function updatePaints() { $dir = json_directory(); //file_put_contents( $dir . '/paint_time.txt', 0); $old = db_load('440_paint_time'); if ($old == false || time() - $old >= 172800) { $allSchema = localSchema(); $allSchema = $allSchema['items']; $marketMasterList = json_decode(get_data('' . AKey()), true); if (!isset($marketMasterList['result']['success']) || $marketMasterList['result']['success'] != true) { $marketMasterList = json_decode(get_data('' . AKey()), true); if (!isset($marketMasterList['result']['success']) || $marketMasterList['result']['success'] != true) { return false; } } //print_r_html( $marketMasterList ); foreach ($allSchema as $item) { if (isset($item['item_type_name']) && $item['item_type_name'] == 'Tool' && $item['tool']['type'] == 'paint_can') { //this is a paint can. Let's get its TRUE IMAGE. $paint_can_ids[$item['defindex']] = $item; } } foreach ($marketMasterList['result']['assets'] as $asset) { if (isset($paint_can_ids[$asset['name']]['defindex'])) { $data = json_decode(get_data('' . $asset['classid'] . '&class_count=3&key=' . AKey()), true); $paint_can_ids[$asset['name']]['image_url'] = (string) '' . $data['result'][$asset['classid']]['icon_url'] . '=/50fx50f'; $paint_can_ids[$asset['name']]['image_url_large'] = (string) '' . $data['result'][$asset['classid']]['icon_url'] . '=/512fx512f'; } } file_put_contents($dir . "/schema_addon.json", json_encode($paint_can_ids)); db_save('440_paint_time', time()); } }
function globalSchemas($gid) { if ($gid == 440 && !isset($GLOBALS['schemas_440'])) { $GLOBALS['schemas_440'] = array('schema' => localSchema(), 'prices' => localPriceList(), 'est' => local_global_whitelist()); } if ($gid == 730 && !isset($GLOBALS['schemas_730'])) { $GLOBALS['schemas_730'] = schema_730(); } if ($gid == 570 && !isset($GLOBALS['schemas_570'])) { $GLOBALS['schemas_570']['schema'] = schema_570(); } }
function ItemNameToDefindex($itemName) { $schema = localSchema(); $schemaItems = $schema['result']['items']; $itemND = array(); foreach ($schemaItems as $defindex => $defitem) { $itemND[$defindex] = strtoupper($defitem['item_name']); } $result = array(); foreach ($itemND as $key => $color) { // if it starts with 'part' add to results if (!empty($_POST['defindex']) && strpos($color, strtoupper($_POST['defindex'])) === 0) { return $key; } } }