Beispiel #1
function validate_fb_username($errors, $update, $user)
    if (isset($_POST["fb"])) {
        $fb_suspect = trim($_POST["fb"]);
        if (!empty($fb_suspect)) {
            $fb_user = largo_fb_url_to_username($fb_suspect);
            if (preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\-]/', $fb_user)) {
                // it's not a valid Facebook username, because it uses an invalid character
                $errors->add('fb_username', '<b>' . $fb_suspect . '</b> ' . __('is an invalid Facebook username.') . '</p>' . '<p>' . __('Facebook usernames only use the uppercase and lowercase alphabet letters (a-z A-Z), the Arabic numbers (0-9), periods (.) and dashes (-)'));
            if (!largo_fb_user_is_followable($fb_user)) {
                $errors->add('fb_username', ' <b>' . $fb_suspect . '</b> ' . __('does not allow followers on Facebook.') . '</p>' . '<p>' . __('<a href="">Follow these instructions</a> to allow others to follow you.'));
Beispiel #2
 function test_largo_fb_user_is_followable()
      * With no input, there should be no <table> in the resulting iframe
     $result = largo_fb_user_is_followable("");
     $this->assertFalse($result, "The Facebook follow button iframe HTML structure has changed and largo_fb_url_to_username no longer operates predictably. Please fix.");
      * With Mark Zuckerberg, we hope that he will remain followable.
     $result = largo_fb_user_is_followable("zuck");
     $this->assertTrue($result, "Either Mark Zuckerberg is no longer followable, or the Facebook follow button iframe HTML structure has changed and largo_fb_url_to_username no longer operates predictably. Please log into Facebook and check that has a 'Follow' button.");
      * With a user that does not exist, we hope that the user will continue to not exist
     $result = largo_fb_user_is_followable("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz12");
     $this->assertFalse($result, "Either is user that exists and allows follows, or the Facebook follow button iframe HTML structure has changed and largo_fb_url_to_username no longer operates predictably.");
      * With an invalid username, this should return false
     $result = largo_fb_user_is_followable("%22Aardvarks+lurk%2C+OK%3F%22");
     $this->assertFalse($result, "Either is user that exists and allows follows (not at all likely), or the Facebook follow button iframe HTML structure has changed and largo_fb_url_to_username no longer operates predictably.");