Beispiel #1
 * Checks if a group exists in LDAP
 * @auther Paul Heaney
 * @param string $dn the DN of the group to check it exists
 * @param string $mapping the LDAP name mapping to use
 * @return bool TRUE for exists, FALSE otherwise
function ldapCheckGroupExists($dn, $mapping)
    global $CONFIG, $ldap_vars;
    $toReturn = false;
    $ldap_conn = ldapOpen();
    // Need to get an admin thread
    $mapping = strtoupper($mapping);
    // $CONFIG[strtolower("ldap_{$var}")] = constant("LDAP_{$CONFIG['ldap_type']}_{$var}");
    $o = constant("LDAP_{$mapping}_GRPOBJECTTYPE");
    $filter = "(ObjectClass={$o})";
    debug_log("Filter: {$filter}", TRUE);
    debug_log("Object: {$dn}", TRUE);
    $sr = ldap_search($ldap_conn, $dn, $filter);
    if (ldap_count_entries($ldap_conn, $sr) != 1) {
        // Multiple or zero
        $toReturn = false;
    } else {
        // just one
        $toReturn = true;
    return $toReturn;
Beispiel #2
    case 'storedashboard':
        $id = $_REQUEST['id'];
        $val = $_REQUEST['val'];
        if ($id == $_SESSION['userid']) {
            //check you're changing your own
            $sql = "UPDATE `{$dbUsers}` SET dashboard = '{$val}' WHERE id = '{$id}'";
            $contactresult = mysql_query($sql);
            if (mysql_error()) {
                trigger_error("MySQL Query Error " . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
    case 'checkldap':
        $ldap_host = cleanvar($_REQUEST['ldap_host']);
        $ldap_port = cleanvar($_REQUEST['ldap_port']);
        $ldap_protocol = cleanvar($_REQUEST['ldap_protocol']);
        $ldap_security = cleanvar($_REQUEST['ldap_security']);
        $ldap_user = cleanvar($_REQUEST['ldap_bind_user']);
        $ldap_password = cleanvar($_REQUEST['ldap_bind_pass']);
        $r = ldapOpen($ldap_host, $ldap_port, $ldap_protocol, $ldap_security, $ldap_user, $ldap_password);
        if ($r == -1) {
            echo "0";
        } else {
            echo "1";
        // Success
Beispiel #3
 * Perform the periodic sync of existing user and contact details from LDAP
 * @author Paul Heaney
 * @note This function does not create users or contacts it simply updates existing
 * @note details.
function saction_ldapSync()
    global $CONFIG;
    $success = FALSE;
    if ($CONFIG['use_ldap']) {
        $ldap_conn = ldapOpen();
        if ($ldap_conn) {
            // NOTE TODO FIXME would be more optimal to pass the user type into the create as in the case where the group membership isn't stored its looked up again
            // Search for members of each group and then unique the members and loop through
            // Populate an array ($users) with a list of SIT users in LDAP
            // Only want GROUPS
            $filter = "(objectClass={$CONFIG['ldap_grpobjecttype']})";
            $attributesToGet = array($CONFIG['ldap_grpattributegrp']);
            $users = array();
            $userGrps = array($CONFIG['ldap_admin_group'], $CONFIG['ldap_manager_group'], $CONFIG['ldap_user_group']);
            foreach ($userGrps as $grp) {
                if (!empty($grp)) {
                    $sr = ldap_search($ldap_conn, $grp, $filter, $attributesToGet);
                    if (ldap_count_entries($ldap_conn, $sr) != 1) {
                        trigger_error("Group {$grp} not found in LDAP");
                    } else {
                        $entry = ldap_first_entry($ldap_conn, $sr);
                        $attributes = ldap_get_attributes($ldap_conn, $entry);
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_grpattributegrp']]['count']; $i++) {
                            $member = $attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_grpattributegrp']][$i];
                            if (endsWith(strtolower($member), strtolower($CONFIG['ldap_user_base'])) and $CONFIG['ldap_grpfulldn']) {
                                $users[$member] = $member;
                            } elseif (!$CONFIG['ldap_grpfulldn']) {
                                $users[$member] = $member;
            // Populate an array with the LDAP users already in the SiT database
            $sit_db_users = array();
            $sql = "SELECT id, username, status FROM `{$GLOBALS['dbUsers']}` WHERE user_source = 'ldap'";
            $result = mysql_query($sql);
            if (mysql_error()) {
                trigger_error("MySQL Query Error" . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
            if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
                while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
                    $user_obj = new User();
                    $user_obj->id = $obj->id;
                    $user_obj->username = $obj->username;
                    $user_obj->status = $obj->status;
                    $sit_db_users[$obj->username] = $user_obj;
            foreach ($users as $u) {
                $e = ldap_getDetails($u, FALSE, $ldap_conn);
                if ($e) {
                    $user_attributes = ldap_get_attributes($ldap_conn, $e);
                    debug_log("user attributes: " . print_r($user_attributes, true), TRUE);
                    debug_log("db users: " . print_r($sit_db_users, true), TRUE);
                    // If the directory supports disabling of users
                    if (!empty($CONFIG['ldap_logindisabledattribute'])) {
                        if ($sit_db_users[$user_attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_userattribute']][0]]->status === USERSTATUS_ACCOUNT_DISABLED) {
                            // User is disabled in the SIT db, check to see if we need to re-enable
                            if (!empty($user_attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_logindisabledattribute']])) {
                                if (strtolower($user_attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_logindisabledattribute']][0]) != strtolower($CONFIG['ldap_logindisabledvalue'])) {
                                    // The user is enabled in LDAP so we want to enable
                                    debug_log("Re-enabling user '{$u}' in the SiT users database", TRUE);
                                    $sit_db_users[$user_attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_userattribute']][0]]->status = $CONFIG['ldap_default_user_status'];
                        } else {
                            // User is not disabled in the SiT database, check to see if we need to disable
                            if (strtolower($user_attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_logindisabledattribute']][0]) == strtolower($CONFIG['ldap_logindisabledvalue'])) {
                                // User is disabled in LDAP so we want to disable
                    $userid = 0;
                    if (!empty($sit_db_users[$user_attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_userattribute']][0]])) {
                        $userid = $sit_db_users[$user_attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_userattribute']][0]]->id;
                    if (!ldap_storeDetails('', $userid, TRUE, TRUE, $ldap_conn, $user_attributes)) {
                        trigger_error("Failed to store details for userid {$userid}", E_USER_WARNING);
                        $success = FALSE;
                    } else {
                        $success = TRUE;
                } else {
                    debug_log("Failed to get details for {$u}");
            // Disable users we no longer know about
            // TODO reassign incidents?
            foreach ($sit_db_users as $u) {
                debug_log("Disabling {$u->username}");
            /** CONTACTS */
            $contacts = array();
            if (!empty($CONFIG["ldap_customer_group"])) {
                $sr = ldap_search($ldap_conn, $CONFIG["ldap_customer_group"], $filter, $attributesToGet);
                if (ldap_count_entries($ldap_conn, $sr) != 1) {
                    trigger_error("No contact group found in LDAP");
                } else {
                    $entry = ldap_first_entry($ldap_conn, $sr);
                    $attributes = ldap_get_attributes($ldap_conn, $entry);
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_grpattributegrp']]['count']; $i++) {
                        $member = $attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_grpattributegrp']][$i];
                        if (endsWith(strtolower($member), strtolower($CONFIG['ldap_user_base'])) and $CONFIG['ldap_grpfulldn']) {
                            $contacts[$member] = $member;
                        } elseif (!$CONFIG['ldap_grpfulldn']) {
                            $contacts[$member] = $member;
                $sit_db_contacts = array();
                $sql = "SELECT id, username, active FROM `{$GLOBALS['dbContacts']}` WHERE contact_source = 'ldap'";
                $result = mysql_query($sql);
                if (mysql_error()) {
                    trigger_error("MySQL Query Error" . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
                if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
                    while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
                        $c = new Contact();
                        $c->id = $obj->id;
                        $c->username = $obj->username;
                        $c->status = $obj->active;
                        $sit_db_contacts[$c->username] = $c;
                foreach ($contacts as $c) {
                    $e = ldap_getDetails($c, FALSE, $ldap_conn);
                    if ($e) {
                        $contact_attributes = ldap_get_attributes($ldap_conn, $e);
                        if (isset($CONFIG['ldap_logindisabledattribute'])) {
                            // Directory supports disabling
                            if ($sit_db_contacts[$contact_attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_userattribute']][0]]->status == 'false') {
                                // User disabled in SIT check if needs renameding
                                if (!empty($contact_attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_logindisabledattribute']])) {
                                    if (strtolower($contact_attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_logindisabledattribute']][0]) != strtolower($CONFIG['ldap_logindisabledvalue'])) {
                                        // We want to enable
                                        $sit_db_contacts[$contact_attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_userattribute']][0]]->active = 'true';
                            } elseif (!empty($contact_attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_logindisabledattribute']])) {
                                // User not disabled in SiT though attribite is available to us
                                if (strtolower($contact_attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_logindisabledattribute']][0]) == strtolower($CONFIG['ldap_logindisabledvalue'])) {
                                    // We want to disable
                        $contactid = 0;
                        if (!empty($sit_db_contacts[$contact_attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_userattribute']][0]])) {
                            $contactid = $sit_db_contacts[$contact_attributes[$CONFIG['ldap_userattribute']][0]]->id;
                        if (!ldap_storeDetails('', $contactid, FALSE, TRUE, $ldap_conn, $contact_attributes)) {
                            trigger_error("Failed to store details for userid {$contactid}", E_USER_WARNING);
                            $success = FALSE;
                // Disable users we no longer know about
                // TODO reassign incidents?
                foreach ($sit_db_contacts as $c) {
                    debug_log("Disabling {$c->username}", TRUE);
    } else {
        $success = TRUE;
    return $success;