Beispiel #1
 public function export()
     $category = Category::getInstanceByID($this->getRequestCategory());
     $filter = select(gte(f('Category.lft'), $category->lft->get()), lte(f('Category.rgt'), $category->rgt->get()));
     $categories = ActiveRecordModel::getRecordsetArray('Category', $filter);
     $this->categories = array();
     foreach (array_merge($category->getPathNodeArray(), $categories) as $cat) {
         $this->categories[$cat['ID']] = $cat;
     return parent::export();
Beispiel #2
 public static function loadCategoryPathsForArray(&$productArray)
     foreach ($productArray as $product) {
         $cond = lte('Category.lft', $product['Category']['lft']);
         $cond->addAnd(gte('Category.rgt', $product['Category']['rgt']));
         $conditions[] = $cond;
     $filter = select(Condition::mergeFromArray($conditions, true));
     $categories = ActiveRecord::getRecordSetArray('Category', $filter);
     foreach ($productArray as &$product) {
         $product['Categories'] = array();
         $names = array();
         foreach ($categories as &$category) {
             if ($category['lft'] <= $product['Category']['lft'] && $category['rgt'] >= $product['Category']['rgt']) {
                 $product['Categories'][] =& $category;
                 $names[] = $category['name_lang'];
         $product['category_path'] = implode(' > ', $names);
         $product['category_path_slash'] = implode(' / ', $names);
         $product['category_name'] = count($names) > 0 ? array_pop($names) : '';
Beispiel #3
 public function removeUnnecessaryCategoriesFromSnapshot(ClonedStore $store)
     $conds = array();
     foreach ($store->getRelatedRecordSet('ClonedStoreCategory', select(), 'Category') as $storeCat) {
         $cat = $storeCat->category->get();
         if (1 == $cat->getID()) {
         $cond = lte(f('Category.lft'), $cat->lft->get());
         $cond->addAND(gte(f('Category.rgt'), $cat->rgt->get()));
         $conds[] = $cond;
     if (!$conds) {
     $cond = new OrChainCondition($conds);
     $ids = array();
     foreach (ActiveRecordModel::getFieldValues('Category', select($cond), array('ID')) as $id) {
         $ids[] = array_shift($id);
     $idstr = 'IN (' . implode(', ', $ids) . ')';
     // delete unused extra category references
     // ActiveRecord::executeUpdate('DELETE FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.ProductCategory WHERE categoryID NOT ' . $idstr);
     //var_dump('before: ' . array_shift(array_shift(ActiveRecord::getDataBySQL('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.Product'))));
     ActiveRecord::executeUpdate('DELETE FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.Product WHERE (categoryID NOT ' . $idstr . ') AND ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.ProductCategory WHERE productID=Product.ID AND (ProductCategory.categoryID ' . $idstr . ')) = 0)');
     //echo 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.Product WHERE (categoryID NOT ' . $idstr . ') AND ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.ProductCategory WHERE productID=Product.ID AND (ProductCategory.categoryID ' . $idstr . ')) = 0)';
     //var_dump('AFTER: ' . array_shift(array_shift(ActiveRecord::getDataBySQL('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.Product'))));
     // fix main category
     ActiveRecord::executeUpdate('UPDATE ' . $this->importDatabase . '.Product SET categoryID=(SELECT categoryID FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.ProductCategory WHERE productID=Product.ID AND ProductCategory.categoryID IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ') LIMIT 1) WHERE (parentID IS NULL) AND (categoryID NOT ' . $idstr . ')');
     // remove redundant extra categories
     ActiveRecord::executeUpdate('DELETE ' . $this->importDatabase . '.ProductCategory FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.ProductCategory LEFT JOIN ' . $this->importDatabase . '.Product ON ProductCategory.productID=Product.ID WHERE ProductCategory.categoryID=Product.categoryID');
     // delete unused products
     ActiveRecord::executeUpdate('DELETE FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.Product WHERE (categoryID IS NULL) AND (parentID IS NULL)');
     // get all remaining categories
     $sql = 'SELECT lft, rgt FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.Category WHERE ID IN (SELECT categoryID FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.ProductCategory)';
     $conds = array();
     foreach (ActiveRecordModel::getDataBySQL($sql) as $row) {
         $cond = lte(f('Category.lft'), $row['lft']);
         $cond->addAND(gte(f('Category.rgt'), $row['rgt']));
         $conds[] = $cond;
     $cond = new OrChainCondition($conds);
     $ids = array();
     foreach (ActiveRecordModel::getFieldValues('Category', select($cond), array('ID')) as $id) {
         $ids[] = array_shift($id);
     $allidstr = 'IN (' . implode(', ', $ids) . ')';
     // delete unused categories
     ActiveRecord::executeUpdate('DELETE FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.Category WHERE (ID<>1) AND (ID NOT ' . $idstr . ') AND (ID NOT ' . $allidstr . ')');
     // disable/enable existing products according to category selection
     $store->addQueuedQuery('UPDATE Category SET isEnabled=0 WHERE (ID NOT ' . $idstr . ') AND (ID NOT ' . $allidstr . ')');
     $store->addQueuedQuery('UPDATE Category SET isEnabled=1 WHERE ((ID ' . $idstr . ') OR (ID ' . $allidstr . ')) AND (COALESCE(LOCATE("|isEnabled|", protectedFields), 0) = 0)');
     $store->addQueuedQuery('UPDATE Product SET isEnabled=0 WHERE (parentID IS NULL) AND (categoryID NOT ' . $idstr . ') AND (categoryID NOT ' . $allidstr . ')');
     //$store->addQueuedQuery('UPDATE Product SET isEnabled=1 WHERE (parentID IS NULL) AND ((categoryID ' . $idstr . ') OR (categoryID ' . $allidstr . ')) AND (COALESCE(LOCATE("|isEnabled|", protectedFields), 0) = 0)');