if ($_stmt->errno) { onErrorInternal("editPinkieExpenses::editUpdate()", $_stmt->error); } $_stmt->close(); // Close up the database connection. $_db->close(); echo "OKAY"; logGeneral($_POST['pinkieID'], $_SESSION['Username'], "Expense was edited by: " . getName()); return; } if (strcmp($_POST['mode'], "add") == 0) { if (strlen($_POST['pinkieId']) == 0) { // No pinkieId was set. return; } $_db = getMysqli(); $_sql = "INSERT INTO Expenses (PinkieID, Amount, FundID) Values(?,?,?)"; $_stmt = $_db->prepare((string) $_sql); $_stmt->bind_param('idi', $_POST['pinkieID'], $_POST['fundAmt'], $_POST['fundID']); $_stmt->execute(); if ($_stmt->errno) { onErrorInternal("editPinkieExpenses::editAdd()", $_stmt->error); } $_stmt->close(); // Close up the database connection. $_db->close(); echo "OKAY"; logGeneral($_POST['pinkieID'], $_SESSION['Username'], "Expense was added by: " . getName()); return; } echo "ERROR. Invalid Mode!";
<?php //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This script is responsible for checking if a given username and password is // correct. Then it will generate the session variables necesary for logging // in to and using the rest of ePinkies2. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- include_once 'includes/login_functions.php'; include_once 'includes/functions.php'; include_once 'includes/logger.php'; //ini_set('display_errors', 1); //ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); //error_reporting(E_ALL); // Start the session. secureSessionStart(); if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['pwd'])) { if (login($_POST['username'], $_POST['pwd'])) { logGeneral(-1, "LOGIN-SYSTEM", "Successful login by " . $_POST['username']); // Redirect to home page. header("Location: home.php"); } else { logDanger(-1, "LOGIN-SYSTEM", "Wrong login attempted by " . $_POST['username']); //echo "wrong login."; header("Location: ./"); } } else { //echo "not set."; logError(-1, "LOGIN-SYSTEM", "Bad login attempt."); header("Location: ./"); }
$_pinkie->s_AdminAprove = $_SESSION['Username']; if (strcmp($_POST['status'], ApprovedByAdmin) == 0) { $_pinkie->s_Submitter = $_SESSION['Username']; $_pinkie->s_AdminAprove = $_SESSION['Username']; $_pinkie->s_SubmittedFor = $_POST['submitTo']; $_pinkie->s_Status = Dispatched; $_pinkie->toDatabase(); logGeneral($_pinkie->i_PinkieID, $_SESSION['Username'], "Pinkie was approved by admin: " . getName()); } else { if (strcmp($_POST['status'], RejectedByAdmin) == 0) { $_tmp = $_pinkie->s_Submitter; $_pinkie->s_Submitter = $_POST['submitTo']; $_pinkie->s_SubmittedFor = $tmp; $_pinkie->s_Status = $_POST['status']; $_pinkie->toDatabase(); logGeneral($_pinkie->i_PinkieID, $_SESSION['Username'], "Pinkie was rejected by admin: " . getName()); } else { if (strcmp($_POST['status'], Cancelled) == 0) { $_pinkie->s_Status = $_POST['status']; $_pinkie->toDatabase(); logGeneral($_pinkie->i_PinkieID, $_SESSION['Username'], "Pinkie was cancelled by: " . getName()); } else { if (strcmp($_POST['status'], Archived) == 0) { $_pinkie->s_Status = $_POST['status']; $_pinkie->toDatabase(); logWarning($_pinkie->i_PinkieID, $_SESSION['Username'], "Pinkie was archived by: " . getName()); } } } } header("Location: ./home.php");
if ($_stmt->errno) { onErrorInternal("editPinkiePurchaseObject::edit()", $_stmt->error); } $_stmt->close(); // Close up the database connection. $_db->close(); echo "OKAY"; logGeneral($_POST['pinkieID'], $_SESSION['Username'], "Purchase Object was edited by: " . getName()); return; } if (strcmp($_POST['mode'], "add") == 0) { if (strlen($_POST['pinkieID']) == 0) { // No pinkieID was set. return; } $_db = getMysqli(); $_sql = "INSERT INTO Expenses (PinkieID, Quantity, Description, UnitPrice) Values(?,?,?,?)"; $_stmt = $_db->prepare((string) $_sql); $_stmt->bind_param('iisd', $_POST['pinkieID'], $_POST['quantity'], $_POST['description'], $_POST['unitPrice']); $_stmt->execute(); if ($_stmt->errno) { onErrorInternal("editPinkiePurchaseObject::add()", $_stmt->error); } $_stmt->close(); // Close up the database connection. $_db->close(); echo "OKAY"; logGeneral($_POST['pinkieID'], $_SESSION['Username'], "Purcahse Object was added by: " . getName()); return; } echo "ERROR. Invalid Mode!";