function wfArtistRedirects()
     global $wgOut;
     $tablePrefix = "";
     $wgOut->setPageTitle("Artist Redirects");
     $msg = "";
     // Allow the cache to be manually cleared using the standard MediaWiki action=purge command.
     global $wgMemc;
     $cacheKey = "LW_ARTICLE_REDIRECTS";
     $cacheHours = 12;
     if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "purge") {
         // purge the entry from memcached
         $wgMemc->delete($cacheKey . "_index");
         // purge the entry for the page-listing
         $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = str_replace("?action=purge", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = str_replace("&action=purge", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     $MAX_LIMIT = 100;
     // If there is no explicit offset and limit, then display links to the various paged results.
     if (!isset($_GET['offset']) || !isset($_GET['limit'])) {
         $currCacheKey = $cacheKey . "_index";
         global $wgMemc;
         $content = $wgMemc->get($currCacheKey);
         if (!$content) {
             $queryString = "SELECT COUNT(*) as numRedirs FROM {$tablePrefix}" . "page WHERE page_is_redirect=1 AND page_title NOT LIKE '%:%'";
             $numRedirs = lw_simpleQuery($queryString);
             print "View results by pages:\n";
             print "<ul>\n";
             $REQUEST_URI = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
             $delim = "?";
             if (false !== strpos($REQUEST_URI, "?")) {
                 $delim = "&amp;";
             for ($offset = 0; $offset < $numRedirs; $offset += $MAX_LIMIT) {
                 print "\t<li><a href='{$REQUEST_URI}{$delim}" . "offset={$offset}&amp;limit=" . $MAX_LIMIT . "'>{$offset} - " . ($offset + $MAX_LIMIT) . "</a></li>\n";
             print "</ul>\n";
             $content = ob_get_clean();
             $wgMemc->set($currCacheKey, $content, strtotime("+{$cacheHours} hour"));
     } else {
         $request = $this->getRequest();
         $offset = max(0, $request->getInt('offset'));
         $limit = min($request->getInt('limit'), $MAX_LIMIT);
         $currCacheKey = $cacheKey . "_{$offset}" . "_{$limit}";
         $content = $wgMemc->get($currCacheKey);
         if (!$content) {
             $db = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
             print "This page lists artist redirects.  It will help you find abbreviations, nick-names, misspellings, and more. ";
             print "It may not be extremely interesting, but it also allows search engines to index all of these varaints so that ";
             print "the next time you search for lyrics, you don't need to worry which form you use... this is basically a way to pass ";
             print "our \"implied redirects\" through to search results.";
             print "<style>table{border-collapse:collapse;width:100%}tr.odd{background-color:#eef}td{padding:5px;border:1px #000 solid;}</style>\n";
             print "This page is cached every {$cacheHours} hours - \n";
             print "last cached: <strong>" . date('m/d/Y \\a\\t g:ia') . "</strong>\n";
             $result = $db->select(['page'], ['page_title'], ['page_is_redirect' => 1, 'page_title NOT ' . $db->buildLike($db->anyString(), ':', $db->anyString())], __METHOD__, ['ORDER BY' => 'page_title', 'OFFSET' => $offset, 'LIMIT' => $limit]);
             if ($result->numRows() > 0) {
                 print "<table>\n";
                 $COLS_TO_USE = 3;
                 $REQUEST_URI = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
                 foreach ($result as $row) {
                     $pageTitle = $row->page_title;
                     if ($cnt % $COLS_TO_USE == 0) {
                         print "\t<tr" . ($cnt % 2 != 0 ? " class='odd'" : "") . ">\n\t\t";
                     print "<td>";
                     print Xml::element('a', ['href' => '/index.php?virtPage&title=' . urlencode($pageTitle)], utf8_encode(str_replace('_', ' ', $pageTitle)));
                     print "</td>";
                     if (($cnt + 1) % $COLS_TO_USE == 0) {
                         print "\n\t</tr>\n";
                 while ($cnt % $COLS_TO_USE != 0) {
                     print "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
                     if (($cnt + 1) % $COLS_TO_USE == 0) {
                         print "\n\t</tr>\n";
                 print "</table>\n";
             $content = ob_get_clean();
             $wgMemc->set($currCacheKey, $content, strtotime("+{$cacheHours} hour"));
     $msg = $msg == "" ? "" : "<pre>{$msg}</pre>";
Beispiel #2
function lw_pageExists($pageTitle, $ns = NS_MAIN, $debug = false)
    global $EXIST_CACHE;
    if (!isset($EXIST_CACHE)) {
        $EXIST_CACHE = array();
    $pageTitle = str_replace(" ", "_", $pageTitle);
    if (isset($EXIST_CACHE["{$ns}:{$pageTitle}"])) {
        print !$debug ? "" : "Using cached value for {$ns}:{$pageTitle}\n";
        $retVal = $EXIST_CACHE["{$ns}:{$pageTitle}"];
    } else {
        $queryTitle = str_replace("'", "\\'", $pageTitle);
        // the page_namespace='$ns' speeds it up significantly since it can then use the index on page_namespace,page_title
        $queryString = "SELECT /* LyricWiki API server.php::lw_pageExists() */ COUNT(*) FROM page WHERE page_title='{$queryTitle}' AND page_namespace='{$ns}'";
        print !$debug ? "" : "Query for looking up the page:\n{$queryString}\n";
        $retVal = 0 < lw_simpleQuery($queryString);
        $EXIST_CACHE["{$ns}:{$pageTitle}"] = $retVal;
    print !$debug ? "" : "Page exists: " . ($retVal ? "yes" : "no") . "\n";
    return $retVal;