function ls($pattern = "*", $folder = "", $recursivly = false, $options = array('return_files', 'return_folders')) { if ($folder) { $current_folder = realpath('.'); if (in_array('quiet', $options)) { // If quiet is on, we will suppress the 'no such folder' error if (!file_exists($folder)) { return array(); } } if (!chdir($folder)) { return array(); } } $get_files = in_array('return_files', $options); $get_folders = in_array('return_folders', $options); $both = array(); $folders = array(); // Get the all files and folders in the given directory. if ($get_files) { $both = glob($pattern, GLOB_BRACE + GLOB_MARK); } if ($recursivly or $get_folders) { $folders = glob("*", GLOB_ONLYDIR + GLOB_MARK); } //If a pattern is specified, make sure even the folders match that pattern. $matching_folders = array(); if ($pattern !== '*') { $matching_folders = glob($pattern, GLOB_ONLYDIR + GLOB_MARK); } //Get just the files by removing the folders from the list of all files. $all = array_values(array_diff($both, $folders)); if ($recursivly or $get_folders) { foreach ($folders as $this_folder) { if ($get_folders) { //If a pattern is specified, make sure even the folders match that pattern. if ($pattern !== '*') { if (in_array($this_folder, $matching_folders)) { array_push($all, $this_folder); } } else { array_push($all, $this_folder); } } if ($recursivly) { // Continue calling this function for all the folders $deep_items = ls($pattern, $this_folder, $recursivly, $options); # :RECURSION: foreach ($deep_items as $item) { array_push($all, $this_folder . $item); } } } } if ($folder) { chdir($current_folder); } //echo "LS_called!<br />"; return $all; }
public static function listSvgWidget() { $return = array(); $uploaddir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../special'; $data['files'] = ls($uploaddir, "*", false, array('files')); $data['folders'] = ls($uploaddir, "*", false, array('folders')); for ($index = 0; $index < count($data['folders']); $index++) { $data['folders'][$index] = str_replace('/', '', $data['folders'][$index]); } for ($index = 0; $index < count($data['files']); $index++) { $filename = pathinfo($data['files'][$index]); for ($nbFolder = 0; $nbFolder < count($data['folders']); $nbFolder++) { if ($data['folders'][$nbFolder] == strtolower($filename['filename'])) { $folders['name'] = $data['files'][$index]; $folders['folder'] = strtolower($filename['filename']) . '/'; $folders['files'] = ls($uploaddir . '/' . strtolower($filename['filename']), "*", false, array('files')); $extension = pathinfo(strtolower($folders['files'][0])); $folders['extension'] = $extension['extension']; //return $folders;.replace(/<?[^>]*>/, "").replace(/<!DOCTYPE[^>]*>/, "").replace(/<!--[^>]*>/, "") if (in_array($folders['extension'], array('svg'))) { for ($nbFile = 0; $nbFile < count($folders['files']); $nbFile++) { $filename = pathinfo($folders['files'][$nbFile]); $folders['svg'][$nbFile]['name'] = $filename['filename']; $folders['svg'][$nbFile]['snap'] = file_get_contents($uploaddir . '/' . $folders['folder'] . $folders['files'][$nbFile]); } } $return[] = $folders; } } } return $return; }
public static function devicesParameters($_device = '') { $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config/devices'; if (isset($_device) && $_device != '') { $files = ls($path, $_device . '.php', false, array('files', 'quiet')); if (count($files) == 1) { global $deviceConfiguration; require_once $path . '/' . $files[0]; return $deviceConfiguration[$_device]; } } $files = ls($path, '*.php', false, array('files', 'quiet')); $return = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { global $deviceConfiguration; require_once $path . '/' . $file; $return = $return + $deviceConfiguration; } if (isset($_device) && $_device != '') { if (isset($return[$_device])) { return $return[$_device]; } return array(); } return $return; }
public function __construct() { /* Init rules. */ $rulesPath = WIKIDOT_ROOT . '/php/utils/karmarules/'; $files = ls($rulesPath, '*.php'); foreach ($files as $f) { require_once $rulesPath . '/' . $f; $cn = str_replace('.php', '', basename($f)); $this->_rules[] = new $cn(); } }
private function compile(array $tokens) { $cg = (object) ['ts' => TokenStream::fromSlice($tokens), 'parsers' => []]; traverse(rtoken('/^(T_\\w+)·(\\w+)$/')->onCommit(function (Ast $result) use($cg) { $token = $result->token(); $id = $this->lookupCapture($token); $type = $this->lookupTokenType($token); $cg->parsers[] = token($type)->as($id); }), ($parser = chain(rtoken('/^·\\w+$/')->as('type'), token('('), optional(ls(either(future($parser)->as('parser'), chain(token(T_FUNCTION), parentheses()->as('args'), braces()->as('body'))->as('function'), string()->as('string'), rtoken('/^T_\\w+·\\w+$/')->as('token'), rtoken('/^T_\\w+$/')->as('constant'), rtoken('/^·this$/')->as('this'), label()->as('label'))->as('parser'), token(',')))->as('args'), commit(token(')')), optional(rtoken('/^·\\w+$/')->as('label'), null)))->onCommit(function (Ast $result) use($cg) { $cg->parsers[] = $this->compileParser($result->type, $result->args, $result->label); }), $this->layer('{', '}', braces(), $cg), $this->layer('[', ']', brackets(), $cg), $this->layer('(', ')', parentheses(), $cg), rtoken('/^···(\\w+)$/')->onCommit(function (Ast $result) use($cg) { $id = $this->lookupCapture($result->token()); $cg->parsers[] = layer()->as($id); }), token(T_STRING, '·')->onCommit(function (Ast $result) use($cg) { $offset = \count($cg->parsers); if (0 !== $this->dominance || 0 === $offset) { $this->fail(self::E_BAD_DOMINANCE, $offset, $result->token()->line()); } $this->dominance = $offset; }), rtoken('/·/')->onCommit(function (Ast $result) { $token = $result->token(); $this->fail(self::E_BAD_CAPTURE, $token, $token->line()); }), any()->onCommit(function (Ast $result) use($cg) { $cg->parsers[] = token($result->token()); }))->parse($cg->ts); // check if macro dominance '·' is last token if ($this->dominance === \count($cg->parsers)) { $this->fail(self::E_BAD_DOMINANCE, $this->dominance, $cg->ts->last()->line()); } $this->specificity = \count($cg->parsers); if ($this->specificity > 1) { if (0 === $this->dominance) { $pattern = chain(...$cg->parsers); } else { /* dominat macros are partially wrapped in commit()s and dominance is the offset used as the 'event horizon' point... once the entry point is matched, there is no way back and a parser error arises */ $prefix = array_slice($cg->parsers, 0, $this->dominance); $suffix = array_slice($cg->parsers, $this->dominance); $pattern = chain(...array_merge($prefix, array_map(commit::class, $suffix))); } } else { /* micro optimization to save one function call for every token on the subject token stream whenever the macro pattern consists of a single parser */ $pattern = $cg->parsers[0]; } return $pattern; }
function ls($basePath, $path) { echo "<ul>"; $files = scandir($basePath . $path); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != ".svn") { echo "<li>"; if (is_dir($basePath . $path . "/" . $file)) { echo $file; ls($basePath, $path . "/" . $file); } else { echo "<a href=\"page.php?p={$path}/{$file}\">{$file}</a>"; } echo "</li>"; } } echo "</ul>"; }
function ls($curpath) { $lsoutput = ""; $dir = dir($curpath); while ($file = $dir->read()) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (is_dir($curpath . $file)) { $lsoutput .= ls($curpath . $file . "/"); } else { if (notIgnore($curpath . $file)) { $lsoutput .= " <filename>" . substr($curpath . $file, 2) . "</filename>\n"; } } } } $dir->close(); return $lsoutput; }
public static function listWidget($_version) { $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../template/' . $_version; $files = ls($path, 'cmd.*', false, array('files', 'quiet')); $return = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $informations = explode('.', $file); $pathfile = $path . '/' . $file; $widget = new self(); $widget->setType($informations[1]); $widget->setSubtype($informations[2]); $widget->setName($informations[3]); $widget->setVersion($_version); $widget->setContent(file_get_contents($pathfile)); $widget->setPath($pathfile); $return[] = $widget; } return $return; }
function ls($path, &$html = array()) { foreach (new FilesystemIterator($path, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS) as $file) { if ($file->getFilename() == '.DS_Store') { continue; } elseif ($file->isDir()) { $html[] = "\n<li>"; $html[] = $file->getBaseName(); $html[] = '<ul>'; $html[] = ls($file->getPathname()); $html[] = '</ul>'; $html[] = '</li>'; } else { $link = ltrim(preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', ROOT), '/') . '/i', '', str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $file)), '/'); $html[] = "\n<li>"; $html[] = '<a href="index.php?doc=' . urlencode($link) . '">' . $file->getBaseName() . '</a>'; $html[] = '</li>'; } } return implode("\n", $html); }
function loadModules() { // Code HTML d'importation $scripts = ''; $styles = ''; // Liste des modules ls('modules', function ($modpath, $modfile) use(&$scripts, &$styles) { // Fichiers de scripts/styles $modscripts = "{$modpath}/scripts"; $modstyles = "{$modpath}/styles"; // echo "$modscripts<br/>"; // Chargement des scripts ls($modscripts, function ($subpath, $subfile) use(&$scripts, $modfile) { $scripts .= "<script src='./modules/{$modfile}/scripts/{$subfile}'></script>"; }, 'is_file'); // Chargement des styles ls($modstyles, function ($subpath, $subfile) use(&$styles, $modfile) { $styles .= "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='./modules/{$modfile}/styles/{$subfile}'/>"; }, 'is_file'); }, 'is_dir'); // On retourne tout return array('styles' => $styles . "\n", 'scripts' => $scripts . "\n"); }
/** * Read the plugin folder and put all the plugins found there in the dropdown menu */ function loadPlugins() { global $config; $plugins = array(); // Open plugin directory, and proceed to read its contents $dir = joinPath($config['site_folder'], 'plugins'); $files = ls("*", $dir, false, array('return_folders')); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file == 'CVS' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR || $file == '.' || $file == '..' || $file == 'api' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR || $file == '.svn' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { continue; } $plugins[] = substr($file, 0, -1); //Remove the trailing '/' } //Show the dropdown menu only if there are plugins if (count($plugins)) { print '<li class="dropdown"><a href="' . joinPath($config['site_relative_path'], 'plugins/') . '" class="plugin with-icon">Plugins</a>'; print "\n<ul class='menu-with-icon plugins'>\n"; foreach ($plugins as $plug) { print '<li><a href="' . joinPath($config['site_absolute_path'], 'plugins/', "{$plug}/") . '">' . format($plug) . '</a></li>' . "\n"; } print '</ul></li>'; } }
function listCachedProtocols($cacheDir) { $protocolDirs = ls($cacheDir); if (count($protocolDirs) > 0) { foreach ($protocolDirs as $pdir) { $curProtocols = ls($cacheDir . "/" . $pdir); if (count($curProtocols) > 0) { foreach ($curProtocols as $pname) { $protocols[$pdir][] = $pname; //echo basename($pdir)."/".basename($pname)." "; } } } } else { $protocols = 0; } return $protocols; }
</div> <div class="well col-sm-9" id="bsPanelWidgetImages" style="min-width: 725px;"> <div class="panel-group" id="accordion" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="headingOne"> <h4 class="panel-title"> <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseOne" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapseOne"> {{Bibliothèque d'images : Jeedom}}<small><em><bold> - {{Les divers icônes de Jeedom disponibles}}</bold></em></small> </a> </h4> </div> <div id="collapseOne" class="panel-collapse collapse in" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="headingOne"> <div class="panel-body" style="height: 250px; overflow: auto"> <div class="col-sm-12" id="bsIconView"> <?php foreach (ls('core/css/icon', '*') as $dir) { if (is_dir('core/css/icon/' . $dir) && file_exists('core/css/icon/' . $dir . '/style.css')) { $css = file_get_contents('core/css/icon/' . $dir . '/style.css'); $research = strtolower(str_replace('/', '', $dir)); preg_match_all("/\\." . $research . "-(.*?):/", $css, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); $height = ceil(count($matches) / 12) * 80 + 80; echo '<div style="height : ' . $height . 'px;"><legend>{{' . str_replace('/', '', $dir) . '}}</legend>'; $number = 1; foreach ($matches as $match) { if (isset($match[0])) { if ($number == 1) { echo '<div class="row">'; } echo '<div class="col-sm-1 divIconSel">'; $icon = str_replace(array(':', '.'), '', $match[0]); echo '<center><span class="iconSel"><i class=\'icon ' . $icon . '\'></i></span><br/><span class="iconDesc">' . $icon . '</span></center>';
public static function getCurrentSysInfoFolder() { $dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../'; $ls = ls($dir, 'sysinfo*'); if (count($ls) != 1) { return ''; } return $ls[0]; }
function _AllFiles($Dir=false) { global $ExploreDir; $Dir = !$Dir ? $ExploreDir : $Dir; $FileArr = ls($Dir); $ret[$Dir."/"] = $FileArr["files"]; foreach ($FileArr["dirs"] as $Path) { $ret = array_merge($ret,_AllFiles($Dir."/".$Path)); } $ret = !isset($ret) ? array() : $ret ; return $ret; }
$title = $header . ' - ' . $title; } else { // chapter NOT exist or NOT in menu >> $error = TRUE; } } // handle error >> if ($error === TRUE) { $header = 'Error 404: file not found'; $content = '<p>Error 404: file not found</p>'; $title = $header . ' - ' . $title; } // get downloadable files >> $ls_arg = trim(get_tag($content, 'ls')); if ($ls_arg != '') { $ls = ls($ls_arg); $_ = explode('<ls>' . $ls_arg . '</ls>', $content); $content = implode($ls, $_); } // make style >> $style = read_file($etc . 'master.css'); // load page design >> include $etc . 'skin.php'; // KERNEL FUNCTIONS >> // ----------------------------------------------------- // // read directory handle and return array from file names >> function read_dir($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { if (substr($dir, -1) != '/') { $dir = $dir . '/';
public static function listPlugin($_activateOnly = false, $_orderByCaterogy = false, $_translate = true) { $listPlugin = array(); if ($_activateOnly) { $sql = "SELECT plugin\n FROM config\n WHERE `key`='active'\n AND `value`='1'"; $results = DB::Prepare($sql, array(), DB::FETCH_TYPE_ALL); foreach ($results as $result) { try { $listPlugin[] = plugin::byId($result['plugin'], $_translate); } catch (Exception $e) { log::add('plugin', 'error', $e->getMessage(), 'pluginNotFound::' . $result['plugin']); } } } else { $rootPluginPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../plugins'; foreach (ls($rootPluginPath, '*') as $dirPlugin) { if (is_dir($rootPluginPath . '/' . $dirPlugin)) { $pathInfoPlugin = $rootPluginPath . '/' . $dirPlugin . '/plugin_info/info.xml'; if (file_exists($pathInfoPlugin)) { try { $listPlugin[] = plugin::byId($pathInfoPlugin, $_translate); } catch (Exception $e) { log::add('plugin', 'error', $e->getMessage(), 'pluginNotFound::' . $pathInfoPlugin); } } } } } if ($_orderByCaterogy) { $return = array(); if (count($listPlugin) > 0) { foreach ($listPlugin as $plugin) { $category = $plugin->getCategory(); if ($category == '') { $category = __('Autre', __FILE__); } if (!isset($return[$category])) { $return[$category] = array(); } $return[$category][] = $plugin; } foreach ($return as &$category) { usort($category, 'plugin::orderPlugin'); } ksort($return); } return $return; } else { if (isset($listPlugin) && is_array($listPlugin) && count($listPlugin) > 0) { usort($listPlugin, 'plugin::orderPlugin'); return $listPlugin; } else { return array(); } } }
<?php // TWEET NEST // Load user require "mpreheader.php"; $pageTitle = "Loading user info"; require "mheader.php"; echo l("Connecting & parsing...\n"); $path = "1/users/show.json?screen_name=" . $config['twitter_screenname']; echo l("Connecting to: <span class=\"address\">" . ls($path) . "</span>\n"); $data = $twitterApi->query($path); if ($data) { $extra = array("created_at" => (string) $data->created_at, "utc_offset" => (string) $data->utc_offset, "time_zone" => (string) $data->time_zone, "lang" => (string) $data->lang, "profile_background_color" => (string) $data->profile_background_color, "profile_text_color" => (string) $data->profile_text_color, "profile_link_color" => (string) $data->profile_link_color, "profile_sidebar_fill_color" => (string) $data->profile_sidebar_fill_color, "profile_sidebar_border_color" => (string) $data->profile_sidebar_border_color, "profile_background_image_url" => (string) $data->profile_background_image_url, "profile_background_tile" => (string) $data->profile_background_tile); echo l("Checking...\n"); $db->query("DELETE FROM `" . DTP . "tweetusers` WHERE `userid` = '0'"); // Getting rid of empty users created in error $q = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . DTP . "tweetusers` WHERE `userid` = '" . $db->s($data->id) . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($db->numRows($q) <= 0) { $iq = "INSERT INTO `" . DTP . "tweetusers` (`userid`, `screenname`, `realname`, `location`, `description`, `profileimage`, `url`, `extra`, `enabled`) VALUES ('" . $db->s($data->id) . "', '" . $db->s($data->screen_name) . "', '" . $db->s($data->name) . "', '" . $db->s($data->location) . "', '" . $db->s($data->description) . "', '" . $db->s($data->profile_image_url) . "', '" . $db->s($data->url) . "', '" . $db->s(serialize($extra)) . "', '1');"; } else { $iq = "UPDATE `" . DTP . "tweetusers` SET `screenname` = '" . $db->s($data->screen_name) . "', `realname` = '" . $db->s($data->name) . "', `location` = '" . $db->s($data->location) . "', `description` = '" . $db->s($data->description) . "', `profileimage` = '" . $db->s($data->profile_image_url) . "', `url` = '" . $db->s($data->url) . "', `extra` = '" . $db->s(serialize($extra)) . "' WHERE `userid` = '" . $db->s($data->id) . "' LIMIT 1"; } echo l("Updating...\n"); $q = $db->query($iq); echo $q ? l(good("Done!")) : l(bad("DATABASE ERROR: " . $db->error())); } else { echo l(bad("No data! Try again later.")); } require "mfooter.php";
public function getAssistantFilePath() { $id = $this->getConfiguration('manufacturer_id') . '.' . $this->getConfiguration('product_type') . '.' . $this->getConfiguration('product_id'); $files = ls(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config/devices', $id . '_*.php', false, array('files', 'quiet')); foreach (ls(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config/devices', '*', false, array('folders', 'quiet')) as $folder) { foreach (ls(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config/devices/' . $folder, $id . '_*.php', false, array('files', 'quiet')) as $file) { $files[] = $folder . $file; } } if (count($files) > 0) { return $files[0]; } return false; }
<?php define("BASE_DIR", dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); require_once BASE_DIR . "/include/"; require_once BASE_DIR . "/include/"; require_once BASE_DIR . "/include/"; require_once BASE_DIR . "/include/"; $dirname = str_replace("\\", "/", BASE_DIR . "/_backup"); db_set_constraints(false); foreach (ls($dirname) as $file) { //if ($file == 'event_guest.sql') { // continue; //} try { db_execute_file($dirname . "/" . $file); } catch (Exception $e) { echo '<pre>'; print_r($e); echo '</pre>'; exit; } } db_set_constraints(true); ?> <html> <head> <title>Restoration done</title> </head> <body> Restoration success<br/> <a href="../index.php">Go to index</a>
case 'securityWarning': if ($axValue == 'installer') { $tpl->display("security_warning.tpl"); } break; /** * Display the preferences dialog. */ /** * Display the preferences dialog. */ case 'prefs': if (isset($kga['customer'])) { die; } $tpl->assign('skins', ls("../skins")); $tpl->assign('langs', langs()); $tpl->assign('timezones', timezoneList()); $tpl->assign('usr', $kga['usr']); $tpl->assign('rate', get_rate($kga['usr']['usr_ID'], NULL, NULL)); $tpl->display("preferences.tpl"); break; /** * Display the dialog to add or edit a customer. */ /** * Display the dialog to add or edit a customer. */ case 'add_edit_knd': if (isset($kga['customer']) || $kga['usr']['usr_sts'] == 2) { die;
$c_f_rel .= "{$v}={$v}-index.html\n"; } foreach ($NAMES as $fls => $met) { $context = array_merge($context, array_values($NAMES[$fls])); } foreach ($context as $k => $v) { foreach ($NAMES as $mk => $mv) { if (in_array($v, $mv)) { $filelist .= "{$v}={$mk}.{$v}.html\n"; } } } $main_classes = implode(",", array_keys($NAMES)); /* Librerías */ //$docs=array("Lib/lib_list.php","Lib/lib_planty.php"); $docs = ls("Lib"); $NAMES = array(array()); $METHODS = array(); foreach ($docs as $k => $file) { echo "Parseando {$file}\n....."; parse_code($file); } echo "<pre>"; print_r($NAMES); echo "</pre>"; $NAMES = array_slice($NAMES, 1); foreach (array_keys($NAMES) as $k => $v) { $out = fopen($SYS["DOCROOT"] . "Doc/{$v}-index.html", "wt"); $mdata = ' <html> <head>
<ul> <li><a href="../index.php" title="Indice">Home</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="left_side"> <strong>Guestbook</strong><br /> <a href="./scrivi.php" title="Scrivi nel Guestbook"><strong>Scrivi nel Guestbook</strong></a><br /> <p>Ecco a voi il mio guestbook basato sull'engine di viRublog</p> <?php $pagina = (int) $_GET['p']; if ($pagina < 1 || !is_numeric($pagina)) { $pagina = 1; } $vettore = ls("*", "./data/", false); $lungh_array = count($vettore); $pathdata = "./data/"; $paginegen = (int) ($lungh_array / 6); if ($lungh_array % 6 > 0) { $paginegen = $paginegen + 1; } if ($pagina > $paginegen) { $pagina = 1; } inpagina($vettore, $lungh_array, $pagina, $pathdata); echo "<div class=\"sinistra\">" . $lung_array . "go to page:"; for ($i = 1; $i <= $paginegen; ++$i) { if ($pagina == $i) { echo "{$i} > "; } else {
if (!empty($config['targets']) && is_array($config['targets'])) { foreach ($config['targets'] as $name => $val) { $targets_select .= '<option value="' . $val . '">' . $name . '</option>'; } } // Log files from the log directory defined in our config. $logs_select = ''; $logs = ls($config['sources']['log'], '/^.*log$/', 'asc'); foreach ($logs as $filename) { $buf = explode('.', $filename); $readable = timify($buf[0]); $logs_select .= '<option value="' . $filename . '">' . $readable . '</option>' . "\n"; } // HTML Reports from the reports directory defined in our config. $reports_select = ''; $reports = ls($config['sources']['reports'], '/^.*html$/', 'asc'); foreach ($reports as $filename) { $buf = explode('.', $filename); $readable = timify($buf[0], false); $reports_select .= '<option value="' . $filename . '">' . $readable . '</option>' . "\n"; } /** * Generate HTML. */ $html = ''; $html .= <<<HEADER <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en"> <head> <title>AUS Regression Tests ::</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
</b></td> <td><b><?php echo $_lang['files_modified']; ?> </b></td> <td><b><?php echo $_lang['files_filesize']; ?> </b></td> <td><b><?php echo $_lang['files_fileoptions']; ?> </b></td> </tr> <?php ls($startpath); echo "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; if ($folders == 0 && $files == 0) { echo '<tr><td colspan="4"><img src="media/style/', $manager_theme, 'images/tree/deletedfolder.gif" border="0" /><span style="color:#888;cursor:default;"> This directory is empty.</span></td></tr>'; } ?> </table><?php echo $_lang['files_directories'], ': <b>', $folders, '</b><br />'; echo $_lang['files_files'], ': <b>', $files, '</b><br />'; echo $_lang['files_data'], ': <b><span dir="ltr">', ufilesize($filesizes), '</span></b><br />'; echo $_lang['files_dirwritable'], ' <b>', is_writable($startpath) == 1 ? $_lang['yes'] . '.' : $_lang['no'] . '.'; ?> </b><br /> <div align="center"> <img src="<?php echo $_style['tx'];
function importTweets($p) { global $twitterApi, $db, $config, $access, $search; $p = trim($p); if (!$twitterApi->validateUserParam($p)) { return false; } $maxCount = 200; $tweets = array(); $sinceID = 0; $maxID = 0; echo l("Importing:\n"); // Do we already have tweets? $pd = $twitterApi->getUserParam($p); if ($pd['name'] == "screen_name") { $uid = $twitterApi->getUserId($pd['value']); $screenname = $pd['value']; } else { $uid = $pd['value']; $screenname = $twitterApi->getScreenName($pd['value']); } $tiQ = $db->query("SELECT `tweetid` FROM `" . DTP . "tweets` WHERE `userid` = '" . $db->s($uid) . "' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1"); if ($db->numRows($tiQ) > 0) { $ti = $db->fetch($tiQ); $sinceID = $ti['tweetid']; } echo l("User ID: " . $uid . "\n"); // Find total number of tweets $total = totalTweets($p); if ($total > 3200) { $total = 3200; } // Due to current Twitter limitation $pages = ceil($total / $maxCount); echo l("Total tweets: <strong>" . $total . "</strong>, Approx. page total: <strong>" . $pages . "</strong>\n"); if ($sinceID) { echo l("Newest tweet I've got: <strong>" . $sinceID . "</strong>\n"); } // Retrieve tweets do { // Determine path to Twitter timeline resource $path = "1/statuses/user_timeline.json?" . $p . "&include_rts=true&include_entities=true&count=" . $maxCount . ($sinceID ? "&since_id=" . $sinceID : "") . ($maxID ? "&max_id=" . $maxID : ""); // Announce echo l("Retrieving page <strong>#" . ($i + 1) . "</strong>: <span class=\"address\">" . ls($path) . "</span>\n"); // Get data $data = $twitterApi->query($path); // Drop out on connection error if (is_array($data) && $data[0] === false) { dieout(l(bad("Error: " . $data[1] . "/" . $data[2]))); } // Start parsing echo l("<strong>" . ($data ? count($data) : 0) . "</strong> new tweets on this page\n"); if (!empty($data)) { echo l("<ul>"); foreach ($data as $i => $tweet) { // Shield against duplicate tweet from max_id if (!IS64BIT && $i == 0 && $maxID == $tweet->id_str) { unset($data[0]); continue; } // List tweet echo l("<li>" . $tweet->id_str . " " . $tweet->created_at . "</li>\n"); // Create tweet element and add to list $tweets[] = $twitterApi->transformTweet($tweet); // Determine new max_id $maxID = $tweet->id_str; // Subtracting 1 from max_id to prevent duplicate, but only if we support 64-bit integer handling if (IS64BIT) { $maxID = (int) $tweet->id - 1; } } echo l("</ul>"); } /*if(count($data) < ($maxCount - 50)){ echo l("We've reached last page\n"); break; }*/ } while (!empty($data)); if (count($tweets) > 0) { // Ascending sort, oldest first $tweets = array_reverse($tweets); echo l("<strong>All tweets collected. Reconnecting to DB...</strong>\n"); $db->reconnect(); // Sometimes, DB connection times out during tweet loading. This is our counter-action echo l("Inserting into DB...\n"); $error = false; foreach ($tweets as $tweet) { $q = $db->query($twitterApi->insertQuery($tweet)); if (!$q) { dieout(l(bad("DATABASE ERROR: " . $db->error()))); } $text = $tweet['text']; $te = $tweet['extra']; if (is_string($te)) { $te = @unserialize($tweet['extra']); } if (is_array($te)) { // Because retweets might get cut off otherwise $text = array_key_exists("rt", $te) && !empty($te['rt']) && !empty($te['rt']['screenname']) && !empty($te['rt']['text']) ? "RT @" . $te['rt']['screenname'] . ": " . $te['rt']['text'] : $tweet['text']; } $search->index($db->insertID(), $text); } echo !$error ? l(good("Done!\n")) : ""; } else { echo l(bad("Nothing to insert.\n")); } // Checking personal favorites -- scanning all echo l("\n<strong>Syncing favourites...</strong>\n"); // Resetting these $favs = array(); $maxID = 0; $sinceID = 0; do { $path = "1/favorites.json?" . $p . "&count=" . $maxCount . ($maxID ? "&max_id=" . $maxID : ""); echo l("Retrieving page <strong>#" . ($i + 1) . "</strong>: <span class=\"address\">" . ls($path) . "</span>\n"); $data = $twitterApi->query($path); if (is_array($data) && $data[0] === false) { dieout(l(bad("Error: " . $data[1] . "/" . $data[2]))); } echo l("<strong>" . ($data ? count($data) : 0) . "</strong> total favorite tweets on this page\n"); if (!empty($data)) { echo l("<ul>"); foreach ($data as $tweet) { if (!IS64BIT && $i == 0 && $maxID == $tweet->id_str) { unset($data[0]); continue; } if ($tweet->user->id_str == $uid) { echo l("<li>" . $tweet->id_str . " " . $tweet->created_at . "</li>\n"); $favs[] = $maxID = $tweet->id_str; if (IS64BIT) { $maxID = (int) $tweet->id - 1; } } } echo l("</ul>"); } echo l("<strong>" . count($favs) . "</strong> favorite own tweets so far\n"); //if(count($data) < ($maxCount - 50)){ break; } // We've reached last page } while (!empty($data)); // Blank all favorites $db->query("UPDATE `" . DTP . "tweets` SET `favorite` = '0'"); // Insert favorites into DB $db->query("UPDATE `" . DTP . "tweets` SET `favorite` = '1' WHERE `tweetid` IN ('" . implode("', '", $favs) . "')"); echo l(good("Updated favorites!")); }
<?php echo _('NOTE: In some browsers you must select the file in the file-upload dialog and click "OK". Double-clicking doesn\'t register the file.'); ?> </span> </span><br /> <?php echo _('Upload a new file'); ?> : <input type="file" name="userfile" size="30" /> <?php if ($sys_use_ftpuploads) { echo '<p>'; printf(_('Alternatively, you can use FTP to upload a new file at %1$s'), $sys_ftp_upload_host) . '<br />'; echo _('Choose an FTP file instead of uploading:') . '<br />'; $arr[] = ''; $ftp_files_arr = array_merge($arr, ls($upload_dir, true)); echo html_build_select_box_from_arrays($ftp_files_arr, $ftp_files_arr, 'ftp_filename', '', false); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <table width="60%"> <tr> <td> <h4><?php echo _('File Type'); ?> :</h4> <?php print frs_show_filetype_popup('type_id');
} if (init('action') == 'getAllPossibleConf') { $eqLogic = openzwave::byId(init('id')); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { ajax::success(); } ajax::success($eqLogic->getConfFilePath(true)); } if (init('action') == 'getConfiguration') { if (init('translation') == 1 && config::byKey('language', 'core', 'fr_FR') != 'fr_FR') { ajax::success(); } $id = init('manufacturer_id') . '.' . init('product_type') . '.' . init('product_id'); $files = ls(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config/devices', $id . '_*.json', false, array('files', 'quiet')); foreach (ls(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config/devices', '*', false, array('folders', 'quiet')) as $folder) { foreach (ls(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config/devices/' . $folder, $id . '_*.json', false, array('files', 'quiet')) as $file) { $files[] = $folder . $file; } } if (count($files) > 0) { $content = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config/devices/' . $files[0]); if (!is_json($content)) { ajax::success(); } ajax::success(json_decode($content, true)); } ajax::success(); } throw new Exception('Aucune methode correspondante'); /* * *********Catch exeption*************** */ } catch (Exception $e) {
public static function availableWidget($_version) { $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../template/' . $_version; $files = ls($path, 'cmd.*', false, array('files', 'quiet')); $return = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $informations = explode('.', $file); if (!isset($return[$informations[1]])) { $return[$informations[1]] = array(); } if (!isset($return[$informations[1]][$informations[2]])) { $return[$informations[1]][$informations[2]] = array(); } if (isset($informations[3])) { $return[$informations[1]][$informations[2]][] = array('name' => $informations[3]); } } foreach (plugin::listPlugin(true) as $plugin) { $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../plugins/' . $plugin->getId() . '/core/template/' . $_version; $files = ls($path, 'cmd.*', false, array('files', 'quiet')); foreach ($files as $file) { $informations = explode('.', $file); if (count($informations) > 3) { if (!isset($return[$informations[1]])) { $return[$informations[1]] = array(); } if (!isset($return[$informations[1]][$informations[2]])) { $return[$informations[1]][$informations[2]] = array(); } $return[$informations[1]][$informations[2]][] = array('name' => $informations[3]); } } } return $return; }
<html dir="ltr" lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Unveil, a simple filesystem browser and security testing tool</title> </head> <body> <p>Powered by <a href="">Unveil</a>, a simple filesystem browser and security testing tool by <a href="">Chris Shiflett</a>.</p> <hr /> <pre> <?php if (isset($_GET['dir'])) { ls($_GET['dir']); } elseif (isset($_GET['file'])) { cat($_GET['file']); } else { ls('/'); } ?> </pre> <hr /> <pre> <?php $safe = ini_get('safe_mode'); ?> [<code>safe_mode</code>] [<code><?php echo $safe; ?> </code>] <?php $base = ini_get('open_basedir'); ?>