style='float:left';><h2>";
     echo $feeditem->ext_post_name;
     echo "</h2></div>";
     echo "<div class=\"date_" . $feeditem->type_title . "_box\" style='float:right';>";
     echo JHtml::date($feeditem->created_time, 'l d/m/y H:i');
     echo "</div>";
     echo "<div class=\"right_" . $feeditem->type_title . "_box\" style='padding-top:50px;'>";
     echo "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\" >";
     echo "<img src=\"" . $feeditem->thumb_uri . "\" class=\"profile_" . $feeditem->type_title . "_image\"\">";
     echo "</div>";
     echo "<div class=\"redsocial_description " . $feeditem->type_title . "\">";
     echo makeLink($feeditem->message);
     echo "</div>";
     echo "<div style='float:right';>";
     echo "<a href=\"!/" . $feeditem->ext_post_name . "\">" . JText::_('COM_REDSOCIALSTREAM_READMORE') . "</a>";
     echo "</div>";
     echo "</div>";
     echo "<div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>";
     echo "</div><br/><hr/><br/>";
 if ($feeditem->type_title == 'youtube') {
     echo "<div class=\"" . $feeditem->type_title . "\">";
     echo "<div class=\"left_" . $feeditem->type_title . "_box\" style='float:left';>";
     echo "<img src=\"components/com_redsocialstream/images/" . $feeditem->type_title . ".jpg\" class=\\icon_" . $feeditem->type_title . "\">";
     echo "</div>";
     echo "<div  class=\"title_" . $feeditem->type_title . "_box\" style='float:left';><h2>";
     echo $feeditem->ext_post_name;
Beispiel #22
	  <a href="./<?php 
        echo makeLink('articles', 'show', array('id' => $value['id'], 'filename' => $value['filename']));
" title="<?php 
        echo $value['title'];
"><img height="60" width="80" src="<?php 
        echo $value['thumb'];
" /></a>
	  <div class="icl_list_right">
	  <div class="icl_list_right_title">
	  <a href="./<?php 
        echo makeLink('articles', 'show', array('id' => $value['id'], 'filename' => $value['filename']));
" title="<?php 
        echo $value['title'];
"><font color="<?php 
        echo $value['titlecolor'];
        echo cutstr($value['title'], 16);
	  <div class="icl_list_right_intro">
        echo cutstr($value['intro'], 40);
Beispiel #23
# This file is part of Exponent
# Exponent is free software; you can redistribute
# it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# GPL:
if (!defined('EXPONENT')) {
global $db, $router;
if ($db->countObjects('product', 'product_type="eventregistration"') == 0) {
    return false;
$events = $db->selectObjects('eventregistration', 'event_starttime > ' . time());
$items = array();
$items[] = array('text' => "<strong><u>" . gt('View All Event Registrations') . "</u><strong>", 'url' => makeLink(array('controller' => 'eventregistration', 'action' => 'showall')));
foreach ($events as $event) {
    $prod = $db->selectObject('product', 'product_type="eventregistration" AND product_type_id=' . $event->id);
    if (!empty($prod->title)) {
        $thisitem = array();
        $thisitem['text'] = $prod->title . ' (' . $event->number_of_registrants . '/' . $prod->quantity . ')';
        $thisitem['url'] = $router->makeLink(array('controller' => 'eventregistration', 'action' => 'view_registrants', 'id' => $prod->id));
        $items[] = $thisitem;
return array('text' => gt('Upcoming Events'), 'classname' => 'events', 'submenu' => array('id' => 'events', 'itemdata' => $items));
Beispiel #24
            <a href="<?php 
        echo makeLink($object['id'], $object['title'], 'series', $object['country']);
              <img src="<?php 
        echo getThumbnail($object['thumbnail'], 'series');
" alt="<?php 
        echo $object['title'];
" class="img-responsive">
          </div><!-- /.thumb -->
          <div class="meta">
            <h3 class="title"><a href="<?php 
        echo makeLink($object['id'], $object['title'], 'series', $object['country']);
        echo $object['title'];
        echo subString($object['description'], 300);
          </div><!-- /.meta -->
        </div><!-- /.ui-list-item -->
Beispiel #25
function show_links($link_cat, $format = '', $before = '', $after = '')
    $linklist = get_links_array($link_cat);
    if ($format == '') {
        $format = "<li>%s</li>";
    if ($format == 'nolist') {
        $format = '%s';
    foreach ($linklist as $slug => $title) {
        echo sprintf($format, $before . makeLink(slugUrl($slug), $title) . $after);
Beispiel #26
function tile_slideshow($group, $x, $y, $width, $height, $background, $url, $images, $alts, $texts, $effect, $speed, $arrows, $labelText, $labelColor, $labelPosition, $classes)
    global $scale, $spacing, $scaleSpacing, $groupSpacing;
    $id = str_replace(".", "_", $group . "-" . $x . "-" . $y);
    $tileWidth = $width * $scaleSpacing - $spacing;
    $tileHeight = $height * $scaleSpacing - $spacing;
    $marginTop = $y * $scaleSpacing + getMarginTop($group);
    $marginLeft = $x * $scaleSpacing + getMarginLeft($group);
    if (count($alts) != count($images)) {
        $alts = array_fill(count($alts), count($images) - count($alts), "");
  	<a <?php 
    echo makeLink($url);
    echo $id;
" class="tile tileSlideshow group<?php 
    echo $group;
    echo $classes;
" style="
    echo $marginTop;
px; margin-left:<?php 
    echo $marginLeft;
    echo $tileWidth;
px; height:<?php 
    echo $tileHeight;
    echo $background;
;" <?php 
    posVal($marginTop, $marginLeft, $tileWidth);
    <div class='imgWrapperBack' style="width: <?php 
    echo $tileWidth + 2;
px; height:<?php 
    echo $tileHeight + 2;
px"><img src='<?php 
    echo $images[0];
' alt=''/></div>
	<div class='imgWrapper' style="width: <?php 
    echo $tileWidth + 2;
px; height:<?php 
    echo $tileHeight + 2;
px"><img src='<?php 
    echo $images[0];
' alt='<?php 
    echo $alts[0];
' /></div>
    if ($texts != "" && count($texts) > 0) {
        echo "<div class='imgText'>" . $texts[0] . "</div>";
    <script type="text/javascript">slideshowTiles["tileSlideshow<?php 
    echo $id;
"] = [<?php 
    echo json_encode($images);
    echo json_encode($alts);
    echo json_encode($texts);
    echo '"' . $effect . '"';
    echo $speed;
    if ($arrows) {
        echo '<img id="sl_arrowRight" src="' . PATH_FOLDER . 'img/arrows/simpleArrowRight.png" alt="Slideshow - right"><img id="sl_arrowLeft" src="<?php echo PATH_FOLDER;?>img/arrows/simpleArrowLeft.png" alt="Slideshow - left">';
    if ($labelText != "") {
        if ($labelPosition == 'top') {
            echo "<div class='tileLabelWrapper top' style='border-top-color:" . $labelColor . ";'><div class='tileLabel top' >" . $labelText . "</div></div>";
        } else {
            echo "<div class='tileLabelWrapper bottom'><div class='tileLabel bottom' style='border-bottom-color:" . $labelColor . ";'>" . $labelText . "</div></div>";
Beispiel #27

$data = $articles_class->GetList(array('id', 'rootid', 'title', 'filename', 'parentid'), '0', '8', ' rootid = 0 and id > 1 ', 'id asc');
if ($data) {
    foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
      <li><a href="./<?php 
        echo makeLink('articles', 'list', array('classid' => $value['id'], 'filename' => $value['filename']));
        echo cutstr($value['title'], 16);
unset($data, $key, $value);
Beispiel #28
			<input type="submit" value="投稿する">

while ($post = mysqli_fetch_assoc($posts)) {
		<img src="member_picture/<?php 
    echo h($post['picture']);
" width="48" height="48" alt="<?php 
    echo h($post['name']);
    echo makeLink(h($post['message']));
    echo h($post['name']);
<a href="index.php?res=<?php 
    echo h($post['id']);
		<p><a href="view.php?id=<?php 
    echo h($post['id']);
    echo h($post['created']);
    if ($post['reply_post_id'] > 0) {
Beispiel #29
      <div class="col-md-8 content-margin-top">
while ($tweet = mysqli_fetch_assoc($tweets)) {
        <!-- ここでつぶやいた内容を繰り返し表示 -->
        <div class="msg">
          <img src="member_picture/<?php 
    echo h($tweet['picture_path']);
" width="48" height="48"
    echo h($tweet['nick_name']);
    echo makeLink(h($tweet['tweet']));
            <span class="name"> (<?php 
    echo h($tweet['nick_name']);
) </span>
            [<a href="index.php?res=<?php 
    echo h($tweet['tweet_id']);
          <p class="day">
            <a href="view.php?tweet_id=<?php 
    echo h($tweet['tweet_id']);
Beispiel #30
    echo makeLink($newestVideo[0]['id'], $newestVideo[0]['title']);
                      <img src="<?php 
    echo getThumbnail($newestVideo[0]['series']['thumbnail'], 'series');
" alt="<?php 
    echo $newestVideo[0]['title'];
 " class="img-responsive" />
                      <span class="fa fa-play-circle-o"></span>
                  </div><!-- /.ui-thumb -->
                  <div class="ui-meta col-sm-7">
                    <h3 class="ui-title"><a href="<?php 
    echo makeLink($newestVideo[0]['id'], $newestVideo[0]['title']);
" class="ui-ellipsis-2"><?php 
    echo $newestVideo[0]['title'];
    echo getVideoDescription($newestVideo[0]);
                  </div><!-- /.ui-meta -->
                </div><!-- /.row -->
              </div><!-- /.item-video -->
            </div><!-- /.col-sm-6 -->
          </div><!-- /.row -->
        </div><!-- /.section-line -->