/** PHP5 constructor */
 function __construct()
     global $pagelines_layout;
     global $post;
     global $wp_query;
     $this->count = 1;
     // Used to get the number of the post as we loop through them.
     $this->clipcount = 2;
     // The number of clips in a row
     $this->post_count = $wp_query->post_count;
     // Used to prevent markup issues when there aren't an even # of posts.
     $this->paged = intval(get_query_var('paged'));
     // Control output if on a paginated page
     $this->thumb_space = get_option('thumbnail_size_w') + 33;
     // Space for thumb with padding
     $this->continue_reading = apply_filters('continue_reading_link_text', load_pagelines_option('continue_reading_text', __('[Continue Reading...]', 'pagelines')));
     add_filter('pagelines_post_metabar', 'do_shortcode', 20);
     if (has_action('add_social_under_meta') || ploption('share_under_meta')) {
         add_filter('pagelines_post_metabar', array(&$this, 'add_social_share'), 10, 2);
     if (has_action('add_social_under_excerpt')) {
         add_filter('pagelines_post_header', array(&$this, 'add_social'), 10, 2);
* @TODO do
function print_pagelines_option($key, $alt = null, $post_id = null, $setting = null)
    echo load_pagelines_option($key, $alt, $post_id, $setting);
 *  PageLines Attribution
 *  @package PageLines
 *  @subpackage Functions Library
 *  @since 1.3.3
function pagelines_cred(){ 
	if(pagelines_option('no_credit') || !VDEV){
		$img 	= sprintf('<img src="%s" alt="%s by PageLines" />', apply_filters('pagelines_leaf_image', PL_IMAGES.'/pagelines.png'), THEMENAME);
			$url = get_edit_post_link();
		} else {
			$url = load_pagelines_option('partner_link', 'http://www.pagelines.com/');
		$link = (!apply_filters('no_leaf_link', '')) ? sprintf('<a class="plimage" target="_blank" href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>', $url, 'PageLines', $img ) : $img;
		$cred = sprintf('<div id="cred" class="pagelines">%s</div><div class="clear"></div>', $link);
		echo apply_filters('pagelines_leaf', $cred);
