Beispiel #1
  * Change collections when a custom field is deleted
 public function custom_field_modify_data($ft, $method, $data)
     // -------------------------------------------
     // Get the latest version of $data
     // -------------------------------------------
     if (ee()->extensions->last_call !== FALSE) {
         $data = ee()->extensions->last_call;
     // -------------------------------------------
     // Remove reference to field if found in collection settings
     // -------------------------------------------
     if ($method == 'settings_modify_column') {
         $collections = ee()->low_search_collection_model->get_all();
         foreach ($data as $row) {
             // Skip if not deleting
             if ($row['ee_action'] != 'delete') {
             foreach ($collections as $col_id => $col) {
                 // Init update array
                 $update = array();
                 // Is the field the excerpt? If so, fall back to title
                 if ($row['field_id'] == $col['excerpt']) {
                     $update['excerpt'] = 0;
                 // Is the field part of a collection's settings?
                 // If so, remove it
                 if (array_key_exists($row['field_id'], $col['settings'])) {
                     $update['settings'] = low_search_encode($col['settings'], FALSE);
                     // also update edit date to trigger 'rebuild index' message
                     $update['edit_date'] = ee()->localize->now;
                 // If we need to update, do so
                 if (!empty($update)) {
                     ee()->low_search_collection_model->update($col_id, $update);
     // Return the data again
     return $data;
Beispiel #2
  * View search log
  * @access      public
  * @return      string
 public function search_log()
     // Keep track of this URL
     $log_url = $this->mcp_url('search_log');
     $filtered = FALSE;
     // --------------------------------------
     // Check if filter form was posted
     // --------------------------------------
     if ($filter = ee()->input->post('filter')) {
         if ($filter = array_filter($filter, 'low_not_empty')) {
             $log_url .= AMP . 'filter=' . low_search_encode($filter);
         // Go to same url with encoded filter in GET
     // --------------------------------------
     // Check if there's a GET filter
     // --------------------------------------
     if ($filter = ee()->input->get('filter')) {
         $log_url .= AMP . 'filter=' . $filter;
         $filter = low_search_decode($filter);
         $filtered = TRUE;
     if (!is_array($filter)) {
         $filter = array();
     // Add site id to it
     $filter['site_id'] = $this->site_id;
     // --------------------------------------
     // Populate filters
     // --------------------------------------
     // Get all unique members
     $members = ee()->db->select('m.member_id, m.screen_name')->from('members m')->join('low_search_log l', 'm.member_id = l.member_id', '')->where('l.site_id', $this->site_id)->group_by('m.member_id')->order_by('m.screen_name', 'asc')->get()->result_array();
     $members = low_flatten_results($members, 'screen_name', 'member_id');
     $this->data['members'] = $members;
     // Get all days of searching
     $dates = ee()->db->select("DISTINCT(FROM_UNIXTIME(search_date, '%Y-%m-%d')) AS search_date", FALSE)->from('low_search_log')->where('site_id', $this->site_id)->order_by('search_date', 'desc')->get()->result_array();
     $dates = low_flatten_results($dates, 'search_date');
     $this->data['dates'] = $dates;
     // --------------------------------------
     // Get total rows of log
     // --------------------------------------
     $total = ee()->low_search_log_model->get_filtered_count($filter);
     // Prune now?
     if (($search_log_size = ee()->low_search_settings->get('search_log_size')) !== '0' and $total > $search_log_size) {
         ee()->low_search_log_model->prune($this->site_id, $search_log_size);
         $total = $search_log_size;
     // --------------------------------------
     // Get start row
     // --------------------------------------
     if (($start = ee()->input->get('start')) === FALSE) {
         $start = 0;
     // --------------------------------------
     // Load pagination class, if necessary
     // --------------------------------------
     if ($total > self::VIEW_LOG_LIMIT) {
         // Pagination link template
         $pagi_link = '<img src="' . ee()->cp->cp_theme_url . 'images/pagination_%s_button.gif" width="13" height="13" alt="%s" />';
         // Set pagination parameters
         ee()->pagination->initialize(array('base_url' => $log_url, 'total_rows' => $total, 'per_page' => self::VIEW_LOG_LIMIT, 'page_query_string' => TRUE, 'query_string_segment' => 'start', 'full_tag_open' => '<span>', 'full_tag_close' => '</span>', 'prev_link' => sprintf($pagi_link, 'prev', '&larr;'), 'next_link' => sprintf($pagi_link, 'next', '&rarr;'), 'first_link' => sprintf($pagi_link, 'first', '&ldarr;'), 'last_link' => sprintf($pagi_link, 'last', '&rdarr;')));
         // Create the links
         $this->data['pagination'] = ee()->pagination->create_links();
     } else {
         $this->data['pagination'] = FALSE;
     // --------------------------------------
     // Get search log
     // --------------------------------------
     // pagination
     ee()->db->order_by('search_date', 'desc');
     ee()->db->limit(self::VIEW_LOG_LIMIT, $start);
     $log = ee()->low_search_log_model->get_filtered_rows($filter);
     if ($log) {
         // --------------------------------------
         // Set pagination details
         // --------------------------------------
         $this->data['viewing_rows'] = sprintf(lang('viewing_rows'), $start + 1, ($to = $start + self::VIEW_LOG_LIMIT) > $total ? $total : $to, $total);
         // --------------------------------------
         // Shortcut URL
         // --------------------------------------
         $shortcut_url = $this->mcp_url('edit_shortcut', 'shortcut_id=new&amp;log_id=%s');
         // --------------------------------------
         // Modify rows
         // --------------------------------------
         foreach ($log as &$row) {
             // Display a nice date
             $row['search_date'] = $this->_human_time($row['search_date']);
             // Account for guests
             $row['member_id'] = isset($members[$row['member_id']]) ? $members[$row['member_id']] : '';
             // Parameters
             $row['parameters'] = low_search_decode($row['parameters'], FALSE);
             // Shortcut URL
             $row['shortcut_url'] = sprintf($shortcut_url, $row['log_id']);
     // --------------------------------------
     // Add log to data array
     // --------------------------------------
     $this->data['log'] = $log;
     $this->data['is_admin'] = $this->member_group == 1;
     $this->data['filter'] = $filter;
     $this->data['filtered'] = $filtered;
     // --------------------------------------
     // Set title and breadcrumb and view page
     // --------------------------------------
     $this->_set_cp_var('cp_page_title', lang('view_search_log'));
     ee()->cp->set_breadcrumb($this->mcp_url(), lang('low_search_module_name'));
     return $this->view('mcp_list_search_log');
  * Validate given array
  * @access      public
  * @param       array
  * @return      mixed
 public function validate($data)
     // Reset errors
     $this->_errors = array();
     // --------------------------------------
     // Trim input
     // --------------------------------------
     $data = array_map('trim', $data);
     // --------------------------------------
     // Validate saved_id
     // --------------------------------------
     if (empty($data['shortcut_id']) || !is_numeric($data['shortcut_id'])) {
         $data['shortcut_id'] = NULL;
     // --------------------------------------
     // Validate group_id
     // --------------------------------------
     if (empty($data['group_id']) || !is_numeric($data['group_id'])) {
     // --------------------------------------
     // Validate parameters
     // --------------------------------------
     if (!empty($data['parameters'])) {
         // String, but not json
         if (is_string($data['parameters']) && substr($data['parameters'], 0, 1) != '{') {
             $data['parameters'] = low_search_decode($data['parameters']);
         // Convert array to json
         if (is_array($data['parameters'])) {
             $data['parameters'] = low_search_encode($data['parameters'], FALSE);
         // If something went wrong, skip it
         if (empty($data['parameters'])) {
             $this->_errors[] = 'shortcut_invalid_params';
     } else {
         $this->_errors[] = 'shortcut_no_params';
     // --------------------------------------
     // Validate name
     // --------------------------------------
     if (!empty($data['shortcut_name'])) {
         // shortcut_name should be url-safe
         if (preg_match('/^[\\w-]+$/', $data['shortcut_name'])) {
             // shortcut_name should be unique
             $query = ee()->db->from($this->table())->where('shortcut_name', $data['shortcut_name']);
             // Exclude this row
             if ($data['shortcut_id']) {
                 ee()->db->where('shortcut_id !=', $data['shortcut_id']);
             // Check it
             if ($query->count_all_results()) {
                 $this->_errors[] = 'shortcut_name_not_available';
         } else {
             $this->_errors[] = 'shortcut_invalid_name';
     } else {
         $this->_errors[] = 'shortcut_no_name';
     // --------------------------------------
     // Validate Label; fall back to name
     // --------------------------------------
     if (empty($data['shortcut_label'])) {
         $data['shortcut_label'] = $data['shortcut_name'];
     // --------------------------------------
     // Return modified data if valid; FALSE if invalid
     // --------------------------------------
     return empty($this->_errors) ? $data : FALSE;
Beispiel #4
  * Update routines for version 2.1.0
  * @access     private
  * @return     void
 private function _v210()
     // Fields to add to the DB
     $fields = array('modifier' => 'decimal(2,1) unsigned NOT NULL default 1.0', 'excerpt' => 'int(6) unsigned NOT NULL default 0');
     // Template query
     $tmpl = 'ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD `%s` %s AFTER `collection_label`';
     $tbl = ee()->low_search_collection_model->table();
     // Add fields
     foreach ($fields as $field => $properties) {
         ee()->db->query(sprintf($tmpl, $tbl, $field, $properties));
     // Get the collections and re-do the settings
     foreach (ee()->low_search_collection_model->get_all() as $row) {
         // Initiate data array
         $data = array();
         // Decode the settings
         $settings = low_search_decode($row['settings'], FALSE);
         // Set new property values
         $data['modifier'] = (double) (isset($settings['modifier']) ? $settings['modifier'] : 1.0);
         $data['excerpt'] = (int) (isset($settings['excerpt']) ? $settings['excerpt'] : 0);
         // Remove these properties from settings
         unset($settings['modifier'], $settings['excerpt']);
         // filter it
         $settings = array_filter($settings);
         // Encode the new settings for DB usage
         $data['settings'] = low_search_encode($settings, FALSE);
         // Update row
         ee()->low_search_collection_model->update($row['collection_id'], $data);
Beispiel #5
  * Transform {low_search:url} to {exp:low_search:url query=""}
  * @access     private
  * @param      string
  * @return     string
 private function _rewrite_url_vars($haystack)
     $needle = LD . 'low_search:url';
     $replace = LD . 'exp:low_search:url %s="%s"';
     $param = $this->settings->get('encode_query') == 'y' ? 'query' : 'query_string';
     if (strpos($haystack, $needle) !== FALSE) {
         // Make sure the query's an array
         $query = is_array($this->params->query) ? $this->params->query : array();
         // For Form and Filters tag, add the tagparams to the query, too
         // The Results tag might have other params assigned or hard-coded
         // parameters, which needn't be added to the query
         if (ee()->TMPL->tagparts[1] != 'results' && is_array($this->params->tagparams)) {
             $query = array_merge($query, $this->params->tagparams);
         // Encode it
         $query = empty($query) ? '' : low_search_encode($query);
         // And replace it in the template
         $haystack = str_replace($needle, sprintf($replace, $param, $query), $haystack);
     return $haystack;