function isItalian() { if ("IT" == localize()) { return true; } return false; }
public function testLocalizeUnknown() { $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = "aa"; $this->assertEquals("Authors", localize("authors.title", -1, true)); $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = "en"; localize("authors.title", -1, true); }
function echo_loc2($buf) { // if ($_GET['test']!='1') { // echo ($buf); // } else { echo (localize($buf)); // } }
public static function getAllAuthorsByFirstLetter() { list(, $result) = parent::executeQuery("select {0}\nfrom authors\ngroup by substr (upper (sort), 1, 1)\norder by substr (upper (sort), 1, 1)", "substr (upper (sort), 1, 1) as title, count(*) as count", "", array(), -1); $entryArray = array(); while ($post = $result->fetchObject()) { array_push($entryArray, new Entry($post->title, Author::getEntryIdByLetter($post->title), str_format(localize("authorword", $post->count), $post->count), "text", array(new LinkNavigation("?page=" . parent::PAGE_AUTHORS_FIRST_LETTER . "&id=" . rawurlencode($post->title))), "", $post->count)); } return $entryArray; }
public static function getAllTagsByQuery($query, $n, $database = NULL, $numberPerPage = NULL) { $columns = " as id, as name, (select count(*) from books_tags_link where = tag) as count"; $sql = 'select {0} from tags where upper ( like ? {1} order by'; list($totalNumber, $result) = parent::executeQuery($sql, $columns, "", array('%' . $query . '%'), $n, $database, $numberPerPage); $entryArray = array(); while ($post = $result->fetchObject()) { $tag = new Tag($post); array_push($entryArray, new Entry($tag->name, $tag->getEntryId(), str_format(localize("bookword", $post->count), $post->count), "text", array(new LinkNavigation($tag->getUri())))); } return array($entryArray, $totalNumber); }
public static function getEntryArray($query, $params) { list(, $result) = parent::executeQuery($query, self::RATING_COLUMNS, "", $params, -1); $entryArray = array(); while ($post = $result->fetchObject()) { $ratingObj = new Rating($post->id, $post->rating); $rating = $post->rating / 2; $rating = str_format(localize("ratingword", $rating), $rating); array_push($entryArray, new Entry($rating, $ratingObj->getEntryId(), str_format(localize("bookword", $post->count), $post->count), "text", array(new LinkNavigation($ratingObj->getUri())), "", $post->count)); } return $entryArray; }
public static function getAllLanguages() { $result = parent::getDb()->query('select as id, languages.lang_code as lang_code, count(*) as count from languages, books_languages_link where = books_languages_link.lang_code group by, books_languages_link.lang_code order by languages.lang_code'); $entryArray = array(); while ($post = $result->fetchObject()) { $language = new Language($post->id, $post->lang_code); array_push($entryArray, new Entry(Language::getLanguageString($language->lang_code), $language->getEntryId(), str_format(localize("bookword", $post->count), $post->count), "text", array(new LinkNavigation($language->getUri())), "", $post->count)); } return $entryArray; }
} $mail->SMTPAuth = !empty($config['cops_mail_configuration']["smtp.username"]); if (!empty($config['cops_mail_configuration']["smtp.username"])) { $mail->Username = $config['cops_mail_configuration']["smtp.username"]; } if (!empty($config['cops_mail_configuration']["smtp.password"])) { $mail->Password = $config['cops_mail_configuration']["smtp.password"]; } if (!empty($config['cops_mail_configuration'][""])) { $mail->SMTPSecure = $config['cops_mail_configuration'][""]; } $mail->From = $config['cops_mail_configuration']["address.from"]; $mail->FromName = $config['cops_title_default']; foreach (explode(";", $emailDest) as $emailAddress) { if (empty($emailAddress)) { continue; } $mail->AddAddress($emailAddress); } $mail->AddAttachment($data->getLocalPath()); $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->Subject = 'Sent by COPS : ' . $data->getUpdatedFilename(); $mail->Body = "<h1>" . $book->title . "</h1><h2>" . $book->getAuthorsName() . "</h2>" . $book->getComment(); $mail->AltBody = "Sent by COPS"; if (!$mail->Send()) { echo localize("mail.messagenotsent"); echo 'Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo; exit; } echo localize("mail.messagesent");
/** * @dataProvider providerGetAcceptLanguages */ public function testGetAcceptLanguages($acceptLanguage, $result) { $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = $acceptLanguage; $langs = array_keys(GetAcceptLanguages()); $this->assertEquals($result, $langs[0]); $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = "en"; localize("authors.title", -1, true); }
public static function getAllBooks() { list(, $result) = parent::executeQuery("select {0}\nfrom books\ngroup by substr (upper (sort), 1, 1)\norder by substr (upper (sort), 1, 1)", "substr (upper (sort), 1, 1) as title, count(*) as count", self::getFilterString(), array(), -1); $entryArray = array(); while ($post = $result->fetchObject()) { array_push($entryArray, new Entry($post->title, Book::getEntryIdByLetter($post->title), str_format(localize("bookword", $post->count), $post->count), "text", array(new LinkNavigation("?page=" . parent::PAGE_ALL_BOOKS_LETTER . "&id=" . rawurlencode($post->title))), "", $post->count)); } return $entryArray; }
public function getCustomByBook($book) { $queryFormat = "SELECT {0}.id AS id, {0}.value AS value FROM {0} WHERE {0}.book = {1}"; $query = str_format($queryFormat, $this->getTableName(), $book->id); $result = $this->getDb()->query($query); if ($post = $result->fetchObject()) { return new CustomColumn($post->id, $post->value, $this); } return new CustomColumn(NULL, localize("customcolumn.float.unknown"), $this); }
private function startXmlDocument($page) { global $config; self::getXmlStream()->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); self::getXmlStream()->startElement("feed"); self::getXmlStream()->writeAttribute("xmlns", ""); self::getXmlStream()->writeAttribute("xmlns:xhtml", ""); self::getXmlStream()->writeAttribute("xmlns:opds", ""); self::getXmlStream()->writeAttribute("xmlns:opensearch", ""); self::getXmlStream()->writeAttribute("xmlns:dcterms", ""); self::getXmlStream()->startElement("title"); self::getXmlStream()->text($page->title); self::getXmlStream()->endElement(); if ($page->subtitle != "") { self::getXmlStream()->startElement("subtitle"); self::getXmlStream()->text($page->subtitle); self::getXmlStream()->endElement(); } self::getXmlStream()->startElement("id"); if ($page->idPage) { $idPage = $page->idPage; if (!is_null(GetUrlParam(DB))) { $idPage = str_replace("cops:", "cops:" . GetUrlParam(DB) . ":", $idPage); } self::getXmlStream()->text($idPage); } else { self::getXmlStream()->text($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } self::getXmlStream()->endElement(); self::getXmlStream()->startElement("updated"); self::getXmlStream()->text(self::getUpdatedTime()); self::getXmlStream()->endElement(); self::getXmlStream()->startElement("icon"); self::getXmlStream()->text($page->favicon); self::getXmlStream()->endElement(); self::getXmlStream()->startElement("author"); self::getXmlStream()->startElement("name"); self::getXmlStream()->text($page->authorName); self::getXmlStream()->endElement(); self::getXmlStream()->startElement("uri"); self::getXmlStream()->text($page->authorUri); self::getXmlStream()->endElement(); self::getXmlStream()->startElement("email"); self::getXmlStream()->text($page->authorEmail); self::getXmlStream()->endElement(); self::getXmlStream()->endElement(); $link = new LinkNavigation("", "start", "Home"); self::renderLink($link); $link = new LinkNavigation("?" . getQueryString(), "self"); self::renderLink($link); $urlparam = "?"; if (!is_null(GetUrlParam(DB))) { $urlparam = addURLParameter($urlparam, DB, GetUrlParam(DB)); } if ($config['cops_generate_invalid_opds_stream'] == 0 || preg_match("/(MantanoReader|FBReader)/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { // Good and compliant way of handling search $urlparam = addURLParameter($urlparam, "page", Base::PAGE_OPENSEARCH); $link = new Link("feed.php" . $urlparam, "application/opensearchdescription+xml", "search", "Search here"); } else { // Bad way, will be removed when OPDS client are fixed $urlparam = addURLParameter($urlparam, "query", "{searchTerms}"); $urlparam = str_replace("%7B", "{", $urlparam); $urlparam = str_replace("%7D", "}", $urlparam); $link = new Link($config['cops_full_url'] . 'feed.php' . $urlparam, "application/atom+xml", "search", "Search here"); } self::renderLink($link); if ($page->containsBook() && !is_null($config['cops_books_filter']) && count($config['cops_books_filter']) > 0) { $Urlfilter = getURLParam("tag", ""); foreach ($config['cops_books_filter'] as $lib => $filter) { $link = new LinkFacet("?" . addURLParameter(getQueryString(), "tag", $filter), $lib, localize("tagword.title"), $filter == $Urlfilter); self::renderLink($link); } } }
function fillObjectDetails($loop, $rec) { // ajax_echo_r ($rec); $vars = $loop->getVariables(); // ajax_echo_r ($vars); foreach ($vars as $var) { if ($var) { $loop->fill( "%".$var."%" , $rec->$var); } } $loop->processfcb(''); $loop->fill( '%imgfolder%' , $this->imgfolder ); $loop->fill( '%viewroot%' , $this->viewroot ); return localize($loop->output()); }
$headerdirection = $textdir["tableheading"][$file]; } elseif ($strings["tablealias"][$file] != "") { $heading = $strings["tablealias"][$file]; // Also used below for h2 $headerdirection = $textdir["tablealias"][$file]; } else { localize(1); $heading = $file; // Also used below for h2 $headerdirection = $textdir["browserfile"]; $dontlocalizeagain = 1; // Just spare the running of an extra function (since it was already (by necessity) run within this else)--see the "if" just below } // end else (if there is no heading or alias set for the specific table--having this option allows titles to appear with the table name (in some form at least), even if a localization was not set (or if it was not set because the name is intended to be the heading)) if (!$dontlocalizeagain) { localize(1); // Go back to the localization for the user's choice of language } // end if (if need to localize again) } // end else (if there is no heading or alias in the given language) // This will be overwritten in browse9.php if there is a file defined $title = $strings["browserfile"] . ": " . $heading; // Call header function to add XHTML headers // If no file is set, refer the user back to the main page. if (!$file) { headerAdd($charset, $defaultlanguage, $title, $headerdirection, "", $style); delaytime(0, $browserfile); } // end if (if there is no file defined, redirect the user back to the main page) // Get table metadata such as:
function getMessage($id) { $tmp = new Template($this->viewroot,'messages.htt'); $tmp->loadloop("block_".$id); $tmp->fill('%imgfolder%', getrootdir().$this->imgfolder); return localize($tmp->output()); }
/** * Retrieves the translated $phrase in $locale (when available), * the original $phrase otherwise. */ function __L($phrase, $locale = null) { return localize($phrase, $locale); }
/** * Converts any value to a string to become part of a rendered template. This * means escaping, if required, and conversion to a unicode object. If value * is a string, it is expected to have already been translated. * * @static * * @param $value * @param $context * * @return SafeString|string */ public static function renderValueInContext($value, $context) { $value = dja_localtime($value, $context->use_tz); $value = localize($value, $context->use_l10n); if ($context->autoescape && !$value instanceof SafeData || $value instanceof EscapeData) { return escape($value); } else { return $value; } }
public static function addCompleteArray($in) { global $config; $out = $in; $out["c"] = array("version" => VERSION, "i18n" => array("coverAlt" => localize("i18n.coversection"), "authorsTitle" => localize("authors.title"), "bookwordTitle" => localize("bookword.title"), "tagsTitle" => localize("tags.title"), "seriesTitle" => localize("series.title"), "customizeTitle" => localize("customize.title"), "aboutTitle" => localize("about.title"), "previousAlt" => localize("paging.previous.alternate"), "nextAlt" => localize(""), "searchAlt" => localize("search.alternate"), "sortAlt" => localize("sort.alternate"), "homeAlt" => localize("home.alternate"), "cogAlt" => localize("cog.alternate"), "permalinkAlt" => localize("permalink.alternate"), "publisherName" => localize(""), "pubdateTitle" => localize("pubdate.title"), "languagesTitle" => localize("language.title"), "contentTitle" => localize("content.summary"), "sortorderAsc" => localize("search.sortorder.asc"), "sortorderDesc" => localize("search.sortorder.desc"), "customizeEmail" => localize("")), "url" => array("detailUrl" => "index.php?page=13&id={0}&db={1}", "coverUrl" => "fetch.php?id={0}&db={1}", "thumbnailUrl" => "fetch.php?height=" . $config['cops_html_thumbnail_height'] . "&id={0}&db={1}"), "config" => array("use_fancyapps" => $config["cops_use_fancyapps"], "max_item_per_page" => $config['cops_max_item_per_page'], "kindleHack" => "", "server_side_rendering" => useServerSideRendering(), "html_tag_filter" => $config['cops_html_tag_filter'])); if ($config['cops_thumbnail_handling'] == "1") { $out["c"]["url"]["thumbnailUrl"] = $out["c"]["url"]["coverUrl"]; } else { if (!empty($config['cops_thumbnail_handling'])) { $out["c"]["url"]["thumbnailUrl"] = $config['cops_thumbnail_handling']; } } if (preg_match("/./", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $out["c"]["config"]["kindleHack"] = 'style="text-decoration: none !important;"'; } return $out; }
if ($tablealias != '') { $option_array[$tablelist_counter]['text'] = $tablealias; $option_array[$tablelist_counter]['dir'] = $textdirec; } // end elseif (if there is at least a specified heading for the table in the default language) elseif ($tableheading != '') { $option_array[$tablelist_counter]['text'] = $tableheading; $option_array[$tablelist_counter]['dir'] = $textdirec; } // end elseif (if there is at least a specified alias for the table in the default language) else { $option_array[$tablelist_counter]['text'] = $row2[0]; $option_array[$tablelist_counter]['dir'] = $default_lang_direction; } // end else (if there is no table alias) localize(1); // Go back to the localization for the user's choice of language } // end else (if there is no table alias or table heading in the user's language) $tablelist_counter++; } // end if } // end foreach (of all the tables being added to the drop-down menu) // Run function to sort a multidimensional array (the 2nd dimension only) by a specified field $option_mult_arr[] = fieldSort($option_array, 'text'); $advancedaccessno = $accesskeynobutton - 1; $advancedaccess = chr($advancedaccessno); if ($advancedaccessno >= 106) { $advancedaccess = "accesskey=\"".$advancedaccess."\""; } // end if (if the letters are still greater than the last possible ("j"), give an accesskey)
public static function getEntryArrayWithBookNumber($query, $columns, $params, $category) { list(, $result) = self::executeQuery($query, $columns, "", $params, -1); $entryArray = array(); while ($post = $result->fetchObject()) { $instance = new $category($post); if (property_exists($post, "sort")) { $title = $post->sort; } else { $title = $post->name; } array_push($entryArray, new Entry($title, $instance->getEntryId(), str_format(localize("bookword", $post->count), $post->count), "text", array(new LinkNavigation($instance->getUri())), "", $post->count)); } return $entryArray; }
function ajax_echo($txt) { // used to solve some ajax output problems on Unix systems if any (usually if the UTF-8 and Windows-1251 meets together) echo localize(cfstrconv($txt)); }
function fillSubtables($ret, $subtables, $subcolumns) { foreach ($subtables as $subtable) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `".$subtable."`;"; $$subtable = $this->db->query_assoc($sql, 'ID'); } // ajax_echo_r ($subcolumns); foreach ($ret as $item) { for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($subcolumns); $i++) { // echo $subcolumns[$i]."-"; // echo $item->$subcolumns[$i]."<br>"; $st = $$subtables[$i]; // ajax_echo_r ($st[3]); // return 1; if ($subtables[$i]=='users') { $item->$subcolumns[$i] = $st[$item->$subcolumns[$i]]->Firstname." ".$st[$item->$subcolumns[$i]]->Surname; } else { $item->$subcolumns[$i] = localize($st[$item->$subcolumns[$i]]->Description); } // echo $item->$subcolumns[$i]."<br>"; // return false; } } return $ret; }
public static function getAllCustoms($customId) { $result = parent::getDb()->query(str_format('select {0}.id as id, {0}.value as name, count(*) as count from {0}, {1} where {0}.id = {1}.{2} group by {0}.id, {0}.value order by {0}.value', self::getTableName($customId), self::getTableLinkName($customId), self::getTableLinkColumn($customId))); $entryArray = array(); while ($post = $result->fetchObject()) { $customColumn = new CustomColumn($post->id, $post->name, $customId); array_push($entryArray, new Entry($customColumn->name, $customColumn->getEntryId(), str_format(localize("bookword", $post->count), $post->count), "text", array(new LinkNavigation($customColumn->getUri())), "", $post->count)); } return $entryArray; }