Beispiel #1
$divs = array();
database_connect(IL_DATABASE_PATH, 'library');
$query = join(",", $display_files);
$result = $dbHandle->query("SELECT id,file,title FROM library WHERE id IN (" . $query . ")");
$dbHandle = null;
$result = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$tempresult = array();
foreach ($result as $row) {
    $key = array_search($row['id'], $export_files);
    $tempresult[$key] = $row;
$result = $tempresult;
foreach ($result as $item) {
    $divs[] = '<div id="list-item-' . $item['id'] . '" data-id="' . $item['id'] . '" data-file="' . $item['file'] . '" class="items listleft">' . lib_htmlspecialchars($item['title']) . '</div>';
$result = null;
$hr = '<div class="separator"></div>';
print join($hr, $divs);
if ($offset < count($export_files) - 20) {
    print '<button id="nav-next" data-id="' . $export_files[$offset + 20] . '"><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></button>';
<div class="alternating_row middle-panel"
     style="float:left;width:6px;height:100%;overflow:hidden;border-right:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2);border-left:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2);cursor:pointer">
    <i class="fa fa-caret-left" style="position:relative;left:1px;top:48%"></i>
<div style="width:auto;height:100%;overflow:hidden" id="items-right" data-file="<?php 
echo $_GET['file'];
Beispiel #2
     empty($_POST['custom1']) ? $custom1 = '' : ($custom1 = trim($_POST['custom1']));
     empty($_POST['custom2']) ? $custom2 = '' : ($custom2 = trim($_POST['custom2']));
     empty($_POST['custom3']) ? $custom3 = '' : ($custom3 = trim($_POST['custom3']));
     empty($_POST['custom4']) ? $custom4 = '' : ($custom4 = trim($_POST['custom4']));
     empty($_POST['bibtex']) ? $bibtex = '' : ($bibtex = trim($_POST['bibtex']));
     empty($_POST['bibtex_type']) ? $bibtex_type = '' : ($bibtex_type = trim($_POST['bibtex_type']));
     if (!empty($title)) {
         $database_update = $stmt->execute();
     if ($database_update == false) {
         $error = "Error! The database has not been updated.";
     $stmt = null;
     $dbHandle = null;
     if (empty($error)) {
         die('title:' . lib_htmlspecialchars($title));
 } elseif (isset($_POST['form_sent'])) {
     $error = 'Error! Title is mandatory.';
 if (!empty($error)) {
 ##########	read reference data	##########
 database_connect(IL_DATABASE_PATH, 'library');
 $file_query = $dbHandle->quote($_GET['file']);
 $record = $dbHandle->query("SELECT * FROM library WHERE id={$file_query} LIMIT 1");
 $paper = $record->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
 $paper_urls = array();
 if (!empty($paper['url'])) {
     $paper_urls = explode('|', $paper['url']);
Beispiel #3
function show_search_results($result, $select, $display, $shelf_files, $desktop_projects, $tempdbHandle)
    $project = '';
    if (!empty($_GET['project'])) {
        $project = $_GET['project'];
    $i = 0;
    if ($display == 'icons') {
        print '<table cellspacing=0 id="icon-container" style="border:0;width:100%">
        <tr><td class="alternating_row" style="width:100%;border-bottom:1px #c5c6c8 solid;border-top:1px #c5c6c8 solid;padding-bottom:11px">';
    while (list($key, $paper) = each($result)) {
        $pmid_url = '';
        $pmcid_url = '';
        $nasaads_url = '';
        $arxiv_url = '';
        $jstor_url = '';
        $other_urls = '';
        $urls = '';
        $other_urls = '';
        $uids = array();
        $pmid = '';
        $pmid_related_url = '';
        $pmid_citedby_pmc = '';
        $nasaid = '';
        $nasa_related_url = '';
        $nasa_citedby_pmc = '';
        $ieeeid = '';
        if (!empty($paper['uid'])) {
            $uids = explode("|", $paper['uid']);
            while (list($key, $uid) = each($uids)) {
                if (preg_match('/PMID:/', $uid)) {
                    $pmid = preg_replace('/PMID:/', '', $uid);
                if (preg_match('/NASAADS:/', $uid)) {
                    $nasaid = preg_replace('/NASAADS:/', '', $uid);
                if (preg_match('/IEEE:/', $uid)) {
                    $ieeeid = preg_replace('/IEEE:/', '', $uid);
        if (!empty($paper['url'])) {
            $urls = explode("|", $paper['url']);
            while (list($key, $url) = each($urls)) {
                if (preg_match('/pubmed\\.org/', $url)) {
                    $pmid_url = $url;
                } elseif (preg_match('/pubmedcentral\\.nih\\.gov/', $url) || preg_match('/\\/pmc\\//', $url)) {
                    $pmcid_url = $url;
                } elseif (preg_match('/adsabs\\.harvard\\.edu/', $url)) {
                    $nasaads_url = $url;
                } elseif (preg_match('/arxiv\\.org/', $url)) {
                    $arxiv_url = $url;
                } elseif (preg_match('/jstor\\.org/', $url)) {
                    $jstor_url = $url;
                } else {
                    $other_urls[] = $url;
        if (!empty($pmid)) {
            $pmid_related_url = '' . $pmid;
            $pmid_citedby_pmc = '' . $pmid;
        if (!empty($nasaid)) {
            $nasa_related_url = '' . urlencode($paper['abstract']) . '&title=' . urlencode($paper['title']);
            $nasa_citedby_pmc = '' . $nasaid . '&link_type=CITATIONS';
        if (!empty($ieeeid)) {
            $ieee_url = '' . $ieeeid;
        if (!empty($paper['authors'])) {
            $array = array();
            $new_authors = array();
            $array = explode(';', $paper['authors']);
            $array = array_filter($array);
            if (!empty($array)) {
                foreach ($array as $author) {
                    $array2 = explode(',', $author);
                    $last = trim($array2[0]);
                    $last = substr($array2[0], 3, -1);
                    $first = trim($array2[1]);
                    $first = substr($array2[1], 3, -1);
                    $new_authors[] = '<a href="display.php?select=' . $select . '&browse[' . urlencode($last . ', ' . $first) . ']=authors" class="navigation">' . htmlspecialchars($last . ', ' . $first) . '</a>';
                $paper['authors'] = join('; ', $new_authors);
        $paper['journal'] = htmlspecialchars($paper['journal']);
        $paper['title'] = lib_htmlspecialchars($paper['title']);
        $paper['abstract'] = lib_htmlspecialchars($paper['abstract']);
        $paper['year'] = htmlspecialchars($paper['year']);
        #######new date#########
        $date = '';
        if (!empty($paper['year'])) {
            $date_array = array();
            $date_array = explode('-', $paper['year']);
            if (count($date_array) == 1) {
                $date = $paper['year'];
            } else {
                if (empty($date_array[0])) {
                    $date_array[0] = '1969';
                if (empty($date_array[1])) {
                    $date_array[1] = '01';
                if (empty($date_array[2])) {
                    $date_array[2] = '01';
                $date = date('Y M j', mktime(0, 0, 0, $date_array[1], $date_array[2], $date_array[0]));
        $result2 = $tempdbHandle->query("SELECT notesID,notes FROM temp_notes WHERE fileID=" . intval($paper['id']) . " LIMIT 1");
        $fetched = $result2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $result2 = null;
        $paper['notesID'] = $fetched['notesID'];
        $paper['notes'] = $fetched['notes'];
        $i = $i + 1;
        if ($display == 'icons') {
            if (!extension_loaded('gd')) {
                die('<p>&nbsp;Error! Icon view requires GD extension and Ghostscript.</p>');
            $first_author = '&nbsp;';
            $auth_arr = explode(';', $paper['authors']);
            $auth_arr2 = explode(',', strip_tags($auth_arr[0]));
            if (!empty($auth_arr2[0])) {
                $first_author = $auth_arr2[0];
            $etal = '';
            if (count($auth_arr) > 1) {
                $etal = ', et al.';
            print '<div class="thumb-items" id="display-item-' . $paper['id'] . '" data-file="' . $paper['file'] . '"><div>';
            print '<div class="thumb-titles"><div style="overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap"><b>' . $paper['title'] . '</b><br>' . $first_author . $etal;
            if (!empty($paper['year'])) {
                print ' (' . substr($paper['year'], 0, 4) . ')';
            print '</div></div>';
            if (date('Y-m-d') == $paper['addition_date']) {
                print '<div class="new-item ui-state-error-text">New!</div>';
            if (is_readable('library/' . $paper['file'])) {
                if (isset($_SESSION['pdfviewer']) && $_SESSION['pdfviewer'] == 'external') {
                    print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars('downloadpdf.php?file=' . urlencode($paper['file']) . '#pagemode=none&scrollbar=1&navpanes=0&toolbar=1&statusbar=0&page=1&view=FitH,0') . '" target="_blank" style="display:block">';
                if (!isset($_SESSION['pdfviewer']) || isset($_SESSION['pdfviewer']) && $_SESSION['pdfviewer'] == 'internal') {
                    print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars('viewpdf.php?file=' . urlencode($paper['file']) . '&title=' . urlencode($paper['title'])) . '" target="_blank" style="width:360px;height:240px;display:block">';
                print '<img src="icon.php?file=' . $paper['file'] . '" style="width:360px;height:240px;border:0" alt="Loading PDF..."></a>';
            } else {
                print '<div style="margin-top:90px;margin-left:150px;font-size:18px;color:#b5b6b8">No PDF</div>';
            print '</div>';
            print PHP_EOL . '<table class="item-sticker" style="margin:6px 0;width:100%"><tr><td class="noprint ui-corner-all" style="padding:5px 8px;border:1px solid #c5c6c8">';
            print '<i class="fa fa-plus-circle expander view-icon" style="margin-right:0.5em"></i>';
            print '<span><i class="star ' . ($paper['rating'] >= 1 ? 'ui-state-error-text' : 'ui-priority-secondary') . ' fa fa-star"></i>';
            print '&nbsp;<i class="star ' . ($paper['rating'] >= 2 ? 'ui-state-error-text' : 'ui-priority-secondary') . ' fa fa-star"></i>';
            print '&nbsp;<i class="star ' . ($paper['rating'] == 3 ? 'ui-state-error-text' : 'ui-priority-secondary') . ' fa fa-star"></i></span>&nbsp;';
            print '<b style="margin:0 0.5em">&middot;</b>';
            if (isset($shelf_files) && in_array($paper['id'], $shelf_files)) {
                print ' <span class="update_shelf clicked"><i class="update_shelf fa fa-check-square ui-state-error-text"></i>&nbsp;Shelf&nbsp;</span>';
            } else {
                print ' <span class="update_shelf"><i class="update_shelf fa fa-square-o"></i>&nbsp;Shelf&nbsp;</span>';
            if (isset($_SESSION['session_clipboard']) && in_array($paper['id'], $_SESSION['session_clipboard'])) {
                print ' &nbsp;<span class="update_clipboard clicked"><i class="update_clipboard fa fa-check-square ui-state-error-text"></i>&nbsp;Clipboard&nbsp;</span>';
            } else {
                print ' &nbsp;<span class="update_clipboard"><i class="update_clipboard fa fa-square-o"></i>&nbsp;Clipboard&nbsp;</span>';
            foreach ($desktop_projects as $desktop_project) {
                $project_rowid = $tempdbHandle->query("SELECT ROWID FROM temp_projects WHERE projectID=" . intval($desktop_project['projectID']) . " AND fileID=" . intval($paper['id']) . " LIMIT 1");
                $project_rowid = $project_rowid->fetchColumn();
                if (!empty($project_rowid)) {
                    print ' <span data-projid="' . $desktop_project['projectID'] . '" class="update_project clicked" style="white-space:nowrap;padding-right:0.5em"><i class="update_project fa fa-check-square ui-state-error-text"></i> ' . htmlspecialchars($desktop_project['project']) . '</span>';
                if (empty($project_rowid)) {
                    print ' <span data-projid="' . $desktop_project['projectID'] . '" class="update_project" style="white-space:nowrap;padding-right:0.5em"><i class="update_project fa fa-square-o"></i> ' . htmlspecialchars($desktop_project['project']) . '</span>';
                $project_rowid = null;
            print PHP_EOL . '</td></tr></table></div>';
        } else {
            print PHP_EOL . '<div id="display-item-' . $paper['id'] . '" class="items" data-file="' . $paper['file'] . '" style="padding:0 0 10px 0">';
            include 'coins.php';
            print '<div class="ui-widget-header" style="overflow:hidden;border-left:0;border-right:0;padding:2px 6px">';
            if (is_file('library/' . $paper['file']) && isset($_SESSION['auth'])) {
                if (isset($_SESSION['pdfviewer']) && $_SESSION['pdfviewer'] == 'external') {
                    print '<div class="noprint titles-pdf" style="float:left;text-shadow:1px 1px 1px white">
                        <a class="ui-state-error-text" href="' . htmlspecialchars('downloadpdf.php?file=' . urlencode($paper['file']) . '#pagemode=none&scrollbar=1&navpanes=0&toolbar=1&statusbar=0&page=1&view=FitH,0') . '" target="_blank" style="display:block">
                if (!isset($_SESSION['pdfviewer']) || isset($_SESSION['pdfviewer']) && $_SESSION['pdfviewer'] == 'internal') {
                    print '<div class="noprint titles-pdf" style="float:left;text-shadow:1px 1px 1px white">
                        <a class="ui-state-error-text" href="' . htmlspecialchars('viewpdf.php?file=' . urlencode($paper['file']) . '&title=' . urlencode($paper['title'])) . '" target="_blank" style="display:block">
            } else {
                print PHP_EOL . '<div class="ui-state-error-text noprint titles-pdf" style="float:left;color:#c5c6c8;cursor:auto">PDF</div>';
            print PHP_EOL . '<div class="titles brief">' . $paper['title'] . '</div>';
            print '</div>';
            print '<div style="clear:both"></div>';
            print '<table class="noprint"><tr><td style="width:24px;padding-top:8px;padding-left:12px">';
            if ($display != 'abstract') {
                print PHP_EOL . '<i class="expander fa fa-plus-circle view-' . $display . '"></i>';
            print '</td><td style="padding-top:8px">';
            if (isset($shelf_files) && in_array($paper['id'], $shelf_files)) {
                print '<span class="update_shelf clicked"><i class="update_shelf fa fa-check-square ui-state-error-text"></i>&nbsp;Shelf&nbsp;</span>';
            } else {
                print '<span class="update_shelf"><i class="update_shelf fa fa-square-o"></i>&nbsp;Shelf&nbsp;</span>';
            if (isset($_SESSION['session_clipboard']) && in_array($paper['id'], $_SESSION['session_clipboard'])) {
                print ' &nbsp;<span class="update_clipboard clicked"><i class="update_clipboard fa fa-check-square ui-state-error-text"></i>&nbsp;Clipboard&nbsp;</span>';
            } else {
                print ' &nbsp;<span class="update_clipboard"><i class="update_clipboard fa fa-square-o"></i>&nbsp;Clipboard&nbsp;</span>';
            foreach ($desktop_projects as $desktop_project) {
                $project_rowid = $tempdbHandle->query("SELECT ROWID FROM temp_projects WHERE projectID=" . intval($desktop_project['projectID']) . " AND fileID=" . intval($paper['id']) . " LIMIT 1");
                $project_rowid = $project_rowid->fetchColumn();
                if (!empty($project_rowid)) {
                    print ' <span data-projid="' . $desktop_project['projectID'] . '" class="update_project clicked" style="white-space:nowrap;padding-right:0.5em"><i class="update_project fa fa-check-square ui-state-error-text"></i> ' . htmlspecialchars($desktop_project['project']) . '</span>';
                if (empty($project_rowid)) {
                    print ' <span data-projid="' . $desktop_project['projectID'] . '" class="update_project" style="white-space:nowrap;padding-right:0.5em"><i class="update_project fa fa-square-o"></i> ' . htmlspecialchars($desktop_project['project']) . '</span>';
                $project_rowid = null;
            print PHP_EOL . '</td></tr></table>';
            print PHP_EOL . '<div class="display-summary" style="margin:0 30px;';
            print $display == 'brief' ? 'display:none">' : '">';
            if (!empty($paper['authors'])) {
                print PHP_EOL . '<div class="authors"><i class="author_expander fa fa-plus-circle"></i> ' . $paper['authors'] . '</div>';
            print !empty($paper['journal']) ? $paper['journal'] : $paper['secondary_title'];
            print !empty($date) ? ' (' . htmlspecialchars($date) . ')' : '';
            if (!empty($paper['volume'])) {
                print ' <b>' . htmlspecialchars($paper['volume']) . '</b>';
            if (!empty($paper['pages'])) {
                print ': ' . htmlspecialchars($paper['pages']);
            if (date('Y-m-d') == $paper['addition_date']) {
                $today = ' <span class="ui-state-error-text"><b>New!</b></span>';
            } else {
                $today = '';
            $result2 = $tempdbHandle->query("SELECT categoryID,category FROM temp_categories WHERE fileID=" . intval($paper['id']) . " ORDER BY category COLLATE NOCASE ASC");
            while ($categories = $result2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                $category_array[] = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars('display.php?browse[' . urlencode($categories['categoryID']) . ']=category&select=' . $select . '&project=' . $project) . '" class="navigation">' . htmlspecialchars($categories['category']) . '</a>';
            if (empty($category_array[0])) {
                $category_array[0] = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars('display.php?browse[0]=category&select=' . $select) . '" class="navigation">!unassigned</a>';
            print '<br><span><i class="star ' . ($paper['rating'] >= 1 ? 'ui-state-error-text' : 'ui-priority-secondary') . ' fa fa-star"></i>';
            print '&nbsp;<i class="star ' . ($paper['rating'] >= 2 ? 'ui-state-error-text' : 'ui-priority-secondary') . ' fa fa-star"></i>';
            print '&nbsp;<i class="star ' . ($paper['rating'] == 3 ? 'ui-state-error-text' : 'ui-priority-secondary') . ' fa fa-star"></i></span>&nbsp;';
            print '<b style="margin:0 0.5em">&middot;</b>';
            if (!empty($paper['bibtex'])) {
                print htmlspecialchars($paper['bibtex']);
            } else {
                $bibtex_author = strip_tags($paper['authors']);
                $bibtex_author = substr($bibtex_author, 0, strpos($bibtex_author, ','));
                if (empty($bibtex_author)) {
                    $bibtex_author = 'unknown';
                $bibtex_year = '0000';
                $bibtex_year_array = explode('-', $paper['year']);
                if (!empty($bibtex_year_array[0])) {
                    $bibtex_year = $bibtex_year_array[0];
                $bibtex_key = utf8_deaccent($bibtex_author) . '-' . $bibtex_year . '-ID' . $paper['id'];
                print htmlspecialchars($bibtex_key);
            print '<b style="margin:0 0.5em">&middot;</b>';
            print 'Category: ';
            $category_string = join(", ", $category_array);
            $category_array = null;
            print $category_string;
            print '<b style="margin:0 0.5em">&middot;</b> Added:&nbsp;<a href="display.php?select=' . $select . '&browse[' . $paper['addition_date'] . ']=addition_date" class="navigation">' . date('M jS, Y', strtotime($paper['addition_date'])) . '</a>' . $today;
            print '<div class="noprint display-abstract"';
            print $display != 'abstract' ? ' style="display:none"' : '';
            print '>';
            if (!empty($pmid_url)) {
                print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($pmid_url) . '" target="_blank">PubMed</a> <b style="margin:0 0.5em">&middot;</b> ';
            if (!empty($pmid_related_url)) {
                print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($pmid_related_url) . '" target="_blank">Related Articles</a> <b style="margin:0 0.5em">&middot;</b> ';
            if (!empty($pmid_citedby_pmc)) {
                print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($pmid_citedby_pmc) . '" target="_blank">Cited by</a> <b style="margin:0 0.5em">&middot;</b> ';
            if (!empty($pmcid_url)) {
                print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($pmcid_url) . '" target="_blank">PubMed Central</a> <b style="margin:0 0.5em">&middot;</b> ';
            if (!empty($nasaads_url)) {
                print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($nasaads_url) . '" target="_blank">NASA ADS</a> <b style="margin:0 0.5em">&middot;</b> ';
            if (!empty($nasa_related_url)) {
                print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($nasa_related_url) . '" target="_blank">Related Articles</a> <b style="margin:0 0.5em">&middot;</b> ';
            if (!empty($nasa_citedby_pmc)) {
                print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($nasa_citedby_pmc) . '" target="_blank">Cited by</a> <b style="margin:0 0.5em">&middot;</b> ';
            if (!empty($arxiv_url)) {
                print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($arxiv_url) . '" target="_blank">arXiv</a> <b style="margin:0 0.5em">&middot;</b> ';
            if (!empty($jstor_url)) {
                print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($jstor_url) . '" target="_blank">JSTOR</a> <b style="margin:0 0.5em">&middot;</b> ';
            if (!empty($ieee_url)) {
                print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($ieee_url) . '" target="_blank">IEEE</a> <b style="margin:0 0.5em">&middot;</b> ';
            if (!empty($paper['doi'])) {
                print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars('' . urlencode($paper['doi'])) . '" target="_blank">Publisher Website</a> <b style="margin:0 0.5em">&middot;</b> ';
            if (!empty($other_urls)) {
                foreach ($other_urls as $another_url) {
                    print '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($another_url) . '" target="_blank" class="anotherurl" title="' . htmlspecialchars(parse_url($another_url, PHP_URL_HOST)) . '">Link</a> <b style="margin:0 0.5em">&middot;</b> ';
            print '<a href="stable.php?id=' . $paper['id'] . '" target="_blank">Stable Link</a>';
            print '</div>';
            print '<div class="abstract display-abstract" style="';
            print $display != 'abstract' ? 'display:none' : '';
            print '">' . $paper['abstract'] . '</div>';
            print '<div class="display-abstract" style="';
            print $display != 'abstract' ? 'display:none' : '';
            print '">';
            if (!empty($paper['notes'])) {
                print '<div class="item-sticker ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" style="margin:6px;width:340px;float:left">
                        <div class="ui-widget-header items ui-corner-top" style="border:0"><b class="ui-dialog-titlebar">Notes</b></div><div class="separator" style="margin:0"></div>
                        <div class="alternating_row ui-corner-bottom" style="padding:4px 7px;max-height:200px;overflow:auto">' . $paper['notes'] . '&nbsp;
            if (is_file(graphical_abstract($paper['file']))) {
                print '<div class="item-sticker ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" style="margin:6px;width:340px;float:left">
                        <div class="ui-widget-header items ui-corner-top" style="border:0"><b class="ui-dialog-titlebar">Graphical Abstract</b></div><div class="separator" style="margin:0"></div>
                        <div class="alternating_row ui-corner-bottom" style="padding:4px 7px;max-height:200px;overflow:auto">
                        <img src="' . htmlspecialchars('attachment.php?mode=inline&attachment=' . basename(graphical_abstract($paper['file']))) . '">
            print '</div></div></div>';
    if ($display == 'icons') {
        print '</td></tr></table>';
Beispiel #4
        $_GET['select'] = 'library';
    $select = $_GET['select'];
} else {
    $select = 'library';
if (isset($_GET['file'])) {
    $query = $dbHandle->quote($_GET['file']);
    if (!isset($paper)) {
        $result = $dbHandle->query("SELECT * FROM library WHERE id={$query} LIMIT 1");
        $paper = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    if (!empty($paper['id'])) {
        $paper['journal'] = htmlspecialchars($paper['journal']);
        $paper['title'] = lib_htmlspecialchars($paper['title']);
        $paper['abstract'] = lib_htmlspecialchars($paper['abstract']);
        $paper['year'] = htmlspecialchars($paper['year']);
        #######new date#########
        $date = '';
        if (!empty($paper['year'])) {
            $date_array = array();
            $date_array = explode('-', $paper['year']);
            if (count($date_array) == 1) {
                $date = $paper['year'];
            } else {
                if (empty($date_array[0])) {
                    $date_array[0] = '1969';
                if (empty($date_array[1])) {
                    $date_array[1] = '01';