function _get_data() { $cache_server =& cache_server(); $key = $this->_get_cache_id(); $data = $cache_server->get($key); if ($data === false) { $model_groupbuy =& m('groupbuy'); $data = $model_groupbuy->find(array('join' => 'belong_goods', 'conditions' => $model_groupbuy->getRealFields('this.recommended=1 AND this.state=' . GROUP_ON . ' AND this.end_time>' . gmtime()), 'fields' => 'group_id, goods.default_image, group_name, end_time, spec_price', 'order' => 'group_id DESC', 'limit' => $_num)); if ($data) { foreach ($data as $gb_id => $gb_info) { $price = current(unserialize($gb_info['spec_price'])); empty($gb_info['default_image']) && ($data[$gb_id]['default_image'] = Conf::get('default_goods_image')); $data[$gb_id]['lefttime'] = lefttime($gb_info['end_time']); $data[$gb_id]['price'] = $price['price']; } } $cache_server->set($key, $data, $this->_ttl); } return $data; }
public function api_collect($date, $p) { $this->_mod->where(array('id' => $date['id']))->save(array('last_page' => $p, 'last_time' => time())); if (false === ($totalcoll = F('totalcoll'))) { $totalcoll = 0; } if (false === ($robots_time = F('robots_time'))) { $robots_time = time(); F('robots_time', time()); } $map['keyword'] = $date['keyword']; //关键词 $map['cid'] = $date['cid']; //api分类ID $map['cate_id'] = $date['cate_id']; //入库分类ID if ($date['start_commissionRate'] < 100) { $map['start_commissionRate'] = $date['start_commissionRate'] * 100; //佣金比率下限 } else { $map['start_commissionRate'] = $date['start_commissionRate']; //佣金比率下限 } if ($date['end_commissionRate'] < 100) { $map['end_commissionRate'] = $date['end_commissionRate'] * 100; //佣金比率上限 } else { $map['end_commissionRate'] = $date['end_commissionRate']; //佣金比率上限 } $map['start_price'] = $date['start_price']; //价格下限 $map['end_price'] = $date['end_price']; //价格上限 $map['shop_type'] = $date['shop_type']; //是否天猫商品 $map['recid'] = $date['recid']; //是否更新分类 $map['sort'] = $date['sort']; //排序方法 $result = $this->_get_list($map, $p); $taobaoke_item_list = $result['item_list']; $totalnum = $result['count']; $coll = 0; $thiscount = 0; if (is_array($taobaoke_item_list)) { $msg = '成功!'; } else { $msg = '失败!'; } foreach ($taobaoke_item_list as $key => $val) { /*入库操作START*/ $coupon_add_time = C('ftx_coupon_add_time'); if ($coupon_add_time) { $times = (int) (strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:00:00", time())) + $coupon_add_time * 3600); } else { $times = (int) (strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:00:00", time())) + 72 * 86400); } $val['coupon_start_time'] = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:00:00", time())); $val['coupon_end_time'] = $times; $val['astime'] = date("Ymd"); $val['recid'] = $map['recid']; $res = $this->_ajax_ftx_publish_insert($val); if ($res > 0) { $coll++; $totalcoll++; } /*入库操作END*/ $thiscount++; } F('totalcoll', $totalcoll); $result_data['p'] = $p; $result_data['msg'] = $msg; $result_data['coll'] = $coll; $result_data['totalcoll'] = $totalcoll; $result_data['totalnum'] = $totalnum; $result_data['thiscount'] = $thiscount; $result_data['times'] = lefttime(time() - $robots_time); return $result_data; }
function _get_new_groupbuy($id, $num = 12) { $model_groupbuy =& m('groupbuy'); $groupbuy_list = $model_groupbuy->find(array('fields' => 'goods.default_image, this.group_name, this.group_id, this.spec_price, this.end_time', 'join' => 'belong_goods', 'conditions' => $model_groupbuy->getRealFields('this.state=' . GROUP_ON . ' AND this.store_id=' . $id . ' AND end_time>' . gmtime()), 'order' => 'group_id DESC', 'limit' => $num)); if (empty($groupbuy_list)) { $groupbuy_list = array(); } foreach ($groupbuy_list as $key => $_g) { empty($groupbuy_list[$key]['default_image']) && ($groupbuy_list[$key]['default_image'] = Conf::get('default_goods_image')); $tmp = current(unserialize($_g['spec_price'])); $groupbuy_list[$key]['price'] = $tmp['price']; $groupbuy_list[$key]['lefttime'] = lefttime($_g['end_time']); } return $groupbuy_list; }
public function api_collect($date, $p) { if (false === ($uz_totalcoll = F('uz_totalcoll'))) { $uz_totalcoll = 0; } if (false === ($uz_collect_time = F('uz_collect_time'))) { $uz_collect_time = time(); F('uz_collect_time', time()); } $map['uid'] = $date['uzhan_id']; //关键词 $map['uzhanCate'] = $date['uzhanCate']; //api分类ID $map['cate_id'] = $date['cate_id']; //入库分类ID $map['shop_type'] = $date['shop_type']; $result = $this->_get_list($map, $p); $taobaoke_item_list = $result['item_list']; $totalnum = $result['count']; $taobaoke_item_list && F('taobaoke_item_list', $taobaoke_item_list); $coll = 0; $thiscount = 4; if (is_array($taobaoke_item_list)) { $msg = '成功!'; } else { $msg = '失败!'; } foreach ($taobaoke_item_list as $key => $val) { if ($map['shop_type'] == 'B') { if ($map['shop_type'] == $val['shop_type']) { /*入库操作START*/ $coupon_add_time = C('ftx_coupon_add_time'); if ($coupon_add_time) { $times = (int) (strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:00:00", time())) + $coupon_add_time * 3600); } else { $times = (int) (strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:00:00", time())) + 168 * 86400); } if (!$val['coupon_end_time']) { $val['coupon_end_time'] = $times; } $val['recid'] = 0; $res = $this->_ajax_ftx_publish_insert($val); if ($res > 0) { $coll++; $uz_totalcoll++; } /*入库操作END*/ } } else { /*入库操作START*/ $coupon_add_time = C('ftx_coupon_add_time'); if ($coupon_add_time) { $times = (int) (strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:00:00", time())) + $coupon_add_time * 3600); } else { $times = (int) (strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:00:00", time())) + 168 * 86400); } if (!$val['coupon_end_time']) { $val['coupon_end_time'] = $times; } $val['recid'] = 0; $res = $this->_ajax_ftx_publish_insert($val); if ($res > 0) { $coll++; $uz_totalcoll++; } /*入库操作END*/ } $thiscount++; } F('uz_totalcoll', $uz_totalcoll); $result_data['p'] = $p; $result_data['msg'] = $msg; $result_data['coll'] = $coll; $result_data['totalcoll'] = $uz_totalcoll; $result_data['totalnum'] = $totalnum; $result_data['thiscount'] = $thiscount; $result_data['times'] = lefttime(time() - $uz_collect_time); return $result_data; }
public function api_collect($date, $p) { M('robots')->where(array('id' => $date['id']))->save(array('last_page' => $p, 'last_time' => time())); if (false === ($totalcoll = F('totalcoll'))) { $totalcoll = 0; } if (false === ($robots_time = F('robots_time'))) { $robots_time = time(); F('robots_time', time()); } $map['keyword'] = $date['keyword']; //关键词 $map['cid'] = $date['cid']; //api分类ID $map['cate_id'] = $date['cate_id']; //入库分类ID if ($date['start_commissionRate'] < 100) { $map['start_commissionRate'] = $date['start_commissionRate'] * 100; //佣金比率下限 } else { $map['start_commissionRate'] = $date['start_commissionRate']; //佣金比率下限 } if ($date['end_commissionRate'] < 100) { $map['end_commissionRate'] = $date['end_commissionRate'] * 100; //佣金比率上限 } else { $map['end_commissionRate'] = $date['end_commissionRate']; //佣金比率上限 } if ($date['start_coupon_rate'] < 100) { $map['start_coupon_rate'] = $date['start_coupon_rate'] * 100; //折扣最低比率 } else { $map['start_coupon_rate'] = $date['start_coupon_rate']; //折扣最低比率 } if ($date['end_coupon_rate'] < 100) { $map['end_coupon_rate'] = $date['end_coupon_rate'] * 100; //折扣最高比率 } else { $map['end_coupon_rate'] = $date['end_coupon_rate']; //折扣最高比率 } $map['start_volume'] = $date['start_volume']; //销量下限 $map['end_volume'] = $date['end_volume']; //销量上限 $map['start_price'] = $date['start_price']; //价格下限 $map['end_price'] = $date['end_price']; //价格上限 $map['start_credit'] = $date['start_credit']; //卖家信用下限 $map['end_credit'] = $date['end_credit']; //卖家信用上限 $map['shop_type'] = $date['shop_type']; //是否天猫商品 $map['recid'] = $date['recid']; //是否更新分类 if ($date['sort']) { $sorts = explode("|", $date['sort']); $map['sort'] = $sorts[0] . '_' . $sorts[1]; //排序方法 } $result = $this->_get_list($map, $p); $taobaoke_item_list = $result['item_list']; $totalnum = $result['count']; $taobaoke_item_list && F('taobaoke_item_list', $taobaoke_item_list); $coll = 0; $thiscount = 4; if (is_array($taobaoke_item_list)) { $msg = '成功!'; } else { $msg = '失败!'; } foreach ($taobaoke_item_list as $key => $val) { if ($map['start_volume'] <= $val['volume'] && $val['volume'] <= $map['end_volume'] && $map['start_price'] <= $val['coupon_price'] && $val['coupon_price'] <= $map['end_price'] && $map['start_coupon_rate'] <= $val['coupon_rate'] && $val['coupon_rate'] <= $map['end_coupon_rate']) { if ($map['shop_type'] == 'B') { if ($map['shop_type'] == $val['shop_type']) { /*入库操作START*/ $coupon_add_time = C('ftx_coupon_add_time'); if ($coupon_add_time) { $times = (int) (time() + $coupon_add_time * 3600); } else { $times = (int) (time() + 72 * 86400); } $val['coupon_start_time'] = time(); $val['coupon_end_time'] = $times; $val['recid'] = $map['recid']; $res = $this->_ajax_ftx_publish_insert($val); if ($res > 0) { $coll++; $totalcoll++; } /*入库操作END*/ } } else { /*入库操作START*/ $coupon_add_time = C('ftx_coupon_add_time'); if ($coupon_add_time) { $times = (int) (time() + $coupon_add_time * 3600); } else { $times = (int) (time() + 72 * 86400); } $val['coupon_start_time'] = time(); $val['coupon_end_time'] = $times; $val['recid'] = $map['recid']; $res = $this->_ajax_ftx_publish_insert($val); if ($res > 0) { $coll++; $totalcoll++; } /*入库操作END*/ } } $thiscount++; } F('totalcoll', $totalcoll); $result_data['p'] = $p; $result_data['msg'] = $msg; $result_data['coll'] = $coll; $result_data['totalcoll'] = $totalcoll; $result_data['totalnum'] = $totalnum; $result_data['thiscount'] = $thiscount; $result_data['times'] = lefttime(time() - $robots_time); return $result_data; }
function _recommended_groupbuy($_num) { $model_groupbuy =& m('groupbuy'); $data = $model_groupbuy->find(array('join' => 'belong_goods', 'conditions' => 'gb.recommended=1 AND gb.state=' . GROUP_ON . ' AND gb.end_time>' . gmtime(), 'fields' => 'group_id, goods.default_image, group_name, end_time, spec_price', 'order' => 'group_id DESC', 'limit' => $_num)); foreach ($data as $gb_id => $gb_info) { $price = current(unserialize($gb_info['spec_price'])); empty($gb_info['default_image']) && ($data[$gb_id]['default_image'] = Conf::get('default_goods_image')); $data[$gb_id]['lefttime'] = lefttime($gb_info['end_time']); $data[$gb_id]['price'] = $price['price']; } return $data; }
function _get_state_desc($state, $end_time) { $lefttime = lefttime($end_time); $desc = array(GROUP_ON => Lang::get('desc_on') . ' ' . $lefttime, GROUP_END => Lang::get('desc_end'), GROUP_FINISHED => Lang::get('desc_finished'), GROUP_CANCELED => Lang::get('desc_cancel')); return $desc[$state]; }