  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__ocf_edit_avatar_tab()
     $avatar = do_lorem_template('OCF_TOPIC_POST_AVATAR', array('AVATAR' => placeholder_image_url()));
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('OCF_EDIT_AVATAR_TAB', array('USERNAME' => lorem_word(), 'AVATAR' => $avatar, 'WIDTH' => placeholder_number(), 'HEIGHT' => placeholder_number())), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #2
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__form_screen_input_captcha()
     $input = do_lorem_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_CAPTCHA', array('TABINDEX' => placeholder_number()));
     $captcha = do_lorem_template('FORM_SCREEN_FIELD', array('REQUIRED' => true, 'SKIP_LABEL' => false, 'BORING_NAME' => 'security_image', 'NAME' => lorem_phrase(), 'DESCRIPTION' => lorem_sentence_html(), 'DESCRIPTION_SIDE' => '', 'INPUT' => $input, 'COMCODE' => ''));
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('FORM_SCREEN', array('SKIP_VALIDATION' => true, 'HIDDEN' => '', 'TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'URL' => placeholder_url(), 'FIELDS' => $captcha, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => lorem_word(), 'TEXT' => lorem_sentence_html())), NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array                 Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__block_side_rss()
     $content = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $k => $v) {
         $content->attach(do_lorem_template('BLOCK_SIDE_RSS_SUMMARY', array('FEED_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'FULL_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'NEWS_TITLE' => lorem_phrase(), 'DATE' => placeholder_time(), 'SUMMARY' => lorem_paragraph(), 'TICKER' => lorem_word())));
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('BLOCK_SIDE_RSS', array('FEED_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'TITLE' => lorem_phrase(), 'CONTENT' => $content, 'TICKER' => true)), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #4
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__block_main_custom_comcode_tags()
     $content = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $tag) {
         $content->attach(do_lorem_template('CUSTOM_COMCODE_TAG_ROW', array('TITLE' => lorem_word(), 'DESCRIPTION' => lorem_paragraph(), 'EXAMPLE' => lorem_word())));
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('BLOCK_MAIN_CUSTOM_COMCODE_TAGS', array('TAGS' => $content)), NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__config_category_screen()
     $groups = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $k => $group) {
         $group = do_lorem_template('CONFIG_GROUP', array('GROUP_DESCRIPTION' => lorem_word(), 'GROUP_NAME' => $group, 'GROUP' => lorem_phrase(), 'CURRENT_GROUP' => "ID{$k}"));
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('CONFIG_CATEGORY_SCREEN', array('CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION' => lorem_word_2(), '_GROUPS' => placeholder_array(), 'PING_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'WARNING_DETAILS' => '', 'TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'URL' => placeholder_url(), 'GROUPS' => $groups, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => lorem_word())), NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__zone_editor_screen()
     $comcode_editor = do_lorem_template('COMCODE_EDITOR_BUTTON', array('DIVIDER' => true, 'FIELD_NAME' => lorem_word(), 'TITLE' => lorem_word(), 'B' => 'block'));
     $editor = array();
     foreach (array('panel_left', 'panel_middle', 'panel_right') as $i => $for) {
         $editor[$for] = do_lorem_template('ZONE_EDITOR_PANEL', array('CLASS' => '', 'ZONES' => '', 'CURRENT_ZONE' => '', 'ZONE' => '', 'COMCODE' => lorem_phrase(), 'PREVIEW' => lorem_phrase(), 'ID' => $for, 'IS_PANEL' => true, 'TYPE' => lorem_phrase(), 'EDIT_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'SETTINGS' => NULL, 'COMCODE_EDITOR' => $comcode_editor));
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('ZONE_EDITOR_SCREEN', array('PING_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'WARNING_DETAILS' => '', 'TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'ID' => '', 'LANG' => fallback_lang(), 'URL' => placeholder_url(), 'LEFT_EDITOR' => $editor['panel_left'], 'RIGHT_EDITOR' => $editor['panel_right'], 'MIDDLE_EDITOR' => $editor['panel_middle'])), NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__redirecte_table_screen()
     $fields = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $i => $row) {
         $fields->attach(do_lorem_template('REDIRECTE_TABLE_REDIRECT', array('I' => strval($i), 'TO_ZONES' => placeholder_options(), 'FROM_ZONES' => placeholder_options(), 'FROM_PAGE' => lorem_word(), 'TO_PAGE' => lorem_word_2(), 'TICKED' => true, 'NAME' => "is_transparent_{$i}")));
     $new = do_lorem_template('REDIRECTE_TABLE_REDIRECT', array('I' => 'new', 'TO_ZONES' => placeholder_options(), 'FROM_ZONES' => placeholder_options(), 'FROM_PAGE' => '', 'TO_PAGE' => '', 'TICKED' => false, 'NAME' => 'is_transparent_new'));
     $out = do_lorem_template('REDIRECTE_TABLE_SCREEN', array('NOTES' => '', 'PING_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'WARNING_DETAILS' => '', 'TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'FIELDS' => $fields, 'NEW' => $new, 'URL' => placeholder_url()));
     return array(lorem_globalise($out, NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #8
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__tempcode_test()
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('tempcode_test', array('EMPTY1' => '', 'EMPTY2' => '', 'NONEMPTY' => lorem_word(), 'PASSED' => lorem_word(), 'ARRAY' => array(array('A' => '', 'B' => '', 'C' => '')))), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #9
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__cedi_post_screen()
     $posting_form = do_lorem_template('POSTING_FORM', array('TABINDEX_PF' => placeholder_number(), 'JAVASCRIPT' => '', 'PREVIEW' => lorem_phrase(), 'COMCODE_EDITOR' => lorem_phrase(), 'COMCODE_EDITOR_SMALL' => lorem_phrase(), 'CLASS' => lorem_phrase(), 'COMCODE_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'EXTRA' => '', 'POST_COMMENT' => lorem_phrase(), 'EMOTICON_CHOOSER' => lorem_phrase(), 'SUBMIT_NAME' => lorem_word(), 'HIDDEN_FIELDS' => '', 'COMCODE_HELP' => lorem_phrase(), 'URL' => placeholder_url(), 'POST' => lorem_phrase(), 'DEFAULT_PARSED' => lorem_phrase(), 'CONTINUE_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'ATTACHMENTS' => lorem_phrase(), 'SPECIALISATION' => placeholder_fields(), 'SPECIALISATION2' => ''));
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('CEDI_POST_SCREEN', array('PING_URL' => '', 'WARNING_DETAILS' => '', 'TEXT' => lorem_phrase(), 'TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'POSTING_FORM' => $posting_form)), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #10
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__iotd_view_screen()
     $trackbacks = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach (placeholder_array(1) as $k => $v) {
         $trackbacks->attach(do_lorem_template('TRACKBACK', array('ID' => placeholder_id(), 'TIME_RAW' => placeholder_date_raw(), 'TIME' => placeholder_date(), 'URL' => placeholder_url(), 'TITLE' => lorem_phrase(), 'EXCERPT' => lorem_paragraph(), 'NAME' => lorem_phrase())));
     $trackback_details = do_lorem_template('TRACKBACK_WRAPPER', array('TRACKBACKS' => $trackbacks, 'TRACKBACK_PAGE' => placeholder_id(), 'TRACKBACK_ID' => placeholder_id(), 'TRACKBACK_TITLE' => lorem_phrase()));
     $rating_details = new ocp_tempcode();
     $review_titles = array();
     $review_titles[] = array('REVIEW_TITLE' => lorem_word(), 'REVIEW_RATING' => make_string_tempcode(float_format(10.0)));
     $comments = '';
     $form = do_lorem_template('COMMENTS_POSTING_FORM', array('JOIN_BITS' => lorem_phrase_html(), 'FIRST_POST_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'FIRST_POST' => lorem_paragraph_html(), 'TYPE' => 'downloads', 'ID' => placeholder_id(), 'REVIEW_RATING_CRITERIA' => $review_titles, 'USE_CAPTCHA' => true, 'GET_EMAIL' => false, 'EMAIL_OPTIONAL' => true, 'GET_TITLE' => true, 'POST_WARNING' => do_lang('POST_WARNING'), 'COMMENT_TEXT' => get_option('comment_text'), 'EM' => placeholder_emoticon_chooser(), 'DISPLAY' => 'block', 'COMMENT_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'TITLE' => lorem_word(), 'MAKE_POST' => true, 'CREATE_TICKET_MAKE_POST' => true));
     $comment_details = do_lorem_template('COMMENTS_WRAPPER', array('TYPE' => lorem_phrase(), 'ID' => placeholder_id(), 'REVIEW_RATING_CRITERIA' => $review_titles, 'AUTHORISED_FORUM_LINK' => placeholder_url(), 'FORM' => $form, 'COMMENTS' => $comments));
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('IOTD_VIEW_SCREEN', array('TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'SUBMITTER' => lorem_word_html(), 'I_TITLE' => lorem_phrase(), 'CAPTION' => lorem_phrase(), 'DATE_RAW' => placeholder_date_raw(), 'ADD_DATE_RAW' => placeholder_date_raw(), 'EDIT_DATE_RAW' => placeholder_date_raw(), 'DATE' => placeholder_time(), 'ADD_DATE' => placeholder_time(), 'EDIT_DATE' => placeholder_time(), 'VIEWS' => placeholder_number(), 'TRACKBACK_DETAILS' => $trackback_details, 'RATING_DETAILS' => $rating_details, 'COMMENT_DETAILS' => $comment_details, 'EDIT_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'URL' => placeholder_image_url())), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #11
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__validation_request()
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('VALIDATION_REQUEST', array('USERNAME' => lorem_word(), 'TYPE' => lorem_phrase(), 'ID' => placeholder_id(), 'URL' => placeholder_url())), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #12
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__news_piece_summary()
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('NEWS_PIECE_SUMMARY', array('BLOG' => lorem_phrase(), 'AUTHOR_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'TAGS' => '', 'CATEGORY' => lorem_phrase(), 'IMG' => placeholder_image_url(), 'AUTHOR' => lorem_phrase(), '_AUTHOR' => lorem_phrase(), 'SUBMITTER' => lorem_phrase(), 'AVATAR' => lorem_phrase(), 'NEWS_TITLE' => lorem_phrase(), 'DATE' => lorem_phrase(), 'NEWS' => lorem_phrase(), 'COMMENTS' => lorem_phrase(), 'VIEW' => lorem_phrase(), 'ID' => placeholder_id(), 'FULL_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'COMMENT_COUNT' => lorem_phrase(), 'READ_MORE' => lorem_sentence(), 'TRUNCATE' => false, 'FIRSTTIME' => lorem_word(), 'LASTTIME' => lorem_word_2(), 'CLOSED' => lorem_word(), 'FIRSTUSERNAME' => lorem_word(), 'LASTUSERNAME' => lorem_word(), 'FIRSTMEMBERID' => lorem_word(), 'LASTMEMBERID' => lorem_word(), 'DATE_RAW' => lorem_word())), NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__translate_screen_content_screen()
     $lines = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $key => $value) {
         $actions = do_lorem_template('TRANSLATE_ACTION', array('LANG_FROM' => fallback_lang(), 'LANG_TO' => fallback_lang(), 'NAME' => 'trans_' . strval($key), 'OLD' => $value));
         $lines->attach(do_lorem_template('TRANSLATE_LINE_CONTENT', array('ID' => strval($key), 'NAME' => 'trans_' . strval($key), 'OLD' => $value, 'CURRENT' => $value, 'ACTIONS' => $actions, 'PRIORITY' => lorem_word())));
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('TRANSLATE_SCREEN_CONTENT_SCREEN', array('LANG_NICE_NAME' => lorem_word(), 'LANG_NICE_ORIGINAL_NAME' => lorem_word(), 'TOO_MANY' => lorem_phrase(), 'INTERTRANS' => lorem_phrase(), 'TOTAL' => placeholder_number(), 'LANG' => fallback_lang(), 'LANG_ORIGINAL_NAME' => fallback_lang(), 'LINES' => $lines, 'TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'URL' => placeholder_url(), 'MAX' => placeholder_number())), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #14
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__pointstore_quota_mail()
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('POINTSTORE_QUOTA_MAIL', array('ENCODED_REASON' => lorem_phrase(), 'QUOTA' => placeholder_number(), 'EMAIL' => lorem_word(), 'QUOTA_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'PRICE' => placeholder_number())), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #15
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__attachment_flv()
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('ATTACHMENT_FLV', array('SCRIPT' => placeholder_javascript(), 'ID' => placeholder_id(), 'A_WIDTH' => placeholder_number(), 'A_HEIGHT' => placeholder_number(), 'A_DESCRIPTION' => lorem_paragraph_html(), 'SUP_PARAMS' => placeholder_blank(), 'FORUM_DB_BIN' => placeholder_blank(), 'MIME_TYPE' => lorem_word(), 'A_ORIGINAL_FILENAME' => lorem_phrase(), 'A_URL' => placeholder_url())), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #16
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__netlink()
     $content = new ocp_tempcode();
     $url = placeholder_url();
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $key => $value) {
         $content->attach(form_input_list_entry($url->evaluate(), false, lorem_word()));
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('NETLINK', array('CONTENT' => $content)), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #17
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__field_map_catalogue_embed_screen()
     $entries = new ocp_tempcode();
     $entries->attach(do_lorem_template('CATALOGUE_DEFAULT_ENTRY_EMBED', array('FIELDS' => placeholder_fields(), 'VIEW_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'FIELD_0' => lorem_word())));
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('CATALOGUE_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_EMBED', array('ENTRIES' => $entries, 'ROOT' => placeholder_id())), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #18
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array                 Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__themewizard_2_screen()
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('THEMEWIZARD_2_SCREEN', array('SOURCE_THEME' => 'default', 'ALGORITHM' => 'equations', 'RED' => placeholder_id(), 'GREEN' => placeholder_id(), 'BLUE' => placeholder_id(), 'SEED' => lorem_word(), 'DARK' => lorem_word_2(), 'DOMINANT' => lorem_word(), 'LD' => lorem_phrase(), 'TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'CHANGE_LINK' => placeholder_url(), 'STAGE3_LINK' => placeholder_url())), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #19
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__ocf_view_group_screen()
     $_primary_members = placeholder_array();
     $primary_members = new ocp_tempcode();
     $_secondary_members = new ocp_tempcode();
     $secondary_members = new ocp_tempcode();
     $prospective_members = new ocp_tempcode();
     $_prospective_members = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach ($_primary_members as $i => $primary_member) {
         $temp = do_lorem_template('OCF_VIEW_GROUP_MEMBER', array('NAME' => $primary_member, 'URL' => placeholder_url()));
         //results_entry starts
         $cells = do_lorem_template('RESULTS_TABLE_FIELD', array('VALUE' => $temp), NULL, false);
         $entries = do_lorem_template('RESULTS_TABLE_ENTRY', array('VALUES' => $cells), NULL, false);
         //results_entry ends
     $fields_title = do_lorem_template('RESULTS_TABLE_FIELD_TITLE', array('VALUE' => lorem_word()));
     $primary_members = do_lorem_template('RESULTS_TABLE', array('TEXT_ID' => lorem_phrase(), 'FIELDS_TITLE' => $fields_title, 'FIELDS' => $primary_members, 'MESSAGE' => '', 'SORT' => '', 'BROWSER' => '', 'WIDTHS' => array(placeholder_number())), NULL, false);
     $temp = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $i => $v) {
         $temp = do_lorem_template('OCF_VIEW_GROUP_MEMBER_SECONDARY', array('URL' => placeholder_url(), 'REMOVE_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'NAME' => $v));
         $cells = do_lorem_template('RESULTS_TABLE_FIELD', array('VALUE' => $temp), NULL, false);
         /*	$cells->attach(do_lorem_template('RESULTS_TABLE_FIELD',array('VALUE'=>strval($i)),NULL,false));
         $entries = do_lorem_template('RESULTS_TABLE_ENTRY', array('VALUES' => $cells), NULL, false);
     $fields_title = do_lorem_template('RESULTS_TABLE_FIELD_TITLE', array('VALUE' => lorem_word()));
     $secondary_members = do_lorem_template('RESULTS_TABLE', array('TEXT_ID' => lorem_phrase(), 'FIELDS_TITLE' => $fields_title, 'FIELDS' => $_secondary_members, 'MESSAGE' => '', 'SORT' => '', 'BROWSER' => '', 'WIDTHS' => array(placeholder_number())), NULL, false);
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $i => $v) {
         $temp = do_lorem_template('OCF_VIEW_GROUP_MEMBER_PROSPECTIVE', array('ACCEPT_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'DECLINE_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'NAME' => lorem_word(), 'URL' => placeholder_url()));
         $cells = do_lorem_template('RESULTS_TABLE_FIELD', array('VALUE' => $temp), NULL, false);
         $entries = do_lorem_template('RESULTS_TABLE_ENTRY', array('VALUES' => $cells), NULL, false);
     $fields_title = do_lorem_template('RESULTS_TABLE_FIELD_TITLE', array('VALUE' => lorem_word()));
     $prospective_members = do_lorem_template('RESULTS_TABLE', array('TEXT_ID' => lorem_phrase(), 'FIELDS_TITLE' => $fields_title, 'FIELDS' => $_prospective_members, 'MESSAGE' => '', 'SORT' => '', 'BROWSER' => '', 'WIDTHS' => array(placeholder_number())), NULL, false);
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('OCF_VIEW_GROUP_SCREEN', array('GROUP_NAME' => lorem_phrase(), 'ID' => placeholder_id(), 'FORUM' => '', 'CLUB' => false, 'EDIT_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'LEADER' => lorem_phrase(), 'NAME' => lorem_word(), 'PROMOTION_INFO' => new ocp_tempcode(), 'ADD_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'APPLY_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'APPLY_TEXT' => lorem_sentence(), 'PRIMARY_MEMBERS' => $primary_members, 'SECONDARY_MEMBERS' => $secondary_members, 'PROSPECTIVE_MEMBERS' => $prospective_members)), NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__comcode_page_screen()
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('COMCODE_PAGE_SCREEN', array('BEING_INCLUDED' => false, 'IS_PANEL' => false, 'SUBMITTER' => placeholder_id(), 'TAGS' => lorem_word_html(), 'WARNING_DETAILS' => '', 'EDIT_DATE_RAW' => placeholder_date_raw(), 'SHOW_AS_EDIT' => lorem_phrase(), 'CONTENT' => lorem_phrase(), 'EDIT_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'ADD_CHILD_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'NAME' => lorem_word())), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #21
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__staff_screen()
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('STAFF_SCREEN', array('TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'REAL_NAME' => lorem_phrase(), 'ROLE' => lorem_phrase(), 'ADDRESS' => lorem_phrase(), 'NAME' => lorem_word(), 'MEMBER_ID' => placeholder_id(), 'PROFILE_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'ALL_LINK' => placeholder_url())), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #22
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__list_catalogue_screen_products()
     $all_rating_criteria = array();
     $all_rating_criteria[] = array('TITLE' => lorem_word(), 'RATING' => make_string_tempcode("6"), 'TYPE' => lorem_word());
     $line = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach (placeholder_array(1) as $v) {
         $line->attach(do_lorem_template('CATALOGUE_products_LINE', array('FIELD_0' => lorem_phrase(), 'FIELD_7_THUMB' => lorem_phrase(), 'RATING' => new ocp_tempcode(), 'FIELD_2' => placeholder_number(), 'ADD_TO_CART' => placeholder_url(), 'VIEW_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'GO_FOR_IT' => lorem_phrase())));
     $entry = do_lorem_template('CATALOGUE_products_LINE_WRAP', array('CONTENT' => $line));
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('CATALOGUE_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_SCREEN', array('ID' => placeholder_random_id(), 'ADD_DATE_RAW' => placeholder_time(), 'TITLE' => lorem_title(), '_TITLE' => lorem_phrase(), 'TAGS' => '', 'CATALOGUE' => lorem_word_2(), 'BROWSER' => '', 'SORTING' => '', 'ADD_LINK' => placeholder_url(), 'ADD_CAT_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'EDIT_CAT_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'EDIT_CATALOGUE_URL' => placeholder_url(), 'ENTRIES' => $entry, 'SUBCATEGORIES' => '', 'DESCRIPTION' => lorem_sentence(), 'CART_LINK' => placeholder_url(), 'TREE' => lorem_phrase())), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #23
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__flagrant_manage_screen()
     $about_current = do_lorem_template('FLAGRANT_DETAILS', array('USERNAME' => lorem_word_html(), 'DAYS_ORDERED' => lorem_phrase(), 'DATE_RAW' => placeholder_time(), 'DATE' => placeholder_time()));
     $out = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $key => $value) {
         $text = do_lorem_template('FLAGRANT_STORE_LIST_LINE', array('MESSAGE' => $value, 'STATUS' => do_lang('NEW')));
         $out->attach(do_lorem_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_LIST_ENTRY', array('SELECTED' => false, 'DISABLED' => false, 'CLASS' => '', 'NAME' => strval($key), 'TEXT' => $text->evaluate())));
     $input = do_lorem_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_LIST', array('TABINDEX' => '5', 'REQUIRED' => '_required', 'NAME' => lorem_word(), 'CONTENT' => $out, 'INLINE_LIST' => true));
     $fields = do_lorem_template('FORM_SCREEN_FIELD', array('REQUIRED' => true, 'SKIP_LABEL' => false, 'BORING_NAME' => lorem_word(), 'NAME' => lorem_word(), 'DESCRIPTION' => lorem_sentence_html(), 'DESCRIPTION_SIDE' => '', 'INPUT' => $input, 'COMCODE' => ''));
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('FORM_SCREEN', array('TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'TEXT' => $about_current, 'HIDDEN' => '', 'URL' => placeholder_url(), 'GET' => true, 'FIELDS' => $fields, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => lorem_word())), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #24
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__xml_storage_import_results_screen()
     $ops_nice = array();
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $v) {
         $ops_nice[] = array('OP' => lorem_word(), 'PARAM_A' => lorem_word_2(), 'PARAM_B' => lorem_word_2());
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('XML_STORAGE_IMPORT_RESULTS_SCREEN', array('TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'OPS' => $ops_nice)), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #25
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array                 Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__ssl_configuration_screen()
     $content = new ocp_tempcode();
     $k = 0;
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $k => $v) {
         foreach (placeholder_array() as $k => $v2) {
             $content->attach(do_lorem_template('SSL_CONFIGURATION_ENTRY', array('TICKED' => lorem_word(), 'PAGE' => $v, 'ZONE' => $v2)));
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('SSL_CONFIGURATION_SCREEN', array('URL' => placeholder_url(), 'TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'CONTENT' => $content)), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #26
 * Get a results browser.
 * @return tempcode		Results browser.
function placeholder_result_browser()
    $selectors = new ocp_tempcode();
    foreach (placeholder_array(11) as $k => $v) {
        $selectors->attach(do_lorem_template('RESULTS_BROWSER_PER_PAGE_OPTION', array('SELECTED' => true, 'VALUE' => strval($k), 'NAME' => $v)));
    $per_page = do_lorem_template('RESULTS_BROWSER_PER_SCREEN', array('HIDDEN' => '', 'URL' => placeholder_url(), 'MAX_NAME' => lorem_word(), 'SELECTORS' => $selectors, 'RAND' => placeholder_random()));
    $part = new ocp_tempcode();
    $part->attach(do_lorem_template('RESULTS_BROWSER_CONTINUE_FIRST', array('TITLE' => lorem_phrase(), 'P' => placeholder_number(), 'FIRST_URL' => placeholder_url())));
    $part->attach(do_lorem_template('RESULTS_BROWSER_PREVIOUS_LINK', array('TITLE' => lorem_phrase(), 'P' => placeholder_date_raw(), 'URL' => placeholder_url())));
    $part->attach(do_lorem_template('RESULTS_BROWSER_NEXT_LINK', array('REL' => NULL, 'TITLE' => lorem_phrase(), 'NUM_PAGES' => placeholder_number(), 'P' => placeholder_number(), 'URL' => placeholder_url())));
    $part->attach(do_lorem_template('RESULTS_BROWSER_CONTINUE_LAST', array('TITLE' => lorem_phrase(), 'P' => placeholder_number(), 'LAST_URL' => placeholder_url())));
    $pages = new ocp_tempcode();
    foreach (placeholder_array() as $key => $value) {
        $pages->attach(do_lorem_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_LIST_ENTRY', array('SELECTED' => false, 'DISABLED' => false, 'CLASS' => '', 'NAME' => strval($key), 'TEXT' => $value)));
    $part->attach(do_lorem_template('RESULTS_BROWSER_LIST_PAGES', array('URL' => placeholder_url(), 'RAND' => placeholder_random(), 'HIDDEN' => '', 'START_NAME' => lorem_word(), 'LIST' => $pages)));
    return do_lorem_template('RESULTS_BROWSER_WRAP', array('TEXT_ID' => lorem_phrase(), 'PER_PAGE' => $per_page, 'PART' => $part));
Beispiel #27
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__setupwizard_2_screen()
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('SETUPWIZARD_2_SCREEN', array('SKIP_VALIDATION' => true, 'TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'URL' => placeholder_url(), 'SUBMIT_NAME' => lorem_word())), NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__screen_button()
     $img = "login";
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('SCREEN_BUTTON', array('IMMEDIATE' => true, 'URL' => placeholder_url(), 'TITLE' => lorem_word(), 'IMG' => $img)), NULL, '', true));
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__administrative__form_screen_input_permission()
     $permission_rows = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $k => $v) {
         $overrides = new ocp_tempcode();
         $all_global = true;
         foreach (placeholder_array() as $k => $v) {
             $overrides->attach(do_lorem_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_PERMISSION_OVERRIDE', array('FORCE_PRESETS' => false, 'GROUP_NAME' => lorem_phrase(), 'VIEW_ACCESS' => '', 'TABINDEX' => placeholder_number(), 'GROUP_ID' => placeholder_random_id(), 'SP' => strval($k), 'ALL_GLOBAL' => true, 'TITLE' => lorem_phrase(), 'DEFAULT_ACCESS' => '', 'CODE' => '-1')));
         $permission_rows->attach(do_lorem_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_PERMISSION', array('FORCE_PRESETS' => false, 'GROUP_NAME' => lorem_phrase(), 'OVERRIDES' => $overrides->evaluate(), 'ALL_GLOBAL' => true, 'VIEW_ACCESS' => '', 'TABINDEX' => placeholder_number(), 'GROUP_ID' => placeholder_random_id(), 'PINTERFACE_VIEW' => '')));
     $permission_rows->attach(do_lorem_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_PERMISSION_MATRIX_OUTER', array('INNER' => lorem_word())));
     $permission_rows->attach(do_lorem_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_PERMISSION_ADMIN', array('PINTERFACE_VIEW' => lorem_word(), 'GROUP_ID' => placeholder_random_id(), 'GROUP_NAME' => lorem_phrase(), 'FORCE_PRESETS' => false, 'OVERRIDES' => placeholder_array())));
     $field = do_lorem_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_PERMISSION_MATRIX', array('TITLE' => lorem_phrase(), 'SERVER_ID' => placeholder_id(), 'COLOR' => lorem_word(), 'OVERRIDES' => placeholder_array(), 'PERMISSION_ROWS' => $permission_rows));
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('FORM_GROUPED', array('URL' => '#', 'FIELD_GROUPS' => $field, 'TEXT' => '', 'SUBMIT_NAME' => lorem_word_2())), NULL, '', true));
Beispiel #30
  * Get a preview(s) of a (group of) template(s), as a full standalone piece of HTML in Tempcode format.
  * Uses sources/lorem.php functions to place appropriate stock-text. Should not hard-code things, as the code is intended to be declaritive.
  * Assumptions: You can assume all Lang/CSS/Javascript files in this addon have been pre-required.
  * @return array			Array of previews, each is Tempcode. Normally we have just one preview, but occasionally it is good to test templates are flexible (e.g. if they use IF_EMPTY, we can test with and without blank data).
 function tpl_preview__search_form_screen()
     $options = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $value) {
         $options->attach(do_lorem_template('SEARCH_FOR_SEARCH_DOMAIN_OPTION', array('NAME' => placeholder_random(), 'DISPLAY' => lorem_phrase(), 'SPECIAL' => lorem_phrase(), 'CHECKED' => lorem_phrase())));
     $options->attach(do_lorem_template('SEARCH_FOR_SEARCH_DOMAIN_OPTION_LIST', array('NAME' => placeholder_random(), 'DISPLAY' => lorem_word(), 'SPECIAL' => placeholder_options(), 'CHECKED' => false)));
     $options->attach(do_lorem_template('SEARCH_FOR_SEARCH_DOMAIN_OPTION_TEXT', array('NAME' => placeholder_random(), 'DISPLAY' => lorem_word(), 'SPECIAL' => lorem_word(), 'CHECKED' => false)));
     $options->attach(do_lorem_template('SEARCH_FOR_SEARCH_DOMAIN_OPTION_TICK', array('NAME' => placeholder_random(), 'DISPLAY' => lorem_word(), 'SPECIAL' => lorem_word(), 'CHECKED' => false)));
     $specialisation = do_lorem_template('SEARCH_ADVANCED', array('AJAX' => lorem_phrase(), 'OPTIONS' => $options, 'TREE' => '', 'UNDERNEATH' => lorem_phrase()));
     $search_domains = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $value) {
         $search_domains->attach(do_lorem_template('SEARCH_FOR_SEARCH_DOMAIN', array('ADVANCED_ONLY' => lorem_phrase(), 'CHECKED' => lorem_phrase(), 'OPTIONS' => placeholder_url(), 'LANG' => lorem_phrase(), 'NAME' => placeholder_random())));
     $specialisation->attach(do_lorem_template('SEARCH_DOMAINS', array('SEARCH_DOMAINS' => $search_domains)));
     $result = new ocp_tempcode();
     $result->attach(do_lorem_template('SEARCH_RESULT', array('CONTENT' => lorem_paragraph_html())));
     $types_results = array();
     foreach (placeholder_array() as $i => $r) {
         $types_results[$i] = array('R' => placeholder_array());
     $result->attach(do_lorem_template('SEARCH_RESULT_TABLE', array('HEADERS' => placeholder_array(), 'ROWS' => $types_results)));
     $result->attach(do_lorem_template('SEARCH_RESULT_CATALOGUE_ENTRIES', array('BUILDUP' => lorem_phrase(), 'NAME' => lorem_word(), 'TITLE' => lorem_word_2())));
     return array(lorem_globalise(do_lorem_template('SEARCH_FORM_SCREEN', array('SEARCH_TERM' => lorem_word_2(), 'NUM_RESULTS' => placeholder_number(), 'CAN_ORDER_BY_RATING' => false, 'EXTRA_SORT_FIELDS' => placeholder_array(0), 'USER_LABEL' => lorem_word(), 'DAYS_LABEL' => lorem_word(), 'BOOLEAN_SEARCH' => false, 'AND' => false, 'ONLY_TITLES' => true, 'DAYS' => placeholder_id(), 'SORT' => 'relevance', 'DIRECTION' => 'DESC', 'CONTENT' => lorem_phrase(), 'RESULTS' => NULL, 'RESULTS_BROWSER' => '', 'OLD_MYSQL' => false, 'TITLE' => lorem_title(), 'AUTHOR' => lorem_phrase(), 'SPECIALISATION' => $specialisation, 'URL' => placeholder_url())), NULL, '', true));