function outputLocidSelectionForm($locSql, $urlparams) { global $tplname, $locline, $stylepath, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2; require_once $stylepath . '/'; unset($urlparams['queryid']); unset($urlparams['locid']); $urlparams['searchto'] = 'search' . $urlparams['searchtype']; unset($urlparams['searchtype']); $tplname = 'selectlocid'; // urlparams zusammenbauen $urlparamString = ''; foreach ($urlparams as $name => $param) { // workaround for attribs if (is_array($param)) { $pnew = ''; foreach ($param as $p) { if ($pnew != '') { $pnew .= ';' . $p; } else { $pnew .= $p; } } $param = $pnew; } if ($urlparamString != '') { $urlparamString .= '&' . $name . '=' . urlencode($param); } else { $urlparamString = $name . '=' . urlencode($param); } } $urlparamString .= '&locid={locid}'; sql('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `locids` ENGINE=MEMORY ' . $locSql); sql('ALTER TABLE `locids` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`loc_id`)'); $rs = sql('SELECT `geodb_textdata`.`loc_id` `loc_id`, `geodb_textdata`.`text_val` `text_val` FROM `geodb_textdata`, `locids` WHERE `locids`.`loc_id`=`geodb_textdata`.`loc_id` AND `geodb_textdata`.`text_type`=500100000 ORDER BY `text_val`'); $nr = 1; $locations = ''; while ($r = sql_fetch_array($rs)) { $thislocation = $locline; // locationsdings zusammenbauen $locString = ''; $land = landFromLocid($r['loc_id']); if ($land != '') { $locString .= htmlspecialchars($land, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } $rb = regierungsbezirkFromLocid($r['loc_id']); if ($rb != '') { $locString .= ' > ' . htmlspecialchars($rb, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } $lk = landkreisFromLocid($r['loc_id']); if ($lk != '') { $locString .= ' > ' . htmlspecialchars($lk, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } $thislocation = mb_ereg_replace('{parentlocations}', $locString, $thislocation); // koordinaten ermitteln $r['loc_id'] = $r['loc_id'] + 0; $rsCoords = sql('SELECT `lon`, `lat` FROM `geodb_coordinates` WHERE loc_id=' . $r['loc_id'] . ' LIMIT 1'); if ($rCoords = sql_fetch_array($rsCoords)) { $coordString = help_latToDegreeStr($rCoords['lat']) . ' ' . help_lonToDegreeStr($rCoords['lon']); } else { $coordString = '[keine Koordinaten vorhanden]'; } $thislocation = mb_ereg_replace('{coords}', htmlspecialchars($coordString, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $thislocation); $thislocation = mb_ereg_replace('{locationname}', htmlspecialchars($r['text_val'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $thislocation); $thislocation = mb_ereg_replace('{urlparams}', $urlparamString, $thislocation); $thislocation = mb_ereg_replace('{locid}', urlencode($r['loc_id']), $thislocation); $thislocation = mb_ereg_replace('{nr}', $nr, $thislocation); $thislocation = mb_ereg_replace('{secondlocationname}', '', $thislocation); if ($nr % 2) { $thislocation = mb_ereg_replace('{bgcolor}', $bgcolor1, $thislocation); } else { $thislocation = mb_ereg_replace('{bgcolor}', $bgcolor2, $thislocation); } $nr++; $locations .= $thislocation . "\n"; } tpl_set_var('locations', $locations); tpl_set_var('resultscount', mysql_num_rows($rs)); tpl_set_var('pages', $first_img_inactive . ' ' . $prev_img_inactive . ' 1 ' . $next_img_inactive . ' ' . $last_img_inactive); tpl_BuildTemplate(); exit; }
$sql = 'SELECT ' . getSqlDistanceFormula($rLocations['lon'], $rLocations['lat'], 10, 1, 'lon', 'lat', 'geodb_coordinates') . ' `distance`, `geodb_coordinates`.`loc_id` `loc_id` FROM `geodb_coordinates` WHERE `lon` > ' . $minlon . ' AND `lon` < ' . $maxlon . ' AND `lat` > ' . $minlat . ' AND `lat` < ' . $maxlat . ' HAVING `distance` < 10 ORDER BY `distance` ASC LIMIT 1'; $rs = sql($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($rs) == 1) { $r = sql_fetch_array($rs); mysql_free_result($rs); $locid = $r['loc_id']; $admtxt1 = landFromLocid($locid); if ($admtxt1 == '0') { $admtxt1 = ''; } // bundesland ermitteln $rsAdm2 = sql("SELECT `full_name`, `short_form` FROM `gns_locations` WHERE `rc`='&1' AND `fc`='A' AND `dsg`='ADM1' AND `cc1`='&2' AND `adm1`='&3' AND `nt`='N' LIMIT 1", $rLocations['rc'], $rLocations['cc1'], $rLocations['adm1']); if (mysql_num_rows($rsAdm2) == 1) { $rAdm2 = sql_fetch_array($rsAdm2); $admtxt2 = $rAdm2['short_form']; if ($admtxt2 == '') { $admtxt2 = $rAdm2['full_name']; } } else { $admtxt3 = ''; } $admtxt3 = regierungsbezirkFromLocid($locid);